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New from the Oriental Institute: Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday

Essays for the Library of Seshat: Studies Presented to Janet H. Johnson on the Occasion of Her 70th Birthday

Jan Tribute Cover.jpgEdited by Robert K. Ritner

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Janet H. Johnson, Morton D. Hull Distinguished Professor of Egyptology, is internationally known as editor of the Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) project (1976–present), but her publications and interests extend far beyond lexicography. These range from philology and social history to technology and archaeology, including gender studies and marriage, bureaucracy and scribal training, Egyptian grammar of all periods, as well as computer applications to Egyptology and archaeological investigations of the late antique port at Quseir on the Red Sea coast and medieval Luxor. This Festschrift, by twenty-eight colleagues, students, and friends, reflects her wide variety of interests, with topics ranging from the Old Kingdom to Late Antiquity.
Table of Contents
Publications of Janet H. Johnson. John A. Larson, University of Chicago
Introduction. Robert K. Ritner, University of Chicago
1. The ABCs of Painting in the Mid-Eighteenth Dynasty Terminology and Social Meaning
Betsy M. Bryan, Johns Hopkins University
2. Yellow Is Not a Metaphor for “All [That]’s ‘Fair’ in Love and War”
Lorelei H. Corcoran, University of Memphis
3. The Camel as a Sethian Creature
François Gaudard, University of Chicago
4. A Ptolemaic Grain Account Papyrus (P. Vienna D. 13.534)
Richard Jasnow, Johns Hopkins University
5. The Syntax and Semantics of the Particle ἰst in the Middle Egyptian Tales
Jacqueline Jay, Eastern Kentucky University
6. An Indurated-Limestone Sphinx Fragment of Nefertiti in the Luxor Temple Blockyard
W. Raymond Johnson, University of Chicago
7. Were There Legal Form Books, Legal Casebooks, or Case Law in Ancient Egypt?
Thomas Logan, Monterey Peninsula College
8. State Making, Military Power, and Bureaucracy: Some Thoughts on New Directions in the Study of the History of Bureaucracy in Egypt
Joseph G. Manning, Yale University
9. “Completamente distrutte”: Réévaluation archéologique de Philadelphie du Fayoum, Égypte
Gregory Marouard, University of Chicago
10. Fragments of a Late Roman Doorway at Medinet Habu
J. Brett McClain, University of Chicago
11. “Nonsense Burners” and Nomads
Carol Meyer, University of Chicago
12. The Foundation and Purpose of the Settlement at Lahun during the Middle Kingdom: A New Evaluation
Nadine Moeller, University of Chicago
13. A Loan Contract in Chicago from the Archive of the Theban Choachytes (Second Century BCE)
Brian P. Muhs, University of Chicago
14. “Greeks” in a Demotic List O. Lips. ÄMUL dem. inv. 1422
Franziska Naether, Universität Leipzig
15. Converters in Old Egyptian
Hratch Papazian, University of Cambridge
16. Family of Priests in the Theban Tombs of Ahmose and R‘a (TT 121 and 72)
Peter A. Piccione, University of Charleston, S. C.
17. The Origin of Evil in Egyptian Theological Speculation
Robert K. Ritner, University of Chicago
18. Fear of Hieroglyphs: Patterns of Suppression and Mutilation in Old Kingdom Period Burial Chambers
Ann Macy Roth, New York University
19. An Embalmer’s Bowl with Demotic Inscription (Oriental Institute Museum E9115)
Foy Scalf, University of Chicago
20. Stela of Tamiw Naming a King Takelot (Liverpool
Cynthia May Sheikholeslami, Cairo, Egypt
21. Pectorals, Seals, and Seal Cases(?)
David P. Silverman, Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania
22. Transformation and Justification: A Unique Adaptation of Book of the Dead Spell 125 in P. Louvre E 3452
Mark Smith, University of Oxford
23. Djedhor Son of Usirwer in the Valley of the Kings
Steve Vinson, Indiana University Bloomington, Eugene Cruz-Uribe, Indiana University East, and Jacqueline Jay, Eastern Kentucky University
24. The Beginning and End of Coffin Spell 149: A Living Person Approaches the Netherworld Tribunal
Edward F. Wente, University of Chicago
25. Revisiting the Egyptian Memnon: Landscape and Memory in Western Thebes
Jennifer Westerfeld, University of Louisville
26. A Saite Family Burial Assemblage from Nag el-Hassiya in the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
T. G. Wilfong, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan
27. Security Conditions and Methods in the Middle Kingdom
Bruce B. Williams, University of Chicago
28. Eine neue demotische Lebenslehre (Pap. Berlin P. 13605)
Karl-Theodor Zauzich

  • Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 70
  • Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2017
  • ISBN 978-1-61491-032-9
  • Pp. xii + 452; 262 illustrations (many color)
  • Softcover, 9" x 11.75"
  • $59.95

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Open Access Journal: Routes de l'Orient: Revue d'Archéologie de l'Orient Ancien

[First posted in AWOL: 23 November 2017, updates with new content 20 September 2018]

Routes de l'Orient: Revue d'Archéologie de l'Orient Ancien
ISSN: 2272-8120
ISSN: 2492-8542
Routes de l'Orient est une association étudiante à but non lucratif ayant pour objectif principal de promouvoir la recherche en archéologie orientale grâce à la participation active d'étudiants et au soutien d'enseignants et de chercheurs. Routes de l'Orient est intéressée par les autres disciplines actrices de la recherche orientale (épigraphiste, anthropologue, historien, numismate, ...). Elle regroupe des étudiants provenant de différentes universités telles que Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 4 Sorbonne, l'École pratique des hautes études (EPHE), le Museum d'histoire naturelle ou encore l'École du Louvre et tend à s'ouvrir à d'autres universités françaises et étrangères.
Routes de l'Orient is a non profit association rallying students in Oriental archaeology, also interesting in others eastern disciplins (history, anthropology, epigraphy, ...). We are actively working together with the help and support of scholars and senior lecturers to share recent research in our field with the broader public. We currently include undergraduates and postgraduates from various Parisian universities (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 4 Sorbonne, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Ecole du Louvre) and hope to extend our membership to other student communities both in France and abroad.
Hors-Série n°3: Actualité archéologique française au Soudan
N° 3 – « Actualité des recherches archéologiques »
Hors-série n° 2 : « Actualité des recherches archéologiques en Arabie »
N° 2 – « Actualité des recherches archéologiques »
N° 1 – « Actualités de la recherche archéologique » 
Cliquez sur l’image pour ouvrir le document

Open Access Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums

 [First posted in AWOL 1 January 2014, updated (adding: Monika Hasitzka, Helmut Satzinger, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.Indices zu den Heften 1-22. Corrigenda zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1988 = Urk IV Indices - 119 pp) 20 September 2018)

Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums
Michael Tilgner's list of the known digital versions of the volumes of Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums, compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF) has appeared in a new revised version, December 26, 2013.

