Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt: Halle, Jena, Leipzig

Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt: Halle, Jena, Leipzig
Das gemeinsame Vorhaben der Papyrussammlungen in Halle, Jena und Leipzig hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die jeweiligen Papyrus-und seit 2009 auch die Ostrakabestände nach gemeinsam entwickelten Kriterien zu katalogisieren, zu digitalisieren sowie gleichzeitig eine Sicherheitsverfilmung durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse der Digitalisierung und Katalogisierung werden mit Kurzbeschreibung und Bild über diese Seite sowohl den Spezialisten als auch einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Implementierung erfolgte auf Basis des Open Source Projektes MyCoRe, welches von einer Reihe deutscher Universitäten entwickelt wurde und weiterentwickelt wird.

Achtung, die Präsentation der Papyri befindet sich derzeit im Aufbau bzw. in Erweiterung. In den kommenden Monaten wird die Zahl der eingestellten Papyri stetig weiter steigen. Wir freuen uns, dass nach und nach für ausgewählte Ostraka 3D-Darstellungen angeboten werden können. Diese finden Sie in der Ansicht des Objektes unter 'Digitale Dokumente'. Die Darstellung erfolgt mit WebGL. Ob Ihr Browser diese Funktion bereits unterstützt, können Sie unter http://get.webgl.orgüberprüfen.

Open Access Journal: Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo - Building and Stone-masonry

 [First posted in AWOL 10 February 2010, updated 28 November 2015]

Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo - Building and Stone-masonry
ISSN: 0353-7897
Časopis Klesarstvo i graditeljstvo je zamišljen kao mjesto sučeljavanja i razmjene znanstvenih spoznaja koja zalaze u područje arheologije, povijesti umjetnosti i graditeljstva, povijesti tehničkih znanosti, očuvanja i zaštite kulturne baštine i kulturnog identiteta sredine, arhitekture i urbanizma, tehnologije branja, obrade, ugradbe i zaštite kamena, petrologije, geologije, rudarstva, područja umjetnosti i klesarstva, kiparstva i dizajna u kamenu. Izuzetno je značajna i njegova didaktička vrijednost za najširi krug građana, ljubitelja kamena i klesarskog umijeća, učenika, studenata akademije i postdiplomaca različitih usmjerenja. Časopis je pokrenut kao realizacija ideje izrečene tijekom proslave 80-te obljetnice osnutka Klesarske škole u Pučišćima. Opseg časopisa obuhvaća sva područja koja s bilo koje strane osvjetljavaju tematiku kamena.

Building and Stonemasonry journal is intended as a meeting point for the exchange of scientific knowledge, and the discussion of that knowledge, reaching into areas of archaeology, art history, construction, technical science history, the preservation and protection of the cultural heritage and cultural identity of a certain region, architecture and urbanism, the technology of harvesting, treatment, installation and protection of stone, petrology, geology and mining, as well as the fields of artistry, stone masonry, sculpture, and stone design.

Its didactic value is also extremely relevant for a wide group of people; stone and stonemasonry craft lovers, pupils, academy students and post graduates of various orientations. This journal was launched as an implementation of the idea presented during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Stonemasonry School in Pučišća, on the island of Brač.

The volume of the journal encompasses all areas, thus illuminating all the various aspects of stone themes.

 Vol. XXV  No. 1-4
 Vol. XXIV  No. 1-2
 Vol. XXIII  No. 1-4
 Vol. XXII  No. 3-4
 Vol. XXII  No. 1-2
 Vol. XXI  No. 3-4
 Vol. XXI  No. 1-2
 Vol. XX  No. 3-4
 Vol. XX  No. 1-2

Lehrfilm zum Schreiben von Keilschrift

Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

 [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated 29 November 2015]

[Open Access after registration]
'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is available via the IAA website.

For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors.

Range of Topics.‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds, such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
‘Atiqot 83 ISBN 978-965-406-531-3
  • A Tomb from the Early Bronze Age I and the Intermediate Bronze Age at Azor (Hebrew, pp. 1*–8*; English summary, p. 255)
    Eli Yannai
    Keywords: cemetery, burial goods
  • Two Seasons of Rescue and Exploratory Excavations at Horbat ‘Avot, Upper Galilee (with a contribution by Orit Shamir)(pp. 1–66)
    Eliot Braun
    Keywords: Upper Galilee, Horvat Avot, Iron Age, Neolithic period, Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age burials, Persian period, Wavy-Band pithoi, Galilean pithoi, incisions, potter’s marks, trade, economy, hill country, typology, ethnicity
  • A Pottery Workshop at Ahihud and Its Relationship to the Jar Industry in the Northeastern Zevulun Valley and Western Galilee during the Roman Period (pp. 67–92)
    Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Anastasia Shapiro
    Keywords: Western Galilee, pottery industry, double kiln, technology, typology, wine production, oil production, petrology, economy
  • Roman Burial Caves at I‘billin (with a contribution by Irina Segal)(pp. 93–123)
    Nurit Feig and Shulamit Hadad
    Keywords: Lower Galilee, cemetery, loculi (kokhim), burial goods, ethnicity, kohl analysis, purity laws, Jewish halakha
  • Meron: A Late Roman–Ottoman Settlement (pp. 125–142)
    Howard Smithline
    Keywords: Upper Galilee, Jewish pilgrimage, itineraries of Jewish travelers, Jewish community, Crusader documents, Frankish population, Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
    • The Coins from Meron (pp. 143–144)
      Danny Syon
      Keywords: Upper Galilee, numismatics
  • A Georgian Monastery from the Byzantine Period at Khirbat Umm Leisun, Jerusalem (with a contribution by Jon Seligman and Iulon Gagoshidze)(pp. 145–179)
    Jon Seligman
    Keywords: Jerusalem, coenobium, monastic complex, monks, Bishop Iohane, mosaics, burial, anthropology, population, Christianity, Georgian language, inscription, epigraphy, paleography, stamped tiles
    • Paleographic Study of the Georgian Tombstone from Khirbat Umm Leisun, Jerusalem (pp. 181–184)
      Giorgi Gagoshidze
      Keywords: Jerusalem, Georgian epigraph, paleography, monastery, Georgian language, Christianity, epigraphy
    • The Inscription from Khirbat Umm Leisun, and Georgian Presence in the Holy Land (pp. 185–193)
      Tamila Mgaloblishvili
      Keywords: Jerusalem, Georgian epigraphy, paleography, monastery, Georgian language, Christianity, epigraphy, monastic life, Peter the Iberian, etymology, Georgian pilgrims, Georgian travelers, Georgian church
    • Bishop Iohane from Khirbat Umm Leisun and the Caucasian Albanian Church (pp. 195–197)
      Yana Tchekhanovets
      Keywords: Jerusalem, Caucasian history, Georgian epigraphy, paleography, monastery, Georgian language, Christianity, epigraphy, monastic life, Peter the Iberian, etymology, Georgian church, Armenia, Georgia, Albania
    • Glass Vessels from the Monastery at Khirbat Umm Leisun, Jerusalem (pp. 199–204)
      Natalya Katsnelson
      Keywords: Jerusalem, Byzantine period, Early Islamic period, eulogia, Christian motifs, Christianity
    • The Skeletal Remains from Khirbat Umm Leisun, Jerusalem (pp. 205–208)
      Yossi Nagar
      Keywords: Jerusalem, Byzantine period, anthropology, monastery, population, demography
  • A Late Byzantine Industrial Quarter and Early Islamic-Period Finds at Horbat Be’er Shema‘ (pp. 209–248)
    Tali Erickson-Gini, Benjamin J. Dolinka and Larissa Shilov
    Keywords: ancient sources, Justinian Plague, Islamic conquest, wine production, screw press, numismatics, bronze coins, pottery kiln, economy, church, industry
    • Magnetic Prospecting of Archaeological Targets at Horbat Be’er Shema‘ (pp. 249–253)
      Sonia Itkis
      Keywords: geophysics
Past Issues

