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Open Access Journal: Brown Classical Journal

Brown Classical Journal
ISSN 1043-0156
The Brown Classical Journal was founded in 1984 by Professor Alison Goddard Elliott, who nurtured the editors and contributors of that first volume as Faculty Editor. Sadly, the volume was dedicated to her memory. Susan Hueck Allen, then a graduate student, designed the logo for the journal, which was used for the first eleven volumes. The BCJ is published annually and typically is printed in the spring.
The purpose of the BCJ, as explained in the editorial statement of Volume 1, is "to encourage and to reward well written essays by students of the Classics at Brown University."
Volume 17, 2005
Volume 16, 2004
Volume 15, 2003
Volume 14, 2002
Volume 13, 2001
Volume 12, 2000
Volume 11, 1997
Volume 10, 1996
Volume 9, 1993
Volume 8 Supplement, 1992
Volume 8, 1992
Volume 7, 1991
Volume 6, 1989-1990
Volume 5, 1988-89
Volume 4, 1987
Volume 3, 1986
Volume 2, 1985
Volume 1, 1984

Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations website

 [First posted in AWOL 18 May 2013, updated 5 September 2013]

Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations (2013)
Online Edition by Philip A. Harland
Welcome to the new, thoroughly revised, online edition of the book Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society (2013) with clickable links to inscriptions that are collected together on the sister-site Associations in the Greco-Roman World: A Companion to the Sourcebook.  This updated edition has many new illustrations, including colored photographs.
Here are your options:
This is an excellent study of the sociology of early Christianity, diaspora Judaism and other religious activity during the first two centuries.”
(Stephen Mitchell, University of Exeter. See more excerpts from reviews further below).
Book information
Philip A. Harland, Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society (2nd revised edition with links to inscriptions; Kitchener, Ontario: Philip A. Harland, 2013). <http://www.philipharland.com/associations/> ISBN XXXXXXXX.
Part 1: Associations in Asia Minor (available to read online)
1 / Associations: Social Networks and Membership
2 / Purposes: Honoring the Gods, Feasting with Friends
3 / Symptoms of Civic Decline or Participants in Vitality?
Part 2: Imperial Cults and Connections among Associations
4 / Imperial Gods within Associations
5 / Positive Interactions and Imperial Connections
6 / Putting Tensions and Official Intervention in Perspective
Part 3: Synagogues and Congregations within Society
7 / Comparing Groups in Antiquity
8 / Judeans, Jesus-followers, and Imperial Honors
9 / Imperial Cults, Persecution, and the Apocalypse of John

An absolute chronology for early Egypt using radiocarbon dating and Bayesian statistical modelling

Michael Dee, David Wengrow, Andrew Shortland, Alice Stevenson, Fiona Brock, Linus Girdland Flink, and  Christopher Bronk Ramsey,
An absolute chronology for early Egypt using radiocarbon dating and Bayesian statistical modelling
The Egyptian state was formed prior to the existence of verifiable historical records. Conventional dates for its formation are based on the relative ordering of artefacts. This approach is no longer considered sufficient for cogent historical analysis. Here, we produce an absolute chronology for Early Egypt by combining radiocarbon and archaeological evidence within a Bayesian paradigm. Our data cover the full trajectory of Egyptian state formation and indicate that the process occurred more rapidly than previously thought. We provide a timeline for the First Dynasty of Egypt of generational-scale resolution that concurs with prevailing archaeological analysis and produce a chronometric date for the foundation of Egypt that distinguishes between historical estimates.

Open Access Journal: Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society (Deltion)

[First posted in AWOL 3 February 2012. Updated 6 September 2013]

ΔΕΛΤΙΟN ΤΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑΣ  - Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society
ISSN: 1105-5758
  Χριστιανική Αρχαιολογική Εταιρεία (ΧΑΕ) με ιδιαίτερη χαρά ανακοινώνει την έναρξη λειτουργίας της ηλεκτρονικής έκδοσης του ΔΕΛΤΙΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΙΚΗΣ ΑΡΧΑΙΟΛΟΓΙΚΗΣ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑΣ (Δελτίον).Οι εξελίξεις στον τρόπο επιστημονικής εργασίας και δημοσίευσης των αποτελεσμάτων της έρευνας μας οδήγησαν στην απόφαση, συγχρόνως με την έντυπη έκδοση του Δελτίου που εκδόθηκε για πρώτη φορά το 1892, να προχωρήσουμε σε παράλληλη ηλεκτρονική έκδοση προσφέροντας στους ερευνητές και το ευρύτερο κοινό εύκολη πρόσβαση, μέσω του διαδικτύου, στο περιεχόμενο του Δελτίου. Η ηλεκτρονική έκδοση του περιοδικού υλοποιείται σε συνεργασία με το Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης (ΕΚΤ).

