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Open Access Journal: Rivista di Diritto Romano

[First posted in AWOL 6 November 2009. Updated 23 November 2014]

Rivista di Diritto Romano
ISSN 1720-3694
Qualcuno potrebbe chiedersi se, in presenza di numerosi e autorevoli periodici di diritto romano e diritti dell'antichità pubblicati anche e soprattutto in Italia, fosse proprio il caso di metterne in cantiere uno nuovo: se fosse un lettore tendenzialmente benevolo e animato da incrollabile fiducia nel principio della concorrenza, potrebbe forse dare risposta positiva affermando che l'ingresso di un nuovo operatore sul mercato (!) dovrebbe portare a un miglioramento dell'offerta in generale.
In realtà, una tale prospettiva potrebbe risultare deludente: scopo di questa rivista, infatti, non è certamente quello di togliere spazio alle altre già esistenti, né quello di stimolare una gara per conquistare il primo premio in una improbabile classifica di periodici romanistici. Essa vorrebbe invece in primo luogo colmare una lacuna: manca infatti una rivista di diritto romano pubblicata, prima ancora che sul tradizionale supporto cartaceo, sulla rete di Internet, e quindi in grado di coordinare i non trascurabili vantaggi che tale strumento telematico può fornire alla ricerca romanistica.


—    Mario Trommino • Struttura e composizione del collegio dei pontefici. Da Liv., urb. cond. 1.20.5 alla lex Ogulnia, una panoramica delle fontiPDF   Mariangela Ravizza Sui rapporti tra matrimonio e «deportatio» in età imperialePDF    NUOVO    Dario Annunziata “Nomen christianum”: sul reato di cristianesimoPDF    NUOVO    Alfonso Murillo Villar La responsabilidad del banquero por los depósitos de los clientes. Una reflexión desde las fuentes romanasPDF    NUOVO    Antonino Milazzo Statuliber ex die?—    Armando Torrent • El titulo “De publicanis” y el «genus provinciale» (Cic., ad Att. 6,1,15). Reflexiones sobre el “edictum provinciale”

PDF   Francesco Lucrezi Ancora sul «Senatusconsultum Macedonianum»—    Ferdinando Zuccotti • Vivagni. XIV PDF   Segnalazioni bibliografiche
PDF   Calendario storico
See also AWOL's list of Open Access Ancient Law Journals

Open Access Journals: i-Medjat (papyrus électronique)

[First posted in AWOL 19 September 2009. Most recently updated 24 November 2014]

i-Medjat (electronic papyrus)
ISSN: 2108-6516
i-Medjat est une nouvelle revue d'égyptologie éditée par l'Unité de Recherche-Action Guadeloupe (UNIRAG) et disponible, gratuitement, sous forme électronique. En égyptien ancien, le terme Medjat signifie "rouleau de papyrus".

i-Medjat is a recent egyptological journal edited by the Unité de Recherche-Action Guadeloupe (UNIRAG) and available for free in electronic form. In ancient egyptian, the word Medjat means "papyrus roll". Alain Anselin, founder of the ancient Egyptian lesson at the University of Antilles-Guyane, is the redactor in chief as well as the editor of this journal since its creation in 2008.
i-Medjat 1 | i-Medjat 2 | i-Medjat 3 | i-Medjat 4 | i-Medjat 5 | i-Medjat 6 | i-Medjat 7 | i-Medjat 8 | i-Medjat 9 | i-Medjat 10|i-Medjat 11

Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection of Classical Texts Online

 [First posted in AWOL 26 November 2012, updated 24 November 2014]

Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection of Classical Texts
Illinois Harvest / Large-scale Digitization Initiative, University of Illinois
In 2000, the Classics Library at UIUC received a $85,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to microfilm its Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection of rare, priceless and perishable 19th century European dissertations and other short scholarly works on Latin and Greek literature, history and civilization. The grant was part of a $885,000 NEH grant to the Committee on Institutional Cooperation's (CIC) Center for Library Initiatives. The UIUC Library acquired the private collections of Wilhelm Dittenberger (1840-1906) and Johannes Vahlen (1830-1911) in 1907 and 1913, respectively. Dittenberger's collection consists of 5,600 books and 2,000 pamphlets; Vahlen's consists of 10,000 books and 15,000 pamphlets. Hundreds of the titles in this collection have now been digitized. The collection is a subset of the University of Illinois Digitized Books Collection.
Until recently this large collection of Universitätsschriftenand other short scholarly works on Latin and Greek literature has been accessible only on not widely distributed microfilm. 2,886 items are now accessible in multiple formats with first rate bibliographic metadata.

Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection in Worldcat

The Classics Library of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is continuing to digitize books from it's collection, manybut not all of which are also from its Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection. These digital scans were created by the library's Digital Content Creation department.  They will eventually appear in the Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection of Classical Texts, but in the meantime they are accessible at the Internet Archive.  To promote this project, they have created a Tumblr account that features the latest items to have been digitized and added to the Internet Archive:

With thanks to Mark Wardecker, Acting Classics Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana, and to Bruce Swann, former Classics Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana, for making this collection available.

Digital Library at The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies

[First posted in AWOL 5 October 2010. Updated 24 November 2014]

The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies
Since its founding by Alexander the Great in 331 BCE, and for a period of over 600 years, Alexandria was the cultural capital of the world, especially during the Ptolemaic period. The Hellenistic period – specifically in Alexandria but also throughout the Mediterranean – witnessed many achievements and contributions in all fields of knowledge that have greatly added to man’s thought and the progress of civilization.
The Alexandria Center for Hellenistic Studies, was established as a joint collaboration between the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, the Onassis Foundation, the Vardinoyannis Foundation and the University of Alexandria. The Center is open to scholars from around the world who are keen to obtain diplomas, Masters and Doctorates in Hellenistic studies in particular, in various specializations:
Art, Archeology and Architecture
Philosophy and Science
Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 1-2-3-4-5
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 9-10-11
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 12-13-14
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 15-16-17
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 18-19-20
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 21-22-23
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 46
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 6
Publication Date: 1904
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 40
Publication Date: 1953
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 41
Publication Date: 1956
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 42
Publication Date: 1967
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 43
Publication Date: 1975
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 44
Publication Date: 1991
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 45
Publication Date: 1993
Language: English
Category: History of ancient world

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Subject(s): Archéologie
Volume: 47
Publication Date: 2003
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 24
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 27
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 30
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 31
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 32-33
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 34-35
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 36
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 37
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 38
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société royale d'archéologie d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: 39
Publication Date: 1926-1951
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Monuments de l'Egypte gréco-romaine

Subject(s): Egypt Antiquities - Classical antiquities - Sculpture, Greco Roman Egypt - Sculpture
Volume: vol. 2 pt. 2
Publication Date: 1934
Language: Italian
Category: Sculpture to ca. 500

