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Immensa Aequora Database: Database of Ceramics Produced in Italy

Immensa Aequora

The database is meant to provide archaeologists - as well as a wider audience - with a reference tool on the topic. It contains archaeological, topographical, chemical and mineralogical data, both published and unpublished, regarding the ceramics produced in Central and Southern Italy on which laboratory analyses have been carried out (so far, the regions under review are: Tuscany, Lazio, Campania and Sicily). A section of the database is entirely devoted to shipwrecks which carried amphorae and ceramics produced in Central and Southern Italy, together with victuals, through the Mediterranean Sea. Database queries may concern the location of production sites (and shipwrecks), the extrapolation of the ceramics produced in a specific site or in an area, the linking up between archaeological data (typological and epigraphic data) and lab-analyses. It is also possible to examine the whole bibliography about production areas and relevant ceramics. 
Il database è finalizzato ad offrire uno strumento di consultazione per archeologi ma si rivolge anche a un pubblico più ampio. Contiene dati archeologici, topografici, chimici e mineralogici, in gran parte già editi, relativi alle ceramiche prodotte in Italia centro meridionale (Toscana, Lazio, Campania e Sicilia sono le regioni per ora considerate), sottoposte ad analisi di laboratorio.
Una parte del data base è dedicata ai relitti delle imbarcazioni che in antico hanno trasportato anfore e ceramiche dell’Italia centro meridionale tirrenica, insieme alle derrate alimentari, nel Mar Mediterraneo. Le interrogazioni possibili del data base riguardano la localizzazione dei siti di produzione (e dei relitti), l’estrapolazione delle ceramiche prodotte in un sito o in un’area, il collegamento tra dati archeologici (tipologici ed epigrafici) e i dati di laboratorio. E’ inoltre possibile recuperare tutta la bibliografia relativa alle aree di produzione e alle ceramiche prodotte.

Heidelberg Digitalisierte Archäologiezeitschriften im Überblick

Heidelberger historische Bestände – digital: Digitalisierte Archäologiezeitschriften im Überblick

Oral History of Egyptology

Oral History of Egyptology
The Society’s Director, Dr Chris Naunton, is leading a project to record the memories and experiences of Egyptologists. The personal history of the major players in Egyptology has had an important impact on the development of the subject, and in turn on our understanding of ancient Egypt. This has led to a growing appreciation of the importance of Egyptological archives and to public and media interest in the better known personalities in the field. However, most accounts of the history of Egyptology have concentrated on the earliest years of the subject. This project aims to create a new resource for the study of the more recent history of the discipline: an archive of recorded conversations capturing the thoughts and recollections of senior Egyptologists who have played a significant part in the development of our subject. The recordings now form part of the archives of the EES, and represent an invaluable complement to the photographs, notes and correspondence already housed at Doughty Mews.

Since 2008 the team has interviewed Professor Kenneth Kitchen, Professor Harry Smith, Eric Uphill, Jessie Aldred (widow of Cyril Alrdred) and Dr Robert Anderson and excerpts from the recordings have been made available online (see below). In addition cassette recordings of interviews made during the 1990s by Mrs Rosalind Janssen have been digitised, and copies of the recordings are now kept in the digital archive.

Recordings of some of the first interviews are now available online (see below and here). An article on the project's work to date was published in Egyptian Archaeology 36 (2010) and is available for download, here.

Cuneiform Commentaries Project - Updates

From Enrique Jiménez [enrique.jimenez@yale.edu]:
Cuneiform Commentaries Project - Updates 
A few months after the official release of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project (http://ccp.yale.edu) in March 2015, we are happy to announce that CCP now includes over one hundred edited commentaries.

Whereas this amounts to just 12% of all known commentaries, it contains a flood of new information. To mention a few examples, the newly edited texts include new verbs (http://ccp.yale.edu/4.1.23 ll. 1-2), and previously unrecognized quotations from Ludlul (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.5.u7 l. 4), Enūma eliš (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.1.u35), and the god list An = Anu (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.1.u45).

Many of the newly edited commentaries were previously unpublished. Commentaries edited for the first time include, for instance, a commentary on the medical series Sagig from the “Sippar Collection” (http://ccp.yale.edu/4.1.18), an important cultic commentary (http://ccp.yale.edu/7.2.u103, edited by U. Gabbay, I. Finkel, and E. Jiménez), a commentary on physiognomic omens, with astrological concerns (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.7.2.K), and the only known commentary on a Namburbi ritual (http://ccp.yale.edu/2.3).

Several of the previously unpublished commentaries were also previously unidentified. The newly identified fragments of commentaries include commentaries on the divinatory series Šumma Ālu (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.5.1.B and http://ccp.yale.edu/3.5.6) and Bārûtu (http://ccp.yale.edu/3.4.1.I and http://ccp.yale.edu/3.4.2.E).

Several bugs and oddities of the website have been fixed during the past few months. In addition, the following changes have been introduced:

– Previously the individual records were accessible only by using the CDLI number as the URL path, e.g. http://ccp.yale.edu/P270807– now it is also possible to access them using the CCP number as the path, e.g. http://ccp.yale.edu/4.1.23
– We have created a Newsletter, which will alert recipients of new additions to the corpus once or twice a month. Users can sign up for it at http://ccp.yale.edu/newsletter
– We have continued to upload photos of tablets. Currently the photographic archive of CCP comprises 2,750 photographs, most of them taken for the project
– Newly added functionality: it is now possible to download photographs. Thanks are expressed to Vincent Massaro (Senior Web Engineer, Yale ITS) for implementing this feature
– Added possibility to search commentaries by their rubric
– Added some 300 new bibliographical references
– Added references to transliterations of commentaries in Lambert’s Folios
– Changed the typography of the website to use the font Cardo

Several scholars have offered their generous feedback during the last few months. A special debt of gratitude is owed to U. Gabbay, who has carefully revised dozens of editions and made hundreds of invaluable suggestions. I.L. Finkel has also provided collations and suggestions for many passages. E. Robson generously shared the raw ATF files of some fifty commentaries mainly from Uruk that were edited for the portal “The Geography of Knowledge in Assyria and Babylonia” by M.-F. Besnier, Ph. Clancier, and herself. These editions are being revised, adapted and uploaded to CCP. Fifteen of them are already available, at http://ccp.yale.edu/catalogue?copy=GKAB&edition=2 N. Veldhuis has continued to assist in the preparation of the electronic editions. In addition, M. Frazer, U. Koch, and J.A. Sowers have actively cooperated with CCP.

