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Open Access Journal: Aula Orientalis: revista de estudios del Próximo Oriente Antiguo


Open Access Journal: Journal of World-Systems Research

[First posted in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 9 November 2016]

Journal of World-Systems Research
ISSN 1076-156X
The main editorial goal of the Journal of World-Systems Research is to develop and disseminate scholarly research on topics that are relevant to the analysis of world-systems. We especially want to include works that proceed from several different theoretical stances and disciplines. These include, but are not limited to, civilizationists, evolutionary approaches, international political economy, comparative, historical and cultural analysis. We seek the work of political scientists, historians, sociologists, ethnographers, archaeologists, economists and geographers.

We especially encourage works that take theory seriously by confronting problems of conceptualization and making definitions of concepts explicit, by formulating hypotheses, constructing axiomatic theories and causal models. Theoretical research programs that combine theory construction with comparative research are badly needed to take the world-systems approach beyond the stage of a perspective.

We also want to encourage the application of comparative, quantititave and network-analytic methods to world-systems research, though we will certainly also publish pieces that do not use these methods. Any empirical study that is deemed relevant to world-systems analysis may be published even if it uses a very different conceptual framework.

And finally we also want to publish discussions of future trajectories and options for the modern world-system and considerations of what can be done to create a more humane, peaceful and just world society.


Vol 21, No 2 (2015): Special Issue: World-System Biographies

Guest Editors, Kevan Harris & Brendan McQuade

Volume 21, Number 1, Winter/Spring 2015

Special Issue: States and Social Movements in the Modern World-System (Edited by Mangala Subramaniam)


Volume 20, Number 2, Summer/Fall 2014

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 20, Number 1, Winter/Spring 2014

Special Issue: The Political Economy of Commodity Chains (Edited by Jennifer Bair)


Volume 19, Number 2, Summer 2013

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 19, Number 1, Winter 2013

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 18, Number 2, Summer 2012

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2012

Special Issue: Land Rights in the World-System (Guest Edited by: Farshad Araghi & Marina Karides)


Volume 17, Issue 2, 2011

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 17, Issue 1, 2011

Special Issue: The World-Historical Imagination: Giovanni Arrighis The Long Twentieth Century in Prospect and Retrospect


Volume 16, Issue 2, 2010

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 16, Issue 1, 2010

Special Issue: From the Global to the Local: Social Forums, Movements, and Place


Volume 15, Issue 2, 2009

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 15, Issue 1, 2009

Special Issue: Methodological Issues in Macro Comparative Research


Volume 14, Issue 2, 2008

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 14, Issue 1, 2008

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 13, Number 2, 2007

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 13, Issue 1, 2007

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 12, Issue 2, 2006

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2006

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 11, Issue 2, 2005

Special Issue: Globalizations from Above and Below: the Future of World Society

Volume 11, Issue 1, 2005

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 10, Issue 3, 2004

Issue with Special Section: Premodern Historical Systems: The Rise and Fall of States and Empires

Volume 10, Issue 2, 2004

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 10, Issue 1, 2004

Special Issue: Global Social Movements Before & After 9/11


Volume 9, Issue 2, 2003

Special Issue: Globalization & the Environment

Volume 9, Issue 1, 2003

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 8, Issue 3, 2002

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 8, Issue 2, 2002

Special Issue: Global Inequality Part II

Volume 8, Issue 1, 2002

Special Issue: Global Inequality Part I


Volume 7, Issue 2, 2001

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 7, Issue 1, 2001

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 6, Issue 3, 2000

Special Issue: Festschrift For Immanuel Wallerstein Part II

Volume 6, Issue 2, 2000

Special Issue: Festschrift for Wallerstein

Volume 6, Issue 1, 2000

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 5, Issue 3, 1999

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 5, Issue 2, 1999

Special Issue: Globalization

Volume 5, Issue 1, 1999

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 4, Issue 2, 1998

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 4, Issue 1, 1998

Special Issue: Global Labor Movements


Volume 3, Issue 3, 1997

Special Issue: World-Systems and the Environment

Volume 3, Issue 2, 1997

General Issue: World-Systems Research

Volume 3, Issue 1, 1997

General Issue: World-Systems Research


Volume 2, Issue 1, 1996

Thematic Section: Global Politics and the Future of the World-System


Volume 1, Issue 1, 1995

Thematic Section: Hegemonic Rivalry: Past and Future

Open Access Journal: Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell'Università del Salento

Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell'Università del Salento
Preleva la rivista per la lettura (formato pdf).
Il Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento fu fondato nell’àmbito di un Progetto coordinato delle Università di Lecce e di Catania finanziato dalla Comunità Europea. La sua realizzazione ed il suo allestimento richiesero otto anni di lavoro. Inaugurato il 22 giugno del 2007, il Museo nacque per dare sistemazione e valorizzazione adeguate alla raccolta di papiri che chi scrive, direttore del Centro di Studi Papirologici dello stesso Ateneo, dal 1992 ha acquistato a più riprese sul mercato antiquario italiano e straniero. La Collezione dei papiri leccesi, contrassegnata dalla sigla PUL (Papyri Universitatis Lupiensis), attualmente è costituita da oltre 400 papiri, gran parte dei quali sono greci e demotici, ma non mancano papiri geroglifici, ieratici e copti. 

Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 1, 2009.

Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 2, 2010.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 3, 2011.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 4, 2012.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 5, 2013.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 6, 2014.
Byblos. Bollettino del Museo Papirologico dell’Università del Salento 7, 2015.
Testo disponibile per la lettura

Earlier Latin Manuscripts: Tools for studying the scripts of the oldest Latin manuscripts

Earlier Latin Manuscripts: Tools for studying the scripts of the oldest Latin manuscripts
Codices Latini Antiquiores Cover
The Earlier Latin Manuscripts Project is a database of manuscripts written in Latin before the year 800 based on the work of E. A. Lowe and his assistants published in Codices Latini Antiquiores. The work for this project was conducted in the Department of Classics and the Moore Institute of the National University of Ireland Galway. Funding for its completion was contributed by both the Moore Institute and the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.  
The Earlier Latin Manuscripts Project by Dr. Mark Stansbury is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Prosopographia Imperii Romani: Ein 'Who is Who' des römischen Kaiserreichs

 [First posted in AWOL 3 December 2013, updates 10 November 2016]

Prosopographia Imperii Romani: Ein 'Who is Who' des römischen Kaiserreichs
Die Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR) ist ein Personenlexikon. 
Es soll im wesentlichen die Führungsschicht des Römischen Reiches in der Frühen und Hohen Kaiserzeit erfassen. Die untere zeitliche Grenze ist die Schlacht von Aktium 31 v. Chr., seit der die monarchische Herrschaftsstruktur für Rom endgültig geworden war; die obere Grenze bildet die Herrschaft Diokletians (284-305), mit der eine wesentliche Änderung im staatlichen und gesellschaftlichen Aufbau des Reiches durchgesetzt wurde.

Ausführliche Fassung

Der in dem Nachschlagewerk behandelte Personenkreis besteht im Einzelnen aus:

1. den römischen Kaisern und ihren Familienmitgliedern,

2. den Angehörigen des Senatorenstandes (wie etwa P. Quinctilius Varus, der in der Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald umgekommen ist, oder dem Geschichtsschreiber Tacitus und seinem Schwiegervater, Cn. Iulius Agricola),

3. den Römern ritterlichen Ranges, soweit sie Aufgaben in der kaiserlichen Verwaltung übernommen hatten (wie beispielsweise dem Präfekten von Iudaea Pontius Pilatus oder dem älteren Plinius, der beim Vesuvausbruch des Jahres 79 n. Chr. als Präfekt der Flotte von Misenum umkam) und ihren Angehörigen und schließlich

4. allen literarisch für die beschriebene Zeit belegten Personen, soweit sie nicht schon zu einer der bereits aufgeführten Personengruppen gehörten; unter ihnen befinden sich natürlich auch die Dichter und Schriftsteller selbst wie etwa Vergil, Horaz, Ovid und Martial oder Pausanias, Plotin und Plutarch.
Aufgenommen sind auch die Angehörigen der regierenden Familien in den von Rom abhängigen Klientelstaaten bzw. unabhängiger Reiche, soweit sie mit Rom in Kontakt standen, so etwa Herodes d. Gr. in Iudaea oder die Könige des Partherreiches.

Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien - Epigraphic database for ancient Asia Minor

 [First posted in AWOL 6 December 2010, updated 10 November 2016]

Epigraphische Datenbank zum antiken Kleinasien - Epigraphic database for ancient Asia Minor

Das EDAK-Projekt der Hamburger Alten Geschichte hat das Ziel, die verstreut publizierten griechischen und lateinischen Inschriften aus dem Gebiet der heutigen Türkei in einer Datenbank zu erfassen und mittels Kommentar und Beschreibung auch inhaltlich zu erschließen. Dafür sollen die bereits über 6000 aufgenommen Inschriften von Lydien und Galatien durch Erschließung weiterer Regionen Kleinasiens ergänzt werden.

Nach einer technischen Überarbeitung der Datenbank im Zuge einer universitären Nachhaltigkeits-initiative wurde diese den modernen Suchstandards angepasst und um diverse Funktionen erweitert. Näheres dazu finden Sie unter dem Menüpunkt Konzeption.

Für die technische Realisierung möchten wir uns recht herzlich bei Dr. Hagen Peukert bedanken, der sich selbst von technik-aversen Vorstellungen nicht hat abschrecken lassen und stets bemüht ist, den Anforderungen epigraphischer Forschung mit der passenden digitalen Umsetzung zu begegnen.

Da sich die Website derzeit noch im Aufbau befindet, kann es zu Einschränkungen mancher Funktionen kommen. An der Fertigstellung wird jedoch täglich gearbeitet, sodass sämtliche Funktionen in Kürze vollständig zur Verfügung stehen werden.

Derzeit werden die Inschriften zu Philadelphia und Antiochia ad Pisidium bearbeitet, um die Aufnahme der Bestände zur Provinz Galatien abzuschließen.

Society for Classical Studies: 148th Annual Meeting Abstracts

Society for Classical Studies: 148th Annual Meeting Abstracts
Links for the abstracts for the 148th annual meeting appear below. To see the abstract of a paper to be delivered at the annual meeting, click on the abstract's title. To find a particular abstract, use the search field below. You can also click on the column headers to alter the order in which the information is sorted. By default, the abstracts are sorted by the number of the session and the order in which the papers will be presented. Please note the following. Not all sessions and presentations have abstracts associated with them. "Ancient MakerSpaces" is an all-day workshop and thus does not have a session number. Panels in which the first abstract is listed as .2 rather than .1 have an introductory speaker.

Digital Epigraphy am Scheideweg? / Digital Epigraphy at a crossroads?

Digital Epigraphy am Scheideweg? / Digital Epigraphy at a crossroads?
Feraudi-Gruénais, Francisca ; Grieshaber, Frank

[img]PDF, English
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Citation of documents: Please do not cite the URL that is displayed in your browser location input, instead use the persistent URL or the URN below, as we can guarantee their long-time accessibility.
Item Type: Conference Item
Date Deposited:10 Nov 2016 10:35
Date:10 November 2016
Event Dates:9.-11.11.2016
Event Location:Düsseldorf
Event Title:Nachnutzung und Nachnutzbarkeit der Forschung im Akademienprogramm Workshop der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Künste und der Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften AG „eHumanities“
Faculties / Institutes:Philosophische Fakultät > Seminar für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik
Service facilities > Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
Subjects:000 Generalities, Science
470 Italic Latin
480 Hellenic languages Classical Greek
Controlled Keywords:Digital Humanities, Epigraphik, open data, open collaborative platform, XML epidoc

Open Access Journal: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici

[First posted in AWOL 15 March 2010. Updated 11 November 2016]

