Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online

Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great: An Exemplary Man in the Roman and Medieval World


 Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great

From premodern societies onward, humans have constructed and produced images of ideal masculinity to define the roles available for boys to grow into and images for adult men to imitate. The figure of Alexander the Great has fascinated people both within and outside academia. As a historical character, military commander, cultural figure and representative of the male gender, Alexander’s popularity is beyond dispute. Almost from the moment of his death, Alexander’s deeds have had a paradigmatic aspect: for over 2300 years, he has been represented as a paragon of manhood – an example to be followed by other men – and through his myth, people have negotiated assumptions about masculinity.

This work breaks new ground by considering the ancient and medieval reception of Alexander the Great from a gender studies perspective. It explores the masculine ideals of the Greco-Roman and medieval pasts through the figure of Alexander the Great, analysing the gendered views of masculinities in those periods and relating them to the ways in which Alexander’s masculinity was presented. It does this by investigating Alexander’s appearance and its relation to definitions of masculinity, the way his childhood and adulthood are presented, his martial performance and skill, proper and improper sexual behaviour, and finally through his emotions and mental attributes.

Masculine Ideals and Alexander the Great will appeal to students and scholars alike, as well as to those more generally interested in the portrayal of masculinity and gender, particularly in relation to Alexander the Great and his image throughout history.

The Open Access version of this book, available at https://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license

Creative Commons, 

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2023
eBook Published 22 November 2023
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 284
eBook ISBN 9781003406358

chapter 1|23 pages


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chapter 4|46 pages

Manliness in Warfare

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chapter 5|36 pages

Proper Male Sexuality

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chapter 8|4 pages


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Die politische Philosophie in den frühen Dialogen Platons

Wilhelm, Christian
Dieser Band bietet eine moderne, allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die politische Philosophie Platons. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass diese sich nicht erst in der Politeia und ab den mittleren Dialogen finden lässt, sondern dass die wesentlichen Grundsätze bereits in den Frühdialogen enthalten sind und diese somit - bei allen Brüchen im Spätwerk - auf die mittleren und späten Dialoge hinführen. Das expertokratische Politikverständnis, wonach der wahre Politiker über das politische Expertenwissen verfügen und die Kardinaltugenden besitzen muss, wird bereits in den frühen Dialogen entwickelt und in der Politeia, dem Politikos und den Nomoi konkretisiert und weiterentwickelt. Das große Ziel der politischen Expertise (politik ^e techn ^e) ist für Platon dabei nicht weniger als die Glückseligkeit des gesamten Gemeinwesens, indem die Mitbürger an der Seele so gut wie möglich gemacht werden. Deshalb müssen die Politiker Philosophen sein, denn nur diese verfügen über Weisheit (sophia) sowie die übrigen Tugenden und können demnach nicht von der Macht korrumpiert werden. Wichtig hierbei ist die Bedeutung der Dialektik und der Elenktik für die Seelenbesserung und damit für die politik ^e techn ^e, die in Bezug auf Platons politische Theorie oft übersehen und insbesondere in den Frühdialogen häufig demonstriert werden.
Publication date and place
Logos Verlag Berlin



Contextualizing Premodern Philosophy: Explorations of the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin Traditions


Contextualizing Premodern Philosophy

This volume brings together contributions from distinguished scholars in the history of philosophy, focusing on points of interaction between discrete historical contexts, religions, and cultures found within the premodern period. The contributions connect thinkers from antiquity through the Middle Ages and include philosophers from the three major monotheistic faiths—Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.

By emphasizing premodern philosophy’s shared textual roots in antiquity, particularly the writings of Plato and Aristotle, the volume highlights points of cross-pollination between different schools, cultures, and moments in premodern thought. Approaching the complex history of the premodern world in an accessible way, the editors organize the volume so as to underscore the difficulties the premodern period poses for scholars, while accentuating the fascinating interplay between the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin philosophical traditions. The contributors cover many topics ranging from the aims of Aristotle’s cosmos, the adoption of Aristotle’s Organon by al-Fārābī, and the origins of the□ Plotiniana Arabica to the role of Ibn Gabirol’s Fons vitae in the Latin West, the ways in which Islamic philosophy shaped thirteenth-century Latin conceptions of light, Roger Bacon’s adaptation of Avicenna for use in his moral philosophy, and beyond. The volume’s focus on "source-based contextualism" demonstrates an appreciation for the rich diversity of thought found in the premodern period, while revealing methodological challenges raised by the historical study of premodern philosophy.