Scholars working on commentaries are encouraged to contribute their suggestions and corrections using the forms found on the website (please find a set of instructions at http://ccp.yale.edu/home/how-use). We would also like to invite again Assyriologists around the world to contribute their editions of as yet unedited commentary tablets, for which they will receive full credit.

Kurd Qaburstan

Kurd Qaburstan
In 2013, the Johns Hopkins University acquired permission to begin archaeological fieldwork at Kurd Qaburstan in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Field seasons have been held May–July 2013 and May–June 2014. Project director is Glenn Schwartz, associate directors are Christopher Brinker and Adam Maskevich, geophysical director is Andrew Creekmore, and archaeological/Assyriological consultant is John MacGinnis.

Open Access Journal: LEXIS: Rivista di poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica

[First listed in AWOL 4 November 2009. Updated 24 July 2015 (New website)]

LEXIS: Rivista di poetica, retorica e comunicazione nella tradizione classica
Dalla sua costituzione, avvenuta nel 1988, Lexis dichiara i propri campi d’interesse e finalità di studio nel sottotitolo in frontespizio: Poetica, retorica e comunicazione nel mondo antico; uno speciale riguardo si è dato alla critica dei testi intesa come ermeneutica della tradizione antica e moderna, dove la verifica della componente ideologica delle scuole filologiche privilegia la poetica degli scrittori antichi in rapporto alla rigidità delle scelte di metodo.
La rivista ha dato voce al lavoro del gruppo di ricerca sul testo di Eschilo, nell’ambito del dottorato internazionale attivato dall’università di Trento in consorzio con Cagliari, Lille III e Paris EHESS, patrocinando i seminari di Cagliari 1998 su “Il testo di Eschilo e le sue interpretazioni” (atti pubblicati in Lexis 17, 1999), Trento 2000, “Ecdotica ed esegesi eschilea” (Lexis 19. 2001), Trento 2002, “Metrica ed ecdotica eschilea” (Lexis 22, 2004) e Trento 2004, ”Eschilo e la tragedia: comunicazione, ecdotica, esegesi” (Lexis 24, 2006).
Oltre alle uscite periodiche, la rivista ha prodotto nuove collane di volumi. I “Supplementi di Lexis”, iniziati nel 1992, sono pervenuti sotto la direzione di Vittorio Citti e Paolo Mastandrea al numero 46; in questo stesso ambito escono dal 2005 le “Pubblicazioni del Dottorato di ricerca in Filologia e Storia dei Testi dell’Università degli Studi di Trento”; i “Lexis Research Tools”, diretti da Guido Avezzù, V. Citti e P. Mastandrea, contano nove titoli; aperta di recente è la serie “Classics in the Libraries” diretti da V. Citti, Paolo Eleuteri e P. Mastandrea. La prima collana comprende soprattutto saggi dedicati alla presenza classica nella civiltà letteraria contemporanea, oltre a raccolte di scritti minori di filologi (A. Maddalena, G. Bona, C. Miralles, R.D. Dawe). La seconda collana, iniziata nel 2000, è dedicata agli strumenti di lavoro dell’antichista, come gli studi di analisi formulare del testo di Omero ed Esiodo, condotti da Carlo Odo Pavese e dalla sua scuola veneziana, il Repertory of Conjectures on Sophocles, di L. van Paassen, rivisto e integrato da G. Avezzù e dai suoi collaboratori veronesi, il New Repertory of Conjectures on Aeschylus, a cura di V. Citti e degli allievi dell’Università di Trento.
I “Classics in the Libraries” prendono avvio nel 2006 con due saggi originali dedicati rispettivamente alla tradizione manoscritta dei Cavalieri di Aristofane e ad una ignota versione cinquecentesca del Prometeo di Eschilo: la collana accompagnerà gli studiosi dei manoscritti medievali in lingua greca e latina, delle antiche edizioni dei classici e in generale alla circolazione e storia dei testi fino all’età moderna.
La rivista è sempre uscita a stampa su supporto cartaceo; d’ora in avanti, anche allo scopo di agevolarne la diffusione e l’efficacia di promozione del dibattito scientifico, verranno resi accessibili i numeri pregressi on line

Open Access Journal: Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents (CCED) Journal

Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents (CCED) Journal

The CCED Journal is a peer-reviewed publication. Submissions may be in either English or French. 

Submitted work should be double-spaced throughout, and should be prepared in conformity with The Chicago Manual of Style. 16th Edition.
Endnotes are preferred over footnotes. Articles should be in Times New Roman 12 pt. font.
Submissions can take the form of notes or observations (1/2 - 3 pages) or short articles (4-8 pages, plus references) relating to epigraphic studies.

Epigraphic Studies includes: 
  • historical or philological aspects of inscriptions
  • art historical aspects of inscriptions and their surrounding decorative motifs
  • digital humanities or information/library studies approaches relating to inscriptions
  • numismatics and sigillography  

We especially welcome articles on inscriptions from the CCED online collection and editions of unpublished inscriptions. 

