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New Open Access Journal: Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics

Philomathes: A Journal of Undergraduate Research in Classics
ISSN: 2573-4288
guillochelonic Column

Austin Peay State University is pleased to announce a refereed, on-line journal for undergraduate research in Classical Studies. Philomathes will publish the exceptional original research of undergraduate students who complete their research and writing before graduation.  Ideally, papers for submission will have been read by at least one faculty member from the student’s institution before they are submitted.

Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)

[First posted in AWOL 1 September 2012, updated 15 August 2017]

Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM)
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM), under the umbrella of The Center for the Research of Early Christian Documents (CRECD), exists for the following purposes:
  1. To make digital photographs of extant Greek New Testament manuscripts so that such images can be preserved, duplicated without deterioration, and accessed by scholars doing textual research.
  2. To utilize developing technologies (OCR, MSI, etc.) to read these manuscripts and create exhaustive collations.
  3. To analyze individual scribal habits in order to better predict scribal tendencies in any given textual problem.
  4. To publish on various facets of New Testament textual criticism.
  5. To develop electronic tools for the examination and analysis of New Testament manuscripts.
  6. To cooperate with other institutes in the great and noble task of determining the wording of the autographa of the New Testament.

Open Access Monograph Series: Kernos suppléments

[First posted in AWOL 9 July 30023, updated 14 August 2017]

Kernos suppléments
ISSN: 1376-179X 
Edited by André Motte and Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge 

    Open Access Journal: Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA

    [First posted in AWOL 14 December 2010, updated 14 August 2017]

    Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA
    ISSN: 2325-4904
    Backdirt: Annual Review, which began as a newsletter in 1973, is the magazine of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology that highlights the recent news, research and activities of the Institute. The CIoA Press publishes the annual magazine each spring.
    Our current and older issues can be downloaded from the links below.

    Backdirt 2016

    Powered by
    Publish for Free
    • Read about the work conducted in the CIoA Labs
    • Life of the Egyptian Coffin
    • Cave Temples of Dunhuang
    • The Achievements of Jane E. Buikstra
    • Using Stable Isotopes to Explore Ancient Wildebeest Biogeographies
    • And much more! download PDF

    Backdirt 2015

    Powered by
    Publish for Free
    • Institute achievements in 2015
    • Extracting insights from the Southwest through computer modelings and large datasets
    • Reports from the field discuss coffin reuse in Egypt, community involvement in the Philippines and a mysterious line of holes in Peru
    • Marija Gimbutas: Old Europe, Goddesses and Gods, and the Transformation of Culture
    • The Field School Revolution
    • And much more! download PDF

    Backdirt 2014

    Powered by
    Publish for Free
    • Recent awards and honors
    • The Tin Problem Reconsidered: Recent Archaeometallurgical Research on the Anatolian Plateau
    • Exploring Ancient Pastoral Mobility through Stable Isotope Analysis: A Case Study from Kenya
    • Prehistoric Urban Archaeology in the Americas: A View from Cusco, Peru
    • Researcher's Notebook
    • And much more! download PDF

    Backdirt 2013

    Powered by
    Publish for Free
    • Reminiscences of directors
    • 40th Anniversary Exclusive
    • From Clay to Milk in Mediterranean Prehistory: Tracking a Special Vessel
    • Looting: Another Phase in the Social History of a Pre-Hispanic Cemetery in Southern Peru
    • Reports from the field
    • And much more! download PDF

    Backdirt 2012

    Powered by
    Publish for Free
    • Ancient Maya Calendrics, Cosmology, and Creation
    • Coffin Reuse in the Twenty-First Dynasty
    • Surveying Landscapes
    • Conflict and Cooperation in the Northern Titicaca Basin
    • Little Lake Rock Art
    • And much more!Additional Backdirts are available on Scribd and Academia.edu. For questions regarding subscriptions and submissions, e-mail the CIoA Press at ioapubs@ucla.edu.

