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New from the Oriental Institute: Chicago Demotic Dictionary S

Chicago Demotic Dictionary S
CDD S. The Demotic Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, Letter S. Words beginning with the letter S comprise the final letter of the CDD to be published. Kindly note that the final forms of the CDD letter files are being prepared for in print and online publication, along with supporting files (bibliography, text information, and number, month, and day words). The letter S occurs between the letters H and Sh (H with underline and Sh). I see that the letter S needs to be added under the Demotic characters for the letter S.

Open Access Journal: エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū)

エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū)
ISSN: 0919-2417
雑誌名 号数
エジプト学研究 第1号
エジプト学研究 第2号
エジプト学研究 第3号
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エジプト学研究 第15号
エジプト学研究 第16号
エジプト学研究 第17号
エジプト学研究 第18号
エジプト学研究 第19号
エジプト学研究 第20号
ISSN: 2187-0772   (定価:各1,200円 PDF版は無料)
エジプト学研究第20号(2014-1)  [一括ダウンロード(39MB)]
The Journal of Egyptian Studies Vol.20, 2014

序文…吉村 作治
【調査報告】2013年 太陽の船プロジェクト 活動報告
Report of the Activity in 2013, Project of the Solar Boat
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Hiromasa KUROKOCHI and Sakuji YOSHIMURA

エジプト ダハシュール北遺跡発掘調査報告-第19次発掘調査-
…吉村作治・矢澤 健・近藤二郎・西本真一・和田浩一郎
Preliminary Report on the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North: Nineteenth Season
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Ken YAZAWA, Jiro KONDO, Shinichi NISHIMOTO and Koichiro WADA

…近藤二郎・吉村作治・柏木裕之・河合 望・高橋寿光
Preliminary Report on the Sixth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition (in Japanese with English summary)
…Jiro KONDO, Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Hiroyuki KASHIWAGI, Nozomu KAWAI and Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI

An Experimental Approach to the Drilling Technology in the Predynastic Period: Cutting Capability and Reduction Patterns of Flint Micro-drills (in Japanese with English summary)
…Kazuyoshi NAGAYA

Reading the Kushite Texts in the Matrilineal Context: Enthronement Records and the Covenant between Alara and Amen-Re (in Japanese with English summary)
…Kumiko SAITO

Regional Variation of Stone Vessels in Predynastic Egypt (in Japanese with English summary)

オブジェクト・フリーズ(frise d'objets)と出土遺物の比較-装身具およびアミュレットを中心に-
Comparison between the frise d’objets and Burial Goods: Focused on the Ornaments and Amulets (in Japanese with English summary)


【活動報告】2013年度 早稲田大学エジプト学会活動報告 2013年 エジプト調査概要
編集後記…近藤 二郎

エジプト学研究第19号(2013-1)  [一括ダウンロード(25MB)]
The Journal of Egyptian Studies Vol.19, 2013

序文…吉村 作治
【調査報告】2012年 太陽の船プロジェクト 活動報告
Report of the Activity in 2012, Project of the Solar Boat (in Japanese with English summary)
…Hiromasa KUROKOCHI and Sakuji YOSHIMURA

エジプト ダハシュール北遺跡発掘調査報告-第18次発掘調査-
…吉村作治・矢澤 健・近藤二郎・西本真一
Preliminary Report on the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North: Eighteenth Season
(in Japanese with English summary)

Report on the Conservation Work on the Wall Paintings in the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III (KV 22)
(in Japanese with English summary)

…高橋寿光・西坂朗子・阿部善也・中村彩奈・中井 泉・吉村作治
Chemical Analysis of the Pigments Used in the Wall Paintings of the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III (in Japanese with English summary
…Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI, Akiko NISHISAKA, Yoshinari ABE, Ayana NAKAMURA, Izumi NAKAI and Sakuji YOSHIMURA

Report of the Conservation of Sarcophagus Lid of Amenophis III
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Hiroko KARIYA, Akiko NISHISAKA, and Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI

…近藤二郎・吉村作治・柏木裕之・河合 望・高橋寿光
Preliminary Report on the Fifth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition (in Japanese with English summary)

…Jiro KONDO, Sakuji YOSHIMURA, Hiroyuki KASHIWAGI, Nozomu KAWAI and Kazumitsu TAKAHASHI

Excavating Settlement site in the era of Ancient Egyptian State Formation: Recent Excavations at HK11C, Hierakonpolis
(in Japanese with English summary)
…Masahiro BABA

Some Remarks on the early development of the Stone Vessels in the Nile Valley
(in Japanese with English summary)

【卒業論文概要】ナイル川下流域における石製容器からみた初期国家形成の様相 -先王朝時代から第1王朝時代を対象として-


【活動報告】2012年度 早稲田大学エジプト学会活動報告 2012年 エジプト調査概要
編集後記…近藤 二郎

エジプト学研究第18号(2012-1)  [一括ダウンロード(9.7MB)]
The Journal of Egyptian Studies Vol.18, 2012

序文…吉村 作治
…近藤二郎・吉村作治・菊地敬夫・柏木裕之・河合 望・西坂朗子・高橋寿光
Preliminary Report on the Fourth Season of the Work at al-Khokha Area in the Theban Necropolis
by the Waseda University Egyptian Expedition (in Japanese with English summary)