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Rapport sur la marche du service du musée pendant l'exercice 1929-1921

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Art - Greco-Roman
Publication Date: 1923
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Rapport sur la marche du service du musée en 1913

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Art - Greco-Roman
Publication Date: 1914
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: no. 8 1905
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Bulletin de la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie

Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - Archaeology
Volume: no. 7 1905
Publication Date: 1898-1925
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world

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Annuario del Museo Greco-Romano

Author(s): Adriani, Achille.
Subject(s): Matḥaf al-Yūnānī al-Rūmānī (Alexandria, Egypt)
Volume: vol. 1
Publication Date: 1934
Language: Italian
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Annuaire du Musée Greco-Romain (1933-34 - 1934-35) : La Nécropole de Moustafa Pacha

Author(s): Adriani, Achille.
Subject(s): Art, Greco-Roman
Publication Date: 1933
Language: French

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Annuaire du Musée gréco-romain

Author(s): Adriani, Achille.
Subject(s): Greco-Roman
Volume: vol. 2
Publication Date: 1940-1952
Language: Arabic
Category: Ancient world

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Annuaire du Musée gréco-romain

Author(s): Adriani, Achille.
Subject(s): Greco-Roman
Volume: vol. 3
Publication Date: 1940-1952
Language: Arabic
Category: Ancient world

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La côte Alexandrine dans l'antiquité

Author(s): Botti, Giuseppe
Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities
Volume: vol. 1
Publication Date: 1897
Language: French
Category: Ancient world

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Plan de la ville d'Alexandrie à l'époque ptolémaique Monuments et localités de l'ancienne Alexandrie; Mémoire présenté à la société archéologique

Author(s): Botti, Giuseppe
Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Descriptions et voyages
Publication Date: 1898
Language: French
Category: Africa

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L'acropole d'Alexandrie et le sérapeum d'apres Aphtonius et les fouilles : mémoire présenté à la Société archéologique d'Alexandrie à la séance du 17 août 1895

Author(s): Botti, Giuseppe
Subject(s): Aphthonius - 4th cent - Greece - Acropolis (Athens) - Serapeum
Publication Date: 1895
Language: French
Category: General history of Africa Egypt & Sudan

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Fouilles à la colonne Théodosienne (1896) : Mémoire présenté à la Société archéologique

Author(s): Botti, Giuseppe
Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities
Publication Date: 1897
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Catalogue des monuments exposés au Musée gréco-romain d'Alexandrie

Author(s): Botti, Giuseppe
Subject(s): Art - Greek - Roman - Classical antiquities - Catalogs Antiquités gréco-romaines
Publication Date: 1900
Language: French
Category: Galleries, museums, private collections

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Egitto greco e romano

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Egypt - Antiquities - History - Greco-Roman period, 332 B.C.-640 A.D.
Publication Date: 1957
Language: Italian
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Iscrizioni greche e latine

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Inscriptions, Latin - Inscriptions Egypt Alexandria Catalogs - Inscriptions, Greek
Publication Date: 1911
Language: Italian
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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La necropoli di Sciatbi

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Egyptian Art - Glassware - Ancient Egypt - Roman Egypt - Tombs - Antiquities
Volume: vol. 2
Publication Date: 1912
Language: Italian
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Alexandrea ad Aegyptum : a guide to the ancient and modern town, and to its Graeco-Roman museum

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt) - Antiquities - History - Matḥaf al-Yūnānī al-Rūmānī - Oudheden - Roman Antiquities - Guid
Publication Date: 1922
Language: English
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Le musée Gréco-Romain, 1925-1931

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Matḥaf al-Yūnānī al-Rūmānī (Alexandria, Egypt)
Publication Date: 1925
Language: French

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Le musée Gréco-Romain, 1931-1932

Author(s): Breccia, Evaristo
Subject(s): Matḥaf al-Yūnānī al-Rūmānī (Alexandria, Egypt)
Publication Date: 1931
Language: French

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Mémoire sur l'antique Alexandrie : ses faubourges et environs découverts par les fouilles, sondages, nivellements et autres recherches, faits d'aprés les ordres de son Altesse, Ismaïl Pacha, vice roi d'Egypte

Author(s): Falakī, Maḥmūd Bāshā
Subject(s): Egypte - Antiquités - Alexandrie (Egypte)
Publication Date: 1872
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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L'architecture et la décoration dans l'ancienne Egypte

Author(s): Jéquier, Gustave - Mestral Combremont, Victor de
Subject(s): Egypte - Antiquités - Temples - Architecture
Volume: vol. 3
Publication Date: 1920-1924
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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L'architecture et la décoration dans l'ancienne Egypte

Author(s): Jéquier, Gustave - Mestral Combremont, Victor de
Subject(s): Egypte - Antiquités - Temples - Architecture
Volume: vol. 1
Publication Date: 1920-1924
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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L'architecture et la décoration dans l'ancienne Egypte

Author(s): Jéquier, Gustave - Mestral Combremont, Victor de
Subject(s): Egypte - Antiquités - Temples - Architecture
Volume: vol. 2
Publication Date: 1920-1924
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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City of Alexandria town planning scheme : (projet d'aménagement, d'embellissement et d'extension de la ville d'Alexandrie)

Author(s): McLean, William Hannah
Subject(s): Urbanisme Égypte Alexandrie
Publication Date: 1921
Language: French
Category: Area planning (Civic art)

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L'ancienne Alexandrie : étude archéologique et topographique

Author(s): Neroutsos, Tassos Demetrios
Subject(s): Alexandria (Egypt)
Publication Date: 1888
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Les Grecs en Égypte d'après les archives de Zénon

Author(s): Préaux, Claire - Zēnōn
Subject(s): Grecs - Égypte - Antiquité - Civilisation
Publication Date: 1947
Language: French
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Pharos, antike, Islam und Occident : ein beitrag zur parchitekturgeschichte

Author(s): Thiersch, Hermann
Subject(s): Lighthouses - Egypt - Alexandria
Publication Date: 1909
Language: German
Category: Architecture to ca. 300

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رسالة عن الاسكندرية القديمة و ضواحيها و الجهات القريبة منها التى اكتشفت بالحفريات و اعمال سبر الغور و المسح و طرق البحث الاخرى

Author(s):حسين، محمد عواد - الفلكى، محمود احمد حمدى
Subject(s):الإسكندرية (مصر) - آثار- الآثار اليونانية - الآثار الرومانية - احياء و ضواحى - خرائط
Publication Date: 1966
Language: Arabic
Category: History of ancient world Egypt

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Open Access Journal: NEWSLETTER des Münchner Zentrums für Antike Welten und der Graduate School Distant Worlds

NEWSLETTER des Münchner Zentrums für Antike Welten und der Graduate School Distant Worlds
Das Münchner Zentrum für Antike Welten (MZAW) ist eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus den mit antiken Kulturen befassten Fächern aus sieben Fakultäten der LMU München. Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft fördert die interdisziplinäre Kooperation seiner Mitglieder in Forschung und Lehre. Zu den Aufgaben gehören das Bündeln bestehender und das Initiieren, Planen und Organisieren neuer Arbeitsgruppen und Forschungsprojekte, die Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses, die Organisation gemeinsamer Veranstaltungen sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Fächern und Forschungsverbünden der LMU, außeruniversitären Institutionen (Museen, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) und vergleichbaren Einrichtungen des In- und Auslandes.

