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Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity: Guides to Good Practice

[First posted in AWOL 15 May 2012. Updated 29 May 2013]

Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity: Guides to Good Practice
This new and revised series of Guides to Good Practice have been produced as the result of a two-year collaborative project between the UK Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity in the US. The project has encompassed important revisions of the existing six ADS Guides as well as the development of entirely new documents covering areas such as marine survey, laser scanning, close-range photogrammetry, digital audio and digital video. The project has involved previous Guides authors revising existing content alongside new authors, from both Europe and the US, also contributing to the development of the guides into new themes and areas. 

The project has been undertaken in collaboration with the Digital Antiquity initiative, a US-based project with the aim of enhancing the preservation of and access to digital records of archaeological investigations. A major aim of the Guides is to provide the basis for archaeological project workflows that will create digital datasets that can be archived and shared effectively by Digital Antiquity's tDAR archive and repository in the US and by the Archaeology Data Service in the UK. The development of the Guides involves close collaboration with teams in the US at both the University of Arkansas and Arizona State University. 

Other ADS projects have also fed into the revision and development of the Guides. ADS involvement in the European VENUS project has formed the basis of a guide focussed on marine survey. In addition, the incorporation of findings from the ADS Big Data project, together with the revision of the existing guide on aerial photography and remote sensing data, has seen a significant contribution to the guides from English Heritage funded projects. 

Previous versions of the ADS/AHDS Guides to Good Practice have been archived and are still available on the old Guides to Good Practice page.

Guides to Good Practice: Table of Contents#

Open Access Encyclopedia: Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia

[First posted in AWOL 17 June 2011. Updated 29 May 2013]

Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia
 The Coptic civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations still in existence, and has vibrant manifestations in Egypt and around the world.  Various aspects of Western civilization have their roots in, or are influenced by Coptic civilization and Egyptian Christianity.
An invaluable reference tool for Coptic Studies is The Coptic Encyclopedia (Aziz S. Atiya, ed. NY: Macmillan, 1991). This monumental work, with approximately 2800 entries written by 215 scholars, covers treasures of Coptic language and literature; Copto-Arabic literature; Coptic art, architecture, archaeology, history, music, liturgy, theology, spirituality, monasticism; and biblical, apocryphal, social, and legal texts. The encyclopedia was the fruit of years of effort on the part of its Editor-in-Chief, Aziz S. Atiya (1898-1988, Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Utah), and its Principal Investigator, Lola Atiya (1917-2002, Doctor of Humane Letters). Donations by the Coptic communities in the Diaspora, a matching grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities from 1979 to 1990, along with numerous other sources, made the project possible.
In 2009 the Claremont Graduate University (CGU) School of Religion acquired the right to develop an updated and continuously expanding and evolving web-based version of The Coptic Encyclopedia. Since then, the Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia (CCE) has been gradually posting the articles of the 1991 Coptic Encyclopedia and will be continuously adding updates and new topics from the growing body of scholarship in Coptic studies at worldwide institutions. Again, the participation of the Coptic community in envisioning and funding this project was instrumental in the project coming to fruition. The partnership of CGU and the Coptic community is one of the missions of the Council for Coptic Studies at the CGU School of Religion. Please visit the Council’s website at http://www.cgu.edu/pages/5446.asp.

The progress of the CCE project depends on the strength and continuity of Coptic studies at CGU, the participation of scholars worldwide, and the availability of financial resources. It is a work in progress; please check back or subscribe to the RSS to see updates.

The CCE digital project student staff members include: Mary Ghattas, Prinny Miller, Sarah Morcos, and Ian Sundwall-Byers – all of CGU.
Browse items in this collection
And see also other collections relating to antiquity in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library

Mandaic.org: Mandaic and Neo-Mandaic Texts and Resource

Mandaic.org: Mandaic and Neo-Mandaic Texts and Resource
These pages represent a first step towards making resources on the Mandaic language freely available online. When completed, Mandaic.org will include information on the classical dialect of Mandaic, the incantation texts, and the modern dialects of Mandaic (Ahwaz, Khorramshahr, and others). This information will consist of texts, recordings, an online lexicon, sketch grammars, a comprehensive and annotated bibliography, and links to other resources. The first addition to this site is a Mandaic-English and English-Mandaic lexicon, which can be accessed from the toolbar on the left.

Il Progetto Caere Online

Il Progetto Caere

 Nel 1996 il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) ha dato vita al Progetto Finalizzato Beni Culturali, allo scopo di promuovere la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale nazionale, attraverso un'azione di tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione.

Nell'ambito di questa iniziativa l'Istituto per l'Archeologia Etrusco-Italica - a quel tempo diretto da Mauro Cristofani, prematuramente scomparso nel 1997 - ha proposto un progetto di ricerca dal titolo "Creazione di un modello di Sistema Informativo Archeologico e sua applicazione all'antica Cerveteri". Il cosiddetto Progetto Caereè nato con lo scopo di realizzare un sistema informativo archeologico per lo studio del territorio e del centro urbano dell'antica Cerveteri, dove l'Istituto conduce, fin dal 1982, regolari campagne di scavo e di ricognizione in collaborazione con la Soprintendenza ai Beni Archeologici dell'Etruria Meridionale.

