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Open Access Journal: Thots- Infoheft des Collegium Aegyptium e.V.: Förderkreis des Instituts für Ägyptologie der Uni München

Thots- Infoheft des Collegium Aegyptium e.V.: Förderkreis des Instituts für Ägyptologie der Uni München
Das Münchner Institut für Ägyptologie zählt zu den renommiertesten und traditionsreichsten Lehr- und Forschungseinrichtungen auf diesem Gebiet. Durch Ihre Mitgliedschaft im Collegium Aegyptium können Sie dazu beitragen, dass auch in Zukunft in München engagierte Wissenschaftler/innen an neuen Erkenntnissen zur Kultur und Geschichte Altägyptens arbeiten – sei es durch das Studium altägyptischer Texte und Denkmäler oder anhand neuer Ausgrabungen in Ägypten.
THOT 1THOTs 2, THOTs 3, THOTs 4, THOTs 5, THOTs 6THOTs 7THOTs 8THOTs 9THOTs 10THOTs 11, THOTs 12, THOTs 13, THOTs 14THOTs 15

THOTs Sonderheft 2014 zum fünfzehnjährigen Bestehen des Collegium Aegyptium

Open Access Journal: The Heroic Age

[First posted in AWOL 30 November 2009. Updated 1 October 2016]

The Heroic Age. A Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
ISSN: 1526-1867
The Heroic Age is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal.
The Heroic Age focuses on Northwestern Europe during the early medieval period (from the early 4th through 13th centuries). We seek to foster dialogue between all scholars of this period across ethnic and disciplinary boundaries, including—but not limited to—history, archaeology, and literature pertaining to the period.
The Heroic Age publishes issues within the broad context of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe. Each issue has a "general" section and a "themed" section. Please consult the Call for Papers for information about upcoming themed sections. For any questions about the suitability of topics, please contact Larry Swain, Editor-in-Chief.
Issue 1—Early Arthurian Tradition: Text and Context (Spring/Summer 1999)
Issue 2—(Fall/Winter 1999)
Issue 3—Anglo-Saxon Attitudes (Spring/Summer 2000)
Issue 4—Anglo-Celtic Relations in the Early Middle Ages (Fall/Winter 2000)
Issue 5—Anthropological and Cultural Approaches to Beowulf (Spring/Summer 2001)
Issue 6—Connections and Interconnections:  The British Isles and the Continent 400–1000 (Spring 2003)
Issue 7—General Issue (Summer 2004)
Issue 8—Traders, Saints, and Pirates:  The Sea in Early Medieval Northwestern Europe (Summer 2005)
Issue 9—Oswald, King and Saint: His Britain and Beyond (October 2006)
Issue 10—Saints (March 2007)
Issue 11—Folklore (May 2008)
Issue 12—(May 2009)
Issue 13—(August 2010)
Issue 14—(November 2010)
Issue 15—(October 2012)
Issue 16—(April–July 2015)

Mapping Mesopotamian Monuments

Mapping Mesopotamian Monuments
Mapping Mesopotamian Monuments presents a topographical survey of the standing historical monuments and architecture in the region from Iraqi Kurdistan and South Eastern Anatolia (Turkey), to Southern Iraq. A work in progress, this monument survey covers all historical periods from ancient to modern. It includes ancient Mesopotamian rock reliefs carved into the cliff faces of the mountains, early Christian churches and monasteries, early Islamic, Ottoman and twentieth century architecture and monuments. This database of images invites you to explore the multiple layers of the rich historical landscape of Mesopotamia. Envisioned and directed by Professor Zainab Bahrani, the basis of the survey is an on-going field project that assesses the condition of monuments, maps their locations and records them with  digital techniques in order to provide a record and to facilitate future preservation work across this region.

Open Access Journal: Techne

Heritage Gazetteer of Libya

Heritage Gazetteer of Libya
The Heritage Gazetteer of Libya is designed to provide a tool for exploring the rich historic heritage of Libya, based on the work of members of the Society for Libyan Studies. The core data are drawn from the publications of the Society, including two guidebooks to Tripolitania (2009) and Cyrenaica (2013) by Philip Kenrick; further information is being added from the Archives of the Society, and from other publications by members. 

There is an option for others to register, and contribute further information.

For each location we are providing as many variant names as we can identify; we are also providing a unique identifier (URI) – a descriptor which can be read by a computer. We are using those URIs in the catalogue of the Society’s archives; they may also be used in labelling other materials uploaded by us, or by anyone else, to the Internet, in order to make such materials more easily discoverable.

