Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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New Open Access Journal: Minoan News

Open Access Journal: American Numismatic Society Magazine

[First posted in AWOL 29 October 2009. Updated 3 January 2015]

American Numismatic Society Magazine
ANS Magazine is published four times per year by the American Numismatic Society, the nation's preeminent institution devoted to the appreciation and study of coins from all periods and countries. The magazine is sent to ANS members, and articles appear on this website after publication of the print edition.

Spring 2008
Volume 7 Number 1

Summer 2008
Volume 7 Number 2

Winter 2008
Volume 7 Number 3

Spring 2007
Volume 6 Number 1

Summer 2007
Volume 6 Number 2

Winter 2007
Volume 6 Number 3

Spring 2006
Volume 5 Number 1

Summer 2006
Volume 5 Number 2

Winter 2006
Volume 5 Number 3

Spring 2005
Volume 4 Number 1

Summer 2005
Volume 4 Number 2

Winter 2005
Volume 4 Number 3

Spring 2004
Volume 3 Number 1

Summer 2004
Volume 3 Number 2

Winter 2004
Volume 3 Number 3

Spring 2003
Volume 2 Number 1

Summer 2003
Volume 2 Number 2

Winter 2003
Volume 2 Number 3

Spring 2002
Volume 1 Number 1

Summer 2002
Volume 1 Number 2

Winter 2002
Volume 1 Number 3

Open Access Journal: Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal (SEE-J)

 [First posted in AWOL 9 December 2011, updated 3 January 2015]

Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal (SEE-J)
ISSN: 1904-2159
Scandinavian Evangelical E-Journal (SEE-J) is a peer-reviewed academic journal within the field of Biblical Studies in the evangelical tradition, published by the Copenhagen Lutheran School.

Access to SEE-J is free, and it is possible to subscribe to a notification service on new editions to SEE-J.
SEE-J continues SEE-JNTS and Nordisk Teologi (discontinued December 31, 2010). Articles published in the 2010 Volume of SEE-JNTS has been republished as volume 1 (2010) of SEE-J.

Articles published in previous volumes of Nordisk Teologi can be accessed by clicking HERE!


Vol 1 (2010)

Groupe de Recherche sur la Coroplathie Antique [GReCA]

Groupe de Recherche sur la Coroplathie Antique [GReCA]
Le Groupe de Recherche sur la Coroplathie Antique [GReCA] réunit des chercheurs, ingénieurs d’études et doctorants rattachés, en tant que membres permanents ou visiteurs, à Halma-Ipel – UMR 8164 de l’Université Charles-de-Gaulle–Lille 3, qui s’investissent dans divers projets, individuels ou collectifs, concernant plusieurs pans de la recherche en coroplathie, essentiellement grecque, gréco-romaine et gallo-romaine.
L’équipe intervient avant tout sur le terrain, prenant en charge l’étude et la publication de différents ensembles de terres cuites, soit issus de fouilles de sanctuaires ou de nécropoles, en Grèce, en Albanie, en Turquie et à Chypre, soit conservés dans des musées européens (Paris, Genève, Albanie, Nord de la France…). Parallèlement, diverses réflexions sont menées à la fois sur le fonctionnement de l’artisanat coroplathique et la caractérisation des ateliers, sur la formation et le développement des styles, internationaux et locaux, sur l’iconographie et la signification des terres cuites, en contextes votifs et funéraires, mais aussi domestiques, et sur les pratiques votives dans les sanctuaires des divinités récipiendaires de cette catégorie d'offrandes, notamment Artémis, mais aussi Déméter, Athéna ou encore les Nymphes.

Ce site s’adresse non seulement aux spécialistes de coroplathie antique, qui y trouveront à la fois des outils de travail et des informations sur les activités et les projets en cours de l’équipe lilloise, mais aussi à tous ceux qui s’intéressent à cette discipline et aux problématiques qu’elle soulève.


Thèmes de recherche et
Activités de terrain

Ressources documentaires
Liens utiles
Mentions légales
  • Gaignerot-Driessen F., « Les dieux refusent de paraître (…) », ArchéOrient – Le Blog (Hypotheses.org), 2014. [En ligne].
  • Hariclia Brécoulaki, « L’archéologie de la Macédoine : état des recherches et nouvelles perspectives », Perspective [En ligne], 2 | 2012.
  • Heuzey Léon, Les figurines antiques de terre cuite du musée du Louvre, Paris, 1883.
  • Griechische Terracotten aus Tanagra und Ephesos im Berliner Museum, Berlin, 1878.
  • Boehlau Johannes, Aus ionischen und italischen Nekropolen : Ausgrabugen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der nachmykenischen griechischen Kunst, Leipzig, 1898.
  • Kekulé von Stradonitz Reinhard [Hrsg.], Winter, Franz [Bearb.], Die antiken Terrakotten (Band III) : Die Typen der figürlichen Terrakotten, Berlin u.a., 1903.
  • Dragendorff Hans (Hrsg.), Hiller von Gaetringen Friedrich (Hrsg.), Thera : Untersuchungen, Vermessungen und Ausgrabungen in den Jahren 1895-1902 (Band 2) : Teraelsche Gräber, Berlin, 1903.
  • Furtwängler, Adolf [Hrsg.], Aegin a: Das Heiligtum der Aphaia (Text), München, 1906.
  • Tiryns : die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabngen des Instituts (Band 1), Athen, 1912.
  • Janssen Eric, Die Kausia. Symbolik und Funktion der makedonischen Kleidung, Göttingen, 2007