Contextualizing Premodern Philosophy: Explorations of the Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, and Latin Traditions is a stimulating resource for scholars and advanced students working in the history of premodern philosophy.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2023
eBook Published 15 February 2023
Pub. Location New York
Imprint Routledge
Pages 538
eBook ISBN 9781003309895


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part I|152 pages

Traditions and Their Origins

chapter 1|27 pages

Why the Prime Mover Is Not an Exclusively Final Cause

Alexander of Aphrodisias and Averroes

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chapter 2|19 pages

Philoponus and Forms

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part II|182 pages

Traditions Facing Forward

chapter 8|44 pages

How Light Makes Color Visible

The Reception of Some Greco-Arabic Theories (Aristotle, Avicenna, Averroes) in Medieval Paris, 1240s–50s

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chapter 9|21 pages

Anniyya faqat․ Again

Reading Liber de causis 8[9] with Richard C. Taylor

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chapter 10|30 pages

Ontology and Logic in Avicenna's Concept of Truth

A Commentary on Ilāhiyyāt 1.8

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part III|134 pages

Forging New Traditions

chapter 16|30 pages

The Emergence of a Science of Intellect

Albert the Great's De intellectu et intelligibili

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chapter 18|28 pages

“Incepit quasi a se”

Averroes on Avicenna's Philosophy in the Long Commentary on the De anima

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chapter 20|21 pages

Some Choice Words

Al-Ṭūsī's Reconceptualization of the Issue of the World's Age

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chapter 21|24 pages

Unfounded Assumptions

Reassessing the Differences among Averroes' Three Kinds of Aristotelian Commentaries

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Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri: 3rd—12th Century Egypt


Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri

This volume provides novel social-scientific and historical approaches to religious identifications in late antique (3rd–12th century) Egyptian papyri, bridging the gap between two academic fields that have been infrequently in full conversation: papyrology and the study of religion.

Through eleven in-depth case studies of Christian, Islamic, “pagan,” Jewish, Manichaean, and Hermetic texts and objects, this book offers new interpretations on markers of religious identity in papyrus documents written in Coptic, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic. Using papyri as a window into the lives of ordinary believers, it explores their religious behavior and choices in everyday life. Three valuable perspectives are outlined and explored in these documents: a critical reflection on the concept of identity and the role of religious groups, a situational reading of religious repertoire and symbols, and a focus on speech acts as performative and efficacious utterances.

Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri offers a wide scope and comparative approach to this topic, suitable for students and scholars of late antiquity and Egypt, as well as those interested in late antique religion.

A PDF version of this book is available for free in Open Access at www.taylorfrancis.com. It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2022
eBook Published 16 October 2022
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 314
eBook ISBN 9781003287872


chapter 1|26 pages


Theorizing Religious Identification in Late Antique Papyri

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part I|65 pages

Problematizing Religious “Identity” and the Identification of Religious Groups

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chapter 4|23 pages

Lifting the Cloak of Invisibility

Identifying the Jews of Late Antique Egypt

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chapter 6|18 pages

Χρηστιανὸς ἔστιν

Self-Identification and Formal Categorization of the First Christians in Egypt

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chapter 7|25 pages

From the Sacred to the Profane

Evidence for Multiple Social Identities in the Letters of the Nag Hammadi Codices

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part III|105 pages

Performance and Audience

chapter 9|20 pages

Aurelios Ammon from Panopolis

On Hellenistic Literary Roles and Egyptian Priestly Cloth

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chapter 10|19 pages

“The Curses Will Be Like Oil in Their Bones”

Excommunication and Curses in Bishops' Letters Beyond Late Antiquity

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chapter 13|18 pages

Concluding Remarks

“The Artificers of Facts”

Size: 0.45 MB



Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies

Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies

Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies provides a concise and up-to-date survey of early record-making and record-keeping practices across the world. It investigates the ways in which human activities have been recorded in different settings using different methods and technologies.

