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Open Access Monograph Series: Mémoires et documents sur Rome et l’Italie méridionale

Mémoires et documents sur Rome et l’Italie méridionale
Les « Mémoires et documents » proposent des éditions de carnets de « voyageurs » des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles en Italie, pour la plupart inédits.

Open Access Journal: Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente

[First posted in AWOL 16 February 2012. Updated 7 July 2017]

Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente
ISSN: 1667-9202
Antiguo Oriente (abbreviated as AntOr) is the annual, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published by the CEHAO. The journal publishes manuscripts related to the history of societies of the Ancient Near East and the Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic through the Roman-Hellenistic period. Antiguo Oriente publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and French. The journal is indexed in BiBIL, University of Lausanne, Switzerland; CLASE, Universidad Autónoma de México; DIALNET, Universidad de La Rioja, Spain; EBSCO, USA; Google Scholar; LATINDEX (catálogo), Mexico; Old Testament Abstracts (OTA), USA; RAMBI, Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Israel; RefDoc, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, France; and the Núcleo Básico de Publicaciones Periódicas Científicas y Tecnológicas Argentinas (CONICET).
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2009 vol. 7
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2010 vol. 8
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2011 vol. 9
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2012 vol. 10
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2013 vol. 11
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2014 vol. 12
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenido2015 vol. 13
abrir esta sección de la biblioteca y ver su contenidoVer números retrospectivos

Centre Jean Bérard: Études

Centre Jean Bérard: Études
Les « Études » permettent de présenter le point de vue général d’un chercheur sur un thème précis, souvent la publication d’une thèse de doctorat.

Open Access Journal: Histos: The On-line Journal of Ancient Historiography

[First posted in AWOL 24 September 2010. Updated 8 July 2017] 

Histos: The On-line Journal of Ancient Historiography
Histos, the on-line journal of ancient historiography, was founded in 1996 by John Moles, then of the University of Durham, who was also its Editor, supported by an Editorial Board of scholars from the UK and North America. Four issues appeared from 1997 to 2000, and many of the articles that appeared during those years have since become standard works in the study of ancient historiography. The website for Histos was hosted by the University of Durham from 1996 to 2011.

In 2010 a decision was made to re-start Histos, under the editorship of John Moles, now of the University of Newcastle, and with the addition of John Marincola, of Florida State University, as co-editor. The new site, now hosted by the University of Newcastle, was launched in June 2011, and the earlier material from volumes 1 to 4 was transferred to the new site, the older contributions having been converted from HTML format to PDF.

The brief of HISTOS is rapid publication of high-quality articles and notes on all aspects of ancient historiography and biography (including Jewish historiography, the Gospels and later Christian material) and of in-depth reviews of recent publications in the field. It is not our intention to publish material which is per se historical, unless it illuminates the qualities of ancient historians or biographers (this will be a matter of balance and judgment). All submissions will be anonymously refereed by experts. We aim for a turn-around time of a maximum of three months. We will publish in English, French, German and Italian.

HISTOS will be available both online, in a full open-access version (in PDF form), and in a printed version. All the papers accepted for publication will appear in both formats. Readers' responses are welcomed. 
Current Articles
Working Papers


HISTOS 11 (2017)

KURT A. RAAFLAUB and JOHN T. RAMSEY, Reconstructing the Chronology of Caesar’s Gallic Wars, April 2017

Forthcoming ...

C. Davenport, The Sexual Habits of Caracalla: Rumour, Gossip, and Historiography

D. Moore, Proof through the Night: Representations of Fire-signaling in Greek Historiography

A. G. Scott, Cassius Dio on Septimius Severus'decennalia and ludi saeculares

HISTOS 10 (2016)

HISTOS 9 (2015)

HISTOS 8 (2014)

HISTOS 7 (2013)

HISTOS 6 (2012)

HISTOS 5 (2011)

HISTOS 4 (2000)

HISTOS 3 (1999)

HISTOS 2 (1998)

HISTOS 1 (1997) 

Open Access Journal: Retiarius: Archivum Recentioris Latinitatis

Retiarius: Archivum Recentioris Latinitatis
Commentarii Periodici Latini quibus index Retiarius ab anno 1998o usque ad annum 2001um per rete universale edebantur. Cuius moderator fuit Terentius Tunberg ( clatot@uky.edu ).
Quae ex illis fasciculis supersunt, hac in pagina interretiali invenies.

Quartus Fasciculus (anni 2001i)

Altera Pars

Tertius Fasciculus (anni 2000i)

Prima Pars

Altera Pars

  • Argenidis mythistoriae saeculo septimo decimo ab Ioanne Barclaio compositae, quam edendam curavit Marcus RILEY, omnes libri hoc in fasciculo exhibentur.

Secundus Fasciculus (anni 1999i)

Prima Pars

Altera Pars

Primus Fasciculus (anni 1998i)

Prima Pars

  • Tabacum et Diabolus. Fabella Iaponica a Riunosuke Akutagawa conscripta, quam Latine reddidit Accius WATANABEUS.

Altera Pars

BibAr - Biblioteca Archeologica On-line

BibAr - Biblioteca Archeologica On-line
BibAr - Biblioteca Archeologica On-lineè una biblioteca virtuale attraverso la quale è possibile consultare volumi scientifici di argomento archeologico editi da case editrici specializzate.
Le case editrici che collaborano con BibAr forniscono la versione digitale completa delle loro ultime pubblicazioni, con la limitazione della sola consultazione a video.

Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance

Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance
The Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance is a tool developed by the DFHG Project for finding concordances among ancient Greek fragmentary historians published by Karl Müller in the Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (FHG) and by Felix Jacoby and other scholars in the Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (FGrHist), including the continuatio and the Brill's New Jacoby (BNJ).

Search Fields

The Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance enables users to search authors by:


The results display the following data (when available)*:
  • FHG volume number, author name, pages (with fragments when corresponding to specific authors), link to the printed edition in Internet Archive, DFHG urls, and CITE urns;
  • SRAM author name, pages, and link to the printed edition in Google Books (only for corresponding authors in the FHG, FGrHist, and BNJ);
  • GGM volume number, author name, pages, and link to the printed edition in Google Books (only for corresponding authors in the FHG, FGrHist, and BNJ);
  • Herodot. author name, pages, and link to the printed edition in Google Books (only for corresponding authors in the FHG, FGrHist, and BNJ);
  • FGrHist author name, author number, and link to the Jacoby Online;
  • BNJ 1 author name, author number, and link to the Jacoby Online;
  • BNJ 2 author name, author number, and link to the Jacoby Online;
  • Perseus Catalog author name and link to the catalog entry.
* For the abbreviations see Bibliography and Resources.
The Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance has been built combining data produced in the DFHG Project, data extracted from the Jacoby Online, and information collected from the indices of the printed edition of the FGrHist. Author names and numbers are those created and used by Karl Müller, Felix Jacoby and other scholars who have been contributing to the continuation of the FGrHist and to the BNJ. As far as concerns the FGrHist and the BNJ, entries are expressed according to the Jacoby Online (whose language sometimes differs from the printed edition).
The Jacoby Online is an ongoing project and new authors are progressively added to FGrHist IV, FGrHist V, and to the BNJ. As soon as new authors are published, they are added to the Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance.
Access to the full version of the Jacoby Online requires a subscription through Brill or through a subscribed institution. The main page of each author is openly accessible through the links provided by the Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance.
For a description of the syntax of DFHG and CITE urns, see the main page of the DFHG Project.

Lists of Ancient Greek Fragmentary Historians

The DFHG project is also producing lists of authors published in the FHG, the FGrHist, and the BNJ.

Bibliography and Resources

The Ancient History Bulletin goes Green Open Access

The Ancient History Bulletin
AHB promotes scholarly discussion in Ancient History and ancillary fields (such as epigraphy, papyrology, and numismatics) by publishing articles and notes on any aspect of the ancient world from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. Although contributors are encouraged to submit articles in English, submissions in French, German, Italian, and Spanish are welcome. AHB appears twice per year in double-issues (1-2 and 3-4).
Questions or concerns may be directed to the Senior Editor: Timothy Howe: howe@stolaf.edu

Open Access Policy

AHB is a Green Open Access Journal.  24 months after publication articles are freely accessible in an institutional or subject archive or some other document repository selected by the authors.

Images of Rome: The Rodolfo Lanciani Digital Archive


This website offers virtual access to a premier collection of historic depictions amassed by Rodolfo Lanciani (1845–1929). Archaeologist, professor of topography, and secretary of the Archaeological Commission, Lanciani was a pioneer in the systematic, modern study of the city of Rome. Beginning in the latter part of the nineteenth century and continuing into the first three decades of the twentieth century, his work profoundly influenced our understanding of the ancient city. Throughout his long career Lanciani collected a vast archive of his own notes and manuscripts, as well as works by others including rare prints and original drawings by artists and architects stretching back to the sixteenth century. After his death in 1929, his entire library was purchased by the Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte (INASA), on the recommendation of the Director Corrado Ricci (1858-1934). 

Limit your search

Tayinat Archaeological Project Online

[First posted in AWOL  18 September 2012, updated (additional open access articles) 10 July 2017] 

Tayinat Archaeological Project
After a 70 year hiatus, the Tayinat Archaeological Project (TAP) was launched in 1999 as part of the Amuq Valley Regional Project (AVRP), which had been systematically documenting the archaeology of the Amuq Plain since 1995. TAP was conceived within the interdisciplinary context of the AVRP as part of a long-term regional research effort investigating the historical development of urban institutions and the rise of early state-ordered societies. While previous research has documented the introduction of urban institutions, and the development of specialized craft industries and extensive inter-regional trade networks, to examine these developments on a truly regional scale, local cultural sequences must be well-documented and a precise chronological framework in place; criteria that are lacking for much of the eastern Mediterranean region.

Selected Publications
Janeway, B.  (2017) Sea Peoples of the Northern Levant? Aegean-Style Pottery from Early Iron Age Tell Tayinat. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Levant 7. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

Harrison, T.P. (2016) İktidar Peyzajlari: Karşılaştırmalı Perspektiften Geç Hitit İçkaleleri. Pp. 113-32, in Turkiye’de Şehirler ve İçkaleler: Demir Çağından Selçuklulara. Ed. by S. Redford and N Ergin. Istanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. [Turkish translation of “Landscapes of Power: Neo-Hittite Citadels in Comparative Perspective,” in Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks, 2013.]

Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2016) Tayinat Höyük Araştırmaları, 2014. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı 37/2: 477-90.