Open Access Journal: CEDRUS: Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Dergisi

CEDRUS: Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırma Dergisi
ISSN: 2147-8058
e-ISSN: 2148-1431
Akdeniz Uygarlıkları Araştırması Enstitüsü tarafından hazırlanan Cedrus, Tür­kiye tarihsel coğrafyası perspektifinde Akdeniz Hav­zası’nın kültür-tarih birikimini inceleyen Eskiçağ, Ortaçağ ve Yeni-Yakınçağ tarihi uzmanları için tartışma zemini bulacakları disiplin­lerarası bir süreli yayın olmayı hedeflemektedir. CEDRUS, farklı disiplinlerden gelen bilim insanları arasında diyaloğun geliştirilmesi, var olan bilginin güncellenmesi ve yaygınlaştırıl­ması süreçlerine katkı sağlayacak özgün ve bilim­sel çalışmaları akademi dünyasının ilgisine sun­mayı amaçlar. CEDRUS uluslararası hakemli bir dergi olup yılda bir kez yayımlanır.

The aim of the CEDRUS: The Journal of Mediterranean Civilisations Studies, an interdisciplinary publication, is to offer a forum for discussion to researchers focusing upon the Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern and Modern Periods and for the analysis of the cultural-historical background of the Mediterranean Basin within the extensive perspective of Turkey’s historical geography. CEDRUS aims to bring together original academic studies that can contribute to the process of developing shared perspectives and approaches between scholars from different disciplines and of revising and synthesizing the currently available knowledge for the attention of the academic world. Cedrus is a peer-reviewed journal published each year.

Volume 3

Untitled-1 İçindekiler

Sencer ŞAHİN
Cedrus III (2015) VII-XXV. 

Cengiz ÇETİN
Cedrus III (2015) 1-30. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011393

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 51-66. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011394

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 55-73. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011395

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 67-87. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011396

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 89-117. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011397

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 119-128. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011398

Öz & Abstract

Tarkan KAHYA
Cedrus III (2015) 129-139. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011399

Öz & Abstract

Erdoğan ASLAN
Cedrus III (2015) 141-161. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011400

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 163-180. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011401

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 181-229. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011410

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 231-242. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011411

Abstract & Öz

Cedrus III (2015) 243-256. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011402

Öz & Abstract

Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK
Cedrus III (2015) 257-267. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011403

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 269-276. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011404

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 277-310. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011405

Abstract & Öz

Tarana OKTAN – Leyla DERVİŞ
Cedrus III (2015) 311-328. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011406

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 329-336. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011407

Öz & Abstract

Fahrettin TIZLAK
Cedrus III (2015) 337-350. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011412

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 351-364. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011408

Öz & Abstract

Cedrus III (2015) 365-378. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011413

Öz & Abstract


Erkan Kurul
Cedrus III (2015) 379-389. DOI: 10.13113/CEDRUS.2015011409


Turkish Archaeological News

Turkish Archaeological News
Turkish Archaeological News aims at providing news about the latest archaeological discoveries in Turkey or related with history of Anatolia. We publish articles describing archaeological sites in Turkey and photos taken during our trips.

The site is published by ASLAN publishing company.

Tabbourt Imgharen: La Porte des Anciens

Tabbourt Imgharen: La Porte des Anciens
Différents sites à votre disposition…

Vous pouvez ou pourrez consulter à partir d'ici les sites suivants : A) Maghreb :1) Bibliographie du Maghreb antique et médiéval   
Bibliographie par auteurs. Tables de revues, de mélanges,
de congrès, compléments pratiques aux Atlas archéologiques, etc…
2) Photographies aériennes des principaux sites antiques d'Algérie par Edouard Stawski (1961-2)
3) En cours de construction : L'aventure du Magenta : 2000 stèles puniques de Carthage au fond du port de Toulon...
4) En cours de construction : Kabylie antique
5) Outils d'archéologie algérienne
Outils et utilitaires en complément à l'Atlas archéologique de l'Algérie
Notamment 134 pages de compléments bibliographiques à l'Atlas archéologique.
6) Outils d'archéologie tunisienne
Outils et utilitaires en complément à l'Atlas archéologique de la Tunisie
B) France :- Meaux gallo-romain (présentation de la ville antique)
- Meaux : un patrimoine antique  en péril (en cours de construction)
- Histoire et Historiens de Seine-et-Marne
C) Turquie :
Alexandria Troas ( En cours de construction)
« Sic ergo quaeramus tamquam inventuri, et sic inveniamus tamquam quaesituri »
Cherchons comme devant trouver et trouvons comme devant chercher encore »,
Saint Augustin, De Trinitate, IX, 1,1.
Bonne lecture, et merci de vos remarques . .

Open Access Journal: Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica

[First posted in AWOL 2 July 2009. Updated 30 November 2015]

Ítaca: quaderns catalans de cultura clàssica
ISSN 0213-6643 
ISSN electrònic 2013-9519

Ítaca (ISSN 0213-6643 / ISSN electrònic 2013-9519) és una revista de recerca en estudis clàssics, publicada per la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Clàssics, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans i que compta amb l'assessorament d'un comitè internacional d'especialistes. Amb aquesta publicació, la Societat pretén col·laborar en la redimensió de tota la cultura clàssica des d'una òptica interdisciplinària i amb rigor filològic. Té obertes les portes als estudiosos del país i d'arreu amb novetats per comunicar sobre el nostre àmbit d'estudi. 


2012: Núm. 27 : 2011


















New in OAPEN: Klassizismus in Aktion

Klassizismus in Aktion
Author(s)    Wolf, Norbert Christian & Ehrmann, Daniel
Publisher    Böhlau, Wien
Published    2015-11-16

Abstract:    The collection of essays considers the art journal Propyläen that was edited by Goethe in the years between 1798 and 1800 for the first time as a whole. This enterprise, which was of great significance for the history of aesthetics, will be placed in a new light. The book situates the texts within their historical contexts, and thus provides a key resource for future research, for literary as well as art studies.
Abstract (other language):    Die Beiträge des Bandes beschäftigen sich mit der von Goethe herausgegebenen Kunstzeitschrift Propyläen. Erstmals werden die darin veröffentlichten Texte und Abbildungen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive unter Berücksichtigung des inneren Zusammenhangs der Zeitschrift sowie der zeitgenössischen Kontexte untersucht. Der Forschung soll so ein vertiefender Einblick in die spannungsreiche Beschaffenheit des klassizistischen Weimarer Kunstprogramms eröffnet werden.
Keywords    Classicism, Goethe, around 1800, Aesthetics, Literary Theory and Literary History, Art Theory and Art History, Classical Archeology
Language    de
Number of pages    462 Seiten
ISBN    9783205200895

Open Access Journal: Talia Dixit: Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography

[First posted in AWOL 9 November 2009. Updated 30 November 2015]

Talia Dixit: Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography
ISSN: 1886-9440
Talia Dixit: Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetoric and Historiography is a peer-reviewed electronic journal devoted to the study of rhetoric and historiography up until the Renaissance. Interdisciplinary in approach, the journal aims to take into account the rhetoric, cultural and ideological context of historiographic texts, and to provide a platform for historiographers and literary scholars to share perspectives on the analysis of classical, medieval and renaissance texts. 