Open Access Journal: Syria. Archéologie, Art et histoire

 [First posted in AWOL 26 August 2009. Updated 25 November 2014]

Syria. Archéologie, Art et histoire
ISSN format papier:0039-7946
eISSN: 2076-8435
Syria, an annual journal, has been published uninterruptedly since 1920 by the French Institute of the Near East (Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Aleppo). The review is dedicated to the history and archaelogy of the Semitic Near East (Cyprus included) from Prehistory to the Islamic conquest. It publishes articles in all the disciplines related to this field of research, archaology, epigraphy, philology, history, art history ; these articles are sometimes gathered together in thematic issues, but usually each issue of Syria tries to give - by means of 12 to 18 articles -, a varied overview of research on the Ancient Near East. The languages in use are French, English, German, Italian, and Spanish. From time to time, the review also publishes topical notes, and normaly devotes in each issue an extensive section to reading notes on books published on the Ancient Near East.
Syria, qui paraît depuis 1920 sans interruption, est publiée par l’Institut Français du Proche-Orient, en une seule livraison annuelle. La revue se consacre à l’histoire et l’archéologie du Proche-Orient sémitique (y compris Chypre) de la préhistoire à la conquête islamique. Elle publie des articles dans toutes les disciplines de ce champ de recherche, archéologie, épigraphie, philologie, histoire, histoire de l’art ; ces articles peuvent être quelquefois regroupés en dossiers thématiques, mais le plus souvent chaque volume tente de donner, à travers 12 à 18 articles, un panorama varié de la recherche au Proche-Orient ancien. Les langues employées sont le français, l’anglais, l’allemand, l’italien et l’espagnol. Tous les articles sont précédés d’un résumé en français, en anglais et en arabe. La revue publie aussi à l’occasion de courtes notes d’actualité, et consacre dans chaque numéro un épais cahier aux recensions d’ouvrages parus sur le Proche-Orient ancien.

Available periods  :


RINAP: The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period

[First posted in AWOL 16 July 2011. Most recently updated 25 November 2014] 

The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period
Esarhaddon Text 98

Numerous royally commissioned texts were composed between 744 BC and 669 BC, a period during which Assyria became the dominant power in southwestern Asia. Six hundred to six hundred and fifty such inscriptions are known today. The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period (RINAP) Project, under the direction of Professor Grant Frame of the University of Pennsylvania, will publish in print and online all of the known royal inscriptions that were composed during the reigns of the Assyrian kings Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC), Shalmaneser V (726-722 BC), Sargon II (721-705 BC), Sennacherib (704-681 BC), and Esarhaddon (680-669 BC), rulers whose deeds were also recorded in the Bible and in some classical sources. The individual texts range from short one-line labels to lengthy, detailed inscriptions with over 500 lines (2500 words) of text.

These Neo-Assyrian royal inscriptions (744-669 BC) represent only a small, but important part of the vast Neo-Assyrian text corpus. They are written in the Standard Babylonian dialect of Akkadian and provide valuable insight into royal exploits, both on the battlefield and at home, royal ideology, and Assyrian religion. Most of our understanding of the political history of Assyria, and to some extent of Babylonia, comes from these sources. Because this large corpus of texts has not previously been published in one place, the RINAP Project will provide up-to-date editions (with English translations) of Assyrian royal inscriptions from the reign of Tiglath-pileser III (744-727 BC) to the reign of Esarhaddon (680-669 BC) in five print volumes and online, in a fully lemmatized and indexed format. The aim of the project is to make this vast text corpus easily accessible to scholars, students, and the general public. RINAP Online will allow those interested in Assyrian culture, history, language, religion, and texts to efficiently search Akkadian and Sumerian words appearing in the inscriptions and English words used in the translations. Project data will be fully integrated into the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) and the Open Richly Annotated Cuneiform Corpus (Oracc).

The National Endowment for the Humanities awarded the RINAP Project research grants in 2008 and in 2010 to help carry out its work. The publications of the RINAP Project are modeled on those of the now-defunct Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia (RIM) Project and carry on where its Assyrian Periods sub-series (RIMA) ended.

      Open Access Journal: London Archaeologist

      London Archaeologist
      For anyone interested in the history, heritage or archaeology of the capital, London Archaeologist is essential reading. Published by the London Archaeologist Association since 1968, it is a periodical of record for the London area, covering major archaeological discoveries, events and issues.

      Content includes excavation reports, historical articles, artefact and finds studies, environmental archaeology reports, exhibition reports, book reviews, news and commentary. It has recently been redesigned and expanded to cover interviews, profiles of local societies and museums, previews of forthcoming monographs and other features.

      The archive includes digitised articles, along with some indexes, from 1968-2010 (volumes 1-12). More recent volumes (13 onwards) can be obtained from the London Archaeologist website. 

      Open Access Monograph Series: Archäologische Berichte

      Archäologische Berichte
      Die Archäologischen Berichte (Arch. Ber.) sind die Monografien der DGUF. Sie erscheinen seit 1987 mit etwa einem Band pro Jahr. Ziel der DGUF bei der Gründung der Reihe war es, unseren Autoren eine Möglichkeit zu bieten, mit hoher Reichweite und wissenschaftsüblicher Qualitätssicherung preiswert und schnell publizieren zu können. Um dieses Ziel noch wirksamer erreichen zu können, erscheinen die Monografien seit Band 25 (2014) hybrid: in einer Druckausgabe und – in Kooperation mit der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg – zusätzlich online im Open Access. Wie unsere Zeitschrift Archäologische Informationen nehmen auch die Monografien seit Band 25 bei Bedarf ergänzende Materialien und Open Data auf.

      In einigen Bänden der Reihe wurden Arbeiten publiziert, die in der DGUF selbst entstanden sind, wie etwa die zweibändige Gedenkschrift für Wolfgang Taute (Arch. Ber. 14, 2001) oder die Literaturempfehlungen des DGUF-Arbeitskreises "Archäologie in Schule und Bildung" (Arch. Ber. 21, 2006). Die überwiegende Mehrheit der Bände entsteht jedoch aus guten Examensarbeiten und Dissertationen, die wir hier – kostengünstig für Autoren wie Leser – zeitnah zum Druck bringen. Die Werke erscheinen mit weltweiter Reichweite, gedruckt und im Open Access, samt Verlag und ISBN-Nummer in einer etablierten Reihe: Ein erheblicher Mehrwert gegenüber einer Publikation in Eigenregie, für Autoren wie für Leser.

