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Open Access Journal: Journal of Art Historiography

[First posted in AWOL 24 June 2010, updated 30 January 2016]

Journal of Art Historiography
ISSN: 2042-4752
The Journal of Art Historiography exists to support and promote the study of the history and practice of art historical writing. The historiography of art has been strongly influenced by traditions inaugurated by Giorgio Vasari, Winckelmann and German academics of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Consequent to the expansion of universities, museums and galleries, the field has evolved to include areas outside of its traditional boundaries.
There is a double danger that contemporary scholarship will forget its earlier legacy and that it will neglect the urgency and rigour with which those early debates were conducted. The earlier legacy remains embedded in ‘normal’ practice. More recent art history also stands in need of its own scrutiny. The journal is committed to studying art historical scholarship, in its institutional and conceptual foundations, from the past to the present day in all areas and all periods.
This journal will ignore the disciplinary boundaries imposed by the Anglophone expression ‘art history’ and allow and encourage the full range of enquiry that encompassed the visual arts in its broadest sense as well as topics now falling within archaeology, anthropology, ethnography and other specialist disciplines and approaches. It will welcome contributions from young and established scholars and is aimed at building an expanded audience for what has hitherto been a much specialised topic of investigation.
Besides articles, it will accept notes, reviews, letters, bibliographical surveys and translations. It will be published every June and December and include both peer-reviewed and commissioned contributions.
It will be the first contemporary journal dedicated specifically to the study of art historiography and its ambition is to make it the point of first call for scholars and students interested in that area. It is being supported by the Department of the History of Art at the University of Birmingham. In collaboration with Ashgate it also publishes Monographs in Art Historiography.

Open Access Journal: Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics

[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 31 January 2016.  n.b.  Founded in 1993, Electronic Antiquity is a Pioneering Open Access Journal]

Electronic Antiquity: Communicating the Classics
ISSN: 1320-3606
[Electronic Antiquity]

Free online course: Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime

Free online course: Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime 
Delve into the seedy underbelly of the art world, looking at smuggling, theft, fakes, and fraud, with this free online course.
The devastation caused by the trafficking of illicit antiquities and the theft of art has gained widespread public attention in recent years.
Confronted with the pock-marked “lunar landscapes” of archaeological sites in Iraq and Syria, freshly decapitated Buddha sculptures in Cambodia and empty frames on the walls of museums, we face a difficult question: how do we protect our heritage from theft, illegal sale, and destruction?
In Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime we will tackle this question together.

Shed light on the grey market for stolen art

On this free online course, taught by researchers from the University of Glasgow’s Trafficking Culture Project, you will gain a better understanding of:
  • the criminal networks that engage in antiquities trafficking and art crime;
  • the harmful effects that these phenomena have on communities and society as a whole;
  • and what scholars, police, and lawmakers are doing to protect our heritage.
By combining cutting-edge research in the fields of criminology, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, art history, museums studies, and law, we will shed light on the grey market for stolen art.

Learn how and why art is stolen, trafficked, found, and returned

In Week 1, we will track how ancient artefacts are looted from archaeological sites, trafficked across multiple international borders, and end up in the possession of some of the world’s most respectable museums and collectors.
In Week 2, we will learn about crimes of fine art: heists, fakes, and vandalism.
In Week 3, we will discuss the ethical, legal, and emotional issues associated with the return of stolen cultural objects.
Art and antiquities represent our collective cultural identity and crimes against art affect all of us. When an artefact is looted or an artwork is stolen, we have ALL been robbed. We must work together to protect our heritage before it is too late. Antiquities Trafficking and Art Crime is a great first step.
If you want to find out more about the financial implications of art crime, have a look at this blog post from Meg Lambert: Does art crime pay? 5 stolen artefacts and what they sold for.


All learners are invited to this course. No prior knowledge is required.

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos

The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos

Davies and Gardiner: Ancient Egyptian Paintings

Davies and Gardiner: Ancient Egyptian Paintings

Summer Courses in the Classics

Summer Courses in the Classics
This site exists to provide students with information about classics courses being offered during the summer months. Institutions wishing to add information about their programs should submit it via the form accessible from the sidebar. Old information is not removed from the site until it is updated, so check the date headers to see how current listings are. (This site was created under the auspices of the Classical Studies Department of Wesleyan University, with help from the J.M.W. Keck Foundation, by Jim O'Hara and Debra Hamel. It is designed and maintained by Debra Hamel.)

