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Open Access Journal: Hybris: Revista de Filosofía

Hybris: Revista de Filosofía
ISSN: 0718-8382
Imagen de portada de la revista Hybris 
Hybris ISSN 0718-8382 es una revista digital de Filosofía que publica semestralmente CENALTES Ediciones y se distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons. La revista publica artículos que difunden investigaciones actuales, desarrolladas tanto en el marco de estudios de postgrado, como en otros procesos formales y también procesos autogestionados de investigación. HYBRIS pretende que sus páginas sean un método de intercambio entre pares, donde no hay una separación entre lectores y autores


And see the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies

Arches Project

Arches Project
Arches Project
The Arches project is a collaboration between the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and World Monuments Fund (WMF) to develop for the international heritage field an open source, web- and geospatially based information system that is purpose-built to inventory and manage immovable cultural heritage. Arches incorporates widely adopted standards (for heritage inventories, heritage data, and information technology) so that it will offer a solid foundation that heritage institutions may customize to meet their particular needs. Arches is built using open source software tools to make its adoption cost effective, and to allow heritage institutions to pool resources to enhance Arches in mutually beneficial ways.

KORA: The Digital Repository and Publishing Platform

KORA: The Digital Repository and Publishing Platform
KORA is an open-source, database-driven, online digital repository application for complex multimedia objects (text, images, audio, video) created by MATRIX. The application ingests, manages, and delivers digital objects with corresponding metadata that enhances the research and educational value of the objects. KORA's flexible architecture can accommodate any metadata scheme allowing for individualized digital collections with differing contents and metadata structures. 

The Programming Historian

The Programming Historian

The Programming Historian offers novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate their research.

We regularly publish new lessons, and we always welcome proposals for new lessons on any topic. Our editorial mentors will be happy to work with you throughout the lesson writing process. If you’d like to be a reviewer or if you have suggestions to make Programming Historian a more useful resource, please see our Contribute page.

Our Project Team and peer reviewers work collaboratively with authors to craft tutorials that illustrate fundamental digital and programming principles and techniques. We have lessons on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Data Management, Data Manipulation, Distant Reading, Mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Network Analysis, Digital Exhibit Building, Programming, and Web Scraping, and more. Our tutorials include nearly a dozen lessons on popular DH tools such as MALLET, Omeka, and QGIS.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, we welcome your feedback. Better yet, contribute a lesson! The Programming Historian (ISSN 2397-2068) aims to set a new standard for openness and collaboration in scholarly publishing, and you can help!

Digital Classics Association Blog

Digital Classics Association Blog
The Digital Classics Association was founded in spring 2013 to advance the use of digital techniques in the study and teaching of classical antiquity.
The DCA has so far concentrated its efforts on promoting and disseminating research, teaching, and outreach information through two venues:
  • A standalone conference, the first of which, called "Word, Space, Time", was held at the University at Buffalo April 5-6, 2013. Discussions are under way about further conferences on a bi-annual basis.
  • Sessions held at the joint meetings of the American Philological Association and American Institute of Archaeology. These will begin at the Chicago meetings in January 2014 with a session called "Getting Started with Digital Classics," and continue for the following three years.
The efforts of DCA are meant to complement those of other organizations that promote digital classics, such as digitalclassicist, as well as provide a bridge to the broader world of the digital humanities, where work is presented in conferences such as the annual Digital Humanities conference and the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science (DHCS).
The leadership of the DCA is:
Co-Chairs: Neil Coffee (University at Buffalo, SUNY) and Gregory Crane (Perseus, Tufts University,  University of Leipzig)
Secretary-Treasurer: Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
Steering Committee Member: Charlotte Roueché (King’s College London)
Steering Committee Member: Christopher Blackwell (Furman University, Center for Hellenic Studies)
Steering Committee Member: Patrick Burns (Ph.D. candidate, Fordham University)

Online Catalogue of Byzantine Seals

Annotation Studio

Annotation Studio
Annotation Studio
Annotation Studio is a suite of collaborative web-based annotation tools currently under development at MIT. 

