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Open Access Journal: Jewish Bible Quarterly

 [First posted in AWOL 19 January 1011. Updated 28 January 2013]

Jewish Bible Quarterly
The Jewish Bible Quarterly provides timely, authoritative studies on biblical themes. As the only Jewish-sponsored English-language journal devoted exclusively to the Bible, it is an essential source of information for anyone working in Bible studies. The Journal publishes original articles, translations from scholarly Hebrew journals, book reviews, a triennial calendar of Bible reading and correspondence. All viewpoints are considered.
All issues from 14 (1985) - current [and many earlier issues] are now accessible online open access

Open Access Journal: Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina

Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina:Servicio de Investigación Prehistórica
del Museo de Prehistoria de Valencia

ISSN 0210-3230
Revista del Museu de Prehistòria de València.Fundada en 1928 por D. Isidro Ballester Tormo como Anuario del Servicio de Investigación Prehistóricade la Diputación Provincial de Valencia.
APL se intercambia con cualquier publicación dedicada a la Prehistoria, Arqueología en general y ciencias o disciplinas relacionadas (Etnología, Paleoantropología, Paleolingüística, Numismática, etc.), a fin de incrementar los fondos de la Biblioteca del Museu de Prehistòria de València.

Revista Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina

Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance

Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance
census logo

Der Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance ist eine interdisziplinäre Forschungsdatenbank, die einem zentralen Problemfeld der Renaissanceforschung, der Antikenrezeption, gewidmet ist.
Erfasst werden die in der Renaissance bekannten antiken Monumente mit den zugehörigen bildlichen und schriftlichen Renaissancedokumenten und Orts-, Personen- und Zeitangaben sowie Abbildungen und bibliographischen Daten.
Als Forschungsinstrument richtet sich der Census nicht nur an die Fächer Kunstgeschichte und Archäologie, sondern an alle am Nachleben der Antike interessierten Disziplinen.
 The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance is an interdisciplinary research database containing documentation centering on the classical tradition, a focus of Renaissance studies.
Registered are the antique monuments known in the Renaissance together with the related Renaissance documents in the form of texts and images, and related information about locations, persons and periods as well as bibliographic data.
The Census is a useful tool of research, not only in the field of art history and archaeology, but also for any discipline focussing on the Nachleben of the Antique.

Open Access Journal: Nuova Archeologia

Nuova Archeologia

Nuova Archeologia è la rivista dei Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia nata dall'evoluzione della rivista cartacea Archeologia, il primo organo di stampa ufficiale dell'Associazione. Oggi la rivista è una testata autonoma.

Nuova Archeologia raccoglie tutte le notizie riguardanti l'affascinante mondo dei Beni Culturali, non cerca mai lo scoop ma vuole gridare e nello stesso tempo divulgare tutte le problematiche che ruotano intorno all'immenso patrimonio italiano. 

La rivista lavora per trasmettere le novità della ricerca archeologica, per informare sulle mostre museali presenti sul territorio italiano, per divulgare le attività dei vari Gruppi Archeologici e prima fra tutti per sollecitare i lettori alla conoscenza e tutela dei Beni Culturali. Perché la forza di ogni rivista è data dai suoi lettori, perché è anche grazie a loro che Nuova Archeologia continuerà la sua missione: informare.

Open Access Journal: Journal of Paleopathology

Journal of Paleopathology
ISSN: 1120-0200-5
Journal of Paleopathology - University Museum, State University "G. d'Annunzio" - Piazza Trento e Trieste - 66100 -CHIETI (Italy) - ISSN: 1120-0200-5 - Delayed Open Access - The contents of this journal will be available in an open access format 24 months after an issue is published. - Supporters * Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia di Chieti * Institute for Bioarchaeology - San Francisco. CA (USA) * Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage - Italy * Ud'Anet S.r.l.

Open Access Journal: Journal of World-Systems Research

[First posted in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 29 January 2013]

Journal of World-Systems Research
ISSN 1076-156X
The main editorial goal of the Journal of World-Systems Research is to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to the analysis of world-systems. We especially want to include works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, civilizationists, evolutionary approaches, international political economy, comparative, historical and cultural analysis. We seek the work of political scientists, historians, sociologists, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and geographers.

We especially encourage works that take theory seriously by confronting problems of conceptualization and making definitions of concepts explicit, by formulating hypotheses, constructing axiomatic theories and causal models. Theoretical research programs that combine theory construction with comparative research are badly needed to take the world-systems approach beyond the stage of a perspective.

