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Dubgallu: A Forum for Scholars of the Ancient Near East

Dubgallu: A Forum for Scholars of the Ancient Near East

The purpose of the board

Dubgallu is intended to be a place for scholars of the ancient Near East to post announcements, share information, and to network with each other. It is my hope that having a central place to gather and discuss will not only help to foster a stronger sense of community among those of us who study the ancient Near East (particularly those of us who have little opportunity to attend conferences), but also to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of expertise.

Who should join

Dubgallu is intended for all people who are involved in the academic study the ancient Near East. Those whose professions touch upon the ancient Near East (e.g. museum staff), researchers in fields that may only peripherally involve the ancient Near East, and former students and scholars are also most welcome.
The general public may view the contents of Dubgallu, but one must be registered to post or reply to threads. When registering, please indicate your connection to ancient Near Eastern studies in the Institutional Affiliation and/or Title/Position/Degree fields (see below). If you have no demonstrable connection to ancient Near Eastern studies but would still like to register, please email the board administrators and explain your situation.
Please note that, since your registration must be manually approved by an administrator, it may take a day or two until you are registered.


As the usual anonymous internet forum approach would defeat much of the purpose of Dubgallu, please use your real name for your username. Ideally, it should be in the form by which you are most widely known in the field (e.g. my full name is Matthew Jamie Alexander Szudy, but everyone knows me as Jamie Szudy). If you wish, you can also abbreviate your last name (Jamie S.).


Disagreements in our various fields of study can sometimes become acrimonious, in no small part because they may involve beliefs that are deeply important to some. Therefore, I would like to stress that all members are expected to treat each other with civility, and, when disagreements occur, to conduct them in a spirit of mutual respect. To avoid personal attacks and flame wars, discussions on modern politics or religion should be avoided except in cases where they relate directly to the study of the ancient Near East, Even then, these discussions must be carried out with civility.
Dubgallu does not tolerate hostile or aggressive behavior, offensive comments, personal attacks, harrassment, or bigotry of any kind. Please avoid flame wars - if you feel that someone is trolling or is goading you into making a response, please do not respond; report them to a moderator who will deal with them as appropriate. Users who engage in such negative behavior may be given a warning, temporarily banned, permanently banned, or even, if necessary, reported to the appropriate authorities.

General Rules

Whilst we attempt to edit or remove any messages containing inappropriate, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a person's privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this discussion system. For this reason you acknowledge that all messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.
By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to these forums. Your IP Address is recorded with each post you make on this discussion system and is retrievable by the forum staff if need-be. You agree that we have the ability and right to remove, edit, or lock any account or message at any time should it be seen fit. You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that "cookies" are stored on your computer to save your login information.
Any information you provide on these forums will not be disclosed to any third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised.
ForumThreadsPostsLast Post

Dubgallu News, Info, & Feedback
Dubgallu.net info, rules, announcements, and feedback on how to improve the site.
55Info for new members
Mar 30, 2016, 11:12 AM
by admin

Conferences, Calls for Papers, & Events
Conferences, calls for papers, lectures, exhibitions, and all other ancient Near East related gatherings and events.

Publications & Reviews
New publications and reviews (print and electronic).
11Near Eastern Archaeology ...
Mar 16, 2016, 12:17 PM
by Jamie Szudy

Excavations, Fieldwork, & Other Collaboration
Upcoming excavations and fieldwork, as well opportunities for collaboration.

Employment & Funding
Jobs, grants, fellowships, postdocs, etc.
22Doctoral position in anci...
Mar 16, 2016, 12:09 PM
by Jamie Szudy

Community News
Introductions and announcements concerning colleagues and related institutions.

Ancient Near East News &

Open Access Journal: Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin

[First posted in AWOL 6 July 2011, updates 16 May 2016]

Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin (AFOB)
ISSN: 1061-8961
Each year thousands of students and volunteers go into the field to experience an excavation firsthand and the Archaeological Fieldwork Opportunities Bulletin (AFOB) helps them find a project. AFOB is one of the largest fieldwork resources in the world, featuring hundreds of listings for archaeological projects around the globe. The listings are continuously updated throughout the year and provide full details, including in-depth project description, project size, age requirements, academic credit availability, accommodation information, bibliographies, and more.

Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Open Access Monographs & Collected Editions

Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Open Access Monographs & Collected Editions 

