[First Posted in AWOL 31 May 2012, updated 18 Febnruary 2021]
Bible Lands E-Review (BLER)
Bible Lands E-Review (BLER)
The E-Journal of The Bible Lands Museum JerusalemBible Lands E-Review (BLER), the on-line journal of the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, is a peer reviewed academic journal dedicated to presenting current research on the civilizations of the Bible and Ancient Israel, Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Near East and the Classical World. [read more]
Complete Archive (by author)
Aster, Shawn Zelig
- Judah’s Reaction to the Babylonian Exile; (BLER 2017/S1)
Baruchi-Unna, Amitai
Return to your Temple! The Prayer of Assurbanipal of Assyria to Marduk in the Inscription L4 and the Communal Sumerian-Akkadian Lamentations (Hebrew, English Abstract); (BLER 2014/S2)Boardman, John
- The Triumph of Dionysis; (BLER 2013/L1)
- Gold; (BLER 2012/L2)
Elior, Rachel
- From the Shofar of Excommunication to the Shofar of the Messiah (Hebrew); (BLER 2012/L1)
Forti, Tova
- “Four are among the tiniest on earth, Yet they are the wisest of the wise.” (Proverbs 30:24): Animal Imagery from the Perspective of the Wisdom Literature (Hebrew); (BLER 2014/S1)
Gabbay, Uri
- A 7th Century BCE Collector of Cuneiform Tablets: King Ashurbanipal’s Library at Nineveh (Hebrew); (BLER 2018/L1)
- What Do We Know About the Music of Early Mesopotamia? (Hebrew); (BLER 2015/L2)
Gheva, David
- Fishing Rights in the Early Rabbinic Literature; (BLER 2017/S3)
- Fish for the Jewish High Holidays in Fifth Century BCE Babylonia
and Some Further Thoughts on Al-Yahudu; (BLER 2017/S2)Goodnick Westenholz, Joan
- A Glimpse into Everyday Life in Syria in the 24th Century BCE; (BLER 2012/S1)
Horowitz, Wayne
- Fish for the Jewish High Holidays in Fifth Century BCE Babylonia
and Some Further Thoughts on Al-Yahudu; (BLER 2017/S2)- ‘Sweeter Than Camel’s Milk’: The Camel in Sumerian, The Bactrian Camel in Genesis?; (BLER 2014/S3)
- Joan Goodnick Westenholz and The Great Wall – A Tribute; (BLER 2013/L2)
- The Shofar and The Ancient Near East; (BLER 2012/S3)
Levin, Yigal
- Theophoric Names with the Element ‘Baal’ in Early Israel: An Updated View in Light of the ‘Eshbaal’ Inscription from Khirbet Qeiyafa; (Hebrew); Yigal Levin, (BLER 2018/L2)
Report this adMaurey, Yossi
- History of Music – Where Do We Start?; (Hebrew); (BLER 2015/L1)
Nys, Nadine
- BLMJ 2700: A Neo-Babylonian Cylinder Seal with a Mythological Battle:
A Question on the Identity of the Four-Winged God on Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Seals ; (BLER 2015/S1)- BLMJ 2789: A Neo-Assyrian Cylinder Seal with a Healing Scene in a Reed Hut; (BLER 2013/S1)
Thomas, Zachary
Uchitel, Alexander
- The Neo-Elamite Cylinder Seal BLMJ 02558; (BLER 2019/S1)
- Two New Neo-Elamite Inscriptions on Silver Rhytons; (BLER 2012/S2)
Vainstub, Daniel
- Two Samaritan Amulets in the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem; (BLER 2019/S3)
- Two Punic Stelae in the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem; (BLER 2018/S1)
Vukosavović, Filip
- Joan Goodnick Westenholz and The Great Wall – A Tribute; (BLER 2013/L2)
- A Nebuchadnezzar II Barrel Cylinder: The Restoration of Ebabbar in Sippar; (BLER 2012/S4)
Wainer, Zackary M.
- Janus Parallelism in Šulgi V; (BLER 2013/S2)
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