Open Access Journal: Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études

[First posted in AWOL 20 July 2013, updated 3 January 2015]

Annales de Janua – Actes des journées d’études
ISSN: 2267-1358
Diffuser la richesse des échanges scientifiques réussis entre jeunes chercheurs, voilà le défi relevé par ces nouvelles Annales ! Cette revue a en effet pour vocation de publier les actes des journées d’études organisées chaque année par l’association Janua. Celle-ci, fondée à Poitiers, fédère des étudiants de Master et des doctorants spécialisés dans l’analyse des périodes antiques et médiévales. Les rencontres scientifiques qu’elle organise sont diachroniques et pluridisciplinaires afin de favoriser un dialogue entre différentes manières d’aborder la recherche. La publication numérique des articles issus des communications permettra à chacun d’y retrouver soit la diversité des approches envisagées soit la spécificité d’un sujet traité par un jeune chercheur. Un comité scientifique composé de chercheurs et d’enseignants-chercheurs est associé au déroulement de l’ensemble du projet.

n°2 - Le corpus. Son contour, ses limites et sa cohérence

n°1 - Enjeux de l’historiographie et de la datation des sources

Le premier numéro des Annales de Janua regroupe les actes des  journées d’études organisées en 2010 et 2012 par l’association. La première était consacrée aux rapports entretenus entre historiographie et mémoires universitaires. La seconde avait pour but d’éclairer les problèmes et les enjeux de la datation des sources.

  • Avant-propos
    Par : Manon Durier
    frPublié en ligne le 15/04/13

Open Access Publications at the Oriental Institute Research Archives

The following list includes (almost) all publications served from the webspace of the Research Archives of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago. The great bulk of them are scans of books from the collections but the list also includes a set of older and recent doctoral dissertations written at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of the University of Chicago. A few born digital publications of the Research Archives are also included, based on quality, longevity and continuing access. All are catalogued in and linked to from the Research Archives catalogue, which is now a part of the Oriental Institute’s Integrated Database  The Research Archives catalogue is one of the best places you'll find for searching bibliography on the ancient Near East. Bookmark it now and use it regularly!

[First published in AWOL in March 2009. Most recently updated 3 January 2015]

      Dissertations in Ancient Near Eastern Studies Approved by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, The University of Chicago.

      Aaron Alexander Burke
      June 2004: The Architecture of Defense: Fortified Settlements Of The Levant During The Middle Bronze Age

      Katherine Strange Burke
      June 2007: Archaeological Texts and Contexts on the Red Sea: The Sheikh’s House at Quseir al-Qadim

      Aaron Michael Butts
      June 2013: Language Change in the Wake of Empire: Syriac in Its Greco-Roman Context

      David Michael Calabro
      June 2014: Ritual Gestures of Lifting, Extending, and Clasping the Hand(s) in Northwest Semitic Literature and Iconography

      Dennis R. M. Campbell
      March 2007: Mood and Modality in Hurrian

      A. Asa Eger
      August 2008: The Spaces Between The Teeth: Environment, Settlement, And Interaction On The Islamic-Byzantine Frontier

      Humphrey Hill Hardy II
      June 2014: Diachronic Development in Biblical Hebrew Prepositions: A Case Study in Grammaticalization

      Helene J. Kantor
      March 1945: Plant Ornament: Its Origin and Development in the Ancient Near East

      Michael Kozuh
      March 2006: The Sacrificial Economy: On The Management Of Sacrificial Sheep And Goats At The Neo-Babylonian/Achaemenid Eanna Temple Of Uruk (c. 625-520 BC)

      John S. Nolan
      June 2010: Mud Sealings And Fourth Dynasty Administration At Giza

      Foy D. Scalf
      March 2014: Passports to Eternity: Formulaic Demotic Funerary Texts and the Final Phase of Egyptian Funerary Literature in Roman Egypt

      Randy L. Shonkwiler
      March 2014: The Behdetite: A Study of Horus the Behdetite from the Old Kingdom to the Conquest of Alexander

      Jason Alik Ur
      December 2004: Urbanism and Society in the Third Millennium Upper Khabur Basin

      Grace White
      December 1993: The Religious Iconography of Cappadocian Glyptic in the Assyrian Colony Period and its Significance in the Hittite New Kingdom

      Bruce Williams
      December 1975: Archaeology and Historical Problems of the Second Intermediate Period

      Ilya Yakubovich
      June 2008: Sociolinguistics of the Luvian Language
        For an up to date list of all Oriental Institute publications available online see:
        The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications

        Original 1947 Tell en-Naṣbeh Site Report and Tell en-Naṣbeh Excavation Manual

        Original 1947 Tell en-Naṣbeh Site Report and Tell en-Naṣbeh Excavation Manual
        via Dr. Jeffrey R. Zorn's Research Site
        William F. Bade, the director of the excavations at Tell en-Naṣbeh died in 1936, the year after the work at the site concluded. Chester C. McCown (his seminary colleague) and Joseph C. Wampler (his primary assistant) were the principle authors of the site report which appeared in 1947. This was no small feat since these were also years of the Great Depression and World War II. While there are problems inherent in the original interpretation of the site's remains and the presentation of the data in this report, it still contains much that is of use to modern archaeologists. However, only 500 copies of the report were produced and it has been long out of print and often in accessible to those who would use them. Thanks to the generous financial support of the Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology the report has been scanned into two searchable PDF files by the Digital Scholarship and Preservation Services at Cornell University Library. Copies of these reports are freely available both here and on the Badè Museum's web site to both the interested scholar and lay person.

