Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Stolen Gods: Reporting the theft and destruction of sacred art from around the world

Stolen Gods: Reporting the theft and destruction of sacred art from around the world
Sacred art is alive: it is a major component of the identities of living people and communities. Theft of sacred art is theft from everyone. Destruction of sacred items is profoundly destabilizing. The theft, trafficking, and destruction of sacred art is a special subset of the larger study of the movement of illicit art and antiquities. It has its own unique causes and, perhaps, its own unique solutions.

The purpose of this site is to try to understand this phenomenon better by collecting information. Find here articles and papers about the theft and destruction of the art and architecture of the world’s religious traditions and documentation of efforts to protect these sites and items.

Open Access Journal: Institut français d’archéologie orientale: Rapports d’activités annuels (Supplément au bulletin de l’institut français d’archéologie orientale)

[First posted in AWOL 9 May 2012, updated 25 July 2017]

Institut français d’archéologie orientale: Rapports d’activités annuels (Supplément au bulletin de l’institut français d’archéologie orientale)
ISSN: 1110-2438
L’IFAO publie chaque année un rapport d'activité dans le Bulletin de Institut français d’archéologie orientale et uniquement en ligne depuis 2012. Voici au format PDF ceux des dernières années. Pour les années précédentes, veuillez consulter le BIFAO en ligne qui comporte à la fin de chaque volume notre rapport d'activité.
Every year the IFAO publishes a report of its activities in its Bulletin, and on-line since 2012. See here for the last fifteen years in PDF format. For previous years, see BIFAO on-line : the end of each volume holds the activity report. 

See also the list of open access IFAO Périodiques en ligne

Tabella Defixionis Project

Tabella Defixionis Project
Tabella Defixionis Project se propose de rescencer les tablettes de défixions découvertes à travers le monde gréco-romain. En effet, c'est à ce jour plus de 2000 tablettes qui ont été mises au jour. Elles constituent une base essentielle du travail de l'Historien qui s'intéresse à ces civilisations et à l'histoire des mentalités. 

Seven additional volumes of Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

Seven additional volumes of Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online

Open Access Journal: Restauro Archeologico

Restauro Archeologico
ISSN 1724-9686 (print)
ISSN 2465-2377 (online)
Restauro Archeologico (RA­) è un periodico scientifico internazionale, semestrale, pubblicato in stampa e modalità Open Access.

RA pubblica articoli sottoposti a peer review – in italiano, inglese, spagnolo, francese e tedesco – sulla conoscenza, conservazione e valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico d’interesse archeologico e di quello allo stato di rudere e si pone l’obiettivo di focalizzare l’attenzione sulle metodologie di studio e d’intervento su manufatti architettonici riferibili a contesti archeologici o ad essi connessi (pluristratificazioni).

Il restauro archeologico può comprendere, per modalità d’intervento e finalità di valorizzazione, oltre ai manufatti riferibili all’antichità, anche tutti i manufatti che, per provenienza, condizioni di utilizzo e stato di manutenzione sono ridotti a rudere; ad esempio, sugli edifici in disuso, o in rovina di epoca moderna, si potrà intervenire con procedure simili a quelle utilizzate per le testimonianze di epoca antica, con la principale finalità di conservarne la memoria, come nel caso dell’archeologia industriale. La rivista ambisce, quindi, a costituire una finestra privilegiata di osservazione dei diversi approcci conservativi in funzione dei molteplici contesti geopolitici e culturali. In quest’ottica, ampio spazio è dato agli aspetti di multidisciplinarietà insiti nella pratica del restauro, con un’attenzione particolare ai progressi metodologici e tecnici della disciplina.

Restauro Archeologico (RA­) is a scientific international print and open access journal, issued every six months.

RA publishes articles peer-reviewed – in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, sulla concerning the knowledge, conservation, and valorisation of all endangered, neglected, or ruined architectural structures and aims to focus attention on the methodologies of study and intervention on architectural heritage in archaeological contexts or connected to them (pluristratification).
The archaeological restoration may involve, for modes of intervention and enhancement purposes, in addition to the ancient heritage, even all the architectures that, due of their origin, conditions of use and maintenance are reduced to ruins; for instance, interventions could be undertaken on modern buildings that are abandoned or in a state of ruin, using procedures similar to those applied to ancient structures, with the primary purpose of maintaining memory: this is the case, for example, of industrial archaeology.

Therefore, the journal aims to be a privileged observation window of all possible conservative approaches depending on the geopolitical and cultural multiple contexts. With this in mind, ample space is given to multidisciplinary aspects inherent in the practice of restoration, with special attention to methodological and technical advances in the discipline.

Open Access Journal: Journal of Classics Teaching

Journal of Classics Teaching
ISSN: -EISSN: 2058-6310
Journal of Classics Teaching
Now online and open access the Journal of Classics Teaching (JCT) aims to be the leading journal for teachers of Latin, ancient Greek, Classical Civilisation and Ancient History internationally. JCT covers the primary, secondary and tertiary education sectors and welcomes articles and short book reviews of interest to Classics teachers.
    2010s(Vol 16-18)

      Perseus 5.0/Scaife Digital Library Viewer RFP

      Perseus 5.0/Scaife Digital Library Viewer RFP
      We are working on the draft for an RFP to develop CTS-based front end that we will use to make Open Greek and Latin available as part of Perseus 5.0. We are calling this the Scaife Digital Library Viewer. We hope to finalize the RFP early in the week of July
       31 and welcome any and all suggestions in the meantime.

