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Open Access Journal: The Acquisitions List of the Oriental Institute Research Archives

 [First posted in AWOL 11 May 2010, updated 4 February 2015]

The Acquisitions List of the Oriental Institute Research Archives 
As one of the elite libraries for the study of the ancient Near East, the Research Archives of the Oriental Institute seeks to comprehensively cover the languages and civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Syria-Palestine, Anatolia, Iran, the Arabian Peninsula and related areas from the earliest periods to the Hellenistic period through the acquisition of volumes both new and old.

The acquisitions list of the Research Archives was formally published from 1991 to 1994. From February 2000 until February 2002, this list was distributed via email and archived online. In recent years, the acquisitions list has only been distributed informally to Oriental Institute faculty, staff and students.

Because our acquisitions lists are used by librarians and scholars worldwide as a means by which to supplement their acquisitioning efforts, we have decided to once again make the acquisitions lists of the Research Archives publicly available online in pdf format. We hope that this activity will be permanent and ongoing.

Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne - BiBIL

 [First posted in AWOL 11 July 2011. Updated 5 February 2015]

Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne - BiBIL
BiBIL (Bibliographie biblique informatisée de Lausanne) est un outil de recherche bibliographique pour les sciences bibliques, une base de données entièrement libre d'accès, trilingue, français, anglais, allemand, mise sur pied et gérée par l'Institut Romand des Sciences Bibliques depuis 1986.
Elle est constamment mise à jour et repose sur une indexation rapide des périodiques et des nouvelles publications académiques dans le champ des sciences bibliques, ce qui lui a permis de devenir un instrument bibliograhique de référence au plan international. La base propose également lorsqu'ils existent, les résumés, recensions et liens DOI des articles référencés. En septembre 2013, la base comptait 119'700 notices.
Un bulletin est également édité annuellement, donnant accès aux titres les plus récents enregistrés dans la base de donnée. De même que dans BiBIL, les titres sont indexés et présentés selon une grille de classement systématique.
En cas de problèmes de connexion ou de questions liées à la recherche, vous pouvez contacter la responsable par e-mail : info@bibil.net ou bibil@unil.ch .
Entrez un ou plusieurs termes de recherche dans le champ de texte.

Les champs suivants peuvent faire objet d'une recherche :

  • Titre
  • Auteur
  • Année
  • Titre de collection ou revue (libellé complet ou abrégé)
  • Maison d'édition
  • Résumé
  • Remarques
  • Titre de la référence (périodique, collectif, etc.)
  • Mots-clés ("vedettes")
  • Termes (grecs ou hébreux)
  • Références bibliques (péricopes)

Open Access Journal: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique

 [First posted in AWOL 21 February 2012. Updated 5 February 2015]

Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique (at Persée) [Accessible also at CEFAEL]
Publié tout d'abord en plusieurs livraisons annuelles, le BCH se structure en deux fascicules semestriels à partir de 1920. Le premier réunit des études et des articles de synthèse et le second rassemble principalement le rapport sur les travaux de l’Ecole française d’Athènes et rend compte des chroniques des fouilles et des découvertes archéologiques faites en Grèce et à Chypre. La Chronique des fouilles en Grèce et à Chypre constituent des instruments de travail irremplaçables, assurant une large diffusion à la revue. Doté d'un comité de lecture, le BCH est largement ouvert aux savants étrangers et publie des articles dans les grandes langues européennes.

Paraît depuis 1877 ; il succède au Bulletin de l'École française d'Athènes (1868-1871)










PINAX ONLINE: An Annotated List of Web Bibliographies on the Ancient Greek World

 [First posted in AWOL 9 January 2010. Updated 5 February 2015: Marc Huys died 21 September 2010. Pinax remains online at the Internet Archive]

PINAX ONLINE: An Annotated List of Web Bibliographies on the Ancient Greek World
By Marc Huys
The purpose of this site is to provide scholars and students interested in any aspect of the Ancient Greek World (language, literature, history, religion, mythology, art and archaeology) with useful and regularly updated links to online bibliographies in their specific domain. This implies that references to bibliographies published only in printed form are not included.

Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication: An Affiliated Group of the American Philological Association

[First posted in AWOL 19 November 2013, updated 5 February 2015]

Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication
An Affiliated Group of the American Philological Association
TheForum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication (FCLSC) – also known as the Classics Librarians’ Forum — brings together librarians and scholars interested in classics studies, in order to promote timely exchange of information and ideas. Members also collaborate on projects of mutual concern. The impetus for the forum grew out of meetings at Princeton University and the Center for Hellenic Studies in 2004. As an officially affiliated group of the American Philological Association since 2005, the Forum aims to support initiatives of the APA relating to libraries and scholarly communication.

The officers of the Forum are Colin McCaffrey (Yale University), chair, and Lanah Koelle (Center for Hellenic Studies), secretary. Their term lasts two years from January 2015 to January 2017. Past chairs have been Gerald Heverly (New York University), Rebecka Lindau (American Academy at Rome), Catherine Mardikes (University of Chicago), Lucie Stylianopoulos (University of Virginia), and David Sullivan (University of Notre Dame).

List of Members | Bylaws


The members of the Forum met at the AIA/SCS(APA) conference on Saturday, January 10, 2015 at the Sheraton New Orleans. The meeting agenda is available on the CLiF blog.
Minutes from the 2015 meeting will be available for download in the coming weeks.
The Forum will meet again in San Francisco at the next AIA/SCS conference in January 2016.

