Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Online Resources for Ancient Names

Online Resources for Ancient Names,
by Darrell Pursiful

A very useful collection of links to online resources, including:


  • Name, Namengebung by D. O. Edzard et al (German; from the Google Book version of Reallexikon der Assyriologie, vol. 9)


ANATOLIAN (Hittite, Luwian, Palaic, etc.)

ARAMAIC (including Syriac)

AKKADIAN (Assyrian and Babylonian)

CANAANITE (including Ammonite, Punic, Ugaritic, etc.)

CELTIC (Early British, Celtiberian, Gaulish, etc.)

EGYPTIAN (including Coptic)






LATIN (and related languages: Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, etc.)

PERSIAN (including Avestan, Sogdian, etc.)



  • The Language of the Thracians by Ivan Duridanov (Provides examples of Thracian toponyms, personal names, tribal names, and names of deities. Caveat: The writer does not provide dates or provenance for the names he lists)

VASCONIC (Aquitanian, Iberian, Proto-Basque)

New Open Access Journal: Open Quaternary

Open Quaternary
ISSN: 2055-298X
Open Quaternary is a fully open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal, publishing contributions that consider the changing environment of the Quaternary as well as the development of humanity.

The journal focuses on all aspects of the Quaternary, with special regard to the ecological interactions of the genus Homo. This scope is intentionally broad, and covers a range of specialisms such as geomorphology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobotany, palynology, palaeontology, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, biological anthropology and Palaeolithic archaeology.
Submit a Manuscript

Open Access Journal: Vicino Oriente

[Posted 7/26/09,   Update 9 May 2014]

Vicino Oriente
ISSN: 0393-0300
Vicino Oriente is the journal of the Sezione di Orientalistica (Section of Oriental Studies) of the Department of Sciences of Antiquity of Rome “La Sapienza” University. 
VO is published yearly and deals with Near and Middle Eastern Archaeology, History, Epigraphy, extending its view on the whole Mediterranean with the study of Phoenician and Punic documents. 
Purposes of the journal are: to host preliminary reports of excavations currently carried on by the Department in the Near and Middle East, Egypt and the Mediterranean; to report about and update the status of research projects in progress; to introduce PhD projects currently undergoing in the Department.
The journal publishes contributions of historical, archaeological, artistic, philological, philosophical, and religious disciplines in ancient Mediterranean, Asia, and Africa. Papers submitted to the Editorial Board are, of course, selected by the members of the Scientific Committee, all scholars of the Section of Oriental Studies of Department of Sciences of Antiquities at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.


P. Gignoux - Souvenirs d'un grand savant: Gherardo Gnoli (1937-2012)

N.N.Z. Chegini - M.V. Fontana - A. Asadi - M. Rugiadi - A.M. Jaia - A. Blanco - L. Ebanista - V. Cipollari Estakhr Project - second preliminary report of the joint Mission of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, the Parsa-Pasargadae Research Foundation and the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

A. Asadi - S.M. Mousavi Kouhpar - J. Neyestani - A. Hojabri-Nobari - Sasanian and Early Islamic settlement patterns north of the Persian Gulf

L. Nigro - Before the Greeks: the earliest Phoenician settlement in Motya - recent discoveries by Rome «La Sapienza» Expedition

C. Fiaccavento - Potters' wheels from Khirbet al-Batrawy: a reconsideration of social contexts

D. Montanari - A copper javelin head in the UCL Palestinian Collection

A. Massafra - A group of metal weapons from Tell el-'Ajjul in the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow

A. Campus - Costruire memoria e tradizione: il tofet

F. Spagnoli - Demetra a Mozia: evidenze dall'area sacra del Kothon nel V secolo a.C.

R. Francia - Lo stile 'poetico' delle historiolae ittite

V. Pisaniello - Il sumerogramma IR nei testi ittiti


D. Montanari - Copper axes and double-apses buildings: investigating EB I social interrelations

P. Sferrazza - Cattivi presagi: analisi della raffigurazione della Stanza 132 del Palazzo Reale di Mari

I. Melandri - A new reconstruction of the anklets of Princess Khnumit

G. Ripepi - Gli edifici su podio in Palestina durante l'Età del Ferro II

F. Spagnoli - Un altare bruciaprofumi punico dalla "Casa del sacello domestico" a Mozia

M. Guirguis - Monte Sirai 2005-2010. Bilanci e prospettive

V. Tusa - Le armi dei corredi tombali della necropoli arcaica di Mozia

M.C. Benvenuto - F. Pompeo - Il sincretismo di genitivo e dativo in persiano antico

M.V. Fontana - S.M. Mireskandari - M. Rugiadi - A. Asadi - A.M. Jaia - A. Blanco - L. Colliva - Estakhr Project - first preliminary report of the joint Mission of the Iranian Center for Archaeological Research, the Parsa-Pasargadae Research Foundation and the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

C.G. Cereti - L. Colliva - M.V. Fontana - G. Terribili - J. Bogdani - A. Bizzarro - A. Tilia - S.S. Tilia - From flint to silicon, modern technologies applied to the understanding of history. The Italian Archaeological Mission in Iraqi Kurdistan

M. Rugiadi - Il complesso di ricevimento del palazzo ayyubide a Shawbak

L. Nigro - An EB IIIB (2500-2300 BC) gemstones necklace from the Palace of the Copper Axes at Khirbet al-Batrawy, Jordan

A. Caltabiano - Temples et sanctuaires urbains du littoral syrien à l'âge du Fer: continuité et transformation culturelles

M. Sala - Egyptian and Egyptianizing objects from EB I-III Tell es-Sultan/ancient Jericho

F. Spagnoli - Un'anforetta dipinta dalla Tomba T.177 di Mozia

M. Sala - Sanctuaries, Temples and Cult Places in Early Bronze I Southern Levant

D. Montanari - Sei lance rituali in metallo del Bronzo Antico I (3400-3000 a.C.) dal Levante meridionale

L. Romano - La stele del simposio?

S. Lanna - Land-management and food-production in early Egypt (Dynasties 0-2)

S. Paradiso - La brocca RS 24.440 da Ugarit: rappresentazione di una scena di offerta

G. Pagliari - Ancient Egyptian Palace: The Tripartite Plan of Audience System

M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - On the Beginnings of the Punic Scripts

B. D’Andrea - S. Giardino - “Il tofet: dove e perché”: alle origini dell’identità fenicia

L. Sist - Preliminary notes on two royal buildings discovered in Napata

A. Colazilli - Il pianto nell’antico Egitto

A. D’Aleo - Il mito di Butes: un caso paradigmatico di “sincretismo”?

S. Della Ricca - I. Della Ricca - Quale sanità nel Vicino Oriente urbanizzato?

V. Messina - J. Mehr Kian - Ricognizione dei rilievi partici d’Elimaide. La piana di Izeh-Malamir

M. Rugiadi - The Emergence of Siliceous-paste in Iran in the Last Quarter of the 11th century and Related Issues. The Dated Assemblage from the Southern Domed Hall of the Great Mosque of Isfahan

I. Melandri - Nuove considerazioni su una statua da Qaw el-Kebir al Museo delle Antichità Egizie di Torino

D. Nadali - Eph‘al, I.,The City Besieged. Siege and Its Manifestations in the Ancient Near East, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 36, Brill Ed., Leiden - Boston 2009

D. Nadali - Curtis, J.E. - Tallis, N (eds.), The Balawat Gates of Ashurnasirpal II, The British Museum Press, London 2008

A. Vacca - Rappresentazioni di edifici sacri nella glittica dei periodi di Uruk, Jemdet Nasr e Protodinastico I

L. Romano - La corona del dio. Nota sull’iconografia divina nel Protodinastico

M. Sala - Il Temple en L a Biblo

M. D’Andrea - Trickle Painted Ware: an Early Bronze IV Specialized Pottery Production in Palestine and Transjordan

A. Iob - Forme, colori, funzione dei collari usekh: confronto tra immagine e modello reale

D. Nadali - La Stele di Daduša come documento storico dell’età paleobabilonese. Immagini e iscrizione a confronto

L. Peyronel - Guerre e alleanze in epoca paleobabilonese: il peso di Inibšina, figlia di Daduša di Ešnunna

G. Pedrucci - Kubaba: presenze anatoliche e antecedenti siriani

S. Festuccia - Le forme da fusione della Città Bassa Settentrionale di Tell Mardikh-Ebla

L. Mori - Osservazioni sulla tipologia delle strade dai testi di Emar

A. Vallorani - Bâtiment III: il palazzo neosiriano di Hama

M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - J.-Á. Zamora Lopez - Un ostracon phénicien de Tavira (Portugal)

M. L’Erario - Un Osco a Solunto. Una nota sul cosiddetto «oscillum» di Solunto

M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - Su due dediche neopuniche da Henchir Ghayadha

F. Bron - L’inscription néo-punique de Cherchell, NP 130

D. Piacentini - Una bilingue greco-palmirena dal Negev: una nuova interpretazione

L. Nigro - L’unzione del re? nota su un passabriglie protodinastico al Museo del Louvre

L. Romano - Recensione al volume: Margueron, J.-Cl., Mari. Métropole de l’Euphrate au IIIe et au debut du IIe millénaire av. J.-C., Paris 2004


