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Open Access (Backlist) Journal: The Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS) formerly, The Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS)

The Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (JSCS) formerly, The Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS)
ISSN: 0145-3890
The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies produces an annual journal, the Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies) (JSCS). For issues 1 through 43, it was known as Bulletin of the International Organization of Septuagint and Cognate Studies (BIOSCS). With issue 44, the name changed to Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies. Under either name, the Journal is the periodical publication of the IOSCS. Eisenbrauns has published the Journal since Issue 34. 

Each issue contains articles, book reviews, notices of recent dissertations, and society information. The JSCS is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, Old Testament Abstracts, and New Testament Abstracts. 

The Journal's Editor is Siegfried Kreuzer. An Editorial Board with native competence in French, German, and English assists the Editor with the peer-review process for articles submitted to the Journal, and with policy and procedures for the Journal. The current Board consists of Cécile Dogniez (Paris, France), Siegfried Kreuzer (Wuppertal, Germany), Alison Salvesen (Oxford, UK), and Glenn Wooden (Acadia Divinity College, Canada).
The Journal is sent to every current member. For subscription information, please see our membership page. The major contents of the Journal are listed elsewhere in this website. Digitized copies of the first 33 volumes of the Journal are also available. 

Volumes 1 through 33 of the Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies(BIOSCS) are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. IOSCS itself printed these first 33 volumes. They are made available here with the kind assent of Eisenbrauns, which now publishes our Journal. 

IOSCS is thankful that Eisenbrauns took over professional publication of the Bulletin and now the Journal, beginning with volume 34. Printed back issues of many volumes of BIOSCS are in stock and available from Eisenbrauns

Beginning with volume 44, the Journal is known as the Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies(JSCS). 

Open Access Journal: Bulgarian E-Journal of Archaeology

 [First posted in AWOL 18 January 2012. Updated 6 March 2013]

Bulgarian E-Journal of Archaeology / Българско е-Списание за Археология
ISSN: 1314-5088
Списание Бе-СА (ISSN 1314-5088) e издание на Асоциацията на българските археолози (АБА) и излиза в две книжки годишно. Амбицията на създателите му и на редакционната колегия е да предоставят на археологическата общност възможност за изява и активност в няколко направления: публикуване на качествени и богато илюстрирани статии и студии, съобщения и рецензии; представяне на иновации в методите на изследване; поставяне на дискусионни проблеми и научна полемика; обнародване на стойностни дисертации на археологическа тема и др. Гаранция за нивото на публикуваните трудове е редакторската работа при подбора и подготовката на публикациите – материалите от първите 2 рубрики на списанието подлежат на рецензиране от двама редактори, съпричастни с проблематиката на предоставения материал.
Тематичният обхват на списанието се ограничава в материали, отнасящи се до археологическите проучвания в България и съседните райони, които контекстуално и културно-хронологически са свързани с явления и процеси на нашето археологическо наследство. Осмислянето и третирането на глобални проблеми като опазване и социализиране на културно-историческото/археологическото наследство ще намерят трибуна в нашето списание в над-регионалния  им аспект.

Списанието има амбицията да поддържа двуезичен стандарт – приемат се материали на български и английски език, като статиите задължително се придружават от резюме на не-основния език на съответния текст. Подробни указания към авторите са представени в линк на нашия портал.

Be-JA (ISSN 1314-5088) is the home journal of the Association of Bulgarian Archaeologists (ABA) and is published twice a year. The ambition of its creators and the editorial board is to provide an opportunity for the archaeological community to take part and to contribute in several directions: publication of high quality, richly illustrated studies and articles, reports and reviews; introducing innovative methods of investigations; initiating discussions on problematic issues and maintaining research polemics; publicizing outstanding doctoral theses, etc. High-standard editorial control in the selection and preparation of publications is guaranteed by our editorial procedure – materials from the first two thematic sections of the journal are peer-reviewed by two editors well-acquainted with the discussed topics.

The thematic scope of the journal covers papers concerned with archaeological investigations in Bulgaria and the neighboring areas that are contextually, culturally and chronologically related to processes and events in the past that have resulted in our common archaeological heritage. Supra-regional discussions and debates on global problems like preservation and dissemination of the cultural/historical/archaeological heritage into wider society are warmly welcomed in our journal.
Our goal is to maintain a bilingual standard – papers in Bulgarian and in English are accepted and each of the published materials should be accompanied by a summary in the language alternative to the main language of the article. Detailed notes for contributors can be found at the corresponding link of four website.