         Also available at the Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology

        The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications

        The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications
        Including Both Digital Manifestations of Print Publications and Born Digital Publications

        [Originally posted April 9, 2008 on the Ancient World Bloggers Group at AWOL - The Ancient World Online - 2: The Oriental Institute Electronic Publications Initiative, the "canonical" version of the list of online publications of the OI developed there for two and a half years and moved here during Open Access Week on October 19, 2010.  It will be kept up to date in this location henceforth.  Most recently updated 4 January 2015]

        Starting in 2004, the Oriental Institute committed to digitizing all of its publications and making them available online, without charge. The minimum for each volume, old and new, current and forthcoming, will be a Portable Document Format (PDF) version following current resolution standards. New publications appear online at or near the time they appear in print. Older publications will be processed as time and funding permits. Several hundred volumes are now online.

        Following is an up to date listing of all open access digital products of the Oriental Institute, including fascsimilies of paper based book, databases, born-digital initiatives, and multi-media presentations.

        And see also the Chronological Lists of OI Publications

        Assyriological Studies (AS) | List of volumes in print
        The Assyrian Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CAD) | List of volumes in print
         Chicago House Bulletin

      • Chicago House Bulletin XXV - July 2014
      • Chicago House Bulletin XXIV - July 2013
      • Chicago House Bulletin XXIII - July 2012
      • Chicago House Bulletin XXII - October 2011
      • Chicago House Bulletin XXI - September 2010
      • Chicago House Bulletin XX - November 2009
      • Chicago House Bulletin XIX - February 2009
      • Chicago House Bulletin XIX Prequel- Winter 2009
      • Chicago House Bulletin XVIII - November 2, 2007
      • Chicago House Bulletin XVII - October 2, 2006
      • Chicago House Bulletin XVI - September 15, 2005
      • Chicago House Bulletin XV - September 15, 2004
      • Chicago House Bulletin XIV, No.1 - September 1, 2003
      • Chicago House Bulletin XIII, No.1 - September 1, 2002
      • Chicago House Bulletin XII, No.1 - September 1, 2001
      • Chicago House Bulletin XI, No.1 - September 11, 2000
      • Chicago House Bulletin X, No.1 - September 15, 1999
      • Chicago House Bulletin IX, No.1 - November 9, 1998
      • Chicago House Bulletin VIII, No.2/3 - August 15, 1997
      • Chicago House Bulletin VIII, No.1 - December 15, 1996
      • Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.3 - August 15, 1996
      • Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.2 - April 15, 1996
      • Chicago House Bulletin VII, No.1 - December 15, 1995
      • Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.3 - August 15, 1995
      • Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.2 - April 15, 1995
      • Chicago House Bulletin VI, No.1 - December 15, 1994
      • Chicago House Bulletin V, No.3 - August 15, 1994
      • Chicago House Bulletin V, No.2 - April 15, 1994
      • Chicago House Bulletin V, No.1 - January 15, 1994
      • Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.3 - August 15, 1993
      • Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.2 - April 30, 1993
      • Chicago House Bulletin IV, No.1 - December 30, 1992
      • Chicago House Bulletin III, No.3 - August 15, 1992
      • Chicago House Bulletin III, No.2 - May 1, 1992
      • Chicago House Bulletin III, No.1 - December 15, 1991
      • Chicago House Bulletin II, No.3 - August 15, 1991
      • Chicago House Bulletin II, No.2 - April 15, 1991
      • Chicago House Bulletin II, No.1 - December 15, 1990
      • Chicago House Bulletin I, No.3 - August 15, 1990
      • Chicago House Bulletin I, No.2 - April 15, 1990
      • Chicago House Bulletin I, No.1 - December 10, 1989

        • The Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) [Born digital publication]
          Completed LettersDownload
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          Problematic Entries 2DownloadTerms of Use
          The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago (CHD) | List of volumes in print
          Chicago Hittite Dictionary Supplements (CHDS) | List of volumes in print
          Materials for the Assyrian Dictionary (MAD)

          Materials and Studies for Kassite History (MSKH)

          Oriental Institute Communications (OIC) | List of volumes in print
              Oriental Institute Digital Archives (OIDA) | [Online only]
              Oriental Institute Museum Publications (OIMP) | List of volumes in print
                Oriental Institute Nubian Expedition (OINE) | List of volumes in print
                Oriental Institute Publications (OIP) | List of volumes in print
                  Oriental Institute Seminars (OIS) | List of volumes in print
                  Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization (SAOC) | List of volumes in print

                    Lost Egypt

                    Lost Egypt, Volumes I-III. A Limited Edition Portfolio Series of Photographic Images from Egypt’s Past.
                    The Epigraphic Survey of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

