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Open Access Journal: MNAR Digital (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano)

[First posted in AWOL 18 August 2016, updated 17 December 2018]

MNAR Digital (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano)
ISSN: 2341-1554

MNAR Digital es una publicación online dedicada a la divulgación de temas de museología y museografía, que pretende dar a conocer al público en general la actividad cotidiana de nuestro Museo. MNAR Digital tiene una periodicidad trimestral. Con un formato digital, la accesibilidad a los contenidos de la publicación es abierta y total, haciéndose realidad a través de la web del MNAR o suscribiéndose a la misma, mediante correo electrónico a la dirección mnar.digital@gmail.com.
Boletín 0 MNAR Digital0. Febrero de 2014. Mérida, 2014.

Online Course: Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World

Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World 
About the course

What did being healthy in ancient Rome or Greece look like? How can we tell what wellbeing meant in ancient times? This course will help you investigate the health of people in ancient Greece and Rome, using both literary and archaeological evidence to uncover details of real life in ancient societies.

Explore ancient life through primary evidence

This course is designed to challenge simplistic approaches which apply modern distinctions to the ancient world. Instead you’ll go back to the start and look at the primary evidence on which all modern assumptions are based. You’ll examine different objects closely, learning what each item can tell us about life in ancient times.

Understand ancient theories by examining the body

On the course we’ll divide the body up into organs and systems, using each as a starting point to explore ancient theories of the structure and function of the human body, and other aspects of ancient life.
We’ll discover ancient Greece and Rome in full, from the public to the personal, and from army and urban life to the lived experience of women and children. Using the evidence on the hair and face, the eyes, the digestive system, the organs of reproduction and the feet you’ll explore topics with which our society still wrestles, including the location of the ‘self’; the relationship between mind and body; identity; food and drink; sanitation; sexuality, ageing and gender.

Improve your critical and analytical abilities

Through the course you’ll develop some of the skills needed in the study of classics and history including:
  • Improving your ability to critically analyse primary sources
  • Learning to analyse complex problems based on fragmentary evidence
  • Developing your ability to engage with contemporary interpretations and scholarly debates.
For a taste of what will be covered in this course, read this post from Lead Educator, Helen King.

New Open Access Journal: THink: Research and Resources from Tydale House, Cambridge

THink: Research and Resources from Tydale House, Cambridge

Issue 1 – Winter 2018

Alpheios Reading Tools Version, December 2018

Alpheios Reading Tools Version, December 2018
Alpheios Logo
This is the first release of the Alpheios Reading Tools for Safari. The Chrome and Firefox extensions have been updated as well.
In addition to the support for Safari, the following features are included in this release:
  • The Inflection Table Browser has been moved to its own tab, separate from inflection tables for query results.
  • Issues with the Alpheios popup and panel styles being affected by the underlying page styles have been fixed.
  • Improved handling of panel state upon page navigation.
  • Additiional Latin irregular verb inflection tables.
Alpheios builds evidence-based, open-source software to support worldwide study of classical languages and literatures.
We will help people learn how to learn languages as efficiently and enjoyably as possible, and in a way that best helps them understand their own literary heritage and culture, and the literary heritage and culture of other peoples throughout history.
Our initial focus is on classical literature in languages no longer spoken, such as Latin and ancient Greek. The influence of these classics, like the river Alpheios, still runs like a subterranean stream deep beneath the contemporary world, as artists and thinkers continue to draw inspiration from them.
Next priorities include supporting more languages, including Persian, Syriac and Hebrew, and adding audio and imagery as well as language learning aids and games. Longer term goals include using the Alpheios platform to collect big data on how different individuals can best learn the historical languages (those without living native speakers) and appreciate their classical literature, and how this data can be interpreted neurophysiologically to shed light on human literacy and response to literature in general.
The Alpheios project uses resources from and is grateful to the following projects:
Join our mailing list to stay abreast of our developments.
The Alpheios Project, Ltd. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Open Access Journal: Anatolia antiqua. Eski Anadolu


Open Access Journal: Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua

[First posted in AWOL 19 October 2015, updated 19 December 2018 (new URLs)]

Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua
ISSN: 2254-1683.
Antesteria. Debates de Historia Antigua surge como plasmación de algunas de las aportaciones más brillantes presentadas, defendidas y debatidas a lo largo de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Surge por tanto con el fin primordial de difundir los resultados de estas investigaciones para contribuir al desarrollo de la ciencia histórica y a la promoción de los jóvenes investigadores que en ella se inician o dan sus primeros pasos.