Octubre 2014
Octubre 2013
Octubre 2012
Octubre 2011
Octubre 2010
Octubre 2009
Octubre 2008
Octubre 2007
Octubre 2006

Open Access Journal: Middle East - Topics & Arguments

Middle East - Topics & Arguments
ISSN: 2196-629X
Middle East – Topics & Arguments is a unique platform for innovative research on the Middle East combining disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. Articles critically reevaluate established scholarly traditions and think beyond entrenched disciplinary boundaries. By bringing together well-known academics and young scholars with international backgrounds, a broad range of perspectives will ensure lively debates.

Middle East – Topics and Arguments wants to encourage interdisciplinary discussion on two levels: Firstly, between social sciences and humanities in the field of Middle Eastern studies, and secondly, between Middle Eastern studies and the systematic disciplines. We thereby aim at integrating regional academic discourse into a global setting. We hope to ensure trans-regional comparability, thus leaving behind the notion of cultural and religious exceptionalism which has for a long been connected with Middle Eastern studies.

Each issue of Middle East – Topics & Arguments focuses on one main topic. This allows for perspectives from different disciplines, such as:

cultural studies
literary studies
political science
ancient studies


Hortensii: Tackling the problems facing PhDs without permanent jobs

Hortensii: Tackling the problems facing PhDs without permanent jobs
Hortensii is a group of people inside and outside academia who want to alleviate the difficulties facing PhDs without permanent academic jobs. (We take our name from the Roman Quintus Hortensius, who in c. 287 BC sponsored the Lex Hortensia giving civil rights to Roman plebeians; our photograph is of Benjamin Franklin, who would also have wanted to help.) We think that even given current unpleasant realities facing academia many positive steps could be taken; see ‘What to do and why’ for exactly what these are, but to oversimplify grossly our goals are both to reduce the oversupply of disappointed would-be academics and to make life easier for PhDs who choose to remain in academia without a permanent job. We welcome anyone who shares these goals and is in broad agreement with our proposed actions to join us and help implement them, and we ask people with other agendas to respect ours and leave us to it. We are not fighting against anyone or anything and are not affiliated with any movement, political party, or country. Nor are we trying to help individuals gain employment or to interfere in any way with decisions on who should get the limited number of academic jobs available; as we have different subjects and different views on what constitutes good academic work in our fields, we wish to avoid internal dissension by remaining strictly neutral in such matters so we can work together to make life better for a group that badly needs such help. At present the contact person for Hortensii is Eleanor Dickey, a Classicist at the University of Reading in England.

ARIT Newsletter On-Line

 [First posted in AWOL 4 December 2009. Updated 30 November 2015]

ARIT Newsletter On-Line
Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.
Volume 58, Spring 2015
Volume 58, Spring 2015
  - Studies related to Turkey grow, along with ARIT institutional membership
      - ARIT Istanbul opens new on-line access to American Board archives and library materials
      - ARIT Ankara director presents at the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
and facilitates programs on cultural heritage protection
      - Research reports: On social complexity and crop production at chalcolithic Çadır Höyük and on Looking over Ottoman readers' shoulders.
Volume 57, Fall 2014
  - ARIT and the NEH.
      - ARIT Istanbul Friends initiate the John Freely Fellowship Fund.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.

      - Research report: Subsistence and Ritual as evidenced by bone remains in southern Cappadocia.
Volume 56, Spring 2014
      - Reflections on ARIT's 50th.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.
      - Research reports: Statistics and reform in contemporary Turkey; the musical life of two Bektashi communities; Ottoman physical culture.
Volume 55, Spring 2013
      - 2014 is ARIT's 50th year: reflecting on past accomplishments and future plans.
 - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional member
      - New publication: writings of Dr. Toni M. Cross
      - Research reports: library collections of Ottoman Sufi scholars; Armenian churches in Istanbul.

Volume 54, Fall 2012
      - ARIT plans adaptations to reduced funding
 - ARIT welcomes five new institutional members
      - Research report: Classical architects of Asia Minor; Authenticating Eyüp in Istanbul.

Volume 53, Spring 2012
- ARIT's funding worries continue
 - ARIT Istanbul Library acquires the massive archive of the American Board of Missions
      - ARIT Ankara director reports on Turkish fellows traveling to Greece
      - Research report: Early Republican political cartoons

Volume 52, Fall 2011
      - ARIT loses much of its federal support for overseas operations and programs
      - ARIT Istanbul Library posts publications from the Library of the American Board of Missions on-line
      - ARIT Ankara director shares new developments concerning permits for U.S. archaeological excavations and surveys
      - Research report: Byzantine shipwreck explored

Volume 51, Spring 2011
      - ARIT Istanbul facilities and developments
      - Library of the American Board of Missions at ARIT Istanbul
      - ARIT Ankara names Coulson - Cross Aegean Exchange fellows for 2011
      - Research reports:  Ottoman Women, Legal Reform, and Social Change; Spanish Moriscos in the Ottoman realm

Volume 50, Fall 2010
      - Local Archives and Libraries of Overseas Research Centers (LAORC) launches new database on the Digital Library for International Research (DLIR)
      - Access to research facilities in Istanbul
      - ARIT facilitates cooperation with new permit procedures for archaeological projects
      - Research reports:  Religion and politics and the Ottoman-Iranian border; Polychromy of Roman marble sculpture from Aphrodisias

Volume 49, Spring 2010
      - Meet the new ARIT President
      - New ARIT Turkish fellows pursue a broad range of research projects
      - Archaeologists adapt to new excavation regulations
      - Research reports:  Late Antique Portrait Sculpture; Perspectives of German-Turkish return migrants.

Volume 48, Fall 2009
      - ARIT President Sams recounts his presidency that is coming to an end
      - ARIT center affiliates have diverse backgrounds and interests
      - ARIT Ankara and Cypriot American Archaeological Research Institute exchange scholar/directors
      - Research reports:  Piracy in the Ottoman Mediterranean; Hittite conception of space.

Volume 47, Spring 2009
      - ARIT Mellon Fellows contributions.
      - New tours and sites in Turkey
      - Machteld J. Mellink remembered in Ankara
      - Research report:  A study of Ottoman deeds in Çorum yields detailed histories.

Volume 46, Fall 2008
       - ARIT Ankara director changes: farewell to Baha Yildirim, greetings to Elif Denel.
       - Turkish Language programs and fellowships program grow
       - ARIT continues to seek new facilities for the Istanbul center
       - Research reports:  Ottoman military levies; Little Ice Age crisis in Ottoman lands.

Volume 45, Spring 2008
        - ARIT begins building a library endowment with the help of the NEH Endowment Challenge grant.
        - Kress Foundation fellows cited; Turkish fellowships program grows
        - ARIT seeks new facilities for the Istanbul center
        - Research reports:  Turkish Alevism; Greek pottery at Gordion.

Volume 44, Fall 2007
        - ARIT wins NEH Endowment Challenge grant to upgrade libraries.
        - Joukowsky Family Foundation supports publication of fellows' research.
        - Research reports:  Suleyman the Lawgiver; Cultural Debates in Istanbul Recording Studios.

Volume 43, Spring 2007
        - Ankara Library receives Mellink collection and expands.
        - Expanded intensive Department of State Turkish language programs continue.
        - Research reports:  The Making of the National Identity in Ottoman Macedonia; The Tektaş Burnu Shipwreck.

Volume 42, Fall 2006
        - The Council of American Overseas Research Centers marks twenty-five years.
        - New Department of State funding supports advanced language study in Turkey for U.S. beginning students.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2006-2007.
        - Research report:  The Architectural Patronage of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad

Volume 41, Spring 2006
       - Machteld Johanna Mellink remembrance.
       - New legal status for ARIT in Turkey in process.
       - Annual Fund drive.
       - Research reports:  Thracian Names and the Greek Epigraphic Evidence in East Thrace and Asia Minor; Secularizations and their Discontents:  a Cross-National Study;        The Civil Basilica of Aphrodisias.   