      Information is available at https://goo.gl/KTeUi9.

      Open Access Journal: Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche

      Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche
      Testata della pagina 
      Cartagine. Studi e Ricerche (CaSteR) è la rivista internazionale, accademica, peer-reviewed e Open Access, della Società Scientifica Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine (SAIC).

      Ambito e orizzonte culturale

      L'ambito culturale della rivista è quello delle scienze storiche, archeologiche e dell’antichità, della storia dell’arte, della conservazione, della valorizzazione e del restauro dei beni culturali. L'ambito cronologico di riferimento va dalla preistoria fino al periodo fatimide (XII sec.) mentre dal punto di vista geografico l'area di elezione è quella dell'Africa del Nord (in particolare Tunisia e paesi del Maghreb) intesa sia come spazio geografico fisico che come termine culturale di raffronto per studi che trattino di aspetti comuni ad altre aree e di rapporti di interscambio culturale e materiale. Particolare attenzione verrà inoltre riservata agli studi che tratteranno di aspetti collegati alla musealizzazione, al restauro dei monumenti, alle tematiche collegate alla valorizzazione dei giacimenti culturali materiali e immateriali.


      La rivista si propone di incoraggiare, negli ambiti sopra identificati, la ricerca interdisciplinare sull'area nord Africana ed in particolare in Tunisia proponendosi come un contenitore di scambio e confronto non solo tra i componenti della comunità accademica degli specialisti di settore ma, superando i confini nazionali, tra le diverse comunità accademiche e la società civile.

      Tipo di documenti editi

      I contenuti della rivista saranno principalmente testi a stampa corredati da immagini fotografiche, disegni in vari formati (raster e vettoriali), filmati video e file contenenti dati testuali. Potranno essere inoltre sottoposti alla valutazione di CaSteR per l'edizione anche lavori multimediali purché rigorosamente a carattere scientifico e di ambito cronologico, geografico e culturale assolutamente coerente con le linee editoriali sopra esposte.



      N. 1 (2016)

      Althiburos, Tunisia. Teatro romano (foto Gilberto Montali).



      N. 2 (2017)

      Ellès, Tunisia (foto Anna Depalmas).


      Saggi e studi

      Marco Muresu
      Lavinia Del Basso

      Conferenze, seminari e sedute scientifiche della SAIC

      Laura Baratin
      Anna Depalmas
      Massimo Botto, Nabil Kallala, Sergio Ribichini
      Nabil Kallala, Gilberto Montali, Mohamed Ben Nejma, Sahrane Chérif, Jamel Hajji, Mounir Torchani

      Schede e materiali

      Roger Hanoune
      Mohammed-Arbi Nsiri
      Piero Bartoloni


      Mohammed-Arbi Nsiri

      Open Access Journal: HASBonline – Hefte des Archäologischen Seminars der Universität Bern

      HASBonline –Hefte des Archäologischen Seminars der Universität Bern
      ISSN: 0259-7764
      Page Header
      The new HASBonline – Hefte zur Archäologie des Mittelmeerraumes aus Bern is the first Swiss archaeological journal in open access form with peer review. This makes possible the swift publication of the most recent research findings as peer reviewed papers as well as the widespread access to the international community of classical archaeology and their various regions of interest and methodological approaches.
      Articles may be submitted in German, French, Italian or English.
      The publication will appear in digital form in open access as well as in printed form in limited numbers; the journal as well as the supplementary volumes will appear periodically.

      Vol 22 (2017)

      Back issues

        1. Volume 21 (2009)
        2. Volume 5 (2008)
        3. Volume 20 (2007)
        4. Volume 19 (2003)
        5. Volume 18 (2002)
        6. Volume 4 (2001)
        7. Volume 17 (2000)
        8. Volume 16 (1997)
        9. Volume 3 (1996)
        10. Volume 15 (1994)
        11. Volume 2 (1993)
        12. Volume 14 (1991)
        13. Volume 13 (1990)
        14. Volume 12 (1987)
        15. Volume 11 (1986)
        16. Volume 1 (1985)
        17. Volume 10 (1984)
        18. Volume 9 (1983)
        19. Volume 8 (1982)
        20. Volume 7 (1981)
        21. Volume 6 (1980)
        22. Volume 5 (1979)
        23. Volume 4 (1978)
        24. Volume 3 (1977)
        25. Volume 2 (1976)
        26. Volume 1 (1975)

        Open Access Journal: Cuneiform Digital Library Journal

        First posted in AWOL  31 August 2009Most recently updated 27 July  2017]

        Cuneiform Digital Library Journal
        ISSN: 1540-8779
        The Cuneiform Digital Library Journal is a non-profit, refereed electronic journal for cuneiform studies. We have set ourselves the task of publishing articles of a high academic standard which also try to utilise the potential of electronic publication.