Harrison, T.P. (2016) The Neo-Assyrian Provincial Administration at Tayinat (Ancient Kunalia). Pp. 253-64, in The Provincial Archaeology of the Assyrian Empire. Ed. by J. MacGinnis, D. Wicke, and T. Greenfield. McDonald Institute Monographs. Cambridge: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research.

Lauinger, J., “Observing Neo-Assyrian Scribes at Work,” in Observing the Scribe at Work: Scribal Practice in the Ancient World, ed. M. Choat et al.  Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta.  (Leuven: Peeters).

Lauinger, J., “Iqqur īpuš at Tell Tayinat,” Journal of Cuneiform Studies 68 (2016): 229-48.

Lauinger, J. and Batiuk, S. “A Stele of Sargon II at Tell Tayinat,” Zeitschrift fürAssyriologie 105 (2015): 54-68.

Lauinger, J., “Neo-Assyrian Scribes, ‘Esarhaddon’s Succession Treaty,’ and the Dynamics of Textual Mass Production,” pp. 285-314 in Texts and Contexts: Approaches to Textual Circulation and Transmission in the Cuneiform World, ed. P. Delnero and J. Lauinger.  Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records 9 (Berlin/Boston:  Walter DeGruyter, 2015).

Harrison, T.P. (2014) Recent Discoveries at Tayaint (Ancient Kunulua/Calno) and Their Biblical Implications, Pp. 396-425 in Congress Volume Munich 2013, ed. Christl M. Maier. Leiden: Brill.

Harrison, T.P. (2014) Family Religion from a Northern Levantine Perspective. Pp. 183-96, in Family and Household Religion: Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies. Ed. by R. Albertz, B. Alpert Nakhai, S.M. Olyan and R. Schmitt. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Harrison, T.P. (2014) Articulation Neo-Assyrian Imperialism at Tell Tayinat, Pp. 80-96 in Archaeologies of Text. Archaeology, Technology, and Ethics, ed. Matthew T. Rutz and Morag M. Kersel. Oxford: Oxbow.

Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2014) 2012 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari, Pp. 19-35 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 35:3, Muğla: Muğla Sitki Koçman Üniversitesi Basimevi.

Welton, L. (2014) Revisiting the Amuq Sequence: A Preliminary Investigation of the EBIVB Ceramic Assemblage from Tell Tayinat. Levant 46(3): 339-370.

Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2013) 2010 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari, Pp. 173-190 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 33:3, Ankara: Kalkan Matbaacilik San. Tic. ve Ltd. Şti.

Harrison, T.P., Denel, E., and Batiuk, S. (2013) 2011 Tayinat Kazilari ve Araştirmalari, Pp. 105-118 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 34:2, Çorum: Pegasus Görsel Iletişim Hizmetleri.

Harrison, T.P. (2013)  Landscapes of Power: Neo-Hittite Citadels in Comparative Perspective. Pp. 97-114, in Cities and Citadels in Turkey: From the Iron Age to the Seljuks. Edited by S. Redford and N. Ergin. Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Supplement No. 40. Leuven: Peeters.

Harrison, T.P. (2013) Tayinat in the Early Iron Age. Pp. 61-87, in Across the Border: Late Bronze-Iron Age Relations Between Syria and Anatolia. Edited by K.A. Yener. Amsterdam: Peeters Press.

Lauringer, J. (2013) The Neo-Assyrian ade: Treaty, Oath or Something Else? Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte 19: 99-115.

Osborne J.F (2013) Sovereignty and Territoriality in the City-state: A Case Sstudy for the Amuq Valley, Turkey. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 32:774-790.

Denel, E. (2012) Tayinat Höyük'ün Yeni Aslani. Mesa ve Yaşam 57:29-31.

Harrison, T.P. (2012) West Syrian megaron or Neo-Assyrian Langraum? The Shifting Form and Function of the Tell Taʿyīnāt (Kunulua) Temples. Pp. 3–21 in Temple Building and Temple Cult. Architecture and Cultic Paraphernalia of Temples in the Levant (2.–1. Mill. BCE). ed. J. Kamlah and H. Michelau. Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins 41. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Harrison, T.P. (2012) Lion-Adorned Monumental Gate Complex Unearthed at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 55 (February): 6.

Harrison, T.P. (2012)       Ta‘yīnāt, Tall. Pp. 494-97, in Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie. Vol. 13, No. 5/6. Edited by T. Blaschke, S. Ecklin, J. Fechner, and S. Pfaffinger. Berlin: De Gruyter. [co-authored w/ D. Hawkins]

Harrison, T.P. and Osborne J.F (2012) Building XVI and the Neo-Assyrian Sacred Precinct at Tell Tayinat. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64:125-143.

Lauinger, J. (2012) Esarhaddon's Succession Treaty at Tell Tayinat: Text and Commentary. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64:87-123.

Osborne J.F (2012) Communicating Power in the Bit-Hilani Palace. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 368:29-66.

Harrison, T.P. (2011) Tell Tayinat's Great Lion. bout de papier 26:2 (Fall/Winter):19.

Harrison, T.P. (2011) Temples, Tablets and the Neo-Assyrian Provincial Capital of Kinalia. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:29-37.

Harrison, T.P. and Batiuk, S., and Denel, E. (2011) Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2008, Pp. 368-384 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 32:3, Ankara: Allâme Tanitim & Matbaacilik Hizmetleri.