エジプト ダハシュール北遺跡発掘調査報告-第16次・第17次発掘調査-
…吉村作治・矢澤 健・近藤二郎・馬場匡浩・西本真一・柏木裕之・秋山淑子
Preliminary Report on the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North:
Sixteenth and Seventeenth Seasons (in Japanese with English summary)

Report of the Activity in 2011, Project of the Solar Boat (in Japanese with English summary)

【論文・研究ノート】両面加工石器製作の生産体制について ―ヒエラコンポリス遺跡エリート墓地出土資料の分析から―
Bifacial Flint Production Groups in the Predynastic Egypt:
Analysis of finds from Elite Cemetery at Hierakonpolis (in Japanese with English summary)


【活動報告】2011年度 早稲田大学エジプト学会活動報告 2011年 エジプト調査概要
編集後記…近藤 二郎
And see also

Open Access Publications on Persepolis from the Oriental Institute

Open Access Publications on Persepolis from the Oriental Institute

  Born Digital Publications
See linked data for Persepolis via awld.js

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Persian.ology [On the Persepolis Archives]

Persian.ology: gate-keepers of (clay) dinosaur bones, the story of the discovery and recovery of the Persepolis (Parsa) administrative archives (Persepolis Fortification Archive and Persepolis Treasury Archive) in the early 1930s. (114 pages, about 62M)
By A. J. Cave, April 2014
persian.ology : gate-keepers of (clay) dinosaur bones is an informal look at the Persian Achaemenid Administrative Archives recovered from Pârsa (Persepolis), Iran, in 1930s

parts are taken from the books:

an idol-worshiper’s Guide to god-stan: a Trilogy in 7 Parts (2012)
Cyrus 0.9: Highlander (2013)
“the Road to Persiana”, persian.ology Magazine (2013)

Published in honor of the celebration of the lifelong achievements of Dr. Matthew Stolper, head of the PFA Project, Monday, 28 April 2014, at the Oriental Institute.

The smaller version (without couple of repeated sections on archives and administrative languages, about 11M) is posted here, and here.
See Also:

Open Access Journal: Rivista di Diritto Ellenico

 [First posted in AWOL 19 July 2010. Updated 25 April 2014]

Rivista di Diritto Ellenico - Review of Hellenic Law

La «Rivista di Diritto Ellenico» si propone di costituire uno strumento agile e immediato per consentire la pubblicazione di contributi caratterizzati da un taglio peculiarmente giuridico, senza tuttavia tralasciare l’aspetto più antichistico, nella fattispecie storico, culturale e antropologico. In questo senso, la «Rivista di Diritto Ellenico» si vuole caratterizzare anche come pubblicazione, con cadenza annuale, di materiali concernenti le antichità classiche, definizione solo apparentemente generale per la cosiddetta «giusgrecistica» in Italia, ove il tratto saliente della «grecità» non dovrà intendersi come un limite a volere circoscrivere il panorama degli studi: l’aspetto idiomatico, forse più di ogni altro, è parte insostituibile del concetto di Hellenikon già a partire dal V secolo a.C. e il greco antico conosce una tradizione ininterrotta fino al I millennio d.C. coronata dalle sillogi dei commentatori che riflettono proprio su istituzioni, usi e costumi dell’età classica. Accanto a contributi inediti in questo settore, la cui pubblicazione potrà avere luogo in italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco, olandese, spagnolo e greco moderno, la «Rivista di Diritto Ellenico» si propone anche un obiettivo «dottrinario»: offrire al suo interno le ristampe di saggi di riconosciuto valore scientifico risalenti, in particolare maniera, ai due ultimi secoli trascorsi, in originale o anche in traduzione italiana, anche per venire incontro alle esigenze di reperibilità, spesso tutt’oggi ancora difficoltosa.
I / 2011
II / 2012
Rara et Dissertationes
Rara 2011
Rara 2012

The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: Enhanced electronic reissue

[First posted in AWOL 28 September 2009, updated 25 April 2014]

The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
Edited by J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward-Perkins in collaboration with Salvatore Aurigemma, Renato Bartoccini, Giacomo Caputo, Richard Goodchild and Pietro Romanelli (1952).

Enhanced electronic reissue (2009), prepared by Gabriel Bodard and Charlotte Roueché, with new translations by Joyce Reynolds, maps by Hafed Walda and full illustration from the Ward-Perkins photographic archive of the British School at Rome.
ISBN 978-1-897747-23-3
The first publication of Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, which appeared in 1952, has long been out of print. Produced in post-war conditions, it only included illustrations of a few inscriptions, although very many of them had been photographed; and it only offered limited geographic information.

The purposes of this enhanced reissue are, therefore, to make the original material available again, and to provide the full photographic record, together with geographical data linking the inscriptions to maps and gazetteers, and so to other resources. Electronic publication makes this possible, and also allows us to offer greater functionality, such as free text searches. We have included the material from the supplement which contained further texts, numbered in the same sequence (973-996): 'Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania: a supplement', published in PBSR 23 (1955), 124-147, and we have incorporated corrections and emendations made in that article; but we have not attempted to alter or emend any item otherwise.