La agrupación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid está constituida por los becarios y antiguos becarios del Departamento de Historia Antigua de dicha universidad, y tiene como objetivo principal el intercambio, la colaboración y el acercamiento, a nivel académico pero también personal, en aras de fomentar un clima de desarrollo científico de calidad y de convivencia cordial y enriquecedora.
Dentro de esta agrupación, la principal actividad desarrollada ha sido la organización y celebración de los Encuentros de Jóvenes Investigadores en Historia Antigua, unas Jornadas de Investigación anuales abiertas a la participación de todos los jóvenes investigadores predoctorales y postdoctorales de las distintas universidades y centros de investigación españoles y extranjeros, y cuyo espíritu no es muy distinto del que anima a la propia agrupación: crear un lugar de encuentro e intercambio científico que permita a los investigadores que están desarrollando sus primeros pasos en el mundo de la investigación obtener una amplia perspectiva de los ámbitos de estudio más en boga y conocer a las personas que puedan estar desarrollando trabajos cercanos o conectados con los suyos. Todo lo cual se logra mediante la generación de un foro en el que cada investigador puede exponer brevemente su objeto de estudio o sus líneas de investigación, pero en el que los debates y coloquios distendidos pero con un alto nivel científico adquieren un papel protagonista.

Número Actual

Open Access Journal: Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)

[First posted in AWOL 20 April 2012. Updated 19 December 2018]

Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD)
ISSN: 2049-1565
The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We are working with a number of specialist and institutional data repositories to ensure that the associated data are professionally archived, preserved, and openly available. Equally importantly, the data and the papers are citable, and reuse will be tracked. While still in beta phase, the journal is now accepting papers. We will also be adding new functionality over the next few weeks, and refining the look and feel.

Issue Archive

Open Access Journal: L’Annuaire du Collège de France

[First posted in AWOL 4 August 2010, updated 19 December 2018]

L’Annuaire du Collège de France
ISSN électronique: 2109-9227
L’Annuaire du Collège de France(Cours et travaux du Collège de France) se fait chaque année le reflet de l’activité scientifique du Collège. Il contient notamment les résumés détaillés des cours et séminaires des professeurs, rédigés par leurs soins. Les professeurs honoraires y présentent leurs activités. On y trouve également les comptes rendus des travaux des laboratoires, instituts et équipes de recherche accueillies au Collège ; les résumés des conférences données par des chercheurs étrangers invités ; une brève histoire du Collège de France comprenant la succession des chaires depuis le début du XIXe siècle.

La collection est publiée depuis 1901. En juillet 2010, l’édition imprimée se double de l'édition électronique. Huit numéros de l'Annuaire sont actuellement disponibles. Tous les volumes de la collection ont été numérisés et seront progressivement mis en ligne.
And see the other periodicals from the Collège de France

Database of Neo-Sumerian Texts (BDTNS)

 [First posted in AWOL 19 January 2012, updated, 19 December 2018]

Database of Neo-Sumerian Texts (BDTNS)

The Database of Neo-Sumerian Texts (or BDTNS, its acronym in Spanish) is a searchable electronic corpus of Neo-Sumerian administrative cuneiform tablets dated to the 21st century B.C. During this period, the kings of the Third Dynasty of Ur built an empire in Mesopotamia managed by a complex bureaucracy that produced an unprecedented volume of written documentation. It is estimated that museums and private collections all over the world hold at least 120,000 cuneiform tablets from this period, to which should be added an indeterminate number of documents kept in the Iraq Museum.
       Consequently, BDTNS was conceived by Manuel Molina (CSIC) in order to manage this enormous amount of documentation. The project initially rested on two fundamental pillars. First, the boost given by Marcel Sigrist, who in 1996 put at M. Molina’s disposal his Ur III catalogue of more than 30,000 texts. Second, the bulk of Ur III transliterations prepared in 1993 by Remco de Maaijer and Bram Jagersma (Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden), made freely available on their website; over the years this material grew considerably and was made accessible to M. Molina in 2001 via the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative. All the transliterations in BDTNS based on that work are properly credited on their respective catalogue records.
       The work on BDTNS began, therefore, in 1996 at the Instituto de Filología (now Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo) of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). Six years later, in 2002, it appeared online. In the same year, it began to be officially supported, thanks to two three-year research projects funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología:
  • BFF2001-2319. “Digitization of the Neo-Sumerian corpus of administrative cuneiform tablets (c. 2100-2000 BC)”. PI: M. Molina. Host institution: CSIC. Funding: €84,909. Duration: From 2002/01/01 to 2004/12/31.
  • HUM2004-1516. “Digitization of the Neo-Sumerian corpus of administrative cuneiform tablets (c. 2100-2000 BC). Second part”. PI: M. Molina. Host institution: CSIC. Funding: €71,600. Duration: From 2005/01/01 to 2008/03/31.
During all those years, and up to the present, BDTNS has collaborated closely with the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), led by Robert K. Englund (UCLA). It has also benefited from the material generously provided by several other scholars, particularly Marcel Sigrist (École Biblique et Archéologique Française, Jerusalem) and David I. Owen (Cornell University, Ithaca NY). Likewise, authors of new publications of Neo-Sumerian texts have regularly supplied digitized versions of their works that have greatly facilitated the update of BDTNS.

