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Black-Centered Resources for Ancient Mediterranean Studies


Editorial Team:

Dora Gao (@doraygao)

Jayden Lloyd (@jayll_arch)

Nadhira Hill (@nadhirawho)

Sam Ross (@SamJ_Ross)

Zoé Elise Thomas (@riththewarluid)

This document was created in response to the need within Classics (here called Ancient Mediterranean Studies) to address our role within the perpetuation of the myth of Western Civilization and engage in Black theory and scholarship to make our discipline more diverse and inclusive. It is currently curated by graduate students, who are not able to spend the all the time needed for the curation/organization of this doc; we appreciate your patience!


The resources included here are intended as a reference to highlight and promote the work and scholarship of Black thinkers. As such, we have only presented the work of Black scholars in the field of Ancient Mediterranean Studies and AMS-adjacent fields, though we acknowledge that many non-Black scholars have contributed important work to questions of race, ethnicity, and Blackness in antiquity. There are a variety of excellent resources already available to those looking to diversify their research and classroom in this regard, such as the MRECC’s Principles of Antiracist Teaching and Reflection. We do not wish to repeat that work. Recognizing the unique lack of representation and citation of Black scholars who study the Ancient Mediterranean, this document is meant to promote Black voices within our field and the academy.

Please feel free to add any resources by Black scholars that have not yet been included in the “Place Suggestions Here!” section. The editorial team will review your suggestions and add them to the proper sections. Thank you for contributing!!

PS: if there already exists a resource like this, please let me know so I can promote and center that one instead of this one, especially if it is run by a scholar of color. If you have any concerns about the scholarship listed here (or about the phrasing of the introduction) please feel free to leave a comment on the document. If you don’t want to leave a comment publicly, please feel free to send a DM to @riththewarluid

New Open Access Journal: Journal of Urban Archaeology

Hungarian Archaeology E-Journal

ISSN: 2416-0296

Üdvözöljük a Magyar Régészet / Hungarian Archaeology oldalán!

Magazinunk negyedévente, magyar és angol nyelven párhuzamosan jelenik meg. Folyamatosan frissülő Hírek és Programok rovatunkért érdemes gyakrabban is idelátogatni. Régészeti cikkeinket a szakmabeliek és érdeklődők figyelmébe ajánljuk. A magyar és angol nyelvű szám tartalma a célközönséghez igazodik, így részben eltér. Kérjük,

Welcome to the Magyar Régészet / Hungarian Archaeology homepage!

Our online quarterly journal is issued in Hungarian and English. We encourage you to visit our homepage frequently because the News and Programmes sections are regularly updated. The articles on archaeology are recommended for both  professional archaeologists and the interested layman. The contents of the Hungarian and English versions differ slightly owing to the intended target audience. Please add your voice by submitting news, images and articles!

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Archaeology in Jordan 2: 2018–2019 (2020)


November 2020

Table of Contents

Complete Volume
Archaeology in Jordan 2: 2018–2019 (2020) (complete volume) 

Dikili Tash Village Préhistorique de Macédoine orientale I: Fouilles de Jean Deshayes (1961-1975) – Volume 3

Dikili Tash Village Préhistorique de Macédoine orientale I

Ce volume complète et achève la publication des fouilles de Jean Deshayes (1961-1975) à DikiliTash. Il fait suite aux deux volumes déjà disponibles. Le premier, paru en 1992, décrivait le site et les fouilles, la stratigraphie et la chronologie, la construction, l’outillage, les moyens de subsistance et les éléments deparure. Le second, paru en 2004, traitait la céramique néolithique (techniques, formes et décors), y compris les récipients zoomorphes et anthropomorphes. Ce troisième volume contient d’abord l’étude des formes et des décors de la céramique du Bronze Ancien et du Bronze Récent. L’âge du Bronze, mal connu en Macédoine orientale, se voit ainsi enrichi d’une nouvelle étude précise et fondée sur une stratigraphie bien documentée. Également nouvelle est la publication exhaustive des gurines et des maquettes du Néolithique Moyen au Bronze Récent : il s’agit d’un catalogue complet et raisonné, suivi d’une étude systématique organisée selon les catégories d’objets ; l’ensemble est le plus important publié à ce jour. Ces contributions augmentent signi cativement nos connaissances sur les périodes concernées et proposent des interprétations argumentées. La conclusion générale, qui clôt le volume et la publication des fouilles de J. Deshayes, retrace l’évolution des méthodes de travail et des modes de pensée au l des di érents programmes mis en oeuvre à DikiliTash: elle souligne la ré exion de plus en plus consciente qui, ici comme ailleurs en Macédoine, commande toute la recherche archéologique.