      Open Access Textbooks and Language Primers

      [Most recently updated 26 November 2014]

      Open Access Textbooks and Language Primers relating to the ancient world
      Additional resources of thus type are accessible through the  Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs) Project pages at the University of Minnesota.

      And see also Lexicity
      And see also  Smarthistory, a "multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the traditional art history textbook"

      Textkit has a huge library of Greek and Latin textbooks

      Learn Ancient Greek

      Listed below is Textkit’s entire collection of Ancient Greek textbooks. All books are made available for full and free download in PDF format.

      Greek Answer Keys

      First Greek Book Key, John Williams White
      First Greek Writer Key, Arthur Sidgwick
      Greek Prose Composition Key, North and Hillard

      Greek Composition Textbooks

      First Greek Writer, Arthur Sidgwick
      Greek Prose Composition, North and Hillard
      Selections from the Septuagint, Conybeare and Stock

      Greek Lexicon/Dictionary

      Greek Reading Text

      Greek Reference Grammars

      Greek Grammar, William W. Goodwin
      Greek Grammar, Herbert Weir Smyth

      Greek Textbooks

      A First Greek Course, Sir William Smith
      First Greek Book, John Williams White
      First Greek Grammar Accidence, W. Gunion Rutherford
      First Greek Grammar Syntax, W. Gunion Rutherford

      Learn Latin

      Listed below is Textkit’s entire collection of Latin textbooks. All books are made available for full and free download in PDF format.

      Latin Answer Keys

      Latin for Beginner’s Key, Benjamin L. D’Ooge

      Latin Prose Composition Key, North and Hillard

      Latin Composition Textbooks

      A New Latin Prose Composition, Charles E. Bennett

      Latin Prose Composition, North and Hillard

      Latin Reading Text

      Caesar’s Civil War in Latin, Charles E. Moberly

      Cicero Select Orations, Benjamin L. D’Ooge

      Selections From Ovid, Allen & Greenough

      The Phormio of Terence in Latin, Fairclough and Richardson

      Latin Reference Grammars

      A Latin Grammar, Charles E. Bennett

      New Latin Grammar, Allen & Greenough

      Latin Textbooks

      Beginner’s Latin Book, Collar and Daniell

      Latin For Beginners, Benjamin L. D’Ooge

        Do you know of others? Do you use any of these in your teaching? Are you developing open access textbooks in any area of ancient world studies? Please respond by clicking the Comments button.

        Pompeii: The First Navigation Map

        Pompeii: The First Navigation Map
        The PBMP’s first full map for navigation is now online. You can start to explore Pompeii in the map embedded below, or go to the full site for more space and options. If you want to customize the map or make a presentation from it, sign in to / sign up for your ArcGIS Online account and save a copy to your own webspace. The link is at the upper right of the embedded map page. [Coming: Click here if you want to download the files as a map package (with minor improvements from online version) ]. Below the map is additional information about the files, the information they contain, and their display.

        Open Access Journal: ‘Atiqot

         [First posted 10/31/10, most recently updated24 July 2014]

        [Open Access after registration]
        'Atiqot is the refereed journal of the Israel Antiquities Authority. It is published four times a year. The contents of the printed version is uploaded to the e-journal website. No changes are made to articles post-publication. The printed journal is available via the IAA website.

        For details on how to submit, see our Guide to Contributors.

        Range of Topics.‘Atiqot covers a large chronological span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period. Excavations are studied from various aspects and disciplines—often the result of the close interaction between researchers of the IAA and outside specialists. Thus, a report should include, in addition to the stratigraphic analysis, comprehensive treatments of the archaeological data, including studies of the various groups of finds, such as ceramics, glass, stone and metal objects, coins, jewelry, textiles, etc., as well as the geological, botanical, faunal and anthropological evidence. Laboratory analyses, such as petrography, radiocarbon dating and metallurgy, should be included where relevant.

        The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot are not confined to a specific range of periods or topics, but to a geographical area—the Land of Israel—which has been influenced by almost every ancient culture that existed in the Levant. The journal thus presents comprehensive research on the region and its connections with the neighboring countries. The publication is devoted to final reports and shorter articles, although occasionally a volume is dedicated to a particular topic (e.g., burial caves, agricultural installations), period (e.g., prehistoric, Islamic) or site (e.g., Acre, Jerusalem).

        Excavation Reports. The papers published in ‘Atiqot are primarily the result of salvage excavations conducted by the IAA. Their results are sometimes unexpectedly important, filling in gaps that could not be understood by localized studies of the larger tells. ‘Atiqot is one of the few vehicles for imparting this important data and therefore a primary asset to any scholar in archaeology.

        Bilingual Journal. The journal is bilingual, publishing articles in English or Hebrew; all Hebrew reports are accompanied by English summaries keyed to illustrations in the main text.
        Past Issues

        The Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology

         [First posted in AWOL 27 June 2013, updated 27 November 2014]

        The Association for the Protection of Syrian Archaeology
        The Association for the protection of Syrian Archaeology (or APSA) has been first a Facebook page and a YouTube . It is now a Website in order to facilitate browsing and list a greater number of news items.

        It is intended above all to inform, that is, to gather and publish news about the threats and damages currently suffered by the Syrian archaeological and historical heritage. It is also designed to alert the scientific community and international authorities, either cultural or political.

        Its content is made of wires, press articles and videos. Wires are authored by the administrators of the page. They disclose information that have been verified beforehand. Sources remain confidential for security reasons.

        Members of the APSA are primarily voluntary people who are eager to contribute their skills (in the domains of science, journalism, technics or else) in safeguarding the Syrian heritage. They are Syrian citizens and also nationals of other countries. To transmit information to us or to send us your requests, please, use this e-mail address: apsa2011syria@gmail.com.

