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Meta: "Open Access" is now open Access

From MIT Press


The Internet lets us share perfect copies of our work with a worldwide audience at virtually no cost. We take advantage of this revolutionary opportunity when we make our work “open access”: digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Open access is made possible by the Internet and copyright-holder consent, and many authors, musicians, filmmakers, and other creators who depend on royalties are understandably unwilling to give their consent. But for 350 years, scholars have written peer-reviewed journal articles for impact, not for money, and are free to consent to open access without losing revenue.
In this concise introduction, Peter Suber tells us what open access is and isn’t, how it benefits authors and readers of research, how we pay for it, how it avoids copyright problems, how it has moved from the periphery to the mainstream, and what its future may hold. Distilling a decade of Suber’s influential writing and thinking about open access, this is the indispensable book on the subject for researchers, librarians, administrators, funders, publishers, and policy makers.

About the Author

Peter Suber is  Director of the Office for Scholarly Communication Office at Harvard, Director of the Harvard Open Access Project, a Faculty Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, and Senior Researcher at SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition). He is widely considered the de facto leader of the worldwide open access movement.


“[A] very important book...a must read for all scholars and researchers who publish their own work or consult the peer-reviewed published work of others—in other words, virtually all academics.” — Rob Harle, Leonardo Reviews

Paperback | $12.95 Trade | £9.95 | ISBN: 9780262517638 | 230 pp. | 5 x 7 in | July 2012

Digital Library for International Research, Middle East Research Journals Project

[First posted in AWOL 18 July 2009. Updated 18 June 2013]

Digital Library for International Research, Middle East Research Journals Project
The Middle East Research Journals (MERJ) project, funded by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (2002-2006), provided digital access to five complete journals held at American Overseas Research Centers in the Middle East in the CAORC consortium. Additional materials created for this project are bibliographic records for 1,900 journals held at seven centers in the Middle East, a searchable index of three research journals, preservation microfilm for five research journals.

A searchable article-level index is available for the following titles:

  • Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society (Jerusalem, 1920-1948)
  • Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine (London, 1931-1950)
  • Sumer (Baghdad, 1945-2000)
Digital full-text is available for the following journals:

  • Arkeoloji Dergisi, Izmir, 1991-1998
  • Arkeoloji-sanat Tarihi Dergisi, Izmir, 1984-1996
  • Bogazici University Journal-Beseri Bilimler, Istanbul, 1973-1981
  • Revue archéologique syrienne, Aleppo, 1931-1938
  • Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society, 1933-196

High-resolution recording: Ashurnasirpal II and Tutankhamun

Factum Foundation
Factum Foundation is a registered Foundation, established in 2009 and based in Spain, dedicated to the development and use of non-contact high-resolution digital recording as part of a coherent approach to the preservation, understanding and public exhibition of objects from our cultural heritage.

Advances in digital technology are dramatically and radically changing our understanding and appreciation of our shared cultural heritage. Science and technology are assisting art by providing forensically accurate information to both specialists and an interested public.
The foundation is dedicated to demonstrating that the way we understand the original object is part of a dynamic process and not a fixed state of being. When the dynamic nature of originality is successfully presented, works of art come alive - their complex biographies inform the present and influence the future.  When viewed in this way they cease to be discrete objects to be viewed in museums and become complex subjects that can reveal their past (and also reveal how they have been valued and cared for by previous generations in diverse locations). Read more


Facsimile of the Tomb of Tutankhamun

Announcing the Perseus Catalog, release 1.0


Announcing the Perseus Catalog, release 1.0

The Perseus Digital Library is pleased to announce the 1.0 Release of the Perseus Catalog.
Perseus LogoThe Perseus Catalog is an attempt to provide systematic catalog access to at least one online edition of every major Greek and Latin author (both surviving and fragmentary) from antiquity to 600 CE. Still a work in progress, the catalog currently includes 3,679 individual works (2,522 Greek and 1,247 Latin), with over 11,000 links to online versions of these works (6,419 in Google Books, 5,098 to the Internet Archive, 593 to the Hathi Trust). The Perseus interface now includes links to the Perseus Catalog from the main navigation bar, and also from within the majority of texts in the Greco-Roman collection.

The metadata contained within the catalog has utilized the MODS and MADS standards developed by the Library of Congress as well as the Canonical Text Services and CTS-URN protocols developed by the Homer Multitext Project.  The Perseus catalog interface uses the open source Blacklight Project interface and Apache Solr. Stable, linkable canonical URIs have been provided for all textgroups, works, editions and translations in the Catalog for both HTML and ATOM output formats. The ATOM output format provides access to the source CTS, MODS and MADS metadata for the catalog records. Subsequent releases will make all catalog data available as RDF triples.
Other major plans for the future of the catalog include not only the addition of more authors and works as well as links to online versions but also to open up the catalog to contributions from users. Currently the catalog does not include any user contribution or social features other than standard email contact information but the goal is to soon support the creation of user accounts and the contribution of recommendations, corrections and or new metadata.
Follow the links above for comments from Editor-in-Chief Gregory Crane on the history and purpose of the catalog.
The Perseus Digital Library Team

Pietro Bracci's 'lost' manuscript

Newly online at the Griffith Institute

Pietro Bracci's 'lost' manuscript

I Geroglifici ed Obelischi Eggizzi, 'opera postuma inedita di Pietro Bracci', 1767

Pietro Bracci (1700-1773) was a leading Roman sculptor of his time. Among his most important works are the colossal Oceanus (or Neptune) of the Trevi Fountain and the sculptures for several funerary monuments in Rome, including the tombs of Pope Benedict XIII in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva and that of Pope Benedict XIV in the Basilica of Saint Peter. He is also renowned for a group of busts and a significant number of drawings which are now dispersed among numerous museums and collections around the world, including the Canadian Centre for Architecture and the Musée des Beaux-Arts, both in Montreal, and the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. 

However, based on historical inventories of Bracci's manuscripts, most of them now lost, Bracci had many interests, including architecture, military engineering and sundials, to mention a few. An unpublished manuscript by Bracci on Egyptian hieroglyphs, probably started in the 1750s or 1760s but left unfinished, and which was believed to be lost, was in fact purchased by Sir Alan H. Gardiner, who later presented it to the former Ashmolean Museum library, and thence transferred to the Griffith Institute archive. This work, which constitutes one of the oldest holdings of the archive, is now being prepared to finally see the light of day for the first time. To celebrate Bracci's birthday in the month of June - there is some uncertainty about the exact date (16th or 26th depending on the author), we present here scans of some individual pages of this unique "jewel", a new surviving example of a pre-Champollion attempt to read and understand the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script, which is strongly influenced by the work of Athanasius Kircher.

News from the Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank

From Gnomon Bibliographische Datenbank by email
In addition to the monthly updated online version
(http://www.gnomon-online.de), the Gnomon Bibliographic Database is
now also available as a full download for local installations.

The software installer and installation manuals in multiple languages
can be downloaded at
Both versions are free of charge.

The GBD is a joint creation of the Chairs of Ancient History of the
Universities of Eichstätt and Augsburg. Comprising over 500000
entries, it is one of the most extensive database systems for
specialized literature in the Classics, also including literature on
the subject-specific history of the Classics. The GBD contains
monograph studies, anthologies, articles in periodicals, reviews, and
encyclopedias in various languages that can be searched with a
comprehensive and multilingual thesaurus (German, English, French,
Spanish, and Italian; currently around 25000 keywords). The
possibility of linking research results to YouTube-contents and
internet resources is currently a distinct feature of the GBD.
Moreover, cooperative collaborations enable the inclusion of new
publications of, for instance, the Bavarian State Library (Munich)
and, only recently, of the Joint Library of the Hellenic & Roman
Societies (London). The GBD also cooperates with the editorial team of
Gnomon (Munich) and the Virtual Library Classical Studies, Propylaeum.

 You can find further information on the database and current projects
at <http://www.philhist.uni-augsburg.de/de/lehrstuehle/geschichte/alte/projekte/GBD>.

Open Access Journal: Vigiliae Christianae: A review of early Christian life and language

Vigiliae Christianae: A review of early Christian life and language
ISSN: 0042-6032

Swansea University Object Lifecycle Project

Swansea University Object Lifecycle Project
As part of their degrees, Swansea University 2nd year students take a module called 'Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Archaeology'. They are required to study an object in the Egypt Centre and write a 3000-4000 word essay outlining the lifecycle of an object from its production to current display. Here are some previous essays as submitted (please note they have not been edited). 
W553 Sistrum. By Greg Saunders

Open Access Journal: Dike. Rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico

Dike. Rivista di storia del diritto greco ed ellenistico
ISSN: 1128-8221
DIKE è la prima rivista specificamente dedicata allo studio del diritto greco ed ellenistico: pubblica articoli sottoposti a “revisione” (peer review).

La rivista, diretta da Eva Cantarella e Alberto Maffi, è pubblicata con il contributo e sotto gli auspici del Dipartimento di Diritto privato e Storia del Diritto dell’Università degli Studi di Milano.

Si prevede la pubblicazione di un numero annuale nel mese di dicembre. DIKE è aperta non solo agli specialisti del settore, ma anche a tutti gli studiosi interessati agli aspetti giuridici della civiltà greca.

Pubblicherà articoli in francese, inglese, greco, spagnolo, tedesco e italiano.


Open Access Journal: Studies in Mediterranean antiquity and classics

Studies in Mediterranean antiquity and classics
ISSN: 1934-3442
SMAC features the outstanding research of undergraduates at Macalester College in the study of ancient Mediterranean people and cultures. Papers are welcome addressing the languages, literature, material culture, societies or history of the ancient Mediterranean world or their reception in later historical periods. Submissions are peer reviewed by advanced students at Macalester College.

Open Access Journal: SMID Online

SMID Online
ISSN: 0081-8275
Welcome to the online version of the Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dialect (SMID). SMID is an analytical bibliography of Mycenaean text studies, including short summaries of scholarly works, cross-references of reviews, and indices of Linear B and Linear A signs, words and texts, as well as a fully cross-referenced subject index. SMID is a unit of the Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory in the Department of Classics at The University of Texas at Austin

PASP director Tom Palaima initiated the revival of SMID at the University of Texas at Austin and published the first volume (for the year 1979) in 1995. The database and print format were set up by Elizabeth Sikkenga, the new series' 1st editor & project director. Successors as editor are: Peter van Alfen, Nick Dobson, and Amy Dill. At this website you can search the volumes of SMID that have been published by PASP. Publication was suspended in 2010, leaving three unpublished volumes.
Search By Keyword | Search By Author

Open Access Journal: Chicago House Bulletin

 [First posted in AWOL 28 December 2010. Updated 6 July 2013]

Chicago House Bulletin
The Epigraphic Survey based at Chicago House in Luxor, Egypt, is directed by W. Raymond Johnson, PhD, Research Associate (Associate Professor) NELC and Oriental Institute.
The mission of the Survey since its founding in 1924 has been to produce photographs and precise line drawings of the inscriptions and relief scenes on major temples and tombs at Luxor for publication. More recently the Survey has expanded its program to include conservation, restoration, and site management. In addition to the field director, the professional staff of the Survey normally includes three to four epigraphers, four to five artists, two photographers, an architect, a librarian, several conservators, and IT consultants. The epigraphers and artists include both graduate students and post-doctoral scholars who have received training in all aspects of Egyptology. The Epigraphic Survey completed its 87th archaeological field season at the end of April, 2011.
Some issues of the Chicago House Bulletin originally appeared as a part of the Oriental Institute News & Notes:

For a listing of all Oriental Institute publications available online  see:


 [First posted on AWOL 29 March 2009. Updated 7 July 2013]

ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑSΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑis an international peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal published by the Institute for Byzantine Research (IBR) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF).It provides a forum for the publication of original research in the field of Byzantine studies. We invite articles from a broad range of fields within Byzantine studies, and are especially interested in promoting interdisciplinary approaches. ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑSΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑalso publishes book reviews in Byzantine Studies. The Ιnternational Editorial Advisory Board appointed every four years as well as the rigorous publication procedures ensure the journal maintains a high standard of scholarship.Taking advantage of the capabilities of open-,source publishing software ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΑSΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑprovides free access to high-quality scholarly research to everyone, and helps maximize the impact of research. A fully electronic publication management system ensures a speedy process, and offers authors the ability to follow the progress of their manuscripts through the publication process. Revised manuscripts of accepted articles are published immediately upon submission of the final version. Each volume comprises the total of the articles published during the year. A print edition appears at the end of every year. The Greek Documentation Center(EKT), also part of the NHRF, provides publication management and technical support for the electronic publication of BYZANTINA SΥΜΜΕΙΚΤΑ.

ISAW Papers 4: The Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism

[First posted in AWOL 24 February 2012. Updated 7 July 2013]

ISAW Papers 4

This article is now available at the URI http://dlib.nyu.edu/awdl/isaw/isaw-papers/4/ as part of the NYU Library's Ancient World Digital Library in partnership with the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW). More information about ISAW Papers is available on the ISAW website.

Creative Commons License

ISAW Papers 4 (February, 2012)

The Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism

Tony Freeth and Alexander Jones

Abstract:The Antikythera Mechanism is a fragmentarily preserved Hellenistic astronomical machine with bronze gearwheels, made about the second century B.C. In 2005, new data were gathered leading to considerably enhanced knowledge of its functions and the inscriptions on its exterior. However, much of the front of the instrument has remained uncertain due to loss of evidence. We report progress in reading a passage of one inscription that appears to describe the front of the Mechanism as a representation of a Greek geocentric cosmology, portraying the stars, Sun, Moon, and all five planets known in antiquity. Complementing this, we propose a new mechanical reconstruction of planetary gearwork in the Mechanism, incorporating an economical design closely analogous to the previously identified lunar anomaly mechanism, and accounting for much unresolved physical evidence. 

Βυζαντινά Μνημεία της Αττικής - Byzantine Monuments of Attica

Βυζαντινά Μνημεία της Αττικής - Byzantine Monuments of Attica
Η Αθήνα, το σύμβολο του κλασικού πολιτισμού, δεν ακολούθησε την ίδια πορεία στους βυζαντινούς χρόνους. Μετά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα, κατά την οποία είχε διατηρήσει τη θέση ενός μεγάλου εκπαιδευτικού και πολιτιστικού κέντρου της Αυτοκρατορίας ήρθε η απαγόρευση της διδασκαλίας των εθνικών φιλοσόφων της σχολής του Πλάτωνα από τον Ιουστινιανό και η μετατροπή ακόμη και του Παρθενώνος στην Ακρόπολη σε χριστιανικό ναό. Κι αυτή τη φορά, τη λατρεία μιας ειδωλολατρικής παρθενικής θεάς διαδέχτηκε η λατρεία της χριστιανικής Παρθένου. Οι δυο αυτές πρωτοβουλίες της Βυζαντινής κυβέρνησης σφράγισαν ουσιαστικά το τέλος της εθνικής πολιτιστικής παράδοσης της Μεσογείου, που είχε ταυτισθεί με την Αθήνα. Ακολούθησε η σταδιακή δημογραφική και οικοδομική παρακμή που είναι χαρακτηριστική της εποχής μετά τον 6ο αιώνα για όλη την Ελλάδα Η ανατροπή της παραδοσιακής οικονομικής ζωής που επήλθε με τις επιδρομές από βορρά (οι Έρουλοι στα τέλη του 3ου αιώνα, οι Γότθοι στα τέλη του 4ου , οι Βάνδαλοι κατά τον 5ο αιώνα, οι Σλάβοι μετά τα μέσα του 6ου αιώνα, οι Σαρακηνοί τον 8ο αιώνα και αργότερα), δημιούργησαν την κατάσταση μιας υποτονικής κοινωνικής, οικονομικής και πολιτιστικής ζωής.  

Athens, symbol of the classical civilization, changed its course during the Byzantine period. During late Antiquity it constituted a great intellectual and cultural center in the Empire. However, the following period was characterized both by the prohibition of the teaching of philosophers in the School of Plato under Justinian and by the conversion of the Parthenon into a Christian church. The veneration of a pagan virgin goddess gave its place to the veneration of the Virgin Mary. These two initiatives of the Byzantine Government sealed the end of the national cultural tradition of the Mediterranean identified with Athens. Gradual demographic and building decline followed indicative of the period after the 6th century in Greece. The overthrow of the traditional economic life after certain northern raids (the Heruli towards the end of the 3rd century, the Goths in the end of the 4th century, the Vandals during the 5th century, the Slavs after the middle of the 6th century, the Saracens in the 8th century onwards) was the reason of a nerveless social, financial and cultural life.

A New Concordance of the Pyramid Texts

A New Concordance of the Pyramid Texts
James P. Allen
THIS CONCORDANCE was prepared as the basis for a new study of the lexicon, orthography, and grammar of the Pyramid Texts. It contains all currently available instances of Pyramid Texts from the pyramids of Unis to those of Pepi II’s queens. Where possible, the texts have been scanned from photographs (Unis) or published facsimiles, each sized to a width of 8.9 mm (0.35 in); I am grateful to Élise Bène for permission to use the facsimiles of Teti’s texts that she prepared for her doctoral dissertation. Where no facsimile was available, I have used the hand copies published by Sethe, sometimes rearranged to avoid excessively large signs or gaps between signs; I have also reversed Sethe’s consistent left-facing lines when the original faces right. The Merenre fragments published in Orientalia are rendered in normalized hieroglyphs. 
In place of the sequential column numbers used by Sethe and Jéquier for each pyramid, I have used the convention inaugurated by Leclant, where each column is numbered according to its location in the pyramid; for conventions, see the “Occurrences of Pyramid Texts,” below. Parentheses are used to indicate text beginning within a column rather than at the top. 
The texts are arranged by Sethe’s spell numbers (Sprüche); parentheses indicate a spell that continues over more than one page. I have appended letters in cases where Sethe assigned a single number to what was subsequently revealed to be more than one spell: for example, PT 71A–D. I have also assigned new spell numbers, marked by an asterisk (PT *704–*806), to texts not numbered by Sethe, where these are either substantially preserved or have a known location in the pyramid. In place of Sethe’s paragraph numbers (Pyr.), I have numbered the lines of each spell larger than a single line sequentially, usually corresponding to Sethe’s paragraph numbers; the latter are given in small type below the corresponding sequential number: thus, for example, PT 50.1, corresponding to Sethe’s Pyr. 37b. An asterisk following a sequential number (or Sethe’s Pyr. number, where no sequential number has been assigned) signals a textual note, found on the same page. 
The texts of each spell are arranged chronologically from left (earliest) to right (latest). For passages with discernible revisions on the wall, the original text is presented in normalized hieroglyphs to the left of the final version, with the column headed by the same siglum plus a prime (Sethe’s älterer Text) or, for instances of two revisions, a double prime (Sethe’s ältester Text): for instance, PT 509.3 (Pyr. 1120c), with Pʺ to the left of Pʹ, to the left of P. In a few cases where Sethe’s publication shows signs not preserved in the facsimile, I have added these in normalized hieroglyphs in a column to the right, headed “Sethe.” 
I hope that this concordance, and its conventions, will prove useful to scholars of the Pyramid Texts. At a minimum, it combines the two volumes of Sethe, the four of Jéquier, and the one of Leclant’s MAFS, into a single source. In particular, however, I hope it will ease the current confusion in numbering, replacing the quadruple system of Sethe, T.G. Allen, Faulkner, and new MAFS numbers by a single, coherent system. I have decided to abandon Sethe’s Pyr. numbers for three reasons. First, the latter do not immediately reveal to which spell they belong. Second, a system of revised Pyr. numbers, such as that used in my Inflection of the Verb in the Pyramid Texts, becomes unwieldy in cases where a large amount of text has been discovered since Sethe’s publication; an example is PT 698A, to which Sethe assigned Pyr. 2176 but which turns out to have thirty-three lines, necessitating Pyr. numbers from 2176a to 2176ee in Sethe’s system. Third, because my sequential numbers do not continue beyond a single spell, they can be easily revised if new text is discovered for spells currently preserved only in fragments. 
This concordance is being made freely available via the internet in the hope that it will prove useful to scholars of the Pyramid Texts. It is divided into six volumes (PDF files) to make for easier downloading. This initial volume contains a list of all currently available occurrences and a transcription of spells (numbered and unnumbered) and major fragments. 
This is by no means a final edition. The texts from the pyramids of Teti, Pepi I’s queens, and Merenre still await full publication, and a true facsimile edition of those from the pyramids of Pepi II and his queens is also needed. As new sources become available, I will add them to the CorelDraw files that are the basis of this concordance. More than a century and a quarter after they were first discovered by Maspero, the Pyramid Texts remain a work in progress.
Providence, 2013