In 1996 theItalian National Research Council (CNR) promoted a Special Project on the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage. Its aim was to foster the protection and exploitation of Italian national cultural patrimony, through knowledge, recording, restoration and conservation.

Under this initiative the Istituto per l'Archeologia Etrusco-Italica - at that time directed by Mauro Cristofani (1941-1997) - proposed a research project, which was subsequently approved. The title of the project is "Establishment of an Archaeological Information System model and its application to ancient Caere" (The Caere Project). Its purpose is to use an archaeological information system to study the ancient Etruscan town and territory of Cerveteri, where the Institute has been carrying out surveys and excavations since 1982 jointly with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Etruria Meridionale.
Caere in Pleiades

Open Access Journal: Archeologia e Calcolatori

[First posted in AWOL 8 June 2009. Updated 30 May 2013]

Archeologia e Calcolatori
Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica.; Università di Siena. Dipartimento di archeologia e storia delle arti.
ISSN 1120-6861
The first issue of Archeologia e Calcolatori was published in 1990 on the initiative of the Istituto per l'Archeologia Etrusco-Italica (now Istituto di Studi sulle civiltà italiche e del Mediterraneo antico) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), together with the Dipartimento di Archeologia e Storia delle Arti of the University of Siena. Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio in Florence were chosen as the publishers because of their long-established experience in the publication of journals and books relating to archaeology.

The stimulus to establish a new journal came from an analysis of this field of studies in Italy. In fact, whilst growing interest and various applications allowed for the recognition of the positive introduction of computers in archaeology, the obvious need emerged to create a stable point of reference, in order to collect projects and diffuse the results of Italian research internationally.
Such a publication had been lacking up till then. As a result, the journal was established with the idea of publishing in a homogeneous and systematical way the results of computer research carried out in the field of historical archaeology, offering an up-to-date edition of projects in progress both in Italy and abroad: thus, the way was paved for new developments in computer application.
Index by Year

Archeologia e Calcolatori 1990
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1991
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1992
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1993
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1994









Archeologia e Calcolatori 1995
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1996
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1997
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1998
Archeologia e Calcolatori 1999









Archeologia e Calcolatori 2000
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2001
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2002
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2003
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2004









Archeologia e Calcolatori 2005
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2006
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2007
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2008
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2009









Archeologia e Calcolatori 2010
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2011
Archeologia e Calcolatori 2012
link to Image Gallery

Digital archive of colour plates: enter

LAWDI 2013: Coming to Grips with the Corpus of Open Access Scholarship on Antiquity In an Ancient World Digital Library


Ancient Graffiti Project Prototype

Ancient Graffiti Project
Developing a search engine for studying the graffiti of Herculaneum and Pompeii

Welcome to The Ancient Graffiti Project, a website that provides a search engine for locating and studying graffiti of the early Roman empire from the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Ancient graffiti, inscriptions that have been incised or scratched into wall-plaster, comprise a special branch of epigraphy. They differ from inscriptions on stone in several respects. An inscription on stone may be commemorative, dedicatory, sacred (to name just a few classes of inscription), but in almost all cases forethought has gone into the preparation of the text and the inscribed monument. Graffiti, by contrast, are more often the result of spontaneous composition and are the handwritten creation of the “man on the street.” Since graffiti are scratched into friable wall-plaster, they are more easily perishable, but when they do survive they are almost always found in-situ, unlike many stone inscriptions that have survived to the present day through re-use.

Herculaneum in Pleiades

(Partially) Open Access Journal: Археология (Reviews and News are open)

Археология (Reviews and News are open)
ISSN 0324-1203
Списание „Археология” е орган на Националния археологически институт с музей на Българската академия на науките. Основано е през 1959 г. като периодично издание, посветено на теренната и научноизследователска работа на българските археолози.
Пръв и дългогодишен главен редактор на „Археология” е акад. Д. П. Димитров, който създава формата на списанието.

То започва да излиза в 4 книжки годишно със следните рубрики: Статии, Публикации, Музейно дело и консервации, Лекции и консултации, Критика и рецензии и Преглед.
Списанието е ориентирано към широк хронологически хоризонт. Основна задача е да очертава, отразява и насочва развитието на отделните дялове в българската археологическата наука. Публикуват се статии и съобщения от разкопки на паметници в България, както и проблемни статии в областта на праисторията, античността и средновековната археология, нумизматика, сфрагистика. Представят се рецензии за археологически изложби, експозиции, новоизлезли книги, информация за научни срещи.

В своята над 50-годишна история списанието е съставяно и редактирано от редица видни учени на НАИМ-БАН – акад. Димитър П. Димитров (1959-1973), акад. Димитър Ангелов (1974-1989), проф. Велизар Велков (1990-1993), проф. Димитър Овчаров (1993-2001). Многократно е променян и външният му вид, но идеята, която го е основала, да бъде лице на българската археологическа наука, остава неизменна цел на всеки следващ главен редактор и редакционна колегия. Първоначално „Археология” е с мека разноцветна корица и апликирана илюстрация отпред, по-късно корицата става бяла с отпечатана отпред черно-бяла снимка. Идеята за този дизайн - бяла корица, но вече с цветна водеща илюстрация – е запазена и днес, защото времето показа, че това е видът, който ни прави различни.