Janeway, B. (2011) Mycenaean bowls at 12th/11th century BCE Tell Tayinat (Amuq Valley). Pp. 167-185 in On Cooking Pots, Drinking Cups, Loomweights and Ethnicity in Bronze Age Cyprus and Neighbouring Regions, ed. V. Karageorghis and O. Kouka. Nicosia: A.G. Leventis Foundation.

Lauinger, J. (2011) Some Preliminary Thoughts on the Tablet collection in Builiding XVI from Tell Tayinat. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:5-14.

Roames, J. (2011) The Early Iron Age Metal Workshop at Tell Tayinat, Turkey. Pp. 149-55 in Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology IX: Volume 1319 (MRS Proceedings), ed. P. Vandiver, W. Li, J.L. Ruvalcaba Sil, C. Reedy and L. Frame. Cambridge University Press.

Welton, L. (2011) The Amuq Plain and Tell Tayinat in the Third Millennium BCE: The Historical and Socio-Political Context. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 6:15-27.

Welton, L., Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P., with contributions by Lipovitch, D. and Capper, M. (2011) Tell Tayinat in the Late Third Millennium. Recent investigations of the Tayinat Archaeological Project, 2008-2010. Anatolica 37:147-185.

Harrison, T.P. (2010) The Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Transition in the Northern Orontes Valley. Pp. 83-102 in Societies in Transition. Evolutionary Processes in the Northern Levant between Late Bronze Age II and Early Iron Age, ed. F. Venturi. Bologna: CLUEB.

Harrison, T.P. (2010) Tayinat Höyüğü: Arkeoloji Projesi 2009. Hatay 32: 36-37. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]

Harrsion, T.P. (2010) Tell Tayinat: Patina Kralliğ'nin Başkenti. Aktüel Arkeoloji Dergisi 16: 78-85.

Harrison, T.P. and Batiuk, S. (2010) Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2008, Pp. 491-504 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 31:3, Ankara: Ismail Aygül Ofset Matbaacilik San. Tic. Ltd. Şti.

Harrison, T. P. (2009) Lifting the Veil on a “Dark Age”: Ta‛yinat and the North Orontes Valley During the Early Iron Age. Pp. 171-184 in Exploring the Longue Durée: Essays in Honor of Lawrence E. Stager, ed. D. Schloen. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.

Harrison, T. P. (2009) Neo-Hittites in the “Land of Palistin”: Renewed Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat on the Plain of Antioch. Near Eastern Archaeology 72 (4):174-189.

Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Snow, H. (2009) Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, 2006-2007, Pp. 503-522 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 30:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi

Harrison, T.P. (2008) Amik Ovasi'ndaki Patina Geç Hitit Kralligi'nin Baskenti: Tayinat Höyüğü. Hatay 14: 18-22. [H. Pamir, Turkish translation]

Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Snow, H. (2008) Tayinat Höyük Kazilari, Pp. 85-98 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 29:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.

Janeway, B. (2008) The Nature and Extent of Aegean Contact at Tell Ta‛yinat and Vicinity in the Early Iron Age: Evidence of the Sea Peoples? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 123-146.

Lipovitch, D. (2008) Modeling a Mycenaean Menu: Can Aegean Populations Be Defined in Near Eastern Contexts Based on Their Diet? Scripta Mediterranea XXVII-XXVIII: 147-159.

Batiuk, S. (2007) Ancient Landscapes of the Amuq: Geoarchaeological Surveys of the Amuq Valley: 1999-2006. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 2:51-57.

Harrison, T.P. (2007) Neo-Hittites in the North Orontes Valley: Recent Investigations at Tell Ta‛yinat. Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies 2:59-68.

Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Snow, H. (2006) 2004 Yili Tayinat Höyük Kazilari. Pp. 353-362 in Kazi Sonuçlari Toplantisi 27:2, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.

Batiuk, S., Harrison, T.P. and Pavlish, L. (2005) The Ta‛yinat Survey, 1999-2002. Pp. 171-192 in The Amuq Valley Regional Projects, Volume 1. Surveys in the Plain of Antioch and Orontes Delta, Turkey, 1995-2002, ed. K.A. Yener. Chicago: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

Harrison, T.P. (2005) The Neo-Assyrian Governer’s Residence at Tell Ta‛yinat. Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin 40:23-33.

Harrison, T.P., Batiuk, S.,and Pavlish, L. (2005) 2003 Yili Tayinat Jeomanyetik Araştirmasi. Pp. 153-158 in Arkeometri Sonuçlari Toplantisi 20, Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanliği Dösimm Basimevi.

Harrison, T.P. (2001) Tell Ta‛yinat and the Kingdom of Unqi. Pp. 115-32 in The World of the Arameans II: Studies in History and Archaeology of Paul-Eugène Dion, ed. P.M. M. Daviau, J. W. Wevers, and M. Weigl. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement 325. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.

Harrison, T.P. (2001) The Evidence for Aramaean Cultural Expansion in the Amuq Plain. Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies Bulletin 36 (Recherches Canadiennes sur la Syrie Antique/Canadian Research on Ancient Syria):135-44.