Ancient Greek Music in Performance
Antike Germanenbilder
Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil
Arma et nummi
Art and Landscape
Brandbestattungen von der mittleren Donau bis zur Ägäis zwischen 1300 und 750 v. Chr.
Bronzezeitliche Fleischverarbeitung im Salzbergtal bei Hallstatt
Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres
Byzantinische Epigramme auf Stein nebst Addenda zu den Bänden 1 und 2
Can the Veda speak?
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich - Beiheft 1
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Österreich Graz, Originalsammlung des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität, Band 1
Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, WE 4
Das Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos, WE 6
Das Heiligtum des Jupiter Optimus Maximus auf dem Pfaffenberg/Carnuntum
Das laténezeitliche Gräberfeld von Mannersdorf im Leithagebirge, Flur Reinthal Süd, Niederösterreich
Das linearbandkeramische Gräberfeld von Kleinhadersdorf
Das Prytaneion in Ephesos  Der Kroisos-Tempel
Die Architekturdekoration der Caracallathermen
Die Ägäische Frühzeit. 2. Serie. Forschungsbericht 1975–2002
Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos
Die byzantinischen Bleisiegel in Österreich
Die Canabae von Carnuntum - ein Modell für römische Lagervorstädte?
Die Canabae von Carnuntum II - Archäologische und GIS-analytische Auswertung der Oberflächensurveys 2009-2010
Die deutschen Handschriften des Mittelalters der Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg
Die frühchristliche Basilika in Arapaj/Durrës, Albanien
Die Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Lautlehre seit Bechtel  Die Panagia-Kirche und die Erzengelkirche in Kakodiki
Die poetische Ekphrasis von Kunstwerken
Die Religion der Kelten in den antiken literarischen Zeugnissen, Band III
Die Siedlung der Hallstattkultur von Göttlesbrunn, Niederösterreich  Giza in der 4. Dynastie
Goldfunde aus dem Artemision von Ephesos
Griechische Kultur in Südosteuropa in der Neuzeit  Imperator • Kaiser • Cyesars
Inscriptions in Byzantium and Beyond
Katalog der Handschriften des Augustiner Chorherrenstiftes Klosterneuburg
Katalog der Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek Innsbruck. Teil 4. Cod. 301–400
Katalog der mittelalterlichen Handschriften in Salzburg
Katastrophe und Zukunftshoffnung
Keramik aus klassischen Kontexten im Apollon-Heiligtum von Ägina-Kolonna
Laténezeitlicher Glasringschmuck aus Ostösterreich
Legionslager Carnuntum
Materielle Kultur und kulturelle Identität in Elea in spätarchaisch-frühklassischer Zeit
Meilensteine, Straßen und das Verkehrsnetz der Provinz Karia
Mesopotamian Dark Age Revisited
Mittel- und spätbronzezeitliche Keramik Griechenlands. Sammlung Fritz Schachermeyer. Faszikel III
Monumenta. Studien zu mittel- und späthelladischen Gräbern in Messenien
Mykenische Opfergaben
Nachbyzantinischer liturgischer Gesang im Wandel: Studien zu den Musikhandschriften des Supplementum graecum der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek  Pilgerstätten in der syrischen Peripherie
Presbeia Theotokou
Pseudo-altpersische Inschriften
Rechtsgeschichtliches zur Ackerverpachtung auf Tempelland nach demotischem Formular
Régionalisme et Internationalisme Problèmes de Paléographie et de Codicologie du Moyen Âge
Spätantike und mittelalterliche Keramik aus Ephesos
Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum Paris–Berlin–Wien
Symposion 2001
Tell Abu al-Kharaz in the Jordan Valley. Volume III: The Iron Age
Tell el-Dabʿa XXII
Théonymie Celtique, Cultes, Interpretatio/Keltische Theonymie, Kulte, Interpretatio
The Bouleuterion at Ephesos
Thunau am Kamp – Eine befestigte Höhensiedlung (Grabung 1965–1990)
Thunau am Kamp – Eine befestigte Höhensiedlung. Archäobotanik 1965–1995
Untersuchungen zu den Gräberfeldern in Carnuntum, Band II
Urkundenlandschaft Rätien
Veränderung und Stabilität
Wiener Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik
Zentrum und Peripherie – Gesellschaftliche Phänomene in der Frühgeschichte 

Tanach - תנ״ך

Tanach - תנ״ך
This Hebrew bible (the Tanach) has been derived from the Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC)maintained by the J. Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research by Stephen K. Salisbury ( Manual, Release Notes). The WLC has been transcribed to a format with Unicode character coding and XML markup. The license of use is very generous.
Text can be rapidly accessed by providing a citation, i.e. Deut 26:5-9, in a text field or by clicking on a succession of links. Text can be displayed in a variety of formats and font sizes. Hebrew text may be highlighted, copied, and pasted into Unicode compatible applications. Books of the Torah have an option to display source markings of the Documentary Hypothesis (DH).
  • The text is available in five formats for downloading:
    XMLUnicode, UTF-8 text file with XML markup. Suitable for machine processing and display. This is the root format of all the following texts.
    TextUnicode, UTF-8 text file without markup. Readable by typical operating system editors. The book text files are an official repository of the Groves Center for the Westminster Leningrad Codex in Unicode.
    HTMLBrowser-viewable hypertext (XHTML/CSS) document. A wide range of formats can be selected. Can be easily incorporated into original web documents.
    ODTOpen Document (text) standard document. Compatible with modern editors, particularly the free  OpenOffice.org Writer. Convenient for individualized formating.
    PDFPortable document format document. Highly portable with consistent appearance (but not editable) with the free  Adobe Reader.
  • Complete books in each of these formats can be obtained by clicking on the book name in the Home page and clicking on the desired format and content (Accents, Vowels, Consonants, Morphology) in the table in the middle row of the resulting page. Zipped archives of complete books in different formats and contents are also available. See the "Zipped archives of Tanach books" section of the Technical page or view the Servers page for general information about the servers.
  • A facsimile of the page in Leningrad Codex containing any text selection can be viewed. See the Facsimiles page for more details. Suggested by Jonah Braun, The Master's Seminary, Los Angeles, CA.
  • The site can be operated without an internet connection. See the Technical page for instructions.