Open Access Journal: e-Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

[First posted 10/19/09. Updated 1 February 2016]

e-Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Von Beginn an wurden kurze Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in der Zeitschrift Archäologischer Anzeiger gedruckt veröffentlicht. 2006 erschien in neuem, farbigen Design erstmals ein umfangreicher Jahresbericht als eigenes Beiheft zum Anzeiger.  

Im Jahr 2014 strukturierte das Institut sein Berichtswesen neu. An die Stelle des gedruckten Berichtes treten nun mit den e-Forschungsberichten und dem e-Jahresbericht zwei unterschiedliche digitalePublikationsformate.

Annual E-Report 2014

Annual E-Report 2012/2013

Click here to view and download the first issue of our Annual E-Reports (report period 2012/2013, eDAI-J 2012/2013).
eDAI-J 2012/2013 (PDF 94 MB) or (PDF 16 MB).

Earlier issues

Annual reports for the years 2006 through 2011, originally published as supplement to Archäologischer Anzeiger, are also available for download:

Open Access Journal: e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologisches Instituts (eDAI·F)

e-Forschungsberichte des Deutschen Archäologisches Instituts (eDAI·F)
Um immer aktuell zu sein, erscheinen die e-Forschungsberichte das gesamte Jahr über in einzelnen Faszikeln zeitnah zu den jeweiligen Forschungskampagnen. Sie sind open access zugänglich und erlauben es so einem breiten Leserkreis, die Forschungen des DAI zu verfolgen.

Mit diesem ersten Faszikel der e-Forschungsberichte setzt das DAI die Neustrukturierung seines Berichtswesens um. Er spiegelt die Bandbreite der Aktivitäten des DAI in den unterschiedlichsten Regionen der Welt, vom Mittelmeerraum über die Länder Eurasiens, Asiens und Afrikas bis nach Südamerika. Der Faszikel umfasst die Forschungsergebnisse der Jahre 2012/13 und zeigt die vielfältigen neuen Einblicke in vergangene Gesellschaften sowie das Engagement des DAI im Bereich der Erschließung und Bewahrung kulturellen Erbes in den Gastländern.

Faszikel 3 - 2015

Mit seinen 20 Standorten und über 350 Projekten ist das DAI eine der größten archäologischen Forschungseinrichtungen weltweit. Die im vorliegenden Band vereinten Forschungsberichte spiegeln die Bandbreite der Aktivitäten in den unterschiedlichsten Regionen der Welt. Sie umfassen hauptsächlich die Forschungsergebnisse des Jahres 2014.

Hier können Sie den Faszikel lesen und downloaden: eDAI-F 2015, 3 (PDF 91 MB) oder (PDF 20 MB).

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And see also

Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project

Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Project


Landscapes, both literal and figurative, have incredible power in structuring thought and interpretation in the humanities.  The literal physical landscape is often an important consideration in many areas of study; archaeologists, anthropologists and historians often consider topography as a variable in explaining past human behavior. As a metaphor, the term ‘landscape’ is used more broadly and less concretely, but with a flexibility that permits an even greater impact. Authors are said to have had an effect on the landscape of their genre and particularly powerful writers are given the power to generate their own, new landscape. The Pompeii Bibliography and Mapping Resource (PBMR) is a means to explore the ways in which the former kind of landscape, the physical, can be employed to structure and examine the latter, metaphorical variety. Specifically, we are working to map the landscape of publications about Pompeii onto the space of the ancient city itself, creating a unified, bi-directional interface to both resources.


ToposText is an indexed collection of ancient texts and mapped places relevant the the history and mythology of the ancient Greeks from the Neolithic period up through the 2nd century CE. It was inspired by two decades of exploring Greece by car, foot, or bicycle, and by clumsy efforts to appreciate επί τόπου the relevant information from Pausanias or other primary sources. The development of mobile electronic devices since 2010 has coincided with an increasingly comprehensive assortment of ancient texts available on the internet. The digital texts I collected on an e-reader in 2012 made clear both the pleasure of having a portable Classics library but also the desperate need to organize the information it contained. Discovering the Pleiades Project, with its downloadable database of thousands of ancient place names and coordinates, opened the door to indexing ancient texts geographically, using a map of Greece as the basic interface.
ToposText was designed as an application for mobile devices. Opening it presents a scrolling alphabetical list of 5000+ Greek cities, colonies, sanctuaries, archaeological sites, museums, and other points of interest, side-by-side with a location-aware map showing the nearby places by name, icon (city, sanctuary, theatre, etc), and the number of ancient references in the TT database. The texts and index and a basic map are stored on the device and requires no internet connection.
Selecting a site from either the list or the map opens up a table of two-line snippets from ancient authors, headed where available by a modern description. Selecting from this index list, which can be filtered by date, genre, and relevance, connects one to the full text of 240-odd works in English translation, some with the original Ancient Greek as well. Thus, at a glance and from any location, you can select and read the passages in ancient literature that give a place its historical and cultural meaning. While you are reading, the map alongside shows the location of the ancient places mentioned. In most cases, book and paragraph numbers of texts correspond to those conventionally used in printed texts. Where the online text available had no internal numbering, arbitrary paragraph numbering has been added. A scrolling feature hidden in the right margin allows rapid navigation through the books and chapters of a given text...