Historical Background

As a cultural and social practice, annotations have a rich history stretching back for millennia. The term marginalia, coined by Coleridge – a notable annotator – refers to writing in the margins of a book. Writing in books leaves traces of a reader’s progress, a reader’s interpretation, a reader’s response. Marginalia can record the collaborative efforts of many readers, as in this image of a page from Venetus A, a tenth-century manuscript of the Iliad that preserves layers of glosses, scholia, and critical marks. This annotated manuscript immortalizes the critical discourse around a text, and makes it possible to study it, a thousand years later. Readers also interact with their books in ways other than writing in the margins. Today, post-its or folded pages, for example, mark passages of interest. A common practice is to color-code these passages of interest. Personal organization is an alternative way of accessing the text, a more personal organization than the pre-defined taxonomy of the table of contents.

Annotation Studio in the Digital Humanities

The most significant difference between Annotation Studio and other digital annotation projects is its emphasis on student-centered design and pedagogy. Most other annotation tools assume user familiarity with TEI, and a well-developed understanding of the relationships between literary sources, manuscripts, editions, and adaptations. Annotation Studio makes sophisticated yet easy-to-use commenting tools immediately accessible to students with no prior experience with close textual analysis or TEI.
However, while we believe Annotation Studio provides many unique affordances, we also see it as part of a larger conversation concerning annotation in the digital humanities. Accordingly, we have listed what we think are some of the most exciting projects occupying the annotation space, which bear both similarities and differences to the aims and formal qualities of our tool.

Ohio State Excavations at Isthmia

Ohio State Excavations at Isthmia

The OSU Excavations at Isthmia

By permission of the Greek Ministry of Culture and with a permit through the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, The Ohio State University conducts a program of archaeological research, education, and publication at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Isthmia. Isthmia was one of the four great Panhellenic sanctuaries, active from the Archaic period through the end of Antiquity, with a rich period of medieval use as well.

Modern excavation at Isthmia began in 1952 under the direction of Oscar Broneer of the University of Chicago, and Paul A. Clement of UCLA continued exploration at Isthmia beginning in 1967. In 1987 Timothy E. Gregory was named to succeed Professor Clement as Read more...

Director at Isthmia, and Ohio State University undertook sponsorship of the excavation.The University of Chicago continues its program of research under the direction of Professor Elizabeth R. Gebhard; the Chicago excavation enjoys the longest tenure at the site, while our project is now over 25 years old. The two projects (Chicago and Ohio State) cooperate on many levels and we promote joint study and publication of materials, yet we are separate organizations with our own staff and financing structure.

Funding for the Ohio State University Excavations has been provided by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Packard Humanities Institute, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and many private donors.

This website has been identified as a model site by the staff of Archaeology magazine, an official publication of the Archaeological Institute of America. All materials from this site are copyrighted. Materials may be used with permission upon request.

LIMEN: A Latin Teaching Portal

LIMEN: A Latin Teaching Portal
LIMEN - a Latin teaching portal

Welcome to LIMEN!

Are you looking to teach Latin—not just about Latin—in a way that takes seriously what we know about language and the brain?
Getting started with this heroic, exhilarating work can be overwhelming. LIMEN orients you to the many sources of support available to help you get (and keep) going!
Click any title to view details of these four essentials.
LIMEN theory
LIMEN practices
LIMEN materials
LIMEN resources