The Christian Archaeological Society (ChAE) is pleased to announce the launch of the online edition of the Deltion of the Christian Archaeological Society (Deltion). The developments in research and scholarly communication have led to the decision to publish an online edition of the Deltion alongside the print edition, which began in 1892. The online edition facilitates access to the content of the Deltion for scholars and the wider public. The electronic publication of the journal is carried out in collaboration with the National Documentation Centre (EKT)


Open Access Journal: PUNICA FIDES

QuarryScapes Atlas

QuarryScapes Atlas
The QuarryScapes Atlas displays a variety of ancient quarry landscapes. The purpose of the atlas is first of all to show the great variability of such landscapes and introducing them with photos and few words. The atlas will be further developed, and hopefully evolve to a comprehensive web-book with contributions from many researchers. In this first edition of the atlas we have picked 15 quarry landscapes; most of them in the project region, but also a few outside. Collectively, these 15 sites display a broad range of quarry landscapes; different periods and historical settings, different geology, morphology and climate. Also, they are in different stages of development as cultural heritage sites, from “unknown and remote” to outdoor museums.
Click the links below to download sheets from the atlas. Or, take the trip to visit them via Google Earth by following the link below. Please note that some of the most vulnerable quarry landscapes below are deliberately not displayed via the Google Earth Link. 
A printed version of the Atlas can also be ordered at Biblioteket@ngu.no. For comments or suggestions, please contact tom.heldal@ngu.no
Take the trip on Google Earth (if it does not work by selecting "open", try save to disk and then "open with" google earth. If you don't have google earth installed, download from this link)
Download single sheets:

Open Access Journal: Archaiologikē ephēmeris

Open Access Journal: Hey!Zeus! The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Hey!Zeus! The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Founded in 2000 by two classical civilization majors, Charlie Edel and Samuel Butt, Hey! Zeus! is the Yale Undergraduate Journal of the Classics. Twice every academic year we publish undergraduate writings on all areas of western antiquity, from history and archaeology to literature and philosophy.
The Spring 2004 Hey Zeus!
volume 5
Titlepage, Masthead, and Table of Contents

Homer and Oral PoetrySarah Price CC '07
Penelope as MeditationLucas Kwong ES '07
Minoan Art: A Celebration of MovementBrittany McClinton TC '05
The Progression of Humanity Through the Image of LeavesJulie Swerdlow DC '07
The Relationship of Philosophy and Art in Plato's RepublicTejas Srinivas PC '07
Prometheus in Words: Lucian's Refutation of the Greek Religious TraditionLucas Wood PC '06
Reviews: Manfred BietakBrittany McClinton TC '05
Ludi et NugaeCaroline Craig TD '07

Past Issues Online
Spring 2003Winter 2002

Open Access Journal: Orientalia Suecana

[First posted in AWL 2 June 2011. Updated 8 September 2013]

Orientalia Suecana
ISSN 2156-2253
Orientalia Suecana is an international journal of Indological, Iranian, Semitic, Sinological and Turkic studies founded in 1952 and published anually or biannualy. Further information about the journal is available here, including information about earlier volumes and an electronic order form.

Starting with vol. 58 (2009) the journal is published online, with open access
Full-text of the latest volumes available online:
  • Vol. 61 (2012) 2013, including a special section on "Iranian linguistics", ed. by Geoffrey Haig and Carina Jahani.
  • Vol. 60 (2011), including a special section on "Dissent in South Asian literary cultures", ed. by Heinz Werner Wessler and Alessandra Consolaro.
  • Vol. 59 (2010), including a special section on "Impersonal constructions", ed. by Carina Jahani and Åke Viberg.
  • Vol. 58 (2009)
Table of contents for earlier volumes.

Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien (1854)

Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien (1854)
L’ouvrage Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien/древности Босфора Киммерийскаго publié en 1854 à Saint-Pétersbourg en 2 volumes accompagné d’un atlas, a marqué l’historiographie de l’époque, notamment par ses planches en couleur. Son atlas a même été utilisé par la marine française durant la guerre de Crimée!