Online Critical Pseudepigrapha

 [First posted in AWOL 16 November 2010. Updated most recently 2 February 2016]

Online Critical Pseudepigrapha
The mandate of the Online Critical Pseudepigrapha is to develop and publish electronic editions of the best critical texts of the "Old Testament" Pseudepigrapha and related literature.

Note that in a few cases it has not yet been feasible to publish the best eclectic text of a given document. In other cases the OCP edition of a document does not yet include all of the textual evidence. Readers should consult the "text status" information on the introductory page for each document to determine whether a better or more complete text exists elsewhere.

Texts should be cited in scholarly references according to the persistent URL for the OCP site (http://www.purl.org/net/ocp), rather than the address which appears in the address bar of your web browser, as this address may change in future years.



Texts with critical apparatus

2 (Syriac Apocalypse of) Baruch(NEW edition)
The Testament of Job
1 Enoch (In progress)
Testament of Adam (In progress)

Texts without critical apparatus

Testament of Abraham
The Life of Adam and Eve
Visions of Amram(NEW)
The Letter of Aristeas
Aristeas the Exegete
3 (Greek Apocalypse of) Baruch
4 Baruch (Paraleipomena Ieremiou)
Cleodemus Malchus
Eldad and Modad
The Apocryphon of Ezekiel
Ezekiel the Tragedian
Vision of Ezra(NEW)
The History of the Rechabites(NEW edition)
The Lives of the Prophets
Assumption of Moses (Testament of Moses)(NEW)
3 Maccabees
4 Maccabees
Philo the Epic Poet
Testament of Solomon

Open Access Journal: Études platoniciennes

Études platoniciennes
ISSN electronic edition: 2275-1785
Études platoniciennes
Les Études platoniciennes sont entièrement consacrées à l'actualité de la recherche sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne. Elles rassemblent : un choix d'études pertinentes sur un thème ou une œuvre particulièrement significatifs pour la recherche contemporaine, la livraison annuelle du « Bulletin Platonicien », avec ses comptes rendus sur les livres récents consacrés à Platon et à la tradition platonicienne, et la « Bibliographie Platonicienne », qui recense toutes les publications dans ce domaine. Les Études platoniciennes favorisent le pluralisme des langues, des disciplines et des méthodes de lecture.

  • 9 | 2012
    Platon aujourd’hui
    Etudes Platoniciennes IX - Platon aujourd'hui
    Loin de diminuer à l’orée du troisième millénaire, le nombre des études spécialisées sur Platon, son œuvre et sa philosophie ne cesse d’augmenter. Pourquoi cet engouement pour un philosophe que deux millénaires et demi séparent de nous ? De quelle signification et de quelle portée est la philosophie platonicienne pour le monde d’aujourd’hui ? Qu’il s’agisse de questions épistémologiques, de réflexion sur les mathématiques, la physique, la cosmologie ; qu’il s’agisse encore(..
  • 10 | 2013
    Platon et la technè
    Platon et ses prédécesseurs I
    Peintre de Sosias
    Le numéro X des Etudes Platoniciennes est le premier numéro d'une série consacrée au thème "Platon et ses prédécesseurs" qui fut l'objet des recherches présentées au Séminaire d'Études Platoniciennes de 2009 à 2012. Ce numéro a pour thème la τέχνη : quel rôle la τέχνη, représentée ici par la médecine et la musique, joue-t-elle dans l’Antiquité sur la pensée philosophique, en particulier celle de Platon ? Comment les discours et les savoirs techniques et artisanaux se trou(...)
  • 11 | 2014
    Platon et la psychè
    Platon et ses prédécesseurs II
    Lecythe funéraire. Défunt devant une stèle
    Le numéro XI des Etudes Platoniciennes est le second numéro d'une série consacrée au thème "Platon et ses prédécesseurs" qui fut l'objet des recherches présentées au Séminaire d'Études Platoniciennes de 2009 à 2012. Ce numéro, qui a pour thème la psychè, se propose de répondre à deux questions : comment Platon, héritier d’un ensemble complexe de croyances, de théories, et de représentations sur l’âme, peut-il nous aider à mieux comprendre, par les transformations qu’il fa(...)