We also want to encourage the application of comparative, quantititave and network-analytic methods to world-systems research, though we will certainly also publish pieces that do not use these methods. Any empirical study that is deemed relevant to world-systems analysis may be published even if it uses a very different conceptual framework.

And finally we also want to publish discussions of future trajectories and options for the modern world-system and considerations of what can be done to create a more humane, peaceful and just world society.

Recent Issues

Past Issues

Volumes 1 - 17

Ceramics Network: Réseau des céramologues du réseau des MSH

CERA MSH: Réseau des céramologues du réseau des MSH
Dans les domaines de l’archéologie, de l’histoire de l’art et du patrimoine, l’étude des céramiques est un élément fondamental des recherches sur les sociétés anciennes.

Principal outil de datation des sites archéologiques et des monuments historiques, la céramique nous renseigne également sur l’exploitation raisonnée des ressources, les procédés techniques, les échanges et circuits commerciaux, les faciès culturels, les courants artistiques... Les angles d’approche sont multiples et requièrent des compétences qui vont d’un traitement généraliste aux spécialités les plus pointues.

Dans la plupart des MSH, il existe des archéologues spécialisés dans l’étude de la céramique de tous horizons (CNRS, Université, ministère de la Culture, INRAP, collectivités territoriales...). Ces chercheurs et étudiants ne disposent pas d’un lieu d’échange commun, c’est la raison pour laquelle nous souhaitons créer un réseau thématique consacré à la céramologie.

Il aurait pour vocation de structurer, à l’échelle nationale, nos diverses activités et d’afficher nos compétences en termes de complémentarité pour renforcer la dynamique interdisciplinaire. Il s’agit de valoriser la recherche céramologique française particulièrement dynamique à l’échelon européen et international, de rendre disponible les ressources, de rassembler les informations concernant les formations et l’acquisition des savoirs faires ainsi que de favoriser la diffusion des recherches. Des actions communes de réflexion et de formation, feraient jouer la complémentarité du réseau au niveau national.

Le réseau établira un état des lieux sur les compétences françaises en céramologie, toutes périodes confondues (du Néolithique à l’époque moderne) en rassemblant les informations sur :

* 1- Les acteurs de la recherche en céramologie, les zones géographiques et les périodes chronologiques sur lesquelles ils travaillent.

* 2- Les programmes de recherche développés dans les laboratoires et les MSH.

* 3- Les ressources documentaires de chaque centre (tessonniers spécialisés, bases de données archéologiques et archéométriques, encyclopédies en ligne, moteurs de recherche, centres de documentation…).

* 4- Les activités de formation (cours universitaires, stages, séminaires, écoles thématiques, formation continue, initiation aux méthodes d’enregistrement…). 

Open Access Publications of the Missione Archeologica a Mozia

[First posted in AWOL 14 June 2010. Major update 30 Januar 2013]

Missione Archeologica a Mozia
Biblioteca Digitale

Bibliografia di ANTONIA CIASCA

In occasione del decimo anniversario della scomparsa di Antonia Ciasca ne riproponiamo la bibliografia completa, fruibile gratuitamente.


See linked data for Mozia via awld.js

BIBLindex: Références bibliques dans la littérature patristique

[First posted in AWOL 9 December 2009. Updated 30 January 2013]

BIBLindex:Références bibliques dans la littérature patristique

Sont disponibles en ligne 400.000 références bibliques présentes dans les textes patristiques grecs et latins des cinq premiers siècles.
Ce corpus est essentiellement issu de la reprise des volumes publiés de Biblia Patristica, CNRS Editions, 1975-2000, augmentés des archives non publiées du Centre d’Analyse et de Documentation Patristique (CADP) concernant Athanase d’Alexandrie, Jean Chrysostome, Théodoret de Cyr, Procope de Gaza, Jérôme..
Le projet Biblindex est porté par l’Institut des Sources Chrétiennes, composante d’HiSoMA, avec plusieurs équipes partenaires. De 2006 à 2009, il a été principalement financé par le Cluster 13« Culture, Patrimoine et création » de la Région Rhône-Alpes ; à partir de février 2011, il bénéficie du soutien de l’ANR (Agence Nationale de la recherche).

Pour accéder aux données du corpus, il vous suffit de créer un compte sur le site et de suivre les indications du formulaire de recherche.