От 2001 г. главен редактор на „Археология” е проф. д.и.н. Васил Николов. Традицията да се обнародват теренните и научни открития на страниците на списанието е запазена. Същевременно с това то е отворено за качествени статии, посветени на проблемите в българската археологическа наука.

Съдържанието обхваща пет тематични кръга: Статии, Съобщения, Дискусии, Отзиви и рецензии, Преглед. Рубриките Статии, Съобщения и Дискусии са съпроводени с резюме на английски език. Във всяка първа за годината книжка се помества Списък на публикациите на учените от Националния археологически институт с музей към Българска академия на науките, както и на катедрите по археология на СУ „Св. Климент Охридски” и ВТУ „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий”. Отделено е място и на научната хроника.

Като високоспециализирано и научно издание „Археология” се разпространява в страната и чужбина с абонамент. Продава се и на щанд в Националния археологически музей.

Arheologia Journal is a publication of the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum – BAS. It was established in 1959 as a periodical promoting the fieldwork and the research activity of Bulgarian archaeologists.

Academician D. P. Dimitrov was the first Editor-in-Chief of the journal. He was Editor-in-Chief for many years as well as the one who created its concept.

It has 4 issues per year and includes the following headings: Studies, Publications, Museum Activity and Conservation Work, Lectures and Consultations, Reviews and News.
The journal covers a broad chronological range. Its main goal is to outline, reflect and guide the development of the various aspects of Bulgarian archaeology. Articles and reports on excavations in Bulgaria are published as well as articles on theoretical aspects of the prehistoric, ancient and mediaeval archaeology, numismatics, sphragistics, etc. Reviews on archaeological exhibitions, recently published books and information about academic conferences are also presented.

A number of outstanding scholars who worked at the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum – BAS have been editors and contributed a lot to the more than 50 years long history of the journal – Academician D. P. Dimitrov (1959-1973), Academician Dimiter Angelov (1974-1989), Prof. Velizar Velkov (1990-1993), Prof. Dimiter Ovcharov (1993-2001). The design of the journal has also undergone through many changes but the main idea embedded in its establishment – to be the face of Bulgarian archaeology – was a constant aim of all editors-in-chief and editorial boards. Initially Arheologia (Sofia) Journal had colorful paperbacks and an illustration on the front cover and later the paperbacks became white with a black-and-white photo on the front cover. The idea of this particular design – a white cover but decorated with a color illustration – was preserved until nowadays because time proved that it is the design, which makes us look different.
Since 2001 Prof. Dr. Sc. Vassil Nikolov has been Editor-in-Chief of Arheologia (Sofia) Journal. We still keep the tradition to publish the field and scholarly discoveries on the pages of the journal. At the same time it is open for qualitative articles devoted to the problems of Bulgarian archaeology.

The content includes five themes: Studies, Reports, Discussions, Reviews and News. The Studies, Reports and Discussions headings have summaries in English. The first copy of the year contains a List of Publications of the Scholars Working at the National Institute of Archaeology with Museum – BAS as well as at the Departments of Archaeology at St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia and St. St. Cyril and Methodius University in Veliko Tarnovo. An academic chronicle is also published.

Arheologia (Sofia) Journal is an academic publication and is distributed in Bulgaria and abroad by subscription. It is also on sale at the bookstall of the National Museum of Archaeology.


RAM3Dis an expandable database devoted to the study of three-bladed waterline rams. The rams were made of high-quality bronze and served as reinforced projections placed at the bows of oared warships built around the shores of the Mediterranean throughout Classical antiquity (roughly from the 6th century BCE to the 2nd century CE). The initial examples presented through RAM3D include the evidence derived from the different classes of oared galley that fought in the famous Battle Actium (31 BCE). Additional examples from authentic rams and large sculptural models and reliefs will be added over time to the RAM3D database. These examples will provide students and researchers the opportunity to view and analyze complex elements of ancient warships that are best seen in 3D, that is, the ability to view the data in real time from multiple perspectives and diversity of scales.

Each source of data (e.g., Augustus' Victory Monument) is presented within its proper historical context and provided with a detailed bibliography. Archival records and photos are presented when available, as are a full range of study photographs. The 3D models of monuments and artifacts included in this database are based on various data sets, including 3D laser scans, and are displayed in a number of formats. As our research advances and additional models are created, the database will grow to accommodate the new material. The ultimate goal is to provide students and researchers with scalable 3D models that can assist the development and testing of new designs for different sizes of warship.

About RAM3D
Sites and Monuments
Authentic Waterline Rams

Ancient Greek Tutorials

Ancient Greek Tutorials
Ancient Greek Tutorials, by Donald J. Mastronarde with the assistance of the Berkeley Language Center of the University of California, Berkeley.
©1999-2005 The Regents of the University of California.

This site is made available to all users by the courtesy of the University of California Press. Although much of it is based on a specific textbook for ancient Greek (see under Credits), the tutorials should be helpful to anyone learning ancient Greek from any textbook.
Since the Berkeley Language Center is ceasing media duplication, it is no longer possible to order a CD-ROm of these tutorials. Instead, as of September 2009, for users who want to use the tutorials without being connected to the internet, Release 1.5 has been prepared as a ZIP archive that may be downloaded. The archive is about 20MB and will expand to over 50MB on your computer. To download, click here.