© École française d’Athènes, 2019

Conditions d’utilisation : http://www.openedition.org/6540

  • Éditeur :École française d’Athènes
  • Collection : Suppléments du BCH
  • Lieu d’édition : Athènes
  • Année d’édition : 2019
  • Publication sur OpenEdition Books : 19 novembre 2020
  • EAN (Édition imprimée) : 9782869583108
  • EAN électronique : 9782869584655
  • Nombre de pages : 336 p.

Conclusion générale

Dimitra Malamidou et René Treuil
Vers une archéologie réflexive, le cas de Dikili Tash


Dura-Europos: Crossroad of Antiquity



Located at the contested borders between the Seleucid, Parthian, and Roman Empires—and on the Euphrates River, a major north-south transportation artery—Dura-Europos was home to a multicultural population. Settled by Macedonian veterans around 300 BCE, Parthians captured Dura-Europos late in the second century BCE. The Parthians made the city into a fortress, and it flourished as a trading post on the western border of their huge empire. In the mid-second century CE, the Romans seized the city and turned it into a major garrison on their empire’s eastern frontier. Remains of parchment, papyri, and carved inscriptions attest to the numerous languages spoken and written in ancient Dura-Europos, including Greek, Latin, Aramaic (Palmyrene and Syriac), Middle Persian, Parthian, Hebrew, and Safaitic. The religions that coexisted in the city speak to an equally complex cultural environment, with temples to Greek, Roman, and numerous Near Eastern gods, as well as dedicated places of worship for Christians and Jews.

Abandoned after a Sasanian siege and sack in 256 CE, the site remained virtually unexplored until 1928, when excavations at Dura-Europos were initiated by Yale University. Buildings uncovered included a synagogue painted with biblical scenes (something thought impossible given the prohibition against figural images in Jewish law); one of the first Christian house churches, with the earliest-known baptistery; and a place of worship for the mystery religion of Mithraism. Such discoveries fundamentally altered the understanding of religious practice in antiquity. Displaying highly significant treasures excavated at Dura-Europos and now in the collection of the Yale University Art Gallery, the exhibition partially reconstructs some of the city’s ancient religious spaces with their celebrated wall paintings (some newly restored) and explores interactions among the disparate cultural, religious, and professional groups that inhabited Dura-Europos.

Organized by the Yale University Art Gallery and the McMullen Museum of Art, Boston College, this exhibition has been curated by Lisa Brody (Yale University Art Gallery) and Gail Hoffman (Boston College, Classics Department) with support from the National Endowment for the Arts, Boston College, and the Patrons of the McMullen Museum. Additional support was provided by the Newton College class of 1965.


Open Access Journal: Archaeology in Jordan (AIJ)

Archaeology in Jordan (AIJ)
Archaeology in Jordan (AIJ) is a new, biannual open access (OA) newsletter published online by ACOR aimed at raising scholarly awareness of archaeological and cultural resource management projects being carried out in Jordan and to make this information accessible to a wider audience.
This ACOR publication, initiated in 2018, provides continuity with the “Archaeology in Jordan” Newsletter edited by ACOR staff and affiliates and published in the American Journal of Archaeology (AJA) by the Archaeological Institute of America between 1991 to 2016. All 22 past editions are now open access through links on our past issues page or through AJA online.
For further information and queries regarding submissions to Archaeology in Jordan please write to acor@acorjordan.org

Archaeology in Jordan 2: 2018–2019 (2020)

Back Issues
The American Journal of Archaeologyrecently put all the past “Archaeology in Jordan” articles as Open Access – so they are now freely available online.  The stable url links are below.
This is a great way to access this information free of charge and without a subscription to AJA.  The publication date is in brackets (e.g. “1991”) and refers to the seasons of excavation before that year (e.g. 1990).
“Archaeology in Jordan” Newsletters freely available as Open Access through American Journal of Archaeology (AJA online)

Open Access (Mostly) Monograph Series: Syro-Mesopotamian Studies


 [First posted in AWOL 8 January 2018, updated 20 November 2020]

Syro-Mesopotamian Studies
ISSN: 0732-6483

A series devoted to the study of the civilizations of ancient Iraq and Syria from late prehistory to the First Millennium B.C., providing an outlet for the publication of primary sources and a forum for the archaeological, historical, and linguistic analysis of pertinent phenomena.