Open Access Journal: Heritage Turkey

Heritage Turkey
 Heritage Turkey 
Heritage Turkey is an annual, full-colour 'magazine-style' publication which contains reports on research supported by the BIAA. Short articles are written by project directors and scholars.

Correspondence, including requests for permission to reproduce material from Heritage Turkey (or its predecessor, Anatolian Archaeology), should be sent to the Editor, Gina Coulthard
Back-copies of Heritage Turkey are available at £10 per copy. Volumes 1-16 of Anatolian Archaeology (1995-2010) are available at £5 per copy.  Some volumes of the latter are out of print but available in electronic format. Please email the London office at biaa@britac.ac.uk to place an order
Heritage Turkey Online

Classical Works Knowledge Base

[First listed in AWOL 12 July 2014, updated (Linked Open Data) 3 February 2016 ]

Classical Works Knowledge Base
1,550 authors3,427 author variants
5,200 works6,544 work variants
The CWKB knowledge base assembles data about Classical works (1,550 authors and 5,200 texts, with variants forms in the main modern languages of Classical studies and common abbreviations). The knowledge base also contains the linking heuristics to the passage level for 6,732 manifestations of Classical works. The full-text services linked to are:
  • the Classical Latin Texts of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI Latin Texts);
  • the Greek and Roman Texts from the Perseus Digital Library;
  • the Library of Latin Texts - Series A (LLT-A) from Brepols Publishers [licensed];
  • the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) [licensed] and the Abridged Online TLG.
CWKB does not aim at creating a new canon of Classical literature, but provides a concordance to existing canons and workID registries.

ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝ:Ήλεκτρονικό περιοδικό αρχαίας έλληνικης έπιγραφικής, τοπογραφίας καί ιστορίας - Electronic Journal on Ancient Greek Epigraphy, Topography and History

ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝ:Ήλεκτρονικό περιοδικό αρχαίας έλληνικης έπιγραφικής, τοπογραφίας καί ιστορίας - Electronic Journal on Ancient Greek Epigraphy, Topography and History
ISSN: 2241-4290
The electronic journal ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΙΟΝ will be published yearly by the Greek Epigraphic Society. The aim of the journal is the prompt publication of new archaeological finds and studies to be shared without delay with the scholarly community.

The journal will publish primarily short articles on Ancient Greek inscriptions, Ancient Topography and History, including scholarly comments and remarks on these topics. Submitted articles will be uploaded in the order in which they are received (not at the end of the year).

British Institute at Ankara Electronic Monographs

British Institute at Ankara Electronic Monographs

he BIAA’s online publications initiative aims to publish substantial works which the BIAA considers especially well suited to the online format. 
Proposals from authors are welcomed. As with all BIAA publications, submissions will be subject to peer review. For further information, please contact the director of the BIAA, Dr Lutgarde Vandeput. Please note that this initiative will focus on substantial works and that articles for publication by the BIAA should be submitted to Anatolian Studies.
We are pleased to announce the publication of the newest text in this series, Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Errata and Indices’ by David French. Download it here »
To read the publications, you will need the free PDF Reader (download it here). Please use the links below to download the presentations in PDF format:
Recent publications in the series
1. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Republican Milestones’ (21.4MB)
2. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Galatia Milestones’ (49.6MB)
3. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Cappadocia Milestones’ (46.7MB)
4. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Pontus et Bithynia Milestones’ (20.2MB)
5. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Asia Milestones’ (32.8 MB)
6. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Lycia et Pamphylia Milestones’ (19.8 MB)
7. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Imperial: Cilicia, Isauria et Lycaonia Milestones’ (3.6 MB)
8. Roman Roads and Milestones, ‘Errata and Indices’ (11.2 MB)
To launch the online publications project, we presented a previously unpublished article by David French:
Funerary Stelae from Paphlagonia (3.3MB).

