Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Open Access Journal: Chronique Archéologique en Syrie - الوقائع الأثرية في سورية

 [First posted in AWOL 10 October 2013, updated 20 December 2015]

Chronique Archéologique en Syrie - الوقائع الأثرية في سورية
The DGAM seeks to provide full copies of all of its publications on its Website in order to supply researchers and those within the archaeological field with easy access to the full and entire publications of the DGAM.

As a first step, the six issues of the Syrian Archaeological Chronicles Magazine are made available on the Website, and it is possible to keep a PDF copy of the magazine by downloading the issues here or clicking the Research and Publications icon on the right side of the home page of the Website.
«Chronique archéologique en Syrie» is an archaeological and historical revue, published by Al-Bassel Centre for archaeological, and training and research- The Directorate General of An- tiquities and Museums- Ministry of Culture in the Syrian Arab Republic. It aims to publish the excavations and investigations reports of the national, foreign and joint missions working in the archaeological sites in Syria, in order to contribute in publishing the latest discoveries and making the scientific subjects in the hands of the researchers.
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العدد الأولالعدد الثانيكامل العددFull issue

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Emergency Red List of Libyan Cultural Objects at Risk

Emergency Red List of Libyan Cultural Objects at Risk
Why a Red List for Libya?          
The instability and violence that Libya experienced in recent years have put its cultural heritage under tremendous stress and high risk. The threat of systematic damage to cultural heritage sites is of great concern. The losses endured are leading to the historical impoverishment of a country with an exceptionally rich cultural heritage. The slow but steady disappearance of Libya’s cultural witnesses of the past has rendered evident the need for immediate action that will help protect them.
ICOM, thanks to the support of the US Department of State, is publishing the Emergency Red List of Libyan Cultural Objects at Risk to help law enforcement officials as well as art and heritage professionals identify objects originating from Libya that are protected by national legislation and international agreements and instruments, and at risk of being illicitly traded.
The purpose of the Emergency Red List of Libyan Cultural Objects at Risk is to ensure the right of future generations to this heritage. To this aim, ICOM, in close cooperation with a team of national and international experts, has identified and presented here the types of objects from Libya that the current market trends are exposing to the greatest risks.

Red Lists Database

Open Access Book Reviews on Antiquity


Two new volumes in the ANCIENT NEAR EAST MONOGRAPHS Series

Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire
edited by Jason M. Silverman and Caroline Waerzeggers, ANEM 13, 2015
downloadpaperback hardback
Epigraphy, Philology, and the Hebrew Bible: Methodological Perspectives on Philological and Comparative Study of the Hebrew Bible in Honor of Jo Ann Hackett
edited by Jeremy M. Hutton and Aaron D. Rubin, ANEM 12, 2015

For all published volumes in the series and the full editorial board, see here.

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

PETRAE: un système d’enregistrement des inscriptions latines et grecques

 [First posted in AWOL 2 April 2013, updated 21 December 2015]

La base PETRAE est un système d’enregistrement des inscriptions latines et grecques mis au point à l’Institut Ausonius, qui recueille les textes épigraphiques de différentes régions où travaillent ses chercheurs et leurs collaborateurs.
Chaque fiche présente le texte de l’inscription en version majuscule et minuscule, accompagné des métadonnées sur tous les aspects du monument : support, fragments, champs épigraphiques et éléments du texte (datations, paléographie, apparat critique, traduction, remarques).
Les fiches sont reliées aux index et à la bibliographie générale et présentent une documentation graphique importante. Les rubriques numériques et à mot clefs accompagnent d’autres à rédaction libre.
La base PETRAE réunit les inscriptions publiées (livres ou articles) sous format PETRAE.
Chaque fiche présente donc des données récentes et validées par les chercheurs qui la signent. 
Exemple de fiche PETRAE

Open Access Journal: Gradus rivista di archeologia dell'acqua

Gradus rivista di archeologia dell'acqua
Di seguito, potrete trovare l'elenco degli articoli presenti nel numero di Gradus che state consultando; facendo "click" su di essi, potrete leggerli direttamente on line in formato pdf, oppure in alternativa, (facendo "click" sulle apposite icone), potrete scaricarli singolarmente o tutti insime , sempre in formato pdf, ma inseriti in un archivio ZIP.

    Open Access Journal: Graecolatina et Orientalia

    Graecolatina et Orientalia
    ISSN: 0083-4114


    The research aims at exploring the Ancient Greek and Roman civilization and its legacy especially through the study of written historical texts. In the area of research, the section specializes in the synchronic and diachronic linguistics of classical languages, textual criticism with a special focus on the transmission of Greek texts , as well as on neo-Latin and Byzantine studies and Patristic research. Graecolatina et Orientalia (GLO) 

     In 1969 the faculty started to publish Graecolatina et Orientalia, a journal with papers in foreign language, which has contributed to the academic growth of the department, its reputation abroad and the growth of the department’s library collection.