Open Access Journal: Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 10 July 2017]

Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel
ISSN: 1565-5334
Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI) has been published in print since 1961 by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The journal contains preliminary reports of excavations and surveys in Israel, as well as final reports of small-scale excavations and surveys; it also publishes archaeological finds recorded during inspection activities. The journal is bilingual, Hebrew and English; reports submitted in English are translated into Hebrew and vice versa.
 The e-journal www.hadashot-esi.org.il is the digital format of HA-ESI, replacing the printed version. The first digital publication of the journal (No. 116, 2004) is a reflection of the last printed volume. From 2005 onward, the journal will be published on-line only – each year will receive a volume number, continuing the numbering of the printed journal (e.g., No. 117 = 2005, No. 118 = 2006, etc.). The e-journal is an unlimited data base of archeological reports, including photographs, maps, plans and pottery figures. The reports can be searched by keywords or by means of an interactive map. The results of both types of searches can be printed.
 The reports submitted to the e-journal will be edited in the same manner as in the printed journal (see Guide to Contributors). They will be published on-line with the completion of their editing and translation, and will be ascribed to a specific issue according to the year of publication (issue no. = year of publication). A final excavation report is marked with as asterix*. Announcements of new publications will appear on the Home Page of the e-journal. Prints of reports are available from the web site for personal and educational use only.
116 (2004)    
117 (2005)    
118 (2006)
119 (2007)
120 (2008)   
121 (2009) 
122 (2010)
123 (2011)
124 (2012)
125 (2013)
126 (2014)
127 (2015)
128 (2016) 
129 (2017)
Past Issues

Extended Reports


Ashqelon Yavne-Yam and Ashqelon: Miniature Votive Anchors Ehud Galili and Baruch Rosen [29/10/2015]
Ashqelon Ashqelon, Barne‘a Ilan Peretz [30/09/2016] (Final Report)


Giv‘atayim Giv‘atayim Israel Korenfeld [31/12/2013] (Final report)

Harei Dimona

Harei Dimona Harei Dimona Nir-Shimshon Paran and Emil Aladjem [28/10/2014] (Final report)

Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan

Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan Vladimir Zbenovich [05/10/2014] (Final Report)

Khirbat el-Mizrath

Khirbat el-Mizrath Khirbat el-Mizrath Michael Cohen, Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Leea Porat [25/08/2013] (Final Report)

Horbat Mesar

Horbat Mesar Horbat Mesar Murad Anton Tabar and Peter Gendelman [31/12/2013] (Final report)

Horbat Zefat ‘Adi

Horbat Zefat ‘Adi Horbat Zefat ‘Adi (East) Howard Smithline [31/12/2015] (Final Report)


Harish Harish Elie Haddad [28/12/2015]


Jerusalem Jerusalem, ‘En Ya‘al Rina Avner [08/10/2015] (Final Report)
Jerusalem Jerusalem, Kh. er-Ras Nurit Feig [10/10/2016] (Final Report)
Jerusalem Jerusalem, the Old City, IDF House Rina Avner and Miriam Avissar [11/06/2017] (Final report)

Kafr Kanna

Kafr Kanna Kafr Kanna (B) Yardenna Alexandre [31/12/2013] (Final report)

Karm er-Ras

Karm er-Ras Karm er-Ras (Area AA) Yardenna Alexandre and Anastasia Shapiro [11/10/2016] (Final Report)

Legio, Kefar ‘Otnay

Legio, Kefar ‘Otnay Kefar ‘Otnay and Legio Hanaa Abu-‘Uqsa [20/01/2016] (Final Report)

‘Ad Halom

‘Ad Halom ‘Ad Halom Ya‘aqov Baumgarten [31/12/2014] (Final report)


Fahura Fakhura Oren Zingboym, Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Shmuel Bar Lev [31/12/2014] (Final Report)


Ramla Ramla, Kokhav Ha-Zafon Neighborhood Hagit Torgë [06/07/2014] (Final Report)
Ramla Ramla, Mordechai Ha-Yehudi Street Hagit Torgë [24/11/2016] (Final Report)

Tel Hadid

Tel Hadid Tel Hadid Hagit Torgë [20/09/2016] (Final Report)

Tel Mevorakh

Tel Mevorakh Tel Mevorakh Amit Shadman [31/12/2014] (Final Report)

Tel ‘Amal

Tel ‘Amal Tel ‘Amal Nurit Feig [29/12/2013] (Final Report)

Tel Shimron

Tel Shimron Tel Shimron West Yardenna Alexandre [31/12/2015] (Final Report)

Guide de l’épigraphiste: Supplements

Guide de l’épigraphiste: Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales: Supplements
François Bérard, Denis Feissel, Nicolas Laubry, Pierre Petitmengin, Denis Rousset, Michel Sève et collaborateurs.
Quatrième édition entièrement refondue.
Guides et inventaires bibliographiques de la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure, 7.
Epigraphy is a subject which can strike fear into the heart of the boldest scholar. Even the historians, linguists and archaeologists who are well aware how much it has to offer them are daunted at the prospect of tackling the material. Inscriptions in the ancient world performed a wide variety of functions, and had an importance which it is hard for us to appreciate ; thousands of inscribed texts, in Greek and Latin, survive, and each year the number increases substantially.
How can one trace inscriptions discovered in Italy since the publication of Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ? Find the most reliable edition of the Rosetta Stone or Diocletian’s Price Edict ? Discover the prosopographical information that could form the basis of a study of social relations ?
To deal with such problems, a group of French scholars produced in 1986 the first edition of this Guide, revealing to the uninitiated the keys to the study of the epigraphies of the ancient world, from the Greeks and Romans to the peoples who lived next door. The Guide, published in 1989 in a second edition and in 2000 in its third edition, contains a carefully selected bibliographical apparatus, with brief comments on individual works, a methodological introduction and a rich series of indices.
This fourth edition is a completely new work, containing some 2975 items. The fourth part of these items shows new bibliographic titles which have been published between 2000 and 2010.
The authors intend to present every year a supplement, which will be avalaible for downloading.
Download available files :

