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[First posted in AWOL 6 June 2014, updated 5 June 2016]

General Classics ResourcesPalaeography and Manuscripts

Ancient Greece: Language and Literature

[Download older (non-wiki) page of Greek Literature links here]

Ancient Rome: Latin Language and Literature

[Download older (non-wiki) page of Latin Literature links here]

Bible [Hebrew : LXX : NT : Latin]

Judaism [2nd Temple : Rabbinic]

Early Christianity

[Download older (non-wiki) page of Bible, Judaism, Early Christianity, Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation links here]

Medieval and Byzantine



Classics of Scholarship

Parallel Resources and Abbreviations


Facsimiles of Editions and Manuscripts [See also Palaeography and Manuscripts ]

Texts (html or other formats) - Non-Facsimiles


  • Boldface in a list of authors = large number of books found or at least a fairly exhaustive search for them, boldface in a list of sources = most significant ones in the list; ALL CAPS = most important authors.
  • Within each author's page, first come "Editions" (original language texts), then "Translations," with complete editions or translations coming first in each instance, then editions or translations of individual works, grouped or ordered in a way that makes sense for the author. Lastly, "Studies" (books about the author) or "Tools" (e.g. concordances, lexica). Within a single category (e.g., complete works of X), reverse (descending) chronological order. The exception: for "Classics of Scholarship," larger categories are "Works" (in ascending chronological order), "Editions" (ancient texts edited by the scholar), and "Studies" (books about the scholar).
  • Editions and translations should include the title of the work (either as generally known or specifically from the title page of the edition) and the name of the editor
  • Links to Google Books are (becoming) keyed to the book id number.

Trismegistos Places

[First posted in AWOL 23 July 3913, updated 6 June 2016]

Trismegistos Places (GEO and GEOREF)
Currently 49774 place records (GEO) and 197702 place attestation records (GEOREF). 
Based on the foundations of the Fayum Project (Graeco-Roman Egypt) of the KULeuven and the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt of Cologne University. 

Fully reworked in a project sponsored by the Hercules Foundation.
Expanded to places outside Egypt in the framework of the CIP Europeana EAGLE project.

General coordination (Trismegistos):Mark Depauw, Herbert Verreth
General coordination (Fayum Project):Willy Clarysse, Katelijn Vandorpe
Database structure (Filemaker 7-11):Bart Van Beek
Online version (PHP & MySQL):Jeroen Clarysse, Bart Van Beek, Mark Depauw
Data processing (Fayum Project):Bart Van Beek; formerly Hans Proost, Inge Uytterhoeven
Data processing (Trismegistos):Herbert Verreth

PeriodO: A gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing data



PeriodO is a gazetteer of scholarly definitions of historical, art-historical, and archaeological periods. It eases the task of linking among datasets that define periods differently. It also helps scholars and students see where period definitions overlap or diverge.
The PeriodO client is an application that runs in your browser. It can be used to browse and edit any dataset that conforms to the PeriodO data model. But most people are probably interested in looking at the canonical dataset curated by the PeriodO project.
When you first load the client, you are prompted to select a backend. A backend is simply a location from which the client will load data. The client supports three kinds of backends:
  • A web backend loads data from a specified URL. Data loaded from a web backend can only be browsed, not edited.
  • A file backend loads data from a local file. Data loaded from a file backend is also browse-only.
  • An IndexedDB backend loads data from a local database running in your browser. Data in an IndexedDB backend can be edited as well as browsed. (Note that Safari does not yet have full support for IndexedDB.)

The Digital Classicist: Advanced digital methods applied to the study of the ancient world

The Digital Classicist: Advanced digital methods applied to the study of the ancient world
The Digital Classicist is a decentralised and international community of scholars and students interested in the application of innovative digital methods and technologies to research on the ancient world. The Digital Classicist is not hard-funded, nor owned by any institution. The main purpose of this site is to offer a web-based hub for discussion, collaboration and communication.
  • Seminars: Digital Classicist-themed seminars are hosted by the Institute for Classical Studies, University of London (from 2006); DAI, Berlin and Leipzig Department of e-Humanities (from 2012), and Tufts University, Boston (from 2015). We archive here all of the programmes and outcomes of these seminars (which include three peer-reviewed publications) and all media is published via our RSS feed.
  • Discussion list: hosted by JISCmail, for the discussion of all aspects of Digital Humanties, e-Science, and cyberinfrastructure as they apply to the study of the ancient world; technical questions and advice; event, publication, and job announcements. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to sign up.
  • Stoa Blog: founded by Ross Scaife and hosted by the University of Kentucky, the Stoa is a source for news and discussion of classical and digital matters, especially with a focus on web standards and Open Access/Open Source publication. Ross's work both predated and was the inspiration for the Digital Classicist.
  • Wiki: the heart of the Digital Classicist website, supporting collaboratively contributed and edited materials of various kinds: digital tools for the study or manipulation of ancient data; classical projects that employ advanced computational methods; technical questions of interest to classicists and archaeologists. Reports on postgraduate dissertations and other works-in-progress are especially welcome. Wiki accounts need to be approved by an editor, but this is only to cut back on spam not to limit participation to any putative élite.
We seek to encourage the growth of a community of practice, which is open to everyone interested in the topic, regardless of skill or experience in technical matters, and language of contribution. Membership of the community is entirely open, and measured only by the numbers of users of our various sites. There is no formal executive or board; the most active members tend to take on administrative duties. As a general principle, key sections of the website or summaries of discussions will, where possible, be translated into the major languages of scholarship (dependent upon volunteer translators).
In Memoriam: Ross Scaife (1960-2008)