Последен брой / Current Issue

Редакционен текст (1/2011) / From the Editorial Board (1/2011)

Живеем във времето на бурното и необратимо навлизане на електронните средства за информация във всички сфери на познанието. Тази тенденция, макар и малко стряскаща, е многообещаваща и безалтернативно перспективна. [...>>>]
We live in an age of the fast and irreversible incursion of electronic media into all spheres of knowledge. Such a trend, although a little frightening, is very promising and full of perspectives. [...>>>]

Download complete journal (Free PDF, 25.4 MB)

Съдържание на брой 2 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 2 (2012)

Студии и статии / Studies and papers

Be-JA_2_2012-1aPreliminary Findings of the Balkan Paleo Project: Evidence of Human Activity at the “Gateway” of Europe During the Late Pleistocene

Stefanka Ivanova, Maria Gurova, Nikolai Spassov, Vasil Popov, Jana Makedonska, Tsanko Tzankov, David S. Strait
This paper describes the initial findings of the Balkan Paleo Project (BPP). The project seeks: 1 – to augment the evidence that can be used to test hypotheses about hominin and faunal dispersals into and out of Europe during the Pleistocene; 2 – to gather data for testing the hypotheses regarding the adaptation of early human populations to Eurasian ecosystems, the adjustment of their tool technologies, anatomical characteristics and behaviors in response to local climates and faunal evidence. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-2Фрагмент от „чаша с птици“ от Драма-Кайряка

Ивайло Караджинов
Fragment of a bird bowl from Drama-Kajrjaka (Ivaylo Karadzhinov)
The subject of study is a fragment from an East Greek birdbowl, found at the Drama-Kajrjaka site, Yambol district. The glaze coating over the interior of the vessel, certain features in the line of the bird and the presence of only one vertical dividing line between the basic ornaments, allow us to assign it to type IIIb after M. Kerschner, dated ca. 640 – ca. 610 BC. Recent research shows that the vessel is not an isolated find in the Middle Tundja valley. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-3Търговията с гръцки амфори през елинистическата епоха според находки от Шуменско

Петър Балабанов
Greek amphorae trade during the Hellenistic period according to finds from Shumen district (Petar Balabanov)
The paper presents a systematization of Greek amphorae found in Shumen district (northeastern Bulgaria). In terms of their origin and chronology, the amphorae from Shumen district have good analogues in the adjacent areas. The economy of the entire region (the east of Yantra river to the Danube and to the Black Sea coast) during the Classical and the Hellenistic periods has been related to the steady in times of upsurges and crises import of production transported in amphorae. [...>>>]

Археологически издирвания / Archaeological surveys

Be-JA_2_2012-4Селищната система през античността по горното течение на река Голяма Камчия (по данни от теренна експедиция „Камчия” във Върбишко)

Светлана Венелинова
Settlement pattern along the upper course of river Golyama Kamchya in Antiquity (Svetlana Venelinova)
The main source of information for the settlement pattern in the Golyama Kamchia valley are the results of five years field survey “Kamchia” held in the period 2008-2012, as well as the archaeological research in the region over the past 50 years. The article includes a catalogue of 89 sites located along the upstream of Golyama Kamchia river. During the “Kamchia” survey 57 archaeological sites (with a broad spectrum of findings) dating from the Early Iron Age to Late Antiquity were registered. [...>>>]

Be-JA_2_2012-5Метални украси от Велики Преслав

Петър Димитров
Metal decorations from Veliki Preslav (Petar Dimitrov)
A field survey aided by a metal-detector and conducted within the Inner and Outer city walls (mainly along the low river terrace ‘Selishte’) of Veliki Preslav in the period 2002 – 2004 has revealed a fair number of metal objects (44 in total). They consist of mostly belt-fittings but also jewellery and some single finds. [...>>>]

Дискусии / Discussions

header2Нови аспекти в типологизацията и терминологията на селищните обекти в праисторията

Валери Петров
New considerations for the typology and terminology of prehistoric settlements (Valeri Petrov)
The problems of terminological differentiation of prehistoric settlements and their typology remain poorly discussed in Bulgarian archaeological literature. Information gained in recent years from archaeological excavations demonstrates enormous variation in the structure of settlements from the Chalcolithic period. The new data allows the building a basic typology of settlements and their structures not only in terms of locality but also in respect to their function. Such variety imposes a reconsideration of the current terminology, including the introduction of some new definitions. [...>>>]

Рецензии; научна полемика / Reviews; research polemics

Be-JA_2_2012-7За пигментите, използвани в археологията и художеството. Рецензия на N. Eastaugh, V. Walsh, T. Chaplin, R. Siddall. The Pigment Compendium. A Dictionary of Historical Pigments
Ивелин Кулев
Book review: N. Eastaugh, V. Walsh, T. Chaplin, R. Siddall. The Pigment Compendium. A Dictionary of Historical Pigments (Ivelin Kuleff)


Електрохимични методи в археометрията, консервацията и реставрацията. Рецензия на A. Doménech-Carbó, M. T. Doménech-Carbó and V. Costa. Electrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and Restoration

Ивелин Кулев
Book Review: A. Doménech-Carbó, M. T. Doménech-Carbó and V. Costa. Electrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and Restoration. 2009, Springer (Ivelin Kuleff)