DigitalHeka: Digitalisierte Erfassung altägyptischer magischer Texte des Mittleren und Neuen Reiches

DigitalHeka: Digitalisierte Erfassung altägyptischer magischer Texte des Mittleren und Neuen Reiches und deren philologische Analyse als Vorarbeit zu einerCorpusgrammatik und Corpusstilistik.
Das Projekt „DigitalHeka“ liefert Vorarbeiten für eine Corpusgrammatik und -stilistik der ägyptischen magischen Texte. Dazu wurden diese mit dem Computer erfaßt werden und nach grammatikalischen, syntaktischen und stilistischen Kriterien ausgewertet. 

Aus praktischen Gründen musste das umfangreiche Textmaterial eingeschränkt werden. Als Kriterium für die Eingrenzung wurde eine Magiesystematik zugrunde gelegt, die die Texte nach ihrer temporalen Stellung zu einem Ereignis und nicht nach ihrer (moralischen) Intention in Gruppen einteilt. Ausgewählt wurden Texte, die ein erwartetes Ereignis verhindern sollen, sowie die, die die Auswirkungen eines bereits eingetroffenen Vorfalls abmildern sollen. Zusammen umfassen beide Gruppen einen Großteil der in der ägyptologischen Literatur traditionell als magisch bezeichneten Texte. 

In der ägyptischen Philologie wurden die magischen Texte bisher bei der Erforschung der Grammatik der ägyptischen Sprache kaum berücksichtigt, anders als z.B. die umfangreichen Totentexte, die Literatur oder die medizinischen Texte, bei deren Untersuchung die magischen Texte sogar bewußt ausgenommen wurden. Da die Sprache der magischen Texte aber ihre Besonderheiten aufweist, ist eine Analyse ihrer Grammatik notwendig. 

Die Untersuchung des Textmaterials erfolgt auf mehreren Ebenen. Zunächst wurden dazu die Texte in Transliteration im Computer erfasst, lemmatisiert und phänomenologisch-grammatikalisch beschrieben. Daneben wurde eine Datenbank erstellt, die eine Übersicht über Textträger, Textedition, Bearbeitungen, Literatur usw. gibt. 







New Open Access Journal: NeHeT: Revue numérique d'Égyptologie

NeHeT: Revue numérique d'Égyptologie
NeHeT est une revue éditée conjointement par le Centre de Recherches Égyptologiques de la Sorbonne (Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV ; équipe « Mondes Pharaoniques » de l’UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée) et le Centre de Recherches en Archéologie et Patrimoine de l’Université libre de Bruxelles. Elle est destinée à un lectorat constitué de chercheurs et d’érudits s’intéressant à l’histoire de l’Égypte et du Soudan, de la préhistoire à l’époque byzantine. Son format numérique, en libre accès, a été choisi afin de permettre une diffusion large et rapide des travaux égyptologiques. 

La revue a deux livraisons annuelles qui peuvent être soit des recueils d’articles sur des sujets variés, soit des numéros thématiques - publications d’actes de colloques, de journées d’études ou dossiers portant sur une problématique prédéfinie. 

Les éditeurs de la revue L. Bavay, N. Favry, Cl. Somaglino et P. Tallet
Revue NeHeT numéro 1 - cliquez ICI
Revue NeHeT numéro 2 - cliquez ICI

Newly Accessible Open Access Journal: Papyrologica Lupiensia

Papyrologica Lupiensia
ISSN: 1591-2140
Rivista annuale del Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e di Scienze Filosofiche e del Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Papirologici.
Comitato Scientifico Internazionale:Giovanni Battista Bazzana (Harvard University, The Divinity School), Clive Chandler (University of Cape Town), Daniel Delattre (Institut d’Histoire et de Recherche des Textes CNRS, Paris), Jürgen Hammerstaedt (Universität zu Köln), Marie-Hélène Marganne (Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Li ttéraire, Université de Liège), Bruno Rochette (Université de Liège), Jean Straus (Université de Liège), Martin Stadler (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg).
Comitato Editoriale: Mario Capasso (Direttore), Paola Davoli, Pietro Giannini, Natascia Pellé, Maria Clara Cavalieri.
Redazione: Piera Musardo, Elvira Pisanello.


Table of Contents


Schede bibliografiche e recensioni

Libri Ricevuti


Indice Generale

Giovanni Battista Bazzana 5-34
Mario Capasso 35-40
Mario Capasso 41-60
Mario Capasso 61-70
Soknopaiou Nesos Project. Report on Season 2012 of the Archaeological Mission of the Centro di Studi Papirologici of Salento University at Dime es-Seba (El-Fayyum, Egypt).PDF
Mario Capasso, Paola Davoli 71-84
Enzo Puglia 85-104
Paolo Radiciotti 105-112
Schede bibliografiche e recensioniPDF (Italiano)
Mario Capasso, Serena Ammirati, Marco Fressura 113-222
Papyri homericae VI (2010-2013)PDF (Italiano)
Natascia Pellé 223-238
Libri ricevutiPDF (Italiano)
Editorial Staff 239-246
NotiziarioPDF (Italiano)
Editorial Staff 247-252
Indice generalePDF (Italiano)
Editorial Staff 253

 See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology

 [First posted in AWOL 6 July 2009, updated 6 February 2015]

ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology
ISSN: 2110-6118
The Achemenet project aims to provide a platform for the much needed international cooperation and multidisciplinary approach to the Achaemenid world. Within this project the electronic newsletter ARTA is intended as a speedy vehicle for exchanging ideas and spreading news on excavations, publications, congresses etc.

