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Open Access Journal: Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)

[First posted in AWOL 31 December 2011. Updated 16 July 2014]

Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East (ASTENE)
ISSN 1461-­4316
The ASTENEBulletin is published four times a year and aims to keep members informed of research interests and queries in the field of travel in Egypt and the Near East. Members are encouraged to submit information and material for the Bulletin relating to on-going research and interests, conferences etc.

There is also a focus on useful subject-related bibliographies and biographies. The Bulletin contains the following regular or semi-regular features: articles — perhaps on work in progress, which should be no more than 2,000 words; select bibliographies; features on research resources; ASTENE news: publications, conferences, seminars, exhibitions etc.; other exhibitions, conferences of interest; announcements of relevant books/articles — in preparation, forthcoming, recently published; members' notes and queries.

Submissions for the next Bulletin must be received by 15th December 2010. We welcome articles, queries, replies and other related matters from members. Please send the contributions to the Editors, Sheila and Russell McGuirk via email at bulletin@astene.org.uk
Bulletin No.57 Autumn 2013
Bulletin No.56 Summer 2013
Bulletin No.55 Spring 2013
Bulletin No.54 Winter 2012/13
Bulletin No.53 Autumn 2012
Bulletin No.52 Summer 2012
Bulletin No.51 Spring 2012
Bulletin No.50 Winter 2011/12
Bulletin No.49 Autumn 2011
Bulletin No.48 Summer 2011
Bulletin No.47 Spring 2011
Bulletin No.46 Winter 2010/11
Bulletin No.45 Autumn 2010
Bulletin No.44 Summer 2010
Bulletin No.43 Spring 2010
Bulletin No.42 Winter 2009/10
Bulletin No.41 Autumn 2009
Bulletin No.40 Summer 2009
Bulletin No.39 Spring 2009
Bulletin No.38 Winter 2008/09
Bulletin No.37 Autumn 2008
Bulletin No.36 Summer 2008
Bulletin No.35 Spring 2008
Bulletin No.34 Winter 2007
Bulletin No.33 Autumn 2007
Bulletin No.32 Summer 2007
Bulletin No.31 Spring 2007
Bulletin No.30 Winter 2006-7
Bulletin No.29 Winter 2006
Bulletin No.28 Summer 2006
Bulletin No.27 Spring 2006
Bulletin No.26 Winter 2005
Bulletin No.25 Autumn 2005
Bulletin No.24 Summer 2005
Bulletin No.23 Spring 2005
Bulletin No.22 Winter 2004
Bulletin No.21 Autumn 2004
Bulletin No.20 Summer 2004
Bulletin No.19 Spring 2004
Bulletin No.18 Winter 2003
Bulletin No.17 Autumn 2003
Bulletin No.16 Summer 2003
Bulletin No.15 Spring 2003
Bulletin No.14 Supplement Winter 2002
Bulletin No. 14 Autumn 2002
Bulletin No.13 Spring 2002
Bulletin No.12 October 2001
Bulletin No.11 April 2001
Bulletin No.10 October 2000
Bulletin No.9 April 2000
Bulletin No.8 October 1999
Bulletin No.7 April 1999
Bulletin No.6 October 1998
Bulletin No.5 April 1998
Bulletin No.4 October 1997
Bulletin No.3 December 1996
Bulletin No.2 August 1996
Bulletin No.1 July 1995
See AWOL's round up of Open access travel literature 

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

New Open Access Journal: Studia Universitatis Hereditati

Studia Universitatis Hereditati
ISSN: 2350-5443
Studia universitatis hereditati je humanistična znanstvena revija za raziskave in teorijo kulturne dediščine z mednarodnim uredniškim odborom. Objavlja znanstvene in strokovne članke s širšega področja kulturne dediščine (arheologija, arhitektura, etnologija, jezikoslovje, literarna, kulturna, glasbena, intelektualna, religijska, vojaška zgodovina, zgodovina idej itn.) in pregledne članke ter recenzije tako domačih kot tujih monografij z omenjenih področij. Vsi znanstveni članki so recenzirani.  Revija izhaja dvakrat letno. Izdaja jo Založba Univerze na Primorskem za potrebe Fakultete za humanistične študije (Oddelek za arheologijo in dediščino).