BDTNS in Figures

BDTNS currently provides searchable cataloguing data, transliterations, images, bibliography, collections, seal inscriptions and geotagged locations for more than 97,000 Neo-Sumerian administrative cuneiform documents. Part of this material remains unpublished, and access to it is strictly at its editor’s discretion.
       More specifically, the texts in BDTNS can be classified as follows (November, 2018):
Published in handcopy and/or transliteration63,815
Published only in catalogue or in photographic form22,642
Total of texts in BDTNS95,242

Transliterations for most of the published texts, images, a catalogue of seal inscriptions, collections, a complete bibliography, and geotagged data about their provenience are also provided by BDTNS:
Texts in transliteration64,012 (99% of published and auctioned texts) + 769 (unpubl. texts)
Lines in transliteration1,156,400
Texts with handcopy31,431 (62.2% via CDLI)
Texts with photograph32,699 (85.4% by CDLI)
Seal inscriptions23,470
Bibliographical references159,088
Bibliography1,897 titles
Collections738 collections in
39 different countries
Provenience of the texts
GARšana1,551 1.8%
Irisagrig1,150 1.4%

Newly Open Access Monograph Series: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam Religionemque pertinentia

Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam Religionemque pertinentia
ISSN: 1611-5945
Suggested citation: SAPERE 
Edited by Reinhard Feldmeier, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold and Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
Advisory Board: Barbara E. Borg, Maximilian Forschner, Dorothee Gall, Reinhard Gregor Kratz, Gustav Adolf Lehmann, Jan Opsomer, and Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler
For a long time, Greek and Latin texts from late antiquity (1st to 4th century AD) were in the shadow of the so-called »classic« epochs. There was however an abundance of works on philosophy, ethics and religion in Greek and in Latin during the first four centuries AD, and these works have not lost their relevance.

It is the goal of the SAPERE series (Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia, Writings in Late Antiquity on Ethical and Religious Issues) to make precisely these texts available in an innovative combination of edition, translation and interdisciplinary commentary in an essay form.

The name SAPERE is a deliberate link to the various connotations of the Latin verb. In addition to the intellectual aspect (which Kant in the translation of sapere aude, »Have courage to use your own understanding,« used as the motto of the Enlightenment), the sensuous aspect of »taste« will also be given the attention it deserves: On the one hand, major sources for the discourse in various disciplines (theology and religious studies, philology, philosophy, history, archaeology...) are to be presented, on the other hand the texts dealt with are also meant to whet the readers' appetites.

Thus a careful scholarly examination of the texts which are explained from various angles in the essays will be combined with a linguistic presentation which does not lose sight of the relevance of the texts for the history of ideas and at the same time shows the importance of authors of antiquity for discussions on current issues.

In Praise of Asclepius
Aelius Aristides, Selected Prose Hymns
Introduction, Text, Translation and Interpretative Essays by Christian Brockmann, Milena Melfi, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Robert Parker, Donald A. Russell, Florian Steger, Michael Trapp. Ed. by Donald A. Russell, Michael Trapp, and Karl-Heinz Nesselrath
2016. X, 164 pages. SAPERE XXIX
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156426-0DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156426-0
Also Available As:cloth

Gegen falsche Götter und falsche Bildung
Tatian, Rede an die Griechen
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Peter Gemeinhardt, Marie-Luise Lakmann, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Ferdinand R. Prostmeier, Adolf Martin Ritter, Holger Strutwolf u. Andrei Timotin. Hrsg. v. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
2016. X, 334 pages. SAPERE XXVIII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156427-7DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156427-7
Also Available As:cloth