Le texte, bilingue, russe et français est dû à M. de Gilles et à M. Stéphani. Les deux premiers volumes commentent les 86 planches d’objets contenus dans le troisième volume. Cet ouvrage de luxe marque fortement les esprits. Il sera même réédité dans une éditions moins luxueuse par S. Reinahc en 1892, comme nous avons pu l’évoquer ici

Open Access Journal: NTCS: Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies

NTCS: Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies
After several months down we are slowly bringing the Newsletter for Targumic and Cognate Studies back! All the currently available English translations of the Targumim are back online as well as the Solger MS images of TgRuth and TgLam. Stay tuned for updates and news from the International Organization for Targum Studies.

      ΑΟΙΔΟΙ: Greek poetry from the Epics to Anacreontics

      [First posted in AWOL 21 March 2011. Updated 8 September 2013]

      "Aoidoi" is classical Greek for "bards," like Homer, or just "poets." This site is dedicated to the study of ancient Greek poetry from the Epics to Anacreontics. Most of the work is directed at producing versions of Greek poems with vocabulary, grammar and dialect notes for beginners. 
      Meter and Recitation
      Et cetera
      Meta - About Aoidoi.org

      EEF List of Digitized Egyptology Books

      [First posted in AWOL 14 February 2011. Updated 8 September 2013]

      Among the many useful digital resources organized by the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF) is a list of:

      Egyptological Book Series Online
      version December 5, 2012
      Compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum.
      For additions and corrections, feel free to write to the editor.

      The below list of links to digitised book series, mainly collected by Michael Tilgner, includes:
      -- Egypt Exploration Fund: Memoirs [MEEF]
      -- Egypt Exploration Fund: Archaeological Survey of Egypt [EEF-ASE]
      -- Untersuchungen zur Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ägyptens [UGAÄ]
      -- Bibliothèque égyptologique [BE]
      -- Hieroglyphic Texts from Egyptian Stelae, &c., in the British Museum [HTBM]
      -- Les Temples immergés de la Nubie [TemplImm]
      -- Theodore M. Davis' Excavations: Bibân el Molûk [-]
      -- Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia [-]
      -- Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire [MMAF]
      -- Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire [MIFAO]
      -- Analecta Aegyptiaca [AnAe]
      -- Publications of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt and the Egyptian Research Account [BSAE/ERA]
      -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Pelizaeus-Museum, Hildesheim [-]
      -- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien [-]
      -- Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics [ERE]
      -- Publications de la Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg [-]
      -- The Abusir Series of the Czech Institute of Egyptology [-]
      -- Ägyptologische Forschungen [ÄF, ÄgFo]
      -- Robb de Peyster Tytus Memorial Series [RPTMS]
      -- Analecta Orientalia [AnOr]

      Some of our other (themed) collections:
      -- Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums -> [Urk]
      -- Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire -> [CG]
      Some external sources for digitised series:
      -- Publications of the Oriental Institute Chicago:
      Oriental Institute Publications -> [OIP] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Communications -> [OIC] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Museum Publications -> [OIMP] (OI Chicago)
      Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition -> [OINE] (OI Chicago)
      Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization -> [SAOC] (OI Chicago)
      -- Electronic Publications of the Czech Institute of Egyptology -> URL
      -- Internet-Beitraege zur Aegyptologie und Sudanarchaeologie -> [IBAES]
      -- Ancient Near East Monographs/Monografías sobre el Antiguo Cercano Oriente -> [ANEM/MACO]
      -- Carl Richard Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien -> [LD] (Lepsius-Projekt)
      NB: URLs marked with [PDF] link directly to a pdf-file, so better use your "Save as..." button on those to prevent that your browser will "freeze". NB: When doing any scientific work, be on the alert for the fact that freely available digitised volumes on the Internet (vs. commercial products) may contain errors, notably when it concerns the plates or appendices. Plates are clearly the weak side of Internet digitalisation: often their resolution is too low, they are scanned only partially, or they are left out altogether. As an example: in the below mentioned scans of MEEF 5 (Edouard Naville, The Shrine of Saft el Henneh and the Land of Goshen (1885), London, 1887), plates 2, 3, 5, and 6 have only been scanned on the show side of each folded page, and plates 1 and 4 are missing altogether.