Poglavitni namen revije je prispevati k razvoju raziskav kulturne dediščine v najširšem in k topoglednemu interdisciplinarnemu pristopu k teoretičnim in praktičnim raziskovalnim vprašanjem. Tako revija posebno pozornost namenja razvoju slovenske znanstvene in strokovne terminologije, konceptov in paradigem na področju raziskovanja kulturne dediščine v okviru humanističnih ved.

Studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 1, številka 01-02
FlipBook | PDF | FlipBook for iPad

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Harvard Expedition to Samaria, 1908–1910

Harvard Expedition to Samaria, 1908–1910
Harvard University Library Open Collections Program
Harvard’s Committee on Exploration in the Orient designated the American archaeologist George A. Reisner to direct the University’s expedition to Samaria. With sponsorship from Jacob H. Schiff, the expedition was intended to excavate the site of Samaria (Sebaste), which was the capital of the ancient Kingdom of Israel.

Reisner located remains of the royal palace built by Omri and Ahab during the Israelite period, as well as remnants of buildings constructed during later periods of occupation by Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans. Noteworthy among the artifacts found were ostraca, or pottery fragments, depicting Hebrew-character inscriptions in carbon ink of Biblical names and memoranda of commercial shipments.

Expeditions and Discoveries Resources on the Harvard Expedition to Samaria

Selected Manuscripts and Records in Expeditions and Discoveries

George Reisner Diaries, 1909–1910. Samaria, 1908–1910, Box 6. The Semitic Museum at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Records of the Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908–1910. The Semitic Museum at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Lyon, D. G. Diary of Samaria Expedition, 1908–1911. Samaria 1908–1910, Box 5. The Semitic Museum at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
Schumacher, Gottlieb. Diary, Harvard Samaria Excavations, 1908. Samaria 1908–1910, Box 5. The Semitic Museum at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.


Reisner, George Andrew, Clarence Stanley Fisher, David Gordon Lyon. Harvard Excavations at Samaria, 1908–1910. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1924.

Harvard Expedition to Samaria Resources at Other Sites

West Semitic Research Project


The following sources were used in writing this page.
Harvard University. Reports of the President and the Treasurer of Harvard College, 1903–04. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1905.
Lyon, David Gordon. "Recent Excavations in Palestine."Harvard Theological Review , 1:1 (1908) 70–96.
Reisner, George A. "The Harvard Expedition to Samaria Excavations: Excavations of 1909."Harvard Theological Review , 3:2 (1910) 248–263.
Stern, Ephraim, Ed. The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society & Carta, 1993– .
Tappy, Ron E. The Archaeology of Israelite Samaria. Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1992.

Free app: Take a Field Trip to Corinth

Take a Field Trip to Corinth
by Andrew Reinhard
Following on the heels of the app and interactive Ebook for the Athenian Agora, the ASCSA is happy to announce a new, free app to help you explore Ancient Corinth with content from the forthcoming Ancient Corinth: A Guide to the Site and Museum.http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/News/newsDetails/take-a-field-trip-to-corinth

Field Trip
The ASCSA partnered with Google earlier in 2014 to enable you to tour Ancient Corinth on-site on your smartphone. iPhone, Android, and Google Glass* users can download the freeField Trip app from the iTunes and Google Play stores, tick the box for ASCSA content, and then walk around Ancient Corinth. You will be notified by your device’s GPS when you approach any of over 50 Corinth monuments. View images, descriptions, links to more information on ascsa.net, and related Hesperia articles. Field Trip frees you to tour Ancient Corinth however you like in whatever direction you choose. Once you've explored the site inside the fence, use Field Trip to find your way to the Odeion, the Gymnasium, the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, and elsewhere.

Field Trip for iPhone
Field Trip for Android

*Field Trip on Google Glass includes voice-activation. Internet connection (WiFi or 3G/4G) required for use on all devices.