About the two versions:As of January 15, 2013, only the Unicode version is hosted here, and this site is tailored to the first edition of the textbook. The older (pre-Unicode, GreekKeys) version has been removed. If you are using the second edition of the textbook, then you should go to the revised version of this site, located at http://atticgreek.org

Pronunciation Guide provides information and examples for the pronunciation of the sounds of ancient Attic Greek. Text-based in Unicode version, image-based in GreekKeys version. Sounds are embedded and preloaded in Unicode version, individually downloaded in older version. 

Pronunciation Practice provides examples of pronunciation of over 100 basic Greek words (taken from the early chapters of the textbook referred to under Credits below). Text-based in Unicode version, image-based in GreekKeys version. Sounds are embedded and preloaded in Unicode version, individually downloaded in older version. 

Accentuation Tutorial presents information and examples to help in the understanding and mastery of the accentuation system of ancient Attic Greek. Text-based in Unicode version, image-based in GreekKeys version. 

Accentuation Practice presents interactive exercises to test and develop mastery of the accentuation system of ancient Attic Greek. Identical in both versions, with image-based Greek in the exercises. 

Principal Parts presents various drills for principal parts (the full set of principal parts of over 250 verbs in the textbook are available; random drills and drills by alphabetic set and verb type set are also available). Identical in both versions, with image-based Greek. 

Vocabulary presents over 1000 basic words of Greek vocabulary, with choice of mode of action (study mode or drill mode, Greek to English or English to Greek) and drill by alphabetic and random sets as well as by units. Text-based in Unicode and GreekKeys versions. 

Verb Drill presents Greek verb forms for identification. There are about 1500 verb forms in the database. In addition to drill by unit (matched to the book, but providing more forms than in the Exercises), drill by random set and drill by sets defined by type of form are available. Text-based in Unicode and GreekKeys versions. 

Noun Drill is a shorthand name for a declensional drill including forms of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. There are about 900 forms in the database. In addition to drill by unit (matched to the book, but providing more forms than in the Exercises), drill by random set and drill by sets defined by type of form are available. Text-based in Unicode and GreekKeys versions. 

English-Greek provides drill in composing Greek inflectional forms, using an on-screen keyboard (or in the Unicode version, there is an option of direct input from the user's physical keyboard). There are over 800 forms available. Some of the items correspond to similar exercises in the book, but there are also many forms not in the printed exercises. Two modes of drill are available. In the more elementary mode, the user's entry is corrected letter by letter, and it is not possible to go on to the subsequent letter until the current letter is correct. In the more challenging mode, the user enters the whole answer and then asks to be checked; if the answer is wrong, some guidance is given as to the error and the user can try to fix the answer or ask to see the answer. Text-based in Unicode version and in GreekKeys versions. 

Paradigms presents verb paradigms and noun, adjective, and pronoun paradigms. Text-based in Unicode version (html), image-based in GreekKeys version (PDF). 

Introduction | Description of Modules | Fonts and Browser Settings | Known Problems | Credits
And see also AWOL's  list of

Firenze University Press Open Access Publications

Firenze University Press Open Access Publications
The Open Access bookshop is a collection of open access works that can be downloaded in full version from our website in pdf format. Firenze University Press shares the open access policy, aimed at fostering the circulation of quality academic publications endorsed by its Scientific Committee and in compliance with copyright. For further details about Open Access,
click here.

The open access texts available range from HSS, Humanities and Social Sciences, to STM, Science, Technology and Medicine. In some cases, by agreement with the publishers, the authors also subscribe to the Creative Commons and, in particular the Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 licences.
The following books relate to antiquity 

Gordillo Hervás, Rocío 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-6655-226-0

Cisterna, Domenica Maria 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto

Pagni, Elena 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-6655-282-6

Scampoli, Emiliano 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-6453-188-5

a cura di Gril, Joseph
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-6453-157-1

a cura di Lepore, Lucia; Turi, Paola
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-8453-930-4

a cura di Uzielli, Luca
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-8453-382-1

Clauser, Marina; Lucchesi, Paola 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-8453-444-6

Pubblici, Lorenzo 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 978-88-8453-437-8

Tell Barri/Kahat: la campagna del 2002
Pecorella, Paolo Emilio; Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 88-8453-292-2

Pecorella, Paolo Emilio; Pierobon Benoit, Raffaella 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 88-8453-139-X

Pecorella, Paolo Emilio 
Opera ad Accesso Aperto
ISBN: 88-8453-097-0

Open Access Journal: ArcheoMolise

Il Centro Europeo di Ricerche Preistoriche è un' Associazione per la Ricerca scientifica ONLUS che fin dalla sua costituzione promuove ed attua interventi finalizzati allo sviluppo della ricerca scientifica e preistorica sul territorio molisano, nonché alla sua ampia valorizzazione e divulgazione anche in un contesto extraterritoriale ed internazionale.