L. Romano - La Stele degli Avvoltoi: una rilettura critica

L. Nigro - Alle origini della prima urbanizzazione palestinese. Il caso dell’Edificio 7102 di Tell el-‘Areini

M. Sala - Prodromi della prima urbanizzazione palestinese ai confini del deserto basaltico siro-giordano: l’insediamento fortificato del Bronzo Antico I (3400-3200 a.C.) a Jawa

G. Spreafico - La formulazione architettonica e spaziale dell’area sacra nell’edilizia templare del Ferro I in Palestina

R. Francia - Osservazioni sulle strategie linguistiche e stilistiche nelle lettere ittite

G. Capriotti Vittozzi - Rivisitando la tomba di Petosiri: note su alcuni aspetti iconografici

A. Orsingher - Bruciaprofumi lotiformi: una produzione fenicia 115

F. Susanna - Templi punici o di matrice punica con cripta o con strutture sotterranee in Nord Africa

N. Chiarenza - Una nota su un altare a tre betili da Selinunte

M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - Une lamelle magique à inscription phénicienne

C. Greco - Recensione al volume Mozia - XI


M. Liverani - La scoperta del mattone. Muri e archivi nell’archeologia mesopotamica

A. Archi - The “lords”, lugal-lugal, of Ebla: a prosopographic study

M.G. Biga - Wet-nurses at Ebla: a prosopographic study

M. Ramazzotti - Appunti sulla semiotica delle relazioni stratigrafiche di Gerico neolitica

N. Marchetti - A Middle Bronze I ritual deposit from the ‘Amuq Plain: note on the dating and the significance on the metal anthropomorphic figurines from Tell Judaidah

E. Ascalone - Interpretazione stratigrafica e proposta di periodizzazione della città di Susa. Studio comparativo degli scavi effettuati e analisi storica dell’abitato tra la fine del IV e l’inizio del III millennio a.C.

L. Peyronel - Sigilli harappani e dilmuniti dalla Mesopotamia e dalla Susiana. Note sul commercio nel golfo Arabo-Persico tra III e II millennio a.C.

L. Nigro - L’assedio di Bīt Bunakki da Ninive ai Musei Vaticani. La sua collocazione originaria nel Palazzo Nord di Assurbanipal e gli scavi di Giovanni Bennhi

R. Bertolino - I corpora delle iscrizioni semitiche di Hatra, Palmira e Dura-Europos: un bilancio

P. Grossmann - Zur Rekonstruktion der Südkirche von Antinoopolis

M. Ramazzotti - Un’ipotesi di proposta interpretativa: l’architettura domestica in Egitto come indice del cambiamento nella struttura socio-economica


A. Amenta - Aspetti culturali dal tempio di Tod

A. Bongioanni - Tradizioni sciamaniche nel manto “stellato” sacerdotale: il caso di Anen e Tutankhamon

R. Buongarzone - Una nuova versione del Libro della Terra

G. Capriotti Vittozzi - Una statua di sovrana al Museo Egizio di Torino: la tradizione del Nuovo Regno nell’iconografia della regine tolemaiche

E.M. Ciampini - I percorsi misteriosi di Rosetau

S. Demichelis - Papiri calendariali al Museo Egizio di Torino

P. Gallo - Una nuova statua del re Nekhthorheb sotto forma di falco da Pharbeithos

E. Fiore Marochetti - Un frammento di iscrizione proveniente dalla grande “Mastaba du Nord” a el-Lisht

V. Massa - I giuramenti demotici di Pathyris nel Museo Egizio di Torino

A. Piccato - Percezione della storia, narrazione degli eventi e storiografia dell’Egitto del III e del II millennio a.C. Alcune brevi osservazioni

P. Romeo - Stele di Qadesh e stele di Horus


M. Krebernik - Neue Beschwörungen aus Ebla

A. Archi - Bulle e cretule iscritte da Ebla

A. Archi - Eblaita: paš–šu “colui che è addetto all’unzione; sacerdote purificatore; cameriere al servizio di una persona”

L De Urioste Sanchez - Aspetti della circolazione di metalli preziosi ad Ebla: catene di distribuzione e restituzione parziale

M. Bonechi - ARET I 2 + ARET IV 23

A. Enea - Per una rilettura delle abitazioni palestinesi a pianta curvilinea del Bronzo Antico I

N. Marchetti - L’aquila Anzu: nota su alcuni amuleti mesopotamici

L. Nigro - Dieci asce protodinastiche dal Luristan della Collezione Lorenzo Vannini

F. Venturi - Una ‘fiasca del pellegrino’ da Tell Afis. L'evoluzione dei ‘Pilgrim Flasks’ cananaici nel passaggio tra Bronzo Tardo e Ferro I

S. Di Paolo - Gli avori di Megiddo: un esempio di arte siriana?

R. Francia - Il pronome possessivo enclitico in antico ittita: alcune riflessioni

A. Roccati - La datazione di opere letterarie egizie

E.M. Ciampini - Testi funerari del Medio Regno in contesto “anomalo”: il caso di formule su stele

E. Mitchell- Redazione preliminare della carta archeologica del Jebel Barkal

A. Ciasca, R. Di Salvo, M. Castellino, C. Di Patti - Saggio preliminare sugli incinerati del Tofet di Mozia



S. Donadoni - La situazione archeologica

L Sist - Le figurazioni della Tomba TT 27

A. Roccati - Reminiscenze delle Tombe di Asiut nel monumento di Sheshonq

F. Tiradritti - Il capitolo 146w del Libro dei Morti

G. Rosati - Il Libro dei Morti sui pilastri orientali della corte

S. Bosticco - I ritrovamenti

B. Moiso - Conservazione del monumento e ripristino architettonico



M.G. Biga - Osservazioni sui criteri di redazione dei testi di Ebla: TM. 75. G.1730 e i testi del rituale per il re e la regina

F. Pomponio - Abba-kalla di Puzriš-Dagan

G. Wilhelm - Zum eblaitischen Gott Kura

C. Zaccagnini - Ceremonial Transfers of Real Estate at Emar and Elsewhere

L. Sist - Un frammento di statua da Crocodilopoli

F. Tiradritti - Stele di Amanitore e Arikankharor dal «Palazzo di Natakamani» al Gebel Barkal

M. Salvini. - Note sulle tavolette di Bastam

G. Falsone - Nuove coppe metalliche di fattura orientale

A. Ciasca - Mozia: sguardo d'insieme sul tofet

N. Marchetti - L'iscrizione della cappella rupestre di En-Numêr a Petra e la paleografia nabatea

A. Alberti - Nihil sub sole novum. Osservazioni a margine di MEE 10

A. Archi - Integrazioni alla prosopografia dei «danzatori», ne-di,di Ebla

E. Badalì - La festa di primavera AN. TAÐ.ŠUM: contributi su alcuni aspetti del culto ittito

L. Innocente - Stato delle ricerche sul cario

F. Israel - Note di onomastica semitica 6: l’apporto della glittica all’onomastica aramaica

Addendum to: D. Schmandt-Besserat: Tokens as Funerary Offerings, VO 7, pp. 3-9



A. Archi - F. Pomponio - Tavolette economiche neo-sumeriche dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana

The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions with Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in 4th millennium BC

Open Access Publications of the project “The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions with Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in 4th millennium BC”

The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in 4th millennium BC, edited by A. Mączyńska, Studies in African Archaeology, vol. 13, Poznań, 2014.
This volume is part of and concludes the project entitled The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in 4th millennium BC. It contains a collection of papers by researchers involved in investigating the development of the Nile Delta in the Pre- and Protodynastic Periods. Nearly all of these papers were presented at the same-titled conference held on June 21 and 22, 2013 in the Archeological Museum in Poznań, Poland. Although originally planned as a workshop presenting the results of research carried out as part of the project, the conference eventually evolved into a major event and became an opportunity to meet and talk about the role of Delta communities in the development of the Egyptian civilization in the 4th millennium BC, with particular emphasis on their relations with neighboring areas, i.e. the Southern Levant and Upper Egypt. The conference was attended both by project partners and by invited guests whose papers made an excellent addition to the main topic of the event. Only the paper by Steven Rosen was presented at a workshop called Imports during the Naqada Period: Investigating Two Sides of a Phenomenon organized by W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem on November 26, 2012. The main goal of the workshop was to meet Israeli archeologists, who keep finding Egyptian imports on various sites. An important element of the workshop was the opportunity to discuss Egyptian-Levantine relationships not only from the Egyptian, but also from the Levantine perspective. The article by Steven Rosen is a fine example here.
Lower Egyptian Communities and Their Interactions with Southern Levant in the 4th Millennium BC, A. Mączyńska, Studies in African Archaeology, vol. 12, Poznań, 2013.
This monograph is based on my doctoral dissertation written under the supervision of professor Lech Krzyżaniak and defended in the fall of 2004. Although many people encouraged me to publish the dissertation and the Council of the Faculty of History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, issued a positive opinion on the matter, I did not manage to have my thesis printed. Some of the issues addressed there were presented at conferences and published as research papers. In May 2011 I received a grant to finance a 3-year project entitled The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and South Levant in 4th millennium B.C. The grant was part of the Parent Bridge program financed by the Foundation for Polish Science, was aimed at providing assistance to young parents-researchers returning to research work after a parenting break. Publishing my doctoral dissertation was originally one of the project tasks. However, I well realized that archeological evidence and its interpretation had changed (sometimes significantly) after 2004. Likewise, my own views and knowledge had evolved during those years. It was thus only natural to update the dissertation and to revise my views presented back in 2004. As a result, this monograph is not merely an English translation of the dissertation defended nearly 10 years ago, but also addresses new discoveries from the Nile Delta and Southern Levant. In addition, it presents my current views on the interactions between the Delta, Upper Egypt and Canaan, reflecting the last two years of intensive research.
Tellel-FarkhaI. Excavations 1998-2011, Dr Marek Chłodnicki, Prof. Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz and Dr Agnieszka Mączyńska, eds. (Poznań-Kraków, ISBN 978-83-60109)
[This] is the first comprehensive scientific publication of one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt which constantly brings new information concerning the creation of the united Egyptian state. 
The book, published by thePoznańArchaeologicalMuseum,  presents major archaeological discoveries made by the Polish Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Nile Delta in the years 1998-2011, over 14 archaeological seasons. Its 460 colour pages, organised in 27 chapters, contain not just the artefacts found at the site, but also their wider interpretation complemented with the results of specialised analyses.
The publication was prepared as part of the promotion of the project entitled “The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural exchange between the Upper Egypt and the south Levantin the 4th millennium B.C.”, financed by the Foundation for Polish Science under the Pomost-Powroty Programme.
The volume is not meant for sale. The whole circulation will be distributed among scholars studying Egyptian archaeology, and will be dispatched to libraries at home and abroad with which the Library of the Poznań Archaeologica lMuseumhas an exchange programme.