Sapientia Salomonis (Weisheit Salomos)
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Walter Ameling, Folker Blischke, Mareike V. Blischke, Alfons Fürst, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold, Heinz-Günter Nesselrath u.a.
2015. XIII, 350 pages. SAPERE XXVII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156428-4DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156428-4
Also Available As:cloth

Die Sextussprüche und ihre Verwandten
Eingeleitet, übersetzt u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Wilfried Eisele, Yury Arzhanov, Michael Durst u. Thomas Pitour. Hrsg. v. Wilfried Eisele
2015. XIV, 489 pages. SAPERE XXVI
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156429-1DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156429-1
Also Available As:cloth

Pyrrhonian Skepticism in Diogenes Laertius
Introduction, Text, Translation, Commentary and Interpretative Essays by Katja Maria Vogt, Richard Bett, Lorenzo Corti, Tiziano Dorandi, Christiana M.M. Olfert, Elisabeth Scharffenberger, David Sedley, James Warren. Ed. by Katja Maria Vogt
2015. X, 202 pages. SAPERE XXV
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156430-7DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156430-7
Also Available As:cloth

On Prophecy, Dreams and Human Imagination
Synesius, De insomniis
Introduction, Text, Translation and Interpretative Essays by Donald A. Russell, Ursula Bittrich, Börje Bydén, Sebastian Gertz, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Anne Sheppard, Ilinca Tanaseanu-Döbler. Ed. by Donald A. Russell and Heinz-Günther Nesselrath
2014. X, 208 pages. SAPERE XXIV
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156431-4DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156431-4
Also Available As:cloth

Cosmic Order and Divine Power
Pseudo-Aristotle, On the Cosmos
Introduction, Text, Translation and Interpretative Essays by Johan C. Thom, Renate Burri, Clive Chandler, Hans Daiber, Jill Kraye, Andrew Smith, Hidemi Takahashi, Anna Tzvetkova-Glaser. Ed. by Johan C. Thom
2014. X, 230 pages. SAPERE XXIII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156432-1DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156432-1
Also Available As:cloth

Was ist wahre Freiheit?
Diatribe IV 1
Hrsg. v. Samuel Vollenweider. Eingel., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Samuel Vollenweider, Manuel Baumbach, Eva Ebel, Maximilian Forschner u. Thomas Schmeller
2013. XI, 178 pages. SAPERE XXII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156433-8DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156433-8
Also Available As:cloth

Ägyptische Erzählungen oder Über die Vorsehung
Hrsg. v. Martin Hose. Eingel., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Martin Hose, Wolfgang Bernard, Frank Feder u. Monika Schuol
2012. X, 204 pages. SAPERE XXI
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156434-5DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156434-5
Also Available As:sewn paper

Über den Tod
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Irmgard Männlein-Robert, Oliver Schelske, Michael Erler u.a.
2012. XI, 224 pages. SAPERE XX
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156435-2DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156435-2
Also Available As:sewn paper

Armut – Arbeit – Menschenwürde
Die Euböische Rede des Dion von Prusa
Eingel., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Gustav A. Lehmann, Dorit Engster, Dorothee Gall u.a.
2012. X, 276 pages. SAPERE XIX
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156436-9DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156436-9
Also Available As:sewn paper

Für Religionsfreiheit, Recht und Toleranz
Libanios' Rede für den Erhalt der heidnischen Tempel
Eingel., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, Okko Behrends, Klaus S. Freyberger, Johannes Hahn, Martin Wallraff u. Hans-Ulrich Wiemer
2011. XI, 276 pages. SAPERE XVIII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156437-6DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156437-6
Also Available As:sewn paper

Polis – Freundschaft – Jenseitsstrafen
Briefe an und über Johannes
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays vers. v. Katharina Luchner, Bruno Bleckmann, Reinhard Feldmeier u.a.
2010. XI, 243 pages. SAPERE XVII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156438-3DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156438-3
Also Available As:paper, cloth

On the daimonion of Socrates
Human liberation, divine guidance and philosophy
Ed. by Heinz-Günther Nesselrath. Introduction, Text, Translation and Interpretative Essays by Donald A. Russell, George Cawkwell, Werner Deuse, John Dillon, Heinz-Günther Nesselrath a.o.
2010. X, 225 pages. SAPERE XVI
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156444-4DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156444-4

Joseph und Aseneth
Hrsg. v. Eckart Reinmuth. Eingel., ed., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Eckart Reinmuth, Stefan Alkier, Brigitte Boothe, Uta B. Fink, Christine Gerber, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr u.a.
2009. XI, 280 pages. SAPERE XV
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156439-0DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156439-0
Also Available As:cloth