1/1. Syro-Mesopotanian Studies: A Preface.

G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati

Thoughts about Ibla.

I. J. Gelb.


1/2. An Archaic Recording System and the Origin of Writing.

D. Schmandt-Besserat.


1/3. TPR 1: General Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record of the First Two Seasons.

G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati.

Out of print

1/4. TPR 2: A Cuneiform Tablet of the Early Second Millennium B.C.

G. Buccellati.


1/5. TPR 3: Object Typology of the Second Season: The Third and Second Millennia.

M. Kelly-Buccellati and L. Mount Williams.


1/6. TPR 4: A Typology of Ceramic Vessels of the Third and Second Millennia from the First Two Seasons.

M. Kelly-Buccellati and W. R. Shelby.


2/1. The Rabbeans.

M. C. Astour.


2/2. The Royal Palace of Ebla.

P. Matthiae.


2/3. The Neo-Sumerian Silver Ring Texts.

P. Michalowski.


2/4. The Syrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Al’Abd Zrejehey: Clay Figurines of the Third Millennium B.C.

K. Toueir.

Out of print

2/5. TPR 5: Die Industrie der Islamischen Keramik aus der zweiten Season.

A. Mahmoud.


2/6. TPR 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphic Record.

G. Buccellati and M. Kelly-Buccellati.


2/7. TPR 7: Les documents épigraphiques de la troisième saison.

O. Rouault.


3/1. Catalogue des sceaux-cylinders d'Adana.

O. Tunca.

Review Article of BM 6.

P. Amiet.


3/2. TPR 8: Object Typology of the Third Season: The Third and Second Millennia.

L. Mount-Williams.


3/3. Les niveaux supérieurs du Tell Abou Danné, Chantier A-1977/78

R. Tefnin.


3/4. TPR 11: Sourcing Techniques for Ceramics and Soils.

N. M. Magalousis et al.


4/1. Mesopotamian Guideline for Biblical Chronology.

J. Reade.

Out of print

4/2. Alalakah Levels VI and V: A Chronological Reassessment.

M. Carre Gates.


4/3. The Descent of Inanna as a Ritual Journey to Kutha.

G. Buccellati.

A Catalogue of Near Eastern Venus Deities.

W. Heimpel.


4/4. Qraya Modular Reports, 1: Early Soundings.

K. Simpson.


5/1. Mozan 2: The Epigraphic Finds of the Sixth Season.

L. Milano.


Online version

5/2. Five Tablets from the Southern Wing of Palace G at Ebla.

Alfonso Archi.


Open Access Journal: Creta Antica

[First posted in AWOL 26 June 2017, updates 21 November 2020]

Creta Antica
Logo per l'intestazione della pagina
Creta Antica è una Rivista fondata nel 2000 per iniziativa dell’editore Ausilio, prontamente accettata dal Centro di Archeologia Cretese dell’Università di Catania, nell’alveo della tradizione iniziata da Federico Halbherr nel 1884. Dal 2004 si è proposta come luogo di confronto su temi legati alla Creta di età antica e medievale in tutti i suoi aspetti (archeologia, storia e filologia). Essa accetta pertanto contributi relativi all’edizione di dati e materiali, all’analisi metodologica di nuove prospettive di ricerca, alla riflessione storiografica. Coerentemente con tali premesse, Creta Antica favorisce la collaborazione internazionale. Lingue d’uso per i contributi sono quelle correnti nella bibliografia di ambito egeo.
 Creta Antica è un peer reviewed journal.
 Direttore scientifico della rivista è stato dal 2000 al 2014 Vincenzo La Rosa. Dal numero 16, 2015 il direttore è il prof. Pietro Militello.
 Per sottoporre i propri articoli, seguire le istruzioni cliccando qui (http://www.cretaantica.unict.it/index.php/CA/about/submissions#authorGuidelines).