Il programma di interventi annuali ha sempre puntato alla continuazione delle ricerche esplorative sul sito archeologico di Isernia La Pineta, quale volano per il coinvolgimento di ricercatori, docenti e studenti stranieri e non, ma ha altresì mirato all’ampliamento delle conoscenze sulla preistoria molisana, attivando una serie di interventi sistematici sull’intero territorio della provincia di Isernia.

I risultati importanti raggiunti nel corso degli anni hanno portato alla pubblicazione dei ritrovamenti su specifiche riviste scientifiche, nonché su monografie che oggi costituiscono il substrato editoriale di una Collana Ricerche, edita dal Centro e conosciuta anche all’estero.

Le attività di ricerca sul campo si caratterizzano quale base imprescindibile per la predisposizione di un progetto di valorizzazione e divulgazione delle realtà archeologiche e preistoriche presenti sul territorio molisano, oggi in fase avanzata di realizzazione e la cui continuità si configura come garanzia per mantenere vivo l’interesse a livello internazionale verso queste realtà archeologiche, fondamentali per la comprensione della preistoria europea (il sito paleolitico di Isernia La Pineta e le aree limitrofe ivi individuate: Grotta Reali a Rocchetta a Volturno, Colle delle Api a Monteroduni, San Mauro a Carovilli, La Montagnola di Civitanova del Sannio, Rio Verde di Pescopennataro)

Open Access Journal: Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia – I Quaderni II

Posted by | Filed under Rivista Archeologica | mag 1, 2012 | No Comments
Campagna di scavo 2011 – Carlantino – Monte San Giovanni: dalla preistoria al medioevo. Per scaricare il quaderno pigiare sulla copertina.

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia – I Quaderni I

Posted by | Filed under Rivista Archeologica | mar 5, 2012 | No Comments
galluccisamnitium Nuova edizione aggiornata dei Regesti Gallucci, testo fondamentale per chi voglia studiare la piana di Bojano dal 1000 al 1600

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia nr. 4 – 2011

Posted by | Filed under Rivista Archeologica | lug 6, 2011 | No Comments
Indice: La Tavola Veliterna di R. Antonini – Un nuovo oblo d’argento anepigrafo attribuito a Phistelia di M. Pagano – Una nuova moneta di Aquilonia di A. Capozzi – La fortificazione sannitica di Santa Barbara in agro di S. Marco dei Cavoti di G. De Benedittis e M. Anzovino – Nuova ricognizione sulla fortificazione di Monte saraceno a Pietrabbondante di A. Di Iorio – La Histonium dei Frentani e la costa d’Abruzzo e Molise nell’antichità. Una sintesi delle ricerche storiche ed archeologiche a Punta Penna di Vasto (CH) di Davide Aquilano

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia nr. 2 – 2009

Posted by | Filed under Rivista Archeologica | apr 28, 2010 | No Comments
Spedis mamerekies saipins. ‘un campano di nome spe(/o)ndio’. fonti e contesti relativi a un’identità. Rosalba Antonini. Una “nuova” emissione monetale di Larinum Bruno Sardella. Alcuni materiali in bucchero e impasto campano dal Museo Civico di Baranello. Considerazioni Preliminari. Annalisa Paolella.

Considerazioni di Storia ed Archeologia nr. 1 – 2008

Posted by | Filed under Rivista Archeologica | feb 13, 2010 | No Comments
Una nuova rivista: perché di G. De Benedittis – Il tempio di Petacciato (CB) – Valle San Giovanni e il deposito votivo di Demanio e Spugne di B. Sardella – Nuovi dati sul territorio di Monte Vairano di M. Ziccardi – Nuovi dati sull’impianto idrico di Larinum di G. Sansone – Le epigrafi romane della ...Read more.

FACEM: Provenance Studies on Pottery in the Central Mediterranean

[First posted in AWOL 22 June 2011. Updated 2 June 2013]

FACEM: Provenance Studies on Pottery in the Central Mediterranean

Provenance Studies on Pottery

in the Southern Central Mediterranean from the 6th to the 2nd c. B.C.

Facem (= Fabrics of the Central Mediterranean) is a database for specialists of Greek, Punic and Roman pottery, first released on 6th of June 2011. Its aim is to give an overview of production centres in the Central Mediterranean region by presenting images and descriptions of fabrics.
We are proud to present the second release of FACEM on 6th of December 2012, centred on pottery from the Bay of Naples, in particular table wares and coarse wares from the site of Naples itself and from Cuma. These results are complemented by samples of Campana A and of Terra Sigillata, stemming both from sites of the consumption area (Velia in Campania, military camp of Haltern, Germany).
If you are interested in contributing to the FACEM project, please read "About FACEM".

Learn more about the project and the methodology used.
Instructions how to use data in FACEM and how to create your own workspace.
Download contributions concerning fabrics, wares and production sites as PDFs


Greek Mainland

North Aegean Area

East Aegean Area


Bay of Naples









Tracking Colour - the polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture

Tracking Colour - the polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture
Greek and Roman marble statues were not set up in blazing white. They were colourful. We are now on the track of the colours that remain on sculptures in our collection.
The research project now under way in the Glyptotek is the first of its kind. The aim is to identify, document and study traces of colour on our Greek and Roman sculptures.