Amphorae ex Hispania: Catálogo de ánforas hispanas

Amphorae ex Hispania
Hace ya 30 años que Miguel Beltrán publicó su libro “Ánforas romanas en España”, que se convertía en un verdadero hito para el estudio de estos envases comerciales romanos no tan sólo en nuestro país, sino en la mayoría de países europeos.
Su trabajo pionero definió los grandes temas de investigación futura y sentó cátedra dentro de la joven investigación española en arqueología e historia de Roma. En estos 30 años las ánforas hispanas han cobrado un especial protagonismo con el estudio de las zonas de producción de los envases (p.e. costas andaluzas y valencianas, valle del Guadalquivir, litoral catalán), de su distribución en las provincias del Imperio romano (p.e. Germania, Britannia), su clasificación formal y, ya más recientemente, su arqueometría. Como resultado de todo ello, podemos afirmar que en la actualidad existen numerosos especialistas españoles y portugueses sobre esta materia, reconocidos en el extranjero por sus sólidos trabajos de investigación.
Aún así, el estudio de las ánforas hispanas adolece todavía de una falta de visión global, de conjunto, que incluya una definición tipológica común, una caracterización de pastas cerámicas y contenidos de los envases, estudios cronológicos y espaciales, así como estudios socio-históricos que permitan superar nuestro actual estado del conocimiento. La gran especialización en estudios de tipologías, así como la investigación de los centros de producción y de consumo han aportado substanciosos conocimientos, si bien hasta ahora la investigación ha evolucionado de un modo atomizado, sin conexión entre los distintos investigadores y áreas (tanto geográficas como temáticas) que afectan a este campo de estudio. Por ello, ahora es necesario establecer comparaciones, tendencias, coincidencias o diferencias; y para ello es requisito indispensable trabajar en grupo (y más concretamente, en red) combinando los distintos conocimientos y potenciales de cada uno de losinvestigadores..
No se trata de un fenómeno aislado, sino una tendencia general, ya que a nivel internacional se están desarrollando otros proyectos que pretenden establecer las bases para intercambiar todo tipo de información sobre ánforas con la finalidad de establecer técnicas de cuantificación y caracterización consistentes que nos permitan obtener nuevos conocimientos, más allá de los métodos tradicionales. En este sentido, la arqueología española y portuguesa, tanto por la formación de sus investigadores, como por la disponibilidad para su estudio de abundantes centros de producción y la gran difusión de sus ánforas, dispone de las condiciones ideales para liderar estos proyectos de investigación internacionales. Por ello, nuestra intención es crear un proyecto que permita configurar una red de investigación global que sea un lugar de referencia básica y una herramienta de gran utilidad para similares proyectos a nivel internacional.

Open Access Monograph Series: Materiale Textkulturen [Material Text Cultures]

Ed. by Lieb, Ludger
eISSN: 2198-6940
The series Material Text Cultures is the publication organ of the identically named Collaborative Research Center 993 at Heidelberg University. The series publishes anthologies and monographs dedicated to the  Collaborative Research Center’s main focus of research – that is, the materiality and presence of the written in non-typographic societies.

    Open Access Journal: Cadernos do LEPAARQ: Revista do Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Antropologia e Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LEPAARQ-UFPEL)

    Cadernos do LEPAARQ: Revista do Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Antropologia e Arqueologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LEPAARQ-UFPEL)
    e-ISSN: 2316-8412
    ISSN: 1806-9118
    O periódico Cadernos do LEPAARQé uma publicação eletrônica do Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa em Antropologia e Arqueologia do Instituto de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LEPAARQ/ICH/UFPEL). A partir do volume 6, nº 11/12 referente a 2009, a publicação passa a circular somente por meio eletrônico, não havendo mais edições impressas. Seu escopo é a divulgação científica nas áreas de Antropologia, Arqueologia e Patrimônio, publicando as seguintes sessões: (1) artigos, (2) relatórios e notícias institucionais, (3) resenhas, (4) notas de pesquisa e (5) ensaios visuais.

    Os Cadernos atendem à necessidade de ampliar o debate conceitual e a reflexão sobre as práticas concernentes às intervenções no âmbito do patrimônio cultural, em suas dimensões material e imaterial, considerando tanto ações científico-acadêmicas quanto àquelas resultantes de políticas públicas. Desse modo, preocupam-se tanto com a dimensão teórica do trabalho acadêmico, quanto com a prática das ações de gestão de memória e patrimônio, as quais envolvem complexas interações formais e informais entre a universidade, a comunidade, a iniciativa privada e os órgãos públicos.

    Com o intuito de aprimorar as ações desenvolvidas no âmbito da gestão de memória e de patrimônio material e imaterial, publica textos referentes à organização de acervos (arqueológicos, antropológicos, museológicos, etc.) e a projetos de potencialização do uso social e cultural dos mesmos (educação patrimonial, turismo cultural, etc.).

    A política editorial pauta-se nos seguintes princípios: a liberdade de abordagens e a universalidade dos temas de pesquisa a que está aberta; o desenvolvimento da consciência patrimonial, referente ao patrimônio material e imaterial, os quais são objetos de estudo da Arqueologia e Antropologia; divulgação de estudos de autores nacionais e estrangeiros relativos a questões pungentes sobre as áreas atingidas, tais como debates teóricos e metodológicos, educação, legislação, gênero, entre outras; publicização dos resultados das pesquisas empreendidas pelo LEPAARQ; interesse particular por relatos ou estudos respeitantes ao patrimônio material e imaterial da região Sul do Brasil, bem como dos países platinos; o enfoque interdisciplinar.  