* Urk. I.1-4: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden des Alten Reichs. Abteilung I, Band I, Heft 1-4.
2nd rev. ed., Leipzig, 1932-1933. - pdf-file (10.8 MB)
[The first 2 fascicles, pp. 1-152, are scanned from the 1st ed, Leipzig, 1903]
Urk. I, 1-308 [PDF] (ETANA)
-- Also partly available:
Urk. I.1-2 [so without fascicles 3-4] , 2nd rev. ed. (Leipzig, 1932) - pdf-file (8 MB)
Urk. I, 1-152 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. II.1-3: Kurt Sethe, Hieroglyphische Urkunden der griechisch-römischen
Zeit. Band II [read: *Abteilung II, *Band I], Heft 1-3. Leipzig, 1904-1916.
Urk. II.1: Leipzig, 1904. - pdf-file (1.7 MB)
Urk. II, 1-80 [PDF] (ETANA)
Urk. II.2: Leipzig, 1904. - pdf-file (6 MB)
Urk. II, 81-158 [PDF] (ETANA)
Urk. II.1-2 [so without fascicle 3]: pdf-file (8.3 MB)
Urk. II, 1-158 (Internet Archive)
Alternatively: pdf-file (12.1 MB)
Urk. II, 1-158 (Internet Archive)
Urk. II.1-3 [so incl. fascicle 3]: Leipzig, 1904-1916 - pdf-file (3.3 MB)
Urk. II, 1-230 (YUL Digital Books)

* Urk. III.1-2: Heinrich Schäfer, Urkunden der älteren Äthiopenkönige.
Band III [read: *Abteilung III, *Band I], Heft 1-2. Leipzig, 1905-1908. - pdf-file (2.6 MB)
Urk. III, 1-152 [PDF] (ETANA)
Alternatively: pdf-file (7.1 MB)
Urk. III, 1-152 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.1-4: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Band I, Heft 1-4: Historisch-biographische Urkunden. Leipzig, 1906. - pdf-file (6.6 MB)
[fascicle 1 is scanned from the 2nd rev. ed., Leipzig, 1927]
Urk. IV, 1-314 [PDF] (ETANA)
Alternatively: pdf-file (183.6 MB)
Urk. IV, 1-314 (JScholarship/Sheridan Libraries)
Urk. IV, 1-314 (Internet Archive)
pdf-file (14.3 MB) [PDF]: Urk. IV, 1-314 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.5-8: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Band II, Heft 5-8: Historisch-biographische Urkunden. Leipzig, 1906. - pdf-file (6.6 MB)
Urk. IV, 315-624 [PDF] (ETANA)
Alternatively: pdf-file (170 MB)
Urk. IV, 315-624 (JScholarship/Sheridan Libraries)
Urk. IV, 315-624 (Internet Archive)
pdf-file (16.2 MB) [PDF]: Urk. IV, 315-624 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.9-12: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Band III, Heft 9-12: Historisch-biographische Urkunden. Leipzig, 1907. - pdf-file (7.1 MB)
Urk. IV, 625-936 [PDF] (ETANA)
Urk. IV, 625-936 (Internet Archive)
pdf-file (18.5 MB) [PDF]: Urk. IV, 625-936 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.13-16: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Band IV, Heft 13-16: Historisch-biographische Urkunden. Leipzig, 1909. - pdf-file (6.5 MB)
Urk. IV, 937-1226 [PDF] (ETANA)

* Urk. IV.17: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 17: Biographische Inschriften von Zeitgenossen Thutmosis' III. und
Amenophis' II.. Berlin, 1955. -
-- fascicle 17, i.e. Urk. IV, 1227-1368, not yet online

* Urk. IV.18: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 18: Biographische Inschriften von Zeitgenossen Thutmosis' III.
und Amenophis' II.. Berlin, 1956.
-- fascicle 18, i.e. Urk. IV, 1369-1539, not online seperately
-- fascicles 18 & 19 bound together in one pdf-file (13 MB):
Urk. IV, 1369-1645 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.19: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 19: Historische Inschriften Thutmosis' IV. und biographische Inschriften
seiner Zeitgenossen. Berlin, 1957.
-- fascicle 19, i.e. Urk. IV, 1539a-1645, not online seperately
-- fascicles 18 & 19 bound together in one pdf-file (13 MB)
Urk. IV, 1369-1645 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.20: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 20: Historische Inschriften Amenophis' III.. Berlin, 1957.
-- fascicle 20, i.e. Urk. IV, 1646-1775, not online seperately
-- fascicles 20 & 21 bound together in one pdf-file (15 MB)
Urk. IV, 1646-1954 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.21: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 21: Inschriften von Zeitgenossen Amenophis' III.. Berlin, 1958.
-- fascicles 21, i.e. Urk. IV, 1776-1954, not online seperately
-- fascicles 20 & 21 bound together in one pdf-file (15 MB)
Urk. IV, 1646-1954 (Internet Archive)

* Urk. IV.22: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Abteilung IV,
Heft 22: Inschriften der Könige von Amenophis III. bis Haremhab und
ihrer Zeitgenossen. Berlin, 1958.
-- fascicle 22, i.e. Urk. IV, 1955-2179, not yet online

* Urk. IV.1-4 [Übersetzung]: Kurt Sethe, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Abteilung IV, Band I - Deutsch [read: Übersetzung zu den Heften 1-4].
Leipzig, 1914. - iv, 142 pp. - pdf-file (4 MB)

* Urk. IV.5-16 [Übersetzung]: Adelheid Burkhardt, Elke Blumenthal,
Ingeborg Müller, Walter F. Reineke (eds.), Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1984. - 509 pp.
not yet online

* Urk. IV.17-22 [Übersetzung]: Wolfgang Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie.
Übersetzung zu den Heften 17-22, Berlin, 1961. - 433 pp. - pdf-file (32 MB)
URL (Internet Archive)
[English translation (not online): Barbara Cumming, Egyptian Historical
Records of the Later Eighteenth Dynasty. Translated into English from
the Original Hieroglyphic Text as Published in W. Helck, "Urkunden
der 18. Dynastie", Heft 17-19. With Reference to Professor Helck's
German Translation. fascicle I-III, Warminster, 1982-1984; Benedict
G. Davies, Egyptian Historical Records of the Later Eighteenth Dynasty,
fascicle III-VI. Translated from W. Helck, Urkunden der 18. Dynastie,
Heft 20-22, Warminster, 1992-1995]