                    Volume Ipp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-88-5$2000.00
                    Volume IIpp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-89-3$2000.00
                    Volume IIIpp. i-viii + 10 plates19920-918986-90-7$2000.00

                    Miscellaneous Publications
                    • Islamic Bindings & Bookmaking
                        A Catalogue of an Exhibition in the Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago, May 18-August 18, 1981. By Gulnar Bosch, John Carswell, and Guy Petherbridge. Originally published in 1981. 
                    • Most Ancient Verse.
                        Selected and translated by Thorkild Jacobsen and John A. Wilson. Originally published in 1963.
                    • When Egypt Ruled the East.
                        By George Steindorff and Keith C. Seele. Revised by Keith C. Seele. Originally published as second edition in 1957. 
                    Annual Reports
                     The Oriental Institute Archaeological Newsletter (1950-1973)

                    Oriental Institute News & Notes
                    2014Winter (#220)Spring (#221)Summer (#222)
                    2013Winter (#216)Spring (#217)Summer (#218)Fall (#219)
                    2012Winter (#212)Spring (#213)Summer (#214)Fall (#215)
                    2011Winter (#208)Spring (#209)Summer (#210)Fall (#211)
                    2010Winter (#204)Spring (#205)Summer (#206)Fall (#207)
                    2009Winter (#200)Spring (#201)Summer (#202)Fall (#203)
                    2008Winter (#196)Spring (#197)Summer (#198)Fall (#199)
                    2007Winter (#192)Spring (#193)Summer (#194)Fall (#195)
                    2006Winter (#188)Spring (#189)Summer (#190)Fall (#191)
                    2005Winter (#184)Spring (#185)Summer (#186)Fall (#187)
                    2004Winter (#180)Spring (#181)Summer (#182)Fall (#183)
                    2003Winter (#176)Spring (#177)Summer (#178)Fall (#179)
                    2002Winter (#172)Spring (#173)Summer (#174)Fall (#175)
                    2001Winter (#168)Spring (#169)Summer (#170)Fall (#171)
                    2000Winter (#164)Spring (#165)Summer (#166)Fall (#167)
                    1999Winter (#160)Spring (#161)Summer (#162)Fall (#163)
                    1998Winter (#156)Spring (#157)Summer (#158)Fall (#159)
                    1997Winter (#152)Spring (#153)Summer (#154)Fall (#155)
                    1996Winter (#148)Spring (#149)Summer (#150)Fall (#151)
                    1995Winter (#144)Spring (#145)Summer (#146)Fall (#147)
                    1994Winter (#140)Spring (#141)Summer (#142)Fall (#143)
                    1993Winter (#136)Spring (#137)Summer (#138)Fall (#139)
                    1992Spring (#133)Summer (#134)Fall (#135)
                    1991Winter (#127)Spring (#128)
                    Spring (#129)
                    Summer (#130)Fall (#131)
                    Fall (#132)
                    1990Winter (#122)Spring (#123)Summer (#124)Fall (#125)
                    Fall (#126)
                    1989Winter (#117)Spring (#118)Summer (#119)Fall (#120)
                    Fall (#121)
                    1988Winter (#112)Spring (#113)Summer (#114)Fall (#115)
                    Fall (#116)
                    1987Winter (#107)Spring (#108)Summer (#109)Fall (#110)
                    Fall (#111)
                    1986Winter (#102)Spring (#103)Summer (#104)Fall (#105)
                    Fall (#106)
                    1985Winter (#97)Spring (#98)Summer (#99)Fall (#100)
                    Fall (#101)
                    1984Winter (#92)Spring (#93)Summer (#94)Fall (#95)
                    Fall (#96)
                    1983Winter (#84)
                    Winter (#85)
                    Winter (#86)
                    Spring (#87)
                    Spring (#88)
                    Summer (#89)Fall (#90)
                    Fall (#91)
                    1982Winter (#75)
                    Winter (#76)
                    Winter (#77)
                    Spring (#78)
                    Spring (#79)
                    Summer (#80)Fall (#81)
                    Fall (#82)
                    Fall (#83)
                    1981Winter (#67)
                    Winter (#68)
                    Winter (#69)
                    Spring (#70)Summer (#71)Fall (#72)
                    Fall (#73)
                    Fall (#74)
                    1980Winter (#58)
                    Winter (#59)
                    Winter (#60)
                    Spring (#61)
                    Spring (#62)
                    Summer (#63)Fall (#64)
                    Fall (#65)
                    Fall (#66)
                    1979Winter (#49)
                    Winter (#50)
                    Winter (#51)
                    Spring (#52)
                    Spring (#53)
                    Summer (#54)Fall (#55)
                    Fall (#56)
                    Fall (#57)
                    1978Winter (#39)
                    Winter (#40)
                    Winter (#41)
                    Winter (#42)
                    Spring (#43)
                    Spring (#44)
                    Summer (#45)Fall (#46)
                    Fall (#47)
                    Fall (#48)
                    1977Winter (#33)Spring (#34)Summer (#35)Fall (#36)
                    Fall (#37)
                    Fall (#38)
                    1976Winter (#23)
                    Winter (#24)
                    Winter (#25)
                    Spring (#26)
                    Spring (#27)
                    Summer (#28)Fall (#29)
                    Fall (#30)
                    Fall (#31)
                    Fall (#32)
                    1975Winter (#13)
                    Winter (#14)
                    Winter (#15)
                    Spring (#16)
                    Spring (#17)
                    Summer (#18)
                    Summer (#19)
                    Fall (#20)
                    Fall (#21)
                    Fall (#22)
                    1974Winter (#4)
                    Winter (#5)
                    Winter (#6)
                    Spring (#7)
                    Spring (#8)
                    Summer (#9)Fall (#10)
                    Fall (#11)
                    Fall (#12)
                    1973Fall (#1)
                    Fall (#2)
                    Fall (#3)