Curse Tablets of Roman Britain

Curse Tablets of Roman Britain
‘Curse tablets’ are small sheets of lead, inscribed with messages from individuals seeking to make gods and spirits act on their behalf and influence the behaviour of others against their will. The motives are usually malign and their expression violent, for example to wreck an opponent’s chariot in the circus, to compel a person to submit to sex or to take revenge on a thief. Letters and lines written back to front, magical ‘gibberish’ and arcane words and symbols often lend the texts additional power to persuade. In places where supernatural agents could be contacted, thrown into sacred pools at temples, interred with the dead or hidden by the turning post at the circus, these tablets have survived to be found by archaeologists. 

Our written evidence for the Greek and Roman world mostly derives from literary texts written by and for small aristocratic groups, but in curse tablets we hear different voices, of provincials and non-citizens on the edge of empire, women and slaves. With the growing number of discoveries, scholars have become more familiar with the scripts and are reading texts with greater confidence. Since the major discoveries of curses at Bath and at Uley Roman Britain has been at the centre of the study of curse tablets, since the province is currently the principal source for new discoveries of curses in Latin. 

The following pages introduce curse tablets in the ancient world at large and in Britain in particular. They outline the preparation of curses, from making the tablet through writing the text to dispatching the curse to the gods. They examine the languages and scripts in which they were written, the cursers, the scribes and those who were cursed. Motives for cursing and the supernatural powers engaged to put curses into effect are investigated. We explore too where tablets are found and how they are preserved and interpreted by archaeologists and historians. 

Throughout this introduction cross-references are made to the tablets and to the archaeological sites presented elsewhere in this website. Evidence from other curse tablets in Britain, especially Bath, and across the ancient world is also used.
The Catalogueexamine tablets in detail
browse the tablets
search the catalogue
indices of latin words

Cursing for Beginnersinvestigate the culture of cursing
creating the curse
cursing and cursive
people, goods and gods
curses recovered

The Archaeological Sites
explore the historical context
Brean Down
Pagans Hill
other sites

Open Access Journal: Dialogues d'histoire ancienne

[First posted in AWOL 2 September 2009. Updated 6 June 2016]

Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
eISSN - 1955-270X
En 1974, Pierre Lévêque crée la revue Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, conçue comme un espace de présentation et de discussion des études sur l’histoire des sociétés antiques, de leurs structures sociales, économiques, religieuses et culturelles.
Revue d’histoire ancienne généraliste publiée par l’Institut des Sciences Techniques de l’Antiquité (ISTA) de l’Université de Franche-Comté, elle s’efforce également d’offrir des approches diverses, d’inventorier des domaines nouveaux, de s’intéresser à des espaces considérés trop longtemps comme périphériques.
(1974 - 2013) 75 Issues 2123 documents


  • 1974
  • 1976
  • 1977
  • 1978
  • 1979




Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Suppléments

Recent volumes are online at Cairn by subscription/license.

Open Access Journal: Pallas: Revue d'études antiques

[First posted in AWOL 17 March 2014, updated 7 June 2016]

Pallas: Revue d'études antiques
ISSN: 0031-0387
Revue interuniversitaire, internationale et quadrimestrielle, Pallas publie en français mais aussi en anglais, en espagnol, italien et allemand, des articles d'enseignants, jeunes chercheurs et doctorants. Les sujets abordés, réunis dans des dossiers thématiques traitent des sciences de l’Antiquité au sens large et intéressent tous les domaines des civilisations grecque et romaine : littérature, linguistique, métrique, histoire, archéologie, iconographie.

Tous les deux ans, Pallas accueille le numéro thématique consacré à la nouvelle question d’histoire ancienne aux concours de l’enseignement du CAPES et de l’Agrégation.
Back issues at Persée



Open Access Journal: Trabajos de Egiptología - Papers on Ancient Egypt

Trabajos de Egiptología - Papers on Ancient Egypt
ISSN: 1695-4750
Trabajos de Egiptología inició su andadura en 2002, con el propósito de recoger la producción científica de la naciente Egiptología española, al tiempo que abría sus páginas a contribuciones de autores de centros extranjeros para favorecer un diálogo entre especialistas de nuestro país y exteriores a él. Las intenciones de los creadores de la revista, Miguel Ángel Molinero Polo, Antonio Pérez Largacha, José Ramón Pérez-Accino y Mª Covadonga Sevilla Cueva, se recogen en el texto con que se abría el número 1, en forma de Editorial.