* Urk. IV.1-22, Indices: Monika Hasitzka, Helmut Satzinger, Urkunden
der 18. Dynastie. Indices zu den Heften 1-22. Corrigenda zu den
Heften 5-16, Berlin, 1988 - 119 pp. - pdf-file (72.7 MB)

* Urk. V.1-3: Hermann Grapow, Religiöse Urkunden. [Abteilung V,
Heft 1-3:] Ausgewählte Texte des Totenbuches, Leipzig, 1915-1917. -
pdf-file (3.3 MB)
Urk. V, 1-208 [PDF] (ETANA)

* Urk. V.1-3 [Übersetzung]: Hermann Grapow, Religiöse Urkunden, [Übersetzung],
Leipzig, 1915-1917. - 80 pp. - pdf-file (2.3 MB)

* Urk. VI.1: Siegfried Schott, Urkunden mythologischen Inhalts. Abteilung VI,
Heft 1. Leipzig, 1929. - 72 autographed pp. - pdf-file (1.6 MB)
Urk. VI, 1-72 [PDF] (ETANA)
Alternatively: see next VI.2 and VIII.1 below.

* Urk. VI.2: Siegfried Schott, Urkunden mythologischen Inhalts. Abteilung VI,
Heft 2. Leipzig, 1939. - autographed pp. 73-144
Urk. VI.2, i.e. Urk. VI, 73-144, not yet online seperately.
Urk. VI.1 and VI.2 bound together - pdf-file (58.6 MB):
Urk. VI, 1-144 (JScholarship/Sheridan Libraries)

* Urk. VII.1: Kurt Sethe, Historisch-biographische Urkunden des Mittleren
Reiches. Abteilung VII, Heft 1. Leipzig, 1935. - pdf-file (1.5 MB)
Urk. VII, 1-66 [PDF] (ETANA)
Alternatively: see VIII.1 below.
-- fasc. 1 was all that was published

* Urk. VIII.1: Otto Firchow, Thebanische Tempelinschriften aus
griechisch-römischer Zeit. Abteilung VIII, Heft 1. Berlin, 1957 (aus
dem Nachlass von Kurt Sethe)
Urk. VIII.1, i.e. Urk. VIII, 1-152, not yet online seperately
Urk. VI.1 , VII.1, and VIII.1 bound together - pdf-file (15.3 MB):
URL (Internet Archive)
-- fasc. 1 was all that was published

Open Access Journal: Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale

[First posted in AWOL 24 June 2015, updated 21 September 2018]

Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale
ISSN: 2385-3042
Attiva da oltre quarant'anni con periodicità annuale, la rivista è espressione del Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. Dal respiro internazionale, essa ospita contributi di orientalistica di qualificati studiosi italiani e stranieri. I temi della ricerca, spesso trasversali alle diverse aree geografiche e culturali, si possono raggruppare in quattro ambiti principali: 1. Studi linguistici, filologici e letterari; 2. Religioni e filosofie; 3. Archeologia e conservazione dei beni culturali, arti figurative e performative; 4. Storia, istituzioni, economia, società, politica e relazioni internazionali. Da sempre attenta agli sviluppi delle discipline orientalistiche e al loro futuro, la rivista ospita altresì i lavori di giovani studiosi quali dottorandi e dottori di ricerca. La pubblicazione di supplementi monografici è volta all'ulteriore approfondimento dei molteplici campi d'indagine.

54 | 2018
25 Jun 2018
Issue cover

20 Jun 2017
53 | 2017

Issue cover

30 Jun 2016
52 | 2016

Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale - 06.2015

51 | 2015

Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale - 12.2014

50 | 2014

Annali di Ca’ Foscari. Serie orientale - 12.2014

50 | Supplemento | 2014

Newly added to Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis Online, 19 September 2018

Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari: Free online Publications

Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari: Free online Publications 

Clavis Patrum Copticorum
(List of the Coptic Literature)


  • Tito Orlandi, Encomium in Raphaelem archangelum (Relatio Theophili), ed. 2018 (download pdf).
  • Tito Orlandi, Coptic Texts Relating to the Church Canons. An Overview, ed. 2016 (download pdf).
  • Tito Orlandi, Coptic Texts Relating to the Virgin Mary. An Overview, ed. 2008 (download pdf).
  • Davide Righi, Severiano di Gabala In Apostolos cc0331 = cpg4281. Introduzione, testo copto, testi arabi, traduzione, ed. 2004. Vol. 1 (download pdf); Vol. 2 (download pdf).
  • Omelia De anima et corpore, cc0223 = cpg2004 (ed. Tito Orlandi, 2003) Introduzione, testo copto, traduzione (download pdf).
  • Tito Orlandi, Paolo di Tamma, Opere, Roma CIM, 1988 (download pdf).
  • Tito Orlandi, Shenute, Contra Origenistas, Roma CIM, 1985 (download pdf).
  • Eudoxia and the Holy Sepulchre. A Constantinian Legend in Coptic.Edited by Tito Orlandi. Introduction and Translation by Birger A. Pearson. Historical Study by Harold A. Drake. Milano, 1980 (download pdf).
  • Ps. Cirillo di Gerusalemme, Omelie copte sulla Passione, sulla Croce, e sulla Vergine. Edizione con introduzione e traduzione di Antonella Campagnano, Milano, 1980 (download pdf).
  • Tito Orlandi, Il dossier copto del martire Psote. Testi copti con introduzione e traduzione, Milano, 1978 (download pdf).
  • Quattro omelie copte. Vita di Giovanni Crisostomo, Encomi dei 24 Vegliardi, Encomio di Michele arcangelo di Eustazio di Tracia. Edizione, traduzione e commento a cura di Antonella Campagnano, Antonella Maresca, Tito Orlandi, Milano, 1977 (download pdf).

Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea

Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea
Manuscripts in Ethiopia and Eritrea are for the most part still preserved by church parishes, scattered all over the highlands, often in places difficult to reach. There is no reliable figure for the total number of surviving Ethiopic manuscripts, the numbers are likely in hundreds of thousands: there are between 13,000 and 34,000 active parishes in Ethiopia and Eritrea, each in the possession of at least several manuscripts, with biggest collections counting several hundred codices (e.g. c. 570 manuscripts are preserved at Dabra Bizan, and 220 (and formerly up to 800) in Gunda Gundē). While the assumed numbers are very high, the number of historical – most valuable for researchers – manuscripts is diminishing at a quick pace as they are gradually substituted by more recent ones. Field research confirms that over 90% of each manuscript collection is composed of manuscripts dating from the nineteenth and twentieth century. This does not diminish, or rather, on the contrary, this underlines the necessity to record what has survived until today. Older manuscripts, often in bad state of preservation, disintegrated and/or incomplete, are frequently not assigned the value they deserve.