        The Journal is supported by a number of institutions, chief among them the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. Primary academic supervision of the Journal derives from the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI).
        No. Author Title Date File
        2017:1 Chen Y. & Wu Y. The Names of the Leaders and Diplomats of Marḫaši and Related Men in the Ur III Dynasty 2017/09/25 PDF
        2016:2 Bonechi, M. Remarks on the Putative Source A2 of the Ebla Bilingual Lexical List 2016/12/19 PDF
        2016:1 Firth, R. Synchronization of the Drehem, Nippur, and Umma Calendars During the Latter Part of Ur III 2016/12/19 PDF
        2015:3 Such-Gutiérrez, M. The Texts from the 3rd Millennium BC at the Oriental Museum, University of Durham (England) 2015/10/02 PDF
        2015:2 Benati, G. Re-modeling Political Economy in Early 3rd Millennium BC Mesopotamia: Patterns of Socio-Economic Organization in Archaic Ur (Tell al-Muqayyar, Iraq) 2015/10/01 PDF
        2015:1 Hawkins, L. A New Edition of the Proto-Elamite Text MDP 17, 112 2015/05/02 PDF
        2014:4 Kassian, A. Lexical Matches between Sumerian and Hurro-Urartian: Possible Historical Scenarios 2014/12/03 PDF
        2014:3 Middeke-Conlin, R. & Proust, C. Interest, Price, and Profit: An Overview of Mathematical Economics in YBC 4698 2014/06/13 PDF
        2014:2 Spada, G. Two Old Babylonian Model Contracts 2014/03/24 PDF
        2014:1 Middeke-Conlin, R. The Scents of Larsa: A Study of the Aromatics Industry in an Old Babylonian Kingdom 2014/03/24 PDF
        2013:3 Cripps, E. Messengers from Šuruppak 2013/07/20 PDF
        2013:2 Tsouparopoulou, Ch. A Reconstruction of the Puzriš-Dagan Central Livestock Agency 2013/06/02 PDF
        2013:1 Firth, R. Notes on Year Names of the Early Ur III Period: Šulgi 20-30 2013/03/18 PDF
        2012:1 Ouyang, X. & Brookman, W. R. The Cuneiform Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts 2012/02/20 PDF
        2012:2 Damerow, P. Sumerian Beer: The Origins of Brewing Technology in Ancient Mesopotamia 2012/01/22 PDF
        2011:2 Firth, R. A Discussion of the Use of im-babbar2 by the Craft Workers of Ancient Mesopotamia 2011/10/30 PDF
        2011:1 Cathcart, K. J. The Earliest Contributions to the Decipherment of Sumerian and Akkadian 2011/03/03 PDF
        2010:2 Adams, R. McC. Slavery and Freedom in the Third Dynasty of Ur: Implications of the Garshana Archives 2010/07/06 PDF
        2010:1 Ragavan, D. Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum 2010/07/06 PDF
        2009:7 Adams, R. McC. Old Babylonian Networks of Urban Notables 2009/10/26 PDF
        2009:6 Widell, M. Two Ur III Texts from Umma: Observations on Archival Practices and Household Management 2009/10/24 PDF
        2009:5 Lafont, B. The Army of the Kings of Ur: The Textual Evidence 2009/10/21 PDF
        2009:3 Friberg, J. A Geometric Algorithm with Solutions to Quadratic Equations in a Sumerian Juridical Document from Ur III Umma 2009/09/23 PDF
        2009:4 Englund, R. K. The Smell of the Cage 2009/08/21 PDF
        2009:2 Robson, E. & Clark, K. The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of Florida State University 2009/07/19 PDF
        2009:1 Proust, C. Numerical and Metrological Graphemes: From Cuneiform to Transliteration 2009/06/22 PDF
        2008:2 Hilgert, M. Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of St. Martin Archabbey Beuron 2008/07/07 PDF
        2008:1 Adams, R. McC. An Interdisciplinary Overview of a Mesopotamian City and its Hinterlands 2008/03/25 PDF
        2007:1 Seri, A. The Mesopotamian Collection in the Kalamazoo Valley Museum 2007/08/25 PDF
        2006:3 Richardson, S. F. C. gir3-gen-na and Šulgi’s “Library”: Liver Omen Texts in the Third Millennium BC (I) 2006/08/06 PDF
        2006:2 Johnson, J. C. The Ur III Tablets in the Valdosta State University Archives 2006/04/24 PDF
        2006:1 Damerow, P. The Origins of Writing as a Problem of Historical Epistemology 2006/01/28 PDF
        2005:3 Dahl, J. L. Complex Graphemes in Proto-Elamite 2005/06/19 PDF
        2005:2 Friberg, J. On the Alleged Counting with Sexagesimal Place Value Numbers in Mathematical Cuneiform Texts from the Third Millennium B.C. 2005/06/14 PDF
        2005:1 Monaco, S. Unusual Accounting Practices in Archaic Mesopotamian Tablets 2005/05/01 PDF
        2004:2 Widell, M. The Calendar of Neo-Sumerian Ur and Its Political Significance 2004/07/14 PDF
        2004:1 Heimpel, W. AO 7667 and the Meaning of ba-an-gi4 2004/01/12 PDF
        2003:5 Chambon, G. Archaic Metrological Systems from Ur 2003/12/23 PDF
        2003:4 Hilgert, M. New Perspectives in the Study of Third Millennium Akkadian 2003/08/26 PDF
        2003:3 Michalowski, P. An Early Dynastic Tablet of ED Lu A from Tell Brak (Nagar) 2003/03/05 PDF
        2003:2 Widell, M. The Ur III calendar(s) of Tūram-ilī 2003/02/20 PDF
        2003:1 Englund, R. K. The Year: "Nissen returns joyous from a distant island" 2003/02/15 PDF
        2002:2 Widell, M. A Previously Unpublished Lawsuit from Ur III Adab 2002/09/27 PDF
        2002:1 Englund, R. K. The Ur III Collection of the CMAA 2002/09/11 PDF