Събития; информация за научни форуми; юбилеи; in memoriam
Events; information for research fora; jubilees; in memoriam


Международна конференция по трасология, 10-12 октомври 2012, Фаро, Португалия

Мария Гюрова
Use-Wear 2012. International Conference of Use-Wear Analysis, 10-12 October 2012, Faro, Portugal (Maria Gurova)

Tотко Стоянов
In memoriam: Luba Ognenova-Marinova (1922–2012) (Totko Stoyanov)

Минали броеве / Past Issues


Be-JA_2_2012-Ia Съдържание на брой 2 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 2 (2012)

   Download complete journal (Free PDF, 25.4 MB)

Be-JA_1_2012-Ia Съдържание на брой 1 (2012 г. ) / Table of contents n. 1 (2012)

 Download complete journal (Free PDF, 34.2 MB)

Be-JA_1_2011-Ia Съдържание на брой 1 (2011 г. ) / Table of contents n. 1 (2011)

 Download complete journal (Free PDF, 32.9 MB)

Supplementa 1, 2011

Open Access Journal: Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) Newsletter

Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD) Newsletter
Ancient drama has exerted a uniquely formative influence on cultural and intellectual life since the Renaissance, and today ancient plays are being performed in both the commercial and amateur theatre with greater frequency than at any time since antiquity. The Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama was founded in 1996 by Edith Hall and Oliver Taplin in response to the need for a coordinated research effort devoted to the international production and reception of ancient plays since the Renaissance. They included within its scope revivals and adaptations on stage, film and radio, and in opera and dance.
To receive the newsletter, sign up to our mailing list.

Performance database

The performance database is an online resource that details quantitative information about performances of Greek and Roman drama from antiquity to the present day. The information has been collated by researchers working with the project over several years.

Open Access Journal: Papyrus

[First posted in AWOL 8 June 2010. Updated 6 March 2013]

Papyrus (Dansk Ægyptologisk Selskab)
ISSN 0903-4714

16,1 | 16,2 | 17,1 | 17,2 | 18,1 | 18,2 | 19,1 | 19,2 | 20,1 | 20,2 | 21,1 | 21,2 | 22,1 | 22,2 | 23,1 | 23,2 | 04/01 | 04/02 | 05/1 | 05/2 | 06/1 | 06/2 | 07/1 | 07/2 | 28/1 2008 | 28/2 2008 | 29/1 2009  | 29/2 2009 |30/1 2010 | 30/2 2010 |
31/1 2011
 | 31/2 2011 | 32/1 2012 | 32/2 2012   

Bladrebøger af nyere numre i fuld version. Åbner i nyt vindue.
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05/1 | 05/2 | 06/1 | 06-2 | 07-1 | 07-2 | 28/1 2008 | 28/2 2008 | 29/1 2009

Komplet indeks over artikler

CDLI News: Spurlock Museum of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (SMUI)

From Wayne Pitard and Robert K. Englund
We are delighted to announce a successful digitization collaboration between the Spurlock Museum of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (SMUI) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-supported research project "Creating a Sustainable Cuneiform Digital Library" (CSCDL).

Under the general direction of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI - Los Angeles/Berlin), CSCDL is dedicated to the digital capture, persistent archiving and web dissemination of cuneiform collections in the US, Europe and the Middle East. The 1756 cuneiform artifacts of the SMUI, the majority of which were originally acquired by the university from Edgar Banks between 1913-15 and organized and catalogued by Albrecht Goetze in the 1940s, represent a very substantial, yet still largely unpublished American collection (a helpful introduction to the acquisition and history of the collection, formerly known as the World Heritage Museum Tablet Collection, is found in Ronald Sack, Cuneiform Documents from the Chaldean and Persian Periods [1994] pp. 1ff.). Aware of the general size of the collection, we contacted Museum Director Wayne Pitard, who, in May of 2011, provided the CDLI with a full concordance of current SMUI registration numbers and the World Heritage numbers cited in previous publications, for the most part concluding with Shin T. Kang's "Sumerian and Akkadian Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of the World Heritage Museum" vol. 2 in 1973; in June of 2011, CDLI postdoctoral associate Lance Allred initiated the scanning of the collection, followed by subsequent missions undertaken by UCLA graduate student researcher Michael Heinle. Both were aided in no small measure by the dedicated efforts of the museum's collections staff. Following fatcross-processing and cleansing of the raw images created by Allred and Heinle, these files were posted to the CDLI website. In the interest of a speedy exposure of the full collection, we have not studied and assigned period and provenience to the 850 entries qualified as "uncertain" in this regard--mostly Ur III and Old Babylonian administrative and legal texts--and would appreciate the help of others in doing so, as well as in submitting general corrections or updates to our SMUI catalogue; we are particularly keen to assist specialists in the preparation of expert editions of the more than 1000 texts currently registered as "unpublished unassigned." All inquiries regarding further publication of the Spurlock collection should be directed to the Museum's Registrar, Jennifer White.

