[First posted in AWOL 17 April 2014, updated 28 January 2022]
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire
Welcome to the new Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire (DARE), hosted and managed by the Centre for Digital Humanities, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.License
You can use the tiled background map of the Roman Empire in your own web applications. Tiles are available for zoom levels between 4 and 11. Use this link with your Javascript mapping library (Leaflet, OpenLayers, etc.).https://dh.gu.se/tiles/imperium/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
The map is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0)Stay tuned on Twitter @johan.ahlfeldt
And see AWOL's Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography