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Open Access Journal: Gallia Préhistoire

Gallia Préhistoire
ISSN électronique: 2109-9642
Couverture Gallia Prehistoire 56

Gallia Préhistoire (Préhistoire de la France dans son contexte européen) a pour objectif la diffusion de résultats originaux et inédits, de découvertes significatives d’intérêt suprarégional et de synthèses thématiques en Préhistoire et Protohistoire, du Paléolithique ancien à la fin de l’âge du Bronze. La revue publie des articles de synthèse, thématiques ou présentant en détail des données inédites et contextualisées dans les problématiques actuelles. Écrits en français ou en anglais, les articles sont évalués en aveugle par au moins deux rapporteurs. Ils sont publiés en ligne au fil de l’eau et rassemblés en fin d’année dans un volume papier. Des Suppléments (au format papier uniquement) rassemblent des études monographiques, de grandes synthèses et des corpus présentant un intérêt majeur ou des avancées significatives pour l'archéologie préhistorique.
Les numéros 1 à 55 (1958-2013) sont disponibles sur Persée.
56 | 2016

Open Access Journal: Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition Annual Report

Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome and the Classical Tradition Annual Report
The IGRCT promotes research into all aspects of Greco-Roman culture from antiquity to the present day, in the belief that classical culture remains a vital influence in the modern world. It embraces research from many fields, including history of all kinds, archaeology, literary studies, art history and philosophy, and has a particular focus on research that explores the links between ancient and modern.
The Institute was formed in 2004 through the merger of the Bristol Institute of Hellenic and Roman Studies, founded in 2000 by Robert Fowler, and the Bristol Centre for the Classical Tradition, founded by the late Thomas Wiedemann. It achieves its aims by hiring postdoctoral research fellows and supporting their research, inviting distinguished scholars to give seminars and lectures, holding symposia and conferences, cultivating international links with other scholars and organisations, and supporting the development of research projects in the faculty.
The work of the Institute would be impossible without the generous contributions of individual and corporate donors, and we would like to express our gratitude for their continued support.

Vías Romanas en Castilla y León

Vías Romanas en Castilla y León
Vuelta a la Portada
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de una labor de investigación llevada a cabo entre los años 2007 a 2010, circunscrita a la Comunidad de Castilla y León. Muchas de las identificaciones proceden de labores que el autor llevaba realizando bastantes años antes sobre la caminería antigua en general y sobre la romana en particular. Se han conseguido identificar unos 2400 kilómetros de caminos romanos ciertos, cuyos vestigios estructurales, constructivos, toponímicos y epigráficos, en este orden y en razón al valor de cada uno de estos factores, nos han determinado su existencia. Vías Romanas en Castilla y León. 

 01 Cerezo de Riotirón a León
 02 Astorga a Braga por el Tera
 03 Astorga a Braga por el Sil
 04 Astorga al Bierzo
 05 Cacabelos a Lugo
 06 Astorga a León
 07 Astorga a Lancia
 08 Mérida a Salamanca
 09 Salamanca a Villalazán
 10 Villalazán a Montealegre
 11 Segovia a Cercedilla
 12 Villalazán a Castrogonzalo
 13 Tarazona a Numancia
 14 Numancia a Osma
 15 Osma a Clunia
 16A Clunia a Simancas
 16B Simancas a Astorga
 17 Briviesca a Vitoria
 18 Sasamón a Herrera de Pisuerga
 19 Herrera de Pisuerga a Retortillo
 20 Sasamón a Villalazán
 21 Salamanca a Ávila
 22 Medinaceli a Tiermes
 23 Sigüenza a Monreal de Ariza
 24 Numancia a Lara y a Sasamón
 25 Osma a Tiermes
 26 Clunia a Sasamón
 27 Castro Urdiales a Osma de Álava
KMZ Instrucciones

Archives scientifiques du CFEETK

Archives scientifiques du CFEETK

Open Access Journal: Letras Clássicas

[First posted in AWOL 4 November 2014, updated (new URLs) 14 January 2018]

Letras Clássicas
ISSN: 1516-4586
eISSN: 2358-3150
Page Header
A Revista "Letras Clássicas"é o veículo oficial do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras Clássicas da Universidade de São Paulo - Brasil.
Seu objetivo é divulgar pesquisas recentes acerca dos temas atinentes à Área de Letras Clássicas sob a forma de Artigos, Resenhas, Traduções e Notícias.
Letras Clássicas destina-se a pesquisadores e estudiosos da área de Estudos Clássicos: Arqueologia, História Antiga, Filosofia Antiga e Letras Clássicas, além dos pesquisadores em Língua e Literatura como um todo.


Cover Page

No 14 (2010)

O eixo temático deste volume da revista Letras Clássicas é a poesia épica.


Cover Page

No 13 (2009)

O eixo temático deste volume da revista Letras Clássicas é o Renascimento.


Cover Page

No 12 (2008)

O eixo temático deste volume da revista Letras Clássicas é a tragédia grega.


Cover Page

No 11 (2007)

Este número de Letras Clássicas é dedicado aos estudos da língua grega e da língua latina – não só aos estudos da gramática, mas aos estudos dos gramáticos gregos e latinos.


Cover Page

No 10 (2006)

Este número de Letras Clássicas é dedicado às composições mélicas, elegíacas e iâmbicas de autores gregos e latinos.


Cover Page

No 9 (2005)

O número 9 de Letras Clássicas é dedicado ao problema da distinção entre os gêneros de discurso.


Cover Page

No 8 (2004)

O eixo temático deste número de Letras Clássicas são as relações entre as várias disciplinas dos estudos clássicos, isto é, as relações entre a arqueologia clássica, a epigrafia greco-romana, a filosofia antiga, a história antiga,a numismática greco-romana e, certamente, as letras clássicas.


Cover Page

No 7 (2003)

Este número é dedicado ao riso, isto é, ao estudo dos gêneros, fontes e fins do risível, segundo textos gregos e latinos, em verso (= iambo, elegia, mélica, comédia, sátira) e em prosa (= discurso oratório, diálogo filosófico).


Cover Page

No 6 (2002)

Este número é dedicado às relações entre mito e história presentes nos textos épicos, trágicos e historiográficos gregos e latinos.


Cover Page

No 5 (2001)

Este número de Letras clássicas é dedicado à poesia épica greco-latina.


Cover Page

No 4 (2000)

Este número consagra-se à retórica e à poética greco-latina. Há também estudo sobre os autores indianos que trataram retórica ou poética a partir do séc. VII d.C. e estudos sobre a retórica praticada na Europa nos tempos modernos, quer nas contendas teológicas do séc. XVI, quer na corte das monarquias absolutistas do séc. XVII.


Cover Page

No 3 (1999)

Este número dedica-se ao filósofo e escritor Sêneca.


Cover Page

No 2 (1998)

Este número norteia-se pela figura de Platão.


Cover Page

Open Access Journal: Annales Instituti Archaeologici

[First posted in AWOL 10 August 2010. Updated 14 January 2018]

Annales Instituti Archaeologici
ISSN: 1845-4046
Časopis je utemeljen 2005. godine pod nazivom Annales Instituti Archaeologici – AIA (Godišnjak Instituta za arheologiju) u Zagrebu.

Objavljuje rezultate arheoloških istraživanja i terenske preglede Instituta za arheologiju.

Izlazi jednom godišnje (jedan volumen, jedan broj).

Financijsku potporu daje Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i športa

The journal was founded in 2005 by Institute of Archaeology (Zagreb) and originally entitled Annales Instituti Archaeologici – AIA.

The journal publishes results of the archaeological excavations and field surveys carried by Institute of Archaeology. It is being published once a year (one volume, one number).

Supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of Croatia.
Vol. XIII   No. 1
Vol. XII   No. 1
Vol. XI   No. 1
Vol. X   No. 1
Vol. IX   No. 1
Vol. VIII   No. 1
Vol. VII   No. 1
Vol. VI   No. 1
Vol. V   No. 1
Vol. IV   No. 1
Vol. III   No. 1
Vol. II   No. 1
Vol. I   No. 1

H. Craig Melchert's Publications Online

[First posted in AWOL 27 April 2014, updated 15 January 2018]

H. Craig Melchert's Publications Online
Anatolian Text Corpora:
Cuneiform Luvian Corpus         
Lydian Corpus
Ablative and Instrumental in Hittite (unpublished Harvard Ph.D. dissertation, 1977).
Studies in Hittite Historical Phonology, Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1984, 176pp.Lycian Lexicon,self-published, Chapel Hill, 1989, iv + 122pp.Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 298pp. luvlexLycian Lexicon (2nd revised edition), self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 130pp.Anatolian Historical Phonology, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1994, iv + 457pp.A Dictionary of the Lycian Language, Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor/New York, 2004, xvii + 
     138 pp.www.beechstave.com
A Grammar of the Hittite Language (with Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake,
      2008, xxii + 468 pp. (Part 1), 75 pp. (Part 2)
Edited books:
Mír Curad.  Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität
Innsbruck, Innsbruck,1998, xviii+715 pp (chief editor, with Jay Jasanoff and Lisi Oliver)The Luwians (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section One, Near and Middle East Volume 68),
     Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2003, xix+383 pp addenda&corrigenda
1. 'Hittite ašša- anzašša-,'Revue hittite et asianique31 (1973) [1976] 57-70 hassa-2. 'Secondary Derivatives in -- in the Rigveda,'Harvard Indo-European Studies 2 (1975) 163-
     1983. '"Exceptions" to Exceptionless Sound Laws,'Lingua 35 (1975) 135-153 exceptions
4. 'Tocharian Verb Stems in -tk-,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 91 (1977)
     93-130 tk-verbs
5. 'The Acts of Hattušili I,'Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37 (1978) 1-22 hattusiliI
6. 'On §§56, 162 and 171 of the Hittite Laws,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 31 (1979) 57-64
7. 'Three Hittite Etymologies,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 93 (1979)
262-271 3hittiteetymologies
8. 'The Use of IKU in Hittite Texts,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 32 (1980) 50-56 IKUinhittite
9. 'Some Aspects of "Aspect" in Mandarin Chinese,'Linguistics 18 (1980) 635-654
10. 'The Hittite Word for "Son",'IndogermanischeForschungen85 (1980) 90-95
11. '"God-Drinking":  a Syntactic Transformation in Hittite,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 9
     (1981) 245-254god-drinking12. 'The Second Singular Personal Pronoun in Anatolian,'MünchenerStudienzurSprach-
     wissenschaft42 (1983) 151-165 2ndsingularpronoun13. 'A "New" PIE *men Suffix,'Die Sprache29 (1983) 1-26 men-suffix14. 'Pudenda Hethitica,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 35 (1983) 137-145 pudenda
15. 'Notes on Palaic,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 98 (1984) 22-43
16. 'Hittite imma and Latin immo,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 98 (1985)
     184-205 imma
17. 'Hittite uwaš and Congeners,'Indogermanische Forschungen 91 (1986) 102-115 uwas
18. 'Proto-Indo-European Velars in Luvian,' in Studies in Memory of  Warren Cowgill (ed.
     Calvert Watkins)(1987)182-204 gscowgill19. 'Reflexes of *h3 in Anatolian,'Die Sprache33 (1987) 19-28 h3inAnatolian20. 'Final -r in Hittite,' in A Linguistic Happening in Memory of Ben Schwarz (ed. Yoël
     Arbeitman) (1988) 215-234 final-r21. '"Thorn" and "Minus" in Hieroglyphic LuvianOrthography,'Anatolian Studies 38 (1988)
29-42 thorn&minus
22. 'Luvian Lexical Notes,'Historische Sprachforschung 101 (1988) 211-243 luvlexnotes
23. 'New Luvo-Lycian Isoglosses,'Historische Sprachforschung 102 (1989) 23-45 luvo-lycian
24. 'PIE "dog" in Hittite?'Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 50 (1989) 97-101 dog
25. 'Adjective Stems in *-iyo- in Anatolian,'Historische Sprachforschung 103 (1990) 198-207
     iyo-stems26. 'The Lydian Emphasizing and Reflexive Particle -ś/-is,'Kadmos30/2(1991) 131-142 
     lydianreflexive27. 'Death and the Hittite King,' in Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture and
     Religion.  Studies in Honourof Edgar C. Polomé (ed. Roger Pearson) (1991) 1.182-188
28. 'Relative Chronology and Anatolian:  the Vowel System' in Rekonstruktion und Relative
     Chronologie, Akten der VIII.Fachtagung der indogermanischen Gesellschaft (ed. R.
     Beekes et al.) (1992) 41-53 relchron29. 'The Third Person Present in Lydian,'IndogermanischeForschungen97 (1992) 31-54
30. 'Hittite Vocalism,' in Per unagrammaticaittita (ed. OnofrioCarruba) (1992) 183-196
     hittitevocalism31. 'The Middle Voice in Lycian,'HistorischeSprachforschung105 (1992)189-199 lycianmiddle32. 'A New Interpretation of Lines c 3-9 of the Xanthos Stele,' in Aktendes II. Internationalen
     Lykien-Symposions(edd. J.Borchhardt& G. Dobesch) (1993) 1.31-34 xanthosc3-933. 'A New Anatolian "Law of Finals",'Journal of Ancient Civilizations 8 (1993) 105-113
     lawoffinals34. 'Historical Phonology of Anatolian,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 21 (1993) 237-257
     anathistphon35. 'Remarks on Some New Readings in Carian,'Kadmos32 (1993) 77-86 carianremarks36. 'The Feminine Gender in Anatolian,' in Früh-, Mittel-, Spätindogermanisch.  Akten der IX.
     Fachtagung derindogermanischen Gesellschaft (ed. George Dunkel et al.) (1994)
231-244 feminine37. 'Anatolian', in Languesindo-européennes(ed. Françoise Bader) (1994) 121-136
38. 'PIE *y > Lydian d,' in Iranian and Indo-European Studies.  Memorial Volume of O. Klíma
(ed. P. Vavroušek) (1994)181-187 lydiand
39. '"Cop's Law" in Common Anatolian,' in In honorem Holger Pedersen.  Kolloquium der
     indogermanischenGesellschaft vom 26. bis 28. März 1993 in Kopenhagen (ed. Jens
     Rasmussen) (1994) 297-306 cop's_law40. 'Indo-European Languages of Anatolia,' in Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (ed. Jack
     Sasson) (1995)4.2151-2159 cane41. 'Nominal Inflection in Neo-Hittite,' in Attidel II CongressoInternazionaledi Hittitologia
(ed. O. Carruba et al.) (1995)269-274 NHnominfl42. 'Anatolian Hieroglyphs,' in The World's Writing Systems (edd. William Bright and Peter
     Daniels) (1996) 120-124hluvianscript43. 'Lycia. Language' and 'Lydia. Language,' in Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed. (edd. S.
     Hornblower& A. Spawforth)(1996) 895, 899 lycian-lydian44. 'Hittite Phonology,' in Phonologies of Asia and Africa (ed. Alan S. Kaye) (1997) 557-56745. 'Luvian /ta:na-/ "sanctified, inviolable",'HistorischeSprachforschung107 (1997) 47-51 tana46. 'Denominative Verbs in Anatolian,' in Studies in Honor of JaanPuhvel.  Part One.  Ancient
     Languages and Philology(ed. D. Disterheft et al.) (1997) 131-138 denomverbs47. 'PIE Dental Consonants in Lydian,' in Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp.  Volume II (ed. D. Q.
     Adams) (1997) 32-47lydiandentals48. 'Syncope and Anaptyxis in Hittite,' in Sound Law and Analogy.  Papers in honor of Robert S.
     P. Beekes on theoccasion of his 60th birthday (ed. A. Lubotsky) (1997) 177-180 FSbeekes
49. 'Traces of a PIE Aspectual Contrast in Anatolian?'IncontriLinguistici20 (1997) 83-92
50. 'Poetic Meter and Phrasal Stress in Hittite,' in MírCurad.  Studies in Honor of Calvert
Watkins (edd. J. Jasanoff, H.C. Melchert& L. Oliver) (1998) 483-494 fswatkins51. 'Hittitearku- "chant, intone" vs. arkuwāi-"make a plea",'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 50
     (1998) 45-51arku-52. 'The Dialectal Position of Anatolian within Indo-European,'Proceedings of the 24th Meeting
of the BerkeleyLinguistics Society, Special Session on Indo-European Subgrouping
and Internal Relations (ed. B. Bergenet al.) (1998) 24-31 berkeley
53. 'Aspects of Verbal Aspect in Hittite,' in UluslararasıHititolojiKongresiBildirleri.  Acts of the
     IIIrd InternationalCongress of Hittitology, Çorum, Sep. 16-22, 1996 (ed. S. Alp & A. Süel)
     (1998) 413-418 aspect154. 'Two Problems of Anatolian Nominal Derivation,' in CompositionesIndogermanicae in
     memoriam Jochem Schindler(ed. H. C. Luschützky and H. Eichner) (1998) 365-375
55. 'I contributi del luviogeroglificoaglistudi di indoeuropeistica,' in Il GeroglificoAnatolicoAtti
     del ColloquiodellatavolarotondaNapoli-Procida, 5-9 giugno1995 (ed. M. Marazzi)
     (1998) 259-265 procida56. 'Once more Greek tolúpē,'Orpheus 8 (Memorial Volume for V. Georgiev) (1998) 47-51
tolupe57. 'Hittite karzan- "basket of wool",' inStudi e Testi II (= Eothen 10) (ed. S. de Martino & F.
     Imparati) (1999) 121-133karzan58. 'Carian mdoΩun"we have established",'Kadmos 38 (1999) 33-41 carianmdoWun
59. 'Once More on the Conclusion of the Lycian Trilingual of the Létôon, HistorischeSprach-
     forschung 112 (1999) 75-77letoonend
60. '"(Zu)eignung" in Anatolian and Indo-European,' in Celtica et Indogermanica.  Festschrift für
     W. Meid zum 70.Geburtstag (edd. P. Anreiter & E. Jerem) (1999) 243-247 fsmeid
61. 'Hittite tuk(kan)zi,'Ktema 24 (1999) 17-23 (À la mémoire de Lisbeth Franck) tukkanzi
62. 'Aspects of Cuneiform LuvianNominal Inflection,' in The Asia Minor Connexion.  Studies on
     the Pre-Greek Languagesin Memory of Charles Carter (ed. YoëlArbeitman) (2000)
    173-183 gscarter63. 'Tocharian Plurals in -nt- and Related Phenomena,'Journal of Tocharian and Indo-European
     Studies9 (2000) 53-75plurals in -nt-64. 'Hittite Nominal Stems in -il,' in Anatolischund Indogermanisch/Anatolicoe indoeuropeo (edd.
     O. Carruba& W. Meid(2001) 263-272 il-stems65. 'Hittite damnaššara-"domestic"/dDamnaššareš"household deities",'Journal of Ancient Near
     Eastern Religions 1(2002) 150-157 damnassara66. 'Tarhuntassa in the SüdburgHieroglyphic Inscription,' in Recent Developments in Hittite
     Archaeology and History.Papers in Memory of Hans G. Güterbock(edd. A. Yener & H.
     Hoffner) (2002) 137-143 tarhuntassa
67. 'A Hittite Fertility Rite?' in Akten des IV. internationalen Kongresses für Hethitologie.
Würzburg 4.-8. Oktober 1999(ed. G. Wilhelm) (2002) 404-409 ararkiskanzi
68. 'Sibilants in Carian,' in Novalis Indogermanica. Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 80.
     Geburtstag (edd. M. Fritz& S. Zeilfelder) (2002) 305-313 cariansibilants
69. 'The God Sandain Lycia?' in Silva Anatolica. Anatolian Studies Presented to MaciejPopko
     on the Occasion of His65th Birthday (ed. P. Taracha) (2002) 241-251 FSpopko
70. 'Covert Possessive Compounds in Hittite,' in The Linguist's Linguist. A Collection of Papers
 in Honor of AlexisManaster Ramer (ed. F. Cavoto) (2002) 297-302 covertcompounds71. 'Sanskrit sárdigdi-,' in Indic and Iranian Studies in Honor of Stanley Insleron his Sixty-Fifth
     Birthday (edd. J.Brereton and St. Jamison) (2002) 325-328 sardigrdi72. 'A Practical Approach to Verbal Aspect in Hittite' (with Harry A. HoffnerJr.), in Anatolia
Antica. Studiin memoria diFiorella Imparati(ed. S. di Martino and F. Pecchioli
Daddi) (2002) 377-390 gsimparati
73. 'Hieroglyphic LuvianREL-ipa"indeed, certainly",' in Indo-European Perspectives (ed. M.
     Southern) (2002) 223-232REL-ipa74. 'Introduction; Prehistory; Language' (Chapters 1,2 and 5) in The Luwians (ed. C. Melchert)
     (2003) 1-7, 8-26, and170-21075. 'The Dialectal Position of Lycian and Lydian with Anatolian,' in Liciae Lidia prima dell'
     Ellenizzazione. Atti delConvegnointernazionale. Roma, 11-12 ottobre 1999 (ed. M.
     Giorgieri et al.) (2003) 265-272 lica&lidia76. 'Hittite Nominal Stems in -anzan-,' in Indogermanisches Nomen. Akten der Arbeitstagung der
     IndogermanischenGesellschaft/Society for I-E Studies/Société des Etudes Indo-
     Européennes. Freiburg 19. bis 21.September 2001(ed. E. Tichy et al.) (2003) 129-139
     sumanzan77. 'PIE "thorn" in Cuneiform Luvian?', in Proceedings of the 14th Annual UCLA Indo-European
     Conference,ed.K. Jones-Bley et al.) (2003) 145-161 thorn78. 'Hittite antaka-"loins" and an Overlooked Myth about Fire,' in Hittite Studies in Honor of
Harry A. Hoffner Jr. (ed. G.Beckman, R. Beal & G. McMahon) (2003) 281-287 FShoffner
79. 'Hieroglyphic Luvian Verbs in -min(a),' in Per Aspera ad Asteriskos. StudiaIndogermanica in
     honorem Jens ElmegårdRasmussen sexagenariiIdibusMartiis anno MMIV (ed. A. 
     Hyllested et al.) (2004) 355-362 mina80. 'The Inflection of Some Irregular Luvian Neuter Nouns,' in Šarnikziel. Hethitologische
Studien zum Gedenken anEmil Orgetorix Forrer (edd. D. Groddek and S. Rößle)
(2004) 471-475 sarnikzel81. 'Luvian, Palaic, Lycian, Lydian, Carian,' in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's
     Ancient Languages (ed. R.Woodard) (2004) 576-61382. 'A Luwian Dedication,' in Indo-European Perspectives. Studies in Honourof Anna Morpurgo
     Davies (ed. J. Penney)(2004) 370-379 fsmorpurgo83. 'Second Thoughts on PIE *y and *h2 in Lydian,' in StudiaAnatolica et Varia. Mélange offerts
     à Professeur RenéLebrun, Volume 2 (ed. M. Mazoyerand O. Casabonne) (2004)
139-150 lebrun84. 'Latin insolēscō, Hittite šulle(šš)- and PIE Statives in -ē-' in H́mánasā. Studies Presented
     to Professor Leonard G.Herzenberg on His 70th Birthday (ed. N. N. Kazansky) (2004)
     90-98 fsherzenberg
85. 'The Problem of Luvian Influence on Hittite', in Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel, Akten der
     XI. Fachtagung derIndogermanischen Gesellschaft 17.-23. September 2000, Halle an
     der Saale (edd. G. Meiser & O. Hackstein)(2005) 445-460 halle
86. 'Indo-European Verbal Art in Luvian,' in La langue poétique indo-européenne (edd.
G. Pinault and D. Petit) (2006) 291-298 luvianverbalart
87. 'Medio-Passive Forms in Lydian?' in Studilinguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani(ed. R.
       Bombi et al.) (2006) 1161-1166 fsgusmani.pdf
88. 'The Boundaries of TarhuntassaRevisited,' in BelkısDinçolve Ali Dinçol’aArmağan(ed. M.
       Alparslan et al.) (2007) 507-513 dinçolsfs
89. 'Hittite huwapp-, huppā(i)- and huppiya-,' in TabulariaHethaeorum. Hethitologische Beiträge
       Silvin Košak zum 65. Geburtstag (edd. D. Groddek & M. Zorman) (2007) 513-519
90. 'PIE *h2esp-‘to cut’,' in VerbaDocenti. Studies in historical and Indo-European linguistics
      presented to Jay H. Jasanoff by students, colleagues, and friends (ed. A. Nussbaum)
      (2007) 253-258 fsjasanoff.pdf
91. 'Hittite Morphology,' in Morphologies of Asia and Africa (ed. A. Kaye) (2007) 755-773
92. 'Luvian Evidence for PIE *h3eit- ‘take along; fetch,'Indo-European Studies Bulletin,
      UCLA 12/1 (2007) 1-3 PIEh3eit.pdf
93. 'New Light on Hittite Verse and Meter?,' in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual UCLA
     Indo-European Conference, November 3-4, 2006 (edd. K. Jones-Bley et al.) (2007)
      117-128 ucla18.pdf
94. 'Middle Hittite Revisited,' in VI CongressoInternazionale di Ittitologia, Roma, 5-9
settembre 2005 (edd. A. Archi & R. Francia) (2007) 525-531 melchertrome.pdf
95. 'Neuter Stems with Suffix *-(e)n- in Anatolian and Proto-Indo-European,'Die Sprache
            47 (2007/2008) [2010] 163-181 en-stems
96. 'Hittite duwān (parā)'Morphology and Language History in honour of Harold Koch
      (ed. C. Bowern, B. Evans & L. Miceli) (2008) 201-209 fsharoldkoch.pdf

97. 'Problems in Hittite Pronominal Inflection,'Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Essays

in honour of Frederik Kortlandt. Volume 1: Balto-Slavic and Indo-European
      Linguistics (edd.A. Lubotsky, J. Schaeken and J. Wiedenhof) (2008) 367-375
98. 'Greek mólybdosas a Loanword from Lydian,'in Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks
and their Neighbors. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-Cultural
      Interaction, September 17-19, 2004, Emory University, Atlanta, GA(edd. B. Collins,
      M.Bachvarova and I. Rutherford (2008) 153-158 molybdos
99. 'Deictic Pronouns in Anatolian,' in East and West: Papers in Indo-European Studies
(ed. K. Yoshida & B. Vine) (2009) 151-161 melchertkyoto
100. 'Discourse Conditioned Use of Hittite -ma,' in Form, Funktion und Diachronie. Akten
der Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 24. bis 26. September
2007 in Marburg(edd. E. Rieken & P. Widmer) (2009) 187-195 marburg
101. 'Ablativ und Instrumental im Hethitischen und Indogermanischen. Ein Beitrag zur
relativen Chronologie' (with Norbert Oettinger), Incontri Linguistici 32 (2009) 53-73
102. 'Hittite hi-verbs from Adverbs,' in Protolanguage and Prehistory. Akten der XII.
        Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 15.10.2004
       in Krakau (ed. R. Lühr and S. Ziegler) (2009) 335-339      krakow
103. 'The Animate Nominative Plural in Luvian and Lycian,'in *h2nr. Festschrift für Heiner
      Eichner (ed. R. Nedoma & D. Stifter) (= Die Sprache 48) (2009) [2010] 112-117
104. 'Lidya Dili veYazıtları/Lydian  Language and Inscriptions,' in LidyalılarveDünyaları/
      The Lydians and Their World (ed. N. D. Cahill) (2010) 267-272
105. 'Hittite talliye/a- ‘to draw, allure’,' in Pax Hethitica. Studies on the Hittites and
      their Neighbors in Honour of Itamar Singer (edd. Y. Cohen, A. Gilan and
      J. Miller) (2010) 226-232 fssinger
106. 'The Word for ‘mouth’ in Hittite and Proto-Indo-European,'International Journal
      of Diachronic Linguistics 7 (2010) 55-63 PIEmouth
107. 'Spelling of Initial /a-/ in Hieroglyphic Luwian,' in ipamatikistamatiparitumatimis.
Luwian and Hittite Studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion
of his 70th Birthday (ed. I. Singer) (2010) 147-158 FShawkins
108. 'Hittite ar(ap)p- and Derivatives,' in InvestigationesAnatolicae. Gedenkschrift für
       Erich Neu (ed. J. Klinger, E. Rieken & C. Rüster) (2010) 179-188 gsneu
109. 'Further Thoughts on Carian Nominal Inflection,' in Hellenistic Karia. Proceedings 
of the First International Conference onHellenisticKaria Oxford, 29 June - 2 July
2006, (edd. R. van Bremen and M. Carbon) (2010) 177-186 cariannoun
110. 'Hittite talliyē(šš)- ‘be(come) calm, quiescent’,' in Issledovanijapolingvistikei
semiotike. Sbornikstatejk jubilejuVyach. Vs. Ivanov (ed. T. M. Nikolaev)
(2010) 148-152fsivanov
111. 'On Hittite mūgā(i)-,' in Studi di Ittitologia in onore di Alfonso Archi (ed. R. Francia
      & G. Torri) (= Orientalia79/2) (2010) 207-215 FSarchi
112. 'The PIE Collective Plural and the “τζα τρχειrule”,' in Indogermanistik und
Linguistik im Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen
Gesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September, 2008, in Salzburg (ed. T. Krisch
& T. Lindner) (2011) 395-400 salzburg
113. 'Indo-Europeans,' in The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. 10,000–323 B.C.E.
      (ed. S. Steadman & G. McMahon) (2011) 704-716
114. 'The PIE Verb for ‘to pour’ and Medial *h3 in Anatolian,' in Proceedings of the 22nd
      UCLA Indo-European Conference (ed. S. Jamison et al.) (2011) 127-132
115. 'The Problem of the Ergative Case in Hittite,' in Grammatical Case in the Languages
of the Middle East and Europe. Acts of the International colloquiumVariations,
concurrence et evolution des casdans divers domaineslinguistiquesParis 2–4
April 2007 (ed. M Fruyt, M. Mazoyerand Dennis Pardee) (2011) 161-167
116. ' Enclitic Subject Pronouns in Hieroglyphic Luvian,'Aramazd6/2 (2011) 73-86
117. 'Genitive Case and Possessive Adjective in Anatolian,' in Per Roberto Gusmani.
Studi in ricordo. Linguisticastorica e teorica, vol. II, tomo1(ed. V. Orioles)
(2012) 273-286 gsgusmani
118. 'Luvo-Lycian Dorsal Stops Revisited,'The Sound of Indo-European 2 (ed. R. Sukač and O.
Šefčík) (2012) 206-218 melchertSofIE2
119. 'Hittite “Heteroclite” s-Stems,' in Multi NominisGrammaticus. Studies in Classical and
      Indo-European linguistics in honor of Alan. J. Nussbaum on the occasion of his
      sixty-fifth birthday (ed. A. Cooper, J. Rau, and M. Weiss) (2012) 175-184
120. 'Hittite ḫi-Verbs of the Type -āC1i, -aC1C1anzi,'IndogermanischeForschungen117
      (2012) 173-185 melchertIF117
121. 'Dative-Locative Objects of Infinitives in Anatolian,' in Von Fall zu Fall – Studienzur
indogermanischen Syntax (= HistorischeSprachforschung125) (2012) [2014] 242-
122. 'Motivations for Hittite Mythological Texts,'Writing Down the Myths: the Construction of
Mythology in Classical & Medieval Traditions (ed. J. Nagy) (2013) 257-264
123. 'Luvian Language in “Luvian” Rituals in Hattusha,'Beyond Hatti: A Tribute to Gary
      Beckman (edd. B. Collins & P. Michalowski) (2013) 159-172 melchertFSbeckman
124. 'Hittite and Hieroglyphic Luvianarha‘away’: Common Inheritance or Borrowing?'
Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013) 300-312 melchertJLC6
125. 'Ablaut Patterns in the Hittite hi-Conjugation,' in Proceedings of the 24th UCLA
      Indo-European Conference (ed. S. Jamison et al.) (2013) 137-150 ucla24
126. 'Naming Practices in Second and First Millennium Western Anatolian,' in Personal
      Names in Ancient Anatolia (ed. R. Parker) (2013) 31-49 personalnames
127. 'Agreement Patterns in Old and Middle Hittite,' in Grammaticaet verba. Glamour
and verve. Studies in South Asian, historical, and Indo-European
linguistics in honor of Hans Henrich Hock on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday
(ed. S. Chen and B. Slade) (2013) 165-180fshock
128. 'PIE *-eh2 as an “individualizing” Suffix and the Feminine Gender,' in Studies on the
Collective and Feminine in Indo-European from a Diachronic and Typological
Perspective (edd. S. Neri & R. Schuhmann (2014) 257-271melchertjena
129. 'The Hieroglyphic Luvian Verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS,' in Na-wa/i-VIR.ZI/A
MAGNUS.SCRIBA. Festschrift fur Helmut Nowicki zum 70. Geburtstag
(edd. C. Brosch & A. Payne) (2014) 133-138 melchertFSnowicki
130. 'Anatolian Stems in *-(C)o-,' in Nomen im Indogermanischen. Akten der Arbeitstagung
der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft. Erlangen, 14.-16. September 2011 (ed. N.
Oettinger and R. Steer) (2014) 205-214 melcherterlangen
131. '“Narten formations” versus “Narten roots”,'Indogermanische Forschungen 119 (2014)
132. 'Hittite nakku(wa)- ‘(spirits of) the dead’,' in Munusamicitiae Norbert Oettinger a
collegis et amicisdicatum(ed. H. C. Melchert, E. Rieken & T. Steer) (2014)
133. 'Hittite išpar- “to spread out” and išparre/a- “to kick”,' in Proceedings of the Eighth
International Congress of Hittitology. Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011 (ed. P. Taracha)
(2014) 499-506 melchert_išpar-
134. 'Greek and Lycian' and 'Greek and Lydian,' in Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language
and Linguistics (ed. G. Giannakis) (2014) 67-70 & 70-71 melchertlycianmelchertlydian
135. 'Reciprocity and Commerce in Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia,' in Tradition and
Innovation in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 57th Rencontre
AssyriologiqueInternationale at Rome 4–8, July 2011 (ed. A. Archi) (2015) 409-16
136. 'Alleged “Right Dislocation” in Hittite,' in Saeculum: Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Otten
anlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags (ed. A. Müller-Karpe, E. Rieken, and W. Sommerfeld)
(2015) 137-145 gsotten
137. 'Lycian alaha- and alada/ehali-,' in Genres épigraphiques et langues d’attestation
fragmentaire dans l’espace méditerranéen (edd. E. Dupraz and W. Sowa) (2015)
153-163 rouen_alaha-
138. 'The Tocharian s-Preterite,' in Tocharian Texts in Context: International Conference on
Tocharian Manuscripts and Silk Road Culture (edd. M. Malzahn, M. Peyrot, H. Fellner
and T.-S. Illés) (2015) 127-135 s-preterite
139. 'Translation Strategies in the Hurro-Hittite Bilingual from Boğazköy,' in Strategies of
Translation: Language Contact and Poetic language (edd. J. L. García Ramón &
D. Kölligan) (2015) 61-75 bilingual
140.  'The Case of the Agent in Anatolian and Indo-European,' in SahasramAtiSrajas:
Indo-Iranian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of Stephanie W. Jamison
(edd. D. Gunkel, J. T. Katz, B. Vine & M. Weiss) (2016) 239-249 agent_case
141. 'Relative Clauses in Anatolian,' in »dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu« Linguistische,
germanistische und indogermanistische Studien Rosemarie Lühr gewidmet
(edd. S. Neri, R. Schuhmann & S. Zeilfelder) (2016) 287-295 anatRCs
142. 'New Luvian Verb Etymologies,' in Anatolica et Indogermanica: Studialinguistica
      in honoremJohannis Tischler septuagenariidedicata(edd. H. Marquardt,
      S. Reichmuth & J. V. García Trabazo) (2016) 203-212 FStischler
143. 'Marginalia to the Myth of Telipinu,' in Audiasfabulasveteres: Anatolian Studies
      in Honor of Jana Součková-Siegelová (ed. Š. Velhartická)
(2016) 210-220 FSsiegelová
144. 'Hittite (kuit) and Vedic “sá-figé”,'inTavet Tat Satyam: Studies in Honor of Jared
      S. Klein on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (edd. A. M.
Byrd, J. DeLisi & M. Wenthe) (2016) 204-213 FSklein
145. 'Formal and Semantic Aspects of Hittite gul()ša- ‘fate’,' in Ahmet
Ünal’aArmağanStudies in Honour of Ahmet Ünal (edd. S. Erkut
      & Ö. Sir Gavaz) (2016) 355-359 FSÜnal
146. 'Initial *sp-in Hittite and šip(p)and-‘to libate’,'Journal of Language Relationship/
      Вопросыязыковогородства14/3 (2016) 187-196 Hittite *sp-
147. '“Western Affinities” of Anatolian,' in Etymology and the European
Lexicon: Proceedings of the 14th Fachtagung der Indogermanischen
Gesellschaft, 17–22 September 2012, Copenhagen  (edd. B. S. S.
Hansen et al.) (2016) 297-305 westernaffinities
148. 'Anatolian,' Chapter 3 in The Indo-European Languages, Second
Edition (ed. M. Kapović) (2017) 171-201
149. 'Syntax of the Hittite “Supine” Construction,' (with Harry A. Hoffner Jr.†),
in 5èmes Rencontres de l’IFEA. L’hittitologieaujourd’hui. Études sur
l’Anatoliehittite et néo-hittiteà l’occasion du centenairede la
naissance d’Emmanuel LarocheIstanbul, 21-22 Nov. 2014 (ed. A.
Mouton) (2017) 3-6 hoffner-melchert
150. 'Mediopassives in *-sḱe/o- to Active Intransitives,' in Miscellanea
      Indogermanica: Festschrift für José Luis García Ramón zum65.
      Geburtstag(edd. I. Hajnal, D. Kölligan& K. Zipser) (2017) 477-486
151. 'An Allative Case in Proto-Indo-European?' in Usque ad Radices:
Indo-European studies in honour of Birgit Anette Olsen (edd. B. S.
Sandgaard Hansen et al.) (2017) 527-539 FSolsen


'Hittite tit(ta)nu-, titti-, and Lycian stta-,'Chatreššar(to appear)
'The Role of Indo-European Studies in the XXIst Century,' in Oxford Handbook of
Diachronic and Historical Linguistics (ed. P. Crisma and G. Longobardi) (to appear)
'The Source(s) of Indo-European Participles in *-e/ont-,' in Adjectifs
verbaux et participesdansles languesindo-européennes(ed.
C. Le Feuvre, D. Petit, and G.-J. Pinault) (to appear)
'Hittite and Luvianuppa- and Hittite uiya-,' in Proceedings of the Ninth
International Congress of Hittitology (ed. A. Süel) (forthcoming)
'Hittite Historical Phonology after 100 Years (and after 20 years),' in "Hrozny and Hittite:
The First Hundred Years" Prague, 11-14 November 2015 (ed. P. Čech, R. Kim et al.)
'Hittite and Indo-European: Revolution and Counterrevolution,' in 100 Jahre Entzifferung
des Hethitischen - Morphosyntaktische Kategorien in Sprachgeschichte und Forschung:
Arbeitstagung der lndogermanischen GesellschaftPhilipps-Universitat Marburg,
21. bis 23. September 2015 (ed. E. Rieken et al.)
'Semantics and Etymology of Hittittakš-,' in Indo-Iranian and Its Indo-European
      Origin…in honor of Alexander Lubotsky (to appear)
'Lengthened Grades of PIE *CaC Roots,' in Zurück zur Wurzel –
Struktur, Funktion und Semantik der Wurzel im Indogermanischen:  15. Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft, Wien, September 16, 2016 (ed. Melanie Malzahn et al.) (to appear)
'Luwian,’ in Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Languages (ed. R.
'The Medio-Passive in Transition from Old to New Hittite,' (to appear in
      a forthcoming Festschrift)
'The Anatolian Hieroglyphic Signs L 41, L 172 and L 319 = L 416,'(to
      appear in a forthcoming Festschrift)
'Empire Luvian *416-wa/i-níand Related Problems,'(to appear in a
      forthcoming Festschrift)
'Iron Age Luviantarrawann(i)-,' (to appear in a forthcoming Festschrift)
'Mycenaean and Hittite Diplomatic Correspondence: Fact and Fiction,' in Mycenaeans and
     Anatolians in the Late Bronze Age: The Ahhijawa Question (ed. A. Teffeteller)
'The Position of Anatolian,' in Handbook of Indo-European Studies (edd. A. Garrett &
      M. Weiss) (to appear)


 S. Heinhold-Krahmeret al., Probleme der Textdatierungin der Hethitologie, in Journal of the
     American OrientalSociety 102 (1982) 176-177 reviewtextdatierung
 J. Weitenberg, Die hethitischen u-Stämme, in Kratylos 29 (1984) [1985] 79-82
 J. Puhvel, Hittite Etymological Dictionary Vol. 1 & 2,in Journal of the American Oriental
     Society 106 (1986) 568-569 puhvelHED1-2
 H. Hoffner& G. Beckman (edd.), Kaniššuwar.  A Tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on his
     Seventy-Fifth Birthday, inJournal of Near Eastern Studies 47 (1988) 215-216 kanissuwar
 B. Comrie (ed.), The World's Major Languages, in The South Atlantic Review 33 (1988)
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 D. Yoshida, Die Syntax des althethitischen substantivischen Genetivs, in Kratylos 34 (1989)
     181-182 yoshidagenitiv
 C. Zinko, Betrachtungen zum AN.TAH.ŠUM-Fest, in Kratylos 34 (1989) 184 zinko
 J. Friedrich & A. Kammenhuber, Hethitisches Wörterbuch2, Bd. II:  E, in Kratylos 35 (1990)
     107-109 hw2
 H. Otten, Die Bronzetafel aus Bogazköy, in Kratylos35 (1990) 204-206 ottenbronzetafel
 C. Rüster & E. Neu, Hethisches Zeichenlexikon, in Kratylos 36 (1991) 122-126 HZL
 F. Starke, Untersuchung zur Stammbildung des keilschrift-luwischen Nomens, in Historische
     Sprachforschung105(1992) 309-312 starkeStBoT31
 G. McMahon, The Hittite State Cult of the Tutelary Deities, in Journal of Near Eastern
     Studies 54 (1995) 158-159 mcmahon
 A. Kammenhuber, Kleine Schriften zum Altanatolischen und Indogermanischen, in
     Bibliotheca Orientalis52.5/6(1995) 735-737 kammenhuberKlS
 H. G. Güterbock& Theo van den Hout, The Hittite Instruction for the Royal Bodyguard, in
     Journal of Near EasternStudies 55 (1996) 134-135 bodyguard
 H. G. Güterbock& H. Hoffner, The Hittite Dictionary of the University of Chicago, Volume P,
     fascicle 1, in Journal ofthe American Oriental Society 116 (1996) 777-778 CHDP1
 J. Jie, A Complete Retrograde Glossary of the Hittite Language, in Journal of the American
     Oriental Society 117(1997) 163 jinjie
 J. David Hawkins, The Hieroglyphic Inscription of the Sacred Pool Complex at Hattusa
     (SÜDBURG), in Bulletin ofthe School of Oriental and African Studies 60 (1997) 347
 F. Adrados, LaryngalemitAppendix?, in Kratylos42 (1997) 170-171 adrados
 M. Giannotta et al. (edd.), La decifrazione del cario, in Kratylos 42 (1997) 185-186
H. G. Güterbock& H. Hoffner, The Hittite Dictionary of the University of Chicago, Volume P,
     fascicle 2, in Journal ofthe American Oriental Society 117 (1997) 713-714 CHDP2
 T. Gamkrelidze& V. Ivanov, Indo-European and the Indo-Europeans.  A Reconstruction and
     Historical Analysis of aProto-Language and a Proto-Culture, in Journal of the American
     Oriental Society 117 (1997) 741-742 gamkrelidze-ivanov
 L. Jakob-Rost, Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköy im Vorderasiatischen Museum, in Journal of
     the American OrientalSociety 119 (1999) 521-522 jakob-rost
 O. Hackstein, Untersuchungen zu den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des
     Tocharischen, in Tocharian andIndo-European Studies 9 (2000) 145-147 hackstein1995
 F. A. Tjerkstra, Principles of the Relation between Local Adverb, Verb and Sentence Particle
     in Hittite, in BibliothecaOrientalis 58.1/2 (2001) 215-218 tjerkstra
 E. Rieken, Untersuchungen zur nominalen Stammbildung des Hethitischen, in Journal of the
     American OrientalSociety 121 (2001) 488-489 riekenStBoT44
 A. Keen, Dynastic Lycia. A Political History of the Lycians and Their Relations with Foreign
     Powers, c. 545-362 B.C.,in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 61/2 (2002) 158 keen
 G. Carling,Die Funktionen der lokalenKasusimTocharischen, in Journal of the American
     Oriental Society 122(2002) 107-108 carling2000
 M. Ofitsch and C. Zinko (eds.), 125 Jahre Indogermanistik Graz, in Journal of the American
     Oriental Society 122(2002) 652 indogermanistikgraz
 J. Puhvel, EpilectaIndoeuropaea, in Indo-European Studies Bulletin, UCLA 10/2 (2003)
     35-36 puhvelepilecta
 R. Francia, Le funzionisintattichedeglielementiavverbiali di luogoittitianda(n), appa(n),
     katta(n), katti-, peran,parā, šer, šarā, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 123
     (2003) 891-892 francia2002
 J. Tischler, HethitischesHandwörterbuch, in Kratylos49 (2004) 195-196 tischlerHHwb
 A. Payne, Hieroglyphic Luwian, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 125 (2005)
     535-536 payne
 M. Popko, Völker und SprachenAltanatoliens, inJournal of the American Oriental Society
      128 (2008) 763-764 popko2008
 H. Ehringhaus, Götter, Herrscher, Inschriften. Die Felsreliefs der hethitischen Großreichszeit
in der Türkei, in Journal of Near Eastern Studies 68 (2009) 147-148 ehringhaus
 M. Hale, Historical Linguistics. Theory and Method,in Language 85/1 (2009) 203-206 hale
 G. Neumann, Glossar des Lykischen, in Kratylos 54 (2009) 127-130 neumannglossar
 S. Patri, L’alignment syntaxique dans les langues indo-européennes d’Anatolie, in
      Kratylos54 (2009) 130-132 patri
J. Puhvel, Ultima Indoeuropaea, in Bibliotheca Orientalis 70 (2013) 760-762 puhvelultima
B. Christiansen, Schicksalsbestimmende Kommunikation: Sprachliche, gesellschaftliche
      und religiöse Aspekte hethitischer Fluch-, Segens- und Eidesformeln, in Kratylos
      59 (2014) 244-245 christiansen
G. Wilhelm (ed.), Ḫattuša-Boğazköy: Das Hethiterreich im Spannungsfeld des Alten
      Orients. 6. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 22.–24.
      März 2006, Würzburg, in Kratylos59 (2014) 242-243
A. Payne and J. Wintjes, Lords of Asia Minor: An Introduction to the Lydians, in
          Bryn MawrClassical Review 2017.03.30 (http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2017/2017-03-30.html)
M. Maier, Hethitischºwant- und Verwan(d)tes, in Journal of the American Oriental Society 121
            (2017) 178-180maier
A. Payne, Schrift und Schriftlichkeit. Die anatolischeHieroglyphenschrift, in Journal of the
      American Oriental Society (to appear)
A. Kloekhorst, Accent in Hittite: A Study in Plene Spelling, Consonant Gradation, Clitics,
            and Metrics, in Journal of the American Oriental Society
            (to appear)

Electronic Publications:
'The Trilingual Inscription of the Létôon.  Lycian Version,' posted December, 2000, at
    www.achemenet.com/ pdf/lyciens/letoon.pdf (5 pp.)
'Anatolian Languages' (with Theo van den Hout and Philo H. J. Houwinkten Cate); 'Carian Language; Luwian Language; Lycian Language; Lydian Language; Palaic Language'Encyclopaedia Britannica, posted January, 2008 at www.britannica.com/eb/article-74591/Anatolian-languages (18 pp.)
'Local Adverbs In Hittite: Synchrony and Diachrony', Language and Linguistic Compass
      3/2 (2009) 607-620 localadverbs
'Remarks on the Kuttamuwa Stele,'Kubaba1 (2010) 4-11 posted July, 2010 at www.fcsh.unl.pt/~kubaba/KUBABA/
'Hittite and Hieroglyphic Luvianarha‘away’: Common Inheritance or Borrowing?'Contact
      Among Genetically Related Languages, ed. P. Epps, J. Huehnergard, N. Pat-El
      (= Journal of Language Contact 6.2) (2013) 300-312 jcl6
In memoriam Annelies Kammenhuber.  Kratylos 43 (1998) 222-224 kammenhuber
Hans Gustav Güterbock. Oriental Institute 1999-2000 Annual Report (2000) 5-7 güterbock
Erich Neu (1936-1999). Indo-European Studies Bulletin, UCLA 9/2 (2001) 20 neu
In memoriam AlexandrLehrman. Journal of Indo-European Studies 41.1/2 (2013) 311-317
(with Ilya Yakubovich) lehrman
In memoriam Calvert Watkins. Journal of Indo-European Studies 41.3/4 (2013) 506-526

Cuneiform Commentaries Project – Updates

Cuneiform Commentaries Project – Updates
January 15, 2018
Several important new editions have been uploaded to the website of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project during the last few months, including those listed below. 

(1) CCP 1.5 (Literary Prayer to Marduk 2): This small and badly damaged tablet contains a commentary that deals with the first sixty-eight lines of the literary prayer Lord, Sage of the Igigi, a text frequently called, after Lambert’s pioneering edition, Marduk no. 2. (https://ccp.yale.edu/P461258)

(2) CCP 3.1.55.G(Enūma Anu Enlil 55 G): Although cited in secondary literature already in 1925, this is the first published text edition of this commentary. The tablet, which is from Hellenistic Uruk, contains, in varying states of preservation, the first thirty-eight lines of a commentary on one of the higher-numbered chapters of Enūma Anu Enlil. The number by which the chapter was known at Uruk is uncertain, but at Assur it was Chapter 48 (according to the Assur catalogue of EAE) and at Nineveh it was Chapter 55 (?). (https://ccp.yale.edu/P461321)

(3) CCP 4.2.M.a(Therapeutic (Qutāru) M): This cola-type commentary on a medical text for the treatment of four types of epilepsy is one of the most frequently cited commentaries in modern secondary literature. For this edition, the tablet was collated in person and using Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), and several improved readings (o 4, 5, 15, 19, 27, 28, 29, r 4’ and 5’ – all indicated in the transliteration by asterisks) and interpretations have been possible. (Read more)

(4) CCP 6.1.13.C(Aa II/5 (pirsu 13) C): This commentary comprises two joining fragments: BM 48261 (81-11-3,971) and BM 48380 (81-11-3,1090). It preserves parts of a previously unidentified commentary on Aa II/1 (?) and II/5. (https://ccp.yale.edu/P470042)
Furthermore, Yale University Library has assigned permanent identifiers (DOIs) to the editions of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project. This means that each CCP edition is now indexed by the main repositories of scholarly works. We have also modified the way in which textual notes are displayed to make them more user-friendly. Last but not least, we are delighted to announce that Klaus Wagensonner (klaus.wagensonner@yale.edu) is now a Senior Editor in the project. 

Thanks are expressed to the following scholars, who have contributed their editions and feedback since the last newsletter: Uri Gabbay, Klaus Wagensonner, and Shana Zaia. We would like to renew our invitation for Assyriologists around the world to contribute their editions of as yet unedited commentary tablets, for which they will receive full credit.

Please also note that it is possible to subscribe to the CCP’s monthly Newsletter (http://ccp.yale.edu/newsletter).

Open Access Publications of the Oriental Institute in 2017


Open Access Journal: Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 6 March 2013, updated 15 January 2018]

Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) Newsletter
Ancient drama has exerted a uniquely formative influence on cultural and intellectual life since the Renaissance, and today ancient plays are being performed in both the commercial and amateur theatre with greater frequency than at any time since antiquity. The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama was founded in 1996 by Edith Hall and Oliver Taplin in response to the need for a coordinated research effort devoted to the international production and reception of ancient plays since the Renaissance. They included within its scope revivals and adaptations on stage, film and radio, and in opera and dance.
To receive the newsletter, sign up to our mailing list.
Current issue - Newsletter 24 (Spring 2017)

Previous issues

Newsletter 23 (Spring 2015)
Newsletter 22 (Spring 2014)
Newsletter 21 (Spring 2013)
Newsletter 20 (Summer 2012)
Newsletter 19 (Winter 2011)
Newsletter 18 (Spring 2011)
Newsletter 17 (Winter 2009)
Newsletter 16 (Autumn 2009)
Newsletter 15 (Spring 2009)
Newsletter 14 (Winter 2007-2008)
Newsletter 13 (Summer 2007)
Newsletter 12 (Winter 2006-2007)
Newsletter 11 (Spring 2006)
Newsletter 10 (Summer 2005)
Newsletter 9 (Spring 2005)
Newsletter 8 (Spring 2004)
Newsletter 7 (Summer 2003)
Newsletter 6 (Autumn 2002)
Newsletter 5 (Summer 2002)
Newsletter 4 (Spring 2002)
Newsletter 3 (Autumn 2001)
Newsletter 2 (Summer 2001)
Newsletter 1 (Spring 2001)
The performance database is an online resource that details quantitative information about performances of Greek and Roman drama from antiquity to the present day. The information has been collated by researchers working with the project over several years.

Open Access Monograph Series: ArchaeologicalTraces.org: DISSERTATIONS ARCHIVE

ArchaeologicalTraces.org: DISSERTATIONS ARCHIVE
ISSN: 2038-7083

ArchaeologicalTraces.org is an international editorial space for prehistorical archaeology, managed by A.T.P.G. (Archaeological Traces Project Group), an Italian Archaeological Collective based in Rome. It is open to researchers and students in archaeology, to develop their instruments, approaches and knowledge in a sharing, free and open access environment. It also aims at the creation of a space of dialogue and discussion for a new generation of archaeologists. ArchaeologicalTraces.org contents are open access, which means they are freely available without charge to the users or their institution.
This section hosts dissertations on archaeological subjects.
The papers are published in their original language, with an abstract in English.
To publish in this section, please contact the Editorial Board at archaeologicaltraces@outlook.com.
26 - MARTELLOTTA, E. - Analisi sperimentale e tecnologica di un campione di teste di mazza provenienti dall’area del Sinis settentrionale (età nuragica – Sardegna centro-occidentale)
25 - MOSCONE, D. - Il sito di Chiancarelle (LT): lo sfruttamento dei ciottoli per la produzione di lamelle. Osservazioni tecno-tipologiche e verifica sperimentale
24 - LIA, V. - Gli ipogei dell'Età del Bronzo dell'Italia sud-orientale
23 - PALMERINI, G. - Attività di ricerca e tutela di P.L. Calore tra Ottocento e Novecento
22 - FUSCO, M. - Lo sfruttamento delle risorse fluviali e lacustri nell’Egitto preistorico (18000-5000 BP)
21 - MANAI, G. - Il territorio di Siniscola in età romana
20 - MULARGIA, M. - Modelli insediativi dell'Età del Bronzo nel territorio di Siniscola (NU)
19 - LUCCI, E. - Il bacino del Fucino tra Eneolitico ed inizio dell'Età del Bronzo
18 - PROIETTI, M. - Le fortificazioni dell'Italia Meridionale nell'Età del Bronzo
17 - ARDU, A. - I materiali fenici, punici e romani nelle acque dell'Oristanese
16 - FERRAIUOLO, D. - Sviluppi della metallurgia sull'Alto e Medio Eufrate tra il IV e il III millennio a.C.
15 - SCHIRRU, D. - Civiltà nuragica e mondo mediterraneo nel corso dell'Età del Ferro: contesti, materiali, problematiche
14 - VIGNOLA, C. - Da Halaf a Ubaid in Alta Mesopotamia: cambiamenti nelle modalità d'insediamento e dell'organizzazione sociale tra VI e V millennio a.C.
13 - CEREDA, S. - L'uso del sigillo in Alta Mesopotamia e Anatolia Orientale: trasformazioni dal IV al III millennio
12 - CAMMAROTA, M. - Contesti funerari eneolitici in Sicilia
11 - D'ERRICO, D. - Uomini, agricoltura e sperimentazione: scelte culturali e sfruttamento dei vegetali nel Neolitico
10 - ZUPANICH, A. - Uso dei manufatti in pietra tra i primi ominidi: studio sperimentale e analisi traceologica dei materiali provenienti dal sito di Kanjera South
9 - ROZERA, C. - L'industria litica fayumiana nel contesto neolitico dell'Africa nord-orientale
8 - DEMICOLI, M. - To what extent was the Central Mediterranean Neolithic a maritime culture?
7 - CASTANGIA, G. - Analisi di alcuni contesti strutturali nell’area meridionale dell’insediamento preistorico e protostorico di Sa Osa (Cabras, OR). Stratigrafia, materiali ceramici, ipotesi funzionali
6 - AUCELLO, A. - Nuovi dati sull'evoluzione umana: i più recenti rinvenimenti riguardo alle caratteristiche cognitive di Homo sapiens
5 - VENDITTI, F. - Le tombe dolmeniche dell'Età del Bronzo nella Puglia centrale
4 - D'ERRICO, D. - Il trattamento del corpo in alcuni contesti eneolitici italiani
3 - CARUSO, S. - Problemi e prospettive della ricostruzione e musealizzazione di contesti della preistoria recente in Italia
2 - MALLEGNI, C. - Contatti tra Creta, Cicladi e costa anatolica nel III Millennio A.C.
1 - CASTANGIA, G. - Depositi costieri nuragici della regione del Sinis nella Tarda Età del Bronzo: il sito di Su Pallosu (San Vero Milis, OR). Evidenze per una interpretazione cultuale

Open Access Monograph Series: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Suppléments

[First posted in AWOL 8 December 2016, updated 16 January 2018]

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Suppléments
eISSN: 1955-270X
Issue cover
Fondée en 1974, la revue Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne est conçue comme un espace de présentation et de discussion des études sur l’histoire des sociétés antiques, de leurs structures sociales, économiques, religieuses et culturelles. DHA s’efforce d’offrir des approches diverses, d’inventorier des domaines nouveaux, de s’intéresser à des espaces considérés trop longtemps comme périphériques.
Most recent volumes online:

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Supplément n°14, 2015. L'histoire du corps dans l’Antiquité : bilan historiographique. Journée de printemps de la SOPHAU du 25 mai 2013.

Under the direction of

Contents [tables and indexes]
Sommaire [tables and indexes]
191 - 196

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Supplément n°13, 2015. Traduire les scholies de Pindare… II. Interprétation, histoire, spectacle.

Under the direction of

Contents [tables and indexes]
Sommaire [tables and indexes]
All Volumes

Newly Open Access Journal: Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France

Bulletin de la Société nationale des antiquaires de France
ISSN: 0081-1181
Le Bulletin de la Société nationale des Antiquaires de France publie les communications faites lors de ses séances hebdomadaires (d’octobre à juin) sur les thèmes qui sont de son ressort : les langues, la géographie, la chronologie, l’histoire, la littérature, les arts et les antiquités nationales, grecques, romaines, orientales et médiévales, avec une extension jusqu’au XIXe siècle pour les questions d’érudition ou de muséologie.








Valley of the Queens Assessment Report: Volumes 1 and 2

Valley of the Queens Assessment Report: Volumes 1 and 2
Edited by Martha Demas and Neville Agnew

book cover

Volume 1
Download (29MB)Print on demand (Lulu.com) Volume 2Download (52MB)Print on demand (Lulu.com)Find in WorldCat

The Valley of the Queens Project was a collaboration of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the Getty Conservation Institute from 2006 to 2011. The project involved comprehensive research, planning and assessment, followed by concept proposals and culminating in the development of detailed plans for flood mitigation, tomb stabilization, wall paintings and site elements, and site and visitor management and infrastructure. Volume 1 records the research and assessment undertaken for these aspects. Volume 2 of the report is the condition summary of the 111 tombs from the 18th,19th, and 20th Dynasties in the Valley of the Queens.
Volume 1: Conservation and Management Planning
Volume 1 consists of six parts. Parts I and II comprise introductory information, an overview of the significance, components and historical context of QV from the 18th Dynasty through the Coptic period, with selected historical and iconographical profiles of tombs, and comprehensive bibliographies and a table of the use, research and interventions at the site.
Part III is an assessment of the management context, which includes the main issues that affect operations at the site as well as elements of an operational plan and considerations of financial sustainability. Part IV focuses on visitor management, including visitor statistics, surveys and observations, the history of visitation, and the potential for additional site elements to be opened for public visitation.
In Part V, sitewide threats and considerations are addressed, including flooding and its assessment through computer modeling and bat colonies that inhabit many of the tombs. Part VI is an historical overview and condition assessment of the fourteen site elements (non-tomb features) in the Queens Valley and its subsidiary valleys.
Volume 2: Assessment of 18th, 19th, and 20th Dynasty Tombs
Part VII, the 18th Dynasty tombs, includes a summary of tomb architectural development, the geological and hydrological context, and a brief condition assessment of each of the seventy-seven 18th Dynasty tombs.
Part VIII describes the 19th to 20th Dynasty tombs. It includes a summary of tomb architectural development, geological and hydrological context, and wall painting techniques. For the thirty-four 19th and 20th Dynasty tombs, an inventory form summarizes basic general information (naming systems, attribution, reign; typology; objects recovered; table of use and interventions; and documentation and references). This is followed by detailed assessment of the condition of the paintings and structural stability, and summary recommendations that emerged from the assessments.
How to Cite this Work:
Demas, Martha, and Neville Agnew, eds. 2012. Valley of the Queens Assessment Report: A Collaborative Project of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt. Vol. 1, Conservation and Management Planning. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. http://hdl.handle.net/10020/gci_pubs/valley_queens