We are confident that our adherence in this collaboration to the principles of open access expressed, for instance, in the "Berlin Declaration" promulgated by the German Max Planck Society, best serves all in the Humanities, but particularly those in the fields of dead language research so dependent on access to source materials for their work. In opening to world-wide inspection cuneiform collections such as that of the University of Illinois, the SMUI joins other cultural heritage and research institutions in CDLI's "extended family" who support efforts to permanently archive, and to make available to the public digital facsimiles of all artifacts of shared world history that are in their immediate, or indirect care.

Wayne Pitard, Director, SMUI, and Professor of Religious Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Robert K. Englund, Director, CDLI, and Professor of Assyriology, UCLA

Open Access Ancient Nubia and Sudan

On the occasion of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies, The British Museum, 1 - 6 August 2010, I took the opportunity to gather links to open access materials relating to ancient Nubia and the Sudan. I have updated the list several times since then, most recently on 7 March 2013[adding the  Meroe Archival Project] . I trust readers will use the comment function to point out errors and lacunae.

Mailing Lists

The last dam built on the Nile, at the Fourth Cataract, was completed in 2008, displacing more than 60,000 people and flooding 170 kilometers of the river valley and adjacent land. The entire non-desert habitat was lost along with a human heritage that included vast numbers of archaeological sites. This followed on the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960's that displaced 150,000, with even greater damage to the environment and heritage.

Now, eight or more dams are planned and two are under contract, at Kajbar at the Third Cataract and Shereik at the Fifth. The region of Mahas in the Third Cataract is especially populated, with a long and rich history is now directly threatened with destruction. The area upstream of Shereik is less populated, but very poorly known. It is a crisis that will be discussed at a brief conference at the British Museum on May 15, 2012. This forum is intended to disseminate news and ideas about the dams crises in Sudan and Egypt, past and present, to help develop means to mitigate and possibly even avert some of the worst consequences.
The Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF) is a membership-wide e-mail list for conferencing on the culture and civilization of ancient Egypt c. 5000 BCE - 641 CE. The EEF serves as a nexus for dialog between academics working in Egyptology and other persons interested in ancient Egypt. 
Open Access Journals

Oriental Institute publications relating to Nubia and the Sudan

OIMP 24. Lost Nubia: A Centennial Exhibit of Photographs from the 1905-1907 Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago. John A. Larson. 2006.

Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (OINE) | List of volumes in print
 OIP 17. Paleolithic Man and the Nile-Faiyum Divide in Nubia and Upper Egypt: A Study of the Region during Pliocene and Pleistocene Times. By K. S. Sandford and W. J. Arkell. Originally published in 1933.

Ancient Textiles from Nubia: Meroitic, X-Group, and Christian Fabrics from Ballana and Qustul. By Christa C. Mayer Thurman and Bruce Williams. Originally published in 1979.

The 1905–1907 Breasted Expeditions to Egypt and The Sudan. 1975.

The Nubia Salvage Project. NUBIA - "Its glory and its people": 1987 Exhibition Brochure

The Nubia Salvage Project. Reports of The Nubia Salvage Project

The Nubia Salvage Project. VANISHED KINGDOMS OF THE NILE: The Rediscovery of Ancient Nubia: 1992 Exhibition Brochure

Websites of Organizations and Projects

ACACIA - Arid Climate Adaptation and Cultural Innovation in Africa
Medieval Sai ProjectThe Greek Norwegian Archaeological Mission to Sudan
Zamani project: Musawwarat es-Sufra 

The Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project (MDASP) articles served online by the International Society of Nubian Studies

MDASP Articles

Published in 2007
Kleinitz, C. Rock art and archaeology: The Hadiab survey, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 11 (2007), p. 34-42.
Wolf, P. and U. Nowotnick. The Fourth Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Nile Cataract, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 11 (2007), p. 26-33.
Published in 2006
Kleinitz, C. and R. Koenitz. Fourth Cataract petroglyphs in context: the ed-Doma and Dirki rock-art survey, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 10 (2006), p. 34-42.
Wolf, P. and U. Nowotnick. The Third Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Cataract of the Nile, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 10 (2006), p. 20-33.
Published in 2005
Carpio, G. and S. Guillen. Excavations at Site 3-J-23, et-Tereif, Sudan, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 9 (2005), p.14-15.
Payne, J. Excavations of the late Kushite and Medieval settlement on Umm Muri,Sudan & Nubia, vol. 9 (2005), p. 9-13.
Welsh, F. Architecture of the modern houses at the Fourth Cataract, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 9 (2005), p. 17-22.
Wolf, P. and U. Nowotnick. The Second Season of the SARS Anglo-German Expedition to the Fourth Cataract, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 9 (2005), p. 22-30.
Published in 2004
Publisehd in 2003
Kolsowska, E., Mahmoud el-Tayib and H. Paner. Old Kush in the Fourth Cataract Region, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 7 (2003), p. 21-25.
Salah Mohamed Ahmed. Merowe Dam Archaeological Salvage Project (MDASP), Sudan & Nubia, vol. 7 (2003),p. 11-14.
Welsby, D.A. The Amri to Kirbekan Survey: the 2002-2003 Season, Sudan & Nubia, vol. 7 (2003), p. 26-32.
Provisional Type Series of Monuments