The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project

The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project

The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project

Emma B. Andrews is best remembered for her association with the millionaire lawyer turned archaeologist/art and antiquities collector, Theodore M. Davis. Traveling to Egypt with him between 1889 and 1912, she kept detailed journals of these voyages along the Nile, including his important yet under-reported excavations of 20 significant tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Emma provides a vital commentary on the archaeology and pioneering Egyptologists of the time. She paints a revealing picture of the lives of the colonial gentry and the cultural and scientific literati in Egypt at the dawn of the twentieth century.

To date, her diaries are unpublished; analysis of the contents of 19 volumes will afford scholars and a general audience information about an important historical resource for the first time.

Since its inception in 2010, the scope of our project has broadened to include the transcription and digitization of a wide range of primary historical material from the 'Golden Age' of Egyptian archaeology detailed in the Research section of this website.

The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project is one of the founding partners of Newbook Digital Texts.  We are proud to offer undergraduate and graduate Digital Humanities education and internships.
Emma B. Andrews Diary ProjectEmmapediaPortrait of a Girl
Griffith Institute Letters & NotesCase Holt CorrespondenceJoseph Lindon Smith Diaries
Theodore Davis Bequests to MetMohammed Mohassib AntiquitiesStudent Presentations

Open Access Journal: Revista arheologică - Archaeological Magazine - Археологический Журнал

Revista arheologică - Archaeological Magazine - Археологический Журнал
ISSN: 1857-016X
E-ISSN: 2537-6144
Archaeology Magazine is the scientific journal published by the Archaeology Centre of the Institute of Cultural Heritage of the ASM. The journal is accredited by the CNAA in the “B” Category.
The journal is reviewed by specialists in the filed – each article is reviewed by two reviewers and discussed at the meetings of the editorial board.

Archaeology Magazine has open access, which means that the published materials are available free to readers. The open access assumes that readers are allowed to download, quote, and distribute papers published in the Journal, but with observance of copyrights – indicating sources and authors for quotations, without permission of the editorial board and authors.

The author(s) retain publishing rights without restrictions

Revista Arheologică reprezintă revista științifică editată de Centrul de Arheologie al Institutului Patrimoniului Cultural al AŞM. Revista este acreditată de către CNAA la Categoria „B”.
Revista este recenzată de specialiști în domeniu – fiecare articol este recenzat de câte doi recenzenți şi este discutat în cadrul ședințelor colegiului de redacție.

Revista Arheologică este cu acces deschis. Ceea ce înseamnă că materialele publicate sunt accesibile gratuit cititorilor. Accesul deschis presupune că cititorilor li se permite să descarce, citeze, distribuie lucrări publicate în revistă, dar cu respectarea drepturilor de autor – cu menționarea surselor și autorilor în cazul citărilor, fără acceptul colegiului de redacție și a autorilor.

Autorii își păstrează dreptul de autor asupra articolelor fără restricții.

Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol_IV_nr.1_2008
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol_IV_nr.2_2008
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VI_nr.1_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VI_nr.2_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.V_nr.2_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.V_nr.1_2010
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VII_nr.1-2_2011
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.VIII_nr.1-2_2012
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.IX_nr.1_2013
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.IX_nr.2_2013
Revista Arheologica, seria noua_vol.X_nr.1-2_2014
Revista Arheologica, serie noua_vol.XI_nr.1-2, 2015
Revista Arheologica, serie nouă, vol. XII, nr. 1-2, 2016

Open Access Journal: Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt

[First posted in AWOL 2 March 2015, updated 11 July 2017]

Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt
ISSN-Print: 0342-734X
ISSN-Internet: 2364-4729
Das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt, das vom Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum herausgegeben wird, erscheint vierteljährlich und informiert die Fachwelt in kurzen Beiträgen über neue Ergebnisse der archäologischen Forschung. Es versteht sich als aktuelle wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift zu Themen der vor- und frühgeschichtlichen sowie provinzialrömischen Archäologie und ihrer Nachbarwissenschaften in Europa. Neben der Forschungsdiskussion finden hier Neufunde und kurze Analysen von überregionalem Interesse ihren Platz.
Der Umfang der Artikel beträgt bis zu 20 Druckseiten; Beiträge auf Englisch und Französisch werden ebenfalls angenommen.

Unabhängige Redaktoren begutachten die eingereichten Artikel (peer review).

Das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt wird zukünftig zeitverzögert mit einem Jahrgang Abstand über die Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg digital erscheinen.

Alle Zeitschriftenbeiträge erhalten einen digitalen Objektbezeichner (Digital Object Identifier, doi), der das Zitieren und Verlinken der Artikel vereinfacht. Das Hosting für das Archäologische Korrespondenzblatt  online übernimmt die Universität Heidelberg, die Kooperationspartner in diesem Projekt ist und die Langzeitarchivierung der Beiträge garantiert.