Open Access Journal: Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Acta antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
ISSN: 1588-2543
Acta Antiqua publishes original research papers, review articles and book reviews in the field of ancient studies. It covers the field of history, literature, philology and material culture of the Ancient East, the Classical Antiquity and, to a lesser part, of Byzantium and the Latin culture of Mediaeval, Renaissance and Early Modern Europe, as well as the ’Nachleben’ of Classical Antiquity.

A folyóirat az ókortudomány területéről közöl tanulmányokat. Foglalkozik az ókori Kelet és kiemelten a görög-római ókor történelmével, irodalmával és kultúrájával, továbbá kisebb mértékben a bizánci görög és a középkori, reneszánsz és kora újkori latin nyelvű kultúrával, valamint a klasszikus antikvitás utóéletével.
Volumes 1 (1951) - 36 (1995) are open access
Acta Antiqua, 51 - 2011. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 50 - 2010. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 49 - 2009. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 48 - 2008. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 47 - 2007. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 46 - 2006. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 45 - 2005. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 44 - 2004. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 43 - 2003. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 42 - 2002. ISSN 0044-5975
Acta Antiqua, 41 - 2001.
Acta Antiqua, 40 - 2000.
Acta Antiqua, 39 - 1999.
Acta Antiqua, 38 - 1998.
Acta Antiqua, 37 - 1997.
Acta Antiqua, 36 - 1995.
Acta Antiqua, 35 - 1994.
Acta Antiqua, 34 - 1993.
Acta Antiqua, 33 - 1992.
Acta Antiqua, 32 - 1989.
Acta Antiqua, 31 - 1988.
Acta Antiqua, 30 - 1984.
Acta Antiqua, 29 - 1981.
Acta Antiqua, 28 - 1980.
Acta Antiqua, 27 - 1979.
Acta Antiqua, 26 - 1978.
Acta Antiqua, 25 - 1977.
Acta Antiqua, 24 - 1976.
Acta Antiqua, 23 - 1975.
Acta Antiqua, 22 - 1974.
Acta Antiqua, 21 - 1973.
Acta Antiqua, 20 - 1972.
Acta Antiqua, 19 - 1971.
Acta Antiqua, 18 - 1970.
Acta Antiqua, 17 - 1969.
Acta Antiqua, 16 - 1968.
Acta Antiqua, 15 - 1967.
Acta Antiqua, 14 - 1966.
Acta Antiqua, 13 - 1965.
Acta Antiqua, 12 - 1964.
Acta Antiqua, 11 - 1963.
Acta Antiqua, 10 - 1962.
Acta Antiqua, 9 - 1961.
Acta Antiqua, 8 - 1960.
Acta Antiqua, 7 - 1959.
Acta Antiqua, 6 - 1958.
Acta Antiqua, 5 - 1957.
Acta Antiqua, 4 - 1956.
Acta Antiqua, 3 - 1955.
Acta Antiqua, 2 - 1953.
Acta Antiqua, 1 - 1951

Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina

Roman Roads and Milestones in Judaea/Palaestina 
In 1970 The Israel Milestone Committee (IMC) was formed by Mordechai Gichon as a branch of the International Curatorium of the Corpus Miliariorum. The aim of the committee was to assemble, study and prepare for publication the milestones inscriptions found in Israel. The IMC also intended to carry out a systematic survey of all the extant remains related to roads, in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the Roman road network in Israel. For almost 40 years the Committee's field and research work was led by Israel Roll and Benjamin Isaac together with other scholars.

Newly Open Access Journal: Études platoniciennes

Études platoniciennes
Les Études platoniciennes sont entièrement consacrées à l'actualité de la recherche sur Platon et la tradition platonicienne. Elles rassemblent : un choix d'études pertinentes sur un thème ou une œuvre particulièrement significatifs pour la recherche contemporaine, la livraison annuelle du « Bulletin Platonicien », avec ses comptes rendus sur les livres récents consacrés à Platon et à la tradition platonicienne, et la « Bibliographie Platonicienne », qui recense toutes les publications dans ce domaine. Les Études platoniciennes favorisent le pluralisme des langues, des disciplines et des méthodes de lecture.