 An incomplete and quickly compiled list of digitized books relating to Nubia

Amélineau, Émile Clément, 1850-1915. Een feudale familie in EgypteDe Aarde en haar Volken, 1907

Amélineau, Émile Clément, 1850-1915. Reis door NubiëDe Aarde en haar Volken, 1907

Amélineau, Émile Clément, 1850-1915. Un voyage en Nubie

Ampère, Jean-Jacques (1800-1864). Voyage en Égypte et en Nubie

Anderson, Julie Renee. Spatial and temporal distribution of domestic and civil architecture in Christian Nubia Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes

Anonymous. Reize in Taka (Opper-Nubië)

Barnard, Hans. Eastern desert ware : traces of the inhabitants of the eastern desert in Egypt and Sudan during the 4th-6th centuries CE: Proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof.mr. P.F. van der Heijden, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op woensdag 4 juni 2008 klokke 16:15 uur door Hans Barnard geboren te Leiden in 1959
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the pyramids, temples, tombs and excavations in Egypt and Nubia, and of a journey to the coast of the Red Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice and another to the oasis of Jupiter Ammon, John Murray, London, 1820. XIX-533 pp.

Burckhardt, John Lewis. Travels in Nubia

Burckhardt,John Lewis. Johann Ludwig Burckhardt's Reisen in Nubien

Cailliaud, Frédéric. Voyage à Méroé, au Fleuve Blanc, au-delà de Fâzoql, dans le midi du royaume de Sennâr, à Syouah et dans cinq autres oasis; fait dans les années 1819, 1820, 1821 et 1822, Paris, 1826-27

Champollion, Jean-François. Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie : notices descriptives conformes aux manuscrits autographes

Denon, Dominique Vivant; Tiedemann , Dieterich. Vivant Denon's Reise in Nieder- und Ober-Aegypten, waehrend der Feldzuege des Generals Bonaparte

English, George Bethune, 1787-1828. A Narrative of the Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar Under the Command of His Excellence Ismael Pasha, undertaken by Order of His Highness Mehemmed Ali Pasha, Viceroy of Egypt, By An American In The Service Of The Viceroy

Judd, Margaret Ann. Trauma and interpersonal violence in ancient Nubia during the Kerma Period (ca. 2500-1500 BC)Canadian theses = Thèses canadiennes

Madden, Richard Robert. Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827

Norden, Frederik Ludvig. Illustrations de Travels in Egypt and Nubia (1757) 
Norden, Frederik Ludvig. The antiquities, natural history, ruins, and other curiosities of Egypt, Nubia and Thebes. Expemplified in near two hundred drawings taken on the spotDigitized images from the "The New York Public Library" [NYPL]
Norden, Frederik Ludvig. Travels in Egypt and NubiaGallica 

Prime, William Cowper, 1825-1905. Boat life in Egypt and NubiaTravelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA)

Rosellini, Ippolito. I monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia: disegnati dalla spedizione scientifico-letteraria toscana in EgittoOxford Digital Library

Sartorius, Ernestine Isabella. Three months in the SoudanA Celebration of Woman Writers.

Les Temples immergés de la Nubia (at the Internet Archive)

Eckley B. Coxe Junior Expedition to Nubia. University of Pennsylvania, Publications of the Egyptian Department of the University Museum.
 Archival Archaeological Film: Gebel Moya Sudan 1912-1913

I trust readers will use the comment function to point out errors and omissions. 

Open Access Journal: The Antinoupolis Oracle: The Newsletter of the Antinoupolis Foundation

Archives Ouvertes de l'Institut français du Proche-Orient

Archives Ouvertes de l'Institut français du Proche-Orient
L'Institut français du Proche-Orient (Ifpo) sert aujourd'hui, dans toutes les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales, de l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours, la connaissance du Proche-Orient en général et celle de la Syrie, du Liban, de la Jordanie, des Territoires palestiniens et de l'Irak en particulier.
Fort de ses trois départements scientifiques (Études contemporaines, Études médiévales, arabes et modernes, Archéologie et histoire de l'antiquité), l'Ifpo développe aujourd'hui, dans un spectre scientifique très large, des partenariats grâce auxquels ses chercheurs entendent, avec les sociétés dont ils sont les hôtes, comme avec le reste de la communauté scientifique, construire ensemble des savoirs scientifiques partagés.
De la mise en libre accès sur le site Hal-SHS des travaux de ses chercheurs l'Ifpo attend notamment un accroissement de leur visibilité régionale et internationale : la diffusion aussi systématique que possible de résumés (ou d'articles) en langue anglaise, mais également en langue arabe, (désormais acceptée sur cette archive ouverte) doit permettre à l'institut d'accroître la « transparence » de ses missions dans son environnement régional et favoriser une interaction plus systématique avec l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique mondiale.

