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de commentariis α (on commentaries)

de commentariis α (on commentaries)
Welcome to De Commentariis, crowd-sourcing commentaries — alpha edition. This (prototype) site is all about commentaries on ancient texts. Here you can construct your own commentaries on ancient texts, and view commentaries others have made


  • Create commentary items on any available ancient text
  • View other commentary items created by other users
  • Vote items from other users to increase their reputation
  • Filter items by reputation level
  • View individual users commentaries

a note about the works available

We are reliant on works and editions from the Perseus project (see credits) which have been ported to the standard "CTS XML TEI" format. There are many texts which are missing, especially Greek ones (we also haven't yet done the job of converting the Greek text encoding to Unicode, so it looks like gibberish). Also some editions claim to be in the database but no actual text is available due to parsing errors. Poetry formats are particularly tricky. These sorts of errors will gradually be corrected over time, please have patience (the project founder is a Livy specialist and Livy isn't yet available so please have pity!).

New Open Access Journal: Journal of Lithic Studies

Journal of Lithic Studies
ISSN: 2055-0472 (Online) 
The Journal of Lithic Studies is a peer-reviewed open access journal which focuses on archaeological research into the manufacture and use of stone tools, as well as the origin and properties of the raw materials used in their production. The journal does not focus on any specific geographic region or time period.
The Journal of Lithic Studies publishes several main types of articles: research articles, short reports, and methodology demonstrations. The journal also publishes special category articles such as editorials, summary or synthesis articles, interviews, and reviews of books and events. Authors who are interested in writing special category articles should contact the editor to discuss this in advance. You may contact the editor in advance (with a manuscript or abstract) if you have any questions on whether a particular manuscipt would be of a suitable topic for this journal.

The Journal of Lithic Studies is published online and is freely available to the general public in the spirit of open scholarship. (There are no fees to download articles, nor are there any fees to submit, review or publish articles.) As an electronic publication, we encourage authors to take advantage of the wide variety of media available in this format in addition to those available in the traditional paper format. For details on manuscript formatting and layout, please see the instructions for authors page. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the "submissions" page.

Journal of Lithic Studies. (2014) Volume 1, Number 1.
Volume dedicated to the International Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials. Iaşi, 20-24 August 2013.

Table of Contents

Research Articles

Intra-raw material variability and use-wear accrual: A continuing explorationPDF
Harry J. Lerner
The LithicUB project: A virtual lithotheque of siliceous rocks at the University of BarcelonaPDF
Marta Sánchez, Mar Rey, Núria Rodríguez, Azucena Casado, Bárbara Medina, Xavier Mangado

Summary, synthesis, and annotated bibliography articles

A note on the term ‘lithic’PDF
George (Rip) Rapp


Biography of Ele “Tony” Baker (1944—2012)PDF
Robert Patten

Société d'Égyptologie, Genève: Archives Robert Hari

Société d'Égyptologie, Genève: Archives Robert Hari
Robert Hari (1922-1988)
BSÉG 12 (1988), pp. 4-7.

Bibliographie de Robert Hari
BSÉG 13 (1989), pp. 4-7.

Dossier RH_01
Tombe thébaine 255 (TT 255), chapelle de la tombe de Roÿ

Dossier RH_02
Tombe thébaine 255 (TT 255), chapelle de la tombe de Roÿ

Dossier RH_03
Tombe thébaine 255 (TT 255), chapelle de la tombe de Roÿ

Dossier RH_04
Objets photographiés en Égypte

Dossier RH_05
Textes copiés dans différents musées

Dossier RH_06
Scarabées du Musée d’art et d’histoire (Genève)

Dossier RH_07
Blocs du temple de Toutânkhamon/Aÿ à Karnak

Tous les documents iconographiques inédits sont reproduits.
Dans la mesure où leur qualité le suggère, ils peuvent être téléchargés en haute définition.
Robert Hari

Shared Shelf Commons Image Collections

Shared Shelf Commons
Shared Shelf Commons is a free, open-access library of images. Search and browse collections with tools to zoom, print, export, and share images. Institutions that subscribe to Shared Shelf, a Web-based service for cataloging and managing digital collections, can share their images with the world via the Commons.
Currently available collections relating to Antiquity include:
Cornell: Cast Collection (769 images)
Cornell: Coins Collection (1791 images)