Aun siendo activos protagonistas en el desarrollo de una Egiptología española, los miembros del primer Consejo Editorial asumieron desde el principio una decisión difícil y que podía ser mal entendida: que los artículos que se publicaran estuvieran escritos en alguna de las lenguas oficiales de la Egiptología, sabiendo que el español no forma parte de ellas. La revista no es de divulgación sino de investigación y, por tanto, lo lógico es escribir en alguna de las lenguas en que los propios egipcios –que son los primeros destinatarios de los trabajos sobre la Historia de su país– y los demás egiptólogos, así como un público internacional, puedan entenderlo. Esto no es impedimento para que esa investigación pueda darse a conocer en español, posteriormente, a través de otros medios. El uso de nuestra lengua se contempla para situaciones especiales y la propia revista ha editado un número, el 5 (un grueso volumen dividido en dos tomos), compuesto íntegramente por textos en español.
En la actualidad, Trabajos de Egiptología está producida por el Centro de Estudios Africanos de la Universidad de La Laguna y sostenida económicamente por Isfet. Egiptología e Historia.

Hasta el momento se han editado seis números cuyo contenido, así como el PDF de los artículos de los primeros números, puede verse en la página: Índices. Ya se ha enviado un correo  solicitando artículos para el numero 7, que se publicará en 2016.

Trabajos de Egiptología. Papers on Ancient Egypt was founded in 2002 with the aim of publishing the scientific production of the expanding Spanish community of Egyptologists, while at the same time welcoming external contributions as a way to promote a fruitful dialogue between international and Spanish specialists. More details regarding the journal´s objectives can be found in the editorial article that appears in the opening pages of TdE 1 (Editorial, in Spanish).

The editors decided from the beginning that the contributions to the journal should be written in the internationally accepted academic languages of Egyptology. Nevertheless, volume 5 has been published with texts in Spanish and Portuguese because of the relevance of the articles and the event that originated them, the Third Iberian Congress of Egyptologists.

Trabajos de Egiptología is produced by the Centro de Estudios Africanos de la Universidad de La Laguna and financially supported by Isfet. Egiptología e Historia.

Six volumes of TdE have been published so far. Their contents and PDF of the articles of previous numbers can be seen in the section: Index.
Tables of Contents of volumes 1 (2002) - 6 (2015), and pdfs of volume 1

TdE 1 (2002)

7          Editorial

11        Agustín Barahona
Two lexicological notes related to the concept of music in Ancient Egypt

17        Elisa Castel
 Panthers, leopards and cheetahs. Notes on identification

29        Paul Haanen
Early state formation in anthropological perspective

35        Bill Manley
Some images of the king and queen together in stele of Ahmose I

45        Candelaria Martín del Río
            Eduardo Almenara
Some materials in Tenerife from Petrie’s and Gargstang’s excavations

55        Jennifer McKeown
The symbolism of the djed-pillar in "The Tale of King Khufu and the Magicians"

69        Miguel Á. Molinero Polo
Les majanos canariens: des structures agricoles en pierre sèche devenues des “pyramides”

91        José-R. Pérez-Accino
All’alba vinceró: a violent metaphor at dawn

103      Francesco Tiradritti
Lecture et sens des scènes dans les stèles royales de la XXe Dynastie

See AWOL's List of


The Anne Jeffery Archive is a collection of papers and photographs assembled by L.H. Jeffery (known as "Anne Jeffery") throughout her working life. It was bequeathed to the Faculty of Literae Humaniores at Oxford University on her death in 1986 and comprises one hundred foolscap folders, two "scribbling diaries" and one large tin of photographic negatives.

The section of the archive relating directly to the production of The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece ("LSAG") has been catalogued and digitised, as part of a programme of work (Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World) funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. This portion of the archive amounts to about five thousand pages of notes filed in seventy-seven of the folders. The notes themselves are typically written in pencil and include observations, bibliography, transliterations and drawings of epigraphic documents. The drawings, of which there are roughly four thousand in this section of the archive, are of particular interest. Many are originals and in numerous cases the images sketched by Jeffery give a clear impression of the three-dimensional context of a given piece of ancient writing. This is all the more true when the drawings are combined with photographs from the archive, about six hundred of which concern texts catalogued in LSAG. The photographs are mostly black and white negatives taken by Jeffery herself using a medium format (6cm x 6cm) Rolleiflex camera, the few exceptions being the occasional print obtained for the purposes of research or sent by others with a request for expert advice.