A check list of periodicals for classical studies and related disciplines

[First posted in AWOL 28 August 2009. Updated 9 May 2014]

A check list of periodicals for classical studies and related disciplines
Compiled by Yang Wang.
Princeton : Princeton University Library, Cataloging Division, 2008.
The present checklists, alphabetical listings of full titles (List A) and of title abbreviations (List B), contain key bibliographical, holding and shelving information of periodicals for Classical Studies and related disciplines in the PUL collection.  Each entry of the list has three components:
1) Full title: The full title of each periodical is given, in some cases, including variant title(s), parallel title(s) in another language, or, where applicable, followed by a note to indicate title change.
2) Abbreviated title: Title abbreviations chiefly follow the most recent practices of l'Année philologique. Occasionally, due to common usage, two or more alternative abbreviations are recorded in a single entry. If a journal or series is also available for online access, it is marked Online in the field.
Most periodicals and monographic series in this list are shelved in Firestone and their call numbers are given with no further location designation.  If an item is shelved elsewhere, a location designation is given in brackets immediately after its call number (e.g., N3 .A18 (Marquand Library)).
Volume designations below each call number are the current holdings in the Library; in most cases, these are bound volumes. Recently published issues of a journal are usually shelved, unbound, in the Periodical Reading Room, unless otherwise indicated (e.g., Classics Study Room). For more information on recent issues of a journal, availability of a particular bound volume (i.e., whether it is checked out by a user), please check the online catalog for most current holding/shelving status of the title.
Where applicable, title changes are briefly described in the full title column and in the call number column. In most cases, the call number remains the same.   

Further References

l'Année philologique. (1924/26- ) (SC) Z7016 .A564    
Tor Ulving: Periodica philologica abbreviata, Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, 1963.
Union list of serials. (3rd ed., 5 vols., 1965) (DR) Z6951 .U45 1965q
Jean Susorney Wellington: Dictionary of bibliographic abbreviations found in the scholarship of Classical Studies and related disciplines (revised and expanded ed.), Westport, Connecticut and London : Praeger, 2003. (SC) PA99 .W44 2003
ITA: Internationale Titleabkrürzungen von Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, wichtigen Handbüchern, Wörterbuchern, Gesetzen, Institutionen usw. = International title abbreviations of periodicals, newspapers, important handbooks, dictionaries, laws, institutions, etc. (9th ed., 3 vols., 2003)   (DR) Z6945.A2 L4 2003
Periodical title abbreviations: by abbreviations. (17th ed., 2007- ) (DR) Z6945.A2 P47
Ulrich’s Periodical directory. (46th ed., 4 vols., 2008) (DR) Z6941 .U5

Signs and Symbols

***           not found in l'Année philologique
???          no holdings in the PUL; try interlibrary loan (ILL/documentary delivery)
+            Library has holdings from the year/vol./no. forward 
=              parallel or alternative title(s)

Open Access Journal: Sefarad

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 10 May 2014]

Sefarad: Estudios hebraicos, sefardíes y de Oriente Próximo
eISSN: 1988-320X
ISSN: 0037-0894
Sefarad inició su publicación en 1941 en el seno de la Escuela de Estudios Hebraicos de la mano de Francisco Cantera Burgos (Madrid) y José María Millás Vallicrosa (Barcelona). Se publica en forma de dos fascículos anuales, con 500 páginas de artículos originales y reseñas de filología y crítica textual de la Biblia Hebrea (y sus versiones antiguas y comentarios); filología y lingüística de las lenguas hebrea y aramea; historia y cultura de los judíos en España; y lengua y literatura, historia y producción cultural de los sefardíes.


Vol 73




Vol 72




Vol 71




Vol 70




Vol 69




Vol 68




Vol 67




Vol 66




Vol 65




Vol 64




Vol 63




Vol 62




Vol 61



Open Access Journal: 西洋古典學研究 - Classical Society of Japan

西洋古典學研究 - Classical Society of Japan
ISSN: 0447-9114 / 0447-9114
58 (20100324) Open Access
57 (20090326) Open Access
56 (20080305) Open Access
55 (20070316) Open Access
54 (20060307) Open Access
53 (20050308) Open Access
52 (20040305) Open Access
51 (20030320) Open Access
50 (20020305) Open Access
49 (20010305) Open Access
48 (20000310) Open Access
47 (19990323) Open Access
46 (19980323) Open Access
45 (19970310) Open Access
44 (19960315) Open Access
43 (19950310) Open Access
42 (19940328) Open Access
41 (19930323) Open Access
40 (19920326) Open Access
39 (19910326) Open Access
38 (19900329) Open Access
37 (19890315) Open Access
36 (19880318) Open Access
35 (19870330) Open Access
34 (19860318) Open Access
33 (19850329) Open Access
32 (19840329) Open Access
31 (19830330) Open Access
30 (19820330) Open Access
29 (19810330) Open Access
28 (19800326) Open Access
27 (19790329) Open Access
26 (19780323) Open Access
25 (19770329) Open Access
24 (19760331) Open Access
23 (19750329) Open Access
22 (19740330) Open Access
21 (19730320) Open Access
20 (19720325) Open Access
19 (19710331) Open Access
18 (19700323) Open Access
17 (19690325) Open Access
16 (19680330) Open Access
15 (19670323) Open Access
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13 (19650327) Open Access
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9 (19610329) Open Access
8 (19600329) Open Access
7 (19590330) Open Access
6 (19580510) Open Access
5 (19570330) Open Access
4 (19560405) Open Access
3 (19550510) Open Access
2 (19540620) Open Access
1 (19530720) Open Access

Open Access Journal: Journal of Hebrew Scriptures

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 4 May 2014]

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (JHS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, journal established in 1996 to foster scholarly research on the Hebrew Bible, Ancient Israel’s History and cognate fields of studies.
JHS articles are included in the ATLA Religion Database, RAMBI, and BiBIL. The full contents of the journal are archived by Library and Archives Canada and is accessible for consultation and research at the Electronic Collection site maintained by Library and Archives Canada. JHS volumes are published in hard-copy, with a year delay, by Gorgias Press as part of their series Perspectives on Hebrew Scriptures and its Contexts.