  • Links to external sites, such as translations, are available and other links may be requested.

  • Files include a standard Text Encoding Initiative header describing the provenance of the text. The TEI header can be viewed by clicking on the top center label of a Book page.
Notices about the site are published on The Biblical Hebrew Forum at http://biblicalhumanities.org/bhebrew/ under "General Discussion". The subject line of the notices contains the phrase "Unicode/XML Westminster Leningrad Codex".

Deutsche Limeskommission: Limesdatenbank

[First posted in AWOL 5 March 2012, updated 16 May 2016]

Deutsche Limeskommission
Die im Jahre 2003 in Esslingen gegründete Deutsche Limeskommission (DLK) ist Ansprechpartner für alle Aktivitäten zu Schutz und Erforschung und sowie fürdie touristische Präsentation des Obergermanisch-Raetischen Limes.

Nach der  Aufnahme des Limes in die Liste der   UNESCO-Welterbestätten im Jahr 2005 soll ihre Arbeit mit dazu beitragen, internationale Standards in Pflege und Management von Deutschlands größtem und bekanntestem archäologischen Denkmal sicher- zustellen.

Willkommen zur Limesdatenbank im Internet

In der Limesdatenbank sind Informationen zum Limes gespeichert, die neben dessen Verlauf vor allem die für den Welterbeantrag wichtigen, technischen Informationen zu Pufferzonen und Denkmalbereichen beinhalten. Interessierte Laien und auch Wissenschaftler bekommen dort keine Informationen, die über die bereits publizierten Daten und Fakten hinausgehen. Vielmehr findet man auf den im Handel erhältlichen Karten deutlich mehr Informationen als in der Datenbank, die vor allem für Raumplaner, Bauplanungen und bei der Erstellung von Flächennutzungsplänen von Bedeutung ist.

Dieses GIS-Projekt ist zur Zeit nur für einen begrenzten Teilnehmerkreis verfügbar. Die Nutzung erfordert eine Anmeldung mit gültigen Benutzernamen und Passwort. Bitte geben Sie die angeforderten Informationen ein und bestätigen Sie Ihre Anmeldung mit dem Schalter Anmelden. Sobald Ihre Eingaben als gültige Benutzerkennung verifiziert sind, können Sie mit der Limes-Datenbank arbeiten.

Open Access Publications on Persepolis from the Oriental Institute

[First posted in AWOL 24 April 2014, updated 16 May 2016]

Open Access Publications on Persepolis from the Oriental Institute

  Born Digital Publications

For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:

Coptic SCRIPTORIUM News: Full, machine-annotated New Testament Corpus updated

Full, machine-annotated New Testament Corpus updated
We’ve updated and re-released our fully machine-annotated New Testament corpus.  sahidica.nt V2.1.0 contains the Sahidica NT text from Warren Wells Sahidica online NT, with the following features:
  • Annotated with our latest NLP tools (part of speech tagger 1.9, tokenizer 4.1.0, language tagger and lemmatizer include lexical entries from the Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic (DDGLC))
  • Now contains the morph layer (annotating compound words and Coptic morphs such ⲣⲉϥ- ⲙⲛⲧ- ⲁⲧ-)
  • Visualizations for linguistic analysis
Please keep in mind that this fully machine-annotated corpus is more accurate than previous versions but will nonetheless contain more errors than a corpus manually corrected by a human...
Click through to read the rest.

Open Access Journal: ICAZ Newsletter (International Council for Archaeozoology)

[First posted in AWOL 7 April 2013, updated 17 May 2016]

ICAZ Newsletter (International Council for Archaeozoology)
The ICAZ Newsletter is published biannually. Members are encouraged to submit information about recent news (such as field and laboratory projects, awards given or received), upcoming events (including conferences, workshops, or symposia), and job openings, grants, and fellowship opportunities.
Each spring issue features a Recent Publications section compiled from member submissions. This section has been an extremely successful part of the newsletter with member publications numbering in the many thousands—a true testament to the vitality of archaeozoological research world-wide. A database of these publications is in preparation.
ICAZ Newsletter submission deadlines are April 15 (Spring issue) and October 15 (Fall issue)
For more information or to contribute to the newsletter, contact Newsletter Editor Angela Trentacoste at a.trentacoste@sheffield.ac.uk

Follow these links to download current and back issues of the ICAZ Newsletter:

Open Access Journal: Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens

[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 19 May 2016]

Epigraphica Anatolica: Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens

Jahrgang 38 (2005)

Jahrgang 37 (2004)

Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts

[First posted in AWOL 23 April 2014, updated 18 May 2016]

Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts
This is a pilot version of the Annotated Corpus of Luwian Texts (ACLT). It comprises the analysis the Iron Age Luwian texts, most of which are included in the published volumes of the Corpus of Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions (CHLI) by J. David Hawkins, as well as the cuneiform texts of the Bronze Age published in the Die keilschrift-luwischen Texte in Umschrift (StBoT 30) by Frank Starke. This initial phase of this project has been completed with the assistance of a research grant of the Corpus Linguistics Program sponsored by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Ilya Yakubovich acted as the principal investigator of the project, whose team consisted of Dr. Timofey Arkhangelskiy, Mr. Sergey Boroday, and Dr. Alexei Kassian. The corpus extension is planned for the near future, with the eventual goal of preparing a corpus-based comparative dictionary of all the minor Anatolian languages. The work on the project was further facilitated by a Humboldt Fellowship tenured by Ilya Yakubovich at the Philipps Universität Marburg in 2013–15. Special thanks go to Martien Dillo for his corrections and suggestions.
A special feature of the Luwian corpus, which sets it apart from the electronic corpora of better-known languages, is the absence of an up-to-date Luwian dictionary in hieroglyphic transmission. The compilation of the corpus could hardly be separated from deciphering the Anatolian Hieroglyphs and interpreting the Luwian lexicon. This is why the interface of the corpus contains the provisional Luwian glossaries, whose lemmata can be used as entries for automated search. For practical reasons, the glossaries to the cuneiform and hieroglyphic corpora are given separately, even though they reflect essentially the same language. Ilya Yakubovich takes the entire responsibility for the interpretative transliteration conventions adopted in the glossary. The narrow transliteration of the hieroglyphic texts used in the corpus generally follows the system of the CHLI but incorporates several modifications reflecting the recent progress in the Luwian Studies. The narrow transliteration of the cuneiform texts reflects the conventions of StBoT 30 and its computer adaptation by H. Craig Melchert. Note that the present corpus, as a rule, does not contain isolated Luwian forms occurring in Hittite texts.
The present corpus is a work in progress and its direct citation is not recommended. The corrections of both linguistic and technical errors will be warmly welcomed. For linguistic issues, please contact Ilya Yakubovich (sogdiana783@gmail.com). For possible problems with computer interface, please contact Timofey Arkhangelskiy (timarkh@gmail.com). If you wish to cite the new interpretations offered in the corpus, you can give credit to the ACLT (together with its URL). Original interpretations implicit in the database can be cited with reference to the personal communication of Ilya Yakubovich. If you wish to refer to the sketch of the Luwian grammar available at this website, please cite it according to its principal location as: Ilya Yakubovich, “The Luwian Language”. Oxford Handbooks Online (21 Oct. 2015). http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935345.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199935345-e-18

Dickinson College Commentaries

 [First posted in AWOL 18 May 2012, updated 18 May 2016]

Dickinson College Commentaries

[n.b. Dickinson College commentaries are beginning to appear also as books (and facsimiles of books) from Open Book Publishers. Ovid, Amores (Book 1), By William Turpin, has just appeared]

Latin and Greek texts with explanatory notes, vocabulary, and graphic, video and audio elements, for readers of Greek and Latin. Submissions to the series are welcome.
Dickinson College Commentaries presents Latin and Greek texts for reading, with explanatory notes, interpretive essays, vocabulary, and multimedia elements. The format has two columns, one with plain text on the left, and another on the right with three tabs for notes, vocabulary, and media. The commentaries are peer-reviewed, citable scholarly resources, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (CC BY-SA). Support for the project comes from the Christopher Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College, the Mellon Fund for Digital Humanities at Dickinson College, and Dickinson's Research and Development Committee. The Project Director is Christopher Francese, Asbury J. Clarke Professor of Classical Studies at Dickinson College (francese@dickinson.edu).
Portrait of Julius Caesar in Greek marble, recently found in a cistern (#861) from the Pantelleria acropolis in Sicily. Photo: Roger B. Ulrich


Gallic War selections
Christopher Francese
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Susan Stephens
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Against Verres 2.1.53–86
Ingo Gildenhard
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On Pompey’s Command (De Imperio), 27-49
Ingo Gildenhard, Louise Hodgson, et al.
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Core Vocabularies

Latin and Ancient Greek
Christopher Francese
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Cornelius Nepos

Life of Hannibal
Bret Mulligan
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True Histories, Book 1
Eric Casey, Evan Hayes, and Stephen Nimis
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Amores Book 1
William Turpin
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Sulpicius Severus

The Life of Saint Martin of Tours
Christopher Francese
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Leges Populi Romani

Leges Populi Romani
LEPOR (LEges POpuli Romani) est une base de données en cours d’élaboration qui, lorsqu’elle sera achevée, comprendra environ 880 notices, dont chacune sera consacrée à une loi comitiale du peuple romain. Nous entendons par « lois comitiales » les lois et plébiscites votés par le peuple ou par la plèbe et les rogationes qui ont au moins été promulguées. Sont exclues les « lois royales » et les chartes octroyées à des collectivités (souvent appelées leges datae). Les textes législatifs retenus vont de 509 aux lois attribuées à Nerva, et les plébiscites antérieurs à 287 feront l’objet de notices bien qu’ils n’aient pas encore eu valeur normative pour l’ensemble du peuple. Le but est de remplacer l’ouvrage toujours utilisé mais bien vieilli maintenant, de Giovanni Rotondi, Leges publicae populi Romani, Milan, 1912. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’une mise à jour, puisque la totalité des sources anciennes et de la bibliographie antérieure ou postérieure à Rotondi ont été directement consultées pour la rédaction de notices entièrement originales.