Cornell: Mysteries at Eleusis: Images of Inscriptions (842 images)

Open Access Journal: Camenae

[First posted in AWOL 17 February 2010. Updated 4 March 2014]

ISSN : 2102-5541
La revue Camenae publie en ligne des numéros thématiques, reflétant les intérêts de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances »), c’est-à-dire l’exploration de la philosophie, de la littérature et des arts du monde romain antique, de la relation entre ces disciplines et de leur réception au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance.
Elle est placée sous les auspices des « Camènes », ces nymphes prophétiques des bois et des sources, bien vite assimilées aux Muses par les Romains et tout aussi familières aux humanistes, pour que ce titre illustre à la fois la latinité, les « nœuds entre les arts » et la translatio imperii et studii, qui seront au cœur de nos préoccupations. La revue n’est pas pour autant réservée aux membres de l’Equipe, mais est au contraire heureuse d’accepter toute proposition pour des numéros construits autour d’un thème précis et conçus dans le même esprit, pour une approche de la culture classique (en latin et aussi en vulgaire) dans la pluridisciplinarité et la diachronie ; nous publions volontiers aussi le cas échéant des numéros réservés à l’Antiquité, ou au Moyen Âge ou à la Renaissance. Nous sommes également ravis de mêler, dans les numéros de Camenae, les textes de collègues chevronnés à des travaux de collègues plus jeunes. Les langues européennes les plus courantes (français, anglais, allemand, néerlandais, italien, espagnol) sont en usage pour les contributions. Les revues en lignes offrent des facilités de diffusion, une simplification relative de la logistique, la rapidité de l’information. Elles permettent au lecteur d’imprimer facilement, en format PDF non modifiable, l’article de son choix. Elles sont pourtant encore considérées avec un peu de méfiance dans le monde des lettres.
    Numéros parus :
    • Camenae n°1 - janvier 2007 :Philosophie, rhétorique et poétique de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance. (Colloque des jeunes chercheurs de l’EA 4081 « Rome et ses renaissances », Paris IV, juin 2006)
      remarque : Ce premier numéro "spécial" comprend exclusivement des articles des jeunes chercheurs de l’Equipe "Rome et ses renaissances" (Master 1, Master 2, doctorants et quelques docteurs récents), que nous avions réunis en colloque en juin 2006. Nous leur avons dédié la création de cette revue et nous avons été fiers d’inaugurer Camenae avec ce premier recueil, dont l’enthousiasme juvénile n’exclut ni la maîtrise, ni l’érudition.
    • Camenae n°2 - avril 2007 :Roma aeterna : voir, dire et penser Rome de l’Antiquité au XVIe siècle
    • Camenae n° 3 - novembre 2007 :Translations. Pratiques de traduction et transferts de sens à la Renaissance.
    • Camenae n° 4 - juin 2008 : sous la direction de Sandra Provini (Paris VII-TAM) : un numéro centré sur la notion d’« héroïque » dans diverses cultures
    • Camenae n° 5 - 30 novembre 2008 : sous la direction de Christine Pigné et de Virginie Leroux : un numéro centré sur la représentation du sommeil dans l’Antiquité et à la Renaissance
    • Camenae n°6 - 15 juin 2009 : sous la direction de Sarah Charbonnier et Mélanie Bost-Fiévet Nouveaux regards sur le monde des arts à la Renaissance, (séminaire Artes, rue d’Ulm)
    • Camenae n°7 - 15 octobre 2009 : sous la direction de Frédéric Nau et Florence Klein : Autoportraits de poètes : les paratopies romaines et leur postérité
    • Camenae n°8 - décembre 2010 : 1. sous la direction de Nicolas Corréard, Alice Vintenon et Christine Pigné : L’imagination/la fantaisie de l’Antiquité au XVIIe siècle. 2. sous la direction de Florent Rouillé : La poésie médiévale entre langues latine et vernaculaire
    • Camenae n°9 - juin 2011  : sous la direction de Marie-François André et Mélanie Bost-Fievet : La représentation des élites : aristocraties politiques et aristocraties intellectuelles
    • Camenae n°10 - février 2012  : sous la direction de Marion Arnaud, Manuela Diliberto et Mélanie Lucciano : La représentation : enjeux littéraires, artistiques et philosophiques, de l’antiquité au XIXe siècle
    • Camenae n°11 - avril 2012  : sous la direction de Sylvie Labarre : Présence et visages de Venance Fortunat
    • Camenae n°13 - octobre 2012  : sous la direction de Nathalie Dauvois et Michel Magnien : Horace à la Renaissance
    • Camenae n°14 - novembre 2012  : sous la direction de Susanna Gambino Longo : La géographie des humanistes
    • Camenae n°15 - mai 2013  : sous la direction d’Alice Vintenon, Adeline Desbois, Rachel Darmon et Arnaud Laimé : Curieux et curiosités de Pontano à Sorel