Show Abstracts and Links to XMLshow/hide abstract
Berman, JoshuaDouble Meaning in the Parable of the Poor Man's Ewe (2 Sam 12:1–4)show/hide abstract13142013
Frisch, AmosMalbim's Approach to the Sins of Biblical Personagesshow/hide abstract13132013
Farber, ZevJerubaal, Jacob and the Battle for Shechem: A Tradition Historyshow/hide abstract13122013
Renz, ThomasAn Emendation of Hab. 2:4a in the light of Hab 1:5show/hide abstract13112013
Gadot, Yuval, Yuval Goren and Oded LipschitsA 7th Century BCE Bulla Fragment From Area D3 in The ‘City Of David’/Silwan show/hide abstract13102013
Gonzalez, HervéZechariah 9–14 and the Continuation of Zechariah during the Ptolemaic Period show/hide abstract1392013
Nilsen, Tina DykesteenCreation in Collision? Isaiah 40–48 and Zoroastrianism, Babylonian Religion and Genesis 1 show/hide abstract1382013
Tyson, Craig W.Josephus, Antiquities 10.180-82, Jeremiah, and Nebuchadnezzar show/hide abstract1372013
Watts, James W.Scripturalization and the Aaronide Dynastiesshow/hide abstract1362013
Nir, Rivka“It Is Not Right For a Man Who Worships God to Repay His Neighbor Evil For Evil”: Christian Ethics in Joseph and Aseneth (Chapters 22–29)show/hide abstract1352013
Andrason, AlexAn Optative Indicative? A Real Factual Past? Toward A Cognitive-Typological Approach to the Precative Qatalshow/hide abstract1342013
Harrington, Hannah K.The Use of Leviticus in Ezra-Nehemiahshow/hide abstract1332013
Rezetko, RobertThe Qumran Scrolls of the Book of Judges: Literary Formation, Textual Criticism, and Historical Linguisticsshow/hide abstract1322013
Cataldo, Jeremiah W.Yahweh’s Breast: Interpreting Haggai’s Temple through Melanie Klein’s Projective Identification Theoryshow/hide abstract1312013
Cornell, Collin R.God and the Sea in Job 38show/hide abstract12182012
Winther-Nielsen, NicolaiStones on Display in Joshua 6: The Linguistic Tree Constructor as a “PLOT” Toolshow/hide abstract12172012
Charney, DavidaKeeping the Faithful: Persuasive Strategies in Psalms 4 and 62show/hide abstract12162012
Knohl, IsraelPsalm 68: Structure, Composition and Geographyshow/hide abstract12152012
Gottlieb, Isaac B.Medieval Jewish Exegesis on Dual Incipitsshow/hide abstract12142012
Avioz, MichaelThe “Spring of the Year” (2 Chronicles 36:10) and the Chronicler's Sourcesshow/hide abstract12132012
Assis, ElieThe Structure of Zechariah 8 and its Meaningshow/hide abstract12122012
Cox, Benjamin D. and Susan AckermanMicah's Teraphimshow/hide abstract12112012
de Jong, Matthijs J.The Fallacy of ‘True and False’ in Prophecy Illustrated by Jer 28:8–9show/hide abstract12102012
Hutton, Jeremy M. and Safwat MarzoukThe Morphology of the tG-Stem in Hebrew and tirgaltî in Hos 11:3show/hide abstract1292012
Andrason, AlexanderMaking It Sound—The Performative Qatal and its Explanation show/hide abstract1282012
Chapman, Cynthia R.“Oh that you were like a brother to me, one who had nursed at my mother’s breasts” Breast Milk as a Kinship-Forging Substanceshow/hide abstract1272012
Oswald, WolfgangForeign Marriages and Citizenship in Persian Period Judahshow/hide abstract1262012
Evans, Paul S.History in the Eye of the Beholder? Social Location and Allegations of Racial/Colonial Biases in Reconstructions of Sennacherib’s Invasion of Judahshow/hide abstract1252012
Lipschits, OdedArchaeological Facts, Historical Speculations and the Date of the LMLK Storage Jars: A Rejoinder to David Ussishkinshow/hide abstract1242012
Berge, KåreLiteracy, Utopia and Memory: Is There a Public Teaching in Deuteronomy?show/hide abstract1232012
Bridge, Edward J.Female Slave vs Female Slave: אָמָה and שִׁפְחָה in the HBshow/hide abstract1222012
Wolters, AlThe Meaning of ṢANTĔRÔT (Zech 4:12)show/hide abstract1212012
Stackert, JeffreyCompositional Strata in the Priestly Sabbath: Exodus 31:12-17 and 35:1-3show/hide abstract11152011
Holmstedt, Robert D.The Typological Classification of the Hebrew of Genesis: Subject-Verb or Verb-Subject?show/hide abstract11142011
Sutskover, TaliaLot and His Daughters (Gen 19:30–38). Further Literary and Stylistic Examinationsshow/hide abstract11132011
Finkelstein, Israel, Ido Koch and Oded LipschitsThe Mound on the Mount: A Possible Solution to the “Problem with Jerusalem”show/hide abstract11122011
Shalom-Guy, HavaThe Call Narratives of Gideon and Moses: Literary Convention or More?show/hide abstract11112011
Wallace, Robert E.The Narrative Effect of Psalms 84–89show/hide abstract11102011
van Wolde, Ellen and Robert RezetkoSemantics and the Semantics of ברא: A Rejoinder to the Arguments Advanced by B. Becking and M. Korpelshow/hide abstract1192011
Andrason, Alexander Biblical Hebrew Wayyiqtol: A Dynamic Definitionshow/hide abstract1182011
Frisch, AmosComparison With David as a Means of Evaluating Character in the Book of Kingsshow/hide abstract1172011
Ganzel, TovaThe Shattered Dream. The Prophecies of Joel: A Bridge between Ezekiel and Haggai?show/hide abstract1162011
Garsiel, MosheDavid’s Elite Warriors and Their Exploits in the Books of Samuel and Chroniclesshow/hide abstract1152011
Bachmann, VeronikaThe Book of The Watchers (1 Enoch 1–36): An Anti-Mosaic, Non-Mosaic, or Even Pro-Mosaic Writing?show/hide abstract1142011
Campos, Martha E.Structure and Meaning in the Third Vision of Amos (7:7–17)show/hide abstract1132011
Doak, Brian R.“Some Worthless and Reckless Fellows”: Landlessness and Parasocial Leadership in Judgesshow/hide abstract1122011
Assis, ElieZechariah 8 and its Allusions to Jeremiah 30–33 and Deutero-Isaiahshow/hide abstract1112011
Finkelstein, IsraelArchaeology as a High Court in Ancient Israelite History: A Reply to Nadav Na’amanshow/hide abstract10192010
Samet, Nili“The Tallest Man Cannot Reach Heaven; the Broadest Man Cannot Cover Earth” – Reconsidering the Proverb and its Biblical Parallelsshow/hide abstract10182010
Melvin, David P.Divine Mediation and the Rise of Civilization in Mesopotamian Literature and in Genesis 1–11show/hide abstract10172010
Frankel, DavidEl as the Speaking Voice in Psalm 82:6–8show/hide abstract10162010
Assis, ElieZechariah 8 As Revision and Digest of Zechariah 1–7show/hide abstract10152010
Vermeulen, KarolienEeny Meeny Miny Moe. Who Is The Craftiest To Go?show/hide abstract10142010
Miller, Marvin LloydNehemiah 5: A Response to Philippe Guillaumeshow/hide abstract10132010
Hutzli, JürgTradition and Interpretation in Gen 1:1–2:4ashow/hide abstract10122010
Landy, FrancisThree Sides of a Coin: In Conversation with Ben Zvi And Nogalski, Two Sides of a Coinshow/hide abstract10112010
Andrason, AlexanderThe Panchronic Yiqtol: Functionally Consistent and Cognitively Plausibleshow/hide abstract10102010
Olyan, Saul M. (ed.)In Conversation With Joshua A. Berman, Created Equal: How the Bible Broke With Ancient Political Thought (Oxford University Press, 2008).show/hide abstract1092010
Guillaume, PhilippeNehemiah 5: No Economic Crisisshow/hide abstract1082010
Hobson, RussellJeremiah 41 and the Ammonite Allianceshow/hide abstract1072010
Shemesh, Yael“And Many Beasts” (Jonah 4:11): The Function and Status of Animals in the Book of Jonahshow/hide abstract1062010
Garsiel, MosheThe Book of Samuel: Its Composition, Structure and Significance as a Historiographical Sourceshow/hide abstract1052010
Kletter, Raz and Gideon SolimaniArchaeology and Professional Ethical Codes in Israel in the mid 80s: The Case of the Association of Archaeologists in Israel and Its Code of Ethicsshow/hide abstract1042010
Becking, Bob and Marjo C.A. KorpelTo Create, to Separate or to Construct: An Alternative for a Recent Proposal as to the Interpretation of ברא in Gen 1:1–2:4ashow/hide abstract1032010
Broida, Marian Closure in Samsonshow/hide abstract1022010
Amar Zohar, Ram Bouchnick and Guy Bar-OzThe Contribution of Archaeozoology to the Identification of the Ritually Clean Ungulates Mentioned in The Hebrew Bibleshow/hide abstract1012010
Van Seters, JohnA Response to G. Aichelle, P. Miscall and R. Walsh, “An Elephant in the Room: Historical-Critical and the Postmodern Interpretations of the Bible”show/hide abstract9262009
Savran, GeorgeMultivocality in Group Speech in Biblical Narrativeshow/hide abstract9252009
Finkelstein, IsraelPersian Period Jerusalem and Yehud: A Rejoindershow/hide abstract9242009
Renz, ThomasA Perfectly Broken Acrostic in Nahum 1?show/hide abstract9232009
Vermeulen, KarolienTo See or Not To See. The Polysemy of the Word עין in the Isaac Narratives (Gen 17–35)show/hide abstract9222009
Pinker, AronIntrusion of Ptolemaic Reality on Cultic Practices in Qoh 4:17show/hide abstract9212009
Lipschits, OdedPersian Period Finds from Jerusalem: Facts and Interpretationsshow/hide abstract9202009
Holmstedt, Robert D.אני ולבי-The Syntactic Encoding of the Collaborative Nature of Qohelet's Experimentshow/hide abstract9192009
Knauf, Ernst AxelObservations on Judah's Social and Economic History and the Dating of the Laws in Deuteronomyshow/hide abstract9182009
Person Jr., Raymond F. (ed.)In Conversation With Thomas Römer, The So-Called Deuteronomistic History: A Sociological, Historical And Literary Introduction (London: T. & T. Clark, 2005).show/hide abstract9172009
Guillaume, Philippe Lamentations 5: The Seventh Acrosticshow/hide abstract9162009
Becking, BobGod-Talk for a Disillusioned Pilgrim in Psalm 121show/hide abstract9152009
Olyan, Saul M.The Ascription of Physical Disability as a Stigmatizing Strategy in Biblical Iconic Polemicsshow/hide abstract9142003
Gow, Andrew C.The Contested History of a Book: The German Bible of the Later Middle Ages and Reformation in Legend, Ideology, and Scholarshipshow/hide abstract9132009
Kennedy, James M.Psalm 29 as Semiotic System: A Linguistic Readingshow/hide abstract9122009
Boda, Mark J. (ed.)In Conversation with Steven Schweitzer, Reading Utopia in Chronicles (LHBOTS, 442; London: T. & T. Clark International, 2007)show/hide abstract9112009
Gilmour, RachelleSuspense and Anticipation in 1 Samuel 9:1–14show/hide abstract9102009
Timmer, DanielThe Intertextual Israelite Jonah Face À L'empire: The Post-Colonial Significance of The Book's Cotexts and Purported Neo-Assyrian Contextshow/hide abstract992009
Spronk, KlaasJonah, Nahum, and the Book of the Twelve: A Response to Jakob Wöhrleshow/hide abstract982009
Wöhrle, JakobA Prophetic Reflection on Divine Forgiveness: The Integration of the Book of Jonah into the Book of the Twelveshow/hide abstract972009
Guillaume, PhilippeRhetorical Reading Redundant: A Response to Ehud Ben Zvishow/hide abstract962009
Ben Zvi, EhudJonah 4:11 and the Metaprophetic Character of the Book of Jonahshow/hide abstract952009
Bolin, Thomas M.Eternal Delight and Deliciousness: The Book of Jonah After Ten Yearsshow/hide abstract942009
Guillaume, PhilippeArguing under the Qiqayon: An Introduction to a Set of Articles on Jonahshow/hide abstract932009
Athas, GeorgeIn Search of the Seventy ‘Weeks’ of Daniel 9show/hide abstract922009
Christian, Mark A.Priestly Power that Empowers: Michel Foucault, Middle-tier Levites, and the Sociology of “Popular Religious Groups” in Israelshow/hide abstract912009
Young, IanLate Biblical Hebrew And The Qumran Pesher Habakkukshow/hide abstract8252008
Na'aman, NadavShaaraim - The Gateway To The Kingdom Of Judahshow/hide abstract8242008