  • 9 | 2012
    Platon aujourd’hui
    Loin de diminuer à l’orée du troisième millénaire, le nombre des études spécialisées sur Platon, son œuvre et sa philosophie ne cesse d’augmenter. Pourquoi cet engouement pour un philosophe que deux millénaires et demi séparent de nous ? De quelle signification et de quelle portée est la philosophie platonicienne pour le monde d’aujourd’hui ? Qu’il s’agisse de questions épistémologiques, de réflexion sur les mathématiques, la physique, la cosmologie ; qu’il s’agisse encore(...)

  • 10 | 2013
    Platon et la technè
    Platon et ses prédécesseurs I
    Le numéro X des Etudes Platoniciennes est le premier numéro d'une série consacrée au thème "Platon et ses prédécesseurs" qui fut l'objet des recherches présentées au Séminaire d'Études Platoniciennes de 2009 à 2012. Ce numéro a pour thème la τέχνη : quel rôle la τέχνη, représentée ici par la médecine et la musique, joue-t-elle dans l’Antiquité sur la pensée philosophique, en particulier celle de Platon ? Comment les discours et les savoirs techniques et artisanaux se trou(...)

Open Access Monograph Series: Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP)

Trismegistos Online Publications (TOP)
This series, edited by W. Clarysse (K.U.Leuven) / M. Depauw (K.U.Leuven) / H.J. Thissen (Universität zu Köln), aims to provide freely downloadable pdf-documents with scholarly tools based upon or providing links to the Trismegistos database.
Contributors can send in manuscripts in Word format to mark.depauw@arts.kuleuven.be. The editors will decide whether the manuscript fits in the series and can be accepted for reviewing. An anonymous version of the manuscript will then be sent to two or more peers for evaluation. On the basis of their report the editors will take a decision whether to publish it in the series or not. Authors will be given the anonymous notes of the reviewers and can be asked to implement changes to their manuscript.

TOP 1 (Click to download)
M. Depauw, C. Arlt, M. Elebaut, A. Georgila, S.A. Gülden, H. Knuf, J. Moje, F. Naether, H. Verreth, S. Bronischewski, B. Derichs, S. Eslah, M. Kromer
A Chronological Survey of Precisely Dated Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Sources
Version 1.0 (February 2007), Köln / Leuven 2008, xiii, 232 pp.
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-04

TOP 2 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-Roman period
Version 2.0 (July 2013), Köln / Leuven 2013, 1253 pp. (12 Mb).
ISBN: To be determined (Version 1.0: 978-9-490604-0-35)
(The old version 1.0, from September 2008, is still available as well: click here to download in pdf).

TOP 3 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD
Version 1.0 (August 2009), Köln / Leuven 2009, 314 pp. (13.3 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-28

TOP 4 (Click to download)
A. Benaissa
Rural Settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey
Version 2.0 (May 2012), Köln / Leuven 2012, 496 pp. (8.4 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-42
(The old version 1.0, from October 2009, is still available as well: click here to download in pdf).

TOP 5 (Click to download)
H. Verreth
Toponyms in Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts from the 8th century BC till the 5th century AD
Version 1.0 (August 2011), Köln / Leuven 2011, 719 pp. (9.6 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-66

TOP 6 (Click to download)
K.A. Worp
A New Survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin Tabulae Preserved from Classical Antiquity
Version 1.0 (February 2012), Leiden / Leuven 2012, 78 pp. (0.6 Mb).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-59

TOP 7 (Click to download)
J. Lundon
The Scholia Minora in Homerum. An Alphabetical List
Version 1.0 (November 2012), Köln / Leuven 2012, 250 pp. (2.0 Mb).
ISBN: 978-94-9060-407-3

Y. Broux
Double Names in Roman Egypt: A Prosopography
Version 1.0 (forthcoming 2014), Leuven 2014.

Further volumes are in preparation.