Materials to be published in ARTA should be related to the Achaemenid world in its widest sense. This definition clearly does not exclude notes on Alexander the Great, the Neo-Elamite period, etc. as long as they are relevant to the Achaemenid world.

The content of texts submitted to ARTA may be research notes or short articles, announcements or reviews of publications, messages on congresses, exhibitions or excavations.
An author index of all articles published in ARTA
Adachi, Takuro, and Mohsen Zeidi. “Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid Remains from TB 75 and the General Survey of the Tang-I Bulaghi.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 002 (2009): 1–8. http://www.achemenet.com/document/2009.002-Adachi&Zeidi.pdf.
Agut-Labordère, Damien, and Claire Newton. “L’économie végétale à ‘Ayn-Manâwir à l’époque perse : archéobotanique et sources démotiques.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 005 (2013): 1–50. www.achemenet.com/document/ARTA_2013.005-Agut-Newton.pdf.
Alireza Askari Chaverdi, Sébastien Gondet, and ierfrancesco Callieri. “Tol-E Ājori, a New Monumental Building in Parsa: Preliminary Cross Interpretations from Recent Surveys and Excavations Works around Persepolis (2005-2012).” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 006 (2013): 1–44. http://www.achemenet.com/document/ARTA_2013.006-Askari-Callieri-Gondet.pdf.
Ambers, Janet, and St. John Simpson. “Some Pigment Identifications for Objects from Persepolis.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2005, no. 002 (2005): 1–13. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2005.002-Ambers-Simpson.pdf.
Amiet, Pierre. “Le Palais de Darius À Suse: Problèmes et Hypothèses.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2010, no. 001 (2010): 1–13. www.achemenet.com/document/2010.001-Amiet.pdf.
———. “À Pasargades : autels du feu ou soubassements de tours ? Une suggestion.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 001 (2013): 1–9. http://www.achemenet.com/document/2013.001-Amiet.pdf.
Arfa’i, Abdol Majid. “PT 10a, Collated and Completed.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2008, no. 001 (2008): 1–8. www.achemenet.com/document/2008.001-Arfai.pdf.
Asadi, Ali, and Barbara Kaim. “The Achaemenid Building at Site 64 in Tang-E Bulaghi.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 003 (2009): 1–20. www.achemenet.com/document/2009.003-Asadi&Kaim.pdf.
Askari Chaverdi, Alireza, and Pierfrancesco Callieri. “Achaemenid and Post-Achaemenid Remains at TB 76 and TB 77.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 004 (2009): 1–35. www.achemenet.com/document/2009.004-Askari&Callieri.pdf.
Atai, Mohammad T., and Rémy Boucharlat. “An Achaemenid Pavilion and Other Remains in Tang-I Bulaghi.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 005 (2009): 1–33. www.achemenet.com/document/2009.005-Atai&Boucharlat.pdf.
Benesch, Christoph, Rémy Boucharlat, and Sébastien Gondet. “Organisation et Aménagement de L’espace À Pasargades : Reconnaissances Archéologiques de Surface, 2003-2008.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2012, no. 003 (2012): 1–37. http://www.achemenet.com/document/2012.003-Benech_Boucharlat_Gondet.pdf.
Bessac, Jean-Claude, and Rémy Boucharlat. “Le monument de Takht-e Rustam, près de Persépolis dit ‘tombeau inachevé de Cambyse’ : Note technique et reconsidérations.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2010, no. 003 (2010): 1–39. www.achemenet.com/document/2010.003-Bessac&Boucharlat.pdf.
Boucharlat, Rémy , and Christophe Benech. “Organisation et aménagement de l’espace à Pasargades: Reconnaissances archéo- logiques de surface, 1999-2002.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 001 (2002): 1–41. http://www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.001-loc.pdf.
Casabonne, Olivier. “Le Grand Roi ou le Dieu? Remarques sur quelques types monétaires de Cilicie et Transeuphratène à l’époque achéménide.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2004, no. 002 (2004): 1–4. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2004.002-Casabonne.pdf.
Chauveau, Michel. “Les archives démotiques du temple de Ayn Manâwir.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2011, no. 002 (2011): 1–20. www.achemenet.com/document/2011.002-Chauveau.pdf.
Coloru, Omar. “Louise de La Marinière (c. 1779-1840) et son ‘album d’antiquités perses.’” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2012, no. 002 (2012). http://www.achemenet.com/document/2012.002-Coloru.pdf.
Fazeli Nashli, Hasan. “The Achaemenid/Post Achaemenid Remains in Tang-I Bulaghi near Pasargadae: A Report on the Salvage Excavations Conducted by Five Joint Teams in 2004-2007.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 001 (2009): 1–6. www.achemenet.com/document/2009.001-Fazeli.pdf.
Garrison, Mark B., and Robert K. Ritner. “From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 2: Seals with Egyptian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions at Persepolis.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2010, no. 002 (2010): 1–58. www.achemenet.com/document/2010.002-Garrison&Ritner.pdf.
Helwing, Barbara , and Mojgan Seyedin. “The Achaemenid Period Occupation at Tang-I Bulaghi Site 73.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2009, no. 006 (2009): 1–7. www.achemenet.com/document/2009.006-Helwing&Seyedin.pdf.
Henkelman, Wouter F.M. “Exit Der Posaunenbläser: On Lance-Guards and Lance-Bearers in the Persepolis Fortification Archive.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 007 (2002): 1–35. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.007.pdf.
Henkelman, Wouter F.M., Charles E. Jones, and Matthew W. Stolper. “Achaemenid Elamite Administrative Tablets, 2: THE QASR-I ABU NASR TABLET.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2006, no. 003 (2006): 1–20. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2006.003-Stolper-Jones-Henkelman.pdf.