Ancient sculpture was colourful

Ancient written sources, as well as the evidence found on the works themselves, show that Greek and Roman sculptures were colourful. They were ‘polychrome’, ‘many-coloured’.
Works in stone were painted and sculptures in bronze stood in the colour of the metal, with details such as eyes, lips and teeth added in other coloured materials: ivory, copper, amber and silver among them. Statues were also made in silver, gold and ivory. And in Roman Imperial times, sculptors began using coloured marbles. During recent years, research on the polychromy of ancient sculpture has increased. But our knowledge is still very limited.

The Glyptotek project and the Copenhagen Polychromy Network

‘Ancient sculptural polychromy in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek’ is a project designed to systematically investigate our Greek and Roman stone sculptures for traces of colour. It is the first of its kind anywhere.
In-depth examination and understanding of colour traces require an interdisciplinary approach. Collaboration has therefore been established between the Glyptotek, the School of Conservation of the Academy of Fine Arts, the Institute of Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark and the Museum of Geology/The Natural History Museum of Denmark. We call this partnership ‘The Copenhagen Polychromy Network’.

Preliminary Report 1, 2009
Preliminary Report 2, 2010
Preliminary Report 3, 2011
Preliminary Report 4, 2012

Open Access Journal: Bollettino di Archeologia On Line

 [First posted in AWOL 14 March 2011 as forthcoming, this now online journal is now hosting content (see below). Most recently updated 3 June 2013]

Bollettino di Archeologia On Line
ISSN 2039-0076
La testata del Bollettino di Archeologia on line


Quasi un secolo è passato dall’emanazione del R.D. 30 gennaio 1913, n. 363 (Regolamento di esecuzione delle leggi 20 giugno 1909, n. 364, e 23 giugno 1912, n. 688, per le antichità e le belle arti), ma ne resta, tra altri, tuttora in vigore l’art. 83 che assegnava alla responsabilità del Soprintendente l’invio al Ministero, ai fini della pubblicazione, di una relazione sui risultati scientifici ottenuti negli scavi più importanti. La sede allora prevista per la pubblicazione erano le ”Notizie degli scavi e scoperte d'antichità” dell’Accademia dei Lincei, cui si sono opportunamente affiancate nel corso di questo secolo numerose altre sedi di pubblicazione. Nonostante tale moltiplicazione di testate, il problema della edizione degli scavi archeologici è tuttavia restato un problema fondamentale e, duole dirlo, largamente irrisolto; ciò anche per l’enorme dilatarsi, naturalmente ben venuto sotto il profilo culturale, della materia oggetto della ricerca scientifica, al quale però non ha corrisposto un’adeguata estensione dei mezzi per le pubblicazioni.

Da alcuni anni la tecnologia informatica è venuta in aiuto mettendo a disposizione strumenti molto potenti per dar soluzione – o almeno avviare a soluzione - a questo problema. Non è naturalmente questa la sede per illustrare i vantaggi che il nostro Ministero può ricavare dall’utilizzazione dell’editoria elettronica nel settore archeologico, ma vale la pena ricordarli almeno sommariamente: mettere a disposizione delle Soprintendenze un efficace strumento per gestire, anche con metodologie e criteri innovativi, la pubblicazione di grandi quantità di dati in tempi utili al progredire della ricerca e alla comunicazione di informazioni su temi di interesse generale (ad esempio nel campo dell’archeologia preventiva); offrire al personale tecnico-scientifico del Ministero e ai loro collaboratori esterni la possibilità di pubblicare (mantenendo la proprietà intellettuale delle opere prodotte) con costi ridotti la propria produzione scientifica di qualità garantita, in un circuito che ne permette la diffusione accanto o in alternativa all’editoria commerciale; offrire un servizio all’utenza contribuendo all’attività di valorizzazione del patrimonio; accrescere l’impatto della produzione scientifica entrando a far parte del circuito globale delle “digital libraries”; diffondere l’immagine del Ministero anche attraverso un proprio marchio editoriale.

A circa vent’anni dalla nascita del “Bollettino di Archeologia” ad opera di Paola Pelagatti e Adriano La Regina e a quasi un decennio della nascita di una Direzione Generale per i Beni Archeologici, la Direzione per le Antichità ha voluto perciò istituire, anche avvalendosi dell’importante esperienza maturata in collaborazioni come quella con “Fold&R” e “Fastionline”, una rivista telematica che costituisca un punto di riferimento ed un luogo di discussione per tutti gli studiosi, funzionari, collaboratori, docenti e ricercatori che operano a vario titolo nel settore archeologico. L’obiettivo è che essa diventi oltre che luogo di pubblicazione di scavi e ricerche, anche sede di incontro di problematiche specifiche e luogo di confronto per realtà diverse, occasione per offrire un ampio panorama delle attività di ricerca, di tutela e di promozione della conoscenza del ricco patrimonio archeologico italiano, strumento per informare e confrontarsi su tematiche attuali, su questioni di metodo, su prospettive innovative e sulla molteplicità di iniziative di comune interesse per quanti operano nel settore. Naturalmente l’interesse dell’uso dell’informatica sta anche nella possibilità di rinnovare i modi stessi della comunicazione archeologica, e crediamo che la disponibilità di uno strumento, peraltro a utilizzazione gratuita, come questo, faciliterà la sperimentazione di nuovi modi di divulgazione, ma anche riflessioni sul senso del nostro lavoro nel contesto attuale, anche nel confronto con quanto si fa in altri settori e altri paesi.