Une base de données informatisée a, par rapport à un volume imprimé, un double avantage. D’une part, les sources antiques, latines et grecques, sont intégralement accessibles par des liens hypertextes. D’autre part, l’utilisateur peut recourir à plusieurs modes d’interrogation : par le nom du rogator, par la date de la loi, par le ou les thèmes au(x)quel(s) se rattache la loi, par la référence d’une source antique invoquée dans une notice consacrée à une loi, et par chaîne de caractères dans tous les champs de la notice. Pour plus de détails sur les possibilités d’interrogation de la base et leurs modalités techniques, voir la rubrique « Conseils de recherche».

Les papyrus égyptiens du Musée de Boulaq

The Digital Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs, and Paintings

The Digital Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs, and Paintings

This is the home for the Digital Topographical Bibliography and presents the new framework for the project. Alongside searchable PDFs of the current print version, vols. 1-7, examples of new data focusing on two case-studies (Tuna el-Gebel and Tell el-Farʿun) have been made available. The third case-study is a revised edition for part of Volume 8 - Objects of Provenance Not Known available here as a XHTML text (as opposed to PDF), and covers the complete section for Royal Statues.

Excerpt from new TopBib outline
The Digital TopBib 
You may browse or search the Digital Topographical Bibliography

The Published Volumes

The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece

The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece
Relief sculpture of battle scene in the Vatican Museum, Rome, Italy
A research project funded by the Leverhulme Trust and directed by Professor Alan Sommerstein, Department of Classics.

The project

The oath was an institution of fundamental importance across a wide range of social interactions throughout the ancient Greek world. Oaths are uttered, prescribed or referred to in almost every kind of literary or inscriptional text from archaic and classical Greece.


The Oaths database contains all references to oaths in Greek texts of all kinds from the earliest alphabetic inscriptions to 322 BC, the year of the death of Aristotle and the end of the classical Athenian democracy.  The project team produced a two-volume study, The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece, as a result of the analysis and interpretation of the evidence.

The Ancient World Journals in Project MUSE

[ First posted in AWOL 15 December 2010. Updated 19 May 2016]

This is the full list of journals in Project MUSE with substantial representation of the Ancient World

23 titles

      Greek OCR Challenge

      Greek OCR Challenge
      1. To gain access, please email <gocrc2016@gmail.com> for a username and password. Login will be prompted once you have selected a text
      2. You may either begin by correcting one of the texts below, or you may ask for a new text from our collection to be added
      3. Watch the progress bar grow as the text is corrected
      4. Download html, PDF and EPUB versions when you're done, and ...
      5. If your work is 99.95% accurate, we'll pay to have it converted to TEI-P5!

      Deipnosophistai 1 Athenaeus. Cambridge UP

      The Apostolic fathers : with an English translation 1 1919 Lake, Kirsopp, 1872-1946. London : W. Heinemann

      Lives. With an English translation by Bernadotte Perrin 6 1914-50 Plutarch et al.. London Heinemann

      Alciphronis rhetoris Epistularum libri IV; edidit M. A. Schepers 1905 Schepers, M. A., ed. Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri

      Hellenica; or, A history of Greece in Greek 1 1868 Wright, L.. MacMillan and Co

      How To Edit
      About Us

      Open Access Monograph Series: Amarna Reports

      Amarna Reports
      The series of six volumes, entitled Amarna Reports, were published by the Egypt Exploration Society between 1984 and 1995 and have been out of print for some time. They are here made available in pdf form, with the agreement of the Egypt Exploration Society. 