All content submitted to the Canadian Centre for Epigraphic Documents (CCED) Journal shall be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Only License, the terms of which can be found at
This license allows for all submitted content to be used free of charge so long as proper attribution is given.
 Volume 1, Issue 1 (2014)
  • Copyright Implications of Epigraphic Squeezes
    University of Toronto Libraries
  • Palaeography in Syriac Inscriptions and Manuscripts
    University of Toronto
  • Mitanni Palaeography: A Brief Look at the Tušratta Letters
    University of London
  • Under Saint Michael's Protection: A Tattoo from Christian Nubia
    British Museum
  • Die Entwicklung der keilschriftlichen sumerischen Beschwörungsliteratur von den Anfängen bis zur UR III-Zeit

    Die Entwicklung der keilschriftlichen sumerischen Beschwörungsliteratur von den Anfängen bis zur UR III-Zeit
    Dr. phil. Rudik, Nadezda
    Dissertation: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena » Philosophische Fakultät, 2015
    III-Zeit. Das Korpus umfasst 104 Beschwörungen und Rituale. Sie besteht aus drei Teilen: theoretischem, praktischem und den Anhängen. Im ersten Teil (Kapitel 1) wird das Korpus beschrieben und charakterisiert. Weiter werden hier die Daten theoretisch ausgewertet, die aufgrund der Textanalyse im praktischen Teil gewonnen wurden. Zu den wichtigsten Resultaten dieser Untersuchung könnte die Schlussfolgerung gezählt werden, dass die Beschwörungen als Wörter der Gottheiten verstanden wurden und somit einen Teil der offiziellen magisch-religiösen Literatur bildeten, die ihren Gebrauch im Kult fand. Außerdem werden im Kapitel die Kriterien formuliert, aufgrund derer die Beschwörungen als Gattung von anderen Gattungen unterschieden werden könnten. Schließlich wird hier die neue Gliederung des Textkorpus nach inhaltlichen und formalen Gesichtspunkten vorgeschlagen. Einzeln wird die Entwicklung der Beschwörungsformeln untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Formeln nur selten mit der Funktion der Beschwörung im Zusammenhang stehen. Ihre Aufgabe war es, die Beschwörungen mit der göttlichen Sphäre zu verbinden. Im praktischen Teil (Kapitel 2) werden die sumerischen Beschwörungen des 3. Jt. v. Chr. in der aktualisierten Umschrift publiziert, indem sie nach dem funktionalen Prinzip gegliedert werden, welches im Kapitel 1 formuliert wurde. Die Anhänge enthalten den technischen Apparat zu den untersuchten Texten: der Index der ausgewählten Begriffe; das Wörterbuch; die Tabellen, in welchen alle sumerischen Beschwörungen des 3. Jts. v. Chr. katalogisiert sind; die umfangreiche Bibliografie mit weiterführender Literatur. 

    Babylonian and Assyrian Poetry and Literature: An Archive of Recordings

    Babylonian and Assyrian Poetry and Literature:  An Archive of Recordings
    This website collects recordings of modern Assyriologists reading ancient Babylonian and Assyrian poetry and literature aloud in the original language. It is the first undertaking of its kind, and accordingly some explanation of its aims is called for.
    It is intended to serve several purposes, some for Assyriologists, and some for the wider public. First, it aims to foster interest among students of Babylonia and Assyria in how these civilisations’ works of verbal art were read aloud in the past, and how they should be read aloud today.
    Second, it provides a forum in which scholars who have theories about Babylonian and Assyrian pronunciation, metre, etc. can present a concrete example of how their theories sound in practice. (In this function the archive does not of course aim to replace scholarly discussion in established channels, but rather to provide a useful complement to written publications).
    Third, as a record of the ways in which contemporary scholars read Babylonian and Assyrian, it will some day serve a historical function. Many great Assyriologists, including some who had influential theories of Babylonian metre and phonology, passed into history without leaving a single recording of how they read Babylonian and Assyrian. This archive will provide at least some record of how scholars read Babylonian and Assyrian in the twenty-first century.
    Finally, but not least, the questions which students of ancient languages most frequently hear from laymen are: "How did they sound? And how do you know?". This website is meant to serve as an introduction to these issues, providing the public with some idea of how modern Assyriologists think Babylonian and Assyrian were pronounced.

    The Recordings

    Special characters (tsade and tet) are in Steve Tinney's Ungkam font, derived from sil.org's Gentium font. To display them correctly, download the font from oracc.museum.upenn.edu/doc/user/fonts. The download is free. There are both a Mac Suitcase version and a Win/Linux OpenType version.

    The Old Babylonian Period (c. 1900-1500 BCE)

    Ammi-Ditana’s Hymn to Ishtar
    The Codex Hammurabi
    The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet II
    The Epic of Gilgamesh, Old Babylonian Version, BM+VAT
    The Epic of Anzû, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet II
    Atra-Hasīs, Old Babylonian Version, Tablet I
    Diviner's Prayer to the Gods of the Night
    Incantation for Dog Bite
    Letter of Marduk-nāṣir to Ruttum (AbB III 15)
    Letter of Kurkurtum to Erīb-Sîn (AbB XII 89)

    The First Millennium BC

    The Epic of Gilgamesh, Standard Version, Tablet XI
    The Babylonian Poem of the Righteous Sufferer (Ludlul bēl nēmeqi), Tablet II
    The Babylonian Epic of Creation (Enūma elîš), Tablet I
    Ištar's Descent to the Netherworld
    The Šamaš Hymn
    And see also:

    Open Access Monograph Series: Hethitologie Portal Mainz - Materialien

     [First posted in AWOL 16 March 2012, updated 25 July 2015]

    Hethitologie Portal Mainz - Materialien
    Immer mehr Internetseiten und Internetdatenbanken stellen schnell und kostengünstig wertvolle Informationen zur Verfügung. Dies gehört auch zu den Anliegen des Hethitologieportals. Dabei muss aber gewährleistet werden, dass der Autor solcher Angebote im Internet auch als solcher wahrgenommen wird und dass seine Arbeit in einer Form vorliegt, die nachvollziehbar zitierfähig ist. Arbeiten, die nicht auf Papier gedruckt vorliegen, besitzen derzeit und wahrscheinlich noch für eine längere Zeit eine geringere Reputation, nicht zuletzt wohl auch deshalb, da Veröffentlichungen im Internet wohlfeil sind. Das Zitieren von Internetseiten ist auch nicht ohne Tücken, da die elektronischen Adressen manchmal unerfreulich schnell nicht mehr erreichbar sind. Die Überprüfung eines Zitats kann schnell zum Ärgernis werden.