This gazetteer is designed to be interoperable with other specialist gazetteers and other reliable online resources.

Open Access Journal: eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies

[First posted in AWOL 23 May 2011. Updated 3 October 2016]

eTopoi. Journal for Ancient Studies
ISSN 2192-2608
eTopoi is a bilingual magazine which is published by the Excellence Cluster Topoi. It is an open access periodical, and all articles are available as PDF documents free of charge. eTopoi provides a forum of exchange between all disciplines in the area of classical and ancient studies, from pre- and early history to Egyptology and Near Eastern studies, to classical archaeology, classical philosophy, linguistics, literary studies, theories of science, and theology, and extending to other disciplines as well.
Envisioned for inclusion in particular are articles dealing with the shaping and transformation of spatial structures and knowledge systems in ancient societies, as well as with perceptions of and reflections on these phenomena. The focus is on innovative forms of interdisciplinary collaboration, including geoscientific-archaeological projects and ones in computational archaeology, in the history of knowledge, and in historical geography. The magazine hence mirrors the orientations of both research institutes, the disciplines they represent, and the networks of partner institutions with which they are affiliated. It is available as a platform to all interested researchers worldwide.


Special Volume 5 (2015)

Kerstin P. Hofmann und Stefan Schreiber (eds.), Raumwissen und Wissensräume. Beiträge des interdisziplinären Theorie-Workshops für Nachwuchswissenschaftler_innen

Special Volume 4 (2015)

Daniel Knitter, Wiebke Bebermeier and Oliver Nakoinz (eds.), Bridging the Gap – Integrated Approaches in Landscape Archaeology.


Special Volume 3 (2012)

Wiebke Bebermeier, Robert Hebenstreit, Elke Kaiser, Jan Krause (eds.), Landscape Archaeology. Conference (LAC 2012)

Special Volume 2 (2012)

Susan Pollock (ed.), Between Feasts and Daily Meals. Toward an Archaeology of Commensal Spaces


Special Volume 1 (2011)

Friederike Fless, Gerd Graßhoff, Michael Meyer (eds.), Reports of the Research Groups at the Topoi Plenary Session 2010

Emek Shaveh

Emek Shaveh
Emek Shaveh
Emek Shaveh is an Israeli NGO working to prevent the politicization of archaeology in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and to protect ancient sites as public assets that belong to members of all communities, faiths and peoples. We view archaeology as a resource for building bridges and strengthening bonds between peoples and cultures.

We object to the fact that the ruins of the past have become a tool in the service of a national struggle and work to challenge those who use archaeological sites to dispossess disenfranchised communities.
We believe that archaeological sites cannot constitute proof of precedence or ownership by any one nation, ethnic group or religion over a given place. The archaeological find tells a complex story that is independent of religious dictates and traditions. Listening to this story and bringing it to the wider public can enrich our culture and promote values of tolerance and pluralism. We believe that the cultural wealth of this land belongs to the members of all its communities, peoples and faiths. An archaeological site is comprised not only of its excavated layers, but also its present-day attributes – the people living in or near it, their culture, their daily lives and their needs.

We view the practice of archaeology as an endeavor that can benefit the common good. The various means of involving local communities in work on the site in or near which they live, whether it is managing its heritage, engaging in joint excavations, developing the site, or devising tours that combine visits to the site with an introduction to the local community — strengthen a community’s relationship with its larger environment, yield economic dividends and can bring about significant social change.

We believe that becoming familiar with the complex and diverse history revealed through archaeological research can teach us something essential about ourselves, and cultivate an appreciation of this country’s vast cultural diversity, in the past and present.

Open Access Journal: Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis

[First posted in AWOL 26 September 2013, updated 3 October 2016]

Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis
ISSN 1583-1817
Acta Terrae Septemcastrensis is a yearly journal centred on the Transylvania heritage (from Neolithic, Bronze Age, Classical and Medieval archaeology). Additionally we publish proceedings related to our conferences we held (International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology or The Carpathian Basin and its role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula). Mainly we promote articles who integrate larger cultural waves in which we can see Transylvanian influences.

Gertrude Bell Archive, Newcastle University Library

[First posted in AWOL 15 September 2010, updated 3 Octobere 2016 (with the addition of Gertrude Bell Comics)]

Gertrude Bell Archive, Newcastle University Library
Having most relevance for research in Archaeology, History, Politics and Travel, the books and papers of Gertrude Bell (1868-1926) were given to Newcastle University Library by Gertrude's half-sister, Lady Richmond, although part of the Doughty-Wylie correspondence came from St. Anthony's College, Oxford. They are under the care of the Special Collections department, which can be contacted at: lib-specenq@ncl.ac.uk.