    New Website of The Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS)

    The Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS)
    Back Home
    The Society for Old Testament Study (SOTS) is a learned society, based in the British Isles, of professional scholars and others committed to the study of the Old Testament.


    The details of the Winter and Summer Conferences are published on this website and are sent to members through the post (click here for the upcoming Winter Meeting in Durham). When details of the next conference are available they can be found under conferences. Summaries of papers given at past conferences are also available.


    The Society publishes an annual SOTS Book List (back copies now on sale for a greatly reduced price), and has also sponsored a number of other publications, including the third SOTS Monographs series published by Cambridge University Press. Receiving the SOTS Book List is one benefit of membership of the Society. Among other advantages of membership is access to discounts on books from a number of publishers.


    The current President of SOTS is Dr Adrian Curtis.

    This site publishes events to do with Hebrew Bible / Old Testament studies in the British Isles. Information to be included should be sent to the Information Officer.
    The site also contains information and links of relevance to Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Study: other learned societies, publishers, academic resources, teaching tools, and places to study. Resources listed here include:
    • Where the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament may be studied in the UK
    • The Society is in the process of establishing a Wiki on topics related to the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament
    • We are planning to renew our collection of Resources for Hebrew Bible / Old Testament Teaching and Research over the summer of 2015. A page on resources for Biblical Hebrew has recently been added.
    • More General sites of value for teachers of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament.

    Open Source Archaeology – Ethics and Practice

    Open Source Archaeology – Ethics and Practice

    Authors: ---
    ISBN: 9783110440164, 9783110440171, 9783110470635Year: Volume: 1 Pages: 160Language: English
    Publisher: De Gruyter
    Subject: Computer Science --- History --- Anthropology --- Social Sciences --- Archaeology

    Abstract Open Source Archaeology: Ethics and Practice' brings together authors and researchers in the field of open-source archaeology, defined as encompassing the ethical imperative for open public access to the results of publicly-funded research; practical solutions to open-data projects; open-source software applications in archaeology; public information sharing projects in archaeology; open-GIS; and the open-context system of data management and sharing. This edited volume is designed to discuss important issues around open access to data and software in academic and commercial archaeology, as well as to summarise both the current state of theoretical engagement, and technological development in the field of open-archaeology.

    Open Access Journal: Nekhen News

     [Originally posted 7/26/10, updated 11 January 2016].

    Nekhen News
    Download and read back issues of Nekhen News, the Hierakonpolis Expedition's newsletter, in PDF format - which is accessible by using Adobe Acrobat Reader (which is free to download).
    The earliest of these Nekhen News editions are truly archaeological documents in their own right, and you can read how the excavations at Hierakonpolis took shape, as well as see how we developed our 'Friends' organisation.
    Nekhen News Fall 1985 vol I.1 (0.3MB)
    The first ever edition of our 'ground-breaking' reports of work on site.

    Nekhen News, June 1986 vol 2.1 & 2.2 (0.7 MB)The Hierakonpolis Expedition discovers Egypt's oldest temple, the lure of potsherds and mystery petroglyphs.
    Nekhen News, Winter 1986 vol 3.1 (0.7 MB)
    'The First Egyptians', Predynastic Lapis Lazuli and 'Excavating Old Archaeologists'.

    Nekhen News, Fall 1987 vol 3.2 (1.0 MB)
    The Truth about Narmer, Pathways to the Past and Plans for the Hierakonpolis Expedition Center.

    Nekhen News, Winter 1987 vol 4.1 (1.0 MB)
    HK-64 reveals a well-kept secret; Beads, Borers & Bifaces; Shadows of the Past - The Compound Wall completed.

    Nekhen News, Summer 1988 vol 4.2 (1.0 MB)
    An archaeologist reconstructs his Past; Mapping Hierakonpolis; Fish stories and Tall Tails.

    Nekhen News, Fall 1988 vol 4.3 (0.9 MB)
    Details of the start of the 1988-89 season; The first Egyptians; New light on ancient yeast; and updates about the excavations on site.

    Nekhen News, Spring 1989 vol 5.1 (0.9 MB)
    Hierakonpolis comes to Beverly Hills; Zooarchaeology at Hierakonpolis; an engineer's view of Hierakonpolis.

    Nekhen News, Fall 1990 vol 6 (1.3 MB)
    In Memoriam to Michael Hoffman - remembering a friend and colleague.

