Oriental Institute Excavations in the Plain of Antioch
- OIP 143. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch III: Stratigraphy, Pottery, and Small Finds from Chatal Höyük in the Amuq Plain. Marina Pucci. 2019.
- OIP 131. The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Volume 1 - Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995–2002. Kutlu Aslihan Yener. 2005.
- OIP 95. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch, Vol. II: The Structural Remains of the Later Phases: Chatal Hüyük, Tell Al-Judaidah, and Tell Tayinat. R. C. Haines. 1970
- OIP 61. Excavations in the Plain of Antioch I: The Earlier Assemblages Phases A-J. By Robert J. Braidwood and Linda S. Braidwood. Originally published in 1960.
- OIP 48. Mounds in the Plain of Antioch: An Archeological Survey. Robert J. Braidwood. Originally published in 1937.