    More and more websites and web based databases like the Hethitologie Portal Mainz provide valuable information quickly and freely. But it must be insured that the work of the authors of such web content is recognized and respected. Online publications still widely suffer from a lower reputation than printed works, probably because users feel that they are available at any time and no cost. The often ephemeral nature of websites also complicates the citation process. With this publication series we wish to provide snapshots of evolving and ever changing projects and ongoing research which make it easier to make references and document the stages of the work.

    Die Publikation erfolgt zweigleisig: Zum einen können die Bände in gedruckter Form bei Harrassowitz erworben werden, zum andern werden sie als PDF zum herunterladen bereitgestellt. Ob die elektronischen Versionen die Papierversionen verdrängen werden, bleibt abzuwarten. Oft ist es angenehmer, ein reales Buch in Händen zu halten. Mit der elektronischen Version erhalten auch Kollegen in finanziell weniger gut ausgestatteten Regionen der Erde nun Zugang zu den neuesten Forschungsergebnissen.

    The publications will be available as printed books from Harrassowitz and as downloadable PDF's. The future will show if the electronic version replaces the printed books. But still the feeling of having a book in hand is more pleasant than having it only in a virtual reality. A bonus of the electronic version is the access it provides to the newest research even for colleagues with low budgets.

    Wir haben die PDF-Dokumente nicht gesichert gegen das Kopieren von Textpassagen. Damit soll es erleichtert werden, sich für eigene Forschungszwecke leicht Daten zusammenstellen zu können, ohne sie mühsam abschreiben zu müssen. Dies steht ganz im Einklang mit dem Grundanliegen des Portals, die Forschung zu erleichtern und effizienter zu gestalten. Damit sind die Daten allerdings nicht zur uneingeschränkten Nutzung freigegeben, sondern die Autorenrechte sind zu wahren und die übliche Zitierpraxis einzuhalten.

    The PDF's are not copy-protected. The philosophy of the Hethitologie Portal Mainz is to facilitate work and improve the efficency of research by providing means to reduce mere mechanical work. Instead of typing notes it is easier and quicker to copy and paste files together for one's own private research. But this does not mean that the data may be used without restrictions. The normal rules of citation and the rights of the authors must be respected. 
    Košak, Silvin
    Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln
    1. Teil Die Textfunde der Grabungen in Bogazköy 1906-1912
    Košak, Silvin
    Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln
    2. Teil Die Textfunde der Grabungen in Bogazköy 1931-1939
    Košak, Silvin
    Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln
    3. Teil Die Textfunde der Grabungen in Bogazköy 1952-1963
    Košak, Silvin
    Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln
    4. Teil Die Textfunde der Grabungen in Bogazköy 1964-2004 und Texte anderer Provenienz
    Košak, Silvin; Müller, Gerfrid G.W.
    Konkordanz der hethitischen Keilschrifttafeln
    5. Teil Indizes der Konkordanz
    Fuscagni, Francesco
    Hethitische unveröffentlichte Texte aus den Jahren 1906-1912 in der Sekundärliteratur
    Marazzi, Massimiliano et al.
    Sammlung hieroglyphischer Siegel
    Band I: Vorarbeiten (2., revidierte und ergänzte Auflage)

    Open Access Archaeological Reports: Tel Kabri

     [First posted in AWOL 10 August 2009. Updated 26 July 2015]

    Preliminaryreports on the results of excavations at Tel Kabri in Israel have been published on line immediately following the end of each field season since 2005:

    In addition, during the field season, immediate reports on the progress of excavations are presented at the Dig Kabri blog (2009), Dig Kabri 2011, and Dig Tel Kabri 2013

    The news feeds from this and other excavation blogs are aggregated at Taygete Atlantis: Excavation Blogs, one of the components of Atlantides: Feed Aggregators for Ancient Studies.

    Open Access Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire

    [First posted in AWOL 18 December 2013, updates 27 July 2015]

    Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire
    Michael Tilgner's and Ingeborg Waanders' (with additions by Alain Dautant) list of the known digital versions of the volumes of the Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, compiled for the Egyptologists' Electronic Forum (EEF).
    Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire:
    -- CG 1-380: Ludwig Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten von Königen
    und Privatleuten im Museum zu Kairo, Nr. 1-1294, Teil 1: Text und
    Tafeln zu Nr. 1-380, Berlin, 1911. - vol. 1 only [out of 5 vols.]:
    200 pp., 59 pls. - pdf-file (18 MB)
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 381-653: Ludwig Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten von
    Königen und Privatleuten im Museum von Kairo, Nr. 1-1294,
    Teil 2: Text und Tafeln zu Nr. 381-653, Berlin, 1925. - vol. 2 only
    [out of 5 vols.] - 197 pp., pls. 60-120 - pdf-file (61 MB)
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 654-950: Ludwig Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten von
    Königen und Privatleuten im Museum von Kairo, Nr. 1-1294, Teil 3:
    Text und Tafeln zu Nr. 654-950, Berlin, 1930. - vol. 3 only [out of
    5 vols.] - 168 pp., pls. 121-158 - pdf-file (57 MB)
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 951-1294: Ludwig Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten von Königen
    und Privatleuten im Museum von Kairo, Nr. 1-1294, Teil 4: Text und
    Tafeln zu Nr. 951-1294, Berlin, 1934. - vol. 4 only [out of 5 vols.] -
    151 pp., pls. 159-174 - pdf-file (50.6 MB)
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 1-1294: Ludwig Borchardt, Statuen und Statuetten von Königen
    und Privatleuten im Museum von Kairo, Nr. 1-1294, Teil 5: Nachweise
    von Aksel Volten, Berlin, 1936. - vol. 5 only [out of 5 vols.] - 145 pp. -
    pdf-file (8.3 MB)
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 1295-1541: Borchardt, Ludwig: Denkmäler des Alten Reiches
    (ausser den Statuen) im Museum zu Kairo Nr. 1295-1808, Teil I: Text und
    Tafeln zu Nr. 1295-1541, Berlin, 1937. - vol. 1 only [out of 2 vols.] -
    244 pp., pls. 1-52 - pdf-file (71.5 MB) [PDF]
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 1542-1808: Borchardt, Ludwig: Denkmäler des Alten Reiches
    (ausser den Statuen) im Museum zu Kairo Nr. 1295-1808, Teil II: Text und
    Tafeln zu Nr. 1542-1808, Le Caire, 1964 - vol. 2 only [out of 2 vols.] -
    220 pp., pls. 53-116 - pdf-file (34.5 MB) [PDF]
    URL (Giza Digital Library)
    -- CG 1809-3425: not available
    -- CG 3426-3587: Fr. W. von Bissing, Metallgefässe, Vienne, 1901.
    XVII, 80 pp., 3 pls. - pdf-file (6.5 MB)
    -- CG 3588-3617: not available
    -- CG 3618-4000, 18001-18037, 18600, 18603: Fr. W. von
    Bissing, Fayencegefäße, Vienne, 1902. - XXXI, 114 pp., 1 pl. -
    pdf-file (3.9 MB) [PDF]
    -- CG 4001-4797: not available
    -- CG 4798-4976; 5034-5200: G. A. Reisner, Models of Ships
    and Boats, Le Caire, 1913. xxviii, 171 pp., 33 pls. - pdf-file (16 MB)
    -- CG 4977-5033: not available
    -- CG 5034-5200: see CG 4798-4976; 5034-5200 above.
    -- CG 5201-5217: not available
    -- CG 5218-6000, 12001-12527: G. A. Reisner, Amulets, Le Caire,
    1907. 198 pp., 25 pls. - pdf-file (12 MB)
    -- CG 6001-6029: Émile Chassinat, La seconde trouvaille de Deir
    el-Bahari (sarcophages). [Tome premier, premier fascicule],
    Le Caire, 1909 - 88 pp., 14 pls. - pdf-file (11.3 MB)
    -- CG 6029-6068: Andrzej Niwinski, La seconde trouvaille de
    Deir el-Bahari (sarcophages). Tome premier, deuxième fascicule,
    Le Caire, 1995 [1996] --
    not yet available
    -- CG 6069-6082: Andrzej Niwinski, The second find of
    Deir el-Bahari (Coffins) (1999) --
    not yet available
    -- CG 6082-7000: not available
    -- CG 7001-7394; 8742-9200: Josef Strzygowski, Koptische
    Kunst, Vienne, 1904. XXIV, 362 pp., 40 pls. - pdf-file (36 MB)
    -- CG 7395-8000: not available
    -- CG 8001-8741: W. E. Crum, Coptic Monuments, Le Caire,
    1902. 160 pp., 57 pls. - pdf-file (35.6 MB)
    URL (Heidelberg)
    -- CG 8742-9200: see CG 7001-7394; 8742-9200 above
    -- CG 9201-9304: Henri Munier, Manuscrits coptes, Le Caire,
    1916. vii, 213 pp., 21 pls. - pdf-file (14 MB)
    -- CG 9201-9400; 26001-26123; 33001-33037: J. G. Milne,
    Greek inscriptions, Oxford, 1905. xi, 153 pp., 11 pls. - pdf-file (11 MB)
    -- CG 9401-9449: Georges Daressy, Textes et dessins magiques,
    Le Caire, 1903. 62 pp., 13 pls. - pdf-file (6 MB)
    -- CG 9450-10000: not available
    -- CG 10001-10869: B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, Greek Papyri,
    Oxford, 1903. viii, 116 pp. - pdf-file (7.5 MB)
    -- CG 10870-11000: not available
    -- CG 11001-12000; 14001-14754: J. E. Quibell, Archaic
    objects, vol. 1, Le Caire, 1905. 327 pp. - pdf-file (19 MB)
    -- CG 11001-12000; 14001-14754: J. E. Quibell, Archaic
    objects, vol. 2, Le Caire, 1904. 66 pls. - pdf-file (5.8 MB)
    -- CG 12001-12527 see CG 5218-6000, 12001-12527 above