The Gertrude Bell Collection comprises books on Arabic and Persian languages and on the histories of Arabia, and the Near and Middle East which were formerly part of Gertrude's working library. These can be found in the Library's online catalogue.
The Papers
The Gertrude Bell Papers comprise Gertrude's personal correspondence, diaries and miscellaneous items, such as Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia (1920), notebooks, obituaries, lecture notes and miscellaneous reports, memoranda and cuttings. Circa. 1,600 letters and diaries covering the years 1877-1879 and 1893-1900 (with some gaps reflecting where we do not have the hard-copy diary) can be found transcribed on this website, along with c.7,000 of her archaeological and travel photographs. (The photographic portion of the Gertrude Bell archive is administered by the School of Historical Studies.) Neither letters to and from army officer Charles Doughty-Wylie (written 1913-1915) nor any of the Miscellaneous materials have been transcribed although a handlist to the Miscellaneous part of the collection is available

Gertrude Bell (1868-1926)
Gertrude Margaret Lowthian Bell was born into a wealthy family at Washington New Hall in what was then County Durham. Initially home-schooled, she then attended school in London and graduated with a first-class degree in Modern History from Oxford University. Thereafter she travelled in Europe and also spent several months in Bucharest and in Tehran. Her travels continued with two round-the-world trips: one in 1897-1898 and one in 1902-1903.

From the turn of the century, Gertrude developed a love of the Arab peoples - she learned their languages, investigated their archaeological sites and travelled deep into the desert. This intimate knowledge of the country and its tribes made her a target of British Intelligence recruitment during the First World War. At the end of the war, Gertrude focussed on the future of Mesopotamia and was to become a powerful force in Iraqi politics, becoming a kingmaker when her preferred choice, Faisal (son of Husain, the Sharif of Mecca and King of the Hijaz) was crowned King of the state of Iraq in August 1921.

Gertrude's first love remained archaeology and, as Honorary Director of Antiquities in Iraq, she established the Iraq Museum in Baghdad. Her 1905 expedition through the Syrian Desert to Asia Minor was published as The Desert and the Sown and her study, in 1907, of Binbirkilise on the Kara Dag mountain was published as The Thousand and One Churches and remains the standard work on early Byzantine architecture in Anatolia.

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Open Access Journal: Actes du Groupe de Recherches sur l’Esclavage depuis l’Antiquité

Actes du Groupe de Recherches sur l’Esclavage depuis l’Antiquité
Le Groupe International de Recherches sur l’Esclavage depuis l’Antiquité (GIREA) puise ses origines dans les premiers colloques d’histoire sociale tenus à Besançon de 1970 à 1974. Le GIREA créé, à l’initiative, entre autres membres fondateurs, de Pierre Lévêque (Besançon), et de Mario Attilio Levi (Milan) a toujours eu pour principe d’être un réseau de recherche fédérant les chercheurs qui souhaitent travailler sur l’esclavage avec une perspective d’abord sociale, économique et politique puis en s’ouvrant à l’ensemble du spectre des thématiques qui renouvellent la recherche historique, lexicographique, sociologique, économique, culturelle et religieuse. Sans prétendre à la totalité, le GIREA a toujours ouvert aux chercheurs les plus divers, venus d’Europe et de tous les continents, ses colloques plurilingues toujours publiés par les universités organisatrices qui se déroulent d’une université à une autre, d’un pays à un autre selon les candidatures et les propositions thématiques.

Open Access Journal: Syrian Studies Association Newsletter

[First posted in AWOL 7 September 2009. Updated 4 October 2016]

The Syrian Studies Association (SSA) is an international association organized to encourage and promote research and scholarly understanding of Syria in all academic disciplines. The SSA defines Syria as the area included in historic "Bilad al-Sham" until 1918 and Syria following that. We invite scholars who study the peoples and territories of what is today Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine before 1918 and those who study Syria after that to join our organization and to contribute to our newsletter. The Newsletter is particularly interested in articles on research and scholarship underway in Syria; reviews of new books on Syria, particularly those in Arabic and those that are not widely distributed; and articles on research and study opportunities in Syria.