Se nel tempo molte Soprintendenze Archeologiche hanno meritoriamente attivato proprie collane editoriali, destinate a sensibilizzare soprattutto un pubblico locale, la nuova testata potrà costituire occasione anche per dare risalto a livello nazionale ed internazionale alle attività editoriali ed alle pubblicazioni di ciascun Ufficio, anche attraverso presentazioni, anticipazioni o recensioni.

Al tempo stesso è auspicabile che l’iniziativa possa invogliare la partecipazione dei colleghi di altri Paesi, europei e non, con problematiche simili o punti di vista differenti, per confermare la validità e la vitalità di un dibattito aperto nella comunità scientifica degli archeologi e degli amministratori del patrimonio di antichità, indipendentemente dai confini circoscritti di ciascuna nazione.

Non a caso, in apertura della Rivista e in alcuni dei primi fascicoli saranno pubblicati gli atti del XVII International Congress of Classical Archaeology - Meetings between Cultures in theancient Mediterranean, svoltosi a Roma dal 22 al 26 settembre 2008, raccolti e curati per la pubblicazione dall’Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica con la quale questo Ministero ha da tempo istituito la proficua collaborazione sopra ricordata per Fasti online e Fold&R. Il numero 0 della nuova rivista scientifica è solo una ridotta presentazione della più vasta rassegna che sarà messa in rete nei prossimi mesi con la pubblicazione delle diverse sessioni del Congresso, contestualmente alla presentazione dei contributi scientifici e agli spunti di discussione che auspichiamo possano pervenire numerosi per arricchire il panorama che ci si prefigge di presentare.

Nel frattempo ci attendiamo dai colleghi proposte, suggerimenti, articoli, contributi per dar corpo e linfa vitale alla nuova rivista, che, come indica la partecipazione al Comitato Scientifico di tutti i Soprintendenti italiani, intende essere più che la Rivista della Direzione per le Antichità, la rivista di tutti gli archeologi dell’Amministrazione. La pubblicazione dei dati degli scavi e delle ricerche archeologiche, resta infatti, insieme alla tutela e alla conservazione del patrimonio, il fine ultimo del lavoro degli archeologi che operano nel Ministero, oltre che un loro preciso dovere culturale e sociale, in quanto non si tratta solo di mettere sempre nuovi e più precisi segmenti nell’inesauribile disegno della ricerca scientifica, ma anche di far partecipe nei diversi modi della comunicazione l’intera comunità, che sostiene i costi di queste ricerche, dei valori della storia: ovvero dare sempre più compiuta attuazione al dettato dell’articolo 9 della nostra Costituzione.

Buon lavoro.

Stefano De Caro


Announcement/Call for Papers: Classics Library Journal

Classics Library Journal
Submissions Invited on the following theme, and always welcome on any topic.

Theme for Forthcoming Issue (January 2014)

Classical Reception in Classics Teaching

CL members are invited to write articles to share and publish here in a digital journal format for all other members, posterity, and to share with the wider Classics community. Articles will appear here ‘in real time’, published online as soon as possible after they are submitted, and will also be collated and published as a freely available pdf/ebook, twice yearly (January and July). The process should be relatively informal, articles could be from 500 to 2,000 words, and the main aim is always to provide information and ideas to help others with their teaching of Classics.
The theme for the forthcoming January 2014 issue (Issue 1) is ‘Classical Reception in Classics Teaching‘.  This could include reviews, examples of how you have used Classical reception as a teaching tool or promotional tool, your views on the impact modern adaptations have on the classroom, etc.
The final deadline for articles to be included in the January 2014 edition will be 1st December 2013.
The CLJ Editor is Gemma Ball (2013/14).
Potential articles could be (though all ideas are truly welcome!):
  • accounts of teaching methodology and experiences
  • reviews and recommendations of books, shows, lectures, or any potential teaching resource
  • suggestions and reviews of co-curricular activities, such as site visits, conferences, and tours
  • commentaries on classical curriculum
  • comparisons of classical and modern civilisation.
Please submit suggestions for articles to editors [at] theclassicslibrary [dot] com.
Suggestions on the current theme welcome, but equally welcome are suggestions for articles on any theme, or suggestions for future themes.

Archaeology in Greece Online / Chronique des fouilles en ligne

[First posted in AWOL 30 November 2009. Updated 4 June 2013]