The indices of this edition are generated from the texts themselves. This means that in some cases they will diverge from those in the original edition, usually being fuller: but the material in three texts not included in that edition (261, 262 and 855) and the Neo-Punic personal names do not appear in these indices.
The following introductory material (all substantial content composed in 1952) is available in digital form:

Open Access Journal: Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni

Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni
ISSN: 0393-4136
"Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni perseguono nel loro campo speciale i fini della scienza e della cultura. Alla scienza storica contribuiscono facendo oggetto di storia la religione nel suo svolgimento. Alla cultura schiudono più larghi orizzonti, promuovendo una maggiore partecipazione del pensiero italiano alla conoscenza di forme e momenti di civiltà meno prossime e meno noti". (Raffaele Pettazzoni)

Il Dipartimento, fin dalla sua istituzione, pubblica la Rivista Studi e materiali di storia delle religioni (SMSR) che, fondata nel 1925 da Raffaele Pettazzoni, dopo aver momentaneamente sospeso la sua attività nel 1969 ed essere stata ripresa nel 1972 come "Religioni e Civiltà" e nel 1977 come "Studi storico-religiosi", ha riassunto lo storico e prestigioso titolo di SMSR nel 1983.

SMSR, che rientra tra le riviste di proprietà dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", ospita saggi e articoli di affermati studiosi italiani e stranieri, pubblicati in varie lingue, ma al tempo stesso è aperta al contributo dei giovani che, per il loro impegno scientifico e la serietà della loro preparazione storico-religiosa, si sono distinti in particolare nell'ambito delle attività istituzionali del Dipartimento.

La rivista è giunta al volume n. 75 (2009) ed è disponibile presso la Biblioteca del Dipartimento

Open Access Journal: Sociedad Española de Bizantinística Boletín

 Sociedad Española de Bizantinística Boletín
El Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística, con una periodicidad trimestral, es un instrumento de difusión del conocimiento de Bizancio y de las actividades de la Sociedad y sus socios. Además de las noticias académicas y las publicaciones de bizantinistas españoles, recoge breves estudios divulgativos sobre gran variedad de aspectos de la presencia de Bizancio en la Península ibérica y de las relaciones entre los reinos peninsulares y Bizancio, en parte organizado en secciones fijas como “Bizancio en la actualidad” o “Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica”.
Boletín 18 (2014)

  1. Acta de la asamblea anual de la S.E.B.
  2. Haendel en Bizancio: La ópera barroca y la historia bizantina.
  3. La Bizantinística en la Universidad española.
  4. La Cantiga 28 de Alfonso X y el asedio de Constantinopla.
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 17 (2013)

  1. XVI jornadas de Bizancio: el mundo bizantino y el Occidente europeo
  2. Los mosaicos bizantinos del mihrab de Córdoba
  3. El icono bizantino de Jaime I el Conquistador (Jaume el Conqueridor)
  4. Tesis doctorales y tesis de máster
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 16 (2013)

  1. Rodríguez Adrados y Bizancio: una relación tormentosa
  2. La guardia de "jenízaros" catalanes del emperador bizantino (segunda mitad del s. XVI - primera mitad del s. XV)
  3. Besarión en Roma
  4. Bibliografía
  5. Reforma de los estatutos de la A.I.E.B. (Association Internationale des Études Byzantines)
Boletín 15 (2013)

  1. Acta de la asamblea anual de la S.E.B.
  2. «Chipre, entre Bizancio y Occidente (siglos IV-XVI)», exposición en el museo del Louvre (28 octubre 2012 - 28 enero 2013)
  3. El culto a la Virgen en Constantinopla, Πόλις τῆς Θεοτόκου, según el Tarraconensis 55
  4. Un plato del Louvre
  5. Actividades bizantinas en el sureste peninsular
  6. Bibliografía
Boletín 14 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: furia iconoclasta en Mali
  2. Actividades divulgativas sobre la época bizantina en Cartagena
  3. Un cinocéfalo egipcio en el corazón de Segovia
  4. Efemérides olvidadas: 1800 años de romanidad
  5. Un emperador deformado por la peste: Justiniano
  6. Bibliografía
  7. Proyectos en curso (IV)
Boletín 13 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: Grecia hoy y Bizancio
  2. La entrada de Roger de Flor en Constantinopla
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Proyectos en curso (III)
Boletín 12 (2012)

  1. Bizancio de actualidad: la polémica en la U.E. sobre los límites de Europa: el papel de Bizancio
  2. Los frescos de la sala capitular del monasterio de Sigena (Huesca)
  3. Joan de Peralta: un catalán encargado de la restauración de Santa Sofía y gobernador de Constantinopla durante el reinado de Juan VI Cantacuzeno (1347-1354)
  4. Bibliografía
  5. Proyectos en curso (II)
Boletín 11 (2012)

  1. Resumen de la asamblea general de la S.E.B.
  2. La Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro, el icono bizantino con más devoción en España
  3. Griegos en la Barcelona medieval
  4. Proyectos en curso (I)
  5. ¿Bizancio de actualidad?
  6. Premios
  7. Bibliografía
Boletín 10 (2011)