      State Archives of Assyria Online

      [First posted in AWOL 1 July 2010. Updated 9 September 2013]

      State Archives of Assyria Online (SAAo)
      State Archives of Assyria Online (SAAo) is an open-access web resource that aims to make the rich Neo-Assyrian materials found in the royal archives of Nineveh, and elsewhere, more widely accessible.
      Based on an existing ASCII text database created by Simo Parpola and his team at the University of Helsinki, the online transliterations and translations are those of the standard editions in the series "State Archives of Assyria". All of the published volumes are accessible online, in addition to volume 2 of the companion series "State Archives of Assyria Studies", the edition of the Eponym Lists and Chronicles. The web presentation and linguistic annotation are carried out using tools and standardsdeveloped by Steve Tinney (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia).

      The state correspondence of king Sargon II (published in volumes 1, 5, 15 and 17) was the first chunk of the SAAo materials to have been "lemmatised", providing glossaries and interactive translation facilities which allow the user to check and question the translations in detail and make the corpus fully searchable, in order to facilitate and encourage an active understanding of the primary sources. This is the work of a team headed by Karen Radner (University College London) and funded by the British Arts and Humanities Research Council. The research project "Mechanisms of Communication in an Ancient Empire: The Correspondence between the King of Assyria and his Magnates in the 8th Century BC" (AH/F016581/1; 2008-2013) also included the preparation of a new edition of the Nimrud Letters, parts of the state correspondence of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon, by Mikko Luukko (volume 19), which was published simultaneously in print and online in March 2013.
      Other parts of the SAAo materials are being made available in the same manner. During his time at UCL, Mikko Luukko lemmatised the prophecies (volume 9) and part of the royal correspondence of the 7th century BC (volumes 13 and 16). Melanie Groß, as part of the research project "Royal Institutional Households in First Millennium BC Mesopotamia" (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, S 10802-G18; 2009-2011) headed by Heather D. Baker (University of Vienna), lemmatised the private legal documents (volumes 6 and 14). - As of March 2013, volumes 1, 5-6, 9, 13-17 and 19 have been lemmatised.

      Online portals provide context and explanatory materials for SAAo. Hence, the website "Knowledge and Power in the Neo-Assyrian Empire", created by Radner, Eleanor Robson (University of Cambridge) and Tinney with funding from the British Higher Education Academy, is dedicated to the 7th century letters, queries and reports exchanged between kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal and their scholarly advisors; the companion corpus is http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/saao/knpp/corpus/. Another such portal, "Assyrian Empire Builders" is devoted to the 8th century political correspondence as part of the UCL research project, with a companion corpus at Assyrian Empire Builders. Further portals are planned.

      Aramaico: Una biblioteca sobre a língua e cultura aramaica

      Aramaico: Una biblioteca sobre a língua e cultura aramaica
      Este blog tem como objetivo principal buscar, indexar e categorizar os recursos existentes na web, relacionados à lingua e cultura aramaica, tais como livros e outros sites. Ocasionalmente, o autor deste blog publicará notas e estudos pessoais, resultados de suas próprias pesquisas.

      Salienta-se que de nenhum modo o autor do blog é um especialista na língua aramaica, sendo apenas um estudante entusiasta desta área, sem nenhum tipo de relação e/ou apoio de Igrejas, Universidades, denominações religiosas, etc.

      Todos os estudos, livros, sites etc apresentados neste blog são de propriedade dos seus autores e editores. O administrador deste blog ou seus leitores não têm direito comercial. Copiar para fins comerciais, é estritamente proibido.

      Open Access Journal: Anadolu - Anatolia


      Open Access Journal: Archivum Anatolicum

      Open Access Book: Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics

      Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics
      Author: Brett D. Hirsch (ed.)
      Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Practices, Principles and Politics 