    -- CG 12528-14000: not available
    -- CG 14001-14754: see CG 11001-12000; 14001-14754 above.
    -- CG 14755-18000: not available
    -- CG 18001-18037: see CG 3618-4000, 18001-18037, 18600, 18603 above
    -- CG 18038-18065: not available
    -- CG 18065-18793: Fr. W. von Bissing, Steingefässe,
    Vienne, 1904. 173 pp., 9 pls. - pdf-file (12 MB)
    -- CG 18065-18793: Fr. W. von Bissing, Steingefässe.
    Einleitung und Indices, Vienne, 1907. XLVII, 80 pp., 4 pls. -
    pdf-file (4.4 MB)
    -- CG 18600, 18603: see CG 3618-4000, 18001-18037, 18600, 18603 above
    -- CG 18794-20000: not available
    -- CG 20001-20399: H. O. Lange und H. Schäfer, Grab-
    und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs, Theil I: Text zu
    No. 20001-20399, Berlin, 1902. vii, 400 pp. - vol. 1 of 4 - pdf-file (23 MB)
    -- CG 20400-20780: H. O. Lange und H. Schäfer, Grab-
    und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs, Theil II: Text zu No. 20400-
    20780, Berlin, 1908. 409 pp. - vol. 2 of 4 - pdf-file (24 MB)
    -- CG 20001-20780: H. O. Lange und H. Schäfer, Grab-
    und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs, Teil III: Listen zu Nr. 20001-
    20780, Berlin, 1925. vi, 182 pp. - vol. 3 of 4 - pdf-file (9.1 MB)
    -- CG 20001-20780: H. O. Lange und H. Schäfer, Grab-
    und Denksteine des Mittleren Reichs, Theil IV: Tafeln, Berlin, 1902.
    vi, 22 pp., 99 pls. - vol. 4 of 4 - pdf-file (18 MB)
    -- CG 20781-23000: not available
    -- CG 23001-23256: Ahmed Bey Kamal, Tables d'offrandes,
    vol. I, Le Caire, 1909. IV, 211 pp. - pdf-file (12 MB)
    -- CG 23257-24000: not available
    -- CG 24001-24990: Georges Daressy, Fouilles de la Vallée des Rois
    (1898-1899). [fasc. I] --
    not yet available
    -- CG 24991-25000: not available
    -- CG 25001-25385: Georges Daressy, Ostraca --
    not yet available
    -- CG 25386-26000: not available
    -- CG 26001-26123: see CG 9201-9400; 26001-26123; 33001-33037 above
    -- CG 26124-26349, 32377-32394: C. C. Edgar, Greek Vases,
    Le Caire, 1911. VII, 92 pp., 28 pls. - pdf-file (8.7 MB)
    -- CG 26350 - 27424: not available
    -- CG 27425-27630: C. C. Edgar, Greek sculpture, Le Caire,
    1903. XVI, 83 pp., 32 pls. - pdf-file (11 MB)
    -- CG 27631-28086: not available
    -- CG 28087-28126: Pierre Lacau, Sarcophages antérieurs au
    Nouvel Empire, vol. 2, Le Caire, 1906. 207 pp. - pdf-file (12 MB)
    -- CG 28127-29300 not available
    -- CG 29301-29306 [CG 29301-29303 are missing]: Gaston
    Maspero, Sarcophages des époques persane et ptolémaïque,
    vol. I, Le Caire, 1914. pp. 113-315, pls. IX-XXVI - pdf-file (17 MB)
    -- CG 29306-29500: not available
    -- CG 29501-29733. 29751-29834: Claude Gaillard, Georges
    Daressy, La faune momifiée de l'antique Égypte, Le Caire, 1905.
    II, 159 pp., 66 pls. - pdf-file (21 MB)
    -- CG 29734-29750: not available
    -- CG 29751-29834: see CG 29501-29733. 29751-29834 above
    -- CG 29835-30600: not available
    -- CG 30601-31270, 50001-50022: Wilhelm Spiegelberg,
    Die demotischen Denkmäler. 30601-31270. 50001-50022,
    II: Die demotischen Papyrus. Text, Strassburg, 1908. X,
    380 pp. - pdf-file (22 MB)
    -- CG 31271-31670: Arthur E. P. Weigall, Weights and
    Balances, Le Caire, 1908. XVI, 69 pp., 9 pls. - pdf-file (6 MB)
    -- CG 31671-32000: not available
    -- CG 32001-32367: C. C. Edgar, Greek Moulds, Le Caire,
    1903. XVII, 89 pp., 33 pls.- pdf-file (11 MB)
    -- CG 32368-32376: not available
    -- CG 32377-32394: see CG 26124-26349, 32377-32394 above
    -- CG 32395-32400: not available
    -- CG 32401-32800: C. C. Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Glass,
    Le Caire, 1905. V, 92 pp., 11 pls. - pdf-file (7.7 MB)
    -- CG 32801-33000: not available
    -- CG 33001-33037: see CG 9201-9400; 26001-26123; 33001-33037 above
    -- CG 33038-33100: not available
    -- CG 33101-33285: C. C. Edgar, Graeco-Egyptian Coffins,
    Masks and Portraits, Le Caire, 1905. XIX, 136 pp.,
    48 pls. - pdf-file (22 MB)
    -- CG 33286-33300: not available
    -- CG 33301-33506: M. C. C. Edgar, Sculptors' Studies and Unfinished
    Works, Le Caire, 1906. - XII, 91 pp., 43 pls. - pdf-file (20.5 MB)
    -- CG 33507-34000: not available
    -- CG 34001-34186: Pierre Lacau, Stèles du Nouvel Empire.
    nos. 34065[sic]-34186, Cairo, 1926. T. I, fasc. 2. 232 pp. LXXI pl. -
    pdf-file (67 MB)
    -- CG 34187-36000: not available
    -- CG 36001-37521: Percy E. Newberry, Scarab-shaped Seals,
    London, 1907. VIII, 384 pp., 22 pls. [pp. 345-352 are missing;
    pp. 353-360 are repeated] - pdf-file (24 MB)
    -- CG 37522-38000: not available
    -- CG 38001-39384: Georges Daressy, Statues de divinités. T. I. and T. II --
    not yet available
    -- CG 39383-43226: not available
    -- CG 43227: G. Lefebvre, Papyrus de Ménandre --
    not yet available
    -- CG 43226-41000: not available
    -- CG 41001-41041: Alexandre Moret, Sarcophages de l'époque
    bubastide à l'époque saïte, vol. 1, Le Caire, 1913. xv, 160 pp.,