      New Open Access Journal: Göbekli Tepe Newsletter

      Göbekli Tepe Newsletter
      This year marks the 20th anniversary of archaeological research at Göbekli Tepe. Looking back over the past two decades, it is safe to say that Göbekli Tepe has not only provided us with new and unexpected insights, forcing us to reconsider many previous assumptions with respect to the early Neolithic period (the transition from mobile hunter-gatherers to sedentary food-producing lifeways), further the site has seen itself catapulted by the world media into the consciousness of many, fuelling the imagination and giving rise to some very diverse lines of serious (and less serious) enquiry and speculation.

      Over the years, Göbekli Tepe has moved increasingly into the centre of public interest. Meanwhile, in addition to a series of popular science films and publications, there is a large and steadily growing number of people who wish to experience this unique site at first hand; remarkably, on busy days our excavations attract up to 1.000 visitors. This has opened up a challenging new field of activity for the project team: the mediation of our knowledge to the interested public. This is achieved, for example, through regular publications and lectures, as well as by frequent photo exhibitions and visits to local schools in Urfa. And now through our new newsletter!
      Learn more about the scientific work, exhibition projects, forthcoming events or new publications and download the first issue here:

      Newsletter Göbekli Tepe first issue (PDF 3,8MB)

      New Book from the Oriental Institute: OIP 139. Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the “Megiddo Stages”): A Report on the Early Occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo (Results of the Oriental Institute’s Excavations, 1925-1933).

      OIP 139. Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the “Megiddo Stages”): A Report on the Early Occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo (Results of the Oriental Institute’s Excavations, 1925-1933).
      By Eliot Braun, with David Ilan, Ofer Marder, Yael Braun, and Sariel Shalev. 2013.
      Download PDF 
      Terms of Use
       Oriental Institute  Publications (OIP)139

      Between 1925 and early 1933 the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute’s expedition to Megiddo created a large dumping area in a convenient locale to the southeast of the high mound for fills removed from excavations on the upper tell. So that the new dumps would not additionally cover any ancient remains in the vicinity of the tell, that area the excavators labeled the “East Slope” was systematically and incrementally stripped bare of its soil overburden and archaeological deposits down to bedrock. Excavations on that rocky East Slope unearthed a patchy and confusing series of sequences of human utilization, most of which could not be easily correlated with finds on the high mound.
      Although a final report on the excavation of the East Slope was planned, the vagaries of the several excavators’ careers, their states of health, and cessation of the expedition’s work due to World War II effectively prevented creation of final reports for that and other areas of the site. Until the present the sole published evidence for the East Slope (sometimes, albeit erroneously, known as the “Megiddo Stages”) was confined to several preliminary reports, all published prior to the second half of the last century. The present work synthesizes all available documentary and artifactual evidence, most unpublished, found in two primary repositories, the Oriental Institute in Chicago and the Israel Antiquities Authority in Jerusalem. The aim of this project was to recreate a detailed and definitive account of the archaeological record of the East Slope unearthed by its excavators, as far as it is possible more than eight decades after the excavations’ completion.
      This report presents never before published plans, photographs, descriptions from field diaries, and stratigraphic observations that show clear evidence of architectural remains, caves, niches and quarries, tombs, and both rock-cut and built installations in select and non-contiguous locales, as well as artifacts associated with the earliest periods found on the East Slope, dating from the Neolithic period through the Early Bronze Age. This report also offers limited documentation of human activity there in later periods. These are found primarily in documentation of vestiges of numerous constructions, many superimposed on late prehistoric remains, and in evidence of extensive quarrying activity in bedrock.
      In addition to detailed descriptions of remains and finds from the early periods, the authors have analyzed and interpreted the significance of the archaeological record in light of modern scholarship, with special attention paid to results of more recent excavation reports on sites within the region. Discussions concern the chronology of East Slope deposits, chrono-cultural attributions and associations of ceramic, groundstone, and chipped stone artifacts as well as the significance of architectural, mortuary, and regional traditions. Those issues are synthesized in summaries that set forth their socio-chronological implications for understanding the late prehistory of the southern Levant.
      Table Of Contents