The idea of creating the Journal Creta Antica was proposed in 2000 by the publisher Ausilio and was promptly accepted by the Centro di Archeologia Cretese of Catania University, following the research tradition established by Federico Halbherr in 1884. From 2004 onwards Creta Antica has established itself as an international forum for the discussion of topics related to the archeology, history and philology of ancient and medieval Crete. Creta Antica accepts contributions that deal with the publication of new data and materials, with the analysis of new research methods and perspectives, and with the history of the discipline. Creta Antica therefore warmly welcomes contributions from colleagues around the world, which can be written in any of the languages currently used in Aegean studies.
 Creta Antica is a peer-reviewed journal.
 The scientific director of the journal was from 2000 to 2014 the late Vincenzo La Rosa. Current director is Pietro Militello.
To submit an article, follow the instructions given in the following link: click here (http://www.cretaantica.unict.it/index.php/CA/about/submissions#authorGuidelines).

N. 19 (2018)

Creta Antica 19


Aldo Ausilio
Eleonora Pappalardo
Eleni Papadaki
Peter Tomkins
Laura Perotti
Sofia Antonello
Marianna Figuera
Christos Kekes
Barbara Mordà
Maria Elena Masano
Nicola Cucuzza
Eleonora Pappalardo
Giacomo Fadelli
Luca Selvaggio
Niki Tsatsaki


Gardiner, Alan H. 2012. Egyptian grammar: being an introduction to the study of hieroglyphs.

EAMENA Database of Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa

EAMENA Database of Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa
Welcome to the Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East & North Africa (EAMENA) Database. Supported by Arcadia Fund and based at the Universities of Oxford, Leicester and Durham, the EAMENA Database brings together data from satellite imagery and published reports to make available information about archaeological sites and landscapes which are under threat. Using Arches, an open source platform designed by the Getty Conservation Institute and World Monuments Fund, we have been able to build a resource that can be used online by researchers and heritage professionals across the MENA region, Europe and beyond.


How to use the Database

How to get a general overview

The archaeology of this region can be explored via the public Database, which is available in both English and Arabic. Users can see the progress of the project so far by clicking on the Map View. This will display all the records that we have created, and it is continually updated. As the Database contains over 150,000 records, please be patient while these resources are loaded. Different types of records are coloured differently. So, for example, all our site records are in yellow. The key to the different colours is located in the Overlays tab. If you click on this, you can also select whether you want to see the site records (called Heritage Resource E27 records) displayed on the map, or all of the site records and information records (called Information Resources). Information Resources are the records of the imagery, articles, etc that we have consulted about each site. Using the Map View it is also possible to zoom in to see more details about each area. Try toggling to a full-screen view by clicking on the arrows in the top right hand corner of the map screen. To see a list of records created by the project, you can also select the Search option in the top right hand tab.

How to look at site types or examples of typical disturbances

For those interested in specific periods or site types, take a look at our pre-populated searches, available on the Search page. Simply click on one of these, such as ‘Pendant’, to see all sites in that category. You can then select the Location Filter to see the distribution of sites recorded so far in different areas.

How to look at specific sites

It is also possible to view specific sites in more detail, such as ‘Petra’ in Jordan. These case studies are available on the Search page, after the categorised searches. You will be able to explore the records – and in some cases also see ground photographs – we have recorded for these sites.

How to obtain further information about sites

For further information and sources about each site, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the next to ‘Related Resources’. Here you will find all of the reports, publications and imagery we have consulted whilst creating the record. Please note that the list of related resources is not intended to be a comprehensive record of every book or article that has mentioned a particular site. Instead, it lists the resources we have used to create our records and therefore presents a general overview and starting point for people interested in investigating the sites further.

Open Access Journal: Ploutarchos: The Scholarly Journal of the International Plutarch Society

Ploutarchos: The Scholarly Journal of the International Plutarch Society
ISSN: 0258-655X
PLOUTARCHOS n.s. is an International Scholarly Journal devoted to research on Plutarch's Works, on their value as a source for Ancient History and as literary documents and on their influence on Hu­manism. lt is directed to specialists on these topics. The principal Areas of research of this journal are Classical Philology, Ancient History and the Classical Tradition.