Open Access to Athenian Agora Excavation Data

 [First posted in AWOL 27 May 2012, updated 21 September 2018]

Agora Excavations
Excavations in the Athenian Agora are formally published through the Athenian Agora monograph series and articles in Hesperia, the journal of the American School. A number of digital resources are also made available free-of-charge for teaching and research purposes.
With the support of the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) the Athenian Agora Excavations have been involved over the last decade in an ambitious program of digitizing older materials and experimenting with the use of new technology to record continuing excavations.
For general information about the Athenian Agora excavations, including contact information and a history of the excavations, please visit http://agathe.gr.
See linked data for Athens via awld.js
See linked data for Attica via awld.js

Open Access Journal: Археологія і давня історія України

Археологія і давня історія України
ISSN: 2227-4952
Журнал присвячений публікаціям досліджень з археології та давньої історії України. Висвітлюються питання соціально-економічного розвитку та культурних зв’язків населення України у кам’яному та мідно-бронзовому віках, сторінки з історії кіммерійців та скіфів, матеріальна та духовна культура античних греків у Північному Причорномор’ї, етногенез та рання історія слов’ян, розвиток давньоруських міст і сіл, матеріальної культури середньовіччя і нового часу. Видаються нові археологічні матеріали, розвідки з історії археології та архівні джерела.
Для археологів, істориків, краєзнавців, учителів історії, студентів історичних факультетів, усіх, хто цікавиться давньою історією України.

A journal is devoted to publications of investigations on archaeology and ancient history of Ukraine. Questions of social and economic development and cultural relations of the population of Ukraine in the Stone and Copper-Bronze Age, pages of Cimmerian and Scythian history, material and spiritual culture of antique Greeks in Northern Black Sea Coast, ethnogenesis and early history of Slavs, development of the Ancient Russian cities and villages, material culture of Medieval and Modern periods are under observing. New archeological records, survey on history of archaeo­logy and archival sources are being published.
This series is intended for archaeologists, historians, regional specialists, teachers of history, students of historical departments and for all who is interested in ancient history of Ukraine.
Заплановані випуски
Вип. 4 (29).Кераміка і скло Східної Європи від середньовіччя до модерного часу.

2018Вип. 3 (28).Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 2 (27).Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 1 (26).Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 4 (25). Дослідження археологічної спадщини Східної Волині (до 120-річчя з дня народження Ф. А. Козубовського)
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 3 (24). Матеріали та дослідження Археологічного музею IА НАН України. — К., 2017. — 200 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 2 (23). Старожитності раннього залізного віку. — К., 2017. — 540 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 1 (22). Археологія: дослідження, експерименти, реконструкції. — К., 2017. — 380 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 4 (21). Південноруське місто у системі міжцивілізаційних контактів. — К., 2016. — 142 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 3 (20). Дослідження Київського Полісся. — К., 2016. — 280 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 2 (19). Старожитності раннього залізного віку. — К., 2016. — 296 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 1 (18). Колекції Наукових фондів Інституту археології НАН України. Проблеми та відкриття.— К., 2016. — 164 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 4 (17). Археологія і простір. — К., 2015. — 206 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 3 (16). Матеріали та дослідження Археологічного музею IА НАН України.— К., 2015. — 101 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 2 (15). Старожитності раннього залізного віку.— К., 2015. — 282 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 1 (14). Olbio: In memoriam V.V. Krapivina.— К., 2015. — 453 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 2 (13). Археологія: можливості реконструкцій.— К., 2014. — 167 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 1 (12). Колекції Наукових фондів Інституту археології НАН України. Результати досліджень.— К., 2014. — 201 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 11. Середньовічні міста Полісся.— К., 2013. — 246 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 10. Експериментальна археологія: досвід моделювання об’єктів та виробництв.— К., 2013. — 255 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 9. Історія археології: дослідники та наукові центри.— К., 2012. — 362 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 8. Колекції Наукових фондів Інституту археології НАН України. Джерела та дослідження.— К., 2012. — 154 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 7. Мадяри в Середньому Подніпров’ї.— К., 2011. — 200 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 6. Стежками археології. До 70-річчя професора Михайла Івановича Гладких.— К., 2011 — 132 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 5. Археологія: від джерел до реконструкцій.— К., 2011. — 252 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access || Сайт "Спілки": Збірник / Collection of Articles

Вип. 4. Актуальні проблеми археології України.— К., 2010. — 322 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст / Contents | Збірник / Collection of Articles
Вип. 3. Колекції Наукових фондів Інституту археології НАН України. Матеріали та дослідження.— К., 2010. — 138 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access
Вип. 2. Археологія Правобережної України.— К., 2010. — 261 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access
Вип. 1. Проблеми давньоруської та середньовічної археології.— К., 2010. — 586 с.
Бібліотека В. І. Вернадського: Зміст, постатейний доступ / Content, an itemized Access

[0]. Эпоха раннего железа: Сб. науч. тр. к 60-летию С.А. Скорого.— Киев; Полтава, 2009. — 456 с.
Сайт "Спілки": Зміст | Збірник / Collection of Articles academia.edu

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Stemmaweb - a collection of tools for analysis of collated texts

[First posted in AWOL 30 September 2012, updated 22 September 2018]

Stemmaweb - a collection of tools for analysis of collated texts
Stemmaweb is a set of tools that has grown out of the Tree of Texts, a CREA ("creative research") project funded by the KU Leuven. The tools were developed variously within the project, on behalf of the project by Shadowcat Systems, and in collaboration with the Interedition project. The source code for all tools and associated libraries is available on Github.
All tools are free for scholarly and nonprofit use and adaptation. Although some data may be viewed publicly without a user account, use of the tools with your own data is possible only by registering as a user. You may log in with a Google account or another OpenID account, or you may register with a local username and password for use on the site. The Tree of Texts project and KU Leuven retain rights to uploaded text traditions only insofar as it is necessary to store and back them up, display them according to the stated preferences, and analyze them with the tools provided and linked.

Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca

[First posted in AWOL 3 August 2015, updated 23 September 2018]

Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca ist der Titel einer Editionsreihe, die von 1882 bis 1909 im Auftrag der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften im Berliner Verlag Georg Reimer erschien. Die Reihe legte im Anschluss an die Aristoteles-Ausgabe der Akademie die erhaltenen antiken Kommentare zu den Schriften des Aristoteles in textkritischen Ausgaben vor, einige davon zum 
ersten Mal. Die Redaktion lag ab 1877 bei Hermann Diels, der auch selbst einige Bände erarbeitete.