ASCSA Athens Photostream on flickr

ASCSA Athens Photostream on flickr
Founded in 1881, The American School of Classical Studies (ASCSA) provides graduate students and scholars from affiliated North American college and universities a base for the advanced study of all aspects of Greek culture, from antiquity to the present day. It also contributes considerably to the dissemination of information about Greek history and archaeology to the Greek public, as well as to the international and Greek scholarly communities.
First and foremost, the School is a teaching institution, introducing graduate students in an academic-year program, as well as undergraduates and secondary school teachers in summer sessions, to the sites and monuments of Greek civilization.

The Dorothy Burr Thompson...

491 photos
Pausanias, May 2007

Pausanias, May 2007

20 photos

Institutional Repositories: National Hellenic Research Foundation

[First posted in AWOL 16 October 2011. Updated 3 February 2013]

Helios: National Hellenic Research Foundation Repository
Helios is the repository of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), operates according to international standards and provides free and unrestricted access to scientific content produced by researchers at NHRF.

The repository is supported by the National Documentation Centre (EKT). It includes different types of content in science, culture and education (e.g. scientific results, publications, conference proceedings, books, training material, videos and images) and offers self-archiving services to the research community at NHRF.

Browse the Helios Collections and search for the scientific material of your interest! Register to the repository and enjoy additional services.

Το Αποθετήριο Ήλιος αποτελεί υποδομή οργανωμένου ψηφιακού περιεχομένου που παρέχει ανοικτή διαδικτυακή πρόσβαση στο πλούσιο επιστημονικό έργο του Εθνικού Ιδρύματος Ερευνών. Ο Ήλιος αναπτύσσεται από το Εθνικό Κέντρο Τεκμηρίωσης (ΕΚΤ) σύμφωνα με διεθνή πρότυπα και περιλαμβάνει ψηφιακό περιεχόμενο από διάφορους επιστημονικούς κλάδους.

Στην ανανεωμένη του μορφή παρέχει εξελιγμένα εργαλεία αναζήτησης, πλοήγησης και ελεύθερης πρόσβασης στις ψηφιακές συλλογές του, καθώς και υπηρεσίες, κατόπιν.

General Works Encyclopedias Indexes Periodicals History of scholarship and learning. The humanities Philosophy (General) Psychology Ethics Religion (General) Auxiliary sciences of History History of Civilization Archaeology Numismatics Inscriptions. Epigraphy Biography History Medieval history Military and naval history Political and diplomatic history Ancient history Mediterranean Region. The Greco-Roman World Ancient Greece Modern Greece Geography (General) Anthropology Folklore Manners and Customs Social Sciences (General) Statistics Demography. Population Economic history and conditions Land use Agriculture Economic growth, development, planning Commerce Sociology (General) Social history and conditions. Social problems.Social reform The family. Marriage. Women Political Science (General) Political Theory. The state Law Intellectual property Education Education (General) Music Architecture Painting Arts in general Language and Literature Philology (General) Science Mathematics Electronic computers. Computer Science Astronomy Physics Optics. Light Chemistry (General) Inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry Biochemistry Physical and theoretical chemistry Crystallography Biology (General) Evolution Virology Science (General) Medicine Medicine (General) Medicine - public aspects Toxicology. Poisons Pathology Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (Incl.cancer, carcinogens) Internal medicine Neoplasms. Tumors. Oncology (Incl.cancer, carcinogens) Surgery Pharmacy and materia medica Pharmaceutical chemistry Plant Culture Technology Technology (General) Information technology Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) Biotechnology Military Science Naval Science Bibliography (General) Collections Library Science. Information Science LIbraries (General)

Newly Open Access: Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale

Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale
eISSN - 1960-6028 
"The Cahiers de Linguistique – Asie Orientale (CLAO) is an international journal for the scientific study of languages in the Far East. Based in Paris at the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale (CRLAO, EHESS-CNRS), it appears twice a year and is internationally refereed as an A - class journal."


LBI: Libyco-Berber Inscriptions Online Database

LBI: Libyco-Berber Inscriptions Online Database
The LBI-project is based on the activities of INSTITUTUM CANARIUM in cooperation with Canary and North-African authorities, universities and researchers.

The aim of the LBI-online-database is to present all known Libyco-Berber inscriptions of the Canary Islands and of several regions of Northern Africa, starting with Morocco.