Tables of Contents from Previous Issues:

Vol 8

Vol 7 (2009/2010)

Vol 6 (2008/2009)

Vol 5 (2007/2008)

Vol 4 (2006/2007)

Vol 3 (2005/2006)

Vol 2 (2005/2006)

Vol 1 (2004/2005)


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

SURA صورة - Unlocking the Photographic Archives of the Pioneering Years of Egyptology at the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels

Aegyptiaca in der nördlichen Levante : Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption ägyptischer und ägyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit


Ahrens, Alexander (2020). Aegyptiaca in der nördlichen Levante : Eine Studie zur Kontextualisierung und Rezeption ägyptischer und ägyptisierender Objekte in der Bronzezeit. Leuven, Paris, Bristol: Peeters Publishers.


In dieser interdisziplinären Studie untersucht Alexander Ahrens ägyptische Objekte, die in der nördlichen Levante (Libanon, Syrien und Regionen der Türkei) in Kontexten des zweiten Jahrtausends v. Chr. gefunden wurden. Er stützt sich auf Methoden der Archäologie und der soziokulturellen Theorie, um mittels einer eingehenden Analyse der Fundkontexte Strategien der Rezeption und eine damit verbundene Emulation der ägyptischen materiellen Kultur und ihrer spezifischen Motivik durch nordlevantinische Eliten zu charakterisieren. Die Studie vermittelt so ein besseres Verständnis der Komplexität und Vielfalt interkultureller Beziehungen im bronzezeitlichen östlichen Mittelmeerraum.

In this interdisciplinary study, Alexander Ahrens examines Egyptian objects found in the northern Levant (covering the modern states of Lebanon, Syria, and parts of Turkey) in archaeological contexts dated to the second millennium BCE. Drawing on methods from archaeology and sociocultural theory, he provides a characterization of the perception and accompanying emulation of Egyptian material culture within northern Levantine elite spheres. Analyzing many of the artifacts’ find contexts, he proposes a new way to explore their ancient perception and reception through the study of archaeological and historical sources. The book thus enhances our understanding of the complexity and diversity of intercultural relations in the eastern Mediterranean during the Bronze Age.


Open Access Journal: Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas

 [First posted in AWOL 8 April 2014, updated 23 November 2020]

Lexicon Philosophicum: International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas
ISSN: 2283-7833
 Lexicon Philosophicum. International Journal for the History of Texts and Ideas
Lexicon Philosophicum is an annual peer-reviewed, open access journal, with an interdisciplinary character. The journal, published by CNR-ILIESI (Roma), provides open access to original, unpublished high quality contributions: critical essays, research articles, short texts editions, and critical bibliographic reviews on the history of philosophy, the history of science, and the history of ideas, with a special attention to textual and lexical data.

No 7 (2019)

Lexicon Philosophicum 7, 2019

Table of Contents



by Editorial Office


La bellezza in sé nelle Enneadi: tra calore e colorePDF
Claudia Lo Casto
Revelation and Progress. The Concept of philosophia perennis from Steuco to LeibnizPDF
Hannes Amberger
Cognitio imperans: l’ontologia e il dibattito sul primo principio in età moderna (Clauberg, Du Hamel, Tschirnhaus)PDF
Alice Ragni
L’écho des Pensées de Pascal chez LeopardiPDF
Giulia Abbadessa
Welt, Natur e Kosmos nelle Gesammelte Abhandlungen di Karl LöwithPDF
Valeria Auletta


Le scienze dimenticate: un dialogo con Rens BodPDF
Cristina Marras, Antonio Lamarra


Cogenza e contemporaneità dell’etica epicurea a partire da una recente raccolta di studiPDF
Chiara Rover
Digital Epigraphy. Tra automazione e singolarizzazionePDF
Silvia Orlandi
Leibniz e l’Italia. Giornate di studio (Roma, 28-29 novembre 2019)PDF
Antonio Lamarra