Neben den CAG erschien von 1885 bis 1903 das Supplementum Aristotelicum, das in sechs Teilbänden mehrere Werke edierte, die nicht vom CAG erfasst wurden.

Die Bände der CAG und des Supplementum Aristotelicum sind mittlerweile gemeinfrei und vollständig digitalisiert.

Supplementum Aristotelicum

Band Autor und Titel Editor Erscheinungsjahr Digitalisate
1 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, In Aristotelis metaphysica commentaria Michael Hayduck1891 Internet Archive
2,1 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, In Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum 1 commentarium Max Wallies1883 Google-USA* = Internet Archive
2,2 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, In Aristotelis topicorum libros octo commentaria Max Wallies1891 Internet Archive
2,3 Alexander, quod fertur Michael Ephesius, In Aristotelis sophisticos elenchos commentarium Max Wallies1898 Internet Archive
3,1 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, In librum de sensu commentarium Paul Wendland1901 Google-USA* = Internet Archive
3,2 Alexander Aphrodisiensis, In Aristotelis metereologicorum libros commentarium Michael Hayduck1899 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
4,1 Porphyrius, Isagoge et in Aristotelis categorias Adolf Busse1887 Internet Archive
4,2 Dexippus, In Aristotelis categorias commentaria Adolf Busse1888 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
4,3 Ammonius, In Porphyrii isagogen sive V voces Adolf Busse1891 Internet Archive
4,4 Ammonius, In Aristotelis categorias commentarius Adolf Busse1895 Internet Archive
4,5 Ammonius, In Aristotelis De interpretatione commentarius Adolf Busse1897 Internet Archive
4,6 Ammonius, In Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum 1 commentarium Max Wallies1899 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
5,1 Themistii analyticorum posteriorium paraphrasis Max Wallies1900 Internet Archive
5,2 Themistii in Aristotelis physica paraphrasis Heinrich Schenkl1900 Internet Archive
5,3 Themistii in libros Aristotelis de anima paraphrasis Richard Heinze1899 Internet Archive
5,4 Themistii in libros Aristotelis de caelo paraphrasis hebraice et latine Samuel Landauer1902 Internet Archive
5,5 Themistii in Aristotelis metaphysicorum librum Λ paraphrasis hebraice et latine Samuel Landauer1903 Internet Archive
5,6 Pseudo-Themistius, In parva naturalia commentarium Paul Wendland1903 Internet Archive
6,1 Syrianus, In Metaphysica (Β–Γ, Μ–Ν) commentaria Wilhelm Kroll1902 Internet Archive
6,2 Asclepius, In Aristotelis metaphysicorum libros Α–Ζ commentaria Michael Hayduck1888 Internet Archive
7 Simplicius, In Aristotelis de caelo commentaria Johan Ludvig Heiberg1894 Internet Archive
8 Simplicius, In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium Karl Kalbfleisch1907 Internet Archive
9 Simplicius, In Aristotelis physicorum libros quattuor priores Hermann Diels1882 Internet Archive
10 Simplicius, In Aristotelis physicorum libros quattuor posteriores Hermann Diels1895 Internet Archive
11 Simplicius, In libros Aristotelis de anima commentaria Michael Hayduck1882 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
12,1 Olympiodorus, Prolegomena et in categorias Adolf Busse1902 Internet Archive
12,2 Olympiodorus, In Aristotelis meteora commentaria Wilhelm Stüve1900 Internet Archive
13,1 Philoponi (olim Ammonii) In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium Adolf Busse1898 Internet Archive
13,2 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis analytica priora commentaria Max Wallies1905 Internet Archive
13,3 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis analytica posteriora commentaria cum Anonymo in librum II Max Wallies1909 Internet Archive
14,1 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis meteorologicorum librum primum commentarium Michael Hayduck1901 Internet Archive
14,2 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis libros de generatione et corruptione commentaria Girolamo Vitelli1897 Internet Archive
14,3 Ioannis Philoponi (Michaelis Ephesii) in libros de generatione animalium commentaria Michael Hayduck1903 Internet Archive
15 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis de anima libros commentaria Michael Hayduck1897 Internet Archive
16 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis physicorum libros tres priores commentaria Girolamo Vitelli1887 Internet Archive
17 Ioannis Philoponi in Aristotelis physicorum libros quinque posteriores commentaria Girolamo Vitelli1888 Internet Archive
18,1 Eliae In Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis Categorias commentaria Adolf Busse1900 Internet Archive
18,2 Davidis Prolegomena et in Porphyrii Isagogen commentarium Adolf Busse1904 Internet Archive
18,3 Stephani in librum Aristotelis de interpretatione commentarium Michael Hayduck1885 Internet Archive
19,1 Aspasii in ethica Nicomachea quae supersunt commentaria Gustav Heylbut1889 Internet Archive
19,2 Heliodori in ethica Nicomachea paraphrasis Gustav Heylbut1889 Internet Archive
20 Eustratii et Michaelis et Anonyma in ethica Nicomachea commentaria Gustav Heylbut1892 Internet Archive
21,1 Eustratii in analyticorum posteriorum librum secundum commentarium Michael Hayduck1907 Internet Archive
21,2 Anonymi et Stephani in artem rhetoricam commentaria Hugo Rabe1896 Internet Archive
22,1 Michaelis Ephesii in parva naturalia commentaria Paul Wendland1903 Internet Archive
22,2 Michaelis Ephesii in libros de partibus animalium, de animalium motione, de animalium incessu commentaria Michael Hayduck1904 Internet Archive
22,3 Michaelis Ephesii in librum quintum ethicorum Nicomacheorum commentarium Michael Hayduck1901 Internet Archive
23,1 Sophoniae in libros de anima paraphrasis Michael Hayduck1883 Internet Archive
23,2 Anonymi categoriarum paraphrasis Michael Hayduck1883 Internet Archive
23,3 Themistii quae fertur in Aristotelis analyticorum priorum librum I paraphrasis Max Wallies1884 Internet Archive, Internet Archive
23,4 Anonymi in sophisticos elenchos paraphrasis Max Wallies1884 Internet Archive
Band Autor und Titel Editor Erscheinungsjahr Digitalisate
1,1 Excerptorum Constantini de natura animalium libri duo: Aristophanis historiae animalium epitome Spyridon P. Lambros1885 Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
1,2 Prisciani Lydi quae extant, metaphrasis in Theophrastum et Solutionum ad Chosroem liber Ingram Bywater1886 Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
2,1 Alexandri Aphrodisiensis scripta minora. 1: Alexandri de anima cum mantissa Ivo Bruns1887 Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
2,2 Alexandri Aphrodisiensis scripta minora reliqua (quaestiones, de fato, de mixtione) Ivo Bruns1892 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
3,1 Anonymi Londinensis ex Aristotelis Iatricis Menoniis et aliis medicis eclogae Hermann Diels1893 Internet Archive, Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive
3,2 Aristotelis Res publica Atheniensium Frederic G.Kenyon1903 Internet Archive, Google-USA* = Internet Archive