  1. XXII Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bizantinos (Sofia, 22-27 de agosto de 2011)
  2. Los últimos bizantinos en España y la fortaleza de Alaró
  3. Bibliografía
Boletín 9 (2011)

  1. Bizancio en el próximo congreso de la S.E.E.C.
  2. El periplo de un capitel bizantino en España
  3. De digitalibus et in interrete mostratis imaginibus Graeocrum manuscriptorum
  4. Sección de tesis
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 8 (2011)

  1. Acta de la asamblea
  2. Conferencia de Paolo Odorico
  3. Los mosaicos de la villa de Noheda
  4. Cómo una emperatriz de Bizancio acabó vestida de labradora valenciana
  5. Bibliografía
  6. Resolución del acertijo
Boletín 7 (2010)

  1. Reunión de la directiva de la S.E.B.
  2. Heraclio y la recuperación de la Santa Cruz
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Crónica académica
  5. Acertijo
Boletín 6 (2010)

  1. La irradiación de la cultura bizantina
  2. Περα Γαδειρας o los límites del conocimiento humano
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Tesis doctorales defendidas
Boletín 5 (2010)

  1. Investigaciones recientes sobre Bizancio y España
  2. Hallazgo de dos representaciones de acritas en Koron
  3. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica (IV)
  4. Lectura de tesis doctorales
  5. Bibliografía
Boletín 4 (2010)

  1. Balance del segundo año de la S.E.B.
  2. XV Jornadas de Bizancio en Ceuta
  3. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica (III)
  4. Tesis doctorales relacionadas con la Antigüedad Tardía y Bizancio
  5. Bibliografía
  6. Necrológica: Mark Lawrence Sosower (1949-2009)
Boletín 3 (2009)

  1. Actas de la asamblea
  2. Excavaciones arqueológicas en el cerro del Molinete de Cartagena
  3. Bibliografía
Boletín 2 (2009)

  1. Anuncio de asamblea
  2. Socios institucionales
  3. Logos
  4. Planes de estudio
  5. Archivo gráfico de Bizancio y la península Ibérica
  6. Bizancio en pantalla
Boletín 1 (2009)

  1. Bienvenida a los socios
  2. Noticia sobre la exposición «Le Mont Athos et l'Empire Byzantin, Trésors de la Sainte Montagne», Petit-Palais (París, 10 abril - 13 julio 2009)
  3. Bibliografía
  4. Logos

H. Craig Melchert's Publications Online

Ablative and Instrumental in Hittite (unpublished Harvard Ph.D. dissertation, 1977).
Studies in Hittite Historical Phonology, Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1984, 176pp.Lycian Lexicon, self-published, Chapel Hill, 1989, iv + 122pp.Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 298pp. luvlexLycian Lexicon (2nd revised edition), self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 130pp.Anatolian Historical Phonology, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1994, iv + 457pp.A Dictionary of the Lycian Language, Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor/New York, 2004, xvii + 
     138 pp.www.beechstave.com
A Grammar of the Hittite Language (with Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake,
      2008, xxii + 468 pp. (Part 1), 75 pp. (Part 2)
Edited books:
MírCurad.  Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, InstitutfürSprachwissenschaft der Universität
Innsbruck, Innsbruck,1998, xviii+715 pp (chief editor, with Jay Jasanoff and Lisi Oliver)The Luwians(Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section One, Near and Middle East Volume 68),
     Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2003, xix+383 pp addenda&corrigenda
1. 'Hittite ašša- anzašša-,'Revue hittite et asianique31 (1973) [1976] 57-70 hassa-
'Secondary Derivatives in -- in the Rigveda,'Harvard Indo-European Studies 2 (1975) 163-
'"Exceptions" to ExceptionlessSound Laws,'Lingua 35 (1975) 135-153 exceptions
'Tocharian Verb Stems in -tk-,'ZeitschriftfürVergleichendeSprachforschung91 (1977)
     93-130 tk-verbs
'The Acts of Hattušili I,'Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37 (1978) 1-22 hattusiliI