Based on an in-depth analysis of literature from a wide range of disciplines, including prehistory, archaeology, Assyriology, Egyptology, and Chinese and Mesoamerican studies, the book reflects the latest and most relevant historical scholarship. Drawing upon the author’s experience as a practitioner and scholar of records and archives and his extensive knowledge of archival theory and practice, the book embeds its account of the beginnings of recording practices in a conceptual framework largely derived from archival science. Unique both in its breadth of coverage and in its distinctive perspective on early record-making and record-keeping, the book provides the only updated and synoptic overview of early recording practices available worldwide.

Record-Making and Record-Keeping in Early Societies will be of interest to academics, researchers, and students engaged in the study of archival science, archival history, and the early history of human culture. The book will also appeal to practitioners of archives and records management interested in learning more about the origins of their profession.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2021
eBook Published 21 April 2021
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 222
eBook ISBN 9780429054686


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A Full Morphosyntactic Annotation of the State Archives of Assyria Letter Corpus

A Full Morphosyntactic Annotation of the State Archives of Assyria Letter Corpus
Creators Ong, Matthew

The dataset consists of a full morphosyntactic annotation of the normalized letter corpus of the State Archives of Assyria online (SAAo), plus associated metadata regarding sender, recipient, estimated date of composition, script, and dialect of Akkadian (if determinable). This corpus comprises ten of the twenty-one current volumes of SAAo and contains approximately 2600 letters from the royal archives of the late Neo-Assyrian kings. Each letter features morphosyntactic annotations specifying part of speech, lemma, morphological decomposition, and syntactic dependencies of all relevant tokens in the text. The annotations were made with the help of a spaCy language model with additional human checking and completion. The annotations are available both as a set of CONLLU files (one per text) and as linked open data in a single TTL file. The associated metadata is available as a CSV file and a TTL. Due to the letters' shared format, topics of concern, and historical period in which they were written, this corpus forms a natural object of study from a linguistic and social historical perspective. It is hoped this data will be of use to researchers wishing to do linguistic and sociolinguistic corpus research on these texts. 



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Additional details

Related works

Is described by
10.5334/johd.142 (DOI)
Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1093/llc/fqae002 (DOI)




Newly Open Access Monograph Series: Tradition de la pensée classique

ISSN (Édition imprimée) : 1251-4756
Sous la direction de Monique Dixsaut et Dimitri El Murr

« Tradition de la pensée classique » est une collection consacrée à la philosophie antique, notamment à Platon et à la tradition platonicienne au sens large. Études textuelles, thématiques et histoire des interprétations sont abordées dans une perspective plus philosophique et historique que philologique et font appel à des spécialistes de tous pays. Cette collection spécialisée se veut à destination d’un public étudiant et universitaire, intéressé par les philosophies de l’Antiquité et leur réception moderne et contemporaine. Fondée et dirigée depuis 1990 par Monique Dixsaut, elle est depuis 2020 codirigée par Dimitri El Murr.

Est classique le livre qu’une nation ou un groupe de nations ou les siècles ont décidé de lire comme si tout dans ses pages était délibéré, fatal, profond comme le cosmos et susceptible d’interprétation sans fin.
N’est pas classique (je le répète) un livre qui nécessairement possède tel ou tel mérite, mais un livre que les générations humaines, pressées par des raisons différentes, lisent avec une ferveur préalable et une mystérieuse loyauté.

Jorge Luis Borges (citation extraite de Enquêtes, trad. Paul et Sylvia Benichou, coll. Folio / Essais, Gallimard, Paris, 1967, p. 251-252) 

See AWOL's Alphabetical List of Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies




Critica: Textual Issues in Horace, Ennius, Vergil and Other Authors



Gathering together over 60 new and revised discussions of textual issues, this volume represents notorious problems in well-known texts from the classical era by authors including Horace, Ennius, and Vergil.