Der Philosoph und sein Bild
Hrsg. v. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, eingel., ed., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Eugenio Amato, Sotera Fornaro, Barbara E. Borg, Renate Burri, Johannes Hahn u.a.
2009. XI, 317 pages. SAPERE XIII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156440-6DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156440-6
Also Available As:paper, cloth

Die Griechischen Götter
Ein Überblick über Namen, Bilder und Deutungen
Hrsg. v. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath, eingel., übers. u. m. interpretierenden Essays vers. v. Fabio Berdozzo, George Boys-Stones, Hans-Josef Klauck, Ilaria Ramelli u. Alexei V. Zadorojnyi
2009. X, 259 pages. SAPERE XIV
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156441-3DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156441-3
Also Available As:paper, cloth

On Melancholy
Ed. by Peter E. Pormann. Introduction, Text, Translation and Interpretative Essays by Philip J. van der Eijk, Vivian Nutton, Peter E. Pormann, Thomas Rütten, Peter-Klaus Schuster, Simon Swain a.o.
2008. XV, 332 pages. SAPERE XII
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156442-0DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156442-0
Also Available As:cloth

Der apokryphe Briefwechsel zwischen Seneca und Paulus
Zusammen mit dem Brief des Mordechai an Alexander und dem Brief des Annaeus Seneca über Hochmut und Götterbilder
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Alfons Fürst, Therese Fuhrer, Folker Siegert u. Peter Walter
2006. X, 215 pages. SAPERE XI
eBook PDF
ISBN 978-3-16-156443-7DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156443-7
Also Available As:cloth

Dialog über die Liebe
Eingel., übers. u. mit interpretierenden Essays versehen v. Herwig Görgemanns, Barbara Feichtinger, Fritz Graf, Werner G. Jeanrond u. Jan Opsomer
2006. X, 323 pages. SAPERE X

eBook PDF

ISBN 978-3-16-156445-1
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-156445-1

 See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Eugesta [Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity]

[First posted in AWOL 18 December 2011. Updated 20 December 2018]

Eugesta [Journal on Gender Studies in Antiquity]
ISSN: 2265-8777
Le recours aux concepts de sexe et de genre développés dans les Gender Studies a considérablement transformé les recherches dans le domaine de l’Antiquité en ouvrant un nouveau champ extrêmement fructueux sur le plan culturel et social. Dans la mesure où elle est à l’origine de conceptions et valeurs auxquelles se réfèrent les constructions d’identités dans les cultures occidentales, l’Antiquité est un lieu d’application de ces théories tout à fait particulier. Les travaux menés sur les relations entre hommes, entre hommes et femmes, entre femmes, et sur les façons de construire le féminin et le masculin, ont jeté sur le fonctionnement des sociétés et cultures antiques, un éclairage nouveau, qui est aussi d’un intérêt capital pour l’étude de la réception de l’Antiquité dans les cultures occidentales.
Lire la suite…
The increased attention accorded to concepts of sex and gender developed by work in gender studies has powerfully transformed research in to the ancient Mediterranean past, opening up a new extremely fruitful field of cultural and social analysis. Inasmuch as many ideas and values responsible for shaping the construction of identities in later western societies originate in antiquity, applying gendered theoretical perspectives to the texts and artifacts surviving from the ancient world antiquity offers particular benefits. Inquiries conducted into the relations among men, between men and women, among women, and on modes of constructing what qualifies as “feminine” and “masculine” have brought a new illumination to the distinctive ways that ancient societies and cultures functioned, an illumination also of major relevance for research on the reception of antiquity in western cultures.

Numéro 8 | 2018

Josine BlokAn Athenian woman’s competence: the case of Xenokrateia [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Irene HanLa Nouvelle Vague: The Liquid Feminine in Plato’s Republic [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Vivien LonghiMatrices actives et matrices admirables chez les médecins grecs d’époque Classique [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Jesse WeinerStripping the Bark / Fleecing the Sheep: Rethinking glubit in Catullus 58 [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Michael PopeSeminal Verse: Atomic Orality and Aurality in De Rerum Natura [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Marilyn B. SkinnerLesbia as Procuress in Horace’s Epode 12 [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Federica BessoneStili di potere. Linguaggio politico, genere ed eros nella poesia imperiale romana [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Bill GladhillTiberius on Capri and the Limits of Roman Sex Culture [Résumé][Texte intégral]
Alex DresslerSeeing (not) seeing: the phenomenology of deviant standpoint as a functionof gender and class in Paulinus of Nola, Poems 18 [Résumé][Texte intégral]