6. 'On §§56, 162 and 171 of the Hittite Laws,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 31 (1979) 57-64
'Three Hittite Etymologies,'ZeitschriftfürVergleichendeSprachforschung93 (1979)
262-271 3hittiteetymologies
'The Use of IKU in Hittite Texts,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 32 (1980) 50-56 IKUinhittite
9. 'Some Aspects of "Aspect" in Mandarin Chinese,'Linguistics18 (1980) 635-654
'The Hittite Word for "Son",'IndogermanischeForschungen85 (1980) 90-95
'"God-Drinking":  a Syntactic Transformation in Hittite,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 9
     (1981) 245-254god-drinking
'The Second Singular Personal Pronoun in Anatolian,'MünchenerStudienzurSprach-
     wissenschaft42 (1983) 151-165 2ndsingularpronoun
'A "New" PIE *men Suffix,'Die Sprache29 (1983) 1-26 men-suffix
'Pudenda Hethitica,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 35 (1983) 137-145 pudenda
'Notes on Palaic,'ZeitschriftfürVergleichendeSprachforschung 98 (1984) 22-43
'Hittite immaand Latin immo,'ZeitschriftfürVergleichendeSprachforschung98 (1985)
     184-205 imma
'Hittite uwašand Congeners,'IndogermanischeForschungen 91 (1986) 102-115 uwas
'Proto-Indo-European Velars in Luvian,' in Studies in Memory of  WarrenCowgill(ed.
     Calvert Watkins)(1987)182-204 gscowgill
'Reflexes of *h3in Anatolian,'Die Sprache33 (1987) 19-28 h3inAnatolian
'Final -r in Hittite,' in A Linguistic Happening in Memory of Ben Schwarz (ed. Yoël
     Arbeitman) (1988) 215-234 final-r
'"Thorn" and "Minus" in Hieroglyphic Luvian Orthography,'Anatolian Studies 38 (1988)
29-42 thorn&minus
'Luvian Lexical Notes,'HistorischeSprachforschung 101 (1988) 211-243 luvlexnotes
23. 'New Luvo-Lycian Isoglosses,'HistorischeSprachforschung102 (1989) 23-45 luvo-lycian24. 'PIE "dog" in Hittite?'MünchenerStudienzurSprachwissenschaft50 (1989) 97-101 dog
'Adjective Stems in *-iyo- in Anatolian,'HistorischeSprachforschung 103 (1990) 198-207
'The Lydian Emphasizing and Reflexive Particle -ś/-is,'Kadmos30/2(1991) 131-142 
'Death and the Hittite King,' in Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture and
     Religion.  Studies in Honourof Edgar C. Polomé (ed. Roger Pearson) (1991) 1.182-188
'Relative Chronology and Anatolian:  the Vowel System' in Rekonstruktionund Relative
     Chronologie, Akten der VIII.Fachtagung der indogermanischenGesellschaft(ed. R.
     Beekes et al.) (1992) 41-53 relchron
'The Third Person Present in Lydian,'IndogermanischeForschungen97 (1992) 31-54
'Hittite Vocalism,' in Per unagrammaticaittita (ed. OnofrioCarruba) (1992) 183-196
'The Middle Voice in Lycian,'HistorischeSprachforschung105 (1992)189-199 lycianmiddle
'A New Interpretation of Lines c 3-9 of the Xanthos Stele,' in Aktendes II.Internationalen
     Lykien-Symposions(edd. J.Borchhardt& G. Dobesch) (1993) 1.31-34 xanthosc3-9
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'Historical Phonology of Anatolian,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 21 (1993) 237-257
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 A. Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005)
     535-536 payne
 M. Popko, Völker und SprachenAltanatoliens, inJournal of the American Oriental Society
      128 (2008) 763-764 popko2008
 H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften. Die Felsreliefs der hethitischenGroßreichszeit
     in der Türkei, in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 68 (2009) 147-148 ehringhaus
 M. Hale, Historical Linguistics. Theory and Method,in Language 85/1 (2009) 203-206 hale
 G. Neumann, Glossar des Lykischen, in Kratylos 54 (2009) 127-130 neumannglossar
 S. Patri, L’alignmentsyntaxiquedans les langues indo-européennesd’Anatolie, in
      Kratylos 54 (2009) 130-132 patri
Electronic Publications:
'The Trilingual Inscription of the Létôon.  Lycian Version,' posted December, 2000, at
    www.achemenet.com/ pdf/lyciens/letoon.pdf (5 pp.)
'Anatolian Languages' (with Theo van den Hout and Philo H. J. Houwinkten Cate); 'Carian Language; LuwianLanguage; Lycian Language; Lydian Language; Palaic Language'EncyclopaediaBritannica, posted January, 2008 at www.britannica.com/eb/article-74591/Anatolian-languages (18 pp.)
'Local Adverbs In Hittite: Synchrony and Diachrony', Language and Linguistic Compass
      3/2 (2009) 607-620 localadverbs
'Remarks on the Kuttamuwa Stele,'Kubaba1 (2010) 4-11 posted July, 2010 at www.fcsh.unl.pt/~kubaba/KUBABA/
'Hittite and Hieroglyphic Luvianarha‘away’: Common Inheritance or Borrowing?'Contact
      Among Genetically Related Languages, ed. P. Epps, J. Huehnergard, N. Pat-El
      (= Journal of Language Contact 6.2) (2013) 300-312 jcl6
In memoriam AnneliesKammenhuber.  Kratylos43 (1998) 222-224 kammenhuber
Hans Gustav Güterbock.
Oriental Institute 1999-2000 Annual Report (2000) 5-7 güterbock
Erich Neu (1936-1999). Indo-European Studies Bulletin, UCLA 9/2 (2001) 20 neu
In memoriam AlexandrLehrman.Journal of Indo-European Studies 41.1/2 (2013) 311-317
(with IlyaYakubovich) lehrman
In memoriam Calvert Watkins.Journal of Indo-European Studies 41.3/4 (2013) 506-526

Open Access Journal: ANKH : Revue d'Egyptologie et des Civilisations africaines - ANKH, Journal of Egyptology and African Civilisations

[First posted in AWOL 29 October 2009. Updated 27 April 2014]

ANKH : Revue d'Egyptologie et des Civilisations africaines - ANKH, Journal of Egyptology and African Civilisations
La revue ANKH se définit comme le trait d'union vivant entre toutes les générations actuelles de l'Afrique qui tentent de connaître et de faire connaître la culture et les civilisations africaines, depuis les temps les plus reculés de l'histoire, selon les sens et les perspectives du travail, immense et précieux, du professeur Cheikh Anta Diop. 