———. “Clay Tags with Achaemenid Seal Impressions in the Dutch Institute of the Near East (NINO) and Elsewhere.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2004, no. 001 (2004): 1–66. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2004.001/2004.001.pdf.
Hunger, Hermann, and Robartus J. van der Spek. “An Astronomical Diary Concerning Artaxerxes II (year 42 = 363-2 BC): Military Operations in Babylonia.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2006, no. 02 (2006): 1–16. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2006.002-Hunger-Spek.pdf.
Hyland, John. “Pharnabazos, Cyrus’ Rebellion, and the Spartan War of 399.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2008, no. 003 (2008): 1–27. www.achemenet.com/document/2008.003-Hyland.pdf.
———. “Vishtaspa Krny: An Achaemenid Military Official in 4th-Century Bactria.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 002 (2013): 1–8. http://www.achemenet.com/document/2013.002-Hyland.pdf.
Jones, Charles E., and Matthew W. Stolper. “Fortification Texts Sold at the Auction of the Erlenmeyer Collection.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2006, no. 001 (2006): 1–22. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2006.001.Jones-Stolper.pdf.
Jones, Charles E., and Seunghee Yie. “From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 3: The First Administrative Document Dis- Covered at Persepolis: PT 1971-1.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2011, no. 003 (2011): 1–15. www.achemenet.com/document/2011.003-Jones&Yie.pdf.
Jursa, Michael. “Epistolographic Evidence for Trips to Susa by Borsippean Priests and for the Crisis in Borsippa at the Beginning of Xerxes’ Reign.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 003 (2013): 1–13. http://www.achemenet.com/document/ARTA_2013.003-Jursa.pdf.
———. “Patronage in Babylonien Im Sechsten Jahrhundert v. Chr.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2011, no. 001 (2011): 1–36. www.achemenet.com/document/2011.001-Jursa.pdf.
Knauss, Florian S., Iulon Gagošidse, and Ilyas Babaev. “Karačamirli: Ein Persisches Paradies.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2013, no. 004 (2013): 1–29. http://www.achemenet.com/document/ARTA_2013.004-Knauss-Gagosidse-Babaev.pdf.
Knauß, Florian S., Nadine Ludwig, Gundula Mehnert, Ulrich Sens, and Dirk Wicke. “Ein Perserbau auf dem Ideal Tepe bei Karacamirli (Aserbaidschan).” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2007, no. 002 (2007): 1–51. www.achemenet.com/document/2007.002-Knauss.pdf.
Kuhrt , Amélie. “A Note on the Excavations in the Tash-K’irman Oasis.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 002 (2002): 1–4. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.002.pdf.
Lenfant, Dominique. “Pourquoi Xerxès détacha sa ceinture (Hérodote, VIII.120).” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 004 (2002): 1–7. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.004.pdf.
Mohammadkhani, Kourosh. “Une Nouvelle Construction Monumentale Achéménide À Dahaneh-E Gholaman, Sistan, Iran.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2012, no. 001 (2012). www.achemenet.com/document/2012.001-Mohammadkhani.pdf.
Razmjou, Shahrokh. “Project Report of the Persepolis Fortification Tablets in the National Museum of Iran.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2005, no. 004 (2005): 1–12. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2004.004-Razmjou.pdf.
———. “Traces of Paint on the Statue of Darius.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 003 (2002): 1–2. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.003-loc.pdf.
Simpson, St. John. “Making Their Mark: Foreign Travellers at Persepolis.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2005, no. 001 (2005): 1–77. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2005.001-Simpson.pdf.
Stolper, Matthew W., and Michael T. Fisher. “Achaemenid Administrative Tablets 3: Fragments from Old Kandahar, Afghanistan.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2015, no. 001 (2015): 1–27. http://mini-site.louvre.fr/trimestriel/achemenet/ARTA_2015.001-Fisher-Stolper.pdf.
Stolper, Matthew W., and Jan Tavernier. “From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 1: An Old Persian Administrative Tablet from the Persepolis Fortification.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2007, no. 001 (2007): 1–28. www.achemenet.com/document/2007.001-Stolper-Tavernier.pdf.
Tavernier, Jan. “Some Thoughts on Neo-Elamite Chronology.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2004, no. 003 (2004): 1–44. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2004.003-Tavernier.pdf.
Tolini, Gauthier. “Les travailleurs babyloniens et le palais de Taoke.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2008, no. 002 (2008): 1–11. www.achemenet.com/document/2008.002-Tolini.pdf.
———. “Quelques Éléments Concernant La Prise de Babylone Par Cyrus (octobre 539 Av. J.-C.).” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2005, no. 003 (2005): 1–13. doi:French.
Tuplin, Christopher. “Fratama.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2005, no. 004 (2005): 1–8. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2005.004-Tuplin.pdf.
Vallat, François. “Les prétendus fonctionnaires unsak des textes néo-élamites et achéménides.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 006 (2002): 1–4. www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.006.pdf.
Westenholz, Joan Goodnick, and Matthew W. Stolper. “A Stone Jar with Inscriptions of Darius I in Four Languages.” ARTA: Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology 2002, no. 005 (2002): 1–13. http://www.achemenet.com/ressources/enligne/arta/pdf/2002.005-loc.pdf.