Open Access Monograph Series: Materiale Textkulturen [Material Text Cultures]

[First posted in AWOL 26 August 2017, updates 20 December 2018]

Materiale Textkulturen [Material Text Cultures]
Ed. by Lieb, Ludger
eISSN: 2198-6940
The series Material Text Cultures is the publication organ of the identically named Collaborative Research Center 993 at Heidelberg University. The series publishes anthologies and monographs dedicated to the  Collaborative Research Center’s main focus of research – that is, the materiality and presence of the written in non-typographic societies.

        Launched: Ptolemaic Coins Online

        Ptolemaic Coins Online
        PCO is a project of the American Numismatic Society co-directed by Dr. Peter van Alfen and Ethan Gruber. The web database, based on the Numishare platform, has been developed by Ethan Gruber, who also oversaw the creation of the necessary Nomisma concepts for the project.
        Substantial work in developing PCO has been carried out by Gunnar Dumke of the Institut für Klassische Altertumswissenschaften at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. Disnarda Pinilla has provided considerable assistance in organizing material within the ANS collection. Alan Roche and Emma Pratte are responsible for the photographs of ANS coins. Prof. Bernhard Weisser and Dr. Karsten Dahmen have catalogued the material at the Münzkabinett of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. At the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF) Caroline Carrier and Julien Olivier have catalogued the Ptolemaic coins in the collection there. The PCO banner image was created by ANS photographer, Alan Roche.
        The ANS press release is here.

        Newly Open Access Journal: Annals of the Náprstek Museum

        Annals of the Náprstek Museum 
        Online ISSN: 2533-5685
        Annals of the Náprstek Museum
        Annals of the Náprstek Museum is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal publishing results of scientific research in the field of cultural anthropology, ethnology, archeology and history of non-European regions.
        Why subscribe and read
        The Annals of the Náprstek Museum publishes high quality papers dealing with non-European cultures. It primarily targets topics relevant for the vast collections of the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures. It also presents reports on archaeological and ethnographic field projects in non European areas.
        Why submit
        • Open Acess
        • Fast publishing
        • No page charge
        • Good printing quality
        Volume: 38 (2017)
        Volume: 37 (2016)

        Recent titles on antiquity in Leiden Open Dissertations


        Open Access Journal: Rivista del Museo Egizio

        Rivista del Museo Egizio 
        ISSN: 2611-3295
        La Rivista del Museo Egizio promuove, raccoglie e diffonde le ricerche su tutti gli aspetti della collezione del Museo Egizio di Torino e sui siti archeologici da esso indagati oggi e in passato, nonché studi su argomenti aventi una rilevanza indiretta per la collezione.

        Invito a pubblicare

        La rivista sta raccogliendo i contributi per il secondo numero (2018). Per le modalità di presentazione e le linee guida, vedi la sezione Pubblica con noi.

        RiME 2 (2018)

        Open Access Journal: Σχολή: Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition : A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition

        [First posted in AWOL 26 August 2013, updated 21 December 2018]

        Σχολή. Философское антиковедение и классическая традиция: Журнал Центра изучения древней философии и классической традиции -- Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition : A Journal of the Centre for Ancient Philosophy and the Classical Tradition
        ISSN: 1995-4336 (Online)
        ISSN: 1995-4328 (Print)

        Volume XII (2018)
        The Peripatetic Tradition
        School Traditions
        Volume XI (2017)
        Volume X (2016)
        Volume IX (2015)
        The Natural and Human Sciences in Antiquity
        From the analytical point of view: Law and philosophy
        Volume VIII (2014)
        The Platonic Tradition
        Choice. Law. Power. Argument
        Volume VII (2013)
        Kosmos and Psyche
        Volume VI (2012)
        Issue 1
        Ancient Music
        Ancient Psychology
        Volume V (2011)
        Cosmology and Astronomy
        Volume IV (2010)
        History and Philosophy of Law
        Iamblichus of Chalcis
        Volume III (2009)
        The Neopythagoreans
        Volume II (2008)
        Volume I (2007)
        This work is licensed under a
        The Journal is available at
        Indexed by
        SCOPUS (from 2011)
        ERIH Plus (from 2017)
        Web of Science (from 2018)
        Printed copies can be ordered from the editor
        Том XII (2018)
        Перипатетическая традиция
        Школьные традиции
        Том XI (2017)
        Том X (2016)
        Том IX (2015)
        Науки о природе и человеке в античности
        С аналитической точки зрения: право и философия
        Том VIII (2014)
        Платоническая традиция
        Выбор. Право. Власть. Аргумент
        Том VII (2013)
        Космос и душа
        Том VI (2012)
        Выпуск 1
        Античная музыка
        Античная психология
        Том V (2011)
        Космология и астрономия
        Том IV (2010)
        История и философия права
        Ямвлих Халкидский
        Том III (2009)
        Том II (2008)
        Том I (2007)