Analecta Romana Instituti Danici
P-ISSN: 0066-1392
E-ISSN: 2035-2506
Analecta Romana Instituti Danici (ARID) publicerer studier indenfor Instituttets hovedforskningsområder: humanistiske studier (f. eks. antikhistorie, arkæologi kunsthistorie, historie, litteratur, filologi), billedkunst og arkitektur. Siden 2008 udkommer tidskriftet både i en papir- og en digital udgave.
Analecta Romana Instituti Danici (ARID) publishes studies within the main range of the Academy's research activities: the humanities (e.g. ancient history, archaeology, art history, history, literature, philology), the fine arts and architecture. Since 2008 the journal is published both on paper and on-line.
La rivista Analecta Romana Instituti Danici (ARID) pubblica studi nell'ambito dei settori principali di indagine dell'Accademia di Danimarca: la ricerca umanistica (storia antica, archeologia, storia dell'arte, storia, letteratura, filologia), le arti figurative e l'architettura. A cominciare da 2008 ANALECTA è pubblicata anche online.
Analecta Online (33 →)

Kerameikos.org: defining the intellectual concepts of pottery

[First posted in AWOL 20 October 2014, updated 11 November 2016]

Kerameikos.org is a collaborative project dedicated to defining the intellectual concepts of pottery following the tenets of linked open data and the formulation of an ontology for representing and sharing ceramic data across disparate data systems. While the project is focused primarily on the definition of concepts within Greek black- and red-figure pottery, Kerameikos.org is extensible toward the definition of concepts in other fields of pottery studies.
See the github account at https://github.com/kerameikos, which contains repositories for the RDF data and the publication framework. This framework could be applied to other linked data thesauri.

Open Access Journal: CAARI News: Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute

[First posted in AWOL 20 November 2010. Updated 11 November 2016 (new URLs - all issues arte now at academia.edu)]

CAARI News: Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute
ISSN 0890-4545
The CAARI News is issued twice a year, in the Spring and Fall. It covers activities at CAARI, as well as events around the world relevant to Cypriot archaeology and related history and art. If you are interested in submitting material for The CAARI News, please contact the editor, Dr. Joseph Greene, at greene5@fas.harvard.edu. Read the current issue (Newsletter 46 Fall 2014) or browse the back issues here.

(Partially) Open Access Journal: Annual Reports of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus)

 [First posted in AWOL 22 February 2014, updated 11 November 2016]

Annual Reports of the Department of Antiquities (Cyprus)
ISSN: 1010-1136
The Department of Antiquities is responsible for the management of the archaeological heritage of Cyprus. The Department's main areas of activity and responsibility are the following:

-systematic and rescue excavations as well as archaeological surveys,

-the establishment, management and operation of archaeological museums,

-the conservation, restoration, protection and promotion of Ancient Monuments in the First and Second Schedule of the Antiquities Law, of archaeological sites and of monuments of architectural heritage.

One of the aims of the Department of Antiquities is also the use of both ancient monuments and archaeological museums for educational purposes and cultural activities, as well as for the stimulation of cultural tourism. In order to achieve the above, the Department of Antiquities organises conferences, exhibitions and lectures both in Cyprus and abroad.

An activity which has emerged over the last few years is the contribution of the Department of Antiquities towards the establishment of private/thematic museums. In this case the Department acts as a consultant and as a guide by offering its personnel's specialised knowledge.

The activities of the Department of Antiquities are published in its two annual publications, namely the Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus and the Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus.
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2006
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2007
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2008
Annual Report of the Department of Antiquities for the year 2009

Open Access Journal: Faventia

[First posted in AWOL 14 April 2013, updated 11 November 2016]

ISSN: 2014-850X
ISSN: 0210-7570 (versió paper)
Se'n publica un número cada any, dividit en un fascicle o dos; a més, s'editen volums monogràfics i annexos. La revista té tres parts: articles, notes i recensions. Comprèn els diversos aspectes de les ciències de l'antiguitat relacionats amb el món clàssic, especialment els relacionats amb les nostres terres, és a dir, s'ocupa de l'antiguitat clàssica, la tardoantiguitat, la llatinitat medieval, l'humanisme i la tradició clàssica. 
Faventia Supplementa és una nova sèrie de volums extraordinaris de la revista Faventia que vol recuperar l'esperit de les antigues monografies de Faventia, presentant estudis selectes relacionats amb el món de l'Antiguitat i l'Edat Mitjana.