Anne Jeffery did not originally intend her papers to become an archive and so was frugal and imaginative in her choice of stationery. Some notes were made on clean sheets of paper of a fairly standard size but others were made on whatever scraps came to hand, whether the backs of draft publications, administrative circulars or odd envelopes. Many of these materials do not age well and the result is that the archive is deteriorating. This factor has added urgency to the digitisation project.
The papers and photographs in the Anne Jeffery Archive complement and enrich LSAG. They add substantially to the brief entries on individual inscriptions in the book. The aim of this project is to make the archive available in electronic form as a new and extensible resource for studying the development of the Greek alphabet.
introduction | search & browse inscriptions | map gallery | about Anne Jeffery | about this site

ETHIO-SPARE: Cultural Heritage of Christian Ethiopia: Salvation, Preservation, Research

ETHIO-SPARE: Cultural Heritage of Christian Ethiopia: Salvation, Preservation, Research

Ethiopia is one of the countries with the most ancient Christian history, and the only country in Africa where Christianity became official religion as early as in the 4th century A.D. It is also one of the very few African regions where the history has been documented in written sources: manuscripts in possession of ca. 600 monasteries and 20,000 churches, some of which date back to early Middle Ages, have been estimated to number dozens of thousands. 
Only a minor part of these archives have so far received scholarly evaluation, only less than one tenth of manuscripts have been microfilmed or digitalized, and only those that have come in possession of European libraries have been duly catalogued and are well protected. A great part of this unique heritage is on the verge of extinction, and urgent action needs to be taken to save it from complete disappearance. 
The Project Ethio-SPaRe (ERC Starting Grant 240720; Dec. 2009 - May 2015) was dedicated to the preservation and scientific analysis of manuscripts located in Ethiopian churches and monasteries, with the focus of the activities being in the region of Tegray in the north of the country.
The main tasks of the project include:
  • identify the most important monastic libraries and archives
  • create inventories and shelflists
  • protect and create digital copies of the most precious witnesses
  • analyse and classify the types of texts
  • create searchable databases that will allow quantitative and qualitative research into Ethiopian literature
  • create virtual manuscript libraries
  • catalogue manuscripts according to modern requirements
  • critically edit the most important texts
  • publish and analyse a number of witnesses
  • perform research into the literary history
  • perform research into oral traditions
  • widely disseminate research results
This website offers the key data on the project, including field mission reports, public presentations and project publications, meetings and conferences, and the annotated data repository for archives, manuscripts and objects; please use the navigation panel on the left.

Open Access Publications on Megiddo from the Oriental Institute

[Firsts posted in AWOL  25 February 2014, updated 7 June 2016]

Open Access Publications on Megiddo from the Oriental Institute
Ivory griffin carving from Megiddo, 13th century BC, Oriental Institute, Unversity of Chicago:
OIP 139. Early Megiddo on the East Slope (the “Megiddo Stages”): A Report on the Early Occupation of the East Slope of Megiddo (Results of the Oriental Institute’s Excavations, 1925-1933). Eliot Braun, with David Ilan, Ofer Marder, Yael Braun, and Sariel Shalev. 2013.
OIP 127. Megiddo 3: Final Report on the Stratum VI Excavations. Timothy P. Harrison, with contributions by Douglas L. Esse, Andrew Graham, Ronald G. V. Hancock, and Patricia Paice. 2004.

OIP 62. Megiddo 2. Seasons of 1935-39: Text and Plates. Gordon Loud. Originally published in 1948.
OIP 52. The Megiddo Ivories. Gordon Loud. Originally published in 1939.

OIP 42. Megiddo 1. Seasons of 1925-34: Strata I-V. Robert S. Lamon and Geoffrey M. Shipton. 1939

OIP 33. Megiddo Tombs. P. L. O. Guy. Originally published in 1938.

OIP 32. The Megiddo Water System. Robert S. Lamon. Originally published in 1935.

OIP 26. Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult. Herbert Gordon May. Originally published in 1935.

SAOC 17. Notes on the Megiddo Pottery of Strata VI-XX. Geoffrey M. Shipton. Originally published in 1939.

SAOC 10. Notes on the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery of Megiddo. Robert M. Engberg and Geoffrey M. Shipton. Originally published in 1934.

OIC 9. New Light from Armageddon: Second Provisional Report (1927-29) on the Excavations at Megiddo in Palestine.P. L. O. Guy. Originally published in 1931.

OIMP 31. Ancient Israel: Highlights from the Collections of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. Gabrielle V. Novacek. 2011.