Toutes les problématiques culturelles, égyptologiques, historiques, linguistiques, artistiques, littéraires, sociologiques, économiques, politiques, scientifiques et technologiques, religieuses et philosophiques ont leur place dans la revue ANKH. Exigences méthodologiques, pertinences interdisciplinaires, ouvertures intellectuelles, sont requises pour ce nouvel esprit nécessaire de la liberté créatrice. 

L'hiéroglyphe sacréD, ANKH, signifie la " Vie ". La revue ANKH voudrait, par conséquent, être le symbole dynamique de la créativité de la jeunesse africaine d'aujourd'hui dont les potentialités ne demandent qu'à être mises au service de l'Afrique, pour la survie des peuples africains, dans un monde qui tend à faire fi des valeurs humaines de solidarité et de partage. 

Dans l'Egypte ancienne, le signe D, ANKH, à un autre niveau d'interprétation, symbolise l'être humain en son intégrité sociale, spirituelle et cosmique : l'anse représente la tête (Raison) ; la barre, les bras (lien entre Ciel et Terre) ; le trait vertical, le corps de l'homme entre Ciel et Terre. Ce qui signifie que l'être humain est intrinsèquement lié à tout le Réel et qu'il n'est qu'une vibration vivante et intelligente du cosmos primitif. 

L'ANKH, symbole puissant s'il en est, noue par conséquent l'homme à la terre, au ciel, au système solaire, au cosmos tout entier. La vie humaine fait partie - est une partie - de l'ensemble des manifestations passées, présentes et futures, de l'Univers changeant, et pourtant toujours le même en son immensité infinie. 
Outil de travail, de solidarité et d'ouverture, telle est la revue ANKH, au nom d'une idée de l'homme et de son destin.
Théophile Obenga

Partially Open Access Journal: ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions  (partially open)
ISSN: 1662-4653

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions est produite et gérée par l'association des étudiants en histoire des religions de l'Université de Genève. Eclectique et ouverte, notre revue donne la parole aussi bien à de jeunes chercheurs qu'à des spécialistes reconnus. Elle demeure sans limite quant aux domaines abordés, tout en plaidant résolument pour une approche historique et anthropologique, un «regard éloigné», ainsi qu'un esprit de liberté et d'humour.

ASDIWAL, revue genevoise d'anthropologie et d'histoire des religions is published and managed by the students in history of religions of the University of Geneva. Eclectic and open-minded, it combines the works of young researchers with those of renowned scholars. Our journal has no limits as to its fields of study, though deliberately pleading for a historical and anthropological approach, an “outsider perspective”, as well as a spirit of humor and liberty.

Homer Marginalia Contest ($1000 prize)

Identify mystery text, win $1000
Example of Mystery Text
Example of Mystery Text
Mystery Text
Mystery Text

Calling all historians of cryptography and stenography, Sherlockians (see “The Dancing Men”), and other amateur detectives!  The collection of Homer editions in the Special Collections Research Center– the  Bibliotheca Homerica Langiana(BHL) – includes a copy of the rare 1504 edition of Homer’s Odyssey that contains, in Book 11 (narrating Odysseus’s journey into Hades) handwritten annotations in a strange and as-yet unidentified script.  This marginalia appears only in the pages of Book 11 of the Odyssey; nowhere else in the volume.  Although the donor of the BHL is suspicious that this odd script is a form of 19th-century shorthand (likely French), he acknowledges that this hypothesis remains unsupported by any evidence offered to date.
The donor of the BHL is offering a prize of $1,000 to the first person who identifies the script, provides evidence to support the conclusion, and executes a translation of selected portions of the mysterious marginalia.  In addition to the photographs in this post, the volume is available to consult in person in the Special Collections reading room.  Please visit the Special Collections website for information about requesting items to get started. The contest is open to all, regardless of University of Chicago affiliation. Please direct submissions to the contest, or questions, to Alice Schreyer, Assistant University Librarian, Humanities and Social Sciences and Rare Books Curator, or Catherine Uecker, Rare Books Librarian.
Homer. Odysseia. Venice: Aldus, 1504. PA4018.A2 1504 vol. 2
Download high resolution page images.
(Note that the unidentified script only appears on these two pages.)