      The volumes are available at two standards of compression and page resolution. The smaller and lower version is intended for browsing. The larger and higher offers a better resolution of the illustrations. In the case of the photographs, these are scans made from original photographic prints. The pdf files are also available on the Egypt Exploration Society web site.
      Amarna Reports I
      Introduction and Chapter 1 - Patterns of Activity at the Workmen's Village
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 2 - Report on the 1983 Excavations. Chapel 561/450 (The "Main Chapel")
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 3 - Report on the 1983 Excavations. Chapels 570 and 571
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 4 - Report on the 1983 Excavations. The Animal Pens (Building 400)
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 5 - Report on the 1983 Excavations. Commodity Delivery Area (Zir Area)
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 6 - Report on the 1983 Excavations. The Main Quarry
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 7 - Report on the 1983 Amarna Survey. Survey of the City
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 8 - A Resistivity Survey at El-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 9 - Ring Bezels at El-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 10 - The Pottery Distribution Analysis
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapters 11 and 12 - Preliminary Report on the Faunal Remains from the Workmen's Village / Pottery Cult Vessels from the Workmen's Village
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 13 - Radiocarbon Date Calibration Using Historically Dated Specimens from Egypt and New Radiocarbon Determinations for El-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 14 and 15 - A Sediments Analysis of Mud and Brick and Natural Features at El-Amarna / Geomorphology and Prehistory at El-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Amarna Reports II
      Introduction and Chapter 1 - Chapel 561 / 450 (The "Main Chapel")
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 2 - Painted plaster from the Main Chapel
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 3 - Chapels 570 and 571 and adjacent ground
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 4 - Chapel group 528-531
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 5 - The Amarna Survey: the survey of the city
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 6 - The hieratic labels, 1979-82
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 7 - The hieroglyphic wall plaster from Chapel 561
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 8 - Pottery fabrics and ware groups at el-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 9 - Preliminary report on the botanical remains
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Chapter 10 - Preliminary report on the textiles
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Amarna Reports III
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 1 - Work inside the Walled Village
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 2 - Building 250 - a set of animal pens
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 3 - Building 300 - a set of animal pens
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 4 - Building 540/541
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 5 - Report on the excavation of floor [873] of the Outer Hall of Chapel 561/450
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 6 - Report on the 1985 Amarna Survey, the survey of the city
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 7 -Pottery from the Main Chapel
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 8 - The Late New Kingdom burial beside the Main Chapel
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 9 - Late Dynastic pottery from the vicinity of the South Tombs
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 10 - A Survey at Hatnub
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)
      Amarna Reports IV
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 1 - Work inside the Walled Village (1)
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 2 - Fragments of a Painted Royal Figure with Artist's Grid
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 3 - Work inside the Walled Village (2)
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 4 - Building 200 - Animal Pens and Plant Beds
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 5 - Completion of the Main Chapel and Further Examination of the Animal Pens
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 6 - Chapel 556
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 7 - The Survey of the Site X2
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 8 - Report on the 1986 Amarna Survey
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 9 - Report on the 1986 Amarna Pottery Survey
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 10 - The Pottery from Gate Street 8
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 11 - Flaked Stone from the Workmen's Village
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 12 - Ring Bezels with Royal Names at the Workmen's Village 1979-1986
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 13 - The 1986 Survey of Hatnub
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Amarna Reports V

      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 1 - A Large Well beside Building Q48.4
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 2 - The Excavation of Q48.4
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 3 - The Pottery Kilns in Building Q48.4
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 4 - The Evidence for Pottery Making at Q48.4
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 5 - Report on the 1987 Pottery Survey
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 6 - Investigation of the Small Aten Temple
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 7 - A Further Resistivity Survey at El-Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 8 - Notes on the Manufacture and Use of Faience Rings at Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 9 - Preliminary Report on the Amarna Basketry and Cordage
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 10 - Artists' Pigments from Amarna
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 11 - Experimental Determination of the Purpose of a "Box Oven"
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      Chapter 12 -Their Staff of Life: Initial Investigations on Ancient Egyptian Bread Baking
      (Hi-Res | Low-Res)

      And see AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies

      Open Access Journal: Claroscuro: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural

      Claroscuro: Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural
      ISSN: 2314-0542
      Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre Diversidad Cultural. Publica trabajos de investigación, análisis de problemas teóricos y de casos, reseñas críticas y para abrir debates y contrastar posiciones, haciendo hincapié en la problemática de la diversidad cultural, las variantes teóricas vinculadas con ella y sus consecuencias sociales y políticas. 

      No 14 (2015)

      Tabla de contenidos

      Primeras páginas e índice

      CEDCU, Claroscuro
      Presentación e índice


      Seri, Andrea
      El uso de la escritura cuneiforme para escribir el acadio
      Bramanti, Armando
      Cabezas negras, emperadores amarillos. Una revisión de los estudios comparativos entre el cuneiforme y los caracteres chinos
      Molla, Cecilia
      Sobre el grado de alfabetización entre las poblaciones del Cercano Oriente antiguo. Teorías clásicas e hipótesis renovadoras
      Monti, Luciano
      La lengua de los hurritas


      Cárcamo, Magdalena
      Reseña de ORTIZ, Renato (2014) Universalismo/Diversidad. Contradicciones de la modernidad-mundo, Prometeo, Buenos Aires, 174 páginas.
      Rodríguez, María Fernández
      FLORES, Fabián C. y SEIGUER, Paula (ed.); (2014) Experiencias plurales de lo sagrado. La diversidad religiosa argentina, Imago mundi, Buenos Aires, 256 páginas. Ilustraciones.
      Molina, Ángel Horacio
      Reseña de COCKBURN, Patrick; 2014. ISIS. El retorno de la Jihad. Barcelona, Editorial Planeta, 133 páginas