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project
View image on Twitter
More than a hundred years ago an extraordinary mechanism was found by sponge divers at the bottom of the sea near the island of Antikythera. It astonished the whole international community of experts on the ancient world. Was it an astrolabe? Was it an orrery or an astronomical clock? Or something else?
For decades, scientific investigation failed to yield much light and relied more on imagination than the facts. However research over the last half century has begun to reveal its secrets. The machine dates from around the end of the 2nd century B.C. and is the most sophisticated mechanism known from the ancient world. Nothing as complex is known for the next thousand years. The Antikythera Mechanism is now understood to be dedicated to astronomical phenomena and operates as a complex mechanical "computer" which tracks the cycles of the Solar System.
Previous Antikythera researchers have used the latest technologies available to them -such as x-ray analysis- to try to begin to unravel its complex mysteries. From 2005, a new initiative is building on this previous work, using the very latest techniques available today. The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project is an international collaboration of academic researchers, supported by some of the world's best high-technology companies, which aims to completely reassess the function and significance of the Antikythera Mechanism.
The project is under the aegis of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and was initially supported by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, UK. More details about subsequent funding are here and the full acknowledgement list is here. The project has received strong backing from the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, which is custodian of this unique artefact. Two of the Museum's senior staff, Head of Chemistry, Eleni Magou, and Archaeologist-museologist, Mary Zafeiropoulou, have co-ordinated the Museum's side of the project and are actively involved with the research.
One UK and two Greek universities are the core of the academic research group -the astronomer Mike Edmunds and the mathematician and filmmaker Tony Freeth (University of Cardiff), the astronomer John Seiradakis (University of Thessalonica), the astronomer Xenophon Moussas and the physicist and historian of science Yanis Bitsakis (University of Athens). And last, but not least, the philologist and palaeographer Agamemnon Tselikas (NBG Cultural Foundation).
During the first data-gathering phase in the autumn of 2005, the most innovative technologies were used to reveal unknown elements of the mechanism. This research was carried out by two world-class high technology companies, Hewlett Packard (US) and X-Tek Systems (UK). X-Tek's superb three-dimensional x-rays were imaged using software from the leading German company, Volume Graphics. Technical support was also provided by the University of Keele (UK). The whole process was filmed by Tony Freeth's Film and Television production company, Images First, for the TV documentary "The World's First Computer".
During September 2005, three specialized scientists from Hewlett-Packard's Mobile and Media Systems Laboratory came to Athens with their innovative digital imaging system to examine the surface inscriptions and other features on the Antikythera Mechanism. The HP team, Tom Malzbender, Dan Gelb and Bill Ambrisco-brought with them a remarkable piece of specialist equipment: a Dome that surrounds the sample under examination and takes a series of still photos to analyze the three-dimensional structure of the surface. This enables astonishingly detailed examination of fine details such as faded and worn inscriptions. It has been a revelation for the research team. See here for this data.
During October 2005, another team of specialists from the cutting-edge company, X-Tek Systems, came to Athens. Led by the company's pioneering proprietor, Roger Hadland, the group of experts consisted of David Bate, Andrew Ramsey, Martin Allen, Alan Crawley and Peter Hockley. Their aim was to use the very latest x-ray technology to look at the internal structure of the mechanism with its complex and confusing gear trains. With them they brought the prototype of a very powerful new x-ray machine, the eight-tonne "Bladerunner". Originally designed to search for minute cracks in turbine blades, this machine gives astonishingly detailed three-dimensional x-rays, using the latest "microfocus" x-ray techniques. It has opened a remarkable window on microscopic internal details of inscriptions and gearing at a resolution better than a tenth of a millimeter. Inscriptions can now be read that have not been seen for more than two thousand years and this is helping to build a comprehensive picture of the functions of the Antikythera Mechanism. [weblink:187|Browse here] some of the initial images from the Blade Runner.
This is work-in-progress and results are emerging on a stable basis as the data is analyzed:

The Models

Digital and solid models of the Antikythera Mechanism.


An extensive bibliography about the Antikythera Mechanism and related ancient astronomy and technology.

Open Access Journal: Biblical Hebrew eZine

Biblical Hebrew eZine
Issue #072
May, 2016
Biblical Word:
Work (1)
Modern Word:
The ת in ונשתחוה?
Genesis 3:7