                    For years prior to 1999 the Lead Article(s) from various issues of News & Notes were made available electronically:










                    Oriental Institute's on-line Photographic Archives (online only)

                    Oriental Institute Databases (online only - login as guest)
                    Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators

                    The Human Adventure is online at The Oriental Institute's Youtube Channel. 

                    Mesopotamian Directory 2011

                    Also at The Oriental Institute's Youtube Channel is a developing list of video presentations of Members' Lectures, and exhibition related presentations.

                    Miscellaneous Publications | List of volumes in print

                    Research Archives

                    Integrated Database (IDB)

                    OCHRE Data Service

                    Individual Scholarship


                    And see also

                    Open Access Journal: ὅρμος: Ricerche di Storia Antica

                     [First posted May 30 2010. Updated 5 January 2015]

                    ὅρμος: Ricerche di Storia Antica
                    ISSN 2036-587X
                    La rivista ὅρμος, nata nel 1999, mantiene intatta, nella nuova veste elettronica, le finalità che ne hanno, sin qui, orientato l’itinerario scientifico e alle quali rinvia il titolo. Con “porto” vogliamo significare, infatti, non solo le aperture a tematiche di ampio respiro su molteplici aspetti dell’antico mondo mediterraneo, la cui esplorazione in senso interdisciplinare è stata da sempre affidata a studiosi di alto profilo scientifico, ma anche l’accoglienza a contributi delle leve più giovani della ricerca storico-antica in tutte le sue articolazioni. ὅρμος è anche la sede scientifica delle attività del dottorato di ricerca in “Storia della Sicilia e del Mediterraneo antico”. La rivista è aperta alla pubblicazione di contributi in cinque lingue (italiano, inglese, francese, tedesco e spagnolo). Ogni contributo proposto alla redazione è sottoposto alla lettura di due o più membri del comitato scientifico o di esperti esterni.

                    Open Access Journal: RIHA Journal: Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art

                    RIHA Journal: Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art
                    ISSN: 2190-3328
                    RIHA logo

                    RIHA Journal. Journal of the International Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal for the history of art and visual culture, featuring outstanding research articles that offer significant contributions to current scholarship. The journal was launched in April 2010. It is a joint project of the member institutes of RIHAInternational Asso­ciation of Research Institutes in the History of Art; the directors of the RIHA institutes constitute the editorial board. Edited by 29 institutes in 21 countries, the journal is an excellent medium for fostering international discourse among scholars.

                    Based on a de-centralized editorial structure, the journal explores new ways of international publishing: Each of the RIHA institutes is locally responsible for establishing and maintaining the contact with authors, for manuscript editing, and for managing the peer reviews. 

                    RIHA Journal seeks to reflect the manifold dimensions of the discipline and is open to the whole range of art historical topics and approaches. The journal offers articles in the five official CIHA languages English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish, as well as in other languages, depending on the capacities of the RIHA institutes. A double-blind peer-review process performed by experts in the field ensures the highest standards of scholarship.

                    The editors take seriously the need of scholars to publish their research results easily and quickly. Hence the journal seeks to offer its authors short editing processes of less than six months from submission to publication. For the same reason, articles are published, not in periodical issues, but one at a time. In addition, RIHA Journal features Special Issues on particular research topics.
                    RIHA Journal is a not-for-profit e-journal committed to the principles of Open Access: All articles are available without restriction and free of charge. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with new articles


                    0005 Peter Stewart, Geographies of Provincialism in Roman Sculpture
                    Focusing on Roman Britain but using examples across the empire, this article examines the relevance of geography to the form and distribution of "provincialized" classical imagery in the Roman period. [...]
                    0015 Hubertus Günther, Die Salomonische Säulenordnung
                    As early as 1549, i.e. 50 years before Villalpando's famous Ezechiel commentary was published, Jacques Androuet Ducerceau introduced the Salomonic Order in his Exempla arcuum, a series of engravings in which [...]
                    0061 Yvonne Schmuhl, Das Inkarnat in der griechischen Malerei
                    Up to the present the flesh tone in painting of the classical Greek period has been only in the interest of a few archaeologists. In contrast to the approaches of these researchers, [...]