Vol 19, No 2 (2014): Fall 2014 Issue

The bulletin is a biannual publication of the Syrian Studies Association. 
Cover Page

Vol 19, No 1 (2014): Spring 2014 Issue

Nasser Rabbat's parents, Omar and Nihad, in 1955


Entrance to Syrian refugee camp, Jordan

Vol 18, No 1 (2013): The Syrian Uprisings: Reflections on the Past Two Years

The bulletin is a biannual publication of the Syrian Studies Association. This issue includes feature articles focusing on the past two years of the conflict in Syria. It also includes news of the Syrian Studies Association and book and film reviews.


taxis at Baramkeh Garage on a rainy day in early 2006

Vol 17, No 2 (2012): Syria: Past, Present, Future

Syria's famous old yellow taxis, shown here at Baramke Garage in Damascus on a rainy day in winter 2006.
Cover Page

Vol 17, No 1 (2012): The Syrian Uprisings: Reflections on the Past 14 Months

Spring 2011 cartoon by "The Syrian People Know Their Path": "Before Lifting the Emergency [Laws] / After Lifting the Emergency [Laws]"


A man, wearing a fez, selling drinks from an ornate, portable, samovar-like dispenser in the Syrian Quarter of New York City.

Vol 15, No 1 (2009): Syrians in the Americas

A man, wearing a fez, selling drinks from an ornate, portable, samovar-like dispenser in the Syrian Quarter of New York City. George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress). Original artwork by Vladimir Tamari.
Cover Page

Vol 14, No 2 (2009): Spring 2009 Issue

Original artwork by Palestinian artist Vladimir Tamari who resides in Tokyo.


Kouefati factory in Aleppo.

Vol 14, No 1 (2008): First Electronic Issue

Feature Article: Shana Marshall, "Syria and the Global Financial Crisis: Insulated or Isolated?"


Cover Page

SSA Newsletter Archives

Past issues of the Syrian Studies Association Newsletter.

Répertoire bibliographique des figurines funéraires (shabtis / oushebtis)

[First posted in AWOL  15 January 2012, updated 4 October 2016]

Répertoire bibliographique des figurines funéraires (shabtis / oushebtis)
Plus de 14,600 références bibliographiques
(nom – titre(s) – parenté – référence bibliographique)

Classement selon les noms inscrits sur les statuettes
Répartition des attestations suivant les grandes périodes de l’histoire égyptienne

Ce répertoire bibliographique recense, par grandes périodes de l’histoire égyptienne, les références bibliographiques portées à la connaissance du rédacteur depuis 1985. Ces références ont été régulièrement mentionnées dans les parutions successives du Bulletin de la Société d’Égyptologie, Genève, dès sa onzième livraison (BSÉG 11, 1987).

On rappellera que ce répertoire est d’abord limité aux références bibliographiques. On accueillera donc avec reconnaissance toute information utile à compléter et enrichir les bases de données. En revanche, les informations inédites ne peuvent pas être prises en compte actuellement.

L’utilisateur trouvera les abréviations utilisées dans les différents documents en consultant le fichier « bibliographie », également mise en ligne avec ces fichiers.

  • New in JSTOR: Qedem Reports

    Qedem Reports
     ISSN: 0793-4289

    These monographs are the main venue of publication for reports on the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University’s excavations, their finds, and other research topics. Qedem is published in English and appears in two formats: Qedem and Qedem Reports.
    Coverage: 1995-2009 (Vol. 1 - Vol. 9)
    Moving Wall: 2 years

    And see also:
    AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

    Open Access to BAR Articles on Lachish Archaeology

    Lachish: Open Access to BAR Articles on Lachish Archaeology
    To mark the fourth expedition to Tel Lachish, we’ve made a collection of seven BAR articles on the third expedition to Lachish free and publicly available:
    A deep incision into the western slope of Lachish under the direction of David Ussishkin.

    New Ancient World Content in JSTOR

    L'Antiquité Classique
    Coverage: T. 79 (2010)
    Publisher: Antiquité Classique
    ISSN: 0770-2817
    Note: Beginning in 2009, this journal has been published online.
    Previously missing issues:: Vol. 22, No. 1/4 (1985) – Vol. 23, No. 3/4 (1986); Vol. 27, No. 1/4 (1990); Vol. 28, No. 1/2 (1991); Vol. 29, No. 1/2 (1992); Vol. 30, No. 1/2 (1993); Vol. 31, No. 3/4 (1994)
    Publisher: American Society of Papyrologists
    ISSN: 0003-1186
    Publisher: Pisa University Press S.R.L.
    ISSN: 0392-6885
    Previously missing issue: Vol. 62, No. 2 (2012)
    Publisher: Israel Exploration Society
    ISSN: 0021-2059
    Coverage: 1988-2009 (Vol. 1 - Vol. 22/23)