Survey: Women in Classics in the UK: Numbers and Issues

Women in Classics in the UK: Numbers and Issues
Following the establishment of the Women's Classical Committee in 2015 we want to gather information about the current situation and experiences of women in Classics in the UK. This information will inform the direction of the WCC in supporting women and their research and teaching in Classics. By taking the time to complete this questionnaire you are supporting this effort. Thank you, it's very much appreciated.

3D Petrie Museum

[First posted in AWOL 27 May 2014, updated 4 February 2016]

3D Petrie Museum
Since 2009, The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology at UCL, in collaboration with UCL's Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering and business partner Arius 3D, has been developing a groundbreaking programme for creating 3D images of objects in the Petrie collection. The aims of the projects are:
  • To develop a viable workflow for the production of high quality 3D models of museum objects, in particular using colour laser scanning.
  • To develop a range of digital 3D applications that will engage audiences.
  • To undertake audience evaluations of the 3D models and applications to better understand the potential of 3D in cultural heritage.

The virtual lives of things

Interact with ancient Egyptian objects from our collection.
Ancient life

Ancient life

Explore the daily habits and rituals of the ancient Egyptians

Excavation and rediscovery

Excavation and rediscovery

See how ancient Egyptian objects were discovered in Victorian times through Petrie's excavations.

Modern life

Modern life

Find out how objects contribute to our knowledge of ancient Egypt today.


Computational Historical Semantics – for Analysing Latin Texts Semantically

Computational Historical Semantics – for Analysing Latin Texts Semantically
Logo Computational Historical Semantic

Welcome to Computational Historical Semantics – for Analysing Latin Texts Semantically

This site offers linguistic tools for all historical and philological disciplines working with Latin texts. It provides a database of Latin texts 
and a morphological structured Latin Lexicon. All texts are lemmatized and ready for comparative analysis of word frequencies.

The Latin texts database - for a initial statistical approach towards texts. In the column "Function" on the left margin you can  
  • via  ("full text view") read the complete text 
  • via  ("general term list") compute a list of all words occurring in a text (or via  at the bottom of the table for more than one chosen text)
  • via  ("specific term list") compute a list of all words co-occurring in the same sentences as the searched word (or via  for more than one chosen text)
  • via  ("compare lists") compare result lists 
  • via  ("download") download all lists for further hermeneutical analysis
The Frankfurt Latin Lexicon 
  • incorporates different spellings of a lemma subsumed under a normalized lemma (Superlemma).
  • offers morphological information for every Latin word form
  • provides traceability of every situation of use for all Latin word forms
No registration needed. If you register (for free), however, you get access to the advanced version of HSCM on the eHUDesk
offering many more options as well as the opportunity to analyse your own texts. Click here for the latest news about comphistsem.org.

Webinar: Online Approaches to Editing Greek Literature. The Philosophical Papyri

Webinar: Online Approaches to Editing Greek Literature. The Philosophical Papyri
February 5th, 2016 by Gabriel Bodard
In The Stoa Consortium
Rodney Ast (University of Heidelberg) and Holger Essler (University of Würzburg), in cooperation with Heidelberg’s Center for Cultural Heritage, are offering in Summer Semester 2016 an online seminar on Greek literary papyri. Special emphasis will be placed on philosophical texts. Out of a total of 550 texts published so far, 45% were found at a single site, the Villa dei Papiri in Herculaneum, the remainder coming from various places in Egypt. Comparison of the two groups suggests itself and it will be greatly facilitated by the Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (DCLP) (a bilateral project led by the University of Heidelberg and NYU, with the involvement of the University of Leuven, Duke University, and the University of Würzburg); it already contains 95% of the philosophical texts from Herculaneum. The seminar will focus on philosophical texts from Egypt preserved on papyrus only (for an example click here). Participants will use the DCLP for instruction and to create digital editions, but other databases and approaches will be discussed as well. In particular, we will explore questions of editorial decision-making and technique, transmission, paleography, and the socio-cultural context in which the texts were copied.

The course is free of charge and will take place Thursdays, 16:15–17:45, Central European Time. The first meeting will be the 14th of April and the last the 7th of July. The language of instruction is English, and good knowledge of Greek is required. Participants should already have a Skype account set up by the first session. Certificates will be issued upon successful completion of the class.

Those interested in taking part should send a statement of interest and CV to Michaela Böttner, boettner@uni-heidelberg.de, by March 4th. Questions about the course can be directed to Rodney Ast (ast@uni-heidelberg.de) and/or Holger Essler (holger.essler@uni-wuerzburg.de).
The number of participants will be kept to a maximum of 12.

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