The French Institute for the Near East (Ifpo) is today at the service of all the disciplines of humanities and social sciences, from Antiquity to our times, and at the understanding of the Near East in general and that of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Palestinian territories and Iraq in particular.
Strong with its three scientific departments (Contemporary Studies, Medieval and Modern Arab Studies and Archaeology and Ancient History), today Ifpo develops on a large academic spectre, thanks to collaborations by which its researchers are appreciated by the societies that host them, as well as with the rest of the academic community, to collectively build its shared scientific knowledge.
By putting up the works of its researchers online and open access on the HAL-SHS website, Ifpo achieves in particular an increase in their regional and international visibility. As much as possible, a systematic diffusion of abstracts (or articles) in English as well as Arabic (henceforth accepted on this open archive) should allow the Institute to augment the ‘transparency’ of its missions in its regional environment and favour a more systematic interaction with the international academic community as a whole.

PapPal - The Paleography of the Papyri

The Paleography of the Papyri
Individual letter-forms as well as larger units of text display paleographical features that are characteristic of the writing styles of the periods in which they originate. These features are often more pronounced when a text is written in cursive script than they are in capital or bookhands. Cursive and semi-cursive writing demonstrates a degree of individuality that is more easily perceived than in non-cursive texts. Thus, viewing documentary papyri dated to different periods provides a fairly clear impression of the basic style of the epoch in question. Ptolemaic hands are generally easy to distinguish from Roman, for example, and 5th and 6th c. script has a character unlike that of the 1st and 2nd c. Yet within these broad chronological contexts we encounter styles and conventions that depend on a range of criteria and circumstances, from the type of text that was recorded to the skill and experience of the writer. One can, for example, often observe distinct differences between the style of a receipt and that of a private letter; a chancery hand will look different from a list of expenditures recorded in the same year; and the Greek script of a native Latin writer will in some cases diverge significantly from that of a native Greek writer. In short, we find an impressive diversity of hands, and this variety frustrates simplistic attempts at a tidy description of the diachronic development of ancient writing. This is not to say that any kind of letter-form can be found in any given period. Quite the contrary, many letter-forms, ligatures, and writing styles are confined to specific places and times. But recognizing the wide spectrum of variations ultimately permits more accurate dating of undated hands, as well as better understanding of the factors that influence specific writing styles.
In order to provide a reliable point of reference for the investigation of ancient writing, PapPal collects dated examples of hands from the 3rd c. BC to the 8th c. AD surviving mainly from Greco-Roman Egypt. Because many ancient documents preserved on papyrus are dated to the very day on which they were recorded, viewing them together brings out features that were typical of a time and, in some cases, of a place of writing. Furthermore, as no two hands are identical, comparison of a range of contemporary scripts also illuminates the variety of writing styles that existed.

The site currently contains primarily Greek papyri. We will soon be adding Greek ostraka and Latin documents.

PapPal permits users to browse images by several different categories: year, provenance, title and keyword. Images can be viewed either as a list in which thumbnails are displayed in rows or as a slideshow. Links accompanying each text direct the user to the project that hosts the image as well as to a transcription at www.papyri.info

Material Text Culture Blog

Material Text Culture Blog
ISSN: 2195-075X
M(aterial) T(ext) C(ulture) Blog ist das kollaborative Textrepositorium des SFB 933 "Materiale Textkulturen". Ziel dieser interaktiven Plattform ist es, die verschiedenen Sorten von Geschriebenem, die zur Generierung, Fixierung, Speicherung oder Rekontextualisierung von Wissen in einem interdisziplinären geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschungsverbund dienen, gerade auch unter dem Aspekt ihrer Variabilität, Instabilität und Prekarität in ihrer zeitlichen Abfolge zu dokumentieren und so der epistemischen Praxis wieder zuzuführen.