Open Access Journal: Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 23 September 2018]

Hadashot Arkheologiyot - Excavations and Survey in Israel
ISSN: 1565-5334
Hadashot Arkheologiyot – Excavations and Surveys in Israel (HA-ESI) has been published in print since 1961 by the Israel Department of Antiquities and Museums (IDAM) and since 1990 by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The journal contains preliminary reports of excavations and surveys in Israel, as well as final reports of small-scale excavations and surveys; it also publishes archaeological finds recorded during inspection activities. The journal is bilingual, Hebrew and English; reports submitted in English are translated into Hebrew and vice versa.
 The e-journal www.hadashot-esi.org.il is the digital format of HA-ESI, replacing the printed version. The first digital publication of the journal (No. 116, 2004) is a reflection of the last printed volume. From 2005 onward, the journal will be published on-line only – each year will receive a volume number, continuing the numbering of the printed journal (e.g., No. 117 = 2005, No. 118 = 2006, etc.). The e-journal is an unlimited data base of archeological reports, including photographs, maps, plans and pottery figures. The reports can be searched by keywords or by means of an interactive map. The results of both types of searches can be printed.
 The reports submitted to the e-journal will be edited in the same manner as in the printed journal (see Guide to Contributors). They will be published on-line with the completion of their editing and translation, and will be ascribed to a specific issue according to the year of publication (issue no. = year of publication). A final excavation report is marked with as asterix*. Announcements of new publications will appear on the Home Page of the e-journal. Prints of reports are available from the web site for personal and educational use only.

Past Issues






ESI 15 (1996) -
ESI 15 (1996)
ESI 16 (1997) -
ESI 16 (1997)
ESI 17 (1998) -
ESI 17 (1998)
ESI 18 (1998) -
ESI 18 (1998)
ESI 19 (1999) -
ESI 19 (1999)
HA-ESI 111 (2000) -
HA-ESI 111 (2000)
HA-ESI 112 (2000) -
HA-ESI 112 (2000)
HA-ESI 113 (2001) -
HA-ESI 113 (2001)
HA-ESI 114 (2002) -
HA-ESI 114 (2002)
HA-ESI 115 (2003) -
HA-ESI 115 (2003)


Extended Reports

  • Fahura

  • Fahura Fakhura Oren Zingboym, Dina Avshalom-Gorni and Shmuel Bar Lev [31/12/2014] (Final Report)

See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Open Access Journal: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie

[First posted in AWOL 25 January 2010. Updated 24 September 2018]

Rheinisches Museum für Philologie
ISSN: 0035-449X
Die Zeitschrift wurde 1827 unter dem Titel „Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie“ von Barthold Georg Niebuhr, August Böckh und Christian August Brandis gegründet und erschien unter diesem Namen bis 1829/32. Von 1832/33 bis 1839 wurde die Zeitschrift unter dem Titel „Rheinisches Museum für Philologie“ von Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker und August Ferdinand Naeke weitergeführt. Seit 1842 erscheint die „Neue Folge“ des „Rheinischen Museums für Philologie“. Erstherausgeber waren Friedrich Ritschl und Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker (vgl. auch C.W. Müller, Das Rheinische Museum für Philologie 1842–2007. Zum Erscheinen des 150. Bandes der Neuen Folge, RhM 150, 2007, 1–7).

Das „Rheinische Museum für Philologie“ ist die älteste, bis heute erscheinende altertumswissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift. Seit ihrer Gründung veröffentlicht sie wissenschaftliche Beiträge zu Sprache, Literatur und Geschichte des griechischen und römischen Altertums und seiner Rezeption in den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch und Latein. Sie ist international verbreitet, und die im „Rheinischen Museum für Philologie“ veröffentlichten Artikel sind jeweils drei Jahre nach Erscheinen der Druckfassung kostenfrei im Internet abrufbar.

Alle eingesandten Beiträge werden von wenigstens zwei Experten begutachtet, die dem Herausgebergremium angehören oder extern hinzugezogen werden. Für weitere Auskünfte wende man sich an den Herausgeber unter: Bernd.Manuwald@uni-koeln.de
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie (Neue Folge) 
Open access to volumes 1 (1842) -  157 (2015)

Band 153 (2010)



Band 154 (2011)



Band 155 (2012)



Band 156 (2013)



Band 157 (2014)



Band 158 (2015)




Band 159 (2016)


  • Berno, Francesca Romana: Ercole e Ulisse victores omnium terrorum? Nota testuale a Sen. Const. 2,1. [409]
  • Breternitz, Patrick: Was stand in Isidors Bibliothek? Zur Petronrezeption in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla. [99]
  • Comentale, Nicola / Most, Glenn W.: Hermipp. Μοῖραι frr. 48–*47 K-A: interpretazione e inversione. [1]
  • Corti, Aurora: PHerc. 454 (Epicuro, Sulla natura XXV). Edizione, traduzione, commento. [28]
  • Gagliardi, Paola: Non ego Daphnim iudice te metuam. Riflessioni su Virg. Ecl. 2,19–27. [392]
  • Hindermann, Judith: Aelian und die ποικιλία. Ordnung und Unordnung in De natura animalium. [71]
  • La Barbera, Sandro: Transabeo: un intruso nelle concordanze virgiliane. (Aen. 9.431s.) [191]
  • Liong, Katherine: Breathing Crime and Contagion: Catiline as scelus anhelans (Cic. Cat. 2.1). [348]
  • Lucarini, Carlo M.: Sequenze ioniche ed eolo-coriambiche nella tragedia. [113]
  • Luginbill, Robert D.: Cimon and Athenian Aid to Sparta: One Expedition or Two? [135]
  • Papakonstantinou, Zinon: Match Fixing and Victory in Greek Sport. [13]
  • Pieper, Christoph H.: Menenius Agrippa als exemplum für die frühe römische Beredsamkeit. Eine historische Spurensuche. [156]
  • Riedl, Petra: Das Spiel mit der Wirklichkeit. Der Irrealis in Ciceros Pro Milone. [369]
  • Seibold, Stefanie: Von verliebten Wieseln und scharrenden Hühnern – Aphrodite in der antiken Fabel (Aes. 50; Babr. 32 und 10; Phaedr. app. 11). [290]
  • Stroh, Wilfried: De fabulis Latinis in usum puerorum puellarumque scriptis. [225]
  • Verde, Francesco: The Gens Memmia, Lucretius’ Hymn to Venus, and the Sanctuary of Terracina: A Neglected Hypothesis. [60]
  • Vössing, Konrad: König Gelimers Machtergreifung in Procop. Vand. 1,9,8. [416]
  • Zingg, Emanuel: Manchmal um ein Iota abgewichen. Zu dem Langdiphthong in den Stammformen von σῴζω und seiner Behandlung in der modernen Philologie. [316]