        Online Resources for Biblical Studies

        Digital Library: Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts


        Open Access Journal: IESUS ABOENSIS: Åbo Akademi Journal for Historical Jesus Research

        Open Access Journal: Scrineum Rivista

        Scrineum Rivista
        ISSN 1128-5656 (online)
        Scrineum Rivista ospita contributi originali su temi di storia della documentazione, del libro, della scrittura dalla tarda antichità al basso medioevo greco e latino.
        La redazione rappresenta al suo interno vari e differenziati interessi di studio e di ricerca: perciò non privilegia alcuna lettura ‘di scuola’, né respinge a priori alcun punto di vista. Ogni storia di documenti e di libri merita di essere raccontata, purché con rigore critico e appropriati strumenti d'analisi: le ‘piste’ da seguire sono spesso intricate, frammentarie, sfuggenti, ma sono il fondamento indispensabile di qualunque indagine sulla «storia della cultura scritta» (letteraria, giuridica, religiosa, politico-istituzionale, artistica) e sulla storia delle idee, dei pensieri, dei desideri, dei gusti, delle velleità degli uomini che attraverso la scrittura hanno lasciato una traccia di sé.

        Tutti i contributi sono valutati (peer-reviewed) da lettori scelti nell’ambito del Referee board indipendente o individuati in base alle competenze di volta in volta necessarie.


        9 (2012)

        Per Enzo Matera


        6 (2009)

        L’Atlante della diplomatica comunale in rete. Questioni e prospettive. Atti del Seminario conclusivo del Progetto di rilevante interesse nazionale 2006-2008: “Culture politiche e pratiche documentarie nell’Italia comunale e signorile (secoli XII-XIV)”, Genova, 18-19 settembre 2009


        Open Access Journals: Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative Journals

        [First posted in AWOL 31 August 2009, updated 29 July 2017]

        The Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative publishes three open access online journals:

        Cuneiform Digital Library Journal (CDL)
        ISSN 1540-8779
        No. Author Title Date File
        2017:1 Chen Y. & Wu Y. The Names of the Leaders and Diplomats of Marḫaši and Related Men in the Ur III Dynasty2017/09/25 PDF
        2016:2 Bonechi, M. Remarks on the Putative Source A2 of the Ebla Bilingual Lexical List2016/12/19 PDF
        2016:1 Firth, R. Synchronization of the Drehem, Nippur, and Umma Calendars During the Latter Part of Ur III2016/12/19 PDF
        2015:3 Such-Gutiérrez, M. The Texts from the 3rd Millennium BC at the Oriental Museum, University of Durham (England)2015/10/02 PDF
        2015:2 Benati, G. Re-modeling Political Economy in Early 3rd Millennium BC Mesopotamia: Patterns of Socio-Economic Organization in Archaic Ur (Tell al-Muqayyar, Iraq)2015/10/01 PDF
        2015:1 Hawkins, L. A New Edition of the Proto-Elamite Text MDP 17, 1122015/05/02 PDF
        2014:4 Kassian, A. Lexical Matches between Sumerian and Hurro-Urartian: Possible Historical Scenarios2014/12/03 PDF
        2014:3 Middeke-Conlin, R. & Proust, C. Interest, Price, and Profit: An Overview of Mathematical Economics in YBC 46982014/06/13 PDF
        2014:2 Spada, G. Two Old Babylonian Model Contracts2014/03/24 PDF
        2014:1 Middeke-Conlin, R. The Scents of Larsa: A Study of the Aromatics Industry in an Old Babylonian Kingdom2014/03/24 PDF
        2013:3 Cripps, E. Messengers from Šuruppak2013/07/20 PDF
        2013:2 Tsouparopoulou, Ch. A Reconstruction of the Puzriš-Dagan Central Livestock Agency2013/06/02 PDF
        2013:1 Firth, R. Notes on Year Names of the Early Ur III Period: Šulgi 20-302013/03/18 PDF
        2012:1 Ouyang, X. & Brookman, W. R. The Cuneiform Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts2012/02/20 PDF
        2012:2 Damerow, P. Sumerian Beer: The Origins of Brewing Technology in Ancient Mesopotamia2012/01/22 PDF
        2011:2 Firth, R. A Discussion of the Use of im-babbar2 by the Craft Workers of Ancient Mesopotamia2011/10/30 PDF
        2011:1 Cathcart, K. J. The Earliest Contributions to the Decipherment of Sumerian and Akkadian2011/03/03 PDF
        2010:2 Adams, R. McC. Slavery and Freedom in the Third Dynasty of Ur: Implications of the Garshana Archives2010/07/06 PDF
        2010:1 Ragavan, D. Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum2010/07/06 PDF
        2009:7 Adams, R. McC. Old Babylonian Networks of Urban Notables2009/10/26 PDF
        2009:6 Widell, M. Two Ur III Texts from Umma: Observations on Archival Practices and Household Management 2009/10/24 PDF
        2009:5 Lafont, B. The Army of the Kings of Ur: The Textual Evidence 2009/10/21 PDF
        2009:3 Friberg, J. A Geometric Algorithm with Solutions to Quadratic Equations in a Sumerian Juridical Document from Ur III Umma2009/09/23 PDF
        2009:4 Englund, R. K. The Smell of the Cage2009/08/21 PDF
        2009:2 Robson, E. & Clark, K. The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of Florida State University2009/07/19 PDF
        2009:1 Proust, C. Numerical and Metrological Graphemes: From Cuneiform to Transliteration2009/06/22 PDF
        2008:2 Hilgert, M. Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of St. Martin Archabbey Beuron2008/07/07 PDF
        2008:1 Adams, R. McC. An Interdisciplinary Overview of a Mesopotamian City and its Hinterlands2008/03/25 PDF
        2007:1 Seri, A. The Mesopotamian Collection in the Kalamazoo Valley Museum2007/08/25 PDF
        2006:3 Richardson, S. F. C. gir3-gen-na and Šulgi’s “Library”: Liver Omen Texts in the Third Millennium BC (I)2006/08/06 PDF
        2006:2 Johnson, J. C. The Ur III Tablets in the Valdosta State University Archives2006/04/24 PDF
        2006:1 Damerow, P. The Origins of Writing as a Problem of Historical Epistemology2006/01/28 PDF
        2005:3 Dahl, J. L. Complex Graphemes in Proto-Elamite2005/06/19 PDF
        2005:2 Friberg, J. On the Alleged Counting with Sexagesimal Place Value Numbers in Mathematical Cuneiform Texts from the Third Millennium B.C.2005/06/14 PDF
        2005:1 Monaco, S. Unusual Accounting Practices in Archaic Mesopotamian Tablets2005/05/01 PDF
        2004:2 Widell, M. The Calendar of Neo-Sumerian Ur and Its Political Significance2004/07/14 PDF
        2004:1 Heimpel, W. AO 7667 and the Meaning of ba-an-gi42004/01/12 PDF
        2003:5 Chambon, G. Archaic Metrological Systems from Ur2003/12/23 PDF
        2003:4 Hilgert, M. New Perspectives in the Study of Third Millennium Akkadian2003/08/26 PDF
        2003:3 Michalowski, P. An Early Dynastic Tablet of ED Lu A from Tell Brak (Nagar) 2003/03/05 PDF
        2003:2 Widell, M. The Ur III calendar(s) of Tūram-ilī2003/02/20 PDF
        2003:1 Englund, R. K. The Year: "Nissen returns joyous from a distant island"2003/02/15 PDF
        2002:2 Widell, M. A Previously Unpublished Lawsuit from Ur III Adab2002/09/27 PDF
        2002:1 Englund, R. K. The Ur III Collection of the CMAA2002/09/11 PDF

        Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin (CDLB)