A follow-up to Vegiliana: Critical Studies on the Texts of Publius Vergilius Maro (2017), the volume includes major contributions to the discussion of Horace’s Carmen IV 8 and IV 12, along with studies on Catullus Carmen 67 and Hadrian’s Animula vagula, as well as a new contribution on Livy’s text at IV 20 in connection with Cossus’s spolia opima, and on Vergil’s Aeneid 3. 147–152 and 11. 151–153. On Ennius, the author presents several new ideas on Ann. 42 Sk. and 220–22l, and in editing Horace, he suggests new principles for the critical apparatus and tries to find a balance by weighing both sides in several studies, comparing a conservative and a radical approach.

Critica will be an important resource for students and scholars of Latin language and literature.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2020
eBook Published 3 September 2020
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 342
eBook ISBN 9781003016847

chapter |9 pages


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part I|146 pages


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chapter 3|7 pages

Epod. 5. 87 f.

The cruelty of witchcraft 1

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chapter 5|2 pages

Carm. 1. 28. 32.

A corruption in the Archytas ode?

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chapter 12|28 pages

Carm. 4. 8. A distorted ode *

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chapter 17|2 pages

Ep. 1. 1. 78. Greedy widows?

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chapter 21|4 pages

Ars 120. Whose honour?

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part II|92 pages

Other authors

chapter 24|12 pages

Conjectural emendation in three stages

Diagnosis, conjecture, interpretation

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chapter 28|3 pages

Ennius scen. 32 TrRF (= XLIII, 109–110 Joc.)

The gemitus of Andromache

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chapter 29|2 pages

Ennius scen. 130 TrRF (= CXLVII, 288 Joc.)

Telephus at Argos

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part III|65 pages


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chapter 45|12 pages

Additions and second thoughts

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Job's Body and the Dramatised Comedy of Moralising


 Job's Body and the Dramatised Comedy of Moralising

This book focuses on the expressions used to describe Job’s body in pain and on the reactions of his friends to explore the moral and social world reflected in the language and the values that their speeches betray.

A key contribution of this monograph is to highlight how the perspective of illness as retribution is powerfully refuted in Job’s speeches and, in particular, to show how this is achieved through comedy. Comedy in Job is a powerful weapon used to expose and ridicule the idea of retribution. Rejecting the approach of retrospective diagnosis, this monograph carefully analyses the expression of pain in Job focusing specifically on somatic language used in the deity attack metaphors, in the deity surveillance metaphors and in the language connected to the body and social status. These metaphors are analysed in a comparative way using research from medical anthropology and sociology which focuses on illness narratives and expressions of pain.

Job's Body and the Dramatised Comedy of Moralising will be of interest to anyone working on the Book of Job, as well as those with an interest in suffering and pain in the Hebrew Bible more broadly.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2020
eBook Published 2 September 2020
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 202
eBook ISBN 9781003029489

chapter 1|49 pages

Introduction and methods

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chapter 3|37 pages

The tyranny of tradition

Size: 0.36 MB

chapter 4|15 pages

Pride comes before a fool

Job's loss of social status

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Size: 0.22 MB

Agent-Based Modeling for Archaeologists

Pindar’s Pythian Twelve: A Linguistic Commentary and a Comparative Study

Cover Pindar’s <i>Pythian Twelve</i>: A Linguistic Commentary and a Comparative Study

Pindar’s Pythian Twelve is the only choral lyric epinicion in our possession composed for the winner of a non-athletic competition. Often regarded as an ode of straightforward interpretation, close analysis of the text reveals that it presents several challenges to modern readers. This book offers an updated translation of the text and an investigation of the main interpretative issues of the epinicion with the aid of historical linguistics. By identifying devices which Pindar might have inherited from earlier periods of poetic language, the study provides insights into the thematic aspects of the ode as well as on Pindar’s compositional technique. See Less



Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik

Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik
Francesca Paola Porten Palange  
##plugins.themes.ubOmpTheme01.submissionSeries.cover##: Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik

Kataloge Vor- und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, Band 38,2 

Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik: Teil 1

Kataloge Vor- und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, Band 38,1  

Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik: Teil 2

Kataloge Vor- und Frühgeschichtlicher Altertümer, Band 38,2

 Der Katalog erschließt umfassend die Punzenmotive der seit etwa 30 v.u.Z in Arezzo und Umgebung produzierten Reliefkeramik.