Steinmann, Andrew E.Letters of Kings about Votive Offerings, The God of Israel and the Aramaic Document in Ezra 4:8–6:18show/hide abstract8232008
Garfinkel, Yosef and Saar GanorKhirbet Qeiyafa: Sha`arayimshow/hide abstract8222008
Na'aman, NadavIn Search of the Ancient Name of Khirbet Qeiyafashow/hide abstract8212008
Dobbs-Allsopp, F. W.Psalm 133: A (Close) Readingshow/hide abstract8202008
Assis, ElieThe Temple in the Book of Haggaishow/hide abstract8192008
Avioz, MichaelSaul as a Just Judge in Josephus' Antiquities of the Jewsshow/hide abstract8182008
Kline, Moshe“The Editor was Nodding” A Reading of Leviticus 19 in Memory of Mary Douglasshow/hide abstract8172008
Jacobs, JonathanCharacterizing Esther from the Outset: The Contribution of the Story in Esther 2:1–20show/hide abstract8162008
Römer, ThomasMoses Outside the Torah and the Construction of a Diaspora Identityshow/hide abstract8152008
Basser, HerbDid Rashi Notice a Janus Parallelism in Ezek 20:37?show/hide abstract8142008
Scatolini Apóstolo, Silvio SergioImagining Ezekielshow/hide abstract8132008
Wright, David P.Deciphering a Definition: The Syntagmatic Structural Analysis of Ritual in the Hebrew Bibleshow/hide abstract8122008
Schmitt, RüdigerThe Problem of Magic and Monotheism in the Book of Leviticusshow/hide abstract8112008
Olyan, Saul M.Mary Douglas's Holiness/Wholeness Paradigm: Its Potential for Insight and its Limitationsshow/hide abstract8102008
Marx, AlfredThe Relationship between the Sacrificial Laws and the Other Laws in Leviticus 19show/hide abstract892008
Hendel, RonaldMary Douglas and Anthropological Modernismshow/hide abstract882008
Hendel, Ronald and Saul M. OlyanBeyond Purity and Danger: Mary Douglas and The Hebrew Bibleshow/hide abstract872008
Pinker, AronThe Doings of the Wicked in Qohelet 8:10show/hide abstract862008
Shemesh, YaelElisha Stories as Saints' Legendsshow/hide abstract852008
Shemesh, YaelElisha and The Miraculous Jug of Oil(2 Kgs 4:1–7)show/hide abstract842008
Cook, John A.The Vav-Prefixed Verb Forms in Elementary Hebrew Grammarshow/hide abstract832008
Kletter, RazThe Friends of Antiquities (in Heb. נאמני עתיקות): The Story of an Israeli Volunteer Group and Comparative Remarksshow/hide abstract822008
Stein, David E. S.The Noun אִישׁ ('îš) in Biblical Hebrew: A Term of Affiliationshow/hide abstract812008
Guillaume, PhilippeA Reconsideration of Manuscripts Classified as Scrolls of the Twelve Minor Prophets (XII)show/hide abstract7162007
Guillaume, PhilippeThe Unlikely Malachi-Jonah Sequence (4QXIIa)show/hide abstract7152007
Ben Zvi, Ehud (ed.)Rereading Oracles of God: Twenty Years After John Barton, Oracles of God: Perceptions of Prophecy in Israel after the Exile (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1986)show/hide abstract7142007
Bodner, KeithCrime Scene Investigation: A Text-Critical Mystery and the Strange Death of Ishboshethshow/hide abstract7132007
Knoppers, Gary N. (ed.)Revisiting the Composition of Ezra-Nehemiah: In Conversation with Jacob Wright's Rebuilding Identity: The Nehemiah Memoir and its Earliest Readers (BZAW, 348; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2004)show/hide abstract7122007
Assis, ElieComposition, Rhetoric and Theology in Haggai 1:1–11show/hide abstract7112007
Leuchter, Mark (ed.)Scribes Before and After 587 BCE: A Conversationshow/hide abstract7102007
Van Seters, JohnAuthor or Redactor?show/hide abstract792007
Pinker, AronA Goat to Go to Azazelshow/hide abstract782007
Knoppers, Gary N. (ed.)Expatriates, Repatriates, and the Question of Zion's Status – In Conversation with Melody D. Knowles, Centrality Practiced: Jerusalem in the Religious Practices of Yehud and the Diaspora in the Persian Period (Atlanta, SBL, 2006).show/hide abstract772007
Boer, RolandKeeping It Literal: The Economy of the Song of Songsshow/hide abstract762007
Sneed, Mark"White Trash” Wisdom: Proverbs 9 Deconstructedshow/hide abstract752007
Noegel, Scott B. “Word Play” in Qohelethshow/hide abstract742007
Fried, Lisbeth S.Did Second Temple High Priests Possess the Urim and Thummim?show/hide abstract732007
Vanderhooft, David (ed.)In Conversation with Oded Lipschits, The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 2005)show/hide abstract722007
Henige, DavidFound But Not Lost: A Skeptical Note on the Document Discovered in the Temple Under Josiahshow/hide abstract712007
Holmstedt, Robert D.Issues in the Linguistic Analysis of a Dead Language, with Particular Reference to Ancient Hebrewshow/hide abstract6112006
Wöhrle, JakobThe Formation and Intention of the Haggai-Zechariah Corpusshow/hide abstract6102006
Gilders, William K.Why Does Eleazar Sprinkle the Red Cow Blood? Making Sense of a Biblical Ritualshow/hide abstract692006
Pinker, AronNahum and the Greek Tradition on Nineveh's Fallshow/hide abstract682006
Scatolini Apóstolo, Silvio SergioOn The Elusiveness and Malleability of “Israel”show/hide abstract672006
Tebes, Juan Manuel“You Shall Not Abhor an Edomite, for He is Your Brother”: The Tradition of Esau and the Edomite Genealogies from an Anthropological Perspectiveshow/hide abstract662006
Benun, RonaldEvil and the Disruption of Order: A Structural Analysis of the Acrostics in the First Book of Psalmsshow/hide abstract652006
Carr, David M. (ed.)The State of the Field of Hebrew Bible Study: In Conversation with John J. Collins, The Bible After Babel: Historical Criticism in a Postmodern Age (Eerdmans, 2005)show/hide abstract642006
Kim, Yung SukLex Talionis in Exod 21:22–25: Its Origin and Contextshow/hide abstract632006
Knoppers, Gary N. (ed.)Chronicles and the Chronicler: A Response to I. Kalimi, An Ancient Israelite Historian: Studies in the Chronicler, his Time, Place and Writingshow/hide abstract622006
Pinker, AronThe Core Story in the Prologue-Epilogue of the Book of Jobshow/hide abstract612006
Knowles, Melody D. (ed.)New Studies in Chronicles: A Discussion of Two Recently-Published Commentariesshow/hide abstract5202005
Assis, Elie“The Hand of a Woman”: Deborah and Yael (Judges 4)show/hide abstract5192005
Knoppers, Gary N. (ed.)In Conversation with W. M. Schniedewind, How the Bible Became a Book: The Textualization of Ancient Israel (Cambridge, 2003)show/hide abstract5182005
Davies, Philip. R.The Origin of Biblical Israelshow/hide abstract5172005
Avioz, MichaelCould Saul Rule Forever? A New Look at 1 Samuel 13:13–14show/hide abstract5162005
Britt, BrianDeath, Social Conflict, and the Barley Harvest in the Hebrew Bibleshow/hide abstract5152005
Kummerow, DavidJob, Hopeful or Hopeless? The Significance of גם in Job 16:19 and Job's Changing Conceptions of Deathshow/hide abstract5142005
Guillaume, PhilippeTracing the Origin of the Sabbatical Calendar in the Priestly Narrative (Genesis 1 to Joshua 5)show/hide abstract5132005
Pinker, AronOn the meaning of קשת נחושהshow/hide abstract5122005
Landy, FrancisA Rejoinder to A. Brenner, “Regulating ‘Sons’ and ‘Daughters’ in the Torah and in Proverbs: Some Preliminary Insights”show/hide abstract5112005
Brenner, AthalyaRegulating ‘Sons’ and ‘Daughters’ in the Torah and in Proverbs: Some Preliminary Insightsshow/hide abstract5102005
Guillaume, PhilippeNew Light on the Nebiim from Alexandria: A Chronography to Replace the Deuteronomistic Historyshow/hide abstract592004
Noegel, ScottGeminate Ballast and Clustering: An Unrecognized Literary Feature in Ancient Semitic Poetryshow/hide abstract582004
Pinker, AronThe Hard "Sell” in Nah 3:4show/hide abstract572004
Schniedewind, William M.Prolegomena for the Sociolinguistics of Classical Hebrewshow/hide abstract562004
Doudna, GregOstraca KhQ1 and KhQ2 from the Cemetary of Qumran: A New Editionshow/hide abstract552004
Grayson, A. KirkShalmaneser III and the Levantine States: The Damascus Coalition Rebellion"show/hide abstract542004
Haase, Ingrid M.Uzzah's Rebellionshow/hide abstract532004
Linville, James R.Letting the “Bi-word” “Rule” in Joel 2:17show/hide abstract522004
Najm, S. & Ph. GuillaumeJubilee Calendar Rescued from The Flood Narrativeshow/hide abstract512004
Malul, MeirLedabbēr baššelî (2 Sam. 3:27) "to Talk Peace”show/hide abstract482002
Pinker, AronUpon an Attack in Nahum 2:2show/hide abstract472002
Leuchter, MarkSomething Old, Something Older: Reconsidering 1 Sam. 2:27–36show/hide abstract462002
Kletter, RazA Very General Archaeologist - Moshe Dayan and Israeli Archaeologyshow/hide abstract452002
Liss, HannaUndisclosed Speech: Patterns of Communication in the Book of Isaiahshow/hide abstract442002
Mitchell, ChristineAccession in Chronicles: Transformations in Meaning: Solomon's Accession in Chroniclesshow/hide abstract432002
Heard, R. ChristopherEchoes of Genesis in 1 Chronicles 4:9–10: An Intertextual and Contextual Reading of Jabez's Prayershow/hide abstract422002
Lipschits, Oded“Jehoiakim Slept with His Fathers…” - Did He?show/hide abstract412002
Boda, Mark J.Oil, Crowns and Thrones: Prophet, Priest and Kingin Zechariah 1:7–6:15show/hide abstract3102001
Cohn Eskenazi, TamaraNehemiah 9–10: Structure and Significanceshow/hide abstract392001
Scatolini, Silvio SergioDelimiting the Countours of Israel in Ezek 12:21–15 and 12:26–28show/hide abstract382001
Huddlestun, John R.Unveiling the Versions: The Tactics of Tamar in Genesis 38:15show/hide abstract372001
de Caën, VincentHebrew Linguistics and Biblical Criticism: A Minimalist Programmeshow/hide abstract362001
Bauer, Uwe F. W.A Metaphorical Etiology in Judges 18:12show/hide abstract352001
Knoppers, Gary N.“Great Among His Brothers,” but Who is He? Heterogeneity in the Composition of Judah?show/hide abstract342000
Jenkins, Allan K.Erasmus' Commentary on Psalm 2show/hide abstract332000
Wesselius, Jan-WimTowards a New History of Israelshow/hide abstract322000
Lemche, Niels PeterOn the Problems of Reconstructing Pre-Hellenistic Israelite (Palestinian) Historyshow/hide abstract312000
Rendsburg, Gary A.Confused Language as a Deliberate Literary Device in Biblical Hebrew Narrativeshow/hide abstract261999
Landy, FrancisLeviticus, Deconstruction and the Bodyshow/hide abstract251999
Bergen, David A.Bakhtin Revisits Deuteronomy: Narrative Theory and the Dialogical Event of Deut 31:2 and 34:7show/hide abstract241999
Linville, James R.On the Nature of Rethinking Prophetic Literature: Stirring a Neglected Stew (A Response to David L. Petersen)show/hide abstract231999
Bauer, Uwe F. W.Anti-Jewish Interpretations of Psalm 1 in Luther and in Modern German Protestantismshow/hide abstract221998
Sweeney, Marvin A.A Form-Critical Rereading of Hoseashow/hide abstract211998
Lee, BernonA Specific Application of the Proverb in Ecclesiastes 1:15show/hide abstract161997
Davies, Philip RLoose Canons. Reflections on the Formation of the Hebrew Bibleshow/hide abstract151997
Fox, Michael V.What Happens in Qohelet 4:13–16?show/hide abstract141997
de Tillesse, Caetano MinetteThe Conquest of Power: Analysis of David and Solomon's Accession Historiesshow/hide abstract131997
Miller, Cynthia L., Kenneth M. Craig Jr. and Raymond F. Person Jr.Conversation Analysis and the Book of Jonah:A Conversationshow/hide abstract121997
Utzschneider, HelmutText - Reader - Author. Towards a Theory of Exegesis: Some European Viewsshow/hide abstract111996