    (There was no volume 7 of Nekhen News)

    Nekhen News, Fall 1996 vol 8 (1.5 MB)
    We're back! Pharaonic rock art; Dig-house update; human remains at HK43; Elephants, hippopotami and pigs; Hierakonpolis in Dublin.

    Nekhen News, Fall 1997 vol 9 (1.6 MB)
    Read about the first mummies, excavations at the Predynastic cemetery HK43, the plant macro remains at HK43, the conservation of the Old Kingdom and Second Intermediate period tombs, the Hierakonpolis Centenary, and more! Now in full color!

    Nekhen News, Fall 1998 vol 10 (1.5 MB)
    Read about 100 years of discovery at Hierakonpolis, discoveries at the Elite Cemetery (HK6), excavations at the Predynastic cemetery HK43, giraffes in ancient Egypt, archaeobotanical studies at HK43, the continuing conservation of the Old Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period tombs, Hierakonpolis at the Cairo Museum, and much more! The first edition in color!

    Nekhen News, Fall 1999 vol 11 (2.6 MB)
    Learn about the exciting new discoveries at the Elite Cemetery (HK6), the investigation of the Fort of Khasekhemwy, the geophysical survey of Hierakonpolis, the lower Second Intermediate Periods tombs, the artists at the tomb of Hormose, conservation at the tomb of Djehuty, the Painted Tomb at Hierakonpolis, and more!

    Nekhen News, Fall 2000 vol 12 (2.8 MB)
    Read about perspectives on the Elite Cemetery (HK6) finds, the analysis of the human remains from HK43 and HK6, the exciting excavations at HK11, Hierakonpolis' chipped stone animal finds, lithic analysis from Dr. Michael Hoffman's excavations at 10N5W, the plant remains from HK43, mapping the Fort of Khasekhemwy, and the ongoing work at the Old Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period tombs.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2001 vol 13 (1.9 MB)
    The Season of Surprises. Locality 6:amazing revelations, The home of the giant catfish, Buried in her bark pyjamas, Excavating in the Nubian cemeteries, Adornment circa 1700BC.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2002 vol 14 (3.0 MB)
    A memoriam issue to Barbara Adams, former co-director of excavations on site. Ma'asalama Mudira, Barbara and the boxes in Brussels, Funerary Textiles of the rich and poor, Saving the Fort, Return to the temple, Barbara Adams-a reminiscence.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2003 vol 15 (4.1 MB)
    Return to the Temple: Excavations at HK29A, Excavating an elephant, The case of the curious cones, A basket of delights: The 2003 Excavations at HK43.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2004 vol 16 (4.4 MB)
    Farewell to HK43, Searching for temple walls, Predynastic kilns at HK11C, Close encounters with HK Potters, Nobody can eat 30 eggs.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2005 vol 17 (3.5 MB)
    Exceeding Expectations, Excavating Egypt's earliest kings, Lifestyles of the Hierakonpolis rich and famous, Finding Lost Souls, Monuments in Mud, Fort within a Fort.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2006 vol 18 (4.4 MB)
    The Fort Fixers, It's the pits!, An enigmatic bird from HK25, When is a tomb not a tomb? A Scorpion for Eternity, Mapping Hierakonpolis, The Forgotten Potter of Horemkhawef, Pillow Talk, and much more besides...

    Nekhen News, Fall 2007 vol 19 (5.2 MB)
    A New Pillared Hall at HK6, The Falcon has landed: Falcons in "the City of the Falcons", headless at Hierakonpolis, Beer After Sheep? HK11C Squares A6-A7 in 2007, Mouse Patrol II.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2008 vol 20 (3.3 MB)
    A new piece of the puzzle, Grand Design in the Sacred Compound, Return to the Temple and Workshop, The Fort under Siege, Khasekhemwy's Cat...

    Nekhen News, Fall 2009 vol 21 (4.4 MB)
    A Tour of the Palace, Elephant hunting at Hierakonpolis, The Tale of Tomb 30, The Earliest Green Monkey in the Nile Valley, Into the Breach: Fixing the Fort in 2009. 