Download the entire issue

Lexicon Philosophicum 7, 2019PDF


Special Issue: Hellenistic Theories of Knowledge

Table of Contents


Francesco Verde, Massimo Catapano


Massimiliano Papini
John Dillon
Han Baltussen
Francesco Verde
David Sedley
Jean-Baptiste Gourinat
Francesca Alesse
Massimo Catapano
Harald Thorsrud
Giulia De Cesaris, Phillip Sidney Horky
Mario Vegetti
Aldo Brancacci

Download the entire issue

Special Issue, 2018: Hellenistic Theories of KnowledgePDF


See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


Open Access Journal: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique (recent issues)


[First posted in AWOL 2 August 2019, updated 24 November 2020]

Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique [Back issues available at Persée] [Accessible also at CEFAEL]
eISSN: 2241-0104 

Bulletin de correspondance hellénique
Depuis 1877, le Bulletin de correspondance hellénique rend compte de la recherche scientifique sur la Grèce ancienne, de la préhistoire à l’époque byzantine, dans les domaines de l’archéologie, de l’histoire et de l’épigraphie. Publié par l’École française d’Athènes, le Bulletin est semestriel. Les volumes 1877 à 2010 sont disponibles sur Persée.

143.1 | 2019

  • Sandra Prévost‑Dermarkar
    Approche morpho-technologique des vestiges architecturaux de Dikili Tash (Grèce)
    Οικοδοµώντας µε χώµα στη Νεολιθική εποχή: µορφο-τεχνολογική προσέγγιση των αρχιτεκτονικών καταλοίπων στο Ντικιλί Τας (Ελλάδα)
    Building with earth in the Neolithic period: morpho-technological approaches to the architectural remains at Dikili Tash (Greece)
  • Maud Devolder et Marta Lorenzon
    Minoan Master Builders? [Texte intégral]
    A Diachronic Study of Mudbrick Architecture in the Bronze Age Palace at Malia (Crete)
    Maîtres-artisans minoens ? Une étude diachronique de l’architecture en brique dans le palais de l’Âge du Bronze à Malia (Crète)
    Μινωικοί αρχιτεχνίτες; Μια διαχρονική µελέτη της αρχιτεκτονικής µε πήλινες πλίνθους στο ανάκτορο των Μαλίων της εποχής του Χαλκού (Κρήτη)
  • Fabien Bièvre‑Perrin
    Une scène originale sur une hydrie d’Apollonia d’Illyrie (Albanie)
    Ηρακλής, ο σάτυρος και η σφίγγα: µια πρωτότυπη σκηνή σε υδρία από την Απολλωνία Ιλλυρίας (Αλβανία)
    Herakles, the satyr and the sphinx: an original scene on a hydria from Illyrian Apollonia (Albania)
  • Patrice Hamon
    Magistrats, patients, défunts : en relisant les noms thasiens
    Μελέτες θασιακής επιγραφικής, VII. Αξιωµατούχοι, ασθενείς, αποθανόντες: ξαναδιαβάζοντας τα θασιακά ονόµατα.
    Studies in Thasian epigraphy, VII. Magistrates, the sick and the dead: on rereading Thasian names.
  • Natacha Trippé
    De la topographie à l’histoire
    Νέες έρευνες στην αγορά της Θάσου: από την τοπογραφία στην ιστορία
    New research on the agora of Thasos: from topography to history
  • Georges N. Dermatis
    Οι πρώτες µεταλλευτικές εργασίες στη Μαρώνεια-Καµάριζα του Λαυρίου
    The first mining works at Maroneia-Kamariza in Lavrion
  • Dossier : Les fortifications du monde grec