57 Newly Open Access Ebooks from The American School of Classical Studies at Athens

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Open Access Journal: AGER VELEIAS: Rassegna di storia, civiltà e tradizione classiche

[First posted in AWOL 23 March 2011. Updated 12 May 2014]

AGER VELEIAS: Rassegna di storia, civiltà e tradizione classiche
In più di trent'anni di passione veleiate vissuta nell'Università di Parma all'ombra della cattedra di Storia Romana, Nicola Criniti e i suoi generosi collaboratori del Gruppo di Ricerca Veleiate [GRV] hanno organizzato una ricca "Raccolta Veleiate" di testi a stampa, ben nota a studiosi italiani e stranieri; hanno prodotto una decina di tesi di laurea e quasi un centinaio di saggi, offrendo altresì un efficace e variegato biglietto da visita nei recenti volumi collettanei parmensi "Ager Veleias". Tradizione, società e territorio sull'Appennino Piacentino [2003: ora in rete, www.veleia.it], "Res publica Veleiatium". Veleia, tra passato e futuro [2006: in quinta edizione nel 2009], "Veleiates". Uomini, luoghi e "memoriae" dell'Appennino piacentino-parmense [2007], tutti curati da Nicola Criniti.

Dal 2005 / 2006, obbedendo alle leggi della comunicazione ..., si sono impegnati – grazie anche all'intervento di Luca Lanza e Francesco Bergamaschi prima, di Daniele Fava e di Immagica di Parma poi – nell'apertura e sviluppo del laboratorio informatico multifunzionale e multidisciplinare AGER VELEIAS (www.veleia.it: già Tveleia.unipr.it) Te, al suo interno, dell'omonima rassegna periodica "Ager Veleias", che ormai si è felicemente aperta a tutta la romanità e alla sua fortuna moderna / contemporanea (si veda nel sito l'Indice Generale). Un bel quadro recente ne ha dato Daniele Fava nella sua tesi «VELEIA 1760 – 2010: dal "Grand Tour" a Internet. 250 anni di "peregrinationes" al sito di Veleia, discussa con me a Parma, nell'estate 2010...

Open Access Early Journal Content In JSTOR

On September 6, 2011, JSTOR announced that journal content in JSTOR published prior to 1923 in the United States and prior to 1870 elsewhere would be freely available to anyone, anywhere in the world.  This “Early Journal Content” includes discourse and scholarship in the arts and humanities, economics and politics, and in mathematics and other sciences.  It includes nearly 500,000 articles from more than 200 journals. This represents 6% of the content on JSTOR.