    See the List of Open Access Books from the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology

    Griechisches Münzwerk Online

    Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula

    Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula
    Nikola Moushmov's (1896 -1942) Ancient Coins of the Balkan Peninsula and the Coins of the Bulgarian Monarchs, was published in 1912, originally in "Old Bulgarian" (that is, using archaic word forms that would confound automated translation software) plus Latin translations of headings. It is particularly comprehensive for Roman Provincial coins of Moesia and Thrace, rather like an old form of today's excellent "Greek Imperial Coins" volumes by Ivan Varbanov.
    The original book is arranged alphabetically by city and chronologically by ruler within that city, then alphabetical by reverse type, e.g. Aesklepios before Apollo, before Artemis, before Athena. [Note that the English translation does not have the reverse types in alphabetical order.]
    There are 500 pages of listings plus 68 plates (on 6" x 8.5" pages), and a total of 7460 numbered types. For comparison, Moushmov lists 43 types for Geta from Nikopolis, SNG Copenhagen lists only one, Varbanov lists 108.
    Moushmov is less than fully definitive on each listed type, and employs a clever trick with the plates. He lists the various possible legends for the ruler(s) at the beginning of their sections, then lists the types (e.g "Concordia seated with patera & cornucopaie") for them, but without associating specific legends of either the obverse or the reverse with that entry. It is therefore most likely that there are a number of different possible legends, legend breaks, legend configuration, bust types, sizes or magistrate's name for any given Moushmov number. Such differences are not vars. I would say that a var is only one which is not listed in other, more precise works, e.g. AMNG, Varbanov, RecGen, BMC etc.
    Moushmov's photographic plates provide examples of most reverse types, using the illustrations of generic types, so he uses, e.g. a coin from Markianopolis to illustrate the same type from Nikopolis, Tomis and Kallatis - a clever way to save space in his plates, but which may cause confusion among beginners, so hopefully they will read this intro first!
    - Dave Surber, March, 2003
    - Dane Kurth, May 2009
    Return to the Moushmov index.
    Entries are arranged by regions and cities.Entries in italics do not yet have images or plates linked in.
    I. Dacia
    II. Moesia Superior, Viminacium
    - Dionysopolis
    - Istros
    - Kallatis
    - Markianopolis
    - Nikopolis ad Istrum
    - Tomis
    - Abdera
    - Ainos
    - Anchialus
    - Augusta Traiana
    - Apollonia Pontika
    - Bizanthe
    - Byzantium
    - Bizya
    - Deultum
    - Dikaia
    - Hadrianopolis
    - Kabyle
    - Kypsela
    - Maroneia
    - Mesembria (in Ponto)
    - Messembria ad Aegaeum
    - Nikopolis ad Mestum
    - Odessos
    - Pautalia
    - Perinthos
    - Philippopolis
    - Plotinopolis
    - Selymbria
    - Serdica
    - Topiros
    - Trajanopolis
    V. Thracian Chersonese
    Uncertain mintof Thracian Chers.
    - Lemnos
    - Myrina on Lemnos
    - Hephaestia on Lemnos
    - Samothrace
    - Imbros
    - Thasos
    VIII. Kings of Scythia
    - Macedonia, Autonomous, 185-146 BC
    - Roman Province of Macedonia, From 95 BC
    - Acanthus
    - Aegae
    - Aeneia
    - Amphaxus
    - Amphipolis
    - Aphytis
    - Apollonia
    - Berga
    - Beroea
    - Bisaltae
    - Bottiaea
    - Capsa
    - Cassandrea
    - Chalkidice
    - The Derrones
    - Dicaea
    - Diony
    - Dium
    - Edessa
    Macedonia, not Edessa, Mesopotamia!
    - Edoni
    - Eion
    - Eurydicea
    - Lete
    - Mende
    - Neapolis
    - Orthagoria
    - Ossa
    - Pella
    - Phila
    - Philippi
    - Potidaea
    - Pydna
    - Pythium
    - Scione
    - Sermyle
    - Stobi
    - Terone
    - Thessalonika
    - Traelium (Tragilos)
    - Tyntenes
    - Uranopolis
    - Zaieleon
    X. Thrace or Macedonia, Uncertain Mint
    XI. Macedonian Kings
    XII. Paeonia
    XIII. Paeonian Kings
    XIV. Athenean Coins

    XV. Medieval Bulgarian Coinage

    Open Access Journal: Dionysus Ex Machina: Rivista annuale online di studi sul teatro antico

    Dionysus Ex Machina: Rivista annuale online di studi sul teatro antico
    ISSN: 2038-5137 
    Dionysus Ex Machina, rivista on line di studi sul teatro antico pubblicata con cadenza annuale, si articola in sei sezioni (Testi, Dopo l'antichità, Scene, Monumenti, Cinema, Laboratori. Scuola e Università) e in uno spazio ulteriore (Notizie) costantemente aggiornato, che ospita annunci, recensioni e agili schede di spettacoli teatrali, libri, convegni, festival attinenti alla drammaturgia e, più in generale, alla cultura classica. Sono disponibili liberamente tutti gli articoli, i contenuti multimediali, lo spazio Notizie e i link, previa registrazione gratuita. 