      • Chapter 1. Introduction to the East Slope
      • Chapter 2. Early Deposits on the East Slope
      • Chapter 3. Artifacts from the East Slope
      • Chapter 4. Sealings, Potters’ Marks, and Potmarks from the East Slope
      • Chapter 5. The Chipped Stone Collection from the Oriental Institute’s Excavation of the East Slope and the High Mound. Ofer Marder
      • Chapter 6. The Early Bronze Age Tombs of Megiddo: A Reappraisal. David Ilan
      • Chapter 7. Human Activity on the East Slope: A Summary
      • Appendices
      • Index of Acquisition and Field Numbers
      • Plates

      • Oriental Institute Publications 139
      • Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2013
      • Pp. xxxii + 174; 34 figures, 98 plates, 22 tables
      • ISBN 978-1-885923-98-1
      • $75.00

      And for an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see

      Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles - Created by the Data Citation Synthesis Group, FORCE11

      Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles - Created by the Data Citation Synthesis Group,FORCE11


      Sound, reproducible scholarship rests upon a foundation of robust, accessible data.  For this to be so in practice as well as theory, data must be accorded due importance in the practice of scholarship and in the enduring scholarly record.  In other words, data should be considered legitimate, citable products of research.  Data citation, like the citation of other evidence and sources, is good research practice and is part of the scholarly ecosystem supporting data reuse.
      In support of this assertion, and to encourage good practice, we offer a set of guiding principles for data within scholarly literature, another dataset, or any other research object.  
      These principles are the synthesis of work by a number of groups.  As we move into the next phase, we welcome your participation and endorsement of these principles.


      The Data Citation Principles cover purpose, function and attributes of citations.  These principles recognize the dual necessity of creating citation practices that are both human understandable and machine-actionable.  
      These citation principles are not comprehensive recommendations for data stewardship.  And, as practices vary across communities and technologies will evolve over time, we do not include recommendations for specific implementations, but encourage communities to develop practices and tools that embody these principles.
      The principles are grouped so as to facilitate understanding, rather than according to any perceived criteria of importance.
      1. Importance

        Data should be considered legitimate, citable products of research. Data citations should be accorded the same importance in the scholarly record as citations of other research objects, such as publications[1].
      2. Credit and Attribution

        Data citations should facilitate giving scholarly credit and normative and legal attribution to all contributors to the data, recognizing that a single style or mechanism of attribution may not be applicable to all data[2].
      3. Evidence

        In scholarly literature, whenever and wherever a claim relies upon data, the corresponding data should be cited[3].
      4. Unique Identification

        A data citation should include a persistent method for identification that is machine actionable, globally unique, and widely used by a community[4].
      5. Access

        Data citations should facilitate access to the data themselves and to such associated metadata, documentation, code, and other materials, as are necessary for both humans and machines to make informed use of the referenced data[5].
      6. Persistence

        Unique identifiers, and metadata describing the data, and its disposition, should persist --  even beyond the lifespan of the data they describe[6].
      7. Specificity and Verifiability 