Volume 40, Fall 2005
        - George and Ilse Hanfmann Fellowship Program.
        - Increased research activities in libraries and hostels in both Ankara and Istanbul.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2005-2006.
        - Research report:  Roman urbanism in southwestern Turkey; history of the Sabbatian communities.    

 Volume 39, Spring 2005
        - The Turkish Cultural Foundation offers new support for Turkish fellows in Turkey.
        - Increased support means more Turkish fellows supported in the program administered by the Istanbul Dernek.
        - Aegean Exchange fellows plan their research projects in Greece.
        - Annual fund drive.
        - Research Report:  Byzantine-Ottoman 'overlap' architecture in Turkey.   
Volume 38, Fall 2004
        - William D. E. Coulson - Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange gains permanent funding through the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

        - Changes in the laws guiding applications for research permissions occupy directors in both centers.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2004-2005.
        - Research report:  ancient wine-making in Turkey.    

Volume 37, Spring 2004
        - Interest in U.S.-based research in Turkey on the increase; research are programs thriving.
        - New Turkish law changes the process for foreigners applying for research permissions.  
        - Hanfmann Fellows travel abroad to carry out varied research projects; the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Consulate in Ankara continues to support the Aegean Exchange Program.
        - Research report:  prehistoric dietary habits examined through micro-wear analysis.

Latsis Public Benefit Foundation volume on Mycenae

Since 1997, the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation has produced each year a volume devoted to a single archaeological museum, aiming to create a series whose scholarly prestige and aesthetic approach contribute to a deeper knowledge and further understanding of the various aspects of the history of Greek civilisation. These volumes are distributed free of charge to those who are on the foundation's mailing list, and to others who request them.

The foundation also issues them in open access digital format. The volume on Mycenaeis the most recent to appear. Seventeen volumes are now available

Author : Alcestis Papadimitriou

Year Published : 2015

©Copyright : John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation, 2015

ISBN : 978-618-82150-0-9

Publisher : John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation

Pages : 328

Τhis book includes photographs of monuments and exhibits from the archaeological site and the museum of Mycenae, which are under the authority of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Argolida, as well as the National Archaeological Museum. The Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs has the copyright of the photographs of antiquities and of the actual antiquities that comprise the visual content of the photographs. The Archaeological Receipts Fund of Greece receives all fees for the publication of photographs bearing the Ministry’s copyright (Law 3028/2002). The Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Education and Religious Affairs remains exclusively competent to grant to any third party permission to use the photographs.

Durham University Archaeology Dissertations

Durham University Archaeology Dissertations
[Many, but not all, have full-text online]


AFSHAR, ZAHRA (2014) Mobility and economic transition in the 5th to the 2nd millennium B.C. in the population of the Central Iranian Plateau, Tepe Hissar. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-GHAMDI, SAUD,ABDULAZIZ (2011) The Neolithic Archaeology of the South west of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AL-SADEQI, WALEED,MOHAMED,ABDULRAHIM (2013) The Ancient Beads of Bahrain: A Study of Ornaments from the Dilmun and Tylos Eras. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ANDERSON, ARTHUR,WILLIAM (2012) Traditions and Transitions: Later and Roman Iron Age Communities in the North-East of England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
AZZOPARDI, GEORGE (2014) Religious Landscapes and Identities of the Maltese Islands in a Mediterranean Context: 700 B.C. - A.D. 500. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


BAKER, JOCELYN,MARGARET (2013) The Colour and Composition of Early Anglo-Saxon Copper Alloy Jewellery. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BERGIUS, GWENDOLINE,CLARE,COURTENA (2012) The Anglo-Saxon stone sculpture of Mercia as evidence for continental influence and cultural exchange. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BERNOFSKY, KAREN,STACY (2010) Respiratory health in the past: a bioarchaeological study of chronic maxillary sinusitis and rib periostitis from the Iron Age to the Post Medieval Period in Southern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BERTINI, LOUISE,CATHERINE (2011) Changes in Suid and Caprine Husbandry Practices Throughout Dynastic Egypt Using Linear Enamel Hypoplasia (LEH). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BINDER, MICHAELA (2014) Health and Diet in Upper Nubia through Climate and
Political Change - A bioarchaeological investigation of health and living conditions at ancient Amara West between 1300 and 800BC.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BISHOP, ROSEMARY,RHIANNON (2013) Plant gatherers, plant managers or agriculturalists? The importance of wild and domestic plants in Mesolithic and Neolithic Scotland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BLAIN, SOPHIE,EMILIE,LEA (2009) Ceramic building materials in early medieval churches in north-western France and south-eastern England.
Application of luminescence dating to building archaeology.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BOLD, RACHAEL (2012) Norse Utilisation of Archaeobotanical Resources within the Myvatnssveit locale, Northern Iceland. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRADBURY, JENNIE,NICOLE (2011) Landscapes of Burial? The Homs Basalt, Syria in the 4th-3rd
millennia BC.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BRITTON, KATE,HELENA (2010) Multi-isotope analysis and the reconstruction of prey species palaeomigrations and palaeoecology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
BROWN, PETER,JAMES (2015) Adverse Weather Conditions in Medieval Britain: An Archaeological Assessment of the Impact of Meteorological Hazards. Masters thesis, Durham University.
BRUNDLE, LISA,MARY (2014) Image and Performance, Agency and Ideology:
Human Figurative Representation in Anglo-Saxon Funerary Art,
AD 400 – 750.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

BUCHANAN, BRIAN,GREGORY (2015) Households, Settlements, and Landscapes in Iron Age, Roman, and Early Medieval Northumbria: A Spatial Analysis of North-East England, c. 100 BC-AD 800. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


CAMPBELL, MHAIRI,MYFANWY (2013) Tell Nebi Mend: Trench VIII. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Colquhoun, Ian (2015) The Bronze Swords of Ireland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
COONEY, WILLIAM (2011) Egypt’s encounter with the West: Race, Culture and Identity. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CORREAS-AMADOR, MARIA (2013) Ethnoarchaeology of Egyptian mudbrick houses: towards a holistic understanding of ancient Egyptian domestic architecture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CRAPS, DAVINA,DENISE (2015) Exploring New Research Avenues for Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis in Palaeopathology: Interdisciplinary Approaches Focusing on Methodological Techniques. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CROWTHER, THOMAS,GREGORY,WILLIAM (2014) Bridging Gaps through Light: An Archaeological Exploration of Light and Dark in the Atlantic Scottish Iron Age. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
CUNLIFFE, EMMA,LOUISE (2013) Satellites and Site Destruction: An Analysis of Modern Impacts on the Archaeological Resource of the Ancient Near East. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


D'AMICO, ERICA (2011) Byzantine Finewares in Italy (10th to 14th Centuries AD):
Social and Economic Contexts in the Mediterranean World.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DAROOGHEH-NOKHODCHERI, RANA (2014) Nationalism, Politics, and the Practice of Archaeology: The Case Study of Iran. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DAVIS, CHRISTOPHER,EDWARD (2013) Early Buddhist Monasteries in Sri Lanka: A Landscape Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

DOOLEY-FAIRCHILD, SIRA,MADDALENA (2012) Material Belief: A Critical History of Archaeological Approaches to Religious Change in Anglo-Saxon England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DREW, CARRIE,ANN (2010) Pigs from six medieval sites in Flanders: A multiple methodological approach to the study of their husbandry development. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
DRINKALL, HELEN,CLARE (2014) Expanding our horizons: an exploration of hominin landscape use in the Lower Palaeolithic of Britain and the question of upland home bases or lowland living sites. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


FOULDS, ELIZABETH,MARIE (2014) Glass Beads in Iron Age Britain: a social approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
FOULDS, FREDERICK,WILLIAM,FRANCIS (2012) Imperceptible Individuals: issues in the applications of social theory to Lower Palaeolithic material culture. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