    Published by: Meditarch
    Revue de Qumrân
     Previously missing issues: Vol. 19, Nos. 3-4 [75-76] (Juin-Décembre, 2000); Vol. 20, Nos. 1-4 [77-80] (Juin, 2001 - Décembre, 2002); Vol. 23, No. 1 [89] (June, 2007) - Vol. 25, No. 2 [98] (Novembre, 2011); Vol. 25, No. 4 [100] (Décembre, 2012) – Vol. 26, No. 2 [102] (Décembre, 2013)
    Publisher: Editions Gabalda
    ISSN: 0035-1725 

    For information on all new content in JSTOR see here
    And see also:

    AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World

    Open Access Books at the Central Archaeological Library, New Delhi

     [First posted in AWOL 6 July 2012, updated 5 October 2016]

    Archaeological Survey of India: Central Archaeological Library, New Delhi
    The  Central Archaeological Library was established in the year 1902. It is housed in the second floor of the National Archives Annexe, Janpath, New Delhi. The collection of books at the library is around 1, 00, 000 which consists of books and journals.

    These library houses books and periodicals on various subjects namely History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Epigraphy & Numismatics, Indology, Literature, Geology, etc. 

    The library also houses many rare books, plates, original drawings, etc. The books are classified according to the Dewelly Decimal System.

    The ASI maintains library in each Circle and branch to cater to its academic and technical requirements leading to research of primary nature. 

    Open Access Journal: Revue Théologique de Kaslik

    Revue Théologique de Kaslik
    ISSN: 1998-6874
    L’Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK) est une institution catholique privée d’enseignement supérieur fondée par l’Ordre Libanais Maronite (OLM). 

    L’USEK est ainsi la première université créée sur une initiative libanaise et par des Libanais, en l’occurrence les moines de l’OLM. 

    Ceux-ci, qui assurent une mission d’enseignement depuis plus de trois siècles, assumèrent dès lors la direction l’USEK, et ce dans le but de dispenser un enseignement universitaire conforme aux exigences du marché du travail et étroitement associé à la recherche scientifique...

    Open Access Journal: Andrews University Seminary Studies

     [First posted in AWOL 16 March 2011. Updated 5 October 2016 (nre URLs)]

    Andrews University Seminary Studies
    ISSN: 0003-2980
    Andrews University Seminary Studies (AUSS) is a semi-annual, refereed print journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary that provides a scholarly venue, within the context of biblical faith, for the presentation of research in a variety of biblical, historical, and theological topics. AUSS publishes cutting-edge research articles, dissertation abstracts, and book reviews to aid you in your study, research, teaching, and preaching.
    AUSS accepts articles and book reviews written by faculty, students, and alumni of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary as well as other scholars of different faith persuasions from around the world in the scholarly languages of English, French, and German.


    Feel free to browse our journal archive to meet your research needs by using the search field in the sidebar. The archive includes volumes 1 (1963) to 54.1 (2016). Please note that articles and book reviews in the two most recent volumes are only available to paid subscribers. Check with your library for a print version of these volumes or subscribe to the journal.

    The Melammu Project: The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East

    [First posted in AWOL 22 September 2011. Update 6 October 2016]

    The Melammu Project: The Heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East

    The Melammu Project investigates the continuity, transformation and diffusion of Mesopotamian and Ancient Near Eastern culture from the third millennium BCE through the ancient world until Islamic times. It has two main activities: to organize conferences, and to provide resources relevant to the project on its website.
    Melammu Symposia are held regularly and serve to promote interdisciplinary research and cross-cultural studies by providing a forum in which cultural continuity, diffusion and transformation in the ancient world can be assessed systematically on a long-term basis. The emphasis is on continued interchange of ideas between specialists in different disciplines, with the goal of gradually but steadily increasing the number of participants and thus breaking down the walls separating the individual disciplines. Although each symposium focuses on a different theme, since the primary purpose of the symposia is to encourage interdisciplinary cooperation per se, papers and posters not necessarily related to a specific theme but contributing to the overall scope of the project are welcome at every meeting. 
    The on-line resources provided by the Melammu Project include a database, a bibliography, a PDF library, and links to websites relevant to the project's focus. The database aims to collect textual, art-historical, archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic evidence concerning the heritage of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East and to make it easily accessible on the Internet. All resources are open-ended, and everyone is invited to contribute new information through the website's submission forms.
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    Open Access Journal: Melammu Newsletter

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