Following is the list of Open Access Early Journal Content" relating to Antiquity

APD - The Arabic Papyrology Database

[First posted in AWOL 29 March 2010. Updated 12 May 2014]

APD - The Arabic Papyrology Database

The Arabic Papyrology Database is a tool enabling you to access the editions of Arabic documents written on different material such as papyrus, parchment or paper. Those productive editions are an often unraised treasure for almost every aspect of Islamic history up to the 16th c. A.D.
The entire texts of all documents in stock (currently 1662 out of about 2,500) are searchable on different layers and with variant readings within the tool 'Documents'. The tool 'Search' allows to investigate linguistic peculiarities. Each document is also provided with its metadata, amongst others place and date of origin or its genre as for instance a contract of lease or a petition.
The Arabic Papyrology Database is the first electronic compilation of Arabic papyri. It is a non-commercial project running under the patronage of the International Society for Arabic Papyrology (ISAP) and a partner of the Trismegistos metadata project of Greek, Demotic, Coptic, Arabic, etc. documents. Access is free via the Internet.

And see also:
  • Oates, John F., Sijpesteijn, Petra M. und Kaplony, Andreas, The ISAP Checklist of [non-literary] Arabic Documents mehr
  • Kaplony, Andreas, The ISAP List of Major Collections Holding Arabic Documents mehr
  • Kaplony, Andreas The (Full) Arabic Papyrology Bibliography mehr

Bilddatenbank des Gustaf-Dalman-Institutes

Bilddatenbank des Gustaf-Dalman-Institutes
In Greifswald beherbergt die Theologische Fakultät eine europaweit einmalige Sammlung: Das Gustaf-Dalman-Institut dokumentiert das von Bauern und Hirten geprägte Palästina, wie es heute nicht mehr existiert. Schon vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg trug der deutsche Theologe Gustaf Dalman (1855-1941) zusammen, was für ihn das Land der Bibel ausmachte. So verfügt das Institut über Gesteins- und Pflanzenproben, Haus- und Ackergeräte, Keramiken, archäologische Kleinfunde, Land- und Reliefkarten, rund 15.000 historische Fotografien und eine Bibliothek mit rund 5.000 Bänden – darunter seltene Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts. Was sonst Ethnologen, Archäologen, Geographen, Theologen, Botaniker und Mineralogen je für sich betrachten, hat Dalman in Greifswald zu einem Universalbild zusammengefügt. Weltweit profitieren Wissenschaftler heute von dieser Sammlung.
Die Bilddatenbank enthält 3195 Diapositive. Die Signaturen setzen sich aus einem Buchstaben (A-M) und einer römischen Zahl (I-XX) zusammen. Die Signaturen A I - H XVI sind nach Orten geordnet, H XVII - M XVII nach Themen, M XVIII - M XX nach Kultur und Diverses.
Sie haben folgende Möglichkeiten innerhalb der Datenbank zu navigieren:
  • mithilfe des Signaturbaumes (links)
  • mithilfe des Schlüsselwortbaumes (rechts)
  • durch die Suchfunktion 

Attic Inscriptions Online

[First posted in AWOL 10 December 2012, update 13 Maay 20014 (new translations of the inscriptions of the Marathonian Tetrapolis and the first in a new series, AIO Papers, Translation of SEG 21.541 added; minor corrections to other translations; AIO Papers 2 and 3 published.)]

Attic Inscriptions Online
Welcome to Attic Inscriptions Online (AIO), a website designed to make available the inscriptions of ancient Athens and Attica in English translation.


Inscriptions on stone are the most important documentary source for the history of the ancient city of Athens and its surrounding region, Attica. Dating from the 7th century BC through to the end of antiquity, Greek texts are available to scholars in Inscriptiones Graecae (IG) I (up to 403/2 BC) and II (after 403/2 BC) (website), updated annually by the Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (SEG) (website), and in the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) Greek Inscriptions website. However, until now, very few of the inscriptions have been available in English translation, whether in print, or online. This site is intended to rectify this situation, beginning in 2012 with the inscribed laws and decrees of Athens, 352/1-322/1 BC, of which new texts have recently been published as IG II3 1, 292-572. 

AMIR Update: Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies

Some readers have noted that the master list of Open Access Journals in Middle Eastern Studies from our sister projectAccess to Mideast and Islamic Resources (AMIR) [ISSN 2160-3049] has been missing for some months. The Editors are now working to restore it.  We begin the restoration with an archived version dated 5 June 2013, and will work to add any missing titles, and add the links to that page in the footers of the entries for each individual title. We will also systematically check all the links for accuracy.

We thank you for your patience with this process and in invite comment on and correction of missing or broken links.

Open Access Journal: FORTVNATAE: Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades clásicas

FORTVNATAE: Revista Canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades clásicas
ISSN: 1131-6810
Fortunatae, revista canaria de Filología, Cultura y Humanidades Clásicas, publicación del Departamento de Filología Clásica de la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife. España), se trazó, desde el año de su inicio (1991), el objetivo de acoger los estudios e investigaciones de los miembros de las distintas áreas del mencionado departamento, así como la de otros departamentos afines de otras universidades españolas con las que mantiene relación, especialmente el de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Los números que Fortunatae lleva publicados hasta el momento actual, han conseguido que sea considerada una publicación periódica de prestigio por la Calidad y originalidad de algunas de sus contribuciones, y que sea tenida en cuenta habitualmente en los repertorios bibliográficos del ámbito científico al que pertenece.

Launch of the IconA Databases

Launch of the IconA Databases (via Aegeanet) 
I am pleased to announce that I have given permission to CMS Heidelberg to host my IconA Databases on the CMS Website and I thank Professor Diamantis Panagiotopoulos and Dr Maria Anastasiadou for all their support in arranging the Hosting and the Launch of the Databases on Friday 2 May at the CMS Institute at Heidelberg University. The two Databases are now feely available on the Web and are subject only to the usual protocol of acknowledging the source of the information in any research or publications that use the Databases, in this case the CMS and IconAegean. IconAegean is the name of the Project and these two Databases are called 
IconAData and IconADict. Interested scholars may access them through the CMSWebsite http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/fakultaeten/philosophie/zaw/cms/index.html by going to the list of entries on the left and clicking on IconA Databases and when the two names IconAData and IconADict appear click on one name and  enter the Database as Guest, then repeat for the other Database. It is useful  for Users to have both Databases on view side by side so they can refer across  them and in order to facilitate searching. IconAData holds 1000 seal designs especially chosen to illustrate the range of  Aegean seal iconography and may be searched by Keywords across any of the Database Fields. Each seal design is illustrated. IconADict holds the Dictionary of the 590 iconographic terms which describe the seal designs and these are illustrated and defined and can be used as the Keyword to search on the Fields in the IconAData Database. There are also 
entries which gloss the CMS terms and Database explanations to help the User. My very best wishes as you begin to use the Databases, Enjoy!
Janice Crowley

Open Access Journal: Roman Legal Tradition: A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law

Roman Legal Tradition: A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law
ISSN 1943-6483
A Journal of Ancient Medieval and Modern Civil Law
Roman Legal Tradition is a peer-reviewed journal published online by the Ames Foundation and the University of Glasgow School of Law. ISSN 1943-6483.
The journal aims to promote the study of the civilian tradition in English. The editors welcome contributions on any aspect of the civilian tradition in ancient, medieval, and modern law.
All articles and reviews published in Roman Legal Tradition are available from this site free of charge. In addition, all articles and reviews are also available to subscribers of HeinOnline. We encourage readers to use and distribute these materials as they see fit, but ask readers not to make any commercial use of these materials without seeking the consent of the editors and relevant authors.
Contents. The contents for all issues are here. The articles are in PDF format. They may be saved and printed without restriction.
Index of Sources. A full index of primary sources cited in the first five volumes are here.
Guidelines for Contributors. These guidelines are provided mainly for the benefit of those who are providing final copy to the editors.
Contact Information and Subscriptions. This page contains details for editorial communication with the editors, subscriptions, and purchase of back issues.
The first three volumes were published by the Roman Law Society of America, with the support of the University of Kansas Law School, and appeared both online and in print under ISSN 1551-1375. Back issues of Volumes Two and Three are available from Amazon.com from the link to the left. 
Volume 9 [2013]
This volume contains contributions by Ernest Metzger, Judith Evans Grubbs, and O. F. Robinson.
Volume 8 [2012]
This volume contains contributions by Linda Jones Hall, Timothy D. Barnes, and Simon Corcoran and Benet Salway.
Volume 7 [2011]
This volume contains contributions by Morris Silver, M. Floriana Cursi, and Thomas Finkenauer.
Volume 6 [2010]
This volume contains contributions by Martin Avenarius and Andrea Colorio.
Volume 5 [2009]
This volume contains contributions by Simon Corcoran, Eric Descheemaeker, James Lee, and Daniele Mattiangeli.
Volume 4 [2008]
This volume contains contributions by Carlos Amunátegui Perelló, Paul du Plessis, and Joshua C. Tate.
Volume 3 [2006]
This volume contains contributions by David J. Bloch, Robert M. Frakes, Tony Honoré, Ernest Metzger, Bernardo Periñán, P. J. du Plessis, Lourdes Salomon, and Helen Scott.
Volume 2 [2004]
Law for All Times. Essays in Memory of David David Daube, edited by Ernest Metzger. This volume contains contributions by John W. Cairns, Mark Godfrey, Cornelius van der Merwe, Ernest Metzger, Alan Rodger, Joseph Georg Wolf, and Reuven Yaron.
Volume 1 [2002]
This volume contains contributions by James A. Brundage, M. H. Hoeflich, Jasonne Grabher O'Brien, Bernardo Periñán, Salvo Randazzo, and Andreas Wacke.