For the moment approximately 190 panels and 350 lines of inscription are known and documented on the Canary Islands, most of them on El Hierro, followed by Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote, only single ones on Tenerife, La Palma and La Gomera.
Morocco provides for the moment about 110 rock panels and additionally about 30 steles with Libyco-Berber inscriptions.

Information has been broken down into two main types: SITE and INSCRIPTION.
SITE includes information about the physical and political location of the site, its type, the number of inscriptions and - if available - photographs of the landscape.

INSCRIPTION includes all information about one panel. Each inscription is documented by photograph and drawing and interpreted by epigraphic and linguistic commentaries.
A comprehensive listing of the references can be found at REFERENCES.

General information about the Libyco-Berber script is presented at SCRIPT, about the different alphabets at ALPHABET.

CONCORDANCE should help to avoid misunderstandings in different languages by providing a multilingual list of special terms and definitions.

EPIGRAPHIC CONVENTIONS gives a short explanation of some conventions used for the transliteration of the inscriptions.

MAPS provide geographical overviews over the sites of a country/region.

Ubi Erat Lupa

[First posted 19 April 2010. Updated 3 February 2013]

Ubi Erat Lupa
Current amount of data: 20927 monuments and 31643 pictures / Last update: 2013/02/03, 15:12. UBI ERAT LUPA is a partner project of EAGLE (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) and is being maintained by 'CHC - Research Group for Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing' and hosted by ITS at the University of Salzburg.
Die Bilddatenbank www.ubi-erat-lupa.org (Kurzbezeichnung lupa) ist den antiken Steindenkmälern (Rundplastiken, Reliefs, Inschriften, Architekturstücken etc.) gewidmet, weil sie die wichtigsten Informationsträger zu Gesellschaft, Kultur und Kunst der Antike sind.

lupa ist ein ausschließlich ideelles Projekt und dient der Information von Wissenschaftlern und Freunden der Antike in Heimatforschung, Schule und Tourismus. Sie reicht bis in die Zeit des Justinian (ca. 500 n. Chr.) und erfasst nach Möglichkeit auch prähistorische Steindenkmäler. Weil sich lupa von Wien aus konzentrisch entwickelt hat, überwiegen zur Zeit die römerzeitlichen Denkmäler in Mittel- und Südosteuropa.

lupa ist in jeder Richtung zur Erweiterung offen.
The picture database www.ubi-erat-lupa.org (short form lupa) contains stone monuments (sculptures, reliefs, inscriptions, architectural pieces etc.).

lupa is a non-commercial project dedicated to informing scientists and interested laypersons. The project’s scope is from prehistoric stone monuments to around the time of Justinian (500 AD). Due to its inception in Vienna, most project data at the moment is from the mid- and south-eastern european region.

lupa is open to expansion in any direction."

Roman Stone Monuments
Roman stone monuments, regional info pages concerning the places of their custody, school projects dealing with cultural heritage issues...
Academic supervision International partners of the ubi erat lupa project
Project coordination Ortolf Harl, Vienna
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 15.724 stone monuments / 20.085 photos
The information system "Roman Stone Monuments" was initiated during the course of the Culture 2000 project UBI ERAT LUPA of the Forschungsgesellschaft Wiener Stadtarchäologie.
Since October 2005 it is being managed and further developed by CHC – Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Computing, University of Salzburg.

Lupa – Regional Information
Texts and images concerning places of conservation of Roman stone monuments. Links to museums and to issues related to research, tourism and traffic.
Editorial responsibility Friederike Harl, Wien
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 302 info pages concerning places of conservation of Roman stone monuments.

Hispania Epigraphica
Epigraphical monuments from the Iberian peninsula.
Hispania Epigraphica has been migrated. The new URL is: http://eda-bea.es
Academic supervision Departamento de Historia I y Filosofia, Universidad de Alcalá
Project coordination Joaquín Gómez-Pantoja, Alcalá de Henares
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages Spanish, English and German (German interface currently only available for administrative staff)
Coverage Currently 23.379 inscriptions.

CRFB – Roman Finds in the European Barbaricum
Roman finds from outside the Roman Empire, covering the territories between the North Sea and the Black See and between the Baltic Sea and the river Danube (= Corpus of Roman Finds in the European Barbaricum).
Academic supervision Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
Project coordination Sigmar von Schnurbein / Hans-Ulrich Voss, Frankfurt a. M.
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage During the test phase the volumes Berlin-Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are accessible online.