Ancient Egyptian Cobra Project

Demonthings: Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project

 [First posted in AWOL 19 November 2012, updated 6 February 2015]

Demonthings: Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project
The Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project is made up of a group of scholars from around the world focussing on the subject of demons in Ancient Egypt from its earliest times (Predynastic) to the Byzantine.

As in the past, demons abound in the media today—from tales of possession to the labeling of political policies as “demonic,” to the channeling of spirits for healing. Some of the most prevalent rituals in the ancient and modern worlds are those that are designed to target demons who were blamed for a host of physical and psychological ailments, problems, and afflictions. Other rites call upon helpful demons for protection and defense.

For the ordinary person in Ancient Egypt, they likely played a greater role in their everyday lives than the well-known gods Amun, Ra, Isis, Osiris, or Hathor.

One of our aims is to illuminate this darker side of Ancient Egyptian life.

Online resources related to Nimrud


Online resources related to Nimrud

One of the Nimrud Project's aims to bring together online resources related to Nimrud. This page lists bibliographic material available online, plus web resources and other online content.

Books on Nimrud published by the British Institute for the Study of Iraq

PDFs are downloadable from the BISI website; follow the links below and see the terms of use. These publications were digitised as part of the Nimrud project.

Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud (CTN)

Ivories from Nimrud (IN)

Other publications

Articles on Nimrud (Kalhu/Calah) from the British Institute for the Study of Iraq's journal Iraq (ordered alphabetically by author)

Articles on Nimrud available via JSTOR (ordered alphabetically, requires subscription)

Articles on Nimrud available via Scopus (ordered alphabetically, requires subscription)

  • Brown, B. "Kingship and Ancestral Cult in the Northwest Palace at Nimrud."Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 10, no. 1 (2010): 1-53. doi:10.1163/156921210X500495.
  • Cassar, M. "A Flexible Climate-Controlled Storage System for a Collection of Ivory Veneers from Nimrud."Museum Management and Curatorship 5, no. 2 (1986): 171-81. doi:10.1016/0260-4779(86)90047-6.
  • Geller, M.J. "Fragments of Magic, Medicine, and Mythology from Nimrud."Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 63, no. 3 (2000). doi:10.1017/S0041977X00008429.
  • Herrmann, G., and J. Curtis. "Reflections on the Four-Winged Genie: A Pottery Jar and an Ivory Panel from Nimrud."Iranica Antiqua 33 (1998): 107-34. doi:10.2143/IA.33.0.519126 .

Books on Nimrud available online (ordered alphabetically)

Other web resources on Nimrud (ordered alphabetically by provider)

British Museum

Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI)

Factum Arte

Learning Sites Inc.

  • The Central Palace of Tiglath-pileser III at Nimrud
    Digital resource (created 2002) on Tiglath-pileser III's PGP Central Palace PGP , based on excavations of the site conducted by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology between 1974 and 1976. Contains excavation photographs, site plan drawings and computer model renderings.
  • The Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrud
    Digital resource (created 1997) on the Northwest Palace, based on excavations of the site conducted by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology from 1974 to 1976. Contains reconstructions of the Palace and computer model renderings.

Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago

Content last modified: 05 Feb 2015.

Poznan Archaeological Museum Open Access Publication

Poznan Archaeological Museum Open Access Publication 
Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998-2011
“Tell el-Farkha I. Excavations 1998-2011” (Poznań-Kraków, ISBN 978-83-60109) is a volume edited by dr Marek Chłodnicki, prof. Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz and dr Agnieszka Mączyńska. It is the first comprehensive scientific publication of one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt which constantly brings new information concerning the emergence of the united Egyptian state. 

The book, published by the Poznań Archaeological Museum,  presents major archaeological discoveries made by the Polish Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Nile Delta in the years 1998-2011, for over 14 archaeological seasons. Its 460 colour pages, organised in 27 chapters, contain not only the information about artefacts found at the site, but also their wider interpretation complemented with the results of specialised analyses.