GABER, AMR (2009) The Central Hall in the Egyptian Temples of the Ptolemaic Period. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GIDNEY, LOUISA,JANE (2013) Offspring of the Aurochs: A comparison of a reference collection of Dexter cattle skeletons with archaeological and historical data. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GIRDLAND-FLINK, LINUS (2013) Investigating patterns of animal domestication using ancient DNA. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRAF, JANICE,CAROL (2012) Windows into the past: an investigation into prior activity at Neolithic monuments in Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
GRAINGER, SCOTT (2009) Development of techniques for high-resolution spatially-resolved elemental analysis in materials of interest in luminescence dating. Masters thesis, Durham University.
GURLING, THOMAS (2009) Luminescence Dating of Medieval and Early Modern Brickwork. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


HARTIS, RICHARD,GEOFFREY (2010) Beyond Functionalism: A Quantitative Survey and Semiotic Reading of Hadrian's Wall. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
HUCKLESBY, CLARE,LOUISE (2008) An Anthropology of Conservation. Masters thesis, Durham University.
HUTTON, GILLIAN,MARIA (2011) Roads and Routeways in County Durham: 1530-1730. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


JENNINGS, JAIME,DORIS (2010) Stress Along the Medieval Anglo-Scottish Border? Skeletal Indicators of Conflict-Zone Health. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


KALKANIS, EMMANOUIL (2012) Reception and Artefacts in the Making of Late Eighteenth-Century Visual Culture: The Cultural Biography of Sir William Hamilton’s Vases. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KELLEHER, RICHARD,MARK (2013) Coins, monetisation and re-use in medieval England and Wales: new interpretations made possible by the Portable Antiquities Scheme. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
KENDALL, ROSS (2014) Past Endemic Malaria and Adaptive Responses in the Fens and Marshlands of Eastern England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


LAIDLER, SOPHIE,JANE (2011) Contemporary and Competing Vistas: Public Perceptions of Wearmouth and Jarrow. Masters thesis, Durham University.
LANKESTER, FRANCIS,DAVID (2012) Predynastic & Pharaonic era Rock-Art in
Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert:
Distribution, Dating & Interpretation.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

LAWRENCE, DAN (2012) Early Urbanism in the Northern Fertile Crescent: A Comparison of Regional Settlement Trajectories and Millennial Landscape Change. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
LEBRASSEUR, OPHELIE,MELODIE,MARINE (2014) Dogs, Chickens and Ants: Investigating the reliability of modern maternal genetic data in retracing early dispersals. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


MARSHALL, JENNY,LEE (2012) Missing Links:

Demic Diffusion and the Development of Agriculture on the Central Iranian Plateau.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MASON, PAUL,MACKENZIE (2014) The Early English Factories of South-West India:
A Historical Archaeology Perspective.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

MAZZILLI, FRANCESCA (2014) Beyond religion: cultural exchange and economy in northern Phoenicia and the
Hauran, Syria.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

MCCARRISON, KIRSTY,ELIZABETH (2012) Exploring Prehistoric Tuberculosis in Britain: A Combined Macroscopic and Biomolecular Approach. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MILLSON, DANA,CORRINE,EMMILINE (2013) Ceramics of the Tyne-Forth Region, C. 3500-1500 BC. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MUNDEE, MICHELLE,MARIE (2010) Exploring Diet and Society in Medieval Spain: New Approaches Using Stable Isotope Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
MURTAGH, PAUL,JOSEPH (2014) Materiality, community and identity: The Iron Age of west central Scotland. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


NISHITANI, AKIRA (2012) Typological Classification and the Chronology of Iron Age pottery in central-southern Britain. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


O'DONNELL, RONAN,PETER (2014) Landscape, agency and enclosure: transformations in the rural landscape of north-east England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


PERRI, ANGELA,RAY (2013) Global Hunting Adaptations to Early Holocene Temperate Forests: Intentional Dog Burials as Evidence of Hunting Strategies. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PIOFFET, HELENE,CAROLE,SOPHIE (2015) Sociétés et Identités du Premier Néolithique de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande dans leur contexte ouest européen : caractérisation et analyses comparatives des productions céramiques entre Manche, Mer d'Irlande et Mer du Nord. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PIRISINO, DANIELE (2015) The Route of the Pythaïs through Athens and Attica. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PONCE, PAOLA,VANESA (2010) A comparative study of activity-related skeletal changes in 3rd-2nd millennium BC coastal fishers and 1st millenium AD inland agriculturists in Chile, South America. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PONROY, COME,VINCENT-MARIE (2014) Challenging models of Late Iron Age urbanism and state formation in Gaul: The Segusiavi territory between 600 BC and AD50. Masters thesis, Durham University.
POWELL, LINDSAY,ANNE (2014) Childhood Health and Diet in Roman London: The Palaeodemographic, Palaeopathological and Isotopic Evidence. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
PRIOR, JONATHAN,DAVID (2015) The Impact of Glassblowing on the Early-Roman Glass Industry (circa 50 B.C. – A.D. 79). Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


RAYNE, LOUISE,ELIZABETH (2014) Water and Territorial Empires. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROBERTSON, STUART (2015) The Crisis of the 3rd Century A.D.: Wage Increases and Inflation in Roman Egypt. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
ROHL, DARRELL,JESSE (2014) More than a Roman Monument: A Place-centred Approach to the Long-term History and Archaeology of the Antonine Wall. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


SAUNDERS, BEN,JOHN,OLIVER (2013) The trade and distribution of ceramics in the Western Indian Ocean 1250-1550AD

An analysis of current available assemblages from Arabia, Iran and East Africa.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

SHARMAN, JENNIFER,ALEXIA (2013) Age, sex and the life course: population variability in human ageing and implications for bioarchaeology. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Masters thesis, Durham University.

SKINNER, ALEXIS,TUDOR (2014) Impact and change:
assembly practices in the Northern Danelaw.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

STANDLEY, ELEANOR,ROSE (2010) Trinkets and Charms: the use, meaning and significance of later medieval and early post-medieval dress accessories. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
Steer, K. A. (1938) The archaeology of Roman Durham. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
STRICKLAND, KEIR,MAGALIE (2011) The Jungle Tide:
“Collapse” in Early Mediaeval Sri Lanka.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

Swinbank, Brenda (1954) The vallum reconsidered. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


TALLYN, ASHLEY,ELIZABETH (2014) Quality of Life in Medieval Monasteries and Nunneries. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TANCOCK, DEVON,LEE,KASE (2014) Congenital Defects in 18th and 19th Century Populations from Rural and Urban Northeast England. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
TREMBLAY, JENNIFER,CARRIE (2014) The Mauryan Horizon:
An Archaeological Analysis of Early Buddhism and the Mauryan Empire at Lumbini, Nepal.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

TSUNEKI, MAI (2014) Metalwork from Central Anatolia in the Assyrian Colony Period: A Review in the Light of Finds from the Level IIIc Destruction at Kaman-Kalehöyük. Masters thesis, Durham University.


UPEX, BETHAN,ROSEMARY (2009) Enamel hypoplasia in modern and archaeological caprine populations:
The development and application of a new methodological approach.
Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


VILLALOBOS ACOSTA, CESAR (2011) Archaeology in Circulation: Nationalism and Tourism in Post-Revolutionary Mexican Coins, Notes, Stamps and Guidebooks. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.