Out of the TOP series:
J. France
Theadelpheia and Euhemereia. Village History in Graeco-Roman Egypt
Leuven, 1999 (Click here; WARNING: large file 55 Mb !! ).
[Unpublished PhD thesis]
K. Vandorpe
Egyptische geografische elementen in Griekse transcriptie
In Dutch - (English title for reference only: Egyptian geographical elements in Greek transcription)
Leuven, 1988 (Click here; ZIP-file; after decompressing, you will get a folder containing the text itself - which has been split up in 2 parts – and an index to the text. All files are searchable PDF's. WARNING: large file 95,8 Mb !! ).
[Unpublished Master thesis, in Dutch]
H. Verreth
The northern Sinai from the 7th century BC till the 7th century AD. A guide to the sources
Leuven, 2006 (Click here).
ISBN: 978-9-490604-0-11

Digitale Nah- und Mittelost-Studien

Digitale Nah- und Mittelost-Studien 
Diese Webseite begleitet Projekte des Centrums für Nah- und Mittelost-Studien der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Hier werden in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten sukzessive grundlegende Informationen zum Themenfeld eHumanities und Nah- und Mittelost-Studien, fachbezogene Webanwendungen sowie digitale Hilfsmittel eingestellt. 
An English version of this website is in preparation.

Akkadische Glossare und Indizes (AGI)

Diese digitale Sammlung akkadischer lexikographischer Belege integriert verschiedene Datenbanken und gedruckte Quellen.
Die Belegsammlung enthält die Zusammenstellung der akkadischen Einträge aus Archiv für Orientforschung Band 25 (1974/1977) – Band 52 (2011) sowie Beiheft 21 (1986).
Die Sammlung akkadischer Einträge kann hier im PDF-Format heruntergeladen werden:

Sumerische Glossare und Indizes (SGI)

Diese digitale Sammlung sumerischer lexikographischer Belege integriert verschiedene Datenbanken und gedruckte Quellen und erschließt diese über einen Index. 
Die Belegsammlung integriert folgende Datenbanken und Sammlungen:

Akkadische und sumerische Texte (AST)

Dies ist eine Sammlung digitaler Editionen, die zusätzlich durch Glossare und Zeichenkonkordanzen erschlossen werden. 


On behalf of the Oracc Steering Committee--myself, Eleanor Robson, and Niek Veldhuis--I am pleased to announce the appearance of Oracc 3, the most important visible feature of which is a reimplementation of the main browsing interface (the "pager"). The pager has been streamlined and rewritten for improved stability and many more changes have been made under the surface to support Oracc's next moves, including the creation of new dedicated servers, one at the University of Pennsylvania and the other at University College, London.

For help on the new user interface, click on the query icon, or see http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc2/help/visitingoracc/index.html .

To access additional resources from the pager, click on the plus icon.

The documentation has been extensively revised by Eleanor Robson, and the portal implementation has been reworked by Ruth Horry to be responsive to different sized media such as mobile devices. Niek Veldhuis has provided extensive feedback and testing over the last year which has yielded many improvements.

In addition we encourage you to follow Oracc on various social media platforms--just click on the FaceBook, Blogspot and Twitter icons at the foot of the home page, http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ / http://oracc.org/ .

As usual, please report any bugs to me, stinney@upenn.edu.

Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN) News

Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN) News
We are pleased to announce with a slight delay due to server maintenance work the publication of several new contributions to the Cuneiform Digital Library Notes (CDLN):

CDLN 2014:012
Lance Allred, Girsu Labor Assignments Revisited

CDLN 2014:013
Klaus Wagensonner, Some notes on a Middle Assyrian letter

CDLN 2014:014
Ingo Schrakamp, On the reading of a-dam-DUN{ki}

CDLN 2014:015
Klaus Wagensonner, Lu2 A Again!