Open Access Journal: Revista de estudios latinos

[First posted in AWOL 6 October 2010. Updated 8 July 2013]

Revista de estudios latinos
ISSN: 1578-7486
e-ISSN: 2255-5056
Publicación anual de la Sociedad de Estudios Latinos 
La Revista de Estudios Latinos (RELat) está destinada a recoger aportaciones científicas rigurosamente originales e inéditas en cualquier ámbito de la Filología Latina y de las disciplinas relacionadas con ella. Consta de tres secciones: Artículos científicos, Informes sobre didáctica y nuevas tecnologías y Reseñas.
Presentación de originales y procedimientos de evaluación y selección: los originales remitidos para su publicación se atendrán a las pautas que se detallan en las Directrices de presentación y evaluación de originales y se ajustarán a las Normas de edición de la RELat. Serán objeto de dos informes técnicos de evaluación confidenciales realizados por expertos externos como requisito para su admisión, en su caso, por parte del Consejo Editorial.
Todos los contenidos de la revista están disponibles y son de libre acceso en esta página web de la RELat, salvo el último número publicado, del cual se ofrece el índice y los resúmenes de los artículos.

Vol 12 (2012)

Revista de Estudios Latinos


Vol 1 (2001)

Primer Número de la Revista de Estudios Latinos

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Partially Open Access Journal: Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici

Prometheus. Rivista di studi classici
ISSN 0391-2698 (print)
ISSN 2281-1044 (online)
Fondata da Adelmo Barigazzi nel 1975, la rivista Prometheus si è dedicata programmaticamente alla ricerca scientifica sui testi letterari classici greci e latini, nella convinzione che uno studio analitico e filologicamente approfondito dei testi antichi possa giovare ancora fortemente alla formazione culturale dei giovani della nostra età.
La rivista si richiama alla più genuina tradizione fiorentina degli studi classici, che ebbe in Giorgio Pasquali un grande interprete del mondo antico, maestro impareggiabile di ricerca e di metodo. Si occupa quindi di testi sia greci che latini, considerati espressione di un'unica letteratura in due lingue, e si caratterizza per una vocazione squisitamente critico-testuale ed esegetica.
Ampio spazio viene dato da un lato agli studi sulla tradizione manoscritta, alla costituzione e alla critica del testo e, dall'altro, all'analisi filologica, all'interpretazione e al commento degli scritti, per una loro valorizzazione e comprensione letteraria storicamente inquadrata.
The following volumes are available open access. Later vlumes are restricted to subscribers


Encyclopaedia Iranica Crowdsource Tagging Project

Encyclopaedia Iranica Crowdsource Tagging Project
The Encyclopaedia Iranica website can be searched by tags, and we are therefore launching a Tag Project to improve its tag search function.

In order to increase the number of descriptive keywords or short phrases associated with each entry, we are calling on our readers to submit tags (for more on tags and tagging, see the WIKI entry on “Tag”) when reading Encyclopaedia Iranica Online entries.
In order to submit tags, you will find on the right hand column of each entry, a Tag section under the Comments section. Click the Tags link on the left, and you will see tags already associated with an entry; if you click the Add a Tag link on the right, you will get a pop-up window that will allow you to add multiple tags separated by a comma (,).

We are looking forward to receiving your tags. Since we are moderating this project, we will acknowledge all submissions from readers who also wish to enter their email address.
If you have questions, please write to us at (iranica2011@gmail.com). 
Please feel free to tag along and many thanks in advance for your time and assistance!

Video: Word, Space, Time: Digital Prespectives on the Classical World. An interdisciplinary conference organized by the Digital Classics Association

Word, Space, Time: Digital Perspectives on the Classical World. An interdisciplinary conference organized by the Digital Classics Association
The inaugural conference of the Digital Classics Association was held April 5-6, 2013 at the University at Buffalo, SUNY. It featured lectures, posters, and workshops on a range of digital approaches to the classical world. 

*** Video of the conference presentations is now posted on the Tesserae Youtube channel. ***
Abstracts, slides, and posters for some of the presentations are available through the conference program. Photos of the event are available in the photo gallery. Appreciations of the conference can be found on the blogs of Geoffrey Rockwell and Christopher Francese.

Those interested in continuing the conversation can look forward to the DCA workshop session at the January 2014 APA / AIA meetings in Chicago.
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