                    Middle Ages

                    0007 Fritz Koreny, Ein unbekanntes Meisterwerk altdeutscher Glaskunst: Hans Wertingers gläserne Hostienschale von 1498
                    This hitherto unknown glass paten with églomisé painting, dated 1498 and measuring 36 cm in diameter, depicts the meeting of Abraham and Melchisedek. The painting can be attributed to Hans Wertinger [...]
                    0020 Günther Buchinger und Doris Schön, "… jene, die ihre hände hilfreich zum bau erheben …": Zur zeitlichen Konkordanz von Weihe und Bauvollendung am Beispiel der Wiener Augustinerkirche und Georgskapelle
                    The Augustinian Church in Vienna and the adjacent St. George's Chapel have recently been analysed for the first time according to structural archaeological and art historical criteria and these results compared with the plentiful written sources. [...]
                    0073 John Richards, Oblivion Deferred: Altichiero in the Fifteenth Century
                    Altichiero was the dominant north Italian painter of the later Trecento. In Padua, in the 1370s and early 1380s, he worked for patrons close to Petrarch and [...]
                    0078 Carla Varela Fernandes, PATHOS – the bodies of Christ on the Cross. Rhetoric of suffering in wooden sculpture found in Portugal, twelfth-fourteenth centuries. A few examples
                    In Portuguese medieval art, freestanding wooden sculptures representing Christ on the Cross are among the less studied typologies. For this reason, it is important to discuss and question some of the [...]
                    0080 Stefanie Linsboth, Der hochgotische Chor von Maria am Gestade in Wien – Bauintention und Nutzung
                    In the middle of the 14th century, the chapel Maria am Gestade at the edge of the medieval city of Vienna was extended by a three-bay chancel with a [...]

                    The Animal Mummy Database

                    [First posted in AWOL 9 January 2012, updated 5 January 2015]

                    The Animal Mummy Database
                    1,137 Animal Mummies Online!
                    Animalmummies.net is a searchable database of Ancient Egyptian animal mummies. Animal mummies were created by the millions during the Late-Roman Periods in Egypt, mostly to be used as votive offerings at temples of gods associated with those animals. Some were extravagantly made with decorations and colorful wrappings to be sold at high prices at the temples. During early excavations in Egypt, many animal mummies were dug up and discarded. Very few examples were saved and sent to museums. This has resulted in only a small sampling of these objects being studied. Animal mummies, however, provide important insight into the lives and religion of Ancient Egyptians during a crucial point in their history and deserve to be studied in-depth.

                    This site was created as a resource for both scholars and the interested public in the hopes that it may become a collaborative project to help gather information on animal mummies. We encourage contributions from museums, researchers and individuals in the hopes of enlarging the corpus.

                    Searches can be done on any of the descriptive fields as well as advanced searches, which combine two or more fields. There is also a Browse mode which lists mummies by animal type, wrapping type and museum.

                    Browse by Animal Type

                    Baboon ?
                    Bird ?
                    Cat ?
                    Crocodile ?
                    Crocodile egg
                    Dog ?
                    Falcon ?
                    Fish ?
                    Hawk ?
                    Ibis ?
                    Nile Perch
                    Nile Turtle
                    Snake ?

                    Browse by Wrapping Type

                    bracing ?
                    checkerboard woven
                    diamond bracing
                    diamond lozenge
                    diamond lozenge ?
                    herringbone ?
                    interval bracing
                    meander ?
                    netting ?
                    painted plaster
                    shroud ?
                    shroud interval ?
                    spiral ?
                    square bracing
                    square interval
                    square lozenge
                    square lozenge ?
                    star bracing

                    Browse by Museum

                    Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia
                    Agriculture Museum, Cairo
                    Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig, Basel
                    Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
                    Bolton Museum and Art Gallery
                    Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery
                    British Museum
                    Brooklyn Museum
                    Cairo Museum
                    Corban Museum
                    Denver Museum of Nature and Science
                    Department of Natural History in Valasske Mezirici, District Museum, Vsetin
                    District Museum, Olomoue
                    Durham Museum
                    Field Museum of Natural History
                    Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge
                    Getty Institute
                    Haggin Museum, Stockton, California
                    Kharga Oasis Museum
                    Kunsthistorisches Museum
                    Liverpool Museum
                    Louvre, on loan to Warsaw
                    Mallawi Museum, Egypt
                    Manitoba Museum of Fine Arts
                    McClung Museum, University of Tennessee Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
                    Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
                    Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University
                    Musee Calvet, Avignon
                    Musee d'art et histoire, Geneva
                    Musees Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire a Bruxelles
                    Museo Archeologico Nazionale / Museo Egizio
                    Museo Arqueologico Nacional
                    Museu Nacional de Arqueologia
                    Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
                    Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
                    Museum of Mummufication, Luxor, Egypt
                    Naprstak Museum, Prague
                    National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden
                    National Museum of Ireland
                    Natural History Museum, Tring
                    Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
                    Pelizaeus Museum
                    Petrie Museum
                    Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology
                    Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery
                    Podlipanske Moseum Zesky Brod, District Kolin
                    Private Collection
                    Rosicrucian Museum, San Jose
                    Royal Ontario Museum
                    Siegfried H. Horn Archaeological Museum
                    Spurlock Museum, Illinois
                    Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
                    Town Museum, Moravska Trebova, District Suitavy
                    Ulster Museum
                    University Museum, University of Pennsylvania
                    University of Aberdeen
                    University of Manchester, Manchester Museum
                    University of Memphis
                    Yale Peabody Museum

                    New Open Access Journal: Gymnasium - Supplementum Gymnasiale


                    2015 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting App

                    2015 AIA/SCS Annual Meeting App
                    Android version
                    Web Version
                    This is the official App for the 116th Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the Society for Classical Studies (SCS). The Joint Annual Meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana from January 8-11, 2015. With this App you can view the entire program of academic sessions and events for both organizations and create a custom schedule of those you plan on attending. You can also browse the complete list of speakers, find your way with maps of the venues, receive updates on last minute changes, see what events are happening in real time, and explore the exhibit hall with an interactive map. Registered meeting attendees can also connect through direct messaging (meeting login required).