CDLN 2014:016
Jacob L. Dahl, Correction to J. L. Dahl, “A Babylonian Gang of Potters”

CDLN 2014:017
Liu Changyu, Notes on Elamites and the date of three Drehem texts

CDLN 2014:018
Klaus Wagensonner, Elamites in Edinburgh

CDLN 2014:019
Klaus Wagensonner, A note on the colophon of VAT 9487

CDLN 2014:020

Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 1. On goats and sheep during the ED I-II period

CDLN 2014:021
Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 2. Addenda and errata

CDLN 2014:022
Camille Lecompte, Suggestions and corrections to Archaic Texts and Fragments from Ur (ATFU) - 3. Again on EREN2+S. 161b{ki}

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to CDLN for their support and would like to encourage scholars to contribute to the Notes in future.

As mentioned in the previous announcement, all old links for contributions before 2014 are automatically redirected to the new address. Some new features are now implemented, whose aim is to increase user-friendliness. Among these features is a navigation bar at the top making the navigation throughout the Notes easier (<< and >> for jumping to the previous/next year and </> to switch between previous/next Note). The rhombic symbol leads to the display of all contributions in the respective year (e.g., http://cdli.ucla.edu/pubs/cdln/php/indexyear.php?year=2014).

Newly Open Access Journal: Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens

Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens
ISSN: 1108-149X
Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens publishes academic articles on topics related to Greek and Mediterranean archaeology, history, language, literature, visual arts, architecture, art history and cultural traditions.

An essential part of the journal is furthermore the publication of preliminary reports of Danish archaeological fieldwork carried out in Greece.  

The Danish Institute at Athens is pleased to announce that Open Access to the first three volumes of the Proceedings of the Danish Institute at Athens is now available through the Open Journal System. Open Access to volumes IV-VI will be provided during the autumn of 2014.

The service has been realized through a close cooperation between the Danish Institute at Athens, The Nordic Library at Athens and Statsbiblioteket in Aarhus, Denmark

PoDIA Issue 1

PoDIA Issue 2

PoDIA Issue 3

See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

ARIT Newsletter On-Line

 [First posted in AWOL 4 December 2009. Updated 19 July 2014]

ARIT Newsletter On-Line
Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.
Recent issues: 
Volume 56, Spring 2014

Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.
Volume 56, Spring 2014
     - Reflections on ARIT's 50th.

     - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.
      - Research reports: Statistics and reform in contemporary Turkey; the musical life of two Bektashi communities; Ottoman physical culture.
Volume 55, Spring 2013
      - 2014 is ARIT's 50th year - reflecting on past accomplishments and future plans.
 - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional member

      - New publication - writings of Dr. Toni M. Cross
      - Research reports: library collections of Ottoman Sufi scholars; Armenian churches in Istanbul.
Volume 54, Fall 2012
      - ARIT plans adaptations to reduced funding
 - ARIT welcomes five new institutional members

      - Research report: Classical architects of Asia Minor; Authenticating Eyüp in Istanbul.
Volume 53, Spring 2012
- ARIT's funding worries continue
 - ARIT Istanbul Library acquires the massive archive of the American Board of Missions
      - ARIT Ankara director reports on Turkish fellows traveling to Greece
      - Research report: Early Republican political cartoons

Open Access Journal: ARCHAI: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental

[First posted in AWOL 19 March 2012, updated 19 July 2014]

ARCHAI: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental
ISSN: 1984-249X versão eletrônica
ARCHAI: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental é uma publicação semestral do Grupo Archai: As Origens do Pensamento Ocidental, grupo interdisciplinar e interinstitucional que congrega pesquisadores das áreas de filosofia, história, letras, direito e arqueologia de diversas instituições universitárias brasileiras.


Poorly Attested Words in Ancient Greek Online

Poorly Attested Words in Ancient Greek 
The project Poorly Attested Words in Ancient Greek (PAWAG) has the aim of setting up a database in the form of an electronic dictionary that gathers together words of Ancient Greek that are either only scantily attested (i.e. with one or few occurrences), inadequately (i.e.characterized by some sort of uncertainty) or in any case problematically, both from a formal and semantic point of view.

The project is open to international collaboration and the archive will be drawn up through progressive expansion both in the number of entries and their contents, with gradual correction and updating and elimination of any ghost-word.