  • Allen, Archibald: An Attic Coot for Hesychios. [437]
  • Döring, Klaus: Ἀλλὰ γάρ im Alkibiades I. [209]
  • Fetkenheuer, Klaus: Unerkannte Serviusbezüge in Isidors Etymologiae XII. [222]
  • Kayachev, Boris: Ciris 524: An Emendation. [433]
  • Lenfant, Dominique: Xenophon l’orateur peut-il supplanter le Pseudo-Xenophon? [214]
  • Mallan, Christopher: Velleius Paterculus 2.130.3 and the Son(s) of Drusus Caesar. [219]
  • Moseley, Geoffrey: Paul of Aegina, Pragmateia 6.88 and the evidence of Avicenna’s Qānūn. [439]
  • Vecchiato, Stefano: Artemide devastatrice di campi: Suid. A 366 (1,37 A.). [443]
  • Volk, Katharina: A Wise Man in an Old Country. Varro, Antiquitates rerum divinarum and [Plato], Letter 5. [429]

Band 160 (2017)


  • Asmis, Elizabeth: The Stoics on the Craft of Poetry. [113]
  • Backhuys, Thomas: Dialektik der Aufklärung und Odyssee. Bemerkungen zu einem Fehlzitat. [223]
  • Beghini, Andrea: Two Textual Notes on the Axiochus ([Plat.] Ax. 364b5 and 367a1). [262]
  • Benelli, Luca / Hank, Marc André: Zwei Konjekturen zu Luxurius, Anthologia Latina 327,7 Shackleton Bailey = 332,7 Riese. [410]
  • Bergamo, Max: Eraclito in Plotino. [58]
  • Garstad, Benjamin: The Goat from the Southwest in Theodotion’s Daniel Translation, Theodoret’s Commentary, and the Alexander Romance. [152]
  • Hartmann, Andreas: Valerius Maximus, Pompeius Reginus und eine Inschrift aus Orange. [329]
  • Lukas, Randolf: Laudes Honori – Laudes Stilichonis? Die Werbung für Stilicho in Claudians Festgedichten anlässlich des dritten und vierten Konsulatsantritts des Kaisers Honorius. [194]
  • Mayhew, Robert: Aristotle on the σκῶπες in Odyssey 5.66. [1]
  • Němec, Václav: Zum Problem der Gattung des Seienden bei Marius Victorinus und im antiken Neuplatonismus. [161]
  • Orth, Christian: Das Odysseus-Exemplum in Properz’ Paetus-Elegie (3,7,41–46). [36]
  • Pucci, Luca: Note a Stesichorus frr. 172–174 Davies / Finglass. [241]
  • Rivero García, Luis: Critical Discussion of Three Passages of Ovid’s Metamorphoses 13 (ll. 129, 432, 653). [320]
  • Roussou, Stephanie: Distinguishing Between Concrete and Abstract Nouns. [393]
  • Schirner, Rebekka: Spannung durch Neukontextualisierung. Valerius Flaccus’ Umgang mit einem vergilischen Praetext. [343]
  • Schmitz, Philip: Οἶκος, πόλις und πολιτεία. Das Verhältnis von Familie und Staatsverfassung bei Aristoteles, im späteren Peripatos und in Ciceros de officiis. [9]
  • Schubert, Charlotte: Die Arbeitsweise Plutarchs: Notizen, Zitate und Placita. [43]
  • Simonetti, Elsa: L’immagine del saggio nelle opere di Apuleio. [371]
  • Stachon, Markus: Poetae in Hieronymus’ Chronik. Notizen zu Furius Bibaculus, Q. Cornificius und Cornelius Gallus. [97]
  • Yonezawa, Shigeru: Aristotle’s Testimony Regarding Plato’s Philosophical Development. [276]
  • Zetzel, James: The Attack on Justice: Cicero, Lactantius, and Carneades. [299]


  • Corcella, Aldo: Noterelle testuali agli encomi per Marciano di Coricio di Gaza. [428]
  • Eck, Werner: Annäherung an eine Frau: Domina te amo alias derido. [109]
  • Hall, Lindsay: Martial, Epigrams 6,40. [424]
  • Hösle, Vittorio: A Confusion of ἐλάσσονα and μείζονα in our Text of Proclus’ Commentary on the First Book of Euclid’s Elements. [235]
  • Lucarini, Carlo Martino: Marius Victorinus (Comm. in Cic. Rhet. 32,30–33,9 Riesenweber) über Cicero und Hermagoras. [426]
  • Vannini, Guilio: Due note al Panegirico di Plinio (34,2; 95,4). [105]
  • Vecchiato, Stefano: Un’emendazione ad Esichio (η 83 L.). [239]

Band 161 (2018)


  • Andreassi, Mario: Archetipi odissiaci nei parassiti di Alcifrone [84]
  • Gazzarri, Tommaso: Truculentus and the Abrogation of the Lex Oppia [1]
  • Lingenberg, Wilfried: Überlieferung, Datierung und Autorschaft der Sabinusbriefe [29]
  • Pontani, Filippomaria / Sandri, Maria Giovanna: The Lost Ending of Ps.-Herodian’s On Solecism [74]
  • Tsartsidis, Thomas: Arnobius (7.16) and Minucius Felix (28.9): an Allusion [103]
  • Wardle, David: Valerius Maximus (9.2.ext.11) – Questioning Nature? [22]
  • Watson, Charles B.: Laronia declamans [57]


  • Eckerman, Chris: The Dioscuri and the ἀγών at Pindar’s Olympian 3.36 [109]