        Data citations should facilitate identification of, access to, and verfication of the specific data that support a claim.  Citations or citation metadata should include information about provenance and fixity sufficient to facilitate verfiying that the specific timeslice, version and/or granular portion of data retrieved subsequently is the same as was originally cited[7].
      8. Interoperability and flexibility

        Data citation methods should be sufficiently flexible to accommodate the variant practices among communities, but should not differ so much that they compromise interoperability of data citation practices across communities[8].
        For further information glossary, examples and references

      Open Access Monographic Series: Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS)

      Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS)

      For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

      Open Access Journal: The Historical Review/La Revue Historique

       [First posted in AWOL 29 October 2009, update 5 March 2014]

      The Historical Review/La Revue Historique

      The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique is an annual refereed journal of historical research in the human sciences published by the Department of Neohellenic Research (DNR) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) since 2004.It was established as a medium of communication and exchange of ideas with colleagues around the world. We invite original papers and critical perspectives from a wide range of fields within Modern Greek studies, but are not limited to it. Our intention is to provide a medium of dialogue and reflection in the broad field of historical study in the human sciences. In the effort to intensify scholarly dialogue the INR has decided to take advantage of electronic publishing to provide open access to the full content of the journal. A fully electronic publication management system ensures a speedy process, and offers authors the ability to follow the progress of their manuscripts through the publication process. Revised manuscripts of accepted articles are published immediately upon submission of the final version. Each volume comprises the total of the articles published during the year. The print edition appears at the end of every year.  The National Documentation Centre of Greece (EKT), also part of the NHRF, provides publication management and technical support for the electronic publication of The Historical Revue / La Revue Historique.

      ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

       [First posted in AWOL 7 May 2012, updated 5 March 2014]

      ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

        About ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

        • Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection. As always, we are grateful for the Perseus Project's generosity in sharing their data. None of this would be possible without their commitment to open access. To improve the chronological range for which the dictionaries are useful, we have added DuCange (see below), and to enhance this site as both a research and a pedagogical tool, we add information based on corpus data in the right side bar, as well as references to chapters in standard textbooks. More such 'widgets' will be added over time, along with, we hope, still more dictionaries.
        • Update December 2013:We are delighted to announce that we are adding the premier dictionary for Ancient Greek, the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE), to Logeion. Both for entries from DGE and from DuCange, we will include a link to these dictionaries' home sites for every entry we display. As we work on displaying these entries better, we recommend (also) visiting the home sites, which look positively elegant. This update also brings the Latin-Dutch dictionary, LaNe, up to date with the printed 6th edition, which will be coming out soon.
        • Update October 2013: Logeion is now available as an app for iOS, so that you can consult it even without a working internet connection. Find the Logeion app in Apple's app store.
        • Update January 2012: We have now added a Latin-Dutch dictionary to the collection: The Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands. One notable feature of this dictionary, for those who do not speak Dutch, is that a lot of attention has been paid to ensure accuracy of vowel length for the lexical entries. For further information see below.

        Using ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

        • Learning to use Logeion to look up words should be straightforward. Start typing in (the first few letters of) the headword (or lemma) for the entry (transliteration is an option for Greek words) and the word wheel will spin to what we hope will be the right destination. Enter a minimum of three characters, and the system will attempt to suggest entries in the neighborhood.
        • Details, details: When you are typing in a word, Logeion will consult its database and suggest Greek or Latin lookalikes. If you are typing in transliterated Greek, pick the suggested Greek word when it appears in the drop down menu. If you simply hit enter (or click on the 'Go' button) after typing 'logos', the system will take your input literally, and direct you to the entry for 'logos' in the Latin dictionaries. Note that the system is a rather poor student of the Greek alphabet - words in the suggestion list will not quite show up in the order you expect.
        • If you are trying to determine the right dictionary entry for an inflected word, you have two options. Simply start typing the first few characters, and Logeion might already direct you correctly. But when things get more complicated, you can type in the complete word (for Greek, this requires full diacritics).
        • If the word occurs as an inflected word in our database, Logeion will suggest a lemma or lemmas for it. You can hover over the lemma to see its choice of parses. Double-clicking on words within the dictionary entries and example sentences will allow you to go to the entry for that word - provided that the database has the right parse, of course, or that by happenstance, it lands you in the right position in the alphabet.