        The administrators of APSA

        CDLI search

        CDLI has recently implemented at <http://cdli.ucla.edu/search/> a search functionality, similar to that for transliterations, for lines of translation and comment that form a part of our core text annotation files. While only a fraction of the numbers of translations available through the Oracc consortium, there are, still, currently some 54,000 lines of translated cuneiform text in CDLI files, mostly in English, but including some instances in German, French, and even Catalan; 14,700 lines of interlinear annotation, from comment on sign preservation up to calculations that underlie numbers in accounts and metrological-mathematical texts, and 88,000 lines of (usually formulaic) comment to text structure. The bulk of current CDLI translations is comprised of those created by Dan Foxvog for the Mesopotamian Royal Inscriptions component of the website (nearly 30,000 lines in 1550 texts; see <http://tinyurl.com/mdhzlrg> and <http://cdli.ucla.edu/projects/royal/royal.html>), and we anticipate more translation content of Sumerian literary texts as ETCSL migrates to CDLI; but 13,600 lines in 1530 administrative texts are also now in some form of translation (<http://tinyurl.com/kjkcut4>). For the record, CDLI restricts translation of texts liable to appear in multiple witness artifacts to their artificial composite entries. As with transliteration search, the exact string of searched characters in translations and comments are highlighted in blue to facilitate their discovery within the displayed texts. Exact string in these instances means that, for example, a search for “pig” will display that string as a discrete word, but also all uses of “pigs,” “pigherder,” and so on. Only “pig” will be highlighted. Please note that the search engine results pages only report numbers of texts found, not individual references to a given search string. Thus a search for “calculation:” in comment results in 228 texts found, but altogether 1026 uses of “calculation:”. As with transliteration search, users can enter multiple character strings in a field, each separated by a comma, for instance "lukalla,account” in translation (currently just six hits, at <http://tinyurl.com/pegtatb>), but unlike transliteration these searches are always of full texts and cannot be restricted to single line, and are not case sensitive, neither of which seemed to us to contribute materially to search strategies.

        Bob Englund

        AWOL milestone

        AWOL passed the three million page views benchmark today. A million in the last eleven months.

        Open Access Journal: Lingue antiche e moderne

         [First posted in AWOL 24 November 2013, updated 27 November 2014]

        Lingue antiche e moderne
        La nuova rivista “Lingue antiche e moderne” intende aprire un luogo di incontro e riflessione privilegiato per filologi classici e filologi moderni, nello spirito di collaborazione e partnership tra realtà culturali diverse che caratterizza l’Associazione dei Laureati in Lingue dell’Università di Udine, ateneo che fin dalle origini ha sempre valorizzato la presenza dell’insegnamento della lingua e letteratura latina nel corso di laurea in Lingue. L’iniziativa scientifica si segnala per la sua assoluta originalità, in opposizione al clima culturale contemporaneo, che tende invece a favorire la chiusura specialistica tra le varie discipline.

        Particolarmente auspicati dalla rivista saranno perciò i contributi volti a indagare come le lingue antiche hanno continuato ad essere vitali e operanti all’interno della modernità, dall’Umanesimo al Classicismo, divenendo così anch’esse, a pieno titolo, lingue dei moderni. Ma in generale, la rivista sarà aperta alle più ampie problematiche della ricerca linguistica e filologica nei settori delle lingue antiche e delle lingue moderne.

        Una prospettiva privilegiata sarà infine quella della didattica, partendo dal dato di fatto che il latino è da sempre in Europa la lingua della scuola e dell’università. Soprattutto verrà posta l’attenzione sul modo in cui le teorie linguistiche moderne continuano a confrontarsi con l’analisi delle lingue antiche. Grazie alla sua facile accessibilità gratuita on-line, la rivista si proporrà come ponte tra il mondo accademico e il mondo della scuola, nell’auspicio che la ricerca scientifica possa avere delle applicazioni pratiche nell’ambito dell’insegnamento.

        The new Journal Lingue antiche e moderne aims to create a virtual meeting place of discussion for classical and modern linguists and philologists to promote the spirit of collaboration and partnership among different languages and cultures, the main tenet of the Association of Language Graduates (Associazione dei Laureati in Lingue) of the University of Udine (Italy). From the very beginning, the University of Udine has always valued the Latin language and literature offering courses in the curricula of the undergraduate and post-graduate  degrees in Foreign Languages and Literatures.

        This Journal is a unique and original scientific initiative because it aims to overcome the current tendency towards divisive specialization among disciplines.

        In particular, the Journal welcomes submissions which investigate how classical languages are still essential and have been highly vital and influential throughout our modern world, from Humanism to Classicism, thus becoming the languages of the Modern world. A privileged focus will be given to language teaching and learning, since in Europe Latin has always been the language par excellence in schools and universities. More specifically, the Journal will focus on how present-day language theories influence the analysis of ancient and classical languages and are influenced by it.

        We hope that, thanks to its aims, scope and free on-line access, the Journal will represent a link between the world of school education and academia and will actively promote the connection between scientific research and language teaching.

        Numero in corso

        Volume III, Anno III, Novembre 2014
        Carlo Cecchetto – Renato OnigaConstituency as a Language Universal: The Case of Latin.
        Laura VanelliPunti critici nella grammatica italiana: il contributo della ricostruzione diacronica.
        Rosalia Di Nisio, Towards a Communicative Approach to Translation: A Teaching Experience.
        Paolo ChinellatoSintassi e laboratorio di scrittura nel primo biennio della scuola superiore: una proposta di analisi.
        Alessandro ReGlossae Latino-Anglicae: il lessico ittico nei glossari anglosassoni.
        Benedetto PassarettiClassical Languages and Cultural Memory in Brian Friel’s Translations.
        Caterina Guardini, Classicism and Abstraction in T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets: Poetry and Dance.
        Lily’s Grammar of Latin in English. An Introduction of the Eyght Partes of Speche, and the Construction of the Same, edited and introduced by Hedwig Gwosdek, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 341. (R. Oniga).
        Visualizza la versione pdf della rivista completa.
        Volume II, Year II, November 2013
        Rossella Iovino, Come la linguistica teorica può contribuire a rinnovare l’insegnamento della sintassi nominale latina.
        Lucie Pultrová, The alleged “lengthened” grades in the roots of some Latin nouns.
        Marco Ricucci, Per un apprendimento linguistico secondo il metodo neo-comparativo: note storico-concettuali.
        Michael P. Schmude, Der Mensch – von Prometheus bis Sartre: ein philosophischer Parcours.
        Rainer Weissengruber, I nuovi compiti scritti di latino in Austria: riflessioni di base e prospettive in vista dei nuovi esami di maturità.
        Silvia Vinante, Predicati nominali e verbo essere. Un’attività didattica.
        Adam Ledgeway,From Latin to Romance. Morphosyntactic Typology and Change, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 434. (R. Oniga).
        Download the current issue in pdf.

        Volume 1 (2012)

        Volume I, Anno I, Novembre 2012
        Renato Oniga, Lingue antiche e moderne
        Gherardo Ugolini, Lingue classiche e ginnasio umanistico tedesco.
        Michael P. Schmude, Die Didaktik der Alten Sprachen und ihr Beitrag zur Mehrsprachigkeit im Fächerkanon des Gymnasiums in Deutschland.
        Anna Maria Perissutti, Problemi di acquisizione del ceco da parte di parlanti di madrelingua italiana: il caso dei verbi di moto.
        Rita Hegedüs, Teaching first and second languages side by side: challenges of education in the 21st century.
        Diana Vedovato, Nicoletta Penello, Descrizione dei dati linguistici e prassi didattica: riflessioni e proposte.
        Richard K. Larson, Grammar as Science, Cambridge (Mass.) – London, MIT Press, 2010 (R. Oniga).
        Visualizza la versione pdf della rivista completa.