Stamped Roman Tiles
Archaeological, epigraphical and petrological aspects of stamped Roman tiles from the metropolitan area of Vienna and from Moravia (Czech Republic).
Based on studies of Barnabás Lörincz, Budapest
Academic supervision MA 7 – Wiener Stadtarchäologie
Project coordination Martin Mosser, Vienna
IT and databases Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, Kurt Schaller & Jakob Egger, CHC – University of Salzburg
Available languages German
Coverage Currently 3686 records (the better part illustrated with drawings)

Bring Your Material:
Extension of LVPA by third party
The title Ubi Erat Lupa indicates that there is only one predetermined geographical boundary: the expansion and the spheres of influence of the Roman empire. To cope with the enourmous material available it is a must for us to cooperate with other specialists and institutions.
Possible models of cooperation range from mutual providing texts and pictures to real online collaboration, where associates will gain direct access to the LVPA databases.
Authors and institutions are registered in every data record and can be contacted directly from the web application.

Dateigröße: 60 KBshort description (PDF, 16 KB)
Browse Your Material:
LVPA offers the possibility to create your own internet projects

Texts and images stored on the LVPA servers can be accessed and customized for any purpose – e.g. for web presentations of museums, academic projects or touristic regional information.
Cooperation partners are free to integrate these data into their websites.* Eventual adaptations can be accomplished by the LVPA technical staff. Arising expenses will be charged.
As a demo application an online guide to the Roman stone monuments in the Museum Lauriacum (Enns, Upper Austria) was created in the course of a LVPA school project. It can be accessed via the museums homepage: http://www.museum-lauriacum.at (click on "Römerabteilung")

* Reference "Application and data provided by: www.ubi-erat-lupa.org" required

Bring Your Data Online: L.O.D.A.S.
Administrate and publish your existing data via the internet

In the course of the LVPA project a set of web-tools was created (L.O.D.A.S. - Lupa Online Data Administration System) wich will make it easy to start working with your existing data online. The application is specially customized for the use in archaeological or epigraphical environments, but it can be adapted for any domain in the field of material cultural heritage.
Dateigröße: 60 KBshort description (PDF, 120 KB)

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The Oriental Institute launches its Integrated Database

The Oriental Institute launches its Integrated Database
The Oriental Institute’s Integrated Database Project aims to provide public access to information about the diverse research and object-based collections managed and cared for by the Oriental Institute.

As part of the Oriental Institute’s Integrated Database Project, the Research Archives Online Catalog has taken on a new look and feel, added new functionality, and has a new home. We welcome you to check-out the new online catalogue here.

The project has been over eight years in the making, and has involved migrating data from the older Collections and Research Archives databases to the new KE EMu (Electronic Museum) database, and creating a ‘front end’ website portal to access the information. This launch includes both the Research Archives and the majority of the museum objects, not just those in the galleries, in the online database.

This is Phase One of a multistage project. We are currently working on transferring the Image database as part of Phase II, which is why you will generally not yet see images of objects on collections searches. Periodic reports on the progress of Phase II will be presented on the OI website.

William Whitaker's Words Online

William Whitaker's Words
William Whitaker's Words is a computer program that parses the inflection or conjugation of a Latin word, and also translates the root into English. Given an English word, the program outputs Latin translations. The software, written in Ada, is free for download but can be used online through several different hosts as well.

This program, especially the online version, has gained popularity among Latinists because of its simple interface, high coverage of the Latin lexicon and mostly accurate results. Nevertheless, the user has to check the results, since Words uses a set of rules based on natural pre-, in-, and suffixation, declension, and conjugation to determine the possibility of an entry. As a consequence of this approach of analysing the structure of words, there is no guarantee that these words were ever used in Latin literature or speech, even if the program finds a possible meaning to a given word. [Courtesy of Wikipedia]

Southeast Asian Archaeology Scholarly Website

Southeast Asian Archaeology Scholarly Website
Through funding provided by the The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc., the University of Pennsylvania Museum has created a website for the dissemination of scholarship on the archaeology and anthropology of Southeast Asia.

The project currently has two components-- a web-based bibliography and a set of archaeological databases. The bibliography can be searched and selected references exported to the user's word processing or bibliography program. The archaeological databases contain archaeological, biological, and cultural databases as well as data recording forms.