Damit ist "MTC Blog" auch ein selbstreflexives Instrument der "Verfertigung von Wissenschaft" (Hans-Jörg Rheinberger), indem es die schriftlich fixierten "Spuren" der epistemischen Praxis – ganz gleich, wie flüchtig, ‚unvollständig' oder kontextuell bedingt sie ein mögen – als "Inskriptionen" (Hans-Jörg Rheinberger) und damit als unverzichtbare Voraussetzung und paradigmatisches Merkmal unserer wissenschaftlichen Praxis sichtbar macht bzw. entlarvt. "MTC Blog" lenkt so den Blick auf die Tatsache, dass die geisteswissenschaftliche Wissenschaftspraxis weder ausschließlich auf ‚wissenschaftlichen' Texten basiert noch ausschließlich ‚wissenschaftliche' Texte hervorbringt, sondern vielmehr durch eine schier unüberschaubare formale und inhaltliche Vielfalt von Geschriebenem konstituiert und stabilisiert wird, ohne dass die überwiegende Mehrzahl dieser Texte jemals publiziert, dokumentiert oder der epistemologischen Analyse zugeführt würde. "MTC Blog" steht also in enger Beziehung zu einem zentralen Forschungsthema des SFB 933 "Materiale Textkulturen": die Operativität von Geschriebenem im Rahmen epistemischer Praktiken.
Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Zielsetzung sind die in "MTC Blog" abgelegten Texte keinen spezifischen formalen oder inhaltlichen Vorgaben unterworfen (davon ausgenommen sind anstößige, beleidigende oder diskriminierende Inhalte). Einziges Kriterium für ihre Aufnahme in "MTC Blog" ist ihr direkter Bezug zu den wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten/epistemischen Praktiken im SFB 933 "Materiale Textkulturen" sowie allgemein im Bereich der Erforschung materialer Textkulturen. 

Die in "MTC Blog" veröffentlichten Texte unterliegen der Creative Commons-Lizenz "Namensnennung-NichtKommerziell-KeineBearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)" (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/) zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
  1. Der Name des Autors/Rechteinhabers muss in der von ihm festgelegten Weise genannt werden.
  2. Dieses Werk bzw. dieser Inhalt darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden
  3. Dieses Werk bzw. dieser Inhalt darf nicht bearbeitet, abgewandelt oder in anderer Weise verändert werden.
Mit der schriftlichen Übermittlung eines Textes zur Aufnahme in "MTC Blog" erkennen die Autoren automatisch diese Lizenzvereinbarung an. Beiträge, Anregungen und Kommentare bitte an das "MTC Blog-Team": Christoph Forster, Annika Greuter, Markus Hilgert.

Open Access Journal: Indologica Tauriensia: The Journal of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies


Open Access Journal: Classical Reception Studies Network Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 24 July 2912. Updated 8 March 2013]

CRSN Newsletter (Classical Reception Studies Network)
The Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) aims to facilitate the exchange of information and to encourage collaboration in the field of classical reception studies by bringing together departments and individuals from across the world. Classical Reception Studies is the inquiry into how and why the texts, images and material cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome have been received, adapted, refigured, used and abused in later times and often other places.
For more information on the Network and its history, please go to the Network page which explains who we are and what we do.  The Events section lists current and future Classical Reception conferences, seminars, workshops and performances.
Newsletter 15, February 2013Newsletter 14, January 2013Newsletter 13, December 2012Newsletter 12, November 2012
Newsletter 11, October 2012
Newsletter 10, September 2012
Newsletter 9
, July-August 2012

Newsletter 8, June 2012
Newsletter 7, May 2012
Newsletter 6, April 2012
Newsletter 5, March 2012
Newsletter 4, February 2012
Newsletter 3, January 2012
Newsletter 2, December 2011
Newsletter 1, November 2011

Open Access Journal: Il capitale culturale

Il capitale culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage
ISSN: 2039-2362
 Il capitale culturale(ISSN: 2039-2362) è la rivista del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università di Macerata con sede a Fermo, che si avvale di molteplici competenze disciplinari (archeologia, archivistica, diritto, economia aziendale, informatica, museologia, restauro, storia, storia dell’arte) unite dal comune obiettivo della implementazione di attività di studio, ricerca e progettazione per la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.


Open Access ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (PQDT Open)

[First posted in AWOL 20 January 2011. Updated 9 March 2013]

PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge.
You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format.

Open Access Publishing

The authors of these dissertations and theses have opted to publish as open access. Open Access Publishing is a new service offered by ProQuest's UMI Dissertation Publishing, and we expect to have many more open access dissertations and theses over time.

The database includes hundreds of theses and dissertations related to antiquity from American academic  institutions.

For other aggregations of open access dissertations see also:

Open Access Journal: Mythological Studies

Mythological Studies Journal
Pacifica Graduate Institute's program in Mythological Studies explores the understanding of human experience revealed in mythology and in the manifold links between myth and ritual, literature, art, and religious experience. Special attention is given to depth psychology and archetypal approaches to the study of myth. 
The Mythological Studies Program is a doctoral program designed as an integrated M.A./ Ph.D. sequence with coursework in three areas of study:
  • Mythology and Religious Traditions
  • Myth, Literature, and Culture
  • Depth Psychology and Research. 
The Mythological Studies Journal of Pacifica Graduate Institute is a student journal and features writing by students currently enrolled in Pacifica's Mythological Studies programs. In addition, a peer-review board of students is responsible for selecting and reviewing writing for publication. The goals of the project are:
  1. To create a forum for the academic discussion of Mythology;
  2. To provide a working model for the process of revision and publication;
  3. And, to engage in an extended conversation with a professional community of scholars.