Archaeology in Greece Online / Chronique des fouilles en ligne
Outil indispensable pour les chercheurs de toutes disciplines qui souhaitent s’informer des dernières découvertes archéologiques en Grèce et à Chypre, la Chronique des fouilles en ligne/Archaeology in Greece Online est une base de données richement illustrée, disposant d’un outil cartographique pour localiser les opérations de terrain à l’intérieur d’un site et de sa région.
Un moteur de recherche, dont un didacticiel expose les potentialités, permet d’effectuer des recherches multi-critères, en particulier par le biais d’une liste de mots-clés, mais aussi une recherche libre sur le corps de la notice pour une recherche spécifique. L’abonnement à un flux RSS informe directement de tout enrichissement de la base et une page « Actualités » dresse la liste des manifestations scientifiques susceptibles de donner lieu à des notices lorsque les actes en seront publiés.
Géré conjointement par l’École française d’Athènes et de la British School at Athens, le traitement des données est réparti par régions et reflète les traditions, l’histoire et l’implantation des deux Écoles. L’enregistrement apparaît donc soit en anglais soit en français, mais le moteur de recherche, quelle que soit la langue utilisée, renvoie toujours à l’ensemble de la base.
An indispensible tool for researchers in all disciplines who wish to learn of the latest archaeological discoveries in Greece and Cyprus, Archaeology in Greece Online/Chronique des fouilles en ligne is a richly illustrated topographical database with a mapping feature to locate field projects within sites and regions.
Single or multi-criteria searches can be made - notably via key words - and free searches also allow researchers to pursue specific interests. A ‘help’ video explains the available possibilities. Customisable RSS feeds provide the latest information directly to your browser, and a news page lists those academic conferences in Greece which feature presentations of the primary data which will appear in our records when published.
A joint project of the École française d’Athènes and the British School at Athens, the compilation of AGOnline is divided by region, reflecting the respective research traditions and current interests of the two Schools. Records thus appear in either English or French, but searches always return the full range of data. 
Απαραίτητο εργαλείο για τους ερευνητές όλων των ειδικοτήτων οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να ενημερώνονται για τις αρχαιολογικές ανακαλύψεις στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο, η Chronique des fouilles en ligne/Archaeology in Greece Online είναι μία βάση δεδομένων με πλούσια εικονογράφηση, διαθέτοντας ένα χαρτογραφικό εργαλείο για τον εντοπισμό των ανασκαφικών εργασιών σε έναν αρχαιολογικό χώρο ή στην περιοχή του.  
Η μηχανή αναζήτησης, η χρήση της οποίας εξηγείται σε ενημερωτικό video, επιτρέπει την αναζήτηση με ένα ή περισσότερα κριτήρια με λέξεις-κλειδιά αλλά και με μορφή ελεύθερου κειμένου από το περιεχόμενο των περιγραφών για πιο εξειδικευμένη αναζήτηση που δεν προβλέπεται από τις λίστες (χρονολογικό, γεωγραφικό ή θεματικό κριτήριο). Επίσης, η επιλογή ενός ή περισσότερων rss feeds ενημερώνουν τον αναγνώστη για τον πρόσφατο εμπλουτισμό της βάσης, ενώ η σελίδα Νέα διαθέτει κατάλογο πρόσφατων επιστημονικών συναντήσεων, των οποίων η δημοσιεύση των πρακτικών θα προσφέρει νέο υλικό για την βάση.
Καρπός συνεργασίας της Γαλλικής Αρχαιολογικής Σχολής και της Βρετανικής Αρχαιολογικής Σχολής, η επεξεργασία των δεδομένων έχει κατανεμηθεί γεωγραφικά υποδηλώνοντας τις παραδόσεις, την ιστορία και τους χώρους της επιστημονικής δραστηριότητας κάθε μίας Σχολής. Έτσι οι αναφορές θα είναι είτε στην Αγγλική είτε στην Γαλλική, αλλά η μηχανή αναζήτησης θα παραπέμπει πάντοτε σε όλο το υλικό της βάσης ανεξάρτητα της γλώσσας που χρησιμοποιήθηκε.
Image gallery 
Last report added 
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Digital Classicist Seminars and Podcasts

Digital Classicist Seminars
The Digital Classicist hosts a series of summer seminars at the Institute of Classical Studies in London, where Classicists and Digital Humanists alike can come and share their experiences or ongoing projects with the community. The Digital Classicist also has a presence at various other conferences and seminars which will be documented here.
Subscribe to the podcast RSS feed

Current seminar series:

Other events:

The London Digital Classicist seminars share a slot with the ICS Postgraduate WiP, which runs for the other 9 months of the year.

Open Access Journal: Dissertation Reviews

Dissertation Reviews
Founded in 2010, Dissertation Reviews is a new site that features overviews of recently defended, unpublished doctoral dissertations in a wide variety of disciplines across the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our goal is to offer readers a glimpse of each discipline’s immediate present by focusing on the window of time between dissertation defense and first book publication.

Each review provides a summary of the author’s main arguments, the historiographic genealogy in which the author operates, and the main source bases for his or her research. The reviews are also anticipatory, making educated assessments of how the research will advance or challenge our understanding of major issues in the field when it is revised and published in the future.

Dissertation Reviews also features reviews of and guides to archives, libraries, databases, and other collections where such dissertation research was conducted, to help scholars improve their ability to undertake current and future research.

For more information about our project:
- Request a Review of Your Dissertation
- Become a Reviewer
- Editorial Board
Dissertation Reviews Advisory Boards
- Frequently Asked Questions
- New Fields in 2012-13
- Seeking New Editors and Fields
- Contact Us (using the form or email us on info@dissertationreviews.org)
While Classics, Ancient Studies, Ancient Near East, Egyptology, Archaeology, and so on are not (yet) explicit categories, there are reviews of dissertations on subjects relating to antiquity in other categories. They are also soliciting Editors for additional categories. Volunteers?

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