    I volumi della Biblioteca di DEM possono essere acquistati interamente o per singoli articoli tramite Casalini Libri.

    Open Access Journal: Engramma - La Tradizione Classica nella Memoria Occidentale

     [First posted in AWOL 4 May 2011. Updated 16 August 2017]

    Engramma - La Tradizione Classica nella Memoria Occidentale
    ISSN 1826-901X

    "Engramma"è la rivista on-line del Centro studi classicA – 'Architettura, civiltà, tradizione del classico'– dell'Università IUAV di Venezia: un laboratorio di ricerche costituito da studiosi e da giovani ricercatori, nato come 'Seminario di tradizione classica' nel marzo 2000, coordinato da Monica Centanni.

    Al centro delle ricerche di "Engramma"è la tradizione classica nella cultura occidentale: persistenze, riprese, nuove interpretazioni di forme, temi e motivi dell'arte, dell'architettura e della letteratura antica, nell'età medievale, rinascimentale, moderna e contemporanea.

    "Engramma"è una rivista esclusivamente on-line: anche nel campo degli studia humanitatis la pubblicazione in rete si configura come il mezzo e il luogo di verifica delle nuove metodologie di ricerca e come veicolo privilegiato di comunicazione dei risultati.

    Nel 2006 "Engramma" ha avuto il riconoscimento del premio E-Content Award.

    "Engramma" ha cadenza mensile/bimestrale: tutti i numeri pubblicati dal settembre del 2000 (data di nascita della rivista) sono consultabili in Archivio.

    Tutti i contributi pubblicati nella rivista sono indicizzati per autore (Indice per autore).

    Sono indicizzati a parte i Testi inediti e rari ovvero: testi mai pubblicati su supporto cartaceo o in rete; testi mai tradotti in lingua italiana; testi editi in formato cartaceo su riviste o in volumi difficilmente reperibili.

    I contributi che in numero consistente siano riferibili a temi di ricerca che incrociano gli studi del Centro studi classicA sono raggruppati anche in Indici tematici (consultabili dall'elenco nella colonna a sinistra): Alessandro il Grande, Ara Pacis, Arco onorario romano, Calunnia di Apelle, Hostium Rabies Diruit, Iconologia e Architettura, Internet e Umanesimo, Myths & Movies, Laocoonte, Pubblicità & Tradizione classica, Tempio Malatestiano, Vero falso finto, Aby Warburg e l'Atlante Mnemosyne e Gallerie iconografiche...
    temi di ricerca

    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre / Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre

    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre / Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre

    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2000 / Volume 124 / Issue 2 / pp. 665-699
    Chronique des fouilles et découvertesarchéologiquesà Chypre en 1999* par Sophoklis HADJISAWAS Le Département des Antiquités a poursuivi en 1999 sa triple tâche de recherche, de conservation.... 7. Tasse White Painted IV. Fig. 8. Cruche d'origine syrienne. Fig. 9. Tasse White Painted V. CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 1999 669 — Scarabée en faïence (Xylotymbou.... CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 1999 673 Musée régional de Paphos Lors des travaux de construction de la nouvelle autoroute Limassol-Paphos, une nécropole a été découverte..
    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2001 / Volume 125 / Issue 2 / pp. 743-777
    Chronique des fouilles et découvertesarchéologiquesà Chypre en 2000* par Sophoklis Hadjisawas L'activité du Département des Antiquités s'est poursuivie pendant l'année 2000, dans le cadre... en noir sur l'épaule (fig. 3) ; Fig. 2. Lécythe attique à figures rouges. Rg. 3. Aryballe en faïence jaune. BCH12S (2001) CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2000 745 FIg... à engobe rouge et décor peint. Fig. 7. Œnochoé Red Slip. Fig. 8. Pinakion non décoré. Fig. 9. Pinakion décoré de bandes concentriques. CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE...
    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2002 / Volume 126 / Issue 2 / pp. 691-727
    Chronique des fouilles et découvertesarchéologiquesà Chypre en 2001 * par Sophoklis Hadjisawas Le Département des Antiquités a poursuivi en 2001 sa tâche de recherche et de conservation.... BCH126 (2002) Fig. 12. Grande cruche Red Slip. Fig. 13. Amphore pithoïde piriforme à trois anses. CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESΛ CHYPRE EN 2001 695 Fig. 14. Cratère amphoroïde HR.... 16. Gourde Red Lustrous Wheelmade. Fig. 17. Skyphos eubéen. BCH126 (2002) Fig. 16. Gourde Red Lustrous Wheelmade. Fig. 17. Skyphos eubéen. CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE...
    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2003 / Volume 127 / Issue 2 / pp. 649-682
    CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2002* par En 2002, le Département des Antiquités a procédé à des fouilles systé-Sophoklis HaDJISAWAS matiques et à des fouilles.... La scène représenterait la production du vin (fig. 12). BCH 127 (2003) CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2002 651 Fig, 1. — Cruche Red Slip f Fig, 1. — Cruche Red Slip... repliée sur le dos rendus plastiquement (fig. 25). BCH 127 (2003) Fig. 20. — Amphorisque miniature Bichrome CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2002 655 Fig. 17-— Bol Bichrome...
    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2004 / Volume 128 / Issue 22 / pp. 1635-1708
    CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES __ ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2003 ET 2004 par Pavlos FLOURENTZOS En 2003 et 2004, le Département des Antiquités a poursuivi sa triple tâche de recherche... III Fig. 14. — Cruche White Painted Fig. 15. — Skyphos importé de l'Est égéen CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2003 ET 2004 1643 Fig. 16-17. — Ex-voto en calcaire... en bronze d'Amathonte. BCH 128-129 (2004-2005) CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2003 ET 2004 1645 Fig. 21. — Tétrobole en argent d'Amathonte. Fig. 22. — Élément de meuble...
    Bulletin de correspondance hellénique / Year 2006 / Volume 130 / Issue 2 / pp. 873-919
    CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ________ ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESλ CHYPRE EN 2005* par Pavlos FlOURENTZOS Traduit du grec (à l'exception du rapport de Khirokitia) par Sabine Fourrier, université de Lyon...¬ prus, SIMA 86 (1989), p. 105, fig. 125-126 et 130. 2. Ibid., p. 105, fig. 1 19. 3. P. Flourentzos, RDAC 1993, pl. XXXIV, 120 (22). CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE.... 208. BCH 130 (2006) CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES ET DÉCOUVERTESARCHÉOLOGIQUESÀ CHYPRE EN 2005 Fig. 9. — Larnaca-Agios Georgios, T. 38/29. Alabastre en argile Fig. 10. — Larnaca-Agios Georgios...

    For earlier issues see:

    Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre in STYPPAX: An Academic Resource for the Study of Cypriote Sculpture:
    1958: BCH 83 (1959)1959: BCH 84 (1960)1960: BCH 85 (1961)1961: BCH 86 (1962)1962: BCH 87 (1963)1963: BCH 88 (1964)1964: BCH 89 (1965)1965: BCH 90 (1966)1966: BCH 91 (1967)1967: BCH 92 (1968)1968: BCH 93 (1969)1969: BCH 94 (1970)1970: BCH 95 (1971)1971: BCH 96 (1972)1972: BCH 97 (1973)1973: BCH 98 (1974)1974: BCH 99 (1975)1975: BCH 100 (1976)1976: BCH 101 (1977)1977: BCH 102 (1978)1978: BCH 103 (1979)1979: BCH 104 (1980)1980: BCH 105 (1981)1981: BCH 106 (1982)1982: BCH 107 (1983)1983: BCH 108 (1984)1984: BCH 109 (1985)1985: BCH 110 (1986)1986: BCH 111 (1987)1987: BCH 112 (1988)1988: BCH 113 (1989)1989: BCH 114 (1990)1990: BCH 115 (1991)1991: BCH 116 (1992)1992: BCH 117 (1993) (note: mislabeled in Persée)1993: BCH 118 (1994)1994: BCH 119 (1995)1995: BCH 120 (1996)1996: BCH 121 (1997)1997: BCH 122 (1998)1998: BCH 123 (1999)1999: BCH 124 (2000)2000: BCH 125 (2001)2001: BCH 126 (2002)

    Database of Classical Scholars

    Database of Classical Scholars
    Database of Classical Scholars
    The Database of Classical Scholars is a multi-faceted database that aims to provide biographical and bibliographical information on classical scholars from the period associated with classical scholarship as currently understood, from the end of the eighteenth century and the publication of F.A. Wolf's Prolegomena zu Homer (1795) to the current day. Each entry is accompanied by an appreciation of the scholar's career by an expert and where possible, a portrait. This is a work of international cooperation with an advisory committee composed of experts in the history of classical scholarship not only in North America, but in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy.


    Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi

    [First posted in AWOL 9 September 2010, updated 17 August 2017]

    LGGA Lessico dei Grammatici Greci Antichi
    Directed by Franco Montanari
    Associate Editors: Fausto Montana, Lara Pagan
    The LESSICO DEI GRAMMATICI GRECI ANTICHI (LGGA) represents an online reference tool, specifically dedicated to the field of ancient Greek philology, grammar and scholarship.
    This website, which was opened in 2002, has seen the in-progress publication of cards regarding figures who are relevant, from various points of view, for exegesis as well as erudite and philological-grammatical research in the ancient world. The list of figures taken into consideration has progressively increased up to a total amount of more than 570. The cards available for downloading are now over 300.
    Starting from November 2015, LGGA is published by Brill under the name of Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity

    The new web site publishes initially all the cards that were available on Aristarchus, for some of which the corresponding English version will be made available immediately. Over time each card will be updated and supplied with an English translation. In addition, the cards not yet included will be progressively added. As in the past, each card is made up of:

    1. an encyclopedic entry with discussion of biographical data and works/fragments of the grammarian;
    2. ist and texts of ancient witnesses;
    3. bibliography.
    In comparison with the previous version, far more refined searches are now possible (e. g. on the basis of chronology of the grammarians or the content of the fragments) and the cards are easier to use thanks to the addition of many cross-references both to other LGGA cards and to different web sites (e. g. repertories of ancient texts or reference works).
    l LESSICO DEI GRAMMATICI GRECI ANTICHI (LGGA) rappresenta uno strumento di consultazione di base online, in particolare per le ricerche sulla storia della filologia, della grammatica e dell’erudizione nel mondo greco antico.
    Il progetto si è concretizzato nella progressiva pubblicazione su questo sito, aperto nel 2002, di schede relative ai personaggi a vario titolo rilevanti per l’esegesi e la ricerca erudita e filologico - grammaticale nel mondo antico.Il repertorio delle figure prese in considerazione si è gradualmente accresciuto fino ad arrivare a più di 570, così come la quantità di schede presenti e disponibili per il download in pdf, giunte a superare le 300.
    A partire da novembre del 2015, LGGA è pubblicato dall’editore Brill con il nome di Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity
    Il nuovo sito pubblica inizialmente tutte le schede che già erano disponibili sul sito Aristarchus, affiancando la corrispondente versione inglese in un primo momento solo ad alcune di esse. Nel corso del tempo, ognuna delle schede esistenti sarà aggiornata e corredata di traduzione in inglese e saranno inoltre aggiunte le schede che attualmente restano ancora da redigere.Come in passato, ogni scheda è costituita da:

    1. una voce enciclopedica sul grammatico;
    2. elenco e testi di testimonianze antiche e frammenti;
    3. bibliografia.
    Rispetto alla versione precedente, sono adesso possibili ricerche molto più raffinate (p.es.per epoca del grammatico e per contenuto dei frammenti) e la fruizione delle schede è resa più efficace dalla presenza di numerosi collegamenti ipertestuali verso altre schede di LGGA o siti diversi(p.es.repertori di testi antichi oppure opere di riferimento).

    Çatalhöyük Databases On-line

    [First posted in AWOL 29 March 2012, updated 17 August 2017]

    Çatalhöyük Databases On-line
    This area of the website gives you direct access to the excavation and other specialist data as recorded during the excavation season. We will be updating the data available periodically but if there is any particular data you would like to see please contact us to see if we can help. There are two ways to explore our excavation data. You can either browse the available datawhich offers you categories of information to look at to help guide you through our datasets, or if you have a more specific query in mind you can choose from our variety of Search Screens.
    Browse the available data
    Search the available data

      Excavation Diaries:
      • Browse the diaries 
        • Years with Diary entries
          • Year 1996 has 86 entries
          • Year 1997 has 41 entries
          • Year 1998 has 107 entries
          • Year 1999 has 172 entries
          • Year 2001 has 2 entries
          • Year 2003 has 11 entries
          • Year 2004 has 167 entries
          • Year 2005 has 63 entries
          • Year 2006 has 228 entries
          • Year 2007 has 297 entries
          • Year 2008 has 253 entries
          • Year 2009 has 83 entries
          • Year 2010 has 125 entries
          • Year 2011 has 146 entries
          • Year 2012 has 251 entries
          • Year 2013 has 312 entries
          • Year 2014 has 69 entries
          • Year 2015 has 54 entries
          • Year 2016 has 43 entries

        • List by Building Number

    Open Access Journal: Mirabilia: Revista Eletrônica da Antiguidade e Idade Média / Eletronic Journal of Antiquity and Middle Ages

    [First posted in AWOL 29 October 2013, updated 17 August 2017]

    Mirabilia: Revista Eletrônica da Antiguidade e Idade Média / Eletronic Journal of Antiquity and Middle Ages
    ISSN 1676-5818
    The word Mirabilia in latin is a neutral plural adjective which means "admirable things" or "wonders" and comes from the verb mirare, to regard, look at. Therefore, this name evokes the admirable aspects of the ancient and the medieval times.