Open Access Journal: Orient: Journal of Near & Middle Eastern Studies

Orient: A Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations Student Union Publication
The NMCSU represents students at the University of Toronto enrolled in NMC courses and those working towards an NMC minor, major, or specialist.

We serve as a liaison between students and faculty to help improve the student experience and make their voices heard. By organizing lectures, discussions, film festivals, graduate seminars, and socials pertaining to the historical and contemporary Middle East, we bring a sense of community and an advancing academic environment to the NMC department. We also process all NMC course evaluations to help students learn more about their courses and professors.


JNMES 2010

Open Access Journal: Orient


Traveling with Pausanias: Using Google Earth to Engage Students with Ancient Maps

The Old Assyrian Text Project

[First posted in AWOL 4 October 2011. Updated 11 March 2013]

The Old Assyrian Text Project
Welcome to the portal of the Old Assyrian Text Project, a collaborative project designed to produce new editions of Old Assyrian archives and specialized studies of the Old Assyrian period. We intend to provide up-to-date information about the project itself and about Old Assyrian studies in general.
The project is sponsored by The Carlberg Foundation and involves a close collaboration between a group of scholars, at present Gojko Barjamovic, Jan Gerrit Dercksen, Karl Hecker, Thomas Hertel, Bert Kouwenberg, Guido Kryszat, Mogens Trolle Larsen,  Agnete Lassen, Cécile Michel, Nibal Muhesen, Xiaowen Shi, Ed Stratford and Klaas Veenhof.
At present the principal online resource of the OATP is:

Old Assyrian Prosopography Database
The Old Assyrian Text Project is an international scholarly network with the primary objectives to publish Old Assyrian texts (dated to c. 1900-1700 BCE) and conduct research in OA society (see the main OATP site for more information: oatp.ku.dk). The OATP has fostered a number of research projects and publications through the years and has been generously funded by the Carlsberg Foundation since 2000.

The OA Prosopograpy Project (OAPP) was conducted under the OATP by Thomas Hertel between the years 2009-2011. The current site (oatp.net) presents a selection of data processed during the OAPP in the form of an online, searchable database of Old Assyrian texts and personal names, intended as a research tool for ANE studies.

The database currently includes ca. 34.000 personal name entries drawn from ca. 6200 texts out of a total of ca. 10.000 available texts. Queries of names provide hyperlinks to transliterations of published texts (UTF 8) that will open in a separate window. Transliterations of published texts are also available for download and query (beta).
The database is under ongoing development, and data and features will be updated regularly. Feel free to contact me with corrections and suggestions.

I thank the following scholars for making transliterations available to me in electronic form: G. Barjamovic, J. G. Dercksen, K. Hecker, G. Kryszat, M. T. Larsen, X. Shi and K. R. Veenhof.

Thomas Klitgaard Hertel, Ph.D. Assyriology, University of Copenhagen


Open Access Archaeology: Excavations at Kissonerga-Mosphilia 1979-1992

E I Peltenburg, 2009 
The Lemba Archaeological Project, Cyprus of the University of Edinburgh investigates the prehistory of western Cyprus by multi-site excavations and survey. Kissonerga-Mylouthkia is one of the three Lemba cluster sites that constitute the core of its excavation research in the Ktima Lowlands, some 5 km north of the modern city of Paphos. The other two sites, Lemba-Lakkous and Kissonerga-Mosphilia are published elsewhere. Results from Mylouthkia are available in book form or as a download.

Kissonerga-Mylouthkia yielded evidence for four periods of occupation: Cypro-PPNB Period 1A-B: c. 7000-8300 cal BC, Early-Middle Chalcolithic Period 2-3: c. 3400-3500 cal BC, and ephemeral Late Period with mainly superficial material of the Bronze Age-Medieval range. Periods 1 and 2 provide important new information regarding spread of the Neolithic, a major chronological extension of Cypriot prehistory and long term settlement patterns on the island.

This archive concerns results from the first three phases of our work outlined in the Overview; the 4th will be reported separately in due course.

Our researches benefited enormously throughout the extended work at the site from the unfailing support and assistance of the directors of the Cyprus Department of Antiquities and their staff, especially those of the Paphos Museum. Dr S. Hadjisavvas, past Director and discoverer of Mylouthkia, has been especially helpful in allowing us to study his surveyed material in advance of our own fieldwork at the site and the publication of his own discovery. Both he and previous Director, Dr. Pavlos Flourentzos, have supported our more recent negotiations with developers. The Ministry of Education kindly allowed us the use of the Kissonerga Elementary School in the first phase of our work. We are also most grateful to the mayors and villagers of Kissonerga and Lemba who were always unstinting in their help and hospitality.

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