          This website is devoted to archaeological and historical research in the area of the ancient near-eastern kingdom of "Biainili", better known by the Assyrian name "Urartu". This is the area of Eastern Turkey, North-Western Iran, Armenia and parts of Azerbaijan.

          Alpheios Latin, Greek, and Arabic Enhanced Texts

          [First posted in AWOL  10 March 2010. Most recently updated 7 March 2014]

          The goal of the Alpheios project is to help people learn how to learn languages as efficiently and enjoyably as possible, and in a way that best helps them understand their own literary heritage and culture, and the literary heritage and culture of other peoples throughout history.
          Our initial focus will be on classical literature in languages no longer spoken, such as Latin and ancient Greek. The influence of these classics, like the river Alpheios, still runs like a subterranean stream deep beneath the contemporary world, as artists and thinkers continue to draw inspiration from them.
          We hope that Alpheios will eventually include a wide variety of languages, ancient and modern. By utilizing contemporary technology that is both flexible and adaptive, Alpheios should make language learning both easier and more immediately rewarding. By sharing these tools and the source code in which they are written freely on the Web, the Alpheios Project also hopes to encourage their collaborative development.
          The software is currently in Beta release, with all the caveats normally associated with that level of development.

          Alpheios Texts

          Text Enhancements:
          • TEI with Syntax Diagrams
          • TEI with Translation
          • TEI XML

          Open Access Journal: АРХЕОЛОГIЯ: Науковий журнал Інституту археології НАН України електронна версія

          АРХЕОЛОГIЯ: Науковий журнал Інституту археології НАН України електронна версія (ARCHAEOLOGY: Scientific journal of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences in Ukraine electronic edition)

           full texts (in ukrainian)
          See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies



          Giza 3D is a complex project, involving collaboration, and man- agement of a huge wealth of data in an attractive, realistic and user-friendly presentation. It is a perfect demonstration of the power of 3D in the service of specialized research on the one hand, and the sharing of knowledge with all types of people on the other. 

          For the first time, the latest and most exhaustive information available on the Giza Necropolis will be made available to ev- eryone through a realistic experience that can satisfy mere cu- riosity or encourage more demanding research inquiries.
          Who knows, we may even find the next George Reisner among the visitors to Giza 3D...

          Open Access Journal: Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies

          [First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 7 March  2014]

          Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies
          ISSN: 1097-3702
          Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is an electronic journal dedicated to the study of the Syriac tradition, published semi-annually (in January and July) by Beth Mardutho. Published since 1998, Hugoye seeks to offer the best scholarship available in the field of Syriac studies.

          The word Hugoye, the plural form of Hugoyo, derives from the root hg' meaning 'to think, meditate, study'. Hugoyo itself means 'study, meditation'. In modern times, the term has been applied for academic studies; hence, Hugoye Suryoye translates as 'Syriac Studies'.
          Volume 1 (1998)
          Volume 2 (1999)
          Volume 3 (2000)
          Volume 4 (2001)
          Volume 5 (2002)
          Volume 6 (2003)
          Volume 7 (2004)
          Volume 8 (2005)
          Volume 9 (2006)
          Volume 10 (2007)
          Volume 11 (2008)
          Volume 12 (2009)
          Volume 13 (2010)
          Volume 14 (2011)
          Volume 15 (2012)
          Volume 16 (2013)
          Volume 17 (2014) 

          Open Access Journal: Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica

          [First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 8 March 2014]

          Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica
          Online ISSN: 1989-4619
          Print ISSN: 0213-7674
          La revista Myrtia está editada por el Departamento de Filología Clásica de la Universidad de Murcia, a través del Servicio de Publicaciones de esta Universidad. Está constituida por dos secciones: Filología Latina y Filología Griega, en cada una de las cuales se publican aportaciones originales e inéditas, en forma de artículos, notas o reseñas, a los distintos dominios de la Filología Clásica. 