    • Nicolas Faucherre, Nicolas Kyriakidis et Stéphanie Zugmeyer
      Introduction [Texte intégral]
    • Nicolas Kyriakidis et Stéphanie Zugmeyer
      État de la question et premiers résultats de l’étude architecturale
      Οι οχυρώσεις των ∆ελφών στην αρχαιότητα: κατάσταση της έρευνας και πρώτα αποτελέσµατα της αρχιτεκτονικής µελέτης
      The fortifications at Delphi in Antiquity: current state of research and first results of the architectural study
    • Fanouria Dakoronia et Petros Kounouklas
      Tours de guet en Phocide et en Locride
      Λοκρικά και φωκικά φυλακεία
    • Nikolaos Petrochilos
      The current state of research
      Les remparts de Chaleion : l’état actuel de la recherche
      Το οχυρωµατικό τείχος του Χαλείου: η σηµερινή κατάσταση της έρευνας
    • Athanasia Psalti, Anthoula Tsaroucha, Nicolas Kyriakidis, Nikolaos Petrochilos, Stéphanie Zugmeyer, Nicolas Faucherre, David Ollivier, Vincent Ory et Audric Loulelis
      Premières observations de terrain et essai de bilan
      Οι οχυρώσεις της Άµφισσας, από την αρχαιότητα έως τη σύγχρονη εποχή: προκαταρκτικές παρατηρήσεις πεδίου και απόπειρα απολογισµού
      The fortifications of Amphissa from antiquity to today: initial field observations and an attempt at synthesis
    • Henri Tréziny
      Οι αρχαίες οχυρώσεις της Μασσαλίας και η σχέση τους µε τοπικές κατασκευές
      The ancient fortifications at Marseilles and their relation to regional constructions
    • Jean Chausserie‑Laprée, Sandrine Duval, Marie Valenciano et Victor Canut
      Découvertes et approches nouvelles
      Οι οχυρώσεις του οικισµού (oppidum) στο Saint‑Blaise (Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts): Ανα­καλύψεις και νέες προσεγγίσεις
      The fortifications of the oppidum at Saint‑Blaise (Saint-Mitre-les-Remparts): discoveries and new approaches
    • Marie‑Pierre Dausse
      Les fortifications de l’Épire antique : problèmes méthodologiques
      «Περί αρχαίων οχυρώσεων δίχως όνοµα και ιστορία»; Οι οχυρώσεις στην αρχαία Ήπειρο: µεθοδολογικά προβλήµατα
      “On old fortifications without name and without history”? The fortifications of ancient Epirus: methodological problems
    • Nadia Coutsinas
      Note méthodologique [Texte intégral]
      De l’étude des fortifications crétoises au travers de l’analyse du type d’appareil
      Μεθοδολογική σηµείωση: περί της µελέτης των κρητικών οχυρώσεων µέσω της ανάλυσης της τοιχοποιίας
      The Study of Cretan Fortifications through an Analysis of Masonry Style; a Methodological Approach
    • Claire Balandier et Matthieu Guintrand
      Le cas des fortifications de Thyréatide, zone conflictuelle entre Sparte et Argos aux périodes classique et hellénistique
      Η συµβολή της τειχολογίας στην ιστορική µελέτη µίας περιοχής: η περίπτωση των οχυρώσεων της Θυρεάτιδας, πεδίου έντασης µεταξύ Σπάρτης και Άργους, κατά την κλασική και ελληνιστική περίοδο
      The contribution of teichology to the historical study of a region: the case of the fortifications of Thyreatis conflict zone between Sparta and Argos in the Classical and Hellenistic periods
    • Sylvian Fachard
      Conclusion [Texte intégral]


185 × 240 cm - 446 p.
ISBN 978-2-86958-300-9

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages


 [First posted in AWOL 22 November 2018, updated 24 November 2020]

Philosophie antique. Problèmes, Renaissances, Usages
ISSN: 1634-4561
ISSN électronique 2648-2789

Philosophie antique
Seule revue française ouverte aux travaux portant sur toutes les écoles et périodes de la philosophie ancienne, Philosophie antique est éditée par les Presses universitaires du Septentrion et propose chaque année depuis 2001 un dossier thématique, une rubrique de Varia et des comptes rendus.
Since 2001, Philosophie antique remains the only French journal open to scholarly works on any aspect of ancient philosophy and its reception from the Middle Ages up to now. Each annual issue of the journal, published by Presses du Septentrion, includes a thematic section, a Varia section, and reviews of important recent scholarly books in the field.

Ce numéro rassemble des recherches récentes sur l'épicurisme. Ses principaux représentants antiques sont abordés : Epicure, Lucrèce, Philodème. Les grands domaines de la doctrine : canonique (rapport entre sensations et vérité), physique (composition de l'âme), éthique et politique (amour, thérapie des émotions), pédagogie (résumés de la doctrine). Les échanges et débats avec d'autres philosophies antiques sont abordés par trois articles (Aristote et son école, néoplatonisme et néopythagorisme).