    Open Access Journal: SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla

    SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla
    ISSN: 1133-4525
    La revista Spal. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla recibe su nombre del topónimo más antiguo atribuido a Hispalis, Isbilya o Sevilla, la ciudad en cuya universidad nace. La revista tiene una periodicidad anual y es publicada por el Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla ubicado en c/ Porvenir nº 27, 41013 Sevilla, 95 448 7443.

    Spal fue fundada en 1992 con el propósito básico de servir de vehículo para la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la Arqueología desde la Universidad de Sevilla. Aunque nunca ha perdido un especial interés por las investigaciones relativas a la Prehistoria y la Arqueología andaluzas, progresivamente ha ido abriéndose a toda la comunidad científica nacional e internacional y ampliado los objetivos temáticos. En estos 20 años de vida de Spal se han editado 21 números, en los que se han publicado 290 artículos, que constituyen básicamente investigación original, y 16 reseñas. A día de hoy la revista ha obtenido un reconocido prestigio como foro de difusión y debate científicos y logrado un reconocimiento que ha llevado a su indexación en ISOC y en Anthropological Literature, clasificada en el grupo B de CIRC y a quedar encuadrada en el primer cuartil de las revistas del Área de Humanidades (3ª de 88), según los índices IN-RECH y RESH. Este reconocimiento científico de Spal no habría sido posible sin la generosidad de más de 500 autores y la labor poco visible y altruista de numerosos investigadores de reconocido prestigio que han colaborado tanto en los diferentes órganos de gestión de la revista como actuando de revisores de los originales.

    Resúmenes y Textos Completos

    Open Access Journal: Explorator

     [First posted in AWOL 8 August 2011, updated 22 December 2015]
    EXPLORATOR has over a decade of experience bringing you the best of the world of archaeology/ancient history every week. Various on-line news and magazine sources are scoured on a daily basis for news of the ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to WWI or so is fair game) and they are delivered to your mailbox free of charge every Sunday morning!
    To subscribe to Explorator, send a blank email message to:


                       See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies


    ACTUALITÉS: Décembre 2015
     Depuis septembre 2015, le serveur utilise la version 14 du logiciel 4eDimension («4D»), sans que cela ne change quoi que ce soit pour les utilisateurs Web. 

    Le projet ARCHIBAB a obtenu des crédits de l'Université de recherche PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres) dans le cadre de son appel d'offres «Arts et Humanités numériques» 2015. Nous avons ainsi pu traiter et mettre en ligne les photos inédites des 263 tablettes des Mari publiées dans ARM 26/2 (les microfiches publiées dans l'ouvrage contenaient surtout des copies). 

    La table BIBLIO compte désormais 4585 fiches, avec références à un total de 32551 textes intégralement publiés. 

    La table TEXTES compte désormais 18142 fiches, soit 56% du corpus. Rappel: la version mise en ligne des textes ne reproduit pas seulementl'édition telle quelle (quand elle existe): on trouve souvent des éditions améliorées (nouvelles interprétations, collations, etc.), y compris pour les nouveautés. 

     Nouveautés (40 textes) 
    • Durand Semitica 57, 2015 (1 texte: A.375 [DC]) 
    • Marti Semitica 57, 2015 (1 texte: M.5296 et 1 “télé-joint” à FM 10 81 [DC et AJ]) 
    • Chambon Semitica 57, 2015 (1 texte: CUNES 48-12-146[DC]) 
    • Stol Anatolica 41, 2015 (1 texte: YBC 11041 [DC]) 
    • Charpin Mémoires de NABU 17, Paris, 2015 (1 texte: A.2202 [DC]) 
    • Clevenstine CDLN 2015/9 (1 texte [DC]) 
    • Rositani SEL 31, 2014 (33 étiquettes du BM [DC]) 
    • Donbaz Mél. Özgen, Ankara, 2014 (1 texte [DC])

    Travail rétrospectif (200 textes) 
    • De Graef, ATS 17, 2014 (7 textes [collations de DC au British Museum]). 
    • ShA 2, 1992 (146 textes, N. Ziegler et DC) 
    • AlT (36 textes d'Alalah réédités par J. Lauinger, Following the Man of Yamhad, CHANE 75, 2015 [J. Lauinger, B. Alexandrov et A. Jacquet]) 
    • Veenhof Mél. Larsen, 2004 (4 textes [DC]) 
    • Mohammad Akkadica 123, 2002 (7 textes de Shishin, DC) 
    • Autres textes variés (AJ)