    Nekhen News, Fall 2010 vol 22 (9.0 MB)Further Adventures at HK6, Seeds of Destruction, Back to Magnetometry: Survey 2010, The Watercolours of Frederick William Green, Fort Finale: Phase One Finished. 
    Nekhen News, Fall 2011 vol 23 (6.2 MB)Meet the Flintstones, A Hartebeest and its handler, Dog Days: Tomb 48, Focus on Flint: Artisans of the Elite Cemetery, Up against the Walls at HK11C.  
    Nekhen News, Fall 2012 vol 24 (2.5 MB)A Harvest of potatoes, Lure of the Leopard at HK6, The Wadi of the Elephant, The Lady in Red, Sun Worship at Hierakonpolis, Death on the Nile.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2013 vol 25 (3.0 MB)
    New Kid on the Block, Rocking at Hierakonpolis in 2013, Rendering the Space-Time Contiuum at HK6, Through the Microscope: Messages from the Grave, The Horned Quadruped Conundrum, Farewell Old Friend.

    Nekhen News, Fall 2014 vol 26
    A Year to Remember!, The Ivory Statuette from HK6 Tomb 72, Symbolism and Place: Investigating the Origins of Hierakonpolis Grinding Stones, Piercing Insights: Experiments in Predynastic Craftsmanship.  
    Nekhen News, Fall 2015 vol 27
    Now published for 2015!
    Boxing Day, Hierakonpolis Hippo Round Up!, Tomb 2 at HK6: Now in 3D (No Glasses Required), Skin Deep: the Beautiful Leather of the Nubians at Hierakonpolis, Hierakonpolis in Oxford and Berlin, Farewells to Dr Ahmed Gamal-ed-din Fahmy and Fred Wendorf.

    Open Access Journal: CLASSICA: Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos

    ISSN 0103-4316 [versão impressa]
    ISSN 2176-6436 [versão on lin]
    CLASSICA é um periódico arbitrado, de caráter cultural e científico, editado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos desde 1988. Seu foco é o mundo clássico, mas sem excluir outras sociedades antigas do Velho Mundo. A ótica é diversificada: história, literatura, antropologia, arqueologia, linguística, artes, filosofia...
    CLASSIC is a refereed journal, of cultural and scientific nature, published by the Brazilian Society of Classical Studies since 1988. Its focus is the classical world, but without excluding other ancient societies of the Old World. The optics is diverse: history, literature, anthropology, archeology, linguistics, arts, philosophy...

    Vol 28, No 1 (2015)

    Full Issue

    View or download the full issuePDF (Português (Brasil))

    Table of Contents


    Alejandro Abritta
    Marcelo de Souza Cleto
    César Sierra-Martín
    Henrique F. Cairus, Julieta Alsina
    Marta Mega de Andrade
    Paulo Martins
    William Henry Furness Altman
    Monica Selvatici
    Aldo Lopes Dinucci
    Reina Marisol Troca Pereira


    Paulo Sérgio de Vasconcelos

    Roundup of Resources on Amphorae

    Terres d'Amphores: Base de données des pâtes d'amphores des ateliers en Gaule, du I er au III e siècle ap. J.-C.

    Terres d'Amphores: Base de données des pâtes d'amphores des ateliers en Gaule, du I er au III e siècle ap. J.-C.
    Les amphores constituent un fil conducteur exceptionnel pour l'histoire économique dans l'Antiquité. Pour caractériser leur origine, l'observationdes pâtes est une indication primordiale, encore trop rarement disponible.

    La Maison Archéologie & Ethnologie, René-Ginouvès de Nanterredispose d'une collection exceptionnelle sur la Gaule, rassemblée par Fanette Laubenheimer, dans le cadre de l'équipe GAMA, Archéologiede la Gaule et Monde Antique au sein d'ArScAn, et complétée parde nombreux archéologues spécialisés dans la recherche sur les amphores.

    Nous avons choisi de mettre à la disposition du plus grand nombre les photographies des échantillons des ateliers gaulois de formes bien identifiées dont nous disposons, soit plus d'une trentaine de types d'amphores différents et une centaine d'ateliers répartis à travers toute la Gaule.

    Pour consulter facilement ces références nécessaires à l'identificationde l'origine des amphores gauloises, la base de données photographique offre plusieurs échantillons pour chaque atelier. Une fiche documente chacun d'eux et donne, outre un dessin de la forme de l'amphore, deux photographies de l'échantillon de pâte : section et surface.