New Open Access Journal: Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger


Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger

Logo Réseau des écoles françaises à l'étranger

Créé en 2020, le Bulletin archéologique des Écoles françaises à l’étranger propose les contributions de l’École française d’Athènes, de l’École française de Rome, de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient et de la Casa de Velázquez, réunis au sein du Réseau des Écoles françaises à l’étranger. C’est ainsi toute l’actualité des recherches archéologiques menées par ces institutions, sur tout le pourtour méditerranéen mais aussi dans les Balkans, en Inde et en Asie qui est proposée dans ce Bulletin exclusivement électronique, multilingue et à la publication continue.

Derniers textes

  • Responsable d’opération : Nathalie Buchez
    Notice rédigée avec Samuel Guérin, Rachid Elhajaoui, Mathilde Minotti, Jade Bajeot, Béatrix Midant-Reynes, François Briois, Joséphine Lesur, Sidonie Preiss et Aline Emery-Barbier
    Tell el-Iswid [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Ludovic Thély
    Notice rédigée avec Julien Adam, Dominique Barcat, Camille Castres, François-Dominique Deltenre, Antigone Marangou et Cécile Rocheron
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Laure Pantalacci et Cédric Gobeil
    Notice rédigée avec Vanessa Desclaux, Delphine Dixneuf, Anne-Charlotte Ybard, Daniela Martins et Beatrice De Faveri
    Coptos [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Catherine Defernez et Nathalie Favry
    Notice rédigée avec Aline Banaszak, Anne-Laure Daubisse, Séverine Marchi, Sépideh Qaheri et Pascale Ballet
    Tell el-Herr [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Yannis Gourdon et Roland Enmarch
    Notice rédigée avec Olivier Lavigne, Jérôme Fage, Dominique Farout, Sameh Michel, Maël Crépy, Thomas Sagory et Benoît Touchard
    Hatnoub [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Jean-Denis Vigne, François Briois, Jean Guilaine et Yodrik Franel
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Félix Relats Montserrat
    Médamoud [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Françoise Labrique et Shafia Bedier
    Notice rédigée avec Aurélie Terrier
    Kôm Ombo [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Enora Le Quéré et Nicolas Monteix
    Notice rédigée avec Sandra Zanella
    Rapport sur les campagnes 2018 et 2019
    01 novembre 2020
  • Responsable d’opération : Philippe Collombert et Xavier Henaff
    Notice rédigée avec Christelle Alvarez, Alain Charron et Mathieu Luret
    Saqqara-Sud [Texte intégral]
    01 novembre 2020

Sites archéologiques

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs


 [This Element is free online from 24th November - 8th December]

Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs

  • Past and Present Approaches in Egyptology
  • Uroš Matić, Austrian Archaeological Institute

 Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs

Ethnic Identities in the Land of the Pharaohs deals with ancient Egyptian concept of collective identity, various groups which inhabited the Egyptian Nile Valley and different approaches to ethnic identity in the last two hundred years of Egyptology. The aim is to present the dynamic processes of ethnogenesis of the inhabitants of the land of the pharaohs, and to place various approaches to ethnic identity in their broader scholarly and historical context. The dominant approach to ethnic identity in ancient Egypt is still based on culture historical method. This and other theoretically better framed approaches (e.g. instrumentalist approach, habitus, postcolonial approach, ethnogenesis, intersectionality) are discussed using numerous case studies from the 3rd millennium to the 1st century BC. Finally, this Element deals with recent impact of third science revolution on archaeological research on ethnic identity in ancient Egypt.


Open Access Journal: Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity

Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity
The Journal of Religious Competition in Antiquity is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to exploring competitive interactions among religious and philosophical persons and groups in the ancient Mediterranean, including Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. We specifically aim to foster the development of new approaches and methodologies that highlight contours and nuances of religious competition between and among these communities and individuals. Special consideration is given to submissions that are interdisciplinary in approach and/or employ social-scientific theoretical frameworks. Our goal is to demonstrate competitive interactions among differing socio-religious discourses in antiquity and to explore the ways that these groups mutually influenced each other.

Current Volume: Volume 1 (2019)


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