        ISSN 1540-8760
        No. Author Title Date File
        2017:1 Alivernini, S. Nine Unpublished Texts in the Collection of the British Museum2017/08/19 PDF
        2016:2 Firth, R. Some Comments on “Drehem Tablets” in the British Museum2016/11/24 PDF
        2016:1 Brumfield, S. & Allred, L. The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of the Los Angeles Unified School District2016/11/24 PDF
        2015:6 Brunke, H. Embedded Structures: Two Mesopotamian Examples2015/12/25 PDF
        2015:5 Liu Ch. & Nielsen, J. Cuneiform Texts in the Special Collections of Knox College2015/11/17 PDF
        2015:4 Firth, R. Notes on Ur III Period Textile Tablets from Ur2015/11/13 PDF
        2015:3 Freedman, I. The Marduk Star Nēbiru2015/11/08 PDF
        2015:2 Bartash, V. On the Sumerian City UB-meki, the Alleged “Umma”2015/11/04 PDF
        2015:1 Daneshmand, P. & Abdoli, M. A New King of Susa and Anshan2015/02/16 PDF
        2014:5 Miglio. A. Ur III Tablets in the Wheaton College Archaeology Museum2014/12/05 PDF
        2014:4 Földi, Zs. & Head, R. Two Tablets from the Johns Hopkins University Collection2014/11/30 PDF
        2014:3 Reid, N. & Wagensonner, K. “My tooth aches so much”2014/08/31 PDF
        2014:2 Maidman, M. P. An Important New Early-Middle-Assyrian Letter2014/08/03 PDF
        2014:1 Andersson, J. Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts in a Swedish Private Collection2014/05/21 PDF
        2013:3 Földi, Zsombor Gleanings from the Antiquities Market: A Contribution to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Royal Inscriptions2013/12/28 PDF
        2013:2 Owen, D. I. Of Dogs and (Kennel)Men2013/10/26 PDF
        2013:1 Siddall, L. R. The Royal Inscriptions in the Museum of Ancient Cultures at Macquarie University, Sydney2013/08/02 PDF
        2012:3 Notizia, P. & Ludovico, A. A New Ur III Letter-Order from the Semitic Museum at Harvard University2012/11/23 PDF
        2012:2 Liu Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia2012/09/20 PDF
        2012:1 Abrahami, P. & Lion, B. Remarks to W. Mayer’s Catalogue of the Nuzi Palace Texts2012/06/16 PDF
        2011:2 Brumfield, S. The Term ab2-RI-e in Ur III Sources2011/03/09 PDF
        2011:1 Abrahami, P. Masculine and Feminine Personal Determinatives before Women’s Names at Nuzi: A Gender Indicator of Social or Economic Independence?2011/02/19 PDF
        2010:1 Metcalf, Ch. Six Ur III Tablets from the Hulin Collection in Oxford 2010/04/15 PDF
        2007:2 Allred, L. & Gadotti, A. The Cuneiform Collection of the Clinton Historical Society2007/12/30 PDF
        2007:1 Adams, R. McC. The Limits of State Power on the Mesopotamian Plain2007/12/25 PDF
        2006:2 Veldhuis, N. Another Early Dynastic Incantation2006/04/23 PDF
        2006:1 Monaco, S. F. N16 in the Archaic Texts2006/01/02 PDF
        2004:4 Veldhuis, N. ḪI-(še3) la22004/12/20 PDF
        2004:3 Monaco, S. F. Revisiting Jemdet Nasr Texts: IM 55580+2004/09/01 PDF
        2004:2 Johnson, C. Two Ur III Tablets from the Tulare County Library 2004/06/14 PDF
        2004:1 Wunsch, C. An Early Achaemenid Administrative Text from Uruk 2004/04/05 PDF
        2003:6 Veldhuis, N. Entering the Netherworld2003/09/02 PDF
        2003:5 Dahl, J. L. A Note on Ur III Text Duplicates2003/06/30 PDF
        2003:4 Nathan, D. L. A "New" Proto-Cuneiform Tablet2003/03/28 PDF
        2003:3 Taylor, J. J. Collations to ED Lu C and D2003/02/25 PDF
        2003:2 Fitzgerald, M. A. pisan dub-ba and the Direction of Cuneiform Script 2003/02/24 PDF
        2003:1 Englund, R. K. Worcester Slaughterhouse Account2003/01/28 PDF
        2002:3 Lafont, B. The Toponym Ligriki2002/09/11 PDF
        2002:2 Englund, R. K. Notes on SET 2742002/05/03 PDF
        2002:1 Dahl, J. L. Proto-Elamite Sign Frequencies2002/04/29 PDF
        Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN)
        ISSN 1546-6566
        CDLN 2016:3
        Zsombor Földi: For the Life of the King:
        A Votive Offering to a Family God
        CDLN 2015:18
        Gábor Zólyomi: Some Material Concerning the Meetings of the Sumerian Grammar Discussion Group
        CDLN 2015:17
        Strahil V. Panayotov: The Gottstein System Implemented on a Digital Middle and Neo-Assyrian Palaeography
        CDLN 2015:15
        Don Arp, Jr.: An Ur III Tablet in the Archives and Special Collections of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
        CDLN 2015:14
        Richard Firth: On the “Joys of Cooking in Ur III Babylonia”
        CDLN 2015:13
        Klaus Wagensonner: A note on a new manuscript of ED Lu2 A
        and its colophon
        CDLN 2015:12
        Armando Bramanti: The Cuneiform Stylus. Some Addenda
        CDLN 2015:11
        Xianhua Wang: Seal Type A on Clay Bullae from the
        Cornell University Collections
        CDLN 2015:10
        Richard Firth: A note on groups of forged copies of
        Ur III tablets from Girsu
        CDLN 2015:9
        Emmert Clevenstine: MAH 15886 + 16295,
        a Rim-Sin Tabular Account in Geneva
        CDLN 2015:8
        Klaus Wagensonner: A, B, C, ... Word List Z
        CDLN 2015:7
        Strahil V. Panayotov: The tablet of the Middle Assyrian ‘coronation’ ritual: the placement of VAT 10113
        and the displacement of VAT 9978
        CDLN 2015:6
        Klaus Wagensonner: A legal text at the Russell Library,
        Maynooth University
        CDLN 2015:5
        Troels Pank Arbøll: A curious Ur III Tablet at the University of Copenhagen: Notes on the History of Pinches’ Collection
        and an Official named Abbagina
        CDLN 2015:4
        Armando Bramanti: A Jemdet Nasr Fragment in the Collections of the Oriental Institute of Chicago
        CDLN 2015:3
        Klaus Wagensonner: Turning the Laws of Ur-Namma
        CDLN 2015:2
        Strahil V. Panayotov and Kostadin Kissiov: An administrative tablet from Puzriš-Dagān
        in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
        CDLN 2015:1
        Klaus Wagensonner: On an alternative way of capturing RTI images
        with the camera dome
        CDLN 2014:26
        Richard Firth: Notes on composite seals in CDLI
        CDLN 2014:25
        Changyu Liu and Camille Lecompte: Addenda to Akkadica 134/1
        CDLN 2014:24
        Klaus Wagensonner: Addendum to CDLN2014:015
        CDLN 2014:23
        Ingo Schrakamp: Sargonic texts from Adab in the CDLI database
        CDLN 2014:22
        Camille Lecompte: Suggestions and corrections to ATFU
        3. Again on EREN2+S. 161bki
        CDLN 2014:21
        Camille Lecompte: Suggestions and corrections to ATFU
        2. Addenda and errata 
        CDLN 2014:20
        Camille Lecompte: Suggestions and corrections to ATFU
        1. On goats and sheep during the ED I-II period
        CDLN 2014:19
        Klaus Wagensonner: A note on the colophon of VAT 9487
        CDLN 2014:18
        Klaus Wagensonner: Elamites in Edinburgh
        CDLN 2014:17
        Changyu Liu: Notes on Elamites
        and the date of three Drehem texts
        CDLN 2014:16
        Jacob L. Dahl: Corrections to J. L. Dahl,
        “A Babylonian Gang of Potters”
        CDLN 2014:15
        Klaus Wagensonner: Lu2 A Again!
        CDLN 2014:14
        Ingo Schrakamp: On the reading of a-dam-DUNki
        CDLN 2014:13
        Klaus Wagensonner: Some notes on a Middle Assyrian letter
        CDLN 2014:12
        Lance Allred: Girsu Labor Assignments Revisited
        CDLN 2014:11
        Kamran V. Zand: What happened to Zuzu, King of Akšak?
        CDLN 2014:10
        Klaus Wagensonner: Šul-pa’e Re-joined
        CDLN 2014:9
        Christina Tsouparopoulou: A note on Ur III administrative procrastination
        CDLN 2014:8
        Klaus Wagensonner: Digitizing in the round
        CDLN 2014:7
        Moudhy Al-Rashid: A Note on the Meaning of hūṣu and huṣṣu
        CDLN 2014:6
        Changyu Liu: A Note on the Regular Offering to Ninlil at Tummal
        CDLN 2014:5
        Changyu Liu: A Note on gal-tab-bu-um
        CDLN 2014:4
        Robert K. Englund: Seals and Sealing in CDLI files
        CDLN 2014:3
        Alexandra Kleinerman: A new “Letter to the Generals”
        CDLN 2014:2
        Zsombor Földi: The Sad Story of a Sumerian Statue:
        The Destruction of Šū-Suen 7
        CDLN 2014:1
        Jacob L. Dahl: The proto-Elamite seal MDP 16, pl. XII fig. 198
        CDLN 2013:1
        Jakob Andersson: An Ur III Messenger text from Umma
        in the Haldar collection
        CDLN 2012:6
        Jacob L. Dahl: New and old joins in the Louvre proto-Elamite tablet collection
        CDLN 2012:5
        Jerrold S. Cooper: A wine debt from Emar
        CDLN 2012:4
        David I. Owen: Additions and corrections to Owen, “Supplemental Texts ...” (CUSAS 6, pp. 233-334)
        CDLN 2012:3
        Robert K. Englund, Peter Damerow, Jürgen Renn, Stephen J. Tinney, and Bertrand Lafont: A note to clarify CDLI’s policy of open access, and of fair use of published images of cuneiform inscriptions
        CDLN 2012:2
        Zsombor Földi: The career of a high-ranking official in Larsa:
        on CUSAS 17, 54
        CDLN 2012:1
        Robert K. Englund: Citing CDLI
        CDLN 2011:6
        Robert K. Englund: Notes on KIDa
        CDLN 2011:5
        Sara Brumfield: Two Early Dynastic Capacity Standards
        CDLN 2011:4
        Robert K. Englund: The State of CDLI’s Ur III Transliterations
        CDLN 2011:3
        Robert K. Englund: A Note on one of Kazuya Maekawa’s Ur III Contributions
        CDLN 2011:2
        Charles Halton: Weighing Officials at Ur III Umma
        CDLN 2011:1
        Gábor Zólyomi: Lipit-Eštar and the Moat of Isin:
        A Reconstructed Cone Inscription
        CDLN 2010:5
        Jerrold S. Cooper: Blind Workmen, Weaving Women and Prostitutes in Third Millennium Babylonia
        CDLN 2010:4
        Robert K. Englund: Recently Published Catalogues of Cuneiform Collections
        CDLN 2010:3
        Lance Allred: More Šu-Suen Seals
        During the Reign of Amar-Suen
        CDLN 2010:2
        Gábor Zólyomi: On G. Marchesi’s understanding of
        Eanatum 5 v 9-17
        CDLN 2010:1
        Yuhong Wu: Differentiating Šulgi 43 and Amar-Suen 4
        CDLN 2007:2
        Robert K. Englund: A Minnesota Estate
        CDLN 2007:1
        Robert K. Englund: New Hits for Erlenmeyer 152
        CDLN 2006:2
        Robert K. Englund: Three Texts from Uqair
        CDLN 2006:1
        Rikke Wulff Krabbenhøft: Accession Numbers of the Royal Ontario Museum
        CDLN 2005:1
        Stefania Altavilla: An Account of Vegetable Oil from Girsu
        CDLN 2003:3
        Wolfgang Heimpel: gu-nigin2, “bale”
        CDLN 2003:2
        Niek Veldhuis: The Sumerian word na-IZI
        CDLN 2003:1
        Wolfgang Heimpel: The Akkadian Personal Name DI-NI-NI
         Cuneiform Digital Library Preprints