071Nov, 2015NameKibbutzJeshuaAnd or then?PDFHTMLWordRTF
070Sep, 2015GiveפִּיצָהImmanuelThe name Israel?PDFHTMLWordRTF
069Jan, 2015ServeNewsAzariahSelfsame?PDFHTMLWordRTF
068Apr, 2014ObeyGenderMishaelLetter Hey?PDFHTMLWordRTF
067Oct, 2013KeepServicesHananiahAngel wings?PDFHTMLWordRTF
066Jun, 2013WalkHow are you?MatthiasPictographs?PDFHTMLWordRTF
065Feb, 2013TanniynUSAJudasReligion?PDFHTMLWordRTF
064Jun, 2012MightyL'hitra'otSimonYHWH Kneeling?PDFHTMLWordRTF
063Jan, 2012PsalmArmyThaddeusSign on Cross?PDFHTMLWordRTF
062Dec, 2011StoneFruitThomasAlone?PDFHTMLWordRTF
061Oct, 2011SinMealMatthewEarth & Sun?PDFHTMLWordRTF
060Jul, 2011CongregationSabraBartholomewAuthors?PDFHTMLWordRTF
059Apr, 2011TellMachinePhilipParagogic Nun?PDFHTMLWordRTF
058Mar, 2011GraceLetterJohnOne speech?PDFHTMLWordRTF
057Dec, 2010LawSchoolJamesYehu'ah?PDFHTMLWordRTF
056Sep, 2010IniquityVerbAndrewNames of gods?PDFHTMLWordRTF
055Jul, 2010SayKnessetPeterBest Books 2PDFHTMLWordRTF
054Jun, 2010NeckTiqvahApostleBest BooksPDFHTMLWordRTF
053May, 2010GutJungleLemechHenotheismPDFHTMLWordRTF
052Feb, 2010OfferingShalomEnochConcrete ThoughtPDFHTMLWordRTF
051July, 2009OxParshahJaredOversize LettersPDFHTMLWordRTF
050May, 2009BuckMiqraMahalaleelCompass PointsPDFHTMLWordRTF
049Apr, 2009OilAliyahCainanBest BookPDFHTMLWordRTF
048Nov, 2008ScrollSynagogueEnoshA SerpentPDFHTMLWordRTF
047Oct, 2008TreeMiqvehManassehTyping HebrewPDFHTMLWordRTF
046Sep, 2008ElephSleehhahBenjaminTranslitPDFHTMLWordRTF
045Aug, 2008SalvationComputerJosephAnc & ModPDFHTMLWordRTF
044Jul, 2008PardesN/AZebulunHelp meetPDFHTMLWordRTF
043Jun, 2008ComeN/AIssacharOne languagePDFHTMLWordRTF
042May, 2008UncleanN/AAsherLike a LionPDFHTMLWordRTF
041Feb, 2008ForgiveN/AGadMonthsPDFHTMLWordRTF
040Jan, 2008OneN/ANaphtaliMezuzahPDFHTMLWordRTF
039Aug, 2007SlaveN/ADan400 or 430PDFHTMLWordRTF
038Jul, 2007SickN/ALeviHebrew WordsPDFHTMLWordRTF
037Jun, 2007FirmamentN/ASimeonGreek word punPDFHTMLWordRTF
036May, 2007AncientN/AReubenYou will diePDFHTMLWordRTF
035Jan, 2007HeavenN/AZebulunReversing VavPDFHTMLWordRTF
034Dec, 2006ShemeshN/AIssacharHis or itsPDFHTMLWordRTF
033Nov, 2006CleanN/AMizraimLend and BorrowPDFHTMLWordRTF
032Oct, 2006The WayN/AN/AN/APDFHTMLWordRTF
031Sep, 2006ArkN/AHadassahThe Word PasPDFHTMLWordRTF
030Aug, 2006ImageN/AJobVav vs. WawPDFHTMLWordRTF
029Jul, 2006KnowledgeN/ASatanSciencePDFHTMLWordRTF
028Jun, 2006FearN/AGabrielFinal LettersPDFHTMLWordRTF
027May, 2006WiseN/AAharonSubduePDFHTMLWordRTF
026Apr, 2006NehhoshetN/AIshma'elBone of bonesPDFHTMLWordRTF
025Mar, 2006She'olN/AAshterotLearning HebrewPDFHTMLWordRTF
024Feb, 2006CommandN/ABabelVerb FormsPDFHTMLWordRTF
023Jan, 2006Prayer (3)N/AJohnThe MarkPDFHTMLWordRTF
022Dec, 2005Prayer (2)N/ANimrodFalse godsPDFHTMLWordRTF
021Nov, 2005Prayer (1)N/ASolomonBest TranslationPDFHTMLWordRTF
020Oct, 2005SaviorN/AMoabLearning HebrewPDFHTMLWordRTF
019Sep, 2005ShalomN/AMichaelOldest bookPDFHTMLWordRTF
018Aug, 2005RighteousN/AShemEarth AgePDFHTMLWordRTF
017Jul, 2005VoiceN/AShinarheavensPDFHTMLWordRTF
016Jun, 2005LieN/ASarahheaven/earthPDFHTMLWordRTF
015May, 2005HalelN/ACain and AbelFirmamentPDFHTMLWordRTF
014Apr, 2005FaithN/ACanaanPluralsPDFHTMLWordRTF
013Mar, 2005WorshipN/AMt. SinaiKiss the SonPDFHTMLWordRTF
012Feb, 2005SoulN/ARed SeaAcrosticsPDFHTMLWordRTF
011Jan, 2005MessiahN/AEgyptResourcesPDFHTMLWordRTF
010Dec, 2004TrustN/AMethuselahKing DavidPDFHTMLWordRTF
009Nov, 2004LifeN/AJudahHand of GodPDFHTMLWordRTF
008Oct, 2004Bara (fill)N/AJerusalemRight-LeftPDFHTMLWordRTF
007Sep, 2004Barah (food)N/ANoahGod's GenderPDFHTMLWordRTF
006Aug, 2004Bar (cont.)N/AElijah1st C. HebrewPDFHTMLWordRTF
005Jul, 2004Bar (grain)N/ASethJew/HebrewPDFHTMLWordRTF
004Jun, 2004Adar (order)N/AAbrahamBook namesPDFHTMLWordRTF
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Open Access Journal: Bioarchaeology of the Near East

[First posted in AWOL 13 July 2009. Updated 10 June 2016]

Bioarchaeology of the Near East
Printed version ISSN: 1898-9403
Online ISSN: 1899-962X
Bioarchaeology of the Near East (printed version ISSN 1898-9403, online ISSN 1899-962X) is published annually in one volume. The aim of the journal is to promote research on the history of human populations inhabiting South-Western Asia (chiefly Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Anatolia, Iran, and Egypt). It will publish original contributions in which methods of physical anthropology and bioarchaeology are used to answer historical questions. Three kinds of texts will be considered for publication: original papers, general review articles (especially those focussing on methodological issues), and short fieldwork reports. Papers of two first categories will be subject to peer review.