WALKER, JAMES,WILLIAM,PADDISON (2014) Rethinking the significance of the microlith for hunting in the terminal Pleistocene / Holocene: A comparative study. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WEINSTEIN, ROSEMARY (2011) The Archaeology of Pewter Vessels in England 1200-1700: A Study of Form and Usage. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WELLS, EMMA,JANE (2013) An Archaeology of Sensory Experience: Pilgrimage in the Medieval Church, c.1170-c.1550. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.
WIECEK, MATTHEW,GREGORY (2013) South Asian Figurines in the British Museum: Literature Review and Analysis. Masters thesis, Durham University.
Wing, George (2015) Predynastic Egyptian representations of animals:
The journey from nature to art and beyond.
Masters thesis, Durham University.

WINTCHER, AMANDA (2011) Post-palaeolithic Rock Art of Northeast Murcia, Spain: An Analysis of Landscape and Motif Distribution. Doctoral thesis, Durham University.

The Icons of Sinai

The Icons of Sinai
From 1956 to 1965, Princeton University, the University of Michigan, and the University of Alexandria carried out a series of expeditions to the remote Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai—the oldest continuously inhabited Christian monastery in the world, with a history that can be traced back over seventeen centuries. The documentation collected by these joint expeditions, under the direction of Princeton’s Professor Kurt Weitzmann (pictured below left) and Professor George Forsyth (below, right) of the University of Michigan, continues to have profound ramifications for Byzantine studies.

The Visual Resources Collection at Princeton University holds a key archive for the study of Byzantine icons, namely, the color photographs of the collection of icons owned by the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai taken during these expeditions. This rich body of material stretches from Late Antiquity until the modern era and encompasses the history of the icon.  The collection is unique in that it documents, in color, the condition of these icons after the cleaning and restoration carried out in the 1950s and 1960s. Photography of the expedition was under the direction of Fred Anderegg, head of photographic services at the University of Michigan. The VRC has digitized and catalogued the collection of several thousand color images (5 × 7 inch color Ektachrome transparencies and 35mm slides) of icons in the Monastery of Saint Catherine made by the joint expeditions. This project was funded by a David A. Gardner '69 Magic Grant from the Princeton University Council on the Humanities.  

Currently, this website displays about 1,200 transparencies. We will be adding about 2,000 images and revised data. The online images are limited to a size of 1024 pixels.

The inputting and correcting of data for these images is ongoing. Additionally, as images and data are added, the website content will be expanded. We welcome any constructive scholarly contributions to the data and invite you to submit comments through our 'Contact Us' page.

Open Access Journal: Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 2 December 2015]

Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel
ISSN: 1565-5334
Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI) has been published in print since 1961 by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The journal contains preliminary reports of excavations and surveys in Israel, as well as final reports of small-scale excavations and surveys; it also publishes archaeological finds recorded during inspection activities. The journal is bilingual, Hebrew and English; reports submitted in English are translated into Hebrew and vice versa.
 The e-journal www.hadashot-esi.org.il is the digital format of HA-ESI, replacing the printed version. The first digital publication of the journal (No. 116, 2004) is a reflection of the last printed volume. From 2005 onward, the journal will be published on-line only – each year will receive a volume number, continuing the numbering of the printed journal (e.g., No. 117 = 2005, No. 118 = 2006, etc.). The e-journal is an unlimited data base of archeological reports, including photographs, maps, plans and pottery figures. The reports can be searched by keywords or by means of an interactive map. The results of both types of searches can be printed.
 The reports submitted to the e-journal will be edited in the same manner as in the printed journal (see Guide to Contributors). They will be published on-line with the completion of their editing and translation, and will be ascribed to a specific issue according to the year of publication (issue no. = year of publication). A final excavation report is marked with as asterix*. Announcements of new publications will appear on the Home Page of the e-journal. Prints of reports are available from the web site for personal and educational use only.

Electronic Journals

Past Issues

Extended Reports


Ashqelon Yavne-Yam and Ashqelon: Miniature Votive Anchors Ehud Galili and Baruch Rosen [29/10/2015]


Giv‘atayim Giv‘atayim Israel Korenfeld [31/12/2013] (Final report)

Harei Dimona

Harei Dimona Harei Dimona Nir-Shimshon Paran and Emil Aladjem [28/10/2014] (Final report)

Khirbat el-Mizrath

Khirbat el-Mizrath Khirbat el-Mizrath Michael Cohen, Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Leea Porat [25/08/2013] (Final Report)

Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan

Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan Khirbat Umm el-‘Umdan Vladimir Zbenovich [05/10/2014] (Final Report)

Horbat Mesar

Horbat Mesar Horbat Mesar Murad Anton Tabar and Peter Gendelman [31/12/2013] (Final report)


Jerusalem Jerusalem, ‘En Ya‘al Rina Avner [08/10/2015] (Final Report)

Kafr Kanna

Kafr Kanna Kafr Kanna (B) Yardenna Alexandre [31/12/2013] (Final report)

‘Ad Halom

‘Ad Halom ‘Ad Halom Ya‘aqov Baumgarten [31/12/2014] (Final report)


Fahura Fakhura Oren Zingboym, Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Shmuel Lev [31/12/2014] (Final Report)


Ramla Ramla, Kokhav Ha-Zafon Neighborhood Hagit Torgë [06/07/2014] (Final Report)

Tel Mevorakh

Tel Mevorakh Tel Mevorakh Amit Shadman [31/12/2014] (Final Report)

Tel ‘Amal

Tel ‘Amal Tel ‘Amal Nurit Feig [29/12/2013] (Final Report)

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

 [First posted in AWOL 7 May 2012, updated 2 December 2015]

ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ - Logeion

    About ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

    • Logeion (literally, a place for words; in particular, a speaker's platform, or an archive) was developed after the example of dvlf.uchicago.edu, to provide simultaneous lookup of entries in the many reference works that make up the Perseus Classical collection. As always, we are grateful for the Perseus Project's generosity in sharing their data. None of this would be possible without their commitment to open access. To improve the chronological range for which the dictionaries are useful, we have added DuCange (see below), and to enhance this site as both a research and a pedagogical tool, we add information based on corpus data in the right side bar, as well as references to chapters in standard textbooks. More such 'widgets' will be added over time, along with, we hope, still more dictionaries.
    • Update August 2014: In addition to the usual editing of existing dictionaries and morphology (keep reporting typos to us, please!), we are delighted to add a first author-specific lexicon on the Latin side, thanks to efforts at Dickinson College. Users will now encounter Frieze-Dennison's lexicon to Vergil's Aeneid for relevant entries. Many thanks to Christopher Francese and the DCC 'crew'! On another note, Logeion and the Logeion app got a mention in the New York Times, which we are thrilled about. We are, as always, grateful to Josh, Matt & Josh for developing this site and the app, and to the College of the University of Chicago for its support and its 'ambidextrous' undergrads, who know their way around Python and XML as well as around Greek and Latin.
    • Update December 2013: We are delighted to announce that we are adding the premier dictionary for Ancient Greek, the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE), to Logeion. Both for entries from DGE and from DuCange, we will include a link to these dictionaries' home sites for every entry we display. As we work on displaying these entries better, we recommend (also) visiting the home sites, which look positively elegant. This update also brings the Latin-Dutch dictionary, LaNe, up to date with the printed 6th edition, which will be coming out soon.
    • Update October 2013: Logeion is now available as an app for iOS, so that you can consult it even without a working internet connection. Find the Logeion app in Apple's app store.
    • Update January 2012: We have now added a Latin-Dutch dictionary to the collection: The Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands. One notable feature of this dictionary, for those who do not speak Dutch, is that a lot of attention has been paid to ensure accuracy of vowel length for the lexical entries. For further information see below.