Open Access Journal: Notae Praehistoricae


Virtual Cilicia Project

Virtual Cilicia Project
Surrounded by the steep Taurus and Amanus mountain ranges, the fertile alluvial plain of Cilicia Pedias in modern Turkeyis a true treasury of important monuments from numerous ages. Hittite and Assyrian rock reliefs serve as representations of power at this connection between Anatoliaand the Levant. Since it relies on Goggle Earth, the Virtual Cilicia Project is able to show you these monuments as well as the ruins of Bronze and Iron Age settlements like e.g. Karatepe with its world-famous carved orthostats in their natural environments. Follow the tracks of Alexander the Great, who made a sacrifice to Athena Magarsia at the northernmost point of Plain Cilicia, before he continued to the city of Mallos, which still has not been located despite numerous efforts. Be impressed by the well preserved ruins of the Hellenistic mountain fortress of Karasis, which is situated upon an inaccessible mountain summit and was only discovered as recently as 1994. Explore the hideouts of the dreaded pirates who terrorized the Mediterranean in the 1st century BC before being defeated by Pompeius Magnus, who forced many of them to settle in cities. Wander through Hierapolis, the residence of king Tarkondimotos, who had formerly been a pirate, but eventually was issued command of the region by Pompeius. Discover the foundations of one of the largest temples from the Roman Imperial Age and explore the extensive structures of Late Antique and Early Byzantine villages and settlements. Learn more about the Byzantine Period in Cilicia, the 5th/6th cent. AD existence of which is attested by the impressive remains of churches and fortifications at Anazarbos. Using the timeline integrated in Google Earth allows you to experience the historic development of settlement interactively and documents the gigantic castle building program, which surrounded the Taurus mountain ranges with massive fortifications during the time of the crusades (11th– 13th century AD).The Virtual Cilicia Project’s goal is to document the vast diversity of Cilicia’s history and to present this cultural heritage in the context of its ancient and modern landscape to the expert and the layman. We are continuously adding information on excavation sites and monuments as well as data concerning the landscape’s development, in order to make the understanding of this settlement chamber more accessible. Explore (Virtual) Cilicia– We are looking forward to your visit and your feedback!

Open Access Journal: Annual report / SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Annual report / SOAS, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
The SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements is a review of the year: research, teaching, activities, publications, exhibitions and finance.
The SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements is produced by the Marketing Department.
SOAS Annual Report 2012-13
Download File (pdf; 3mb)
SOAS Financial Statements 2012-13
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2011/12
Download File (pdf; 11mb)
SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2010/11
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2009-10
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2008-09
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2007-08
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SOAS Annual Review and Financial Statements 2006-07
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SOAS Annual Review and Accounts 2005-06
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SOAS Annual Review 2004-05
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SOAS Annual Review 2003-04
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SOAS Annual Review 2002-03
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Open Access e-Book: Blogging Archaeology

Blogging Archaeology- The Book
Doug Rocks-Macqueen
Blogging Archaelogy Cover Image
Blogging archaeology Cover Image
I have not posted for a little while and that is because I have been very busy editing and putting together an eBook- Blogging Archaeology. As I am typing this the SAA session on blogging and archaeology is happening. Chris has launched the book there (not sure if it worked but it is supposed to be a giant projected QR code with a link to the book) and I will do so on this blog.

I will make this short and sweet: read it! It is Open Access i.e. FREE to READ! The authors put in a lot of effort and, while I might be a little bit bias, I think it is an excellent book.

Download it here Blogging Archaeology

Chris has put together a really nifty way to view it magazine style-  http://www.digtech-llc.com/blogarch-ebook/

Open Access Journal: Gallia

 [First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009, updated 30 April 2014]

eISSN - 2109-9588 

Créée par le CNRS, la revue Gallia est, depuis plus d’un demi-siècle, la grande revue de l’archéologie nationale, réputée pour la rigueur de ses textes et la qualité de ses illustrations. Gallia publie des dossiers et des articles de synthèse sur les découvertes et les recherches les plus signifiantes dans le domaine de l’archéologie en France. Son champ chronologique couvre la Protohistoire depuis le premier âge du Fer, l’Antiquité et l’Antiquité tardive jusqu’à la fin des royaumes mérovingiens. Son champ géographique correspond à l’ancien espace gaulois et comprend les Trois Gaules ainsi que les territoires immédiatement limitrophes qui participent à leur destinée. En ce sens, Gallia accueille des articles sur des sites ou des découvertes majeures en France mais aussi dans les pays voisins si leur intérêt concerne la Gaule en général.




New Open Access Journal: BABELAO: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies

BABELAO: Electronic Journal for Ancient and Oriental Studies
ISSN: 2034-9491 
The name BABELAO means « Bulletin of the Abelao », more precisely « Bulletin de l’Académie Belge pour l’Etude des Langues Anciennes et Orientales » (Bulletin of the Belgian Academy for the Study of Ancient and Oriental Languages). ABELAO is a non-profit organization which seeks to promote teaching and research in the various fields of ancient and oriental culture and languages, especially by means of summer-courses on the campus of the University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium).
Its Bulletin, BABELAO, is conceived as a scholarly journal. It covers the various fields of oriental studies : philology, palaeography, history of the ancient and oriental world, language history, comparative literature, edition of texts, etc. Its Editorial Board, the members of which are recruited internationally, brings together scholars who are able to provide expertise in all the required fields. The members are: Alessandro Bausi (Hamburg), Anne Boud'hors (Paris), Antoine Cavigneaux (Geneva), Sabino Chialà (Bose), Bernard Coulie (Louvain-la-Neuve), Alain Delattre (Brussels), Didier Devauchelle (Lille), Johannes Den Heijer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Jean-Charles Ducène (Brussels), J.Keith Elliott (Leeds), Jean-Daniel Macchi (Geneva), Michael Marx (Berlin), Claude Obsomer (Louvain-la-Neuve), Agnès Ouzounian (Paris), Tamara Pataridzé (Louvain-la-Neuve), Paul-Hubert Poirier (Québec), Véronique Somers (Paris, Louvain-la-Neuve), David Taylor (Oxford) and Anton Vojtenko (Moscow). 