          El Comité de Redacción, con la colaboración de un amplio Consejo Asesor, formado por especialistas en los distintos campos de la Filología Clásica, considera el valor de cada uno de los originales entregados por los autores y decide sobre la conveniencia o no de su publicación (de lo que, en cada caso, informa al autor o autores), la sección en que se incluirá el artículo aceptado y la forma del mismo. Los volúmenes son facilitados gratuitamente a los autores así como, en régimen de intercambio científico, a los centros editores de publicaciones científicas del Estado y del extranjero que se avengan a ello, según criterios y mecanismos que establece el Servicio de Publicaciones, quien, asimismo, podrá comercializar la revista.


          Vol 23 (2008)

          En homenaje a la Profesora Dª. Filomena Fortuny Previ



          Vol 1 (1986)

          HdtDep: Syntactic dependencies search engine in Herodotus' Book 1

           [First posted in AWOL 22 June 2011. Updated 8 March 2014]

          HdtDep: Syntactic dependencies search engine in Herodotus' Book 1
          HdtDep is a search engine for a treebank consisting of the first book of Herodotus'Histories. The treebank is encoded in an XML file based on A. Godley's Loeb edition (1920), available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License on the Perseus Project website. All typos have been corrected. 

          The Greek characters are encoded in the UTF-8 Unicode format. The XML files is structured in <chapter> and <sentence> node, which contain <word> nodes. All punctuation was removed. Since the UTF-8 format encodes graphemes with different diacritics as distinct glyphs, all grave accents have been turned into acutes (in order to improve the searchability). Enclisis accents have been removed. All elided vowels have been restored. Moreover, all crasis forms have been resolved into uncontracted words, in order to correctly represent their syntactic relationship.

          The syntactic structure of the sentences has been described by applying an adapted version of Igor Mel'čuk's dependency theory (Mel'čuk 1988: Dependency Syntax: Theory and Practice, Albany; Mel'čuk 2009: 'Dependency in Natural Language', in A. Polguère & I. Mel'čuk, Dependency in Linguistic Description, Amsterdam - Philadelphia: 1-110; Vatri 2011: Syntactic dependencies in Classical Greek [submitted]). Each word is annotated with the element it depends on and its grammatical category/sub-category (see below). Nouns, adjectives and verbs also contain the Attic lexical entry under which they appear in LSJ. The syntactic relationship types, whose interpretation is highly theory-dependent, has not been encoded.

          Open Access Journal: Athar alrafedain آثار الرافدين

          Athar alrafedain  آثار الرافدين
          ISSN: 2304-103ء
          Scientific journal looking at the effects of Iraq and the Arab world issued by the Faculty of Archaeology University of Mosul مجلة علمية محكمة تبحث في آثار العراق والوطن العربي تصدرها كلية الآثار جامعة الموصل
          Table of content: 2013 volume:2 issue:1

          من ’موسوعة القانون في العراق القديم"قذف المحصنات"
          Authors: أ.د. عامر سليمانPages: 15-20

          استنطاق العلوم الصرفة من عمائر الموصل الأثرية خلال العصور العربية الإسلامية

          التنقيب في تل قوينجق: انجازات المضي وآامال المستقبل

          المؤامرات والثورات ضد الدولة الآشورية

          نبات الآس في المصادر المسماريـة(اسمه، زيته واستخداماته)

          الرشوة وأحكامها في القانون العراقي القديم

          العصر الحجري أبرز الانجازات الحضارية في بلاد الرافدين
          Authors: د. حسين ظاهر حمودPages: 93-110

          نظم الاستيطان في العراق القديم ومناطق في الوطن العربي
          Authors: د. صباح جاسم الشكريPages: 111-119

          نص من زمن سوموئيل ملك لارسا (1894 - 1866 ق.م) من تل ورش
          Authors: د. احمد كامل محمدPages: 121-132

          القيم الأخلاقيــة عند الآشـــوريين

          "وصفات لعلاج لدغة العقرب والأفعى وعضة الكلب في ضوء نصوص مسمارية من مكتبة آشور- بانيبال"

          التبخير واستخداماته في معالجة بعض الأمراض عند العراقيين القدماء

          الأقمشة في ضوء المنحوتات الأثرية والنصوص المسمارية
          Authors: د. شيماء علي أحمدPages: 177-198