    New in the open access series Antichistica: Commensality and Ceremonial Meals in the Neo-Assyrian Period

    Commensality and Ceremonial Meals in the Neo-Assyrian Period
    Stefania Ermidoro
    Like a language, food is a witness to the tradition and to the identity of a human group, reflecting self-representation and social interaction. Assyrians developed a particular consciousness of commensality as a vehicle for cultural messages. This book investigates institutional banquets and ritualized meals in the Neo-Assyrian period. Through a philological analysis on commensality, integrated with historical and iconographic data, it offers a new perspective on the Mesopotamian society of the first millennium BCE.
    Antichistica 8  
    Open access OPEN ACCESS
    Data pubblicazione
    See all volumes in the open access series Antichistica
    And see AWOL's

    University of Southampton Portus Project

     View image on Twitter
    Directed by Simon Keay, the Portus Project is guided by two main objectives.  Firstly, it seeks to build a better understanding of Portus itself, as well as its relationship to Ostia, Rome, and the rest of the Mediterranean.  Secondly, it aims to develop techniques that will enhance the ways in which highly complex classical sites can be investigated and recorded, and evaluate the impact of those techniques. Used in combination, non-destructive survey, open area excavation, and the computer graphic representation of excavated and graphically-simulated Roman buildings are key components to achieving these objectives.

    Open Access Journal: Studies in early Near Eastern production, subsistence, and environment (SENEPSE)

    Studies in early Near Eastern production, subsistence, and environment (SENEPSE)
    ISSN: 0947-0549
    The Prehistory of Jordan, II. Perspectives from 1997, ed. by H.G.K. Gebel, Z. Kafafi, and G.O. Rollefson (1997).

    (49 contributions, III + 662 pages, 207 figures, 46 plates, 153 tables, paperback) [ISBN 978-3-98042413-4]
    00064, Upload: 13.06.2013
    00063, Upload: 13.06.2013
    00062, Upload: 12.06.2013
    Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, ed. by H.G. Gebel and S.K. Kozlowski (1994).

    (44 contributions, IV + 601 pages, 270 figures, 16 plates, 89 tables, paperback) [ISBN 978-3-98042410-3]
    00061, Upload: 12.06.2013

    Roman Imperial Coin Concordance: Roman Imperial Coin Crowd Sourcing

    Roman Imperial Coin Concordance: Roman Imperial Coin Crowd Sourcing
    This project has been formulated by Daniel Pett (British Museum) and Ethan Gruber (American Numismatic Society) to aid with the assignation of Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) identifiers. 

    At the time of writing, the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) database holds details for over 200,000 Roman coins. Many of these fall into the Imperial coinage category. In August 2016, the facility was introduced to integrate with Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE) and tie the two resources together. This relies on the PAS records being assigned a standardised identifier, and has presented a computational problem that can possibly be solved by Human interaction with automatically generated results.

    In this project, you will be presented with a coin from the PAS database which has potential matches to RIC identifiers drawn from OCRE and matched by computational methods by Ethan Gruber using the RDF triplestorecreated by Daniel Pett. Each coin has up to 4 matches and we would like contributors to choose the most likely match, or if an exact match is impossible, to indicate that this is the case. We hope that the tutorial explains exactly how to proceed.

    Once 5 people have checked and attributed the coins, we'll consolidate data and then update the PAS database which will then populate the ANS OCRE platform with PAS examples.

    Open Access Journal: Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies

    [First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 24 December 2015]

    Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies
    ISSN 1206-5730
    Teiresias (ISSN 1206-5730) is a review and continuing bibliography of Boiotian studies. It has been published since 1971, and since 1991 has been available electronically. It is edited by Albert Schachter, Emeritus Professor of History.
    Teiresias comes out twice a year, and in addition to the bibliographical section, it publishes notes on Works in Progress submitted by scholars working on Boiotian subjects. The Work in Progress section also regularly contains annual reports from the Leiden-Ljubliana Tanagra Survey Project. Anybody interested can be added to the recipient list of Teiresias by writing to Albert Schachter.