The database is available free and offers a scientific tool for scholars in the research on classical world as well as a supplement to the existing dictionaries of ancient Greek (in which satisfactory attention can hardly be paid to the complex field of Poorly Attested Words), in order to make a contribution to future improvement of Greek lexicography.

Click here to display an entry example. In order to visualize correctly the Greek parts install the SPIonic font

DatabaseHeadwords in archive: 1613
Last update: 20-04-2014

Open Access Journal: Birmingham Egyptology Journal

Birmingham Egyptology Journal
ISSN: 2053-3586
Birmingham Egyptology Journal is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal available only online and free of charge.
The journal offers a platform for the presentation of research relating to ancient Egyptian culture, history, and archaeology from the Pre-dynastic to Graeco-Roman Periods.
The Journal officially launched on March 14, 2013 with the first articles being published online shortly thereafter. It is intended that articles will be presented as the review and publication processes are completed with the total submissions for each calendar year comprising one volume. Further information for prospective contributors to the Journal is available from the drop-down menu of the ‘Journal’ head on this page.
Birmingham Egyptology Journal, Department of Classics and Ancient History, Room 304, Arts Building, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT. 
 Submissions and enquiries should be forwarded to: editor@birminghamegyptology.co.uk
Volume 2: 2014
1. Article
 The High Priests of Amun at the End of the Twentieth Dynasty
Jennifer Palmer
To reference this article we suggest:
Palmer, J. 2014. ‘The High Priests of Amun at the End of the Twentieth Dynasty’. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 2: 1-22.

2. Article
A map of Egypt reconstructed from the description of the country at Edfu
Gyula Priskin
To reference this article we suggest:
Priskin, G. 2014. ‘A map of Egypt reconstructed from the description of the country at Edfu’. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 2: 23-41.

Volume 1: 2013
1. Object Highlight
Eton College Myers Collection of Egyptian Antiquities Object Highlight – ECM822, A Faience Nubian Head
Carl Graves
To reference this article we suggest:
Graves, C. 2013. ‘Eton College Myers Collection Object Highlight: A Faience Nubian Head’. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 1: 1-4.
 2. Article
Piankh and Herihor: Art, Ostraca, and Accession in Perspective
Steven R. W. Gregory
To reference this article we suggest:
Gregory, S. R. W. 2013. ‘Piankh and Herihor: Art, Ostraca, and Accession in Perspective’. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 1: 5-18.
3. Review
Review of J.  Padgham 2012 A New Interpretation of the Cone on the Head in New Kingdom Tomb Scenes.
Eleanor B. Simmance
To reference this article we suggest:
Simmance, E. B. 2013. ‘Review of J. Padgham. A New Interpretation of the Cone on the Head in New Kingdom Tomb Scenes. BAR International Series. Archaeopress: Oxford. 2012. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 1: 19-21.
4. Review
Review of Raven, Verschoor, Vugts and Walsem 2011. The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. Commander in Chief of Tutankhamun. V. The forecourt and the area south of the tomb with some notes on the tomb of Tia
Gabrielle Heffernan
To reference this article we suggest:
Heffernan, G. 2013. ‘Review of M. Raven, V. Verschoor, M. Vugts and R. Walsem. The Memphite Tomb of Horemheb. Commander in Chief of Tutankhamun. V. The forecourt and the area south of the tomb with some notes on the tomb of Tia. Brepols 2011. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 1: 22-24.
 5. Article
Coffin Texts Spell 155 on the Moon
Gyula Priskin
To reference this article we suggest:
Priskin, G. 2013. ‘Coffin Texts Spell 155 on the Moon’. Birmingham Egyptology Journal 1: 25-63.