    The Journal Mirablia is an on line publication which provides articles, documents and academic reviews produced by scholars of Ancient and Medieval History from all over the world interested in increase and debate their interests.

    This publication is connected to the deeper concept of Cultural History, which is expressed in the relationship between History and the other fields of knowledge and centers its studies in the literaires, religious, philosophycal and artistical aspects of those areas and their relationship in time and space.

    The Journal Mirabilia intends not only to unite the studies of different branches in human sciences, but also to link the areas of Ancient and Medieval History in Brazil. The reason of this ambition is a simple one: the Brazilian scholars and students have a great difficulty to access the sources and the recent publications, an habitual problem to the countries of the Third World. Therefore, by approaching the two areas and providing them with opportunity of reaching the research findings in Brazil and abroad, We intend to strenghten the Brazilian studies of Ancient and Medieval History, proportioning to a greater number of people the acess to the result of the researches currently developed.
    Issues accepting papers

    Past issues

    Mirabilia 01 (2001)

    The Bridge: Customizable Greek and Latin Vocabulary Lists

    [First posted in AWOL 6 February 2016, updated 17 August 2017]

    The Bridge: Customizable Greek and Latin Vocabulary Lists
    The Bridge enables students and instructors to generate customized vocabulary lists from its database of Greek and Latin textbooks and texts. A list might include all the vocabulary from a core list, an ancient text, or a textbook. But users can focus on a selection of a list or work and also customize their lists to take into account textbooks that they have used, core lists they have mastered, and texts they have already read. These lists can then be filtered to focus on one or more parts of speech, among other options, and then printed or downloaded in a variety of formats.
    The Project Director is Bret Mulligan, Associate Professor of Classics at Haverford College.
    The Bridge was first developed by Julie Ta (Haverford ’16) and Blair Rush (Haverford ’16) in the summer of 2014. Significant revisions were begun in the summer and fall of 2015 by Jack Raisel (Haverford ’17) and Julie Ta, and completed in the summer of 2017 by Byron Biney (Swarthmore '19) and Dylan Emery (Haverford ’18). Additional administrative, technical, and logistical support was provided by Laurie Allen (Coordinator for Digital Scholarship and Services), Michael Zarafonetis (Digital Scholarship Librarian), Andy Janco (Digital Scholarship Librarian), Margaret Schaus (Lead Research and Instruction Librarian), Adrienne Lucas (University of Delaware), Jennifer Rajchel (Assistant Director, Tri-Co Digital Humanities), and Archana Kaku (Tri-Co Digital Humanities Program Coordinator, Bryn Mawr College). Initial data for The Bridge have been compiled by Florencia Foxley (HC ’13), Emma Mongoven (’14), Vanessa Felso (Bryn Mawr College ’15), and Carman Romano (HC ’16). Additional collaborators are listed on the "Details About Texts". Data for some ancient texts were generously provided by the Laboratoire d’Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes at the Université de Liège and The Ancient Greek and Latin Dependency Treebanking Project. The development of The Bridge was made possible by the financial support of Haverford College (2014-2017), a Program Grant from the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (2015) a Mellon Digital Humanities Grant (2014-2015).

    Online Transactions of the State Hermitage Museum - ТРУДЫ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО ЭРМИТАЖА

    Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum Old Kingdom Volumes Online

    [First posted in AWOL 18 July 2012, updated 18 August 2017]

    Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum: Lose-Blatt-Katalog Ägyptischer Altertümer
    Old Kingdom Volumes Courtesy of
    The Giza Digital Library