The publication was prepared as part of the promotion of the project entitled “The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural exchange between the Upper Egypt and the south Levantin the 4th millennium B.C.”, financed by the Foundation for Polish Science under the Pomost-Powroty Programme.
The volume is not meant for sale. The whole circulation will be distributed among scholars studying Egyptian archaeology, and will be dispatched to libraries in Poland and abroad with which the Library of the Poznań Archaeologica Museum has an exchange programme.
Studies in African Archaeology
Lower Egyptian Communities and Their Interactions with Southern Levant in the 4th Millennium BC,
A. Mączyńska, Studies in African Archaeology, vol. 12, Poznań, 2013.
PL ISSN 0866-9244
ISBN 978-83-60109-33-5

The Nile Delta as a centre of cultural interactions between Upper Egypt and the Southern Levant in 4th millennium BC, pod redakcją A. Mączyńskiej, Studies in African Archaeology, vol. 13, Poznań, 2014.
IP ISSN 0866-9244
ISBN 978-83-60109-35-9

D'Olbia à Tanaïs : territoires et réseaux d'échanges dans la mer Noire septentrionnale aux époques classique et hellénistique

D'Olbia à Tanaïs : territoires et réseaux d'échanges dans la mer Noire septentrionnale aux époques classique et hellénistique
Müller Christel
Collection Scripta antiqua (28)Bordeaux, 2010 - 453 p.   25€
(Épuisé papier : PDF téléchargeable)

Malgré les ouvrages pionniers d'E.Minns et M.I.Rostovcev, les rivages de la Mer Noire septentrionale n'ont longtemps évoqué, chez les historiens occidentaux, que l'image d'un monde semi-barbare aux confins de l'"hellenikon". Depuis une vingtaine d'années cependant, la rencontre avec l'historiographie soviétique et le dévoilement progressif de riches sources documentaires ont permis l'abandon de ces poncifs au profit d'une véritable réflexion, dont le présent ouvrage se voudrait un aboutissement au moins partiel. Le Pont Nord, si éloigné soit-il d'un centre égéen supposé, forme, aux époques classique et hellénistique, un monde ouvert et dynamique, comme le montre, l'analyse des territoires, thème qui permet de ne pas se laisser enfermer dans le modèle de la cité et souligner, en même temps que le développement progressif de ces Etats phagocytes d'espace, les représentations et les perceptions que celui-ci engendre. on considère ici les moments-clés de leur expansion et les efforts éventuels de rationalisation dans leur aménagement. On s'intéresse enfin, en articulant différentes échelles, aux réseaux d'échanges établis par ces Etats et les hommes qui les habitent avec leur hinterlands, mais aussi le reste du monde pontique et, au-delà, les mondes thrace et méditerranéen : les liens ainsi tissés sont si subtils en termes humains et géographiques qu'ils permettent, on l'espère, de dépasser le modèle classique "centre-périphérie" et de désenclaver intellectuellement le Pont Nord

Open Access Journal: The Bible and Critical Theory

 [First posted in AWOL 28 April 2011, updated 9 February 2015]

The Bible and Critical Theory
ISSN : 1832-3391
The Bible and Critical Theory is an exploratory and innovative online scholarly journal for biblical studies, published by the Bible and Critical Theory Seminar. The journal explores the intersections between critical theory, understood in the broad sense, and biblical studies. It publishes peer-reviewed articles that investigate the contributions from critical theory to biblical studies, and contributions from biblical studies to critical theory. The journal has an active series of book reviews, which are published as they are ready.

BCT content is available freely on an open access basis. It is also aggregated by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and is indexed by the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Religion Database and Scopus.

Vol 10, No 1 (2014)

Bible and Critical Theory

Table of Contents


Roland Boer


Dialogism, Monologism, and Cultural Literacy: Classical Hebrew Literature and Readers' Epistemic ParadigmsPDF
Terje Stordalen
The Rhetoric of Icons: From Image to VoicePDF
Youzhuang Geng
Interpellation, not Interpolation: Reconsidering Textual Disunity in Numbers 13–14 as Variant Articu-lations of a Single IdeologyPDF
Deane Galbraith
“But Mary was preserving these matters, carefully bringing together and considering them in her heart”: Ethical Listening, Contemplation, and the Cultivation of a Sexuating SilencePDF
Julie Kelso
The Gibeonite ExceptionPDF
Gil Rosenberg

Book Reviews

Review of Kathryn D. Blanchard and Jane S. Webster (eds), Lady Parts: Biblical Women and The Vagina Monologues. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012.PDF
Johanna Stiebert
Reviews of Alain Badiou, The Incident at Antioch: A Tragedy in Three Acts, Introduction by Kenneth Reinhard, translated by Susan Spitzer. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013; and Pier Paolo Pasolini, St. Paul: A Screenplay, Foreword by Alain Badiou,PDF
Robert Paul Seesengood
Review of Ellen A. Robbins, The Story Teller and the Garden of Eden. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock, 2012.PDF
Judith E. McKinlay
Review of D. A. Baer and R. P. Gordon (eds), Leshon Limmudim: Essays on the Language and Literature of the Hebrew Bible in Honour of A. A. Macintosh. London: Bloomsbury, T&T Clark, 2013.PDF
Milena Kirova
Review of Sophie Fuggle, Foucault/Paul: Subjects of Power. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013PDF
Valérie Nicolet-Anderson


Vol 1, No 1 (2004)

Newly Open Access Journal: Μουσείο Μπενάκη - Benaki Museum Journal

Μουσείο Μπενάκη - Benaki Museum Journal
ISSN: 2407-9502
Το Μουσείο Μπενάκη με ιδιαίτερη χαρά ανακοινώνει την έναρξη της ηλεκτρονικής κυκλοφορίας του ομότιτλου περιοδικού του, το οποίο εκδίδεται σε ετήσια βάση από το 2001. Σήμερα πια το περιοδικό Μουσείο Μπενάκη έχει καθιερωθεί ως ένα διεθνούς επιπέδου επιστημονικό βήμα για αρχαιολόγους, εθνολόγους, ανθρωπολόγους, ιστορικούς, ιστορικούς της τέχνης, μουσειολόγους και ερευνητές πολλών ακόμα ειδικοτήτων. Στην ιστοσελίδα του Μουσείου Μπενάκη σταθερά δημοσιεύονται το εξώφυλλο, τα περιεχόμενα και οι περιλήψεις των μελετών που περιλαμβάνει το εκάστοτε τεύχος.