                    Edition Open Access: the Online Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge

                    Edition Open Access

                    This website provides open access to the publications of the Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge, in accordance with the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities, which was launched by the Max Planck Society in 2003. The aim is to disseminate the results of scholarly work – in accordance with the open-access paradigm – to a broad audience rapidly and at low cost. The volumes presented here are directed at scholars and students in a wide range of disciplines. The works are available online both as print-on-demand books and open-access publications and can be accessed, together with additional information.


                    Each volume of the Studies series is dedicated to a key subject in the history and development of knowledge, bringing together perspectives from different fields and combining source-based empirical research with theoretically guided approaches. The studies are typically working group volumes presenting integrative approaches to problems ranging from the globalization of knowledge to the nature of spatial thinking.

                    Studies 5

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

                    Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Mittelalter bis zur Frühen Neuzeit.

                    Studies 4

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

                    Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Alten Ägypten bis zum Antiken Rom.

                    Studies 3

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur

                    Jürgen Renn, Wilhelm Osthues, Hermann Schlimme (Hrsg.)

                    Wissensgeschichte der Architektur vom Neolithikum bis zum Alten Orient.

                    Studies 1

                    The Globalization of Knowledge in History

                    Jürgen Renn (ed.)

                    The extent to which globalized knowledge also existed in the past is an open question and, moreover, a question that is important for understanding present processes of globalization.


                    Each volume of the Proceedings series presents the results of a scientific meeting on current issues and supports, at the same time, further cooperation on these issues by offering an electronic platform with further resources and the possibility for comments and interactions.

                    Proceedings 7


                    Markham J. Geller (ed.)

                    The present Melammu volume extends from Greece to India, with articles on Phrygia and Armenia, also viewing texts from ancient Israel, Egypt, and Mesopotamia.

                    AWOL: Now We are Six!

                    Happy New Year and happy sixth birthday to AWOL, which launched 6 January 2009.  During those six years I have written and edited 3913 entries.

                    AWOL passed the three million page views threshold this autumn (with 3,126,777 page views recorded  as of today, to be exact), and now has more than 7400 subscribers by email.  I'm gratified that such a large number of you find AWOL interesting enough to voluntarily add another piece of email to your busy queues each day.

                    You may follow AWOL directly via News Feed (user count not easy to discover), via Feedburner (these are the ca. 7400 email subscribers), on Facebook (938 likes),  or on Twitter @AWOL_tweets (1,122 followers).  You can also follow AWOL on Google+.

                    AWOL' s Alphabetical list of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies currently includes 1447 titles.   I continuously edit and revise the list as URLs change, titles go offline, and so on.

                    Since May 2010, Blogger has been keeping detailed statistics on usage of files hosted there. In that period the ten most frequently viewed AWOL pages have been:










                    AWOL began under the auspices of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU. I invite you to make use of the full suite of Online Resources from ISAW currently available from ISAW and its collaborators under the terms of open licenses:

                    Ancient World Digital Library Book Viewer:  The first fruits of an effort to accelerate and enhance access to the emerging global library of digital publications on the ancient world, the AWDL Book Viewer lets users read and search digitized copies of previously printed scholarly materials. In addition to page images of many digitized volumes, AWDL currently hosts an online version of Roger Bagnall and Giovanni Ruffini. (2012) Amheida I. Ostraka from Trimithis, Volume 1: Texts from the 2004–2007 Seasons.
                    Ancient World Image Bank:  View and download over 3,000 free digital images of sites and objects from the ancient world, contributed by ISAW faculty, staff and friends. Check out the Ancient World Image Bank Group Photo Pool on Flickr for even more images provided by like-minded photographers around the world.
                    Ancient World Online: Find out about all the latest online and open-access material relating to the ancient world, regardless of where it's published.
                    The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā:  The Corpus of the Inscriptions of Campā is a publication of the École française d'Extrême-Orient, realized in collaboration with ISAW. This project aims to recover, preserve, study and make accessible the corpus of inscriptions of ancient Campā (in present Việt Nam), written either in Sanskrit or in Old Cam.
                    Exhibitions:Learn about the objects and cultures featured in ISAW's public exhibitions at 15 East 84th Street in New York. Even though these exhibitions eventually close or move on to other locations, the websites for them remain, providing permanent access to images, maps and other materials.
                    ISAW Papers:ISAW Papers is an open-content scholarly journal that publishes article-length works on any topic within the scope of ISAW's scholarly research.
                    Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE):A joint project of the American Numismatic Society and ISAW, OCRE is a digital corpus of the coinage of the Roman Empire. At present, you can browse or search to find all coin types from Augustus to Hadrian (27 BC – AD 138), and links to examples present in the ANS collection.
                    Papyri.info: Search and browse over 50,000 ancient Greek and Latin documents preserved on papyrus and other materials. Images, texts, translations and descriptions contributed by scholars and institutions around the world. Get the latest project news via the Digital Papyrology Blog.
                    Planet Atlantides:  News aggregators for ancient studies. This site gathers together news, commentary and other posts from a variety of blogs and sites around the web and provides the aggregate in an easy-to-read web page as well as in a variety of web feed formats.
                    Pleiades:Pleiades is a historical gazetteer and more. It gives scholars, students and enthusiasts worldwide the ability to use, create, share, and map historical geographic information about the ancient world. Pleiades is one hundred percent open source, one hundred percent openly licensed and one hundred percent editable.
                    Social Media:You can follow ISAW on TwitterFacebook, LinkedIn, Academia.edu, Google+, or (via one of our web feeds) in your favorite feed reader or aggregator.
                    AWOL is the successor to Abzu, which launched twenty years ago, on 5 October, 1994, at the Oriental Institute, the University of Chicago. AWOL maintains a list of The Oriental Institute Open Access PublicationsIncluding Both Digital Manifestations of Print Publications and Born Digital Publications.