    40 pls. - pdf-file (14 MB)
    -- CG 41001-41041: Alexandre Moret, Sarcophages de l'époque
    bubastide à l'époque saïte, vol. 2, Le Caire, 1913. pp. 161-344,
    40 pls. - pdf-file (11 MB)
    -- CG 41042-41048: Henri Gauthier, Cercueils anthropoïdes des
    prêtres de Montou, vol. 1, Le Caire, 1913, viii, 160 pp., 40 pls.,
    -- CG 41048 [continued]-41072: Henri Gauthier, Cercueils
    anthropoïdes des prêtres de Montou, vol. 2, Le Caire, 1913,
    pp. 161-560 - pdf-file (23 MB)
    -- CG 41073-42000: not available
    -- CG 42001-42138: G. Legrain, Statues et statuettes de rois et
    de particuliers, Le Caire, 1906. I, 171 pp., 79 pls. - pdf-file (34.7 MB)
    -- CG 42139-42191: G. Legrain, Statues et statuettes de rois et
    de particuliers, Le Caire, 1909. II, 114 pp., 53 pls. - pdf-file (20.3 MB)
    -- CG 42192-42250: G. Legrain, Statues et statuettes de rois et
    de particuliers, Le Caire, 1914. III, 157 pp., 53 pls. - pdf-file (18.2 MB)
    -- CG 42001-42250: H. Gauthier, Statues et statuettes de rois et
    de particuliers, Le Caire, 1925. Indices des tomes I, II et III,
    42 pp. - pdf-file (1.4 MB)
    -- CG 42251-44000: not available
    -- CG 44001-44102: Georges Bénédite, Miroirs, Le Caire,
    1907. XXXV, 64 pp., 25 pls. - pdf-file (9.3 MB)
    -- CG 44103-44300: not available
    -- CG 44301-44638: Georges Bénédite, Objets de toilette, 1ère
    partie: Peignes, etc., Le Caire, 1911. - 80 pp., 25 pls.
    URL (Gallica)
    [Peignes, épingles de tête, étuis et pots à kohol, stylets à kohol]
    -- CG 44639-46000: not available
    -- CG 46001-46529: Howard Carter, Percy E. Newberry,
    The Tomb of Thoutmôsis IV, Westminster, 1904. vii,
    150 pp., 28 pls. - pdf-file (12 MB)
    -- CG 46530-48273: Percy E. Newberry, Funerary Statuettes and
    Model Sarcophagi. Fascicle 1, Le Caire, 1930. - 304 pp. - pdf-file
    (40.3 MB)
    -- CG 48274-48575: Percy E. Newberry, Funerary Statuettes and
    Model Sarcophagi. Fascicle 2, Le Caire, 1937. - pp. 305-405 -
    pdf-file (46.3 MB)
    -- CG 46530-48575: Percy E. Newberry, Funerary Statuettes
    and Model Sarcophagi. Fascicle 3. Indices et planches (1957) --
    not yet available
    -- CG 48576-50000: not available
    -- CG 50001-50022: see CG 30601-31270, 50001-50022 above
    -- CG 50023-51000: not available
    -- CG 51001-51191: J. E. Quibell, Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu,
    Le Caire, 1908. VII, 80 pp., 1 frontispiece, 60 pls. - pdf-file (13 MB)
    -- CG 51192-52000: not available
    -- CG 52001-53855: Émile Vernier, Bijoux et orfèvreries, tome 1:
    Texte, tome 2: Index et planches, Le Caire, 1907-1927 - 519 pp.,
    113 pls. [published in 4 fascicles with text and plates combined]
    --- CG 52001-52151: [tome 1-2: Texte et planches], fascicule 1,
    Le Caire, 1907.
    --- CG 52152-52639: [tome 1-2: Texte et planches], fascicule 2,
    Le Caire, 1909.
    [both fascicules bound together] - pp. 1-200, pls. 1-37
    URL (Gallica)
    --- CG 52640-53171: [tome 1-2: Texte et planches], fascicule 3,
    Le Caire, 1925. - pp. 201-384, pls. 38-81
    URL (Gallica)
    --- CG 53172-53855: [tome 1: Texte], fascicule 4, Le Caire, 1927. -
    pp. 385-519
    URL (Gallica)
    --- CG 52001-53855: tome 2: Index et planches, [fascicule 4],
    Le Caire, 1927. - 47 pp., pls. 82-113
    URL (Gallica)
    -- CG 53856-58000: not available
    -- CG 58001-58036: Wladimir Golénischeff, Papyrus hiératiques.
    Premier fascicule, Le Caire, 1927 [all published]. - 268 pp., 39 pls. -
    pdf-file (806 MB [sic])
    URL (JScholarship)
    58001-58006: prayers to Osiris; 58007-58023: Books of Breathing;
    58024: BD 27 and religious text; 58025: BD 135 and religious text;
    58026: BD 182 and religious text; 58027-58029: ritual for the protection
    of the sleeping King; 58030: Amenophis ritual; 58031: Sokar ritual;
    58032: decree of Nes-khons for Amun; 58033: decree of Pinodjem for Amun;
    58034: decree of Amun for Osiris; 58035: decree of Month for a dead;
    58036: ritual of Opening of the Mouth
    -- CG 58037-61050: not available
    -- CG 61001-61044: Georges Daressy, Cercueils des cachettes royales (1909) --
    not yet available
    -- CG 61045-61050: not available
    -- CG 61051-61100: G. Elliot Smith, The Royal Mummies,
    Le Caire, 1912. VII, 118 pp., 1 frontispiece., 103 pls.
    URL (University of Chicago)
    -- CG 61101-67000: not available
    -- CG 67001-67124: Jean Maspero, Papyrus grecs
    d'époque byzantine, vol. 1, Le Caire, 1911. iv, 283 pp.,
    33 pls. - pdf-file (25 MB)
    -- CG 67125-67278: Jean Maspero, Papyrus grecs d'époque
    byzantine, vol. 2, Le Caire, 1913. 263 pp., 28 pls. - pdf-file (21 MB)
    -- CG 67279-67359: Jean Maspero, Papyrus grecs d'époque
    byzantine, vol. 3, Le Caire, 1916. xxxvi, 260 pp., 8 pls. - pdf-file (20 MB)
    -- CG 67360-70000: not available
    -- CG 70001-70050: Günther Roeder, Naos, Leipzig, 1914. VI,
    191 pp., 91 pls. - this vol. is split into two parts:
    text - pdf-file (13 MB): URL
    plates - pdf-file (13 MB): URL