The editors welcome contributions focusing on the biological background of historical processes observed in past populations in the region where most ancient civilisations of the Old World emerged. This includes large-scale studies e.g., on migrations, secular trends, microevolution, temporal changes or regional differences in the quality of life, disease patterns or demographical profiles, but also local studies or diagnostic case studies of distinguished individuals. Papers using not only biological, but also archaeological and textual evidence are mostly appreciated. For more effective exchange of information the journal also includes short fieldwork reports on human remains excavated at archaeological sites located in the region of interest.

123456789<< Volume 10:2016

Volume in progress

Emily J. Marlow
Metric sex estimation of ancient Egyptian skeletal remains. Part I: Testing of published methods, pp. 1-25.
Abstract, PDF (189 KB)

Emily J. Marlow, Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin
Metric sex estimation of ancient Egyptian skeletal remains. Part II: Testing of new population-specific methods, pp. 27-46.
Abstract, PDF (175 KB)

Anahit Khudaverdyan, Hamazasp Khachatryan, Larisa Eganyan
Multiple trauma in a horse rider from the Late Iron Age cemetery at Shirakavan, Armenia, pp. 47-68.
Abstract, PDF (849 KB)

New from CFEETK: Inventaire des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak

New from CFEETK – Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak: Inventaire des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak

Cet inventaire bibliographique des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak a été rendue possible par le travail de dépouillement systématique de la documentation épigraphique des temples de Karnak dans le cadre du projet Karnak (Programme « Investissement d’Avenir » ANR-11-LABX-0032-01 Labex ARCHIMEDE). Débuté en 2013, ce projet d’édition des inscriptions des temples de Karnak a pour ambition de collecter, d’organiser et de rendre accessible le corpus des sources textuelles en hiéroglyphe, hiératique et démotique présentes ou issues des temples de Karnak. Depuis près de trois ans, ce projet rend ainsi progressivement disponibles dans une interface accessible en ligne les textes publiés ou encore inédits de Karnak, collationnés in situ.

Près d’un demi-siècle après la dernière version actualisée publiée de la Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings de Bertha Porter et Rosalind Moss consacrée aux temples thébains, ce nouvel inventaire de la décoration des temples de Karnak permet d’inclure l’abondante bibliographie parue depuis, dont les nombreux projets archéologiques et épigraphiques conduits par le Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak depuis sa création en 1967 (15 volumes des Cahiers de Karnak, plus d’une vingtaine de monographies et des centaines d’articles).

Les premières versions de l’Inventaire des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak sont diffusées, avec une date de version, au format PdF depuis les sites internet du Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak (MAE/USR 3172 du CNRS) et de l’équipe d’égyptologie de l’université de Montpellier (UMR 5140 du CNRS).

Sébastien Biston-Moulin, Inventaires des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak 

ISBN 978-2-9557593 - 0-1


For the next month or so traffic on AWOL may be light or intermittent. Please keep sending me suggestions for inclusion to cejo at uchicago dot edu and I will review and post them as soon as I can.


-Chuck Jones-
Editor, Ancient World Online.

Proceedings of the International Conference Anchoring in Antiquity

Proceedings of the International Conference Anchoring in Antiquity
Here you find the revised and annotated versions of the contributions of scholars working with the concept of Anchoring Innovation at the conference Anchoring in Antiquity (pdf, 425 kB), held in Ravenstein, the Netherlands, 17-20 December 2015.

Please note that these papers are work in progress. They are meant to be published elsewhere in their final form. If you want to cite from these papers, please contact the author(s) and ask for the latest version. You can check whether the final version is already published or forthcoming under publications.
  • R. Allan & L. van Gils (University of Amsterdam):
Anchoring new ideas in common ground. A linguistic approach
  • M. de Bakker (University of Amsterdam):
Explaining the end of an Empire. The use of Herodotus and Thucydides in late Byzantine historiography
  • J. Blok (Utrecht University) & J. Krul (Leiden University):
Success and failure of anchoring political innovation: the case of Solon’s seisachtheia. With PowerPoint (pdf, 455 kB).
  • B. Breij (Radboud University):
Anchoring oratio figurata, oratio figurata anchoring (pdf, 691 kB)
  • E. Bruggink (Radboud University):
A libation of blood: self-sacrifice as pharmakon for the city in Euripides’ Phoenician Women
  • V. Cazzato (Radboud University):
Anchoring the solo parts of tragedy in song culture (pdf, 724 kB)
  • M. De Pourcq (Radboud University):
Classical References in Contemporary Culture. Anchoring Cultural Criticism in Roland Barthes’s Mythologies
  • R. Dijkstra & D. van Espelo (Radboud University):
The fisherman’s anchor: establishing papal authority in Peter’s grave (2nd-8th centuries)
  • A. van den Eersten (University of Amsterdam):
To yoke a bridge: poetical implications of the subjugation of nature in Herodotus’ Histories
  • A. Harder (University of Groningen):
Anchoring through aetiology
  • O. Hekster (Radboud University):
Anchoring religious change: Faces of power and problems of communication
  • R. Hunsucker (Radboud University) & R. Praet (University of Groningen):
Reinventing tenacious anchors: Romulus in the cultural memory of the early and late Roman Empire
  • L. Iribarren (Leiden University):
L’ancrage de la téléologie dans la pensée cosmologique grecque : le tournant socratique
  • I. de Jong (University of Amsterdam):
Leonidas ‘the best of the Achaeans’: how Herodotus anchors prose via poetry (pdf, 706 kB)
  • J. Klooster (University of Groningen):
On dealing with tyrants: Plutarch’s anchoring of his moral instructorship in Solon of Athens
  • I. Kuin (University of Groningen):
What do Sulla and the philosophers have in common? Sulla and the creation of Roman Athens
  • C. Kroon (University of Amsterdam):
'Anchoring’ as a communicative device in Roman historiography:
a discourse linguistic perspective