        Fresh translations of the Dickinson College Commentaries core vocabularies

        Fresh translations of the DCC core vocabularies
         Logo circle black square bacground
        Five new translations of the DCC Core Latin and Ancient Greek Vocabularies are now up and downloadable in various formats (download buttons can be found at the bottom of the pages):  Greek-Italian, by Elisa Ruggieri, Latin-Italian by Gian Paolo Ciceri, Latin-Portuguese by Vittorio Pastelli, Latin-Spanish by Francisco Javier Pérez Cartagena, and Latin-Swedish by Johanna Koivunen. We at DCC are extremely grateful to these scholars for their work. Thanks are due also to developer Lara Frymark, who figured out a way to upload the lists efficiently. If you would like to contribute a new translation (no German yet?! What about French? Russian?) please see this page.

        Open Access Journal: Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception

         [Originally posted 29 August 2010.  Most recently updated 22 December  2018]

        Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception 
        ISSN: 1179-7231
        Relegere has been established to promote and disseminate academic research on reception history, broadly understood, both within and across religious traditions.
        Relegere publishes studies of the transmission, reception, and effect of religion ideas, narratives, and images, within any medium - including but not limited to oral tradition, literature, drama, poetry, film, television, digital media, and the plastic arts - in relation to any group, sub-group, or individual in any religious tradition at any point in history.
        The journal has been founded on the conviction that the study of reception and religion must not limit itself to a mere cataloguing of influence or a simple recounting of the trajectories of foundational religious texts across time. Beyond this basic research, reception history needs to be more thoroughly understood on a conceptual and theoretical level; reception history must actively interrogate the taken-for-granted idea that foundational texts are somehow fixed, that their essential natures can be distinguished from their subsequent reception.
        In pursuit of this goal, Relegere actively encourages methodological, theoretical, and philosophical contributions relevant to reception history and religion, whether in relation to particular case studies or as stand-alone theoretical reflections.  Through the production of a coherent body of theoretical and practical reflection by and for scholars in very different fields and with very different interests, it is our hope that such an approach will facilitate a fruitful and ongoing discussion among scholars. 

        Vol 7, No 1–2 (2018)

        Special Issue: Transforming Biblical Animals

        Table of Contents


        Matthew Chrulew, Transforming Biblical AnimalsPDF


        On Behalf of Holy Creatures: Hélène Cixous Reads Leviticus, or, la lecture immondePDF
        Yael Klangwisan 9–22
        Can the Prophecies be Trusted?PDF
        Vinciane Despret 23–38
        On Making Fleshly Difference: Humanity and Animality in Gregory of NyssaPDF
        Eric Daryl Meyer 39–58
        C. S. Lewis, 2 Kings 19:35, and MicePDF
        Michael J. Gilmour 59–71
        What's an Ark?PDF
        Mark Payne 73–91
        Peaceable Kingdoms in the Digital WorldPDF
        Beatrice Marovich 93–113
        Cerberus Bites Back: A Tale with Three Heads — the Syrophoenician and her ImitatorsPDF
        Alan Cadwallader 115–46
        The Politics of the Beast: Rewiring Revelation 17PDF
        Hannah M. Strømmen 147–64