        A Gazetteer of the Copaic Basin


        Robert Consoli
        The work I've done so far now allows me to build a preliminary gazetteer.   I've put together such a gazetteer of the several place names in the Copaic Basin.   This includes the place names from [Simpson 1980] which I mentioned in a previous post.  To this I have added most of the place names and place indicators from [Farinetti 2009].  The Farinetti names are in a separate .kml so that you can use them together with the Simpson names or independently.  The Simpson names are divided into 'Mycenaean', 'Other sites', 'Channels', and 'Natural Features'.  The Farinetti names actually designate find spots of assemblages of artifacts and so I used Farinetti's own system where the names are grouped by region, e.gg. 'around Orchomenos', 'around Levadeia', etc.  There are both .kml and .kmz files for these names.  In addition I put a tab-separated combined text list of these two sets of names on Google Drive if you prefer to use them that way.

        If you download the .kml, for instance, and then double click on it Google Earth will start and display the combined files with Simpson and Farinetti's names.  The illustration shows what that will look like around the ancient Haliartos area in the SE Copaic Basin.  Paddles in blue are place names from Simpson, paddles in red with an 'F' are names from Farinetti.  Red paddles with a 'K' show the katavothrai (e.g. #24, 'Moulkios' in the center right of the illustration).  Paddles in white with a black dot are the sites that Simpson calls out as 'Mycenaean'.   Paddles in red with an 'F' often are preceded by numbers.  These numbers correspond to the numbers for places in the relevant sections of Farinetti.

        Without a gazetteer it can be a little difficult to study this area since there are Mycenaean, classical, Roman, Medieval, and Modern name sets and sometimes all of them for the same place.  I hope this gazetteer helps and I'd be grateful to receive corrections.

         The files can be retrieved from Google Drive:

        .kml combined names list
        .kmz combined names list
        .txt tab-separated combined text list

        Open Access Journal: Egypt Exploration Society Newsletter

        [First posted in AWOL 12/2/09. Most recently updated 28 November 2014]

        EES Newsletters
        Section image no link

        The Society’s paper newsletter is mailed to members three times a year, usually in March, July and October. The Society’s events are announced here first and the newsletter also includes details of new publications, fundraising campaigns, sales of second-hand books on eBay, and governance related issues such as the election of Trustees etc.
        News & Events Summer 2008
        News & Events Autumn / Winter 2008
        News & Events Spring 2009
        News & Events Summer 2009
        News & Events Autumn / Winter 2009
        News & Events Spring / Summer 2010
        News & Events Summer 2010
        News & Events Autumn / Winter 2010-11
        The EES Newsletter Issue 1 (Spring 2011)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 2 (Summer 2011)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 3 (Autumn/Winter 2011-12)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 4 (Spring 2012)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 5 (Summer 2012)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 6 (Autumn 2012)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 7 (Spring 2013)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 8 (Summer 2013)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 9 (Autumn 2013)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 10 (Spring 2014)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 11 (Summer/Autumn 2014)
        The EES Newsletter Issue 12 (Autumn 2014)

        The EES Newsletter: Cairo Edition

        In Spring 2014 the Society produced a first Cairo Edition of its Newsletter in both English and Arabic.
        The EES Newsletter Issue Cairo Edition Issue 1 (Spring/Summer 2014) *ARABIC ONLY
        The Society’s occasional e-newsletter is sent to approximately 2,000 members and other friends of the Society approximately three to four times each year. It includes various items of news relating to the Society’s fieldwork and research, publications, events etc. and links to new content on the Society’s website and other online pages at Flickr, Youtube, eBay etc. If you do not already receive the e-newsletter but would like to be added to the mailing list please contact the Society (anyone joining the Society through subscription (see here) is automatically added to the list).
        e-newsletter #1 June 2008
        e-newsletter #2 Sept 2008
        e-newsletter #3 Feb 2009
        e-newsletter #4 May 2009
        e-newsletter #5 Sept 2009
        e-newsletter #6 Dec 2009
        e-newsletter #7 Apr 2010
        e-newsletter #8 Nov 2010
        e-newsletter #9 Dec 2010
        e-newsletter #10 Feb 2011
        e-newsletter #11 May 2011
        e-newsletter #12 Aug 2011
        e-newsletter #13 Feb 2012
        e-newsletter #14 June 2012
        e-newsletter #15 Nov 2012
        e-newsletter #16 Feb 2013
        e-newsletter #17 Oct 2013
        e-newsletter #18 Dec 2013
        e-newsletter #19 Jan 2014
        e-newsletter #20 May 2014
        e-newsletter #21 June 2014

        The EES Newsletter (1987-1990)

        The Society circulated six issues of its original newsletter to members and friends between 1987 and 1990. The newsletter was the precursor to Egyptian Archaeology which superseded it in 1991. The newsletter contained short articles on the Society’s fieldwork and related research and also a fascinating series on the Society’s dig-houses, at Amarna (issue #1), Armant (#3), Qasr Ibrim (#4), and Sesebi and Amara (#5).
        The EES Newsletter No 1 November 1987
        The EES Newsletter No 2 March 1988
        The EES Newsletter No 3 October 1988
        The EES Newsletter No 4 March 1989
        The EES Newsletter No 5 October 1989
        The EES Newsletter No 6 October 1990

        Lateinische Wörterbücher- Eine illustrierte Bibliographie von Richard Wolf

        Lateinische Wörterbücher- Eine illustrierte Bibliographie von Richard Wolf
        Als ich vor einigen Jahrzehnten auf dem Weg zum Latinum war, hat mich der "Stowasser" als lateinisches Schulwörterbuch sieben Jahre lang begleitet - es war der "kleine" Stowasser, den großen habe ich mir damals, ohne ihn zu kennen, sehnlich (aber vergeblich) gewünscht. Ich habe nicht einmal geahnt, daß darüber hinaus noch so viele andere großartige, gründliche lateinische Wörterbücher in Deutschland erschienen sind! Daß es sie gibt, daß sie immer greifbar sind, um uns zu Diensten zu sein, wird für selbstverständlich genommen, es sind bloße Gebrauchsbücher. Aber jedes von ihnen hat seine Geschichte, und sie sind in aller Regel das Ergebnis jahrelanger intensiver Arbeit. In diesem Sinne möchte ich hier auch eine Dankesschuld abtragen, indem ich hinter den Namen wenigstens im groben Umriß die Menschen zeige, ohne deren unermüdlichen Fleiß wir oft an einem Text verzweifeln würden. 