    Download Platform (1991 to present):

    PDF iconteiresias_2015_-_1.pdf
    Teiresias 44.2 (2014) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 44.1 (2014) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 43.2 (2013) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 43.1 (2013) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 42.2 (2012) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 42.1b (2012) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 42.1a (2012) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 41.2b (2011) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 41.2a (2011) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 41.1 (2011) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 40.2 (2010) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 40.1 (2010) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 39.2 (2009) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 39.1 (2009) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 38.2 (2008) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 38.1 (2008) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 37.2 (2007) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 37.1 (2007) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 36.2 (2006) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 36.1 (2006) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 35.2 (2005) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 35.1 (2005) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 34.2 (2004) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 34.1 (2004) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 33.2 (2003) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 33.1 (2003) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 32.2 (2002) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 32.1 (2002) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 31.2 (2001) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 31.1 (2001) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 30.2 (2000) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 30.1 (2000) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 29 (1999) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 28 (1998) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 27 (1997) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 26 (1996) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 25 (1995) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 24 (1994) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 23 (1993) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 22 (1992) [.pdf]
    Teiresias 21 (1991) [.pdf

    Open Access Journal: Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies

    [First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 24 December 2014]

    Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies
    Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies, is published once a year by the Classics Students Association of McGill. The journal is completely authored, edited, and produced by undergraduate students at McGill University.

    Hirundo seeks contributions from students and alumni related to the ancient Mediterranean world broadly defined. Essays on Classical art and literature, ancient European and Near Eastern history from the prehistoric through late antique periods, religious studies, ancient philosophy, and the Classical tradition are welcome. Hirundo aims to bring together students with diverse yet overlapping interests, and offer them the opportunity to publish their work for a wider audience and thereby promote Classical Studies.

    Open Access Journal: Medicina Antiqua

    Medicina Antiqua
    Medicina Antiqua: logo
    The Medicina Antiqua Essays are short, authoritative, up-to-date treatments of specific topics in Graeco-Roman medicine and medical thought, with suggestions for further reading or WWW browsing. Several of these essays have been prompted by questions sent to AM/MA, and we welcome suggestions for additional essays. If you would like to contribute an essay, please e-mail me with your proposed topic.

    Archaeological remains as a source of evidence for Roman Medicine (pdf) by Dr Patricia Baker (Canterbury, University of Kent).
    Hellebore (Helleborus niger) by W. Jeffrey Hurst and Deborah J. Hurst.
    Rue (Ruta graveolens) the second in the Hursts' series.
    Hemlock (Conium maculatum L.) the third in the Hursts' series.
    Poisons, Poisoning, and Poisoners in Ancient Rome by Francois P. Retief & Louise Cilliers.
    Hippocrates: The "Greek Miracle" in Medicine by Ann Ellis Hanson.
    Dreams in Ancient Medicine by Lee T. Pearcy.
    Galen: A Biographical Sketch by Lee T. Pearcy.

    Ancient Medical E-Texts

    English Translations


    Hippocratic Corpus (housed at the Classics Text Archive at M.I.T.)
    On the Elements According to Hippocrates
    , by W. J. Lewis.


    Online Editions

    An abridged but hypertextual and searchable edition of the medical texts in Mary R. Lefkowitz and Maureen B. Fant, Women's Life in Greece and Rome, from Diotima. Electronic publication of several important editions of Hippocrates from the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de Médecine. Go to "Histoire de la médecine," then to "Publications électroniques."

    Open Access Journal: CIPEG E-News (Comité international pour l’Égyptologie)

    CIPEG E-News
    The “Comité international pour l’Égyptologie” (CIPEG) is one of 30 International Committees of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The scope of CIPEG deals with the international representation of Egyptian collections and museums in a worldwide community. CIPEG provides a unique panel for museum professionals and scholars who deal with Ancient Egyptian heritage.

    The Mission of CIPEG is to promote collaboration among colleagues for the study, preservation, and presentation of Egyptian collections, monuments and sites. In addition, it supports collections of Egyptian art and archaeology, including the heritage of the Ancient Sudan, with a special focus on smaller collections, within the framework of ICOM and in close co-operation with the International Association of Egyptologists (IAE).

    CIPEG also seeks to promote collaboration among museums, universities and research institutes as well as supplying partnership opportunities, sharing resources, knowledge and experience for an international forum, and holding an annual conference. CIPEG frames resolutions and policies to promote actions and, if requested, advises museum staff, scholars or institutions.

      Open Access Journal: Ancient Jew Review

       [First posted in AWOL 20 November 2014, updated 24 December 2015]

      Ancient Jew Review
      The Ancient Jew Review is a non-profit web journal devoted to the study of Ancient Judaism. In this respect, AJR incorporates scholarship from a wide range of fields, including Roman History, Persian History, Biblical Studies, Ancient Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism, and the Second Temple. AJR is committed to regularly showcasing content from these respective fields, interviewing scholars on past and future projects, and discussing new publications in hopes of furthering the collaborative resources of scholarship in antiquity.


      Krista Dalton is a PhD student at Columbia. 
      Simcha Gross is a PhD student at Yale. 
      Nathan Schumer is a PhD Candidate at Columbia.

      Alphabetical List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

      [The version history of this list is at: Updates on the list of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies]

      This list includes 1587titles

      Have you found a broken link in this list?  Let me know via the comments.

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