BABELAO 3 (2014)

  >BABELAO 2 (2013)
  >BABELAO 1 (2012) 

Open Access Series: Ägyptologische Forschungen

Ägyptologische Forschungen (From the Oriental Institute Research Archives)
  1. Käthe Bosse, Die menschliche Figur in der Rundplastik derägyptischen Spätzeit von der XXII. bis zur XXX. Dynastie, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1936.
  2. Otto Koenigsberger, Die Konstruktion der ägyptischen Tür, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1936.
  3. Hellmut Brunner, Die Anlagen der ägyptischen Felsgräber biszum Mittleren Reich, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1936
  4. Wilhelm Hölscher, Libyer und Ägypter. Beiträge zurEthnologie und Geschichte libyscher Völkerschaften nach denaltägyptischen Quellen, 2nd unrev. ed., Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1955
  5. Hellmut Brunner, Die Texte aus den Gräbern derHerakleopolitenzeit von Siut mit Übersetzung und Erläuterungen, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1937.
  6. Emma Brunner-Traut, Der Tanz im alten Ägypten nachbildlichen und inschriftlichen Zeugnissen, [2nd unrev. ed.], Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1958.
  7. Hugo Müller, Die formale Entwicklung der Titulatur derägyptischen Könige, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1938.
  8. Helmuth Jacobsohn, Die dogmatische Stellung des Königsin der Theologie der alten Ägypter. - Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1939.
  9. Hans Wolfgang Müller, Die Felsengräber der Fürstenvon Elephantine aus der Zeit des Mittleren Reiches, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1940.
  10. Erwin Seidl, Einführung in die ägyptische Rechtsgeschichtebis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches, 2nd suppl. ed., Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1951.
  11. Alfred Hermann, Die Stelen der thebanischen Felsgräberder 18. Dynastie, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1940.
  12. Hanns Stock, Studien zur Geschichte und Archäologieder 13. bis 17. Dynastie Ägyptens unter besonderer Berücksichtigungder Skarabäen dieser Zwischenzeit, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1942.
  13. Hellmut Brunner, Die Lehre des Cheti, Sohnes des Duauf, Glückstadt / Hamburg, 1944.
  14. Helene von Zeissl, Äthiopen und Assyrer in Ägypten.Beiträge zur Geschichte der ägyptischen "Spätzeit", 2nd unrev. ed., Glückstadt / Hamburg, 1955.
  15. Ursula Schweitzer, Löwe und Sphinx im alten Ägypten, Glückstadt / Hamburg, 1948.
  16. Jürgen von Beckerath, Tanis und Theben. HistorischeGrundlagen der Ramessidenzeit in Ägypten, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1951.
  17. Liselotte Greven, Der Ka in Theologie und Königskult derÄgypter des Alten Reiches, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1952.
  18. Wolfgang Helck, Untersuchungen zu den Beamtentitelndes ägyptischen Alten Reiches, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1954.
  19. Ursula Schweitzer, Das Wesen des Ka im Diesseits undJenseits der alten Ägypter, Glückstadt / Hamburg / New York, 1956. 

The Dorothy Garrod Photographic Archive

The Dorothy Garrod Photographic Archive
This website gives research access to around 750 negatives taken by Dorothy Garrod (1892–1968) mostly relating to archaeological research in present-day Israel in the early 1930s. Garrod is a major figure, both in British archaeology and academia more generally, having been the first prehistorian, and first woman, to be elected to a professorship (Disney Professor of Archaeology) at Cambridge University, a post which she held from 1939 until 1952. Trained by R. R. Marett at Oxford and the Abbé Henri Breuil in France, she was famed for her excavations in Gibraltar, Palestine, Southern Kurdistan, Anatolia, and Bulgaria. She discovered the well-preserved skull fragments of 'Abel', a Neanderthal child, in Gibraltar, identified the Natufian culture while excavating Shukbah near Jerusalem, led long term excavations at Mt Carmel, established the Palaeolithic succession for that important region and then travelled, in 1938, to explore the important Palaeolithic cave of Bacho Kiro in Bulgaria. 

Her important collection of original negatives was donated to the Pitt Rivers Museum by her prehistorian colleague and executor Suzanne Cassou de Saint Mathurin in 1986. A further important collection of Garrod's prints and documents exists in the Mathurin collection at the Musée des Antiquités Nationales, St Germain-en-Laye, France.

At present the collection is documented briefly according to original notes. It is hoped that this website will allow researchers to help improve the descriptions and interpretations of the material. Correspondence: ms-photo.colls@prm.ox.ac.uk

Source: http://web.prm.ox.ac.uk/garrod/index.html#ixzz30TmetRfm
The Dorothy Garrod image gallery is organized according to accession number and is not necessarily chronological or grouped by archaeological site. Click on a thumbnail to see detail page, with options to view a larger image and download it for academic research and personal use only. All images are copyright Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford.

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