         Inzwischen füllen diese Wörterbücher ein paar Reihen in meinem Regal (vgl. Mein kleines Asyl), und ich habe mir überlegt, ob nicht eine kleine Bibliographie dieser Art auch für andere Freunde der lateinischen Sprache nützlich sein könnte. Gesagt, getan!
        andere Sprachen 
        nachklassischÜbrigesAutoren  A - Z

        Open Access Journal: Archaeology International

         [First posted in AWOL 5 January 2013, updated 29 November 2014]

        ISSN: 2048-4194
        Archaeology International, produced annually, combines news about UCL Institute of Archaeology activities with reports on research, both on new and on-going projects, carried out by members of staff. Papers reflect the broad geographical, theoretical and methodological scope of research at the Institute, including those of its three main Sections (World Archaeology, Archaeological Sciences and Heritage Studies), and its extensive global fieldwork presence. The journal has been relaunched with a double issue in 2011 to mark the Institute of Archaeology’s coming 75th anniversary year, and is now also online and fully open access.
        Cover Page

        Vol 17

        Bussman Scaling the State: Egypt in the Third Millennium BC
        Hales Bats in Churches: Objective Assessment of Associated Damage Mechanisms
        Roberts The Institute of Archaeology Field Course 2014: The Search for the Lost Hunting Lodge of the Earls of Arundel at Downley, Singleton, West Sussex, UK
        Ixer, Lunt, Sillar & Thompson Microscopic Rocks and Expansive Empires: Investigating Inca Ceramics from Cuzco, Peru
        Thornton The Nobody: Exploring Archaeological Identity with George Horsfield (1882-1956)

        Cover Page

        Vol 16: 2012-2013

        Clement &  Hillson‘Do larger molars and robust jaws in early hominins represent dietary adaptation?’ A New
        Study in Tooth Wear
        Parker Pearson Researching Stonehenge: Theories Past and Present
        Herrmann & Laidlaw Assyrian Nimrud and the Phoenicians
        Hamilton Rapa Nui (Easter Island)’s Stone Worlds
        Dawkes Excavating a Silk Road City: the Medieval Citadel of Taraz, Kazakhstan
        Whitehouse Margaret Murray (1863-1963): Pioneer Egyptologist, Feminist and First Female...
        Moshenska Reflections on the 1943 ‘Conference on the Future of Archaeology
        Cover Page

        Vol 15: 2011-2012

        Shennan Cultural Evolution of Neolithic Europe
        Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photography: Exploring the Medieval City of Merv, on the...
        de la Torre et al
        The Origins of the Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania): A New Paleo...
        Cohen et al
        The Thames Discovery Programme: Public Engagement and Research on London...
        Swords, Settlement and Sacred Places: The Archaeology of Brisley Farm, Ashford, Kent
        Graham Recent Investigations on Ambergris Caye, Belize
        Martinón-Torres The Archaeology of Alchemy and Chemistry in the Early Modern World
        Milne et al Researching an Elizabethan Shipwreck: The Gresham Ship Project 2007-2012
        Cover Page

        Vol 13/14: 2009-2011

        FaridÇatalhöyük comes Home
        Fuller & Weisskopf The Early Rice Project: From Domestication to Global Warming
        MacDonald et al Sorotomo: A Forgotten Malian Capital?
        Martinón-Torres et al Making Weapons for the Terracotta Army
        Rehren The Production of Silver in South America
        Brookes & Reynolds The Origins of Political Order and the Anglo-Saxon State
        Moshenska et al Building Sustainability in Community Archaeology: the Hendon School...
        Thornton & Perry Collection and Production: The History of the Institute of Archaeology...
        Cover Page

        Vol 12: 2008-2009

        Clement et al The ancient cemeteries of Astypalaia, Greece
        Harris et al
        Cloth cultures in prehistoric Europe: the Bronze Age evidence from Hallstatt
        Williams & Wordsworth Merv to the Oxus: a desert survey of routes and surviving archaeology  
        Wengrow Exploring connections: a new fieldwork collaboration at Tel Bet Yerah (Khirbet el-Kerak)
        Ashley Migration, missionaries and contact: recent archaeological research in the Khwebe Hills...
        Pye & Cleere Conserving Çatalhöyük, a Neolithic site in Anatolia
        Gardner & Guest Exploring Roman Caerleon: new excavations at the legionary fortress of Isca
        Tassie et al Repatriating prehistoric artefacts to Egypt: Fekri Hassan’s Naqada and Siwa study...
        Cover Page

        Vol 11: 2007-2008

        Rehren The Marie Curie programme at the Institute of Archaeology 2004-2008
        Perring Introducing the Centre for Applied Archaeology
        Martin & Farid The Institute of Archaeology research teams at Çatalhöyük
        Roberts Where now for Boxgrove?
        Pope Early Upper Palaeolithic archaeology at Beedings, West Sussex: new contexts...
        Clement et al Tooth use in Aboriginal Australia  
        Jeffreys The Survey of Memphis, capital of ancient Egypt: recent developments  
        Lockyear et al Rome and Byzantium on the Danube: the Noviodunum Archaeological project...
        Grant & Russel Nokalakevi, Georgia: potential in ruins
        Sillar et al West Dean 2008: excavation of Bronze Age lynchets on Little Combes Hill
        Cover Page

        Vol 10: 2006-2007

        Orton Horse kicks, flying bombs and potsherds: statistical theory contributes to arch. survey
        Bevan et al The fragile communities of Antikythera
        Martinón-Torres et al Diversifying the picture: indigenous responses to Eur. arrival in Cuba  
        Peters & Salomon Patrimony and partnership: conserving the khipu legacy of Rapaz, Peru   
        Aimers Anti-apocalypse: the Postclassic period at Lamanai, Belize
        Hamilton Rapa Nui Landscapes of Construction
        Sillar et al The West Dean Archaeological Project: research and teaching in the Sussex Downs
        Cover Page

        Vol 9 (2005)

        Garrard et al Palaeolithic research at the Institute of Archaeology
        Steele The sociocultural theatre and the evolutionary play
        Bloxam Who were the pharaohs' quarrymen?
        Brookes Documenting the dead: creating an online census of Anglo-Saxon burials from Kent
        Cochrane Human cultural diversity in prehistoric Fiji
        Keene Can museums survive the postmodern?
        Rehren Red glass for the Pharaoh
        Shaw Landscape, water and religion in ancient India
        Sommer Flint knapping in an early Neolithic settlement: Hanau Klein-Auheim
        Cover Page

        Vol 8 (2004)

        Parfitt A butchered bone from Norfolk: evidence for very early human presence in Britain
        Gron Underwater landscapes: unrecognized cultural heritage and research resource
        Reynolds & Turner Discovery of a late Anglo-Saxon monastic site in Devon: Holy Trinity...
        Antoine & Hillson Famine, the Black Death, and health in fourteenth-century London
        Bentley Human mobility and the prehistoric spread of farming: isotope evidence from...
        Wright The emergence of cooking in Southwest Asia
        Murray Provisions for the pyramid builders: new evidence from the ancient site of Giza
        Fuller Islands in the Nile: investigations at the Fourth Cataract in Sudanese Nubia
        Harding The Buddhist landscapes of Rajgar, Northern India
        Menoni Identity, culture and social change in ancient Sichuan, China
        Sawdy & Price Novel approaches to the control of salt damage
        Cover Page