        Book Reviews

        The Book of Exodus: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation, edited by Thomas B. Dozeman, Craig A. Evans, and Joel N. LohrPDF
        Zeb Farber 167-72
        The Bible Retold by Jewish Artists, Writers, Composers and Filmmakers, edited by Helen Leneman and Barry Dov WalfishPDF
        Sara M. Koenig 173-77
        Aliens and Strangers? The Struggle for Coherence in the Everyday Lives of Evangelicals, by Anna StrhanPDF
        Ibrahim Abraham 177-80
        If God Meant to Interfere: American Literature and the Rise of the Christian Right, by Christopher DouglasPDF
        Zhange Ni 181-84
        Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm, by Giorgio AgambenPDF
        Beornn McCarthy 185-89
        A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life, by Ward BlantonPDF
        Nikolai Blaskow 190-202
        Shakespeare and Early Modern Religion, edited by David Loewenstein and Michael WitmorePDF
        Iona Hine 202-9
        Words of Power: Reading Shakespeare and the Bible, by Jem BloomfieldPDF
        Michael Cop 209-12
        Children's Bibles in America: A Reception History of the Story of Noah's Ark in US Children's Bibles, by Russell W. DaltonPDF
        Kevin McGeough 212-15
        The High Middle Ages, edited by Kari E. Børresen and Adriana ValerioPDF
        Christine Axen 216-20
        Reading the Bible in the Middle Ages, edited by Jinty Nelson and Damien KempfPDF
        Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer 220-26
        Patmos in the Reception History of the Apocalypse, by Ian BoxallPDF
        Michelle Fletcher 226-29
        The Bible and Art: Perspectives from Oceania, edited by Caroline Blyth and Nasili Vaka’utaPDF
        Jonathan Homrighausen 230-33
        John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion, by Bruce GordonPDF
        Jon Balserak 233-35
        Gender Hierarchy in the Qur'ān: Medieval Interpretations, Modern Responses, by Karen BauerPDF
        William Shepard 235-39

        New Open Access Monograph Series: The Bible in Effect

        The Bible in Effect
        The Bible in Effect series examines the reception and effect of the Bible and biblical literature. The ambit of the series encompasses reception and effects in any of the following subject areas: literature, politics, ecology, economics, history, politics, science, gender and sexuality, culture, race and postcoloniality, animality, philosophy, the arts, music, film, theatre, etc.

        The Bible, Zionism, and Palestine: The Bible's Role in Conflict and Liberation in Israel-Palestine

        Cover for The Bible, Zionism, and Palestine: The Bible's Role in Conflict and Liberation in Israel-Palestine
        Michael J. Sandford
        Volume editor


        Contributors evaluate the divisive and liberatory influences and effects of the Bible on Zionism and Palestine-Israel and, conversely, the practice of biblical interpretation in a Post-Nakba world.
        • Front matter: Title, Contents, Acknowledgements, Contributors Download E-book
        • Introduction: Bible, Zionism, Palestine - Michael J. Sandford Download E-book
        • Part 1: Varieties of Zionism Download E-book
        • 1. The Bible in the Service of Zionism: “We do not Believe in God, but he Nonetheless Promised us Palestine” - Ilan Pappé Download E-book
        • 2. Christian Zionism, the US, and the Middle East: A Sketch and Brief Analysis - Mark Finney Download E-book
        • 3. God's Earthly People: C. I. Scofield and the Blessing of Israel - Hilary Perry Download E-book
        • 4. “In No Country are the Prophecies of the Bible more Revered than in Scotland”: The Church of Scotland, Christian Zionists, and the Edinburgh Chovevei Zion - Mark Gilfillan Download E-book
        • 5. Canadian Christian Zionism: Hawkish Eccentrics - Ron Dart Download E-book
        • Part 2: Palestinian Liberation Theology Download E-book
        • 6. A Jewish Theology of Liberation - Dan Cohn-Sherbok Download E-book
        • 7. The Bible, Zionism, and Palestinian Liberation Theology - Naim S. Ateek Download E-book
        • 8. From Galilean Shores to Israeli Checkpoints: Jesus's Way of Non-Violence as Contemporary Challenge - Mary Grey Download E-book
        • 9. Repent, for the Dictatorship of God is at Hand! - James G. Crossley Download E-book
        • Part 3: Post-Nakba Biblical Studies Download E-book
        • 10. The Jewish Jesus and the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Palestinian Liberation Theology, Anti-Judaism, and Jewish-Christian Relations - Michael J. Sandford Download E-book
        • 11. Response to Michael Sandford: Palestinian Liberation Theology, Anti-Judaism, and Jewish-Christian Relations - Amy-Jill Levine Download E-book
        • 12. The Manipulation of History for Ideology: Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Zionist Examples - Lester L. Grabbe Download E-book
        • 13. On the Manipulation of History for Ideology: A Response to Lester Grabbe - Keith W. Whitelam Download E-book
        • 14. Christian Claims on the Inheritance of Israel: Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho the Jew - Michael J. Kok Download E-book
        • 15. Banning the Nations: An Old Testament Approach to the Rights and Wrongs of Boycotts - Alastair G. Hunter Download E-book
        • Bibliography Download E-book
        • Indices Download E-book  
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