    TitleRelated PeopleDate of Publication
    Hölzl, Regina. Reliefs und Inschriftensteine des Alten Reiches I. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Lieferung 18. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1999. Regina Hölzl1999
    Hölzl, Regina. Reliefs und Inschriftensteine des Alten Reiches 2.Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Lieferung 21. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 2001. Regina Hölzl2001
    Jaroš-Deckert, Brigitte. Statuen des Alten Reiches. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung, Lieferung 15. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1993. Brigitte Jaroš-Deckert1993
    Martin, Karl. Reliefs des Alten Reiches. Teil 1. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 3. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1978. Karl Martin1978
    Martin, Karl. Reliefs des Alten Reiches. Teil 2. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 7. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1979. Karl Martin1979
    Martin, Karl. Reliefs des Alten Reiches und verwandte Denkmäler. Teil 3. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 8. Mit Beiträgen von Peter Kaplony. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1980. Karl Martin1980
    Martin-Pardey, Eva. Plastik des Alten Reiches . Teil 1. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 1. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1977. Eva Martin-Pardey1977
    Martin-Pardey, Eva. Plastik des Alten Reiches . Teil 2. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 4. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1978. Eva Martin-Pardey1978
    Martin-Pardey, Eva. Eingeweidegefässe. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 5. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1979. Eva Martin-Pardey1979
    Martin-Pardey, Eva. Grabbeigaben, Nachträge und Ergänzungen. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum. Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 6. Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1991. Eva Martin-Pardey1991

    Open Access Journal: Neronia Electronica

    [First posted in AWOL 28 February 2012. Updated 16 November 2014]

    Neronia Electronica
    ISSN: 2272-6985
    La Revue NERONIA ELECTRONICA, à comité de lecture international, a pour objectif de nourrir la recherche et le débat scientifique sur l’époque néronienne (de Claude à Titus), ses racines hellènes, hellénistiques et romaines, son legs historique et son image jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Conformément à la vocation de la société, elle accueille des travaux des différents champs disciplinaires (histoire, littérature, philosophie, histoire de l’art, droit, archéologie, épigraphie, numismatique) en étant ouverte aux problématiques transversales et aux débats scientifiques.
    La revue publie :
    Sont acceptées des contributions dans les langues suivantes : français, anglais, allemand, espagnol, italien.

      Neronia Electronica – Fascicule 4 (2016)

      Sommaire L’image de Claude dans l’Antiquité.  Du maître de la mer au jouet de la cour (Anne-Claire Michel) The Rhetorical Construction of Female Characters and the Imperial Image of Nero in Tacitus’ Annals  (Sarah F. L. Azevedo) Afranius Burrus dans … Continuer la lecture
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      Neronia Electronica – Fascicule 3 (2014)

      Sommaire • Les cités thessaliennes et Néron : à propos d’une inscription inédite de Larissa. (Athanasios Tziafalias, Ancien Ephore des Antiquités de Larisa (Thessalie) et Richard Bouchon, Maître de Conférences en histoire grecque – Université Lumière Lyon 2 – HiSoMA UMR5189) … Continuer la lecture
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      Neronia Electronica – Fascicule 2 (2012)

      Sommaire • Dionysiaca aurea: The development of Dionysian images from Augustus to Nero. (Stéphanie Wyler – Université Paris 7 – Anhima, UMR 8210) • Les passages relatifs à Ofonius Tigellinus dans les Annales de Tacite. (Sandra Delage – Université Bordeaux … Continuer la lecture
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      Neronia Electronica – Fascicule 1 (2011)

      Sommaire • Les réformes électorales de Caligula et de Néron. Quelques réflexions. (Virginie Hollard – Lyon) • Le récit de l’année 53 dans les Annales de Tacite (12.58-63). (Olivier Devillers – Bordeaux) • La ex Vigna Barberini e le costruzioni … Continuer la lecture
      Publié dansPrécédents fascicules de Neronia Electronica|2 commentaires

        Open Access Monograph Series: Wilkinson Egyptology Series

        Wilkinson Egyptology Series
        Founded in 2013, the Wilkinson Egyptology Series is a peer-reviewed imprint of the UAEE. The series is open to proposals from all scholars in the field of Egyptology for publication of monographs, comprehensive site reports, conference proceedings, and other edited works. The goal of the Series is to assist scholars in bringing high-quality work to print quickly, through a review process akin to those of most major journals. After a period of not more than five years, each volume will be made available online, free of charge. The series is named after and designed to reflect Richard H. Wilkinson's prolific academic career: producing the highest quality work in a timely manner. Contributions to the UAEE in honor of Professor Wilkinson will be marked to support the Series specifically, and can be made here.