Το 2014 σηματοδοτεί μια νέα εποχή για το περιοδικό: χάρη στη συνεργασία με το Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης (ΕΚΤ), τα παλαιότερα αλλά και τα επόμενα τεύχη του περιοδικού Μουσείο Μπενάκη, όπως και τα παραρτήματά του θα κυκλοφορούν, παράλληλα με την έντυπη έκδοσή τους, και ηλεκτρονικά προσφέροντας έτσι εύκολη πρόσβαση τόσο στην επιστημονική κοινότητα, όσο και στο ευρύτερο κοινό.  

The Benaki Museum has great pleasure in announcing that its journal, which has been published on an annual basis since 2001, is now available in electronic form. The journal Mouseio Benaki has established itself at international level as an academic forum for archaeologists, ethnographers, anthropologists, historians, art historians, museologists and researchers in many other disciplines. The Benaki Museum website has regularly contained the cover, list of contents and abstracts of articles for each issue of the periodical.

2014 marks a new era for the journal: thanks to a collaboration with the National Documentation Centre (EKT), past copies as well as forthcoming issues of Mouseio Benaki, together with its supplements, will be published in print and online, thus making it easily accessible to both the academic community and the general public.
Vol 9 (2009)

Open Access enhancements of Athenian Agora Publications

 [First posted in AWOL 20 June 2010. Updated 9 February 2015]

Versions of all the official publications of the Athenian Agora Excavations are available via the publications page of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and also via the Athenian Agora Excavations Project page.
The Agora Excvation Project's versions are enhanced with links to records in the project databases, for instance, you can:

Search for Items Inside The Athenian Agora 1, Portrait Sculpture, by E. B. Harrison, 1953, and so on, though volume 34 of the series.
Likewise with the Agora related Hesperia Supplements, you can
Search for Items Inside Prytaneis: A Study of the Inscriptions Honoring the Athenian Councillors, by Sterling Dow, 1937, as well as with seventeen additional Hesperia Supplements.

See also:

Open Access Publications of NARNIA: New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to Ancient Material Studies

NARNIA: New Archaeological Research Network for Integrating Approaches to Ancient Material Studies
NARNIA is an interdisciplinary project, the main objective of which is to provide young researchers with the means to conduct research on ancient Eastern Mediterranean material culture and to develop their analytical skills through a series of research and training activities.

Kassianidou, V., and M. Dikomitou-Eliadou (eds.), 2014. The NARNIA Project: Integrating approaches to ancient material studies. Nicosia: The NARNIA Project and the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus.

Aloupi-Siotis Ε., Chaviara Α., Huszánk R.,Lagoyannis T.,Csedreki L.,Furu E., Kertész Z, Kiss A.Z., Simon A., Török,Z. Uzonyi I., Szikszai Z.,2012. “PIXE Analysis of Decoration Pixels in Classical Attic Pottery”. 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Leuven/Belgium. 28 May – 1 June.
Chaviara A., Aloupi-Siotis E., 2013. Attic decorated pottery (6th -4th B.C.): Methodology for locating potential clay sources. 6th Symposium of Hellenic Society for Archaeometry (HSA) “Craft-based Cultural Influences in the Mediterranean”. Acropolis Museum, Athens, May 16 – 18, 2013

Ceglia, A., P. Cosyns, W. Meulebroeck, K. Nys, H. Terryn, H. Thienpont, 2014. Shedding light on the glass industry in late antique Cyprus. Poster presentation in the 40th ISA conference, May 2014, LA, USA

Ceglia, A., G. Nuyts, S. Cagno, W. Meulebroeck, K. Baert, P. Cosyns, K. Nys, H. Thienpont, K. Janssens, and H. Terryn. 2014. A XANES Study of Chromophores: The Case of Black Glass. Poster presentation in SYNEW 2013 – SYnchrotron and NEutron Workshop, November 2013, Antwerp, Belgium.

Ceglia, A., W. Meulebroeck, P. Cosyns, K. Nys, H. Terryn and H. Thienpont, 2013. Colour and Chemistry of the glass finds in the Roman villa of Treignes, Belgium. Procedia Chemistry, 8, 55-64.

Rehren, Th., Cholakova, A., Živanović, M., 2012. The making of black glass in Late Roman Doclea, Montenegro. – New Antique Doclea, 3, 71-90.

Charalambous A., Kassianidou, V. and Papasavvas, G., 2014. Gold in Palaepaphos (Cyprus): A study of artefacts from the Early Iron Age Necropolis of Skales using portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (pXRF). Poster presentation in the 40th ISA conference, May 2014, LA, USA.