Open Access Journal: Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine

[First posted in AWOL 10 October 2010. Updated 4 February 2013]

Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine
Dernière mise à jour: 19 décembre 2012

Créé en 1962 par Edmond Frézouls, le Bulletin Analytique d'Histoire Romaine (BAHR) se présentait annuellement comme une suite d'analyses d'articles de revues scientifiques, classées thématiquement et touchant l'histoire et l'archéologie romaines. A partir de 1992 l'analyse a été abandonnée au profit d'un choix de mots-clés- peuples, anthroponymes, théonymes, - lieux géographiques, - sources littéraires, épigraphiques, papyrologiques, - thèmes et mots-clés divers. Pour ce dernier groupe un thésaurus a été élaboré, mis à jour régulièrement. Depuis 1999 l'ensemble des données de la base est accessible gratuitement sur le web (http://www.misha.fr/antiquite) - à savoir les données recueillies dans près de 800 de revues françaises et étrangères, dépouillées pour la plupart depuis 1990 par des documentalistes CNRS de l'UMR 7044 avec l'aide d'enseignants-chercheurs de l'équipe et aussi d'étudiants en master des universités de Strasbourg et de Mulhouse ainsi que des doctorants québécois formés préalablement à cette activité. Le BAHR s'avère donc être un outil pédagogique pour l'apprentissage de la recherche mais il permet aussi la rencontre de diverses compétences : historiens, archéologues, documentalistes. A partir de 2007 une analyse (texte libre) des articles accompagne les mots-clés de la plupart des notices. Dans le cadre d'une Action Concertée Incitative du Réseau des Sciences de l'Homme remportée en 2004 a été élaboré un portail d'accès commun aux bases de données du BAHR, de Frantiq et de 3 bases de Francis (DAPHNE), dont l'ouverture est prévue au printemps 2008. Le BAHR participe à un dossier ANR déposé en avril 2008 : le projet DEMETER données électroniques mutualisées pour une Europe de la recherche avec les bibliothèques du Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, de la Römisch-Germanische Kommission en plus des partenaires de DAPHNE.

Created in 1962 by Edmond Frézouls, the Bulletin Analytique d’Histoire Romaine (BAHR) was first presented as a yearly serial of analysis of articles from the scientific press, classified by topic and related to the roman history and archaeology. Since 1992 the analysis were stopped in order to promote the choice of key words – nations, anthroponomy, theonomy, - geographic places, - literature sources, epigraphy, papyrology, - different topics and key words. 
For this last group, a thesaurus has been established.The annual paperwork publication continues, but since 1999, the entire data base is also available on the Web – more precisely the data collected in about a thousand French and foreign press magazines, most of them inventoried since 1990. 
Most of the inventory and analysis were made by four CNRS engineers, member of the UMR 7044 (Etude des Civilisations de l’Antiquité, CNRS/Marc Bloch University). Michel Matter, Doris Meyer, Marie-José Morant, André Pautler, together with different teachers and research workers and doctoral candidates of Marc Bloch University (Strasbourg), Haute Alsace University (Mulhouse), Pierre-Mendès-France (Grenoble), Paris I, Paris IV, and also the members of the Research Group on Roman History of the Laval University of Québec.

Online Exhibition Catalog: Das Antlitz des Fremden

Das Antlitz des Fremden

Die Münzen der Hunnen und Westtürken in Zentralasien und Indien

Ab 1. Dezember 2012 wird im Münzkabinett des Kunsthistorischen Museums eine Sonderausstellung über die Münzprägung der „Iranischen Hunnen“ und Westtürken in Zentralasien und Nordwest-Indien zu sehen sein. Der chronologische Rahmen spannt sich vom ausgehenden 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr. bis in islamische Zeit

Historischer Überblick
Unter „Hunnen“ werden im Laufe der Zeit verschiedene Gruppierungen verstanden, von den Völkern, zu deren Abwehr die Chinesische Mauer erbaut wurde, bis zu jenen Verbänden, die unter der Herrschaft des sagenhaften Königs Attila († 453 n. Chr.) standen und Europa verheerten. Dies ist jedoch gesamthaft gesehen nur eine relativ kurze Episode. Wesentlich wirkungsstärker waren die Hunnen für die Geschichte, die Kultur und nicht zuletzt auch für die Münzprägung in Zentralasien und Nordindien, wie diese Ausstellung zeigen soll.
Die große Wanderbewegung der Hunnen aus dem mittelasiatischen Altai-Gebirge nach Westen begann im Laufe des 4. Jahrhunderts. Um 375 n. Chr. hatte ein Teil der späteren Attila-Hunnen bereits die Wolga überschritten und stieß weiter nach Europa vor. Andere Gruppen wendeten sich nach Süden, fielen in der Landschaft Sogdiana (im heutigen Usbekistan) ein, überschritten den Fluss Oxus (Amudarja) und setzten sich in Baktrien (das heutige Nord-Afghanistan) fest. Von dort führte sie ihr Weg weiter über die Gebirgsketten des Hindukusch bis in die Regionen Gandhara und Uddiyana (Swat-Tal), den Punjab (im heutigen Pakistan) und weiter nach Nordwest-Indien.