      </Parentheses>: Digital Humanities and the Place of Pedagogy
      Brett D. Hirsch
      Part 1. Practices
      The PhD in Digital Humanities
      Willard McCarty
      Hands-On Teaching Digital Humanities: A Didactic Analysis of a Summer School Course on Digital Editing
      Malte Rehbein and Christiane Fritze
      Teaching Digital Skills in an Archives and Public History Curriculum
      Peter J. Wosh, Cathy Moran Hajo, and Esther Katz
      Digital Humanities and the First-Year Writing Course
      Olin Bjork
      Teaching Digital Humanities through Digital Cultural Mapping
      Chris Johanson, Elaine Sullivan, Janice Reiff, Diane Favro, Todd Presner and Willeke Wendrich
      Looking for Whitman: A Multi-Campus Experiment in Digital Pedagogy
      Matthew K. Gold
      Acculturation in the Digital Humanities Community
      Geoffrey Rockwell and Stéfan Sinclair
      Part 2. Principles
      Teaching Skills or Teaching Methodology?
      Simon Mahony and Elena Pierazzo
      Programming with Humanists: Reflections on Raising an Army of Hacker-Scholars in the Digital Humanities
      Stephen Ramsay
      Teaching Computer-Assisted Text Analysis: Approaches to Learning New Methodologies
      Stéfan Sinclair and Geoffrey Rockwell
      Pedagogical Principles of Digital Historiography
      Joshua Sternfeld
      Nomadic Archives: Remix and the Drift to Praxis
      Virginia Kuhn and Vicki Callahan
      Part 3. Politics
      They Have Come, Why Don’t We Build It? On the Digital Future of Humanities
      Jon Saklofske, Estelle Clements and Richard Cunningham
      Opening Up Digital Humanities Education
      Lisa Spiro
      Multiliteracies in the Undergraduate Digital Humanities Curriculum: Skills, Principles and Habits of Mind
      Tanya Clement
      Teaching Digital Rhetoric: Wikipedia, Collaboration and the Politics of Free Knowledge
      Melanie Kill

      Open Access Journal: RIIPAC: Revista sobre Patrimonio Cultural: Regulación, Propiedad intelectual e industrial

      RIIPAC: Revista sobre Patrimonio Cultural: Regulación, Propiedad intelectual e industrial
      ISSN: 2255-1565

      RIIPACes una revista jurídica de carácter académico creada por un grupo de  profesores – investigadores de la Universidad del País Vasco integrantes de la Asociación ARAXES para la Defensa, Propiedad y Difusión del Patrimonio Cultural y publicada por el grupo eumed.net de la Universidad de Málaga.

      RIIPAC se publica en formato electrónico, se difunde en abierto exclusivamente por Internet y  aborda  con un marcado carácter interdisciplinar los desafíos  legales suscitados por el Patrimonio Cultural.
      Se trata de una revista científica  de investigación  que, haciendo un especial hincapié en la Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, intenta generar un conocimiento   inédito y valioso sobre las cuestiones jurídicas que el Patrimonio Cultural suscita  por su interacción con las tecnologías de la Información, el desarrollo económico sostenible y el tratamiento de la biodiversidad.

      El objetivo principal de la Dirección de RIIPAC es constituirla como una plataforma de intercambio de estudios, análisis, decisiones, desarrollos que la realidad plantea  a nivel jurídico sobre la temática del Patrimonio Cultural 

      Con carácter específico, la Dirección de RIIPAC pretende contribuir a la generación del conocimiento y a la difusión de los aspectos legales, normativos y prácticos tanto  nacionales como internacionales que configuran la temática del Patrimonio Cultural. Estos aspectos son tratados en RIIPAC como materia clave para gestionar el Patrimonio Cultural como fuente de riqueza, de diversidad,  de  inspiración y desarrollo.

      Europeana EAGLE Project: Digital Bridge to the Ancient World

      Europeana EAGLE Project: Digital Bridge to the Ancient World
      EAGLE, The Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy is a best-practice network co-funded by the European Commission, under its Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme. EAGLE will provide a single user-friendly portal to the inscriptions of the Ancient World, a massive resource for both the curious and for the scholarly.

      The EAGLE Best Practice Network is part of Europeana, a multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitised items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections. EAGLE will collect, in a single readily-searchable database, more than 1.5 million items, currently scattered across 25 EU countries, as well as the east and south Mediterranean. The project will make available the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world, complete with the essential information about them and, for all the most important, a translation into English.

      The technology that will support the EAGLE project is state-of-the-art and tailored to provide the user with the best and most intuitive possible experience. Our services will include a mobile application, enabling tourists to understand inscriptions they find on location by scanning with a smartphone, and a story-telling application that will allow teachers and experts to assemble epigraphy-based narratives. A multilingual Wiki will be set up for the enrichment and enhancement of epigraphic images and texts, which will provide a basis for future translations of inscriptions into other European languages. The results of the EAGLE project will be disseminated as widely as possible, both within the scholarly community and within the public at large. To this end, EAGLE will publish its own Wikimedia Commons, and will also develop an inscription-themed documentary with a related teaser video.

      EAGLE will work within the Europeana, and with its sister projects, to ensure full and effective integration within this flagship project to make European culture globally available.
      Viewing all 14178 articles
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