    Open Access Journal: Ostrakon, Norsk egyptologisk selskaps bulletin

    Open Access Monograph Series: Instrumenta

    La colección Instrumenta se ha creado para dar cauce a publicaciones relativas a la vida económica y social del mundo romano. Hasta ahora ha recogido, sobre todo, trabajos emanados del grupo CEIPAC, la mayoría de ellos dedicados al estudio de la epigrafía anfórica, como base del estudio para la producción y comercio de alimentos. Trabajos realizados dentro del proyecto Timbres amphoriques de la Union Académique International, y bajo el patrocinio de la Real Academia de la Historia de Madrid

    La colección pretende convertirse en una serie de referencia para los estudios de epigrafía anfórica, por lo que invitamos a participar en ella a cuantos colegas deseen publicar trabajos relativos al tema. Pero la colección no pretende dedicarse sólo a este tema y está abierta, como hemos indicado, a estudios de historia social y económica del mundo clásico.
    Vol. 1 (1993)Producción cerámica y economía rural en el Bajo Ebro en época romana. El alfar de l'Aumedina, Tivissa (Tarragona)
    Víctor Revilla Calvo
    Vol. 2 (1995)Las ánforas fenicio-púnicas del Mediterráneo Central y Occidental
    Joan Ramon Torres
    Vol. 3 (1997)Veteranos en el África Romana
    Antonio Chausa Sáez
    PDF File (296 Kb)
    Vol. 4 (1998)Las ánforas de aceite de la Bética y su presencia en la Cataluña romana
    Piero Berni Millet
    PDF File (54 Kb)
    Vol. 5 (1998)Britannia y el Mediterráneo. Estudios sobre el comercio de aceite bético y africano en Britannia
    C. Carrreras, P. P. A. Funari
    PDF File
    (108 Kb)
    Vol. 6 (1999)Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) I
    J. M. Blázquez Martínez, J. Remesal Rodríguez (Eds.)
    PDF File (313 Kb)
    Vol. 7 (2000)Las ánforas tardo-antiguas en Tarraco (Hispania Tarraconensis)
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    Vol. 9 (2001)Il culto di Mercurio nella Penisola Iberica
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    Vol. 10 (2001)Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) II
    J. M. Blázquez Martínez, J. Remesal Rodríguez (Eds.)
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    Vol. 11 (2001)La producción de salsas y conservas de pescado en la Hispania romana
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    Vol. 12 (2002)Religión y propaganda política en el mundo romano
    F. Marco Simon, F. Pina Polo, J. Remesal Rodríguez (Eds)
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    Vol. 13 (2003)Las clientelas de Cneo Pompeyo
    Magno en Hispania

    Luís Amela Valverde
    Vol. 14 (2003) Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) III
    J. M. Blázquez Martínez, J. Remesal Rodríguez (Eds.)
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    Vol. 15 (2004) Immaturi et innupti. Terracotas figuradas en ambiente funerario de Corduba, colonia patricia
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    Vol. 16 (2004) Vivir en tierra extraña: emigración e integración cultural en el mundo antiguo
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    Vol. 17 (2004) Epigrafía Anfórica
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    Vol. 18 (2005)Del Hiberus a Carthago Nova. Comercio de alimentos y epigrafía anfórica grecolatina.
    J. C. Márquez Villora, J. Molina Vidal
    Vol. 19 (2005) Morfología histórica del territorio de Tarraco (ss. III-I a.C.)
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    Vol. 20 (2005) Las ventas por subasta en el mundo romano: la esfera privada
    Marta García Morcillo
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    Vol. 21 (2006) Repúblicas y ciudadanos: modelos de participación cívica en el mundo antiguo
    F. Marco Simon, F. Pina Polo, J. Remesal Rodríguez (Eds)
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    Vol. 22 (2006) Augusto y las aves. Las aves en la Roma del principado: prodigio, exhibición y consumo
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    Vol. 23 (2007) La production de sigillées africaines. Recherches d'histoire et d'archeologie en Tunisie Septentrionale et Centrale
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    Vol. 24 (2007) Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) IV
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    Vol. 25 (2007) In Africa et in Hispania: études sur l'huile africaine
    Mrabet A., Remesal Rodríguez J. (Eds.)
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    Solís Siles J., Moros Díaz J.
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    Vol. 31 (2009) La monarquía romana arcaica.
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    Vol. 32 (2009) Los vascones de las fuentes antiguas: en torno a una etnia de la antigüedad peninsular.
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    Vol. 33 (2009) El Gran Rey de Persia: Formas de representación de la alteridad persa en el imaginario griego.
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