          نص مسماري غير منشور من العصر الأكدي
          Authors: د. خالد حيدر الحافظPages: 199-204

          المباني الإدارية والحكومية في مدينة الموصل
          Authors: د. أكرم محمد يحيىPages: 205-234

          عرش سين- آخي- أريبا (سنحاريب) أنموذجاً للعروش الآشورية

          علامات الترقيم في الرسائل الآشورية الحديثة
          Authors: عثمان غانم محمدPages: 245-254

          ترجمة وتحليل نص ملكي أشوري غير منشور يعود للملك أدد_نيراري ألاول 1307_1275ق.م
          Authors: م. خالد علي خطابPages: 255-273

          البعدُ الإنسانيُّ في سياسةِ الملوكِ الآشوريينَ
          Authors: م. محمد حمزة الطائيPages: 273-285

          مهنة الحلاقة في المجتمع العراقي القديم
          Authors: صباح حميد يونسPages: 287-203

          الأشرطة البرونزية على الأبواب الخشبية للقصور والمعابد الآشورية

          نصوص بابلية قديمة غير منشورة تعنى بحظيرة تسمين الماشية
          Authors: أحمد ميسر فاضلPages: 317-328

          نصوص مسمارية أكدية غير منشورة من المتحف العراقي

          مؤشرات من تاريخ مدينة نينوى خلال الألفين الثالث والثاني ق.م
          Authors: م.م. هيفاء أحمد عبدPages: 351-375

          بيت حامد الأمين أنموذجاً للبيت الموصلي في العصر العثماني(دراسه ميدانيه)

          الميضأة في جوامع الموصل خلال العصر العثماني(نماذج منتخبة)

          Unpublished Mathematical Text from Tell IBZIKH in the Iraqi Museum
          Authors: Asst.Prof.Dr.Salim.y.Aljuboori Pages: 423-426
          Table of content: 2012 volume:1 issue:1

          The Relationship Between The Assyrian Kings and Their Gods *
          Authors: Prof.Dr. Ali.Y.Aljuboori Pages: 3-19

          Mosul University and archaeological activity جامعة الموصل ونشاطها الآثاري

          طرز سامراء الزخرفية وتأثرهها بزخارف الموصل في القرن الثالث الهجري / التاسع الميلادي
          Authors: أحمد قاسم الجمعة Pages: 21-30

          مملكة الحضر: الأوضاع السياسية

          "قصر الملك آشور أخي أدينا بنينوى – – قراءةٌ وتحليلٌ في الكتاباتِ التذكاريَّة والأَدلةِ الأَثريَّةِ "

          مسلات الشوارع الملكية في نينوى بين النص الكتابي والمشهد الفني

          دور أعمال المسح والتنقيب الآثاري في كتابة تاريخ العراق القديم

          قائمه بأسماء عمّال من مدينة ميتورّان
          Authors: د. أحمد كامل محمد Pages: 83-96

          التنصيص الخطابي وراء ملحمة جلجامش وأبعاده التشكيلية عبر الحضارة العراقية القديمة جوديا وحمورابي أنموذج ا

          الفكر الفلسفي العراقي القديم أساس للفلسفة الإغريقية

          التمرد والعصيان في المملكة الآشورية الحديثة ) 296 199 ق.م(

          نصان مسماريان غير منشورين من عصر أور الثالثة
          Authors: د . خالد حيدر الحافظ Pages: 133-143

          تجهيز المياه وتصريفها في بلاد آشور في ضوء المصادر المسمارية
          Authors: د. إيمان هاني العلوشPages: 145-157

          نهر الخوصر في المصادر المسمارية

          الاسم الموصول وجملة صلتهِ في اللغة الأكدية

          الزخارف الهندسية في الفن السومري القديم
          Authors: م.م غسان مردانPages: 189-199

          نماذج من الحيوانات البرية على المنحوتات الآشورية (نماذج منتخبة)

          باب الأنباء والمراسلات/الآثاريون والتراثيون وأجيالهم المتعاقبة في العراق
          Authors: عبدالله أمين أغا Pages: 213-220
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