Die zeitgenössischen griechischen und römischen Historiker ließen kein gutes Haar an den Hunnen. Sie werden als „zweibeinige Bestien“, hässlich und grausam beschrieben. Gefürchtet war die hunnische Reiterei, die den römischen wie persischen Truppen arg zusetzte. Auch die Inder sagten den Hunnen nichts Gutes nach und schoben ihnen gar die Zerstörung buddhistischer Klöster und anderer religiöser Einrichtungen in die Schuhe. Heute wissen wir, dass davon keine Rede sein kann. Das zeigen nicht nur die von den Hunnen in Zentralasien und Indien geprägten Münzen, die in ihre Bildersprache verschiedene religiöse Symbole aus dem Buddhismus, Hinduismus und Zoroastrismus aufnehmen, sondern auch zahlreiche andere archäologische Hinterlassenschaften, die die Hunnen als Stifter buddhistischer Heiligtümer und Förderer einheimischer Religionen ausweisen. Während von den europäischen Hunnen keine eigene Münzprägung überliefert ist, entfalteten ihre „iranischen“ Verwandten eine überaus reiche Prägetätigkeit, die ein einzigartiges Zeugnis für die Geschichte Zentralasiens und Nordwest-Indiens in der Spätantike darstellt. Sie bietet ungeahnte Einblicke in das Selbstverständnis der hunnischen Herren und zeigt, welch vielfältige politische, wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Einflüsse auf sie wirkten.

Beherrschende Macht in der Region waren die persischen Sasaniden (s. Vitrine 2), die stets danach trachteten, auch in Zentralasien und Nordwest-Indien Präsenz zu zeigen. Nach der Mitte des 3. Jahrhunderts hatten die Sasaniden bereits Teile des zerfallenden Kuschan-Reichs in Zentralasien erobert, und sie standen ab der Mitte des 4. Jahrhunderts in ständiger Auseinandersetzung mit den Hunnen, die ihre nordöstlichen Grenzen bedrohten. Mit dem Vordringen der Hunnen nach Indien kam es auch zur Konfrontation mit den Herrschern der mächtigen Gupta-Dynastie, die ihrerseits versuchten, den hunnischen Vormarsch zu stoppen (s. Vitrinen 5 und 9). Allen Widerständen zum Trotz gelang es den Hunnen jedoch, sich in den Kernzonen ihres Herrschaftsbereichs zu behaupten, der sich von Baktrien bis in den Punjab erstreckte. Allerdings darf man sich dieses Hunnenreich nicht als einheitliches Gebilde wie das Imperium Romanum vorstellen; es bestand vielmehr aus zahlreichen größeren und kleineren Herrschaften. Sie wurden von Königen verschiedener Stammesverbände regiert, die mitunter auch gegeneinander zu Felde zogen. Dies spiegelt sich nicht zuletzt in der Münzprägung wieder, die ein dichtes Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen den einzelnen Münzausgaben und ihren Prägeherren offenbart.

Open Access Journal: Board Game Studies

Board Game Studies

Board Games Studies is an academic journal for historical and systematic research on board games. Its object is to provide a forum for board games research from all academic disciplines in order to further our understanding of the development and distribution of board games within an interdisciplinary academic context.

Board Games Studies ist eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die sich der historischen und systematischen Erforschung des Brettspiels widmet. Sie hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein Forum für die Brettspiel-Forschung aller Fachrichtungen zu bieten, um das Verständnis für die Entstehung und Verbreitung von Brettspielen im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären Ansatzes zu fördern.

Board Games Studies est une revue savante vouée à la recherche historique et systématique sur les jeux de pions. Son but est d'accueillir des recherches sur les jeux de pions relevant de diverses disciplines afin d'approfondir la connaissance du développement et de la diffusion de ces jeux dans un contexte interdisciplinaire. 
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