Micropasts: Conducting, designing and funding research into our human past

 [First posted in AWOL 23 October 2013, updated 12 July 2017]
 Micropasts: Conducting, designing and funding research into our human past
Micropasts is a web platform that brings together full-time archaeologists, archaeological societies and other interested members of the public to collaborate on new kinds of research about our human history. It is a place where archaeological enthusiasts not only can create high-quality research data together, but also can collaboratively design and fund entirely new research projects. In particular, we want to encourage better kinds of archaeology by improving the ways that people traditionally distinguished as ‘academics’, ‘professionals’ and ‘volunteers’ cooperate with one another (as well as with others out there who as yet have no more than a passing interest in archaeology).

Through the Micropasts platform, we will develop and support a range of crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding projects. By joining Micropasts, you can help research, fund and/or design as many projects as you like, with as much or as little personal commitment as you wish. Some existing projects are about creating 3D models of archaeological artefacts, enriching old photographic archives or transcribing old archaeological excavation records, to name just a few that we have come up with so far. Other new projects will need your help with financing before they can begin, whilst yet others might be research topics that you want  to propose yourself (as an individual, as part of an organised archaeological society or in tandem with other interested people that you meet online). We cannot yet say  which projects will prove popular and which ones will not, and we hope that many as yet unanticipated agendas will be dreamt up collectively. In any case, we are keen for your ideas and your contributions wherever we can get them!

In a more technical sense, MicroPasts supports (a) modular applications for massive online data collection about archaeology, history and heritage, as well as (b) a micro-funding model for supporting new (not-for-profit) research projects where collaboration between academic institutions and volunteers is a key feature. The software used to build the platform is entirely free and open source, and the data we create is also required to be open-licensed and publicly available.
Current Crowdfuelled and Crowdsourced Projects

Etygram: Etymologies Grecques Antiques et Médiévales Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymologies

: Etymologies Grecques Antiques et Médiévales
Ancient and Medieval Greek Etymologies
logo etygram

ETYGRAM Association

ETYGRAM Association (Ancient & Medieval Greek Etymologies Association)is an international Association formed in December 2016.

The purpose of the Association is:
  •  to promote the study of ancient Greek and Byzantine texts dealing with etymology-related issues on Greek language and ancient Greek semantics, and to disseminate the results of that research
  •  to produce an online dictionary of etymologies proposed or suggested by ancient and medieval Greek texts for Greek words through collaborative work and to develop other free-access electronic tools on ancient and medieval Greek etymology
  • to encourage any undertaking linking research and educational activities on investigating the words of the Greek language as a creative operation, both scholarly and playful.

L'association ETYGRAM (Association ETYmologies GRecques Antiques et Médiévales) est une association internationale constituée en décembre 2016.

Cette association a pour but de :
  • promouvoir l’étude des textes grecs antiques et byzantins relatifs à l’activité étymologisante sur la langue grecque et la sémantique grecque antique, et de diffuser les résultats de la recherche
  • de réaliser un dictionnaire en ligne des étymologies grecques proposées par les textes antiques et médiévaux grâce à un travail collaboratif et de développer d’autres outils électroniques en accès libre sur l’étymologie grecque ancienne et médiévale
  • d’encourager les manifestations liant recherche et activités pédagogiques sur l’opération créatrice, à la fois savante et ludique, qu’est l’enquête sur les mots de la langue grecque.

Open Access Journal: Зборник Матице српске за класичне студије / Journal of Classical Studies of Matica Srpska

[First posted on AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 12 July 2017]

Зборник Матице српске за класичне студије  / Journal of Classical Studies of Matica Srpska
ISSN: 1450-6998
The Management Board of Matica Srpska passed a resolution on publishing the Journal of Classical Studies of Matica Srpska (Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije) at its 4th meeting on the 11th of March 1996.
The Journal focuses on studying the classical antiquities in all aspects. The classical period is the core of European civilization and culture, and our country and the Serbian people are an integral part of that cultural area of the classical era. Many achievements of the classical period in culture, philosophy and science, languages, literature, history, art and material culture were handed down to future European and other nations by the Ancient Balkans. As stated by our leading authority on the Balkans of the classical period, Academician Milan Budimir, the Balkan Slavs as well as all other citizens of former Yugoslavia had strong ties with the culture of the classical period, its location as well as representatives of the era.
“That antique influence and classical heritage, as well as the heritage and reception of the classical period in the Serbian nation are least mentioned in the world. Thus the primary objective of the journal is the contribution to the promotion of our classical science abroad. To this end are the contributions of colleagues from Europe, Russia, the USA, Canada and India published in our journal.”
The Journal is to cover critical acclamation and presentation of works of our scientists and authors dealing with classical topics. This is the reason why the reception of Hellenic philosophy, literature, art and culture, both Greek and Roman, in Serbian tradition will be one of the major topics. Comparative research of religion and myth along with theoretical definition of this sphere are further interests of our international partners, including law and natural sciences of the classical period.
Apart from original research studies and articles on classical topics, the Journal publishes proceedings from scientific conferences on the classical period in our country and abroad, relations with the Orient, classical heritage in Byzantium, interrelations with the Slavic World and Serbian language and culture.
The Journal also features permanent sections like Hronika naučnog života (the Chronicle of Scientific Life), Projekti (Projects), Vesti iz sveta (News from the World), Nekrolozi (Necrologies) and so forth.
Special attention is devoted in the Journal to scientific criticism and presentation of new books and studies published in our country as well as abroad, thus publications of the most important publishers have been provided.
We would like to point out that this Journal is the only one of its kind and has appeared rather late, bearing in mind that the Yugoslav journal on classical topics was lost with the secession of former Yugoslav republics. Precious support to our Journal was given by the International Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies FIEC at its General Assembly on the 20th of August 1999, in Kavala (Greece), when the president of FIEC, Academician Carl Joachim Classen, member of Matica Srpska, publicly supported the publishing of the Journal of Classical Studies and invited colleagues to cooperate with the Journal. We would like to emphasize that FIEC is one of thirteen UNESCO associations for social sciences. Papers from our Journal enter the leading bibliographical publication in the world in this field L’Année Philologique.
The Journal is edited by an international editorial board comprised of the most esteemed scientists at home and abroad.
book 18, year 2016.book 17, year 2015.book 16, year 2014.book 15, year 2013.book 14, year 2012.book 13, year 2011.book 12, year 2010.book 11, year 2009.book 10, year 2008.book 9, year 2007.book 8, year 2006.book 7, year 2005.