        CDLI is pleased to present here the results of research in progress submitted, for inclusion in a preprint series hosted by the project, by experts in fields associated with Assyriology and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology. We anticipate that these papers in their final form will eventually be available in journals (in some cases our own) or in edited volumes; or will, by authors' preference, remain unpublished in the formal sense, so that this may be a final venue for work that might otherwise remain unnoticed in the field. Authors who are interested in submitting contributions to the CDLP should be generally aware of the editorial policies of the journals CDLJ& CDLB; while submissions in English are preferred, CDLP does, however, accept preprints in the other major languages of academic communication. Significant and nearly complete, or dormant research papers are particularly welcome, regardless of their length and scope. Authors should make their submissions in both originating text-processor/layout file, and in the PDF format in which it will be made available here. International A4 or US letter format are both allowed, portrait or landscape. In most cases, if the submission is acceptable for distribution, we will merely add a lead page of the form visible in the files listed below. We invite interested authors to make use of this series to communicate their research to a broader community in advance or in stead of undertaking the rigors of a peer-reviewed standard publication, and we hope the feedback that results from a paper’s dissemination through CDLP contributes to its ultimate impact.
        A paper can be updated with a simple new submission by the author(s); to retain a sense of the history of research, we will list new versions one after the other with new “Date posted;” we limit such updates to one (1) per calendar year following the initial posting. We will not retire CDLP entries that move on to formal publications; rather, we request that authors send us notice and citation of the publication, that will be entered to our list for easy reference.
        The CDLP is under the editorial supervision of Bertrand Lafont (CNRS, Nanterre), to whom queries and submissions should be directed.
        No.  AuthorTitleDate postedDownload file
        1.0Huber, Peter J.On the Old Babylonian Understanding of Sumerian Grammar2015/09/03PDF
        1.1Huber, Peter J.On the Old Babylonian Understanding of Sumerian Grammar2016/04/01PDF
        1.2Huber, Peter J.On the Old Babylonian Understanding of Sumerian Grammar2017/01/01PDF
        2.0Foxvog, Daniel A.Introduction to Sumerian Grammar2016/01/04PDF
        3.0Foxvog, Daniel A.Elementary Sumerian Glossary2016/01/04PDF
        4.0Panayotov, Strahil V.„Die Lampe am Krankenbett“. Untersuchungen zu altorientalischen Gebeten an den Lichtgott Nuska2016/01/23PDF
        5.0Proust, ChristineFloating calculation in Mesopotamia2016/05/02PDF
        6.0Kaula, Jörg„Nachdem das Königtum vom Himmel herabgekommen war…“. Untersuchungen zur Sumerischen Königsliste2016/11/21PDF