Núm. extra, supplementa2

Contacto de poblaciones y extranjería en el mundo griego antiguo

Num. extra, supplementa1
Actas del Simposio Internacional: 55 Años de Micenología

Núm. 32-33

Núm. 31, 1-2
Homenatge a Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez

Núm. 30, 1-2
Homenatge a Rosa-Araceli Santiago Álvarez

Núm. 29, 2

Núm. 29, 1

Núm. 28, 1-2

Núm. 27, 2

Núm. 27, 1

Núm. 26, 2

Núm. 26, 1

Núm. 25, 2

Núm. 25, 1

Núm. 24, 2

Núm. 24, 1

Núm. 23, 2

Núm. 23, 1

Núm. 22, 2

Núm. 22, 1

Núm. 21, 2

Núm. 21, 1

Núm. 20, 2
Homenatge a M. Balasch

Núm. 20, 1

Índex núms. 1-19

Núm. 19, 2

Núm. 19, 1

Núm. 18, 2

Núm. 18, 1

Núm. 17, 2

Núm. 17, 1

Núm. 16, 2

Núm. 16, 1

Núm. 15, 2

Núm. 15, 1

Núm. 14, 2

Núm. 14, 1

Núm. 12-13

Núm. 11, 2

Núm. 11, 1

Núm. 10, 1-2

Núm. 9, 2

Núm. 9, 1

Núm. 8, 2

Núm. 8, 1

Núm. 7, 2

Núm. 7, 1

Núm. 6, 2

Núm. 6, 1

Núm. 5, 2

Núm. 5, 1

Núm. 4, 2

Núm. 4, 1

Núm. 3, 2

Núm. 3, 1

Núm. 2, 2

Núm. 2, 1

Núm. 1, 2

Núm. 1, 1

Open Access Journal: The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS)

[First posted in AWOL 31 October 2009. Updated 12 November 2016]

The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS) 
ISSN: 1662-1379
The Bulletin of Nabataean Studies (BNS) is a freely accessible academic web resource. Its goals are: Updating all scholars interested in Nabataean culture and history; and promoting contacts and scientific exchanges among experts from different areas. 
Until the end of 2005 BNS was hosted by the Department of Asiatic Studies – University „L’Orientale“ , Naples (Italy) (UNO), and carried out by Giancarlo Lacerenza (Ph. D., Semitics), within the framework of the scientific activities backed by the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern History (Prof. Carlo Zaccagnini).
The BNS International Committee of Referees includes: Khairieh ’Amr (Amman), Hannah M. Cotton (Jerusalem), John F. Healey (Manchester), Michael C. A. Macdonald (Oxford), Laïla Nehmé (Paris), Emile Puech (Jerusalem), Robert Wenning (Münster), Ada Yardeni (Jerusalem).

diy classics Guide to Getting Started with Spoken Latin

diy classics Guide to Getting Started with Spoken Latin
DIY Classics is a Latin & Greek literature blog. It is based on the “comparative method”—that is, the idea that the languages should be treated together in such a way that each language informs the other. It is run by Patrick J. Burns, a PhD candidate in Classics at Fordham University. You can follow him on Twitter at @diyclassics

The Paideia Institue held their annual Living Latin in NYC this weekend. I wanted to be better prepared this year and came up with a series of five daily challenges I could do in the run up to the event which I wrote up on the past week. I’ve collected them here: Part 1: Latin Out Loud […]
Day 5: Rehearse This week, we recited Latin, listened to Latin, tailored Latin to our own needs, and memorized Latin. In this fifth and final installment, we’ll put it all together and rehearse what we’ve already learned, specifically our mini-script from Day 3. Now that we’re comfortable (or starting to become comfortable) with the mechanics […]
Day 4: Memorize Yesterday we began working on content, specifically figuring out the sorts of words that will serve you best in Latin conversation. We’ll return today to working on fundamentals. We’ve already started to get used to listening to longer passages of Latin as well as reciting them out loud. Today we’ll focus on […]
Day 3: Your Latin You’ve been through a few years of Latin and yet there are enormous swaths of vocabulary you have never been exposed to. If you happen to be Cicero pleading cases in the Forum or Caesar on the battlefield, you’re covered. You know 10 ways to say “die” but you have trouble […]
Day 2: Listening Yesterday we got started with getting used to the sound of Latin and producing it for longer stretches than usual. Five minutes is still not that long but my guess is that most people, especially those new to spoken Latin, when they find themselves at an event like Living Latin in NYC, […]
Living Latin in NYC is almost here which, if I’m being honest, brings equal measures of excitement and anxiety. As a grad student, I read a good amount of Latin everyday. But—despite New Year’s resolutions to the contrary—spoken Latin is not part of my daily routine. When I get to LLiNYC, on the other hand, […]