        For questions or to submit a manuscript or proposal for inclusion in the series, please contact: UAEE@egypt.arizona.edu

        The Series logo is an abbreviated writing of the word rHw, meaning "companions, comrades, fellows," an appropriate reminder that these works are offered in the spirit of advancing our collective knowledge and could not have been produced without the benefit of the work of those who have come before. See A.H. Gardiner, Egyptian Grammar (3rd edition revised, Oxford: Griffith Institute, 1957) pg 578 for the translation.

        Archaeological Research in the Valley of the Kings and Ancient Thebes: Papers Presented in Honor of Richard H. Wilkinson(ISBN 978-0964995819; 2013)

        Wilkinson Egyptology Series, vol. I

        In August 2013, the UAEE published Archaeological Research in the Valley of the Kings and Ancient Thebes: Papers Presented in Honor of Richard H. Wilkinson, edited by P.P. Creasman. At nearly 400 pages and including 125+ color illustrations, this work is composed of two dozen chapters by leading scholars from around the world. A great variety of new discoveries and current research are presented, covering topics as diverse as ancient tomb robbery to historic love letters.
        To purchase your copy & support the UAEE, click here.

        The Temple of Tausret(ISBN 978-0964995826; 2011)

        A report of UAEE's  excavations from 2004 to 2011 of the remains of the temple of millions of years of Tausert, the 19th Dynasty queen who ruled as a king ca. 1200 B.C.E., edited by R.H. Wilkinson.
        To purchase your copy & support the UAEE , click here.
        Also, you can learn virtually all there is to know about the Pharaoh-Queen Tausret in Tausret: Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt(2012, Oxford), ed. R.H. Wilkinson, which can also be purchased from Amazon, here: http://tinyurl.com/7d5h8ww

        Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs  (1995)

        The papers from the International Conference on the Valley of the Kings conducted by the Egyptian Expedition were published as Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs (Tucson, 1995).
        The volume is printed as a library quality laminated paperback (ISBN 0-9649958), 165 pp. with over 90 photographs, figures, maps and charts.
        A limited number of copies of this volume are available for purchase from the UAEE.
        Please contact: UAEE@egypt.arizona.edu

        Sculptures de la Gaule Romaine

        [First posted in AWOL 25 April 2013, updated 19 August 2017]

        Sculptures de la Gaule Romaine
        La base de données NEsp est issue d’un programme de recherche du Centre Camille Jullian sur les collections des sculptures romaines de la Gaule Narbonnaise.

        Dans un premier temps, les données collectées dans les musées du sud de la France ont été gérées par la base NarboSculpture. Cette recherche s’est élargie, à la faveur de l’opération du Nouvel Espérandieu, Recueil Général des Sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule, menée par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres sous la direction d’Henri LAVAGNE. Elle couvre à présent l’inventaire, la gestion, l’étude et la publication des sculptures de l’ensemble de la Gaule romaine. L’accroissement constant des données a nécessité la création de la base NEsp sous la responsabilité de Danièle Terrer.
        Cette base devrait contenir au moins 15000 fiches et 60000 images. Certes, c’est un projet qui se réalise dans la durée, ce qui est, sans doute, le sort de tous les grands inventaires nationaux. Ce fut celui de l’inventaire réalisé par Emile Espérandieu de 1907 à 1938 (onze volumes), puis par Raymond Lantier de 1947 à 1966 (quatre volumes), l’ensemble constituant une collection prestigieuse de près de 10000 sculptures publiée sous le patronage de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Jusqu’à la publication d’un Nouveau Recueil Général des Sculptures sur pierre de la Gaule, c’était le seul inventaire connu.

        En outre, ce premier inventaire, constitué par Emile Espérandieu au début du siècle dernier, était illustré par des plaques de verre dont nous avons pu assurer le sauvetage en les numérisant et en les indexant dans une base de données RBR en vis-à-vis de la nouvelle base NEsp . Ces plaques sont en partie conservées au Palais du Roure à Avignon et au Fort de Saint-Cyr. Jean-Daniel PARISET, Conservateur des Archives de Saint-Cyr, conscient à la fois de la précarité de ces fragiles documents du siècle dernier et de leur immense valeur de témoignage, a bien voulu entreprendre leur sauvetage, aux côtés de Henri LAVAGNE, Membre de l’Institut. La mise à disposition des plaques de verre auprès de la communauté scientifique a été rendue possible par le Ministère de la Culture (France), Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Diffusion RMN. La valorisation de ces plaques revient au Centre Camille Jullian où elles ont pu être indexées et intégrées dans la base de données RBR où sont consignés les identifications proposées par Emile Espérandieu, les références au CIL , les sources, les dessins et relevés anciens...
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