                    In 2001 Abzu relaunched as a component of the ETANA web portal, with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
                    AWOL remains the focus of current digital humanities work at ISAW under the joint direction of Jones and Associate Director for Digital Programs Tom Elliott. With generous support from the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, ISAW is working to bring information about the digital resources described in AWOL into the Zotero bibliographic research tool, into ISAW's Ancient World Linked Data JavaScript library, and into the ISAW library cataloging process.

                    AWOL will receive the Archaeological Institute of America's Outstanding Work in Digital Archaeology Award on Friday, January 9, 2015 at 5:30 pm during the Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA.

                    Finally, I invite you to amuse yourself by browsing through Bookplates of Scholars in Ancient Studies. If any of you have additions, corrections or comments on that, please do get in touch with me.  I'm particularly interested if you can surface other interesting bookplates of scholars of antiquity.

                    As always, comments - online or offline - about AWOL are welcome.

                    Earlier administrative notes with user statistics have been posted in October 2012, August 2012April 2012, March 2012, November 2011, October 2011July 2011, April 2011, January 2011December 2010October 2010, August 2010July 2010, May 2010January 2010 , and June 2013.

                    Open Access Journal: e-Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

                    [First posted 10/19/09. Updated 6 January 2014]

                    e-Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts
                    Von Beginn an wurden kurze Jahresberichte des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in der Zeitschrift Archäologischer Anzeiger gedruckt veröffentlicht. 2006 erschien in neuem, farbigen Design erstmals ein umfangreicher Jahresbericht als eigenes Beiheft zum Anzeiger.  
                    Im Jahr 2014 strukturierte das Institut sein Berichtswesen neu. An die Stelle des gedruckten Berichtes treten nun mit den e-Forschungsberichten und dem e-Jahresbericht zwei unterschiedliche digitale Publikationsformate.

                      e-Jahresbericht 2012/2013

                      Die erste Ausgabe des e-Jahresberichts (Berichtszeitraum 2012/2013, eDAI-J 2012/2013) können Sie hier lesen und downloaden:eDAI-J 2012/2013 (PDF 94 MB) oder (PDF 16 MB).

                      Frühere Jahrgänge

                      Die Jahrgänge 2006-2011 des Jahresberichts als Beiheft des Archäologischen Anzeigers können hier ebenfalls online abgerufen werden:

                        Open Access Journal: Archäologischer Anzeiger


                        Open Access Journal: Der Limes, Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Limeskommission

                        Der Limes, Nachrichtenblatt der Deutschen Limeskommission
                        Die im Jahre 2003 in Esslingen gegründete Deutsche Limeskommission (DLK) ist Ansprechpartner für alle Aktivitäten zu Schutz und Erforschung und sowie fürdie touristische Präsentation des Obergermanisch-Raetischen Limes.

                        Nach der  Aufnahme des Limes in die Liste der   UNESCO-Welterbestätten im Jahr 2005 soll ihre Arbeit mit dazu beitragen, internationale Standards in Pflege und Management von Deutschlands größtem und bekanntestem archäologischen Denkmal sicher- zustellen.

                        ICOMOS Open Archive: EPrints on Cultural Heritage

                        ICOMOS Open Archive: EPrints on Cultural Heritage
                        Welcome to the ICOMOS Open Archive: Eprints on Cultural Heritage, a global archive specialising in the conservation and restoration of monuments, sites and landscapes.
                        It is both the institutional archive of the scientific documentation produced by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and also a subject archive open to the entire international scientific community in the field of heritage conservation. Research institutes, organizations, universities and individual researchers involved in the conservation of cultural heritage and related fields, whether members of ICOMOS or not, are encouraged to make use of and contribute to this global Archive.
                        The ICOMOS Open Archive accepts peer reviewed scientific or technical documents, in all languages, on topics related to the field of conservation and restoration of monuments, sites and landscapes. The only requirement is that authors wishing to submit a document must register for an account.

                        Open Access Journal: Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts / Römische Abteilung

                        Viewing all 14178 articles
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