The Levantine Ceramics Project

[First posted in AWOL 25 June 2014, updated 13 November 2016]

TheLevantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project
The Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP) is an open, interactive website focused on ceramics produced in the Levant from the Neolithic era (c. 5500 B.C.E.) through the Ottoman period (c. 1920 C.E.). Here you can submit and find information—whether long published or newly discovered—about ceramic wares, shapes, specific vessels, scientific analyses, kiln sites, and chronology. The LCP makes it simple to access, share, use, and refine data, to link scholars and to foster collaborative research.

Rome and Art: Visita e scopri Roma: 3000 anni di storia, arte, architettura e cultura - Rome and Art Visit and discover Rome: 3000 years of history, art, architecture and culture

Open Access Journal: Le Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (BIFAO)

[First posted in AWOL 6 July 2009. Updated 14 November 2016 (volumes 112& 113  are now open access)]

Le Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (BIFAO)
Le BIFAO est maintenant disponible en ligne pour tous les numéros jusqu’au 100 (2000). Le site rassemble près de 1 650 articles pour un total de plus de 35 000 pages de texte et d’illustrations, permettant l’accès direct aux numéros de la revue qui sont actuellement pour une très grande part épuisés. Ce site est destiné à être mis à jour régulièrement. Les sommaires de tous les numéros (1 à 111) sont également accessibles sur ce site.  
Issu d’un projet lancé par l’Ifao en 2001, cet outil de recherche est le fruit de la collaboration, au sein de l’institut, de l’imprimerie, du service des publications et du service informatique. La première phase, réalisée à l’imprimerie, a consisté à scanner les 95 premiers volumes du Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, puis à appliquer aux fichiers obtenus le traitement optique de reconnaissance des caractères. Les numéros récents déjà disponibles sous forme électronique ont été ajoutés. Le service des publications a effectué ensuite la relecture et la correction des tables des matières. L’ensemble des données a ensuite été transmis au service informatique qui a réalisé l’indexation du texte et sa mise en ligne.
Volumes available in open access:
See also the list of open access IFAO Périodiques en ligne

OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System

OPES: Oslo Papyri Electronic System
At the end of 2000 steps were taken to initiate a digitalization project of the Oslo papyrus collection.
The project was named OPES (Oslo Papyri Electronic System) and its aims were first 1) to make
all the published papyri (around 280 out of a total of 2272) available, catalogued and imaged, on
the www, then 2) to catalogue and image the rest of the papyri, making the catalogue available
on the web and keeping the images in a separate database that users may access on demand. Due to
the international character of papyrological study and research, English was chosen as the language
of the project. The project has benefited greatly from the collaboration with the APIS project, whose
the late project director Traianos Gagos generously let us use the Michigan FileMaker Pro template for
cataloguing and registration of data. 
A further aim is to scan and make accessible the collection´s inventory list made by the late professor
Leiv Amundsen. So far only a few have been scanned and a password is required to access them.

About the Collection      About the project       Aquisition      Highlights      Rights      Editions of unpublished papyri      Resources

New Ancient World Content in JSTOR: Acta Classica

Acta Classica
Acta Classica
Coverage: Vols. 1-55 (1958-2012)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: Classical Association of South Africa
ISSN: 0065-1141
n.b. Acta Classica is also available in open access.

For information on all new content in JSTOR see here
And see also:

AWOL's full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World
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