Gaudenzi Asinelli, M., 2014. Bell casting activity in medieval Leopoli-Cencelle: technological patterns and sociocultural implications (Mediaeval coppers, bronzes and brass 2014)

Gaudenzi Asinelli, M. and Martinόn-Torres, M., 2014. Gilded and Silvered Artefacts from Medieval Tuscia (Italy): Materials and Technological Features(ISA 2014)

Rademakers Fr. and Rehren, Th., 2014. Heterogeneity in the crucible. Some methodological issues for reconstructing ancient crucible metallurgy. Poster presentation in the 40th ISA conference, May 2014, LA, USA.

Rademakers Fr. and Rehren, Th., 2013. Tin oxide in crucible slag. From slag crystals to technological choices in bronze production. Poster presentation in the HMS 50th Anniversary Conference, June 2013, London, UK.

Van Brempt, L. and Kassianidou, V., 2014. Metal production at the Late Bronze Age Site of Kalavasos-Ayios Dhimitrios, Cyprus: A preliminary study of the slag remains. Poster presentation in the 40th ISA conference, May 2014, LA, USA.

Bonnerot, O. and Ceglia, A., 2014. The Glass Tesserae of the Amathous Acropolis Basilica: an Archaeometric Study. Poster presentation in the 40th ISA conference, May 2014, LA, USA

Bonnerot, O., 2012. A study of materials used in the production of wall mosaics from early-Christian Cypriot basilicas: preliminary results. Poster presentation in the 12th AIEMA conference, September 2012, Venice, Italy

Christodoulakis, J., Bassiakos, Y., Tsakalos, E., Kazantzaki, M., 2014. Dating results of new palaeoenvironmental studies conducted in South Peloponnesus, Greece. Poster presentation in 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA) 2014, Los Angeles, USA, May 2014, Program and Abstract Book, p.147.

Christodoulakis J., Bassiakos Y., and Athanassas C., 2013. Absolute dating and palaeoenvironmental evolution in Palaeolithic Mani, SW Peloponnesus, Poster presentation in the EGU General Assembly, April 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Christodoulakis J., Bassiakos Y., Tsakalos E., and Kazantzaki M., 2013. Dating results of new palaeoenvironmental studies conducted in South Peloponnesus, Greece, Poster presentation in the 40th ISA Conference, May 2014, LA, USA.

Christodoulakis J., 2012. Palaeoenvironment reconstruction of SW Peloponnesus using luminescence dating technique, Poster presentation in the PEOPLE Marie Curie Conference 2012, November 2012, Nicosia, Cyprus.

Tsakalos, E., Bassiakos, Y., Kazantzaki, M., Christodoulakis J., 2014. Unravelling the Palaeoenvironmental Framework of Southeast Cyprus over the Late Quaternary – Luminescence Geochronology and Quartz Grains-Shape Examination. Poster presentation in 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA) 2014, Los Angeles, USA, May 2014, Program and Abstract Book, p.155.

Kazantzaki, M., Bassiakos, Y., Rondoyanni, T., Tsakalos, E., Christodoulakis, J., 2014. Quaternary Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Coastal Zone of North Evoikos Gulf (Greece) based on the use of Luminescence Dating Techniques. Poster presentation in 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA) 2014, Los Angeles, USA, May 2014, Program and Abstract Book, p.154.

AtoM@DO, an online database of archival holdings, including documents, photographs, and digital objects, at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection

AtoM@DO, an online database of archival holdings, including documents, photographs, and digital objects, at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection
Welcome to AtoM@DO, an online database of archival holdings, including documents, photographs, and digital objects, at the Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

AtoM@DO represents three archival repositories at Dumbarton Oaks: Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives (ICFA), Dumbarton Oaks Archives (DOA), and the Dumbarton Oaks Library Rare Book Collection (RBC).
AtoM@DO is an online database that brings together the archival collections of the Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives (ICFA) and the Dumbarton Oaks Archives (DOA), enabling discovery of related materials across the institution. These are frequently asked questions about using the database (http://atom.doaks.org).

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional questions or feedback, contact ICFA staff at .


1. What is a collection?
2. Where can I find descriptions of each collection?
3. How do I view the files within a collection?
4. What are Related Units of Description?
5. Where can I find information about how to access a collection and if there are any restrictions?
6. How do I cite material from a collection?


7. How do I search the database?
8. What is included in my search results?
9. How do I browse by access points?
10. How do I search or browse collections within a Department?
11. How do I browse Digital Objects?
12. How does the Advanced Search work?
13. Do I have to include accent marks and other diacritics in my search terms?


14. How do I print a list of the files in a collection?
15. What are the Export links for on each record?

AEGARON: Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online

 [First posted in AWOL 12 May 2013, updated 10 February 2015]

AEGARON: Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Online (Aegaron) provides vetted and standardized architectural drawings of a selection of ancient Egyptian buildings. These represent architecture from modest workmen's houses to temple complexes, dating from the Old Kingdom through Late Antiquity. Aegaron considers architectural drawings as historic sources: each plan is accompanied by a critical apparatus (drawing log), which contains background information. The plans can be downloaded freely forprivate and research purposes (terms of use). Please take a moment to learn about the various and scales as well as the different formats, that allow you to change them, e.g. by adding text or omitting selected details. We tell you how to best read the drawings, which standards we have developed for them and how you can extract measurements.
Aegaron is a cooperation between the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAIK) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and is made possible by a combined grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Endowment for the Humanities NEH). The American-Egyptian-German Aegaron-Team consists of Architects, Archaeologists, Building Archaeologists, Designers, Programmers, Librarians & more.


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