  • 1 - 6         (1842 - 1848)
  • 7 - 14       (1850 - 1859)
  • 15 - 24     (1860 - 1869)
  • 25 - 34     (1870 - 1879)
  • 45 - 54     (1890 - 1899)
  • 55 - 64     (1900 - 1909)
  • 65 - 72     (1910 - 1917/18)
  • 73 - 78     (1920 - 1929)
  • 79 - 88     (1930 - 1939)
  • 89 - 92     (1940 - 1944)
  • 93 - 102   (1950 - 1959)
  • 103 - 112 (1960 - 1969)
  • 113 - 122 (1970 - 1979)
  • 123 - 132 (1980 - 1989)
  • 133 - 142 (1990 - 1999)
  • 143 - 152 (2000 - 2009)
  • 153 -  …   (2010 - …     )
  • Rheinisches Museum für Philologie

    Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie

    Open Access Journal: Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

     [First posted in AWOL 14 April 2016, updated 24 September 2018]

    Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae
    ISSN: 0001-6446
    Publication Cover
    Acta Orientalia provides an international forum for original papers in the field of oriental studies, including Turkic, Mongolian, Manchu-Tungusian, Chinese, Tibetan, Indian, Iranian and Semitic philology, linguistics, literature and history.
    The following volumes are available open access
    Acta Orientalia, 50 - 1997. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 49 - 1996. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 48 - 1995. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 47 - 1994. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 46 - 1993. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 45 - 1991. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 44 - 1990. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 43 - 1989. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 42 - 1988. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 41 - 1987. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 40 - 1986. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 39 - 1985. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 38 - 1984. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 37 - 1983. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 36 - 1982. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 35 - 1981. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 34 - 1980. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 33 - 1979. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 32 - 1978. ISSN 0001-6446
    Acta Orientalia, 31 - 1977.
    Acta Orientalia, 30 - 1976.
    Acta Orientalia, 29 - 1975.
    Acta Orientalia, 28 - 1974.
    Acta Orientalia, 27 - 1973.
    Acta Orientalia, 26 - 1972.
    Acta Orientalia, 25 - 1972.
    Acta Orientalia, 24 - 1971.
    Acta Orientalia, 23 - 1970.
    Acta Orientalia, 22 - 1969.
    Acta Orientalia, 21 - 1968.
    Acta Orientalia, 20 - 1967.
    Acta Orientalia, 19 - 1966.
    Acta Orientalia, 18 - 1965.
    Acta Orientalia, 17 - 1964.
    Acta Orientalia, 16 - 1963.
    Acta Orientalia, 15 - 1962.
    Acta Orientalia, 14 - 1962.
    Acta Orientalia, 13 - 1961.
    Acta Orientalia, 12 - 1961.
    Acta Orientalia, 11 - 1960.
    Acta Orientalia, 10 - 1960.
    Acta Orientalia, 9 - 1959.
    Acta Orientalia, 8 - 1958.
    Acta Orientalia, 7 - 1957.
    Acta Orientalia, 6 - 1956.
    Acta Orientalia, 5 - 1955.
    Acta Orientalia, 4 - 1955.
    Acta Orientalia, 3 - 1953.
    Acta Orientalia, 2 - 1952.
    Acta Orientalia, 1 - 1951.

    Open Access Journal: Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin

    Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin
    ISSN: 0002-5739
    Published since 1944, the Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin includes scholarly articles written by the Museum's directors, curators, Oberlin College Art Department faculty, and art historians and scholars from other institutions worldwide. The articles describe objects acquired by the Museum from many geographic regions and historical periods.

    Open Access Journal: Phronimon: Journal of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities

    [First posted in AWOL 14 October 2013, updated (new URLs) 24 September 2018]

    Phronimon: Journal of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities
    ISSN: 1561-4018
    Volume 19 Number 1
    Phronimon publishes original scientifically justifiable contributions (articles, discussions of articles previously published and book reviews) within the field of Philosophy and the Humanities, although contributions within the field of Greek Philosophy and Greek studies will receive priority.  We publish in English, Afrikaans and modern Greek. On submission of the manuscript the author shall present a written undertaking that the article has not been published or is not being presented for publication elsewhere. All articles and review articles will be submitted to national and international referees. Effective and detailed source referencing is of paramount importance. Articles will be scrutinised and checked for bibliographic references and any evidence of proven plagiarism will result in non-publication.

    Open Access Journal: Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia

     [First posted in AWOL 13 July 2015, updated 24 September 2018]

    Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia
    ISSN: 1689-5150
    Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia to rocznik wydawany przez Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Mikołaja w Toruniu. Każde wydanie dotyczy wybranej w danym roku księgi biblijnej, którą Bibliści i Patrolodzy analizują z punktu widzenia najbardziej dyskutowanych w ostatnim czasie zagadnień.

    Biblica et Patristica Thoruniensia is an annual report issued by Theological Department of the University of Nicolas Copernicus in Torun (Northern Poland). Each issue focuses on one - always different - biblical book. Matters concerning the book are looked upon from biblical and patristic perspectives.


    New Open Access Journal: Revista Primordium

    Revista Primordium
    ISSN: 2526-2106
    Imagem para capa da revista
    A Revista Primordium  é um Periódico Eletrônico vinculado ao Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia,  que tem como propósito o incentivo à investigação e ao debate acadêmico acerca de Filosofia e Estudos Clássicos (Grego e Latim), assumindo a tarefa de ser um instrumento de divulgação do conhecimento científico produzido a partir de pesquisas discentes de programas de graduação e pós-graduação em Filosofia e Estudos Clássicos.
    Recebimento de submissões aberto em fluxo contínuo!


    v. 1, n. 1

    Open Access Monograph Series: Radboud Studies in Humanities

    Radboud Studies in Humanities
     Radboud Studies in Humanities
    The Radboud Studies in Humanities series publishes new and challenging interdisciplinary research in the humanities. The series welcomes contributions from all humanities disciplines, from Classics to Film Studies, from History to Philosophy, from Religious Studies to Art History. Edited volumes, monographs as well as critical editions are welcome, as far as they discuss closely defined themes from interdisciplinary perspectives.

    This is the first fully Open Access book series published by Brill. All titles in the series will become available both in print and as Open Access ebooks.

    The series has published an average of two volumes per year since 2014.
    Some content in this series relates to Antiquity

    Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database Project: an international collaborative research project

    [First posted in AWOL 1 August 2013, updated 25 September 2018]

    Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database Project: an international collaborative research project
    The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database project aims to provide a structured and critical survey of scholarly literature on the vocabulary of classical Hebrew. As it grows, it will offer an in-depth resource to complement traditional dictionaries, and also provide pointers to further research. This international, cooperative project involves a growing number of research centres with coordination provided by Leiden.

    Read the foundational description of the project (1994); or see the data structure for lexeme entries.

    The currently participating centres include the following universities: Bonn, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Florence, Oxford, Leiden, Rome.
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