        Vol 7 (2003)

        Pope Placing Boxgrove in its Prehistoric Landscape
        Rudling From Iron Age roundhouse to Roman villa: excavations at Barcomhe, Sussex...
        Sveinbjarnardottir The use of geothermal energy at a chieftan's farm in medieval Iceland
        Lomas The mysterious deity of Lagole: ritual and writing in ancient Italy
        Mannino & Thomas A site for all seasons? Prehistoric coastal subsistence in northwest Sicily
        Hassan Climatic changes and cultural transformations in Farafra oasis, Egypt
        Reid Buganda: unearthing an African kingdom
        Hillson Mummies and dental health in the ancient Ilo valley, southern Peru
        Cleere Archaeology and the World Heritage Convention
        Sully Conservation in context: a Maori meeting house in Surrey
        Keene Communicating city histories
        Cover Page

        Vol 6 (2002)

        Johnson Two Late Iron Age warrior burials discovered in Kent
        Orton The sherds tell a story: Roman rural potters in northwest London
        Lockyear At the edge of empires: the Noviodunum project, Romania
        Grima Monuments and landscapes in Late Neolithic Malta
        Whitelaw Investigating site diversity in the Early Bronze Age Aegean
        Jordan Sacred landscapes of Siberia: symbolic uses of space by hunter–gatherers
        Rehren As similar as black and white: steelmaking crucibles from South and Central Asia
        Williams Ancient Merv, Turkmenistan: research, conservation and management at a World...
        Carter The Neolithic origins of seafaring in the Arabian Gulf
        Sparks Strangers in a strange land: Egyptians in southern Palestine during the Bronze Age
        MacDonald Cane River: the archaeology of “free people of colour” in colonial Louisiana
        Drewett Feasting at the ball game: the Belmont project, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
        Cover Page

        Vol 5 (2001)

        Sidell Archaeology and the London Thames: past, present and future
        Faulkner The Sedgeford project, Norfolk: an experiment in popular participation and...
        Whitehouse Investigating surface archaeology on the Po floodplain, northern Italy
        Johnston Sailors and sanctuaries of the ancient Greek world
        Hillson Investigating ancient cemeteries on the island of Astypalaia, Greece
        Wilkes The pen behind the sword: power, literacy and the Roman army
        Fentress et al The Volubilis project, Morocco: excavation, conservation and management planning
        Monson & Taie Putting papyri into archaeological context: new insights from Tebtunis, Egypt
        Colledge & Conolly Early Neolithic agriculture in Southwest Asia and Europe: re-examining...
        Tubb The statues of 'Ain Ghazal: discovery, recovery and reconstruction
        Rosen Environmental and cultural change in the Yiluo basin, east-central China
        Ascherson Chersonesus: public archaeology on the Black Sea coast
        Merriman University museums: problems, policy and progress
        Cover Page

        Vol 4 (2000)

        Schadla-Hall The Vale of Pickering in the Mesolithic: uncovering the early post-glacial landscape
        Martin Forgotten buildings: detached kitchens in Southeast England
        Bridge Tree rings and time: recent historical studies in England
        Shennan & Collard The evolutionary analysis of cultural behaviour
        Pye Wall painting in the Roman empire: colour, design and technology
        Welch An early entente cordiale? Cross-Channel connections in the Anglo-Saxon period
        Rehren Roads to riches: making good the silver ore at Lavrion in Greece
        Reid Cattle, identity and genocide in the African Great Lakes region
        Martin Hunting, herding, feasting: animal use at Neolithic Catalhoyuk, Turkey
        Fuller Ashmounds and hilltop villages: the search for early agriculture in southern India
        Mizoguchi Burials of kings or of tribal leaders? Interpreting the evidence from monumental tombs in southern Japan
        Graham Collapse, conquest and Maya survival at Lamanai, Belize
        Cover Page

        Vol 3 (1999)

        Hamilton et al Bronze Age stone worlds of Bodmin Moor: excavating Leskernick
        Barber Medieval reclamation and colonization of marginal land on Romney Marsh
        Broodbank Island dynamics and Minoan expansion in the Aegean: the Kythera Island Project
        Jeffreys Investigating ancient Memphis, Pharaonic Egypt's northern capital
        Samuel A new look at old bread: ancient Egyptian baking
        Matthews Hittites and "barbarians" in the Late Bronze Age: regional survey in northern Turkey
        Griffiths & Feuerbach Early Islamic manufacture of crucible steel at Merv, Turkmenistan
        Thomas Archaeology on the North-West Frontier: the Bannu Project, Pakistan
        Nanda Kumbakonam: the ritual topography of a sacred and royal city of South India
        Sillar Pilgrims past and present: the ritual landscape of Raqchi, southern Peru
        Stanley-Price The Palaeolithic, preservation and the public
        McManus Archaeological parks: what are they?
        Cover Page

        Vol 2 (1998)

        Waldron et al Benjamin Franklin, William Hewson and the Craven Street bones
        Thomas & Mannino Mesolithic middens and molluscan ecology: a view from southern Britain
        Sutherland Conserving Roman artefacts from a settlement in Essex
        Hassall Perspectives on Greek and Roman catapults
        Tanner Faces across the North Sea: Viking art in Norway and England, AD 700-1300
        Orton et al Medieval Novgorod: epitome of early urban life in northern Europe
        Graham-Campbell & Lockyear Texts in the landscape
        McGlade The transformation of a cultural landscape: the Emporda, northeast Spain
        Adams Discovery of a predynastic elephant burial at Hierakonpolis, Egypt
        Butler Alexandria revived: new realizations of an ancient city
        Bacus Later prehistory of the Philippines: colonial images and archaeology
        Merkel & Velvarde Naipes (axe moneys): a pre-Hispanic currency in Peru
        Cover Page

        Vol 1 (1997)

        Roberts Boxgrove: Palaeolithic hunters by the seashore
        Greatorex Late Bronze Age waterlogged remains at Willingdon Levels, Sussex
        Rudling Bignor Roman Villa and the Institute of Archaeology
        Whitehouse Sa Cova d'es Carritx: a new p rehistoric cult cave on Menorca
        Wilkes Excavating the Spartans
        Harris Jeitun and the transition to agriculture in Central Asia
        Herrmann A Central Asian city on the Silk Road: ancient and medieval Merv
        Crawford Dilmun revisited: excavations at Saar, Bahrain
        MacDonald More forgotten tells of Mali: an archaeologist's journey from here to Timbuktu
        Price Salt damage in porous materials: a threat to the cultural heritage
        Drewett Prehistoric settlements in the Caribbean
        Faltermeier Corrosion inhibitor testing in archaeological conservation

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