Newly Open Access Journal: Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Revue de théologie et de philosophie
ISSN: 0035-1784
La Revue de théologie et de philosophie (RThPh) a été fondée en 1868 par des philosophes et des théologiens protestants de Suisse romande. Elle parut à l’origine sous le titre «Théologie et philosophie: Compte rendu des principales publications scientifiques à l’étranger ». Elle fut donc au départ un simple bulletin de recensions. Le but des premiers rédacteurs était d’informer le public philosophique et théologique romand des nouveaux travaux allemands, anglais et italiens, sans parti pris, selon le principe « La vérité sans la recherche de la vérité n’est pas la vérité ».
Au fil des ans, la RThPh est devenue une revue, assurant, à côté des comptes rendus, la publication d’articles, de chroniques et d’études critiques, participant ainsi elle-même plus activement aux travaux et débats en cours.

Pour plus de détails sur l’histoire de la Revue:
Henri Meylan, «La Revue de théologie et de philosophie 1868 1968», RThPh, 1968, pp. 273 292.
Pour trouver un article ou une recension dans la Revue, on peut consulter les quatre volumes de «Tables» élaborés au fil des décennies: 1868-1911, 1913-1937, 1938-1967 et 1968-1995. Les deux derniers volumes sont en vente auprès du Secrétariat de la Revue

Period of publication
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Revue de théologie et de philosophie

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Revue de théologie et de philosophie

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Volume 49
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Revue de théologie et de philosophie

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Volume 52
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 53
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 54
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 55
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 56
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 57
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Volume 58
Revue de théologie et de philosophie

Roman Provincial Coinage Online

Roman Provincial Coinage Online
The aim of the Roman Provincial Coinage series is to produce a standard typology of the provincial coinage of the Roman Empire from its beginning in 44 BC to its end in AD 296/7. The current Roman Provincial Coinage Online project is confined to the Antonine period (AD 138–192), but it is intended that it will form a model for putting other periods online in the future.

The database is based on the ten most important and accessible collections in the world, and on all published material. It comprises one of the largest collections of images and related inscriptions from the ancient world which is searchable by iconography, place, and time.

The database contains information on 13,729 coin types, based on 47,536 specimens (9,061 of which have images).

Digitale Keilschriftbibliothek Lexikalischer Listen aus Assur

Digitale Keilschriftbibliothek Lexikalischer Listen aus Assur
Das Projekt „Digitale Keilschriftbibliothek Lexikalischer Listen aus Assur (DKB-LLA)“ ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt des Seminars für Altorientalistik (Assyriologie) der Universität Göttingen und der Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen (GWDG).

Ziel des Projektes ist die philologisch-wissenschaftliche Aufbereitung aller lexikalischen Texte aus den Ausgrabungen, die in den Jahren 1903-1914 unter der Leitung von Walter Andrae in Assur (Nordikrak) durchgeführt wurden, und die heute im Vorderasiatischen Museum zu Berlin liegen. Der Teil der Texte aus Assur, die sich heute in den Archäologischen Museen zu Istanbul befinden, wird zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nicht in den Bestand der „Digitalen Keilschriftbibliothek“ aufgenommen.
Die Publikation soll einem wissenschaftlichen Publikum einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Zugriff auf das Korpus der lexikalischen Texte aus Assur ermöglichen. Daneben sollen allgemeine Informationsseiten die Bedeutung und den Stellenwert dieses Textkorpus für die mesopotamische Geistesgeschichte auch Studierenden sowie einem allgemein interessierten Publikum verdeutlichen.
Das Korpus der DKB-LLA umfasst 410 Tafeln und Fragmente, die zu 18 unterschiedlichen Serien lexikalischer Listen gehören. Nur rund 60% dieser Texte wurden in früheren Veröffentlichungen (z.B. in den Materialien zum Sumerischen Lexikon, Chicago) publiziert, davon ist bisher jedoch auch nur ein Teil in Handkopien veröffentlicht worden.
Alle Texte werden in fachüblichen Bearbeitungen durch Transliterationen sowie zusätzlich durch Fotos und kurze Kommentare, darunter auch Zitate der Listeneinträge in den Wörterbüchern „Akkadisches Handwörterbuch (AHw)“ und „The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD)“ sowie der Angabe einer möglichen Bedeutung jedes Listeneintrags im Internet veröffentlicht und langfristig verfügbar gemacht.

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