Open Access Monograph Series: Salamine de Chypre

Salamine de Chypre
La collection Salamine de Chypre accueille la publication des résultats des travaux de la mission archéologique française à Salamine (1964-1974). Seize volumes sont disponibles sur Persée (publiés entre 1969 et 2004). Ils comprennent des catalogues d’objets découverts lors des fouilles françaises (lampes, figurines de terre cuite, céramiques, monnaies), des publications d’ensembles archéologiques (tombe géométrique, résidence et basilique byzantines), ainsi que des corpus de testimonia (sources littéraires et inscriptions). Deux volumes témoignent de travaux menés en collaboration avec le Département des Antiquités de Chypre : la publication d’un dépôt de sculptures fouillé par la mission pour le Département (volume V) ; le catalogue des lampes du Musée de Chypre (volume VII).

    Open Access Festschriften and Gedenkschriften published by the Oriental Institute

    Festschriften and Gedenkschriften published by the Oriental Institute

    Baer, Klaus*For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer. D. P. Silverman, ed. 1994.

    Biggs, Robert D.*: Studies Presented to Robert D. Biggs, June 4, 2004 From the Workshop of the Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, Volume 2 Martha T. Roth, Walter Farber, Matthew W. Stolper and Paula von Bechtolsheim, eds. 2007.

    Braidwood, Robert J.*: The Hilly Flanks and Beyond: Essays on the Prehistory of Southwestern Asia Presented to Robert J. Braidwood, November 15, 1982. T. Cuyler Young, Jr., Philip E. L. Smith, and Peder Mortensen, editors. Originally published in 1983.

    Esse, Douglas L.*: Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse. Samuel R. Wolff, ed. 2001.

    Golb, Norman*: Pesher Nahum: Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature from Antiquity through the Middle Ages Presented to Norman (Nahum) Golb. Edited by Joel L. Kraemer and Michael G. Wechsler with the participation of Fred Donner, Joshua Holo, and Dennis Pardee. 2012

    Gragg, Gene B.*: Studies in Semitic and Afroasiatic Linguistics Presented to Gene B. Gragg. Cynthia L. Miller, ed. 2007.

    Güterbock, Hans Gustav*: Kanissuwar - A Tribute to Hans G. Güterbock on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday, May 27, 1983. H. A. Hoffner, Jr. and G. M. Beckman, eds. 1986.

    Huehnergard, John*Language and Nature: Papers Presented to John Huehnergard on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Edited by Rebecca Hasselbach and Na’ama Pat-El. 2012.

    Hughes, George R.*: Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes, January 12, 1977. J. H. Johnson and E. F. Wente, eds. 1976.

    Jacobsen, Thorkild*: Sumerological Studies in Honor of Thorkild Jacobsen on His Seventieth Birthday June 7, 1974. S. J. Lieberman, ed. 1976.

    Kantor, Helene J.*: Essays in Ancient Civilization Presented to Helene J. Kantor. A. Leonard, Jr. and B. B. Williams, eds. 1989.

    Landsberger, Benno*: Studies in Honor of Benno Landsberger on His Seventy-fifth Birthday, April 21, 1963. Edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Thorkild Jacobsen. Originally published in 1965.

    Oppenheim, A. Leo.*Studies Presented to A. Leo Oppenheim, June 7, 1964. R. D. Biggs and J. A. Brinkman, editors. Originally published in 1964.

    Stolper, Matthew W.*Extraction & Control: Studies in Honor of Matthew W. Stolper. Michael Kozuh, Wouter F. M. Henkelman, Charles E. Jones, and Christopher Woods, editors. Originally published in 2014.

    Wente, Edward F.*: Gold of Praise: Studies on Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente. E. Teeter and J. A. Larson, eds. 1999.

    Wilson, John A.*: Studies in Honor of John A. Wilson. E. B. Hauser, ed. 1969.

    Titles in Preparation:

    From Sherds to Landscapes: Studies in the Ancient Near East in Honor of McGuire Gibson

    Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday

    For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see
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