Demas, Martha, and Neville Agnew, eds. 2016. Valley of the Queens Assessment Report: A Collaborative Project of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt. Vol. 2, Assessment of 18th, 19th, and 20th Dynasty Tombs. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute. http://hdl.handle.net/10020/gci_pubs/valley_queens

Open Access Monograph Series: Polymnia: Numismatica antica e medievale. Studi


New Open Access Journal: Спасителни археологически проучвания по инфраструктурни проекти / Archaeological rescue excavations for infrastructure projects

Спасителни археологически проучвания по инфраструктурни проекти / Archaeological rescue excavations for infrastructure projects
ISSN (online): 2535-0862
ISSN (print): 2535-129X
sarnevo vol. 1 cover
Поредицата „Спасителни археологически проучвания по инфраструктурни проекти“ се издава от Националния археологически институт с музей при Българската академия на науките и е посветена на резултатите от мащабни археологически разкопки, провеждани във връзка с национално и международно значими инвестиционни намерения.
Тази поредица е с отворен достъп в рамките на Creative Commons Attribution License, който позволява неограничено използване, разпространение и възпроизвеждане по всякакъв начин, стига оригиналната публикация да е цитирана адекватно.
The Archaeological Rescue Excavations for Infrastructure Projects Series has been published by the National Institute of Archaeology and Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and is dedicated to the results of large-scale excavations within the framework of development-based projects of national and international standing.
This is an open access series distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
 Vol 1 (2017)
Сърнево. Вкопани структури от късния неолит, ранната и късната желязна епоха и римския период. Том 1. Къснонеолитното ямно поле
Колективната монография е първи том от публикацията на резултатите от проведените през 2008 – 2010 г. спасителни разкопки на археологически обект при Сърнево, Радневско, и представя теренното проучване на къснонеолитното ямно поле (края на VI хил. пр. Хр.) и произхождащите от него комплекси от находки.

Sarnevo. Pits from the Late Neolithic, the Early and Late Iron Age, and the Roman Period. Volume 1. The Late Neolithic pit field

This monograph is the first volume of the publication of the 2008–2010 rescue excavations at the archaeological site of Sarnevo, Radnevo Municipality, and includes the excavation results of the Late Neolithic pit field (late 6th millennium BC), and the analyses of the artifact assemblages.

Newly Open Access Monogaph Series: Дисертации / Dissertations

Дисертации / Dissertations
ISSN (online): 2603-3100
ISSN (print): 2603-3097
Поредицата "Дисертации"представя защитени докторати по археология.
Тази поредица е с отворен достъп в рамките на Creative Commons Attribution License, който позволява неограничено използване, разпространение и възпроизвеждане по всякакъв начин, стига оригиналната публикация да е цитирана адекватно.
"Dissertations" series presents defended PhD or DSc theses in archaeology.
This is an open access series distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
 Коланът южно от Долен Дунав – края на ІІІ – началото на VІІ в. The belt south of lower danube – the end of the 3rd c. – the beginning of the 7th c. ISBN 978-954-9472-54-7
Vol 10 (2017)
Предмет на дисертацията са металните части на колана – токи, апликации и
накрайници от територията на днешна България за периода края на ІІІ –
началото на VІІ век. Изградена е класификация и типология за всеки вид
коланни принадлежности. В изследването са включени 2044 каталожни
единици. Разгледани са хронологичното разпространение и хронологичните
маркери. В проследяването на териториалното разпространение на коланните
принадлежности са включени само находките със сигурен контекст. След
направените анализи за датировката на групите и типовете на коланните
принадлежности са очертани три хронологични коланни групи.

Предложени са графични реконструкции на коланни гарнитури.
Приложенията включват: каталог, 166 табла с илюстрации, 7 карти, 4
диагриами, 8 таблици и списък на обектите с коланни принадлежности.

The subject of this dissertation is metal belt elements – buckles, appliqués and strap-ends from the territory of today’s Bulgaria for the period of the end of the III - beginning of the 7th century. A classification and typology created for each type of belt sets are created. The study contains 2044 catalogue entries. The study includes chronology of belt sets and chronological markers. Only the finds with certain archaeological contexts have been considered when tracing the territorial distribution of belt fittings.
Following the analyses conducted, three chronological belt groups have been identified for the date of the groups and types of belt sets. Graphical reconstructions of belt sets are proposed.
The study includes: catalogue, 166 tables whit illustrations, 7 distribution maps, 4 diagrams, 8 tables and list of objects.

Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies - De Gruyter Open - Published in 2017

Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies - De Gruyter Open - Published in 2017
Sarri, Antonia

Material Aspects of Letter Writing in the Graeco-Roman World (2017)

ISBN: 978-3-11-042695-3
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover, eBook (EPUB)
Lohmann, Polly

Graffiti als Interaktionsform (2017)

ISBN: 978-3-11-057428-9
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover, eBook (EPUB)

Coming of Age in Byzantium (2017)

Ed. by Ariantzi, Despoina
ISBN: 978-3-11-057649-8
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover, eBook (EPUB)
Reggiani, Nicola

Digital Papyrology I (2017)

ISBN: 978-3-11-054747-4
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as eBook (EPUB), Hardcover

Writing Matters (2017)

Ed. by Berti, Irene / Bolle, Katharina / Opdenhoff, Fanny / Stroth, Fabian
ISBN: 978-3-11-053459-7
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as eBook (EPUB), Hardcover
Fortunatianus Aquileiensis

Commentary on the Gospels (2017)

ISBN: 978-3-11-051637-1
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover
Conte, Gian Biagio

Stealing the Club from Hercules (2017)

ISBN: 978-3-11-047583-8
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as eBook (EPUB), Hardcover

Understanding Material Text Cultures (2016)

Ed. by Hilgert, Markus
ISBN: 978-3-11-041784-5
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as eBook (EPUB), Hardcover
Scappaticcio, Maria Chiara

"Fabellae" (to be published December 2018)

ISBN: 978-3-11-056850-9
Product Type: Books
Format: eBook (PDF)
Also available as Hardcover

Nomisma News: Nearly 2,000 Roman Imperial coins from the University of Graz integrated into Nomisma

Nearly 2,000 Roman Imperial coins from the University of Graz integrated into Nomisma
After several weeks of working with Elisabeth Steiner at the University of Graz, a large portion of the collection of Roman coins at the Institute of Ancient History and Classical Antiquities has been integrated into the Nomisma.org SPARQL endpoint and is available in OCRE and CRRO. About 300 Republican coins were initially ingested in October, but the coverage has extended by nearly 2,000 coins from the Imperial period. The collection includes images published according to the IIIF specification, which is rapidly becoming the standard API by which new partners make their images available online. Unlike most Nomisma contributors, where intermediary harvesting scripts transform source XML or CSV into Nomisma-compliant RDF, the University of Graz export is a direct serialization of TEI from their Fedora repository into RDF.

An antoninianus of Gordian III at the University of Graz

What's especially notable about this collection is that it was a successful demonstration of the new Numishare and Nomisma.org OpenRefine reconciliation APIs for normalizing RIC references to OCRE URIs. The first step was to normalize mints, emperors, and denominations to Nomisma preferred labels, which were then used as additional property search parameters for normalizing the RIC numbers themselves to the relevant OCRE URI.

You can read more at:
These new reconciliation APIs are the topic of my CAA presentation and paper in two months in the tools session.

Attic Inscriptions Online Update

Attic Inscriptions Online Update
3 January 2018: In this release we publish translations of the 24 Attic inscriptions in the Collection of Greek Ritual Norms which were not previously included in AIO: fragmentary sacrificial calendars from the City Eleusinion CGRN 7, and from the Acropolis CGRN 20 and CGRN 21 (with new readings), sacrificial calendars from Teithras CGRN 55, and Eleusis CGRN 94, Athenian decrees relating to sacrifices at Eleusis CGRN 8, to the festival of Hephaistos (?) CGRN 43, to Asklepios in Piraeus CGRN 46, decrees of the demes Paiania CGRN 25, Phrearrhioi CGRN 103, Piraeus CGRN 78 (Thesmophorion), and Cholargos CGRN 79 (Thesmophoria), decree of orgeones of Echelos and the heroines CGRN 102, sacrificial regulation relating to priestly portions and tariffs CGRN 61, small sacrificial regulations from Piraeus relating to Asklepios and associated deities CGRN 54, to the Moirai 53, to Artemis 77, from Athens CGRN 72, 95, 133, 134, 135, from Halimous CGRN 73, late hell. regulation for Asklepios and Hygieia CGRN 215. We also update IG II3 1, 447 (Little Panathenaia) = CGRN 92 and introduce a facility to Browse by Findspot and Original location.
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