    Nature.com Ontologies

    Nature.com Ontologies
    This site describes the RDF ontologies used by Macmillan Science and Education for content publishing. We are sharing these in order to contribute to the wider linked data community and to provide a public reference for our data models.
    Model Extents Diagram
    Our aims at Macmillan Science and Education in embracing linked data technologies are:
    • To provide a superior content discovery experience for our audience and to facilitate emergent behaviours and interactions
    • To evolve a data model which is highly responsive to new and legacy business needs and can drive an in-flight publishing operation

    The Ancient World in Digizeitschriften

    [Originally posted 1/7/09, updated 28 July 2015]

    DigiZeitschriften is a research service. Students and researchers can access the core German research journals via subscribing institutions. Access is possible via libraries and academic institutions which have subscribed to DigiZeitschriften
    Antiquity related journals in DigiZeitschriften include [* = open access] :
    See All DigiZeitschriften titles
    See Open Access DigiZeitschriften titles

    If you'd like to have access to these and the rest of the Digizeitschriften collection, bring their contact information to the attention of your librarians.

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    Holzhausen, der Verlag: Open Access Books

    Holzhausen, der Verlag: Open Access Books
    Open Access steht für freien und kostenlosen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und Daten im Internet. Ziel ist es einen schnellen Zugriff auf wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Publikationen und Daten zu schaffen, so dass Interessierte die Volltexte lesen, in ihnen suchen, auf sie verweisen und sie auch sonst auf jede denkbare legale Weise benutzen können, ohne finanzielle, gesetzliche oder technische Barrieren jenseits von denen, die mit dem Internet-Zugang selbst verbunden sind.

    Der Verlag Holzhausen bekennt sich zum Gedanken der Maximierung der Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Information und unterstützt die Open-Access-Politik. Deshalb werden wissenschaftliche Verlagspublikationen möglichst auch digital publiziert und unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher und wirtschaftlicher Möglichkeiten frei zugänglich gemacht.

    Palmyras Reichtum durch Weltweiten Handel | Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt | Band 1 Architektur und ihre Ausstattung

    Palmyras Reichtum durch Weltweiten Handel | Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt | Band 2 Kleinfunde

    Open Pompei

    Open Pompei
    Open Pompei is a European Commission-funded project aimed at promoting a culture of transparency and open data in the archaeology profession. To achieve this goal, it takes the roads less travelled: a constant dialogue with social innovators, civic hackers, social enterprises, with a focus on the central node of Pompeii.
    Progetto "Open Pompei"– finanziato a valere sul PON Governance e Assistenza Tecnica 2007-2013 – Obiettivo Operativo 1.4: Azioni "mirate" per il sostegno e lo sviluppo di capacità della Pubblica Amministrazione nell'attuazione di interventi della politica di coesione territoriale – CUP: G61I12000360006

    Open Access Journal: Classics Ireland


    Open Access Journal: Archeomafie

     [First posted in AWOL 8 September 2011, updated (domain expired, but copies of the four existing volumes are on Academia.edu) 29 July 2015]

    ISSN: 2036-4539
    "Archeomafie", Rivista dell’Osservatorio Internazionale Archeomafie - IRCECH. A cura di Tsao Cevoli, Anno I, n.1 (2009), ISSN: 2036-4539. “Archeomafie” è la prima rivista scientifica in Italia appositamente e interamente dedicata all’analisi del fenomeno del furto, dello scavo clandestino e del traffico illecito di reperti archeologici su scala nazionale ed internazionale nel presente e nel passato, bandisce un concorso di partecipazione per il III numero, che sarà pubblicato a inizi 2011, aperto a tutti i contributi scientifici sul tema, compresi articoli sulla legislazione in materia e studi che mirino ricostruire e chiarire la probabile provenienza di opere d’arte e reperti archeologici di “provenienza sconosciuta” presenti nel mercato antiquario o in possesso di case d’asta, collezioni e musei.
    Archeomafie, I, 2009
    Archeomafie, II, 2010
    Archeomafie, III, 2011
    Archeomafie, IV, 2012

    The Acta Sanctorum Online

    [First posted in AWOL 20 June 2012, updated 29 July 2015]

    Roger Pearse in his excellent blog Thoughts on Antiquity, Patristics, putting things online, freedom of speech, information access, and more, has collected the open access manifestations of the Acta Sanctorum in: 

    Volumes of the Acta Sanctorum online
      UPDATE: See also this site with links to the French Bibliotheque Nationale copies.


        Handlist of British Library papyri acquired since 1956

        Handlist of British Library papyri acquired since 1956
        Details of newly-acquired papyri were historically recorded in the Catalogue of Additions published at periodic intervals over the years. The existing Catalogue of Additions series only includes papyri acquired before 1956. It had been intended to detail the later acquisitions in a future volume of the Catalogue of Additions, but as these are no longer published, the papyri (Papyrus 2923-3136, and Egerton Papyrus 37) have not been as widely known as they perhaps might be. In an effort to bring them to greater attention, we have compiled a short Register of Papyri Acquired since 1956, which can be downloaded as an Excel document. This gives details of British Library inventory number, details of publication where that is known, a Trismegistos number if extant, notes of any other papyri that originally formed part of the same document or book, source and date of acqusition, and a brief description of contents.

        Only one item has been digitised, Papyrus 3053 (P. Oxy. 2470), but all these papyri would be included in any future digitisation project.

        The bulk of the acquisitions are known to scholars, forming a large portion of the Hibeh Papyri (Papyrus 2943-3035), Volume 27 of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri (Papyrus 3036-3063), and many of the Michaelides papyri (Papyrus 3100-3132), though not all of the latter have been edited. In addition, other acquisitions, or items incorporated from “limbo” or transferred from other departments in the British Museum or British Library, are mostly fragmentary, but would certainly benefit from further study.

        We are not aware of any current research being carried out on the items in this list, but always welcome details of editions, and offprints, where possible, which can be sent in the first instance to the Manuscripts and Maps Reference Team (http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/inrrooms/stp/refteam/refteam/refcontacts.html)
        (via http://lists.hum.ku.dk/pipermail/papy/2015-July/001903.html )
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