Iryan Moftah Collection of Coptic Books and Manuscripts

Iryan Moftah Collection of Coptic Books and Manuscripts
Letters, Essays, and Sermons by Saint Gregory Nazianzus
This 18th-century manuscript is a collection of letters, essays, and sermons by Saint Gregory Nazianzus (died circa 389). The manuscript is thought to be the first Arabic translation from the original Greek and has not yet been edited or published. It is the second volume of a two-volume work. Gregory of Nazianzus, also known as Gregory the Theologian, is recognized as a Father of the Church in both the Eastern and Western traditions. He was born in Cappadocia (eastern Anatolia), where he spent much of his life. He was a ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
This manuscript is an Arabic translation of the first five books of the Old Testament (Pentateuch), which is called on the first leaf, “The Holy Torah.” The book contains little information about its production other than a note at the end indicating that it is of Coptic origin. Framed cruciform patterns appear at the top of the first leaf and are the only illustrations in the work. There are chapter and verse headings in red as well as guidewords and occasional directions for recitation during fasts and feasts. At the ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Letters, Pedagogical Teachings, and Sayings of Saint Anthony of Egypt
This manuscript opens with the 20 letters “to the sons who follow his [Anthony’s] gentle path…and prayers to keep us from Satan’s example.” The letters are for the most part short, many not exceeding five folios. According to an introductory note, they are addressed to both men and women. The work is in a bold but relaxed hand. Each letter or other significant section is set off in red. There are no contemporary marginal glosses, but comments and corrections (some in English) in pencil were made by ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Historical Books of the Old Testament
This Biblical manuscript contains portions of the Old Testament historical books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. The volume is incomplete at the beginning and end. The scribe, whose name might have appeared in the missing colophon, is unknown. The copying was done in 1748 (Joshua) and 1749 (Second Kings). There are guide words but no page numbers. Chapters are inconsistently marked. The work is carefully written but appears to have received little use, as indicated by the lack of the fore-edge smudging observed in some other manuscripts in the ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Gospel of Saint Mark
This manuscript copy of the Gospel of Saint Mark can be dated to the 18th century. The text is copied clearly and enclosed in a double-lined frame in red. The folios are numbered with Coptic numerals. The manuscript has many marginal notes and Old Testament references in Arabic, with Coptic numerals employed for chapter and verse citations. The marginalia may have been added by Wadi’ Muftah, whose name appears on the front endpapers. The text is complete and is in excellent condition. The binding is brown leather over boards with ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Gospel of Saint Luke
This manuscript of the Gospel of Saint Luke can be dated to the 18th century. The text is written clearly and enclosed in a double-lined frame in red. The folios are numbered with Coptic numerals. The manuscript has many marginal notes and Old Testament references in Arabic, with Coptic numerals employed for chapter and verse citations. The marginalia may have been added by Wadi’ Muftah, whose name appears on the front endpapers. The text is complete and is in excellent condition, although the last page is copied in a different ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Gospel of Saint John
This Arabic manuscript of the Gospel of Saint John dates from the 18th century. The text is written clearly and enclosed in a double-lined frame in red. The folios are numbered with Coptic numerals. The manuscript has many marginal notes and Old Testament references in Arabic, with Coptic numerals employed for chapter and verse citations. The marginalia may have been added by Wadi’ Muftah, whose name appears on the front endpapers. The text is complete and is in excellent condition, although the last page is copied in a different hand ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
The History of the Roman Provinces of the Near East
This Arabic manuscript is a history of the Roman provinces of the Near East, with special reference to King Herod the Great and the dynasty he founded. The manuscript lacks numerous pages at the beginning and end. The remaining portion contains the history of Roman Palestine during the first century BC until the destruction of the temple by Roman emperor Titus in 70 AD. The author, title, and date of copying are unknown. The work has been tentatively ascribed to the 17th century. The text is unadorned except for marking ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
The Sublime Pearl in the Sacrament of the Eucharist
This manuscript volume contains two drafts of a work on the Eucharistic sacrament (Arabic, sirr al-‘Afkharistiya). The sacrament is revered in many Christian churches, including the Coptic Orthodox Church, as the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. It is the central event of every mass in the Orthodox tradition and in many Western denominations. The volume contains two versions of the same essay. Authorship is ascribed to Iryan Moftah (1826–86), even though his name does not appear anywhere in the notebook ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Reconciling Mercy with Justice
This manuscript is a notebook containing the draft of a sermon or essay by Coptic thinker and teacher Iryan Moftah (1826–86) on the theme of the reconciliation of justice with mercy. The author’s notes are in a careful Ruqah script on unlined commercial notebook paper with holes punched for insertion into a binder. The main text is heavily annotated with Biblical citations and textual emendations in the margins. Some pages are missing, as are the last pages of the volume. The author is not named in the text ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Litanies of the Virgin Mary
This Arabic manuscript contains two works pertaining to the Virgin Mary, who is recognized as the mother of Jesus Christ in both Christian and Muslim scriptures. The first manuscript is a personal prayer to the Virgin, to be recited daily for spiritual benefit. It includes a review of Mary’s place in the life of Jesus as recounted in the New Testament, beginning with the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement of the birth of Jesus and ending with Mary’s presence at the crucifixion. The second manuscript is a litany, or ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Coptic Language Primer
This manuscript is a basic introduction to the alphabet, pronunciation, and grammar of the Bohairic dialect of the Coptic language written for Arabic speakers by Iryan Moftah (1826–86). It is copied in a commercial notebook. The author divides each page vertically with text in Coptic script on the left and Arabic translation or explanation on the right. The manuscript is written in a bold black ink. Title and author are given on a label pasted on the front cover. The work is undated, but it is most likely from ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Coptic Grammar
This manuscript consists of a portion of a Coptic primer by Iryan Moftah (1826–86). It lists useful phrases, with the Coptic in the left column and the Arabic on the right. Moftah avoids explanation of linguistic complexities or conjugations. This, along with the simple, everyday phrases, leads to the conclusion that the book is aimed at schoolchildren or young seminarians rather than advanced learners. Although the textbook is aimed at Arabic speakers, there is no assumption that students are acquainted with the complexities of classical Arabic grammar. There are ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Untitled Notebook of Coptic-language Lessons
This manuscript contains a Coptic grammar and vocabulary notes compiled by Father Girgis Murqus of Akhmīm, Upper Egypt. It includes lists of common phrases in Coptic with Arabic translation.  It probably was used by the author as a teaching guide for beginning Coptic classes. It is similar to the primers of Iryan Moftah (1826–86), a prominent teacher of Coptic and linguistic reformer, but it also includes verb exercises. The notebook is missing several pages and the binding is in poor condition. Arabic words are occasionally misspelled. The exact date ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Calculating Coptic Orthdox Easter
This manuscript deals with the calculation of Easter Sunday according to the Coptic calendar. Fixing this date each year governs much of the liturgical and devotional life of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The Coptic calendar begins in 284 AD, which is called Anno Martyrum (AM), or Year of the Martyrs. The first folio contains a table of the four seasons with their corresponding Coptic months and zodiacal signs. The following pages, some of which are torn or badly stained, provide instructions for calculating the movement of the moon and reconciling ...
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The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library
Towards Salvation through Fervent Prayer
This manuscript of devotions attributed to Butrus al-Sadamanti appears to have been copied in the 19th century by an anonymous scribe. The manuscript includes a 40-page introduction to the devotions. The title is not found in the work itself, but is noted on the inside front cover. The binding is small and tight and the text block is generally sound except for the last pages, which are missing. Little is known of the life of the presumed author, named in the incipit as anba (bishop) and qiddis (saint) Butrus al-Sadamanti ...
Contributed by
The American University in Cairo Rare Books and Special Collections Library

EAGLE : Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

[First posted in AWL 18 November 2010. Updated 14 May 2014]

EAGLE : Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
EAGLE (Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy) rappresenta il punto di arrivo dei lavori per la creazione di una banca dati generale dell'epigrafia antica avviati nel 1997 dall'Association Internationale d'Épigraphie Grecque et Latine (AIEGL) con la costituzione di una Commissione ad hoc così composta: Silvio Panciera, Italia; Géza Alföldy, Germania; Alain Bresson, Francia; Kevin Clinton, Stati Uniti; Charles V. Crowther, Gran Bretagna; Manfred Hainzmann, Austria; si sono aggiunti in seguito: José D'Encarnação, Portogallo; Marcus Dohnicht, Germania; Thomas Elliot, Stati Uniti; John Jory, Australia; Charalambos Kritzas, Grecia; Leopold Migeotte, Canada; Marie Therèse Raepsaet-Charlier, Belgio; Olli Salomies, Finlandia; Marjeta Šašel Kos, Slovenia.
Epigraphische Datenbank Heidelberg (EDH) Epigraphic Database Roma (EDR) Epigraphic Database Bari (EDB) Hispania Epigraphica (HE)
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