  • A. de March (Leiden University):
Novom aliquid inventum (Plautus, Pseud. 569). An unsurprising innovation?
  • S. Martin (Radboud University):
Early Roman magistracies with Celtic names: native substrate or anchoring innovation?
  • E. Moormann (Radboud University):
‘mehr Modell und Puppenschrank als Gebäude.’
The Appreciation of Pompeii’s Architectural Remains in Late eighteenth Century

  • R. Nauta (University of Groningen):
Un-Anchoring Innovation. Lucan and Tacitus on the Principate
  • O. van Nijf & C. Williamson (University of Groningen):
Connecting the Greeks: festival networks in the Hellenistic world. With PowerPoint (pdf, 7 MB).
  • A. Raimondi Cominesi (Radboud University):
Anchoring the house: early Augustan residences between tradition and innovation. With PowerPoint (pptx, 14 MB).
  • L. Spielberg (Radboud University):
Anchoring the barbarians: ethnographic topoi in Tacitus' Batavian Revolt
  • R. Strootman (Utrecht University):
Brand new ancient: Anchoring regime change in Hellenistic Egypt and Babylonia
  • A. Wessels (Leiden University):
Shaping the (hi)story of innovation. Livius Andronicus as the first poet of Latin literature

The Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI)

The Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI)
The Munich Open-access Cuneiform Corpus Initiative (MOCCI) team (headed by Karen Radner and Jamie Novotny) is pleased to announce that several of our open-access, Oracc-based projects are now available for use. These include:

(1) The Official Inscriptions of the Middle East in Antiquity (OIMEA)

(2) The Royal Inscriptions of Assyria online (RIAo)

(3) The Royal Inscriptions of Babylonia online (RIBo) 
(4) The Inscriptions of Suhu online (Suhu)

(5) Digital Archive of the Annual Review of the Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (1983-1991)

ENcoding COmplex Writing Systems (ENCOWS) discussion list

Encoding Complex Writing Systems

[Access upon application] 

Welcome to the ENcoding COmplex Writing Systems (ENCOWS) discussion list. This list arises from a first workshop on applying EpiDoc/TEI markup to complex, non-alphabetic scripts organized by Christian Prager and held at the University of Bonn, at which Mayan, Aztec, Linear A and Cypro-Minoan, Hieroglyphic Luwian, and Cuneiform were represented. We welcome discussion of all aspects of encoding complex writing in these and other languages, including epigraphy, text transcription, object and historical metadata, vocabularies and terminology, publication and infrastructure.
We plan to discuss the following topics:

1. Text description
- Encoding of original characters and their alignment/layout (tei:sourceDoc/EpiDoc; SVG; separate Character dictionaries)
- Encoding of (phonematic) transcription and philological markup (Unicode; EpiDoc; ...?): https://goo.gl/RvS5zu
- Linking between the two (RDF; id-pairs; xpointer; …?)
2. Terminology to describe features of complex writing systems: https://goo.gl/f5edy3
- Collate markup features (superset of everyone's projects)
- Vocabulary for decipherment, transcription, transnumeration…
- Vocabulary for logograms/phonograms/semograms/...
- Typology of ligatures/monograms
3. Metadata of the text artefacts
- Collate historical/descriptive features (superset of everyone's projects)
- Metadata and their mapping onto TEI: https://goo.gl/ISc5bp
- Shared vocabularies / metadata standards
4. Shared infrastructure and research environment
     - Publication platform.
- Customizable tools.

Poetic language in the epistles of Paulus Ritter Vitezović (1652-1713)

Poetic language in the epistles of Paulus Ritter Vitezović (1652-1713)
An exploration of Latin usage in poetry of Croatian author Paulus Ritter Vitezović, including a comparison of his verse-endings with those of Ovid.

About Ritter's poetic language

The hypothesis is that relatively little of poetic language characteristic for Ovid's epistles (Heroides, Tristia, Ex Ponto) is present in the Neo-Latin epistles by Ritter Vitezović.
The hypothesis will be tested by examination of verse clausulae (verse endings): one, two, or three words at the end of verse. We want to see how many clausulae from Ovid's epistles appear in Ritter Vitezović's texts.

Additionally, we will use the same procedure to compare beginnings of Ovid's and Ritter Vitezović's verses.
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