      Open Access Monograph Series: Hellenic Studies Series

      Hellenic Studies Series
      Cover Acosta-Hughes thumbnailAcosta-Hughes, Benjamin, Elizabeth Kosmetatou, and Manuel Baumbach, editors, Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P.Mil.Vogl. VIII 309)Online edition of Hellenic Studies 2, originally published in 2004 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverBakker, Egbert J.,
      Pointing at the Past: From Formula to Performance in Homeric Poetics.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 12, originally published in 2005 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Bazzaz thumbnailBazzaz, Sahar, Yota Batsaki, and Dimiter Angelov, editors,
      Imperial Geographies in Byzantine and Ottoman Space.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 56, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Beck thumbnailBeck, Deborah,Homeric Conversation. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 14, originally published 2005 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Bergren thumbnailBergren, Ann,Weaving Truth: Essays on Literature and the Female in Greek Thought. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 19, originally published in 2008 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverBers, Victor,Genos Dikanikon: Amateur and Professional Speech in the Courtrooms of Classical AthensOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 33, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverBierl, Anton,Ritual and Performativity: The Chorus in Old Comedy. Translated by Alexander Hollmann. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 20, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverBird, Graeme D.,
      Multitextuality in the Homeric Iliad: The Witness of Ptolemaic Papyri
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 43, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverBonifazi, Anna,
      Homer's Versicolored Fabric: The Evocative Power of Ancient Greek Epic Wordmaking
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 50, originally published in 2012 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover PAGDBonifazi, Anna, Annemieke Drummen, Mark de Kreij,
      Particles in Ancient Greek Discourse: Five Volumes Exploring Particle Use Across Genres.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 74, digitally published in 2016 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. These volumes are not currently available in print.
      Cover Calame thumbnailCalame, Claude,Poetic and Performative Memory in Ancient Greece: Heroic Reference and Ritual Gestures in Time and Space. Translated by Harlan Patton. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 18, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Cameron thumbnailCameron, Averil,Dialoguing in Late AntiquityOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 65, originally published in 2014 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover CapraCapra, Andrea,Plato's Four Muses: The Phaedrus and the Poetics of PhilosophyOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 67, originally published in 2015 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Cavafy thumbnailCavafy, C.P.,The Canon: The Original One Hundred and Fifty-Four Poems, translated into English by Stratis Haviaras, with the original Greek on facing pages. Foreword by Seamus Heaney. Hellenic Studies 27, published 2007 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Clay thumbnailClay, Diskin,
      Archilochos Heros: The Cult of Poets in the Greek Polis
      Hellenic Studies 6, published 2004 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Currently unavailable for purchase.
      Cover Collins thumbnailCollins, Derek, Master of the Game: Competition and Performance in Greek Poetry. Hellenic Studies 7, published 2005 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverCompton, Todd M.,Victim of the Muses: Poet as Scapegoat, Warrior and Hero in Greco-Roman and Indo-European Myth and HistoryOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 11, originally published in 2006 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Acosta-Hughes thumbnailDavies, Malcolm,The Theban EpicsOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 69, originally published in 2015 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverDetienne, Marcel,Comparative Anthropology of Ancient GreeceOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 17, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Dignas thumbnailDignas, Beate, and Kai Trampedach, editors, Practitioners of the Divine: Greek Priests and Religious Officials from Homer to Heliodorus. Hellenic Studies 30, published 2008 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Dontas thumbnailDontas, Nikos and Kleopatra Ferla, editors,Priene. Second edition. Hellenic Studies 5, published 2006 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverDué, Casey, editor, Recapturing a Homeric Legacy:Images and Insignts from the Venetus A Manuscript of the IliadPDF download of Hellenic Studies 35, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Click here to download. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverDué, Casey, and Mary Ebbott,Iliad 10 and the Poetics of Ambush: A Multitext Edition with Essays and Commentary. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 39, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverFrame, Douglas,Hippota NestorOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 37, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverFranklin, John Curtis,Kinyras: The Divine LyreOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 70, originally published in 2016 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Funke thumbnailFunke, Peter, and Nino Luraghi, editors,The Politics of Ethnicity and the Crisis of the Peloponnesian League. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 32, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverGarcia, Lorenzo F., Jr.,
      Homeric Durability: Telling Time in the Iliad
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 58, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Giesecke thumbnailGiesecke, Annette, The Epic City: Urbanism, Utopia, and the Garden in Ancient Greece and Rome. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 21, originally published in 2007 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverGonzález, José M.,
      The Epic Rhapsode and His Craft: Homeric Performance in a Diachronic Perspective.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 47, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Greene thumbnailGreene, Ellen, and Marilyn Skinner, editors,The New Sappho on Old Age: Textual and Philosophical Issues. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 38, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Hitch thumbnailHitch, Sarah,King of Sacrifice: Ritual and Royal Authority in the Iliad. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 25, originally published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverHollmann, Alexander,
      The Master of Signs: Signs and the Interpretation of Signs in Herodotus'Histories
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 48, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Click here to read online. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      jacob_coverJacob, Christian,
      The Web of Athenaeus. Translated by Arietta Papaconstantinou and edited by Scott Fitzgerald Johnson. 
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 61, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Click here to read online. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Johnson thumbnailJohnson, Aaron, and Jeremy Schott, editors,