    Using ΛΟΓΕΙΟΝ

    • Learning to use Logeion to look up words should be straightforward. Start typing in (the first few letters of) the headword (or lemma) for the entry (transliteration is an option for Greek words) and the word wheel will spin to what we hope will be the right destination. Enter a minimum of three characters, and the system will attempt to suggest entries in the neighborhood.
    • Details, details: When you are typing in a word, Logeion will consult its database and suggest Greek or Latin lookalikes. If you are typing in transliterated Greek, pick the suggested Greek word when it appears in the drop down menu. If you simply hit enter (or click on the 'Go' button) after typing 'logos', the system will take your input literally, and direct you to the entry for 'logos' in the Latin dictionaries. Note that the system is a rather poor student of the Greek alphabet - words in the suggestion list will not quite show up in the order you expect.
    • If you are trying to determine the right dictionary entry for an inflected word, you have two options. Simply start typing the first few characters, and Logeion might already direct you correctly. But when things get more complicated, you can type in the complete word (for Greek, this requires full diacritics).
    • If the word occurs as an inflected word in our database, Logeion will suggest a lemma or lemmas for it. You can hover over the lemma to see its choice of parses. Double-clicking on words within the dictionary entries and example sentences will allow you to go to the entry for that word - provided that the database has the right parse, of course, or that by happenstance, it lands you in the right position in the alphabet.
    • Linking to Logeion quickly in the Chrome browser: By control-clicking the Address Bar, you will see the possibility to "Edit search engines". Add your own Logeion search engine, by entering into the three boxes, Logeion, l, http://logeion.uchicago.edu/index.html#%s respectively. Next time you want to look up a word from anywhere on a web page or other document, copy it, and in your browser, hit command-L, l and a space. The Address bar will now say "Search Logeion". Paste in your word and hit Enter, and you will get Logeion's attempt at a (parse and a) dictionary entry, without having to have typed out our URL. Those who type in Greek a lot may also want to add Logeion, λ, .. for an identical shortcut so that the same quick trick works without having to change your keyboard.

    Greek Dictionaries

    • This collection has seen extensive editing, to correct data entry errors and to ensure integration with our morphological analysis tools. Reach the full-text search form by clicking on the titles below. Do note that Logeion is more frequently refreshed than the separate dictionaries.
    • Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon (1940)
      • Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon. Revised and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones with the assistance of Roderick McKenzie. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1940.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.
      • You can consult the front matter and the abbreviations.

    • Liddell and Scott's Intermediate Greek Lexicon (1889)
      • Henry George Liddell & Robert Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon. Founded upon the seventh edition of Liddell & Scott's Greek-English Lexicon. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889.
      • The Annenberg-CPB project provided funding for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    • Autenrieth's Homeric Dictionary (1891)
      • Georg Autenrieth, A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges. New York, Harper and Brothers, 1891.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    • Slater's Lexicon to Pindar (1969)
      • William J. Slater, Lexicon to Pindar. Berlin, De Gruyter, 1969.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    Latin Dictionaries

    • The Latin dictionaries have seen some light editing as well. Headwords in Lewis & Short have been regularized to spellings with -i- rather than -j-, as was already the case in the Elementary Dictionary. -v- has been maintained throughout. Clusters such as adf-/aff-, adl-/all- are now aligned between the two dictionaries. Please report further infelicities!
    • Lewis and Short's Latin-English Lexicon (1879)
      • A Latin Dictionary, Founded on Andrews' edition of Freund's Latin dictionary revised, enlarged, and in great part rewritten by Charlton T. Lewis, Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL.D. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1879.
      • The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text.
      • This electronic version was lightly edited in order to correct data entry errors and to eliminate the letter -j- from dictionary headwords and many cross references; the letter -v- has been retained. Headwords have been more closely aligned with the Elementary Dictionary. XML header of Perseus original.

    • Lewis's Elementary Latin Dictionary (1890)
      • Lewis, Charlton, T. An Elementary Latin Dictionary. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: American Book Company, 1890.
      • The National Science Foundation provided support for entering this text.
      • XML header of Perseus original.

    Further resources, without full-text search on this site

  • DGE
  • DuCange
    • A resource for medieval and late Latin: Du Cange, et al., Glossarium mediæ et infimæ latinitatis. Niort : L. Favre, 1883-1887.
    • Open-access resource, published under the auspices of L'École nationale des chartes, http://www.enc.sorbonne.fr/
    • People who worked on this resource can be found at http://ducange.enc.sorbonne.fr/credits
    • Offered at the Ecole des Chartes under a non-commercial, no-derivatives creative commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/fr/
    • We believe that this may be a highly beneficial supplement to Lewis & Short for those working on later texts.

  • BWL
    • Basiswoordenlijst Latijn [Basic word list for Latin], by J.K.L. Babeliowsky, D. den Hengst, W. Holtland, W. van Lakwijk, J.Th.K. Marcelis, H. Pinkster, J.J.L. Smolenaars, Staatsuitgeverij, The Hague (Netherlands), 1975. [out of print]
    • BWL covers 85% of the vocabulary in Caesar, Cicero (oratory and philosophical works), Sallust, Livy, Seneca (letters), Tacitus, Catullus, Vergil, Horace (Odes), and Ovid, except where such words only rise to high frequency in a single one of these authors.
    • Prepared with the help of LASLA in Liège to cater to Dutch secondary schools in the 1970s, this text is now out of print. Example sentences, selected to illustrate the syntactic properties of the words, are mostly made up of words also present in BWL and were accompanied by a Dutch translation in the original.

  • LaNe
    • Woordenboek Latijn/Nederlands, 5th revised edition 2011. Editor-in-chief Harm Pinkster.
    • LaNe is a Latin-Dutch translation dictionary, originally based on Pons Globalwörterbuch Lateinisch-Deutsch (Klett) but with full coverage of all entries also contained in the Oxford Latin Dictionary. LaNe is published by Amsterdam University Press, which also offers a stand-alone web interface with fuller functionality than the simple entry lookup here. We are grateful to Amsterdam University Press, and to the editor, for their generous cooperation in Logeion.
    • ISBN 978 90 8964 073 4, Publisher's information at http://www.aup.nl/do.php?a=show_visitor_book&isbn=9789089640734

  • Frieze-Dennison Vergil
    • From Henry S. Frieze, Vergil’s Aeneid Books I-XII, with an Introduction, Notes, and Vocabulary, revised by Walter Dennison (New York: American Book Co. 1902).
    • The lexicon at the end of this book was revised and digitized in 2014 at Dickinson College by Christopher Francese, Derek Frymark, and Tyler Denton.
    • Citations in the definitions (“2.425”) refer to passages in the Aeneid by Book and line number. The scanned book is available at Google Books: http://books.google.com/books?id=yREBAAAAYAAJ&dq=Frieze+Dennison+Aeneid&source=gbs_navlinks_s

  • Reference


    • We gratefully acknowledge here that authors of the following textbooks have given permission for chapter/unit references to be displayed in Logeion. In the case of JACT, we wish to thank Matt Neuburg for providing us with the data. Needless to say, the authors bear no responsibility for any errors in these references, which were sometimes culled from unrelated web sites; please let us know if you find problems. The short titles given in the chapter references refer, in full, to:
    • Hansen & Quinn
      • Greek: An Intensive Course, by Hardy Hansen and Gerald M. Quinn, Fordham University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0823216635

    • JACT
      • Reading Greek: Grammar and Exercises, by Joint Association of Classical Teachers, Cambridge University Press
      • ISBN 978-0521698528

    • LTRG
      • Learn to Read Greek, by Andrew Keller and Stephanie Russell, Yale University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0300167719

    • LTRL
      • Learn to Read Latin, by Andrew Keller and Stephanie Russell, Yale University Press.
      • ISBN 978-0300102154

    • Mastronarde
    • Wheelock
      • Wheelock's Latin, by Frederic M. Wheelock and Richard A. Lafleur, Collins Reference.
      • ISBN 978-0060783716

      First Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tel "Gat" (Tell Sheykh 'Ahmed el-'Areyny). Season 1956-1958

      First Preliminary Report on the Excavations at Tel "Gat" (Tell Sheykh 'Ahmed el-'Areyny). Season 1956-1958
      This is a good quality enhanced facsimile of an out of print, short publication by Shemuel Yeivin with a contribution (physical anthropology) by Denise Ferembach. It describes in some detail several significant season of work at the tell, but before the Egyptian element and the Narmer Serekh were known. No matter what this site may say, Eliot Braun is not an author. Most of the finds are associated with the Early Bronze Age, but there are also later periods, including the physical anthropology chapter. Because of recent work at the site Tel Erani will become one of the primary sites for study of this period in the southern Levant, which is why I have posted it for one and all.
      At academia.edu courtesy of Eliot Braun.