        Open Access Archaeological Reports: Tel Kabri


        Open Access Journal: NABU: Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires

        [First posted in AWOL 17 November 2012, updated 26 September 2016]

        NABU: Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires
        ISSN: 0989-5671
        Ce journal, intitulé Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves et Utilitaires, est publié quatre fois par an (mars, juin, septembre, décembre).
        Comité de rédaction :
        Dominique Charpin, Jean-Marie Durand, Francis Joannès, Nele Ziegler
        Les numéros à partir de 1987 sont téléchargeables au format pdf.
        Le signe * indique les numéros searchable (unicode seulement à partir de 2008/3). Les autres sont des fichiers-images. 

          Also see the tables of contents of the Mémoires de NABU

          Open Access Journal: TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism

          [Posted in AWOL 22 December 2010. Updated 31 July 2017]

          TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism
          ISSN 1089-7447
          TC is an online publication of the SBL and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Users are permitted to download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all TC articles. Articles may not be reproduced without permission.
          TC publishes full-length scholarly articles, shorter notes, project reports, and reviews of works in the field of biblical textual criticism. Articles on any aspect of the textual criticism of the Jewish and Christian scriptures (including extracanonical and related literature) are welcome, and contributions that transcend the traditional boundary between Hebrew Bible and New Testament textual criticism are especially encouraged. We also invite articles discussing the relationship between textual criticism and other disciplines.
          TC uses a Permanent URL so that readers will always be able to find it regardless of which server is the current host. Please use the following PURL when linking to TC and its contents:

          Open Access Journal: Kervan: International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies

           [First posted in AWOL 4 June 2011. Updated 31 July 2017]
          Kervan: International Journal of Afro-Asiatic Studies
          ISSN: 1825-263X
          Page Header
          Kervan is an international and multidisciplinary discussion platform, dealing with history, politics, economics, sociology, geography, visual culture, languages and literatures of Asian and African countries. It publishes theoretical studies, reviews and surveys, but also detailed empirical studies, critical editions of texts and translations, by both young researchers and established scholars.


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