      Eusebius of Caesarea: Tradition and Innovations.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 60, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover JohnsonJohnson, Scott F.,The Life and Miracles of Thekla: A Literary Study. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 13, originally published in 2006 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Kalvesmaki thumbnailKalvesmaki, Joel,
      The Theology of Arithmetic: Number Symbolism in Platonism and Early Christianity.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 59, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Lesher thumbnailLesher, James, Debra Nails, and Frisbee Sheffield, editors,Plato's Symposium: Issues in Interpretation and Reception. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 22, originally published in 2007 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover LevanioukLevaniouk, Olga,
      Eve of the Festival: Making Myth in Odyssey 19.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 46, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Luraghi thumbnailLuraghi, Nino and Susan E. Alcock, editors, Helots and Their Masters in Laconia and Messenia: Histories, Ideologies, Structures. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 4, originally published in 2003 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Marks coverMarks, J.,Zeus in the OdysseyOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 31, originally published in 2008 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Munson thumbnailMunson, Rosaria Vignolo,Black Doves Speak: Herodotus and the Languages of Barbarians. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 9, originally published in 2005 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      HtC CoverNagy, Gregory,Homer the ClassicThis 2008 "born digital" text is an online edition of Hellenic Studies 36, published in 2009 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      HtC CoverNagy, Gregory,Masterpieces of Metonymy: From Ancient Greek Times to NowThis 2015 "born digital" text is an online edition of Hellenic Studies 72, forthcoming in print December 2015 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      PR CoverNagy, Gregory,Plato's Rhapsody and Homer's Music: The Poetics of the Panathenaic Festival in Classical Athens. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 1, originally published in 2002 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverOlson, Ryan Scott,Tragedy, Authority, and Trickery: The Poetics of Embedded Letters in JosephusOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 42, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Papadogiannakis thumbnailPapadogiannakis, Yannis,
      Christianity and Hellenism in the Fifth-Century Greek East: Theodoret's Apologetics against the Greeks in Context.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 49, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Papadopoulou thumbnailPapadopoulou, Ioanna, and Leonard Muellner, editors,
      Poetry as Initiation: The Center for Hellenic Studies Symposium on the Derveni Papyrus.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 63, originally published in 2014 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Acosta-Hughes thumbnailParmegianni, Giovanni,Between Thucydides and Polybius: The Golden Age of Greek Historiography.Online edition of Hellenic Studies 64, originally published in 2014 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Pathak thumbnailPathak, Shubha,
      Divine Yet Human Epics: Reflections of Poetic Rulers from Ancient Greece and India.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 62, originally published in 2014 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Pepper thumbnailPepper, Timothy, editor,
      A Californian Hymn to Homer.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 41, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverPetropoulos, J. C. B.,
      Kleos in a Minor Key: The Homeric Education of a Little Prince
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 45, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverPower, Timothy,
      The Culture of Kitharôidia
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 15, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Roilos thumbnailRoilos, Panagiotis,Amphoteroglossia: A Poetics of the Twelfth Century Medieval Greek Novel. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 10, originally published in 2006 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Sandridge coverSandridge, Norman B.,
      Loving Humanity, Learning, and Being Honored: The Foundations of Leadership in Xenophon's Education of Cyrus.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 55, originally published in 2012 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Scholtz thumbnailScholtz, Andrew, Concordia discors: Eros and Dialogue in Classical Athenian Literature. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 24, originally published 2007 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover SchurSchur, David,Plato's Wayward Path: Literary Form and the RepublicOnline edition of Hellenic Studies 66, originally published in 2015 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Schwartz thumbnailSchwartz, Daniel L.,
      Paideia and Cult: Christian Initiation in Theodore of Mopsuestia.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 57, originally published in 2013 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Shayegan thumbnailShayegan, M. Rahim,
      Aspects of History and Epic in Ancient Iran: From Gaumāta to Wahnām.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 52, originally published in 2012 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverSlatkin, Laura,
      The Power of Thetis and Selected Essays
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 16, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Bakker coverTell, Håkan,
      Plato's Counterfeit Sophists.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 44, originally published in 2011 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Tsagalis-spaceTsagalis, Christos,
      From Listeners to Viewers: Space in the Iliad.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 53, originally published in 2012 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover TsagalisTsagalis, Christos,The Oral Palimpsest: Exploring Intertextuality in the Homeric Epics. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 29, originally published in 2008 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Tzifopoulos coverTzifopoulos, Yannis,Paradise Earned: The Bacchic-Orphic Gold Lamellae of Crete. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 23, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase via Harvard University Press.
      Cover WarehWareh, Tarik,
      The Theory and Practice of Life: Isocrates and the Philosophers.
      Online edition of Hellenic Studies 54, originally published 2012 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover WellsWells, James Bradley,Pindar's Verbal Art: An Ethnographic Study of Epinician Style. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 40, originally published in 2010 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover YatromanolakisYatromanolakis, Dimitrios,Sappho in the Making: The Early Reception. Online edition of Hellenic Studies 28, originally published in 2008 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.
      Cover Yatromanolakis thumbnailYatromanolakis, Dimitrios and Panagiotis Roilos, editors,Greek Ritual Poetics. Hellenic Studies 3, published 2005 by the Center for Hellenic Studies. Copyright, Center for Hellenic Studies. Available for purchase in print via Harvard University Press.

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