      Open Access Journal: Dabiq


      The Islamic State's (ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) Magazine. Scans of Dabiq have been made available online by The Clarion Project.
      The Islamic State (ISIS) regularly puts out a glossy propaganda magazine aimed at recruiting jihadists from the West. It is sophisticated, slick, beautifully produced and printed in several languages including English...

      'Dabiq' as it is called, bills itself as "a periodical magazine focusing on the issues of tawhid (unity), manhaj (truth-seeking), hijrah (migration), jihad (holy war) and jama'ah (community). It will also contain photo reports, current events, and informative articles on matters relating to the Islamic State."

      It portrays the Islamic State as they see themselves: boasting of their victories and painting a romantic image of the restoration of an Islamic golden age and the heralding of a glorious new Caliphate based on holy war. 

      Dabiq is a place in Syria that is supposed to be the location for one of the final battles according to certain Muslim myths about a final apocalypse. Choosing such a name for the magazine highlights the Caliphate's goals...
      In order to combat extremist groups, it is important to understand their underlying ideology. Therefore, Clarion Project will continue to post the issues of Dabiq here as they are released.
      Issues of Dabiq released so far: 
      The twelfth issue of the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine is entitled Just Terror. It boasts about the terrorist attacks in Paris, the double-bombing in Beirut, and the downing of a Russian plane in Sinai among other attacks. It spins terrorism in the language of a fairy story, referring to terrorists as “knights,” acting to defend Muslim honor. This issue is also striking for the high number of Islamic State propaganda videos it advertizes, a sign of increased output in that area. Other pieces continue long-running themes, including attacking the legitimacy of other Islamist factions, recounting its military victories and attacking women who oppose polygyny as opposing Islam.  
      Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 12
      The eleventh issue of the Islamic State’s propaganda magazine is called From the Battle of Al-Ahzab to the War of Coalitions. Al-Ahzab refers to a battle in the Quran between a coalition of Meccan tribes and the nascent forces of Islam. ISIS attacks al-Qaeda and castigates the Taliban for concealing the death of Mullah Omar. ISIS also accuses the Shiite messiah (Mahdi) of being the dajjal (devil) in league with the Jews. More is directed at women, who are urged to have children and care for their jihadi husbands.
      ISIS also tout their establishment of gold dinars as currency and boast of having captured a Norwegian and a Chinese hostage, who are offered up for ransom in full page adverts.
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq Issue 11

      The tenth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called The Laws of All or the Laws of Men. It opened by praising the deadly simultaneous terror attacks in Tunisia, Kuwait and France and the massive casualties caused. It calls on children to obey Allah (ie. ISIS) before their parents and wives to leave their husbands who fight ISIS. It also boasts of expansions in the Caucasus and recruitment in Afghanistan. 
      Since it is the Ramadan issue, it discusses the historical victories of some of the early Muslim armies during Ramadan as well as expounding on the holiness of the month.
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine:Dabiq Issue 10

      The ninth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called They Plot and Allah Plots, referring to the central feature of the magazine which argues that Islamic State supporters should not fear any plans to defeat them since Allah controls the world. The issue focuses on legitimacy - both attacking that of its enemies in Syria and the surrounding Arab nations, and in building up its own, with pieces on the importance of jihad.
      Most shockingly this issue ran a lengthy segments admitting to and justifying sex slavery. It threatens to sell US first Lady Michelle Obama into sexual slavery for a third of a dinar. 
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq Issue 9

      The eighth issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is called Shari'ah Alone Will Rule Africa. Like other issues of Dabiq it focuses on Islamic State successes, leaving out the group's defeats in strategic areas of Iraq and Syria to focus on Africa. It emphasizes the pledge of allegiance from Boko Haram in Nigeria and terror attacks in Libya and Tunisia. It tries to portray an organization with a future by glorifying its child soldier program and undermining the legitimacy of Al-Qaeda affiliat Jabhat al-Nusra by attacking its allies as 'nationalists' and therefore un-Islamic. 
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 8

      The seventh issue of the Islamic State's Dabiq magazine is entitled From Hypocrisy to Apostasy. It begins with a declaration of war against Japan. Dabiq then boasts about the murder of the Jordanian pilot by immolation, before going on to give advice for would be leaders within the Islamic State. It reiterates their commitments to war, arguing that “Islam is the religion of the sword.” It then proceeds to tout its successes in Egypt and Libya. It reiterates its division of the world into two camps and includes interviews with jihadists and hostage John Cantlie. 
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 7

      The sixth issue of Dabiq is called "Al-Qa'idah of Waziristan: A Testimony From Within." This issue begins by taking responsibility for the terrorist attack in Sydney that killed two at St. Martin's place and again calls on the Islamic State's supporters worldwide to carry out killings of Westerners whenever and wherever they can without revealing their intentions by discussing them. Most of the rest of the magazine focuses on internal jihadi disputes, criticizing the Islamic State's detractors from within the jihadi movement.  
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 6 

      The fifth issue of Dabiq is named after the Islamic State slogan, 'Remaining and Expanding.' In this theme, it announces the expansion of the Islamic State into Sinai, Libya, Yemen, Algeria and the Arabian Peninsula after accepting pledges of loyalty (bay'ah) from terrorist groups there. It also announces the minting of gold dinars and silver dirhams in order to separate it from the international fiat currency markets and build the economy of the Islamist state. 
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 5

      The fourth issue of Dabiq is entitled "The Failed Crusade." It focuses on the attempts by the U.S.-led coalition to counter the Islamic State and mocks what the Islamists regard as a campaign doomed to fail. They express their certainty saying "This religion is the one promised with victory." The picture on the cover is of the iconic St. Peter's Square in Rome, displaying the group's ambitions of world conquest.
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 4

      The third issue of Dabiq, "The Call to Hijrah" focuses on the jihadists' call to Muslims worldwide to move to Iraq and Syria to join the caliphate as soon as possible. Hijrah is Arabic for 'migration' and refers to the journey of the founder of Islam, Mohammed, and his companions from Mecca to Medinah in 622 C.E. The comparison is very deliberate and intended to invoke religious nostalgia. 
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 3

      The second issue of Dabiq, "The Flood," uses the metaphor of the story of Noah to put across a stark message: you are either with the Islamic State, or against them and doomed to be destroyed. It calls on all Muslims around the world to pledge loyalty to the Islamic State and to move there immediately. There is also a section on the attempts to resolve the disputes between the Islamic State and other Jihadi factions such as Jabhat al-Nusra by means of mubahalah, an Islamic religious arbitration process.
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 2

      The first issue of Dabiq, "The Return of Khilafah" is focused on the declaration of the caliphate and what that means. Some of the ideology behind the group is explained in an attempt to persuade more Muslims to join. It also explains the name of the magazine, and boasts of ISIS' victories. It also talks about efforts made to build support among local tribal groups, reporting their pledges of loyalty to Abu Bakr al-Baghadi, the self-appointed caliph of the Islamic State.
      Islamic State (ISIS) Magazine: Dabiq - Issue 1
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