ISBN 978-3-96929-330-0 (PDF)






Desire and Disunity: Christian Communities and Sexual Norms in the Late Antique West

Vihervalli, Ulriika

Desire and Disunity explores the struggles of Christianising late ancient sexuality in the late Roman West. Through an examination of fourth to sixth century sermons, letters, laws, and treatises in Latin-speaking communities, the difficulties of late antique clerics in moving ascetically influenced sexual ideals into wider practice become evident. Western clerics faced challenges on several fronts: the dedication and devoutness of lay Christians varied, while the military-political upheavals of the fifth century created new challenges and opportunities for influencing one’s flock. Furthermore, Roman sexual norms continued to inform the thinking of many clerics and lay figures alike, even when in opposition to more scripturally based moral reasoning. Problems of bigamy, concubinage, sex work, incest, homosexual acts, adultery, and more troubled western Christian communities, with contradicting rules and traditions on what was acceptable and what was not. What reach did elite clerical perspectives on sexual norms have amongst the non-elite? How did clerics navigate tensions between the idealisation of Christian communal purity and the actions of congregants that fell short of these ideals? What influenced clerical perceptions of sex and how did they articulate these ideas to their audiences? Clerical sources of this time reflect these challenges as well as varying church attempts to reform the sex lives of their congregants – and, indeed, church failure in doing so.

Christian Church;late antiquity;Roman Christians;sexual ethics;morality;Salvian
9781835530023, 9781835532539, 9781802073751
Publication date and place
Public remark
Funder name: Jisc Open Access Community Framework / OpenUP



The University of Pennsylvania Collection of Sumerian Lexicography


This dataset is available unter the terms of the following Creative Commons LicenseCC BY-SA 4.0


Published here is the Sumerian lexicography collection housed in The Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The collection was digitized in May 2023 by Dr Anna Glenn on behalf of the Institut für Assyriologie und Hethitologie of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, with the kind permission of Prof. Steve Tinney and Dr Philip Jones. Further information on the creation and provenance of the data can be found in the PDF file named "00 Intro.pdf".

Citation: Sjöberg, Åke W.: The University of Pennsylvania Collection of Sumerian Lexicography. 23. October 2023. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.417



Open Access Journal: Syzetesis - Rivista online

[First posted in AWOL 22 December 2019, updated (new URLs) 16 April 2024]

 Syzetesis - Rivista online
ISSN: 1974-5044

La Rivista online “Syzetesis” pubblica contributi inediti di filosofia e di storia della filosofia sottoposti a “double-blind peer review”. La Rivista ospita altresì sezioni monografiche su pensatori, problemi o correnti che animano o hanno animato il dibattito filosofico.
“Syzetesis” privilegia un approccio storico, ma anche quello teoretico informato e fondato sul rispetto dei testi. 
Il carattere peculiare degli studi selezionati per la pubblicazione non si riduce all’originalità, essendo ben consapevoli del fatto che, nel campo degli studi umanistici e filosofici, non è detto che originalità coincida sempre con novità. Per questo “Syzetesis” favorisce contributi che mirino piuttosto alla comprensione e alla discussione critica di temi, problemi e questioni diƒ natura storica e filosofica.

Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Library at Wellcome Collection in London

Exploring Greek Manuscripts in the Library at Wellcome Collection in London

This book offers new insights into a largely understudied group of Greek texts preserved in selected manuscripts from the Library at Wellcome Collection, London. The content of these manuscripts ranges from medicine, including theories on diagnosis and treatment of disease, to astronomy, philosophy, and poetry. With texts dating from the ancient era to the Byzantine and Ottoman worlds, each manuscript provides its own unique story, opening a window onto different social and cultural milieus. All chapters are illustrated with black and white and colour figures, highlighting some of the most significant codices in the collection.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2020
eBook Published 25 May 2020
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 212
eBook ISBN 9780429470035


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chapter 4|47 pages

The language of iatrosophia

A case-study of two manuscripts of the Library at Wellcome Collection (MS.4103 and MS.MSL.14)

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chapter 5|10 pages

Jewish astronomy in Byzantium *

The case of Wellcomensis MS.498

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Size: 2.02 MB

chapter 7|33 pages

Greek Renaissance commentaries on the Organon

The codex Wellcomensis MS.MSL.1 *

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Size: 0.07 MB




A People's History of Classics: Class and Greco-Roman Antiquity in Britain and Ireland 1689 to 1939

A People's History of Classics

A People’s History of Classics explores the influence of the classical past on the lives of working-class people, whose voices have been almost completely excluded from previous histories of classical scholarship and pedagogy, in Britain and Ireland from the late 17th to the early 20th century.

This volume challenges the prevailing scholarly and public assumption that the intimate link between the exclusive intellectual culture of British elites and the study of the ancient Greeks and Romans and their languages meant that working-class culture was a ‘Classics-Free Zone’. Making use of diverse sources of information, both published and unpublished, in archives, museums and libraries across the United Kingdom and Ireland, Hall and Stead examine the working-class experience of classical culture from the Bill of Rights in 1689 to the outbreak of World War II. They analyse a huge volume of data, from individuals, groups, regions and activities, in a huge range of sources including memoirs, autobiographies, Trade Union collections, poetry, factory archives, artefacts and documents in regional museums. This allows a deeper understanding not only of the many examples of interaction with the Classics, but also what these cultural interactions signified to the working poor: from the promise of social advancement, to propaganda exploited by the elites, to covert and overt class war.

A People’s History of Classics offers a fascinating and insightful exploration of the many and varied engagements with Greece and Rome among the working classes in Britain and Ireland, and is a must-read not only for classicists, but also for students of British and Irish social, intellectual and political history in this period. Further, it brings new historical depth and perspectives to public debates around the future of classical education, and should be read by anyone with an interest in educational policy in Britain today.

Edition 1st Edition
First Published 2020
eBook Published 17 March 2020
Pub. Location London
Imprint Routledge
Pages 670
eBook ISBN 9781315446608


part I|160 pages

Canons, media and genres

chapter 1|18 pages

Motives and methods

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chapter 3|28 pages

Working-class readers

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part II|108 pages


chapter 8|23 pages

Dissenting Classics

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chapter 9|21 pages

Adult education

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chapter 10|27 pages

Classics and class in Ireland

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chapter 11|20 pages

Scottish working Classics

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part III|114 pages

Underdogs, underclasses, underworlds

chapter 13|22 pages

Seditious classicists

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chapter 14|15 pages

Underdog professors

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chapter 15|16 pages

Ragged-trousered philologists

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chapter 16|17 pages

Hinterland Greek

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chapter 17|20 pages

Classical underworlds

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chapter 18|22 pages

Class and the classical body

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part IV|155 pages

Working identities

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chapter 20|20 pages

Shoemaker Classics

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chapter 21|20 pages

Pottery workers

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chapter 22|16 pages

Classics amongst the miners

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Size: 2.59 MB

chapter 24|18 pages


Dai and Diomedes on the Somme

Size: 1.95 MB

chapter 25|19 pages

Theatre practitioners

Size: 1.57 MB

chapter 26|5 pages


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Album arheologic

Open Access Journal: Avar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Life and Society in the Ancient Near East

[First  posted in AWOL 31 Januar 2022, updated 17 April 2024]
ISSN: 2752-3527 (Print)
ISSN: 2752-3535 (Online) 

Avar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Life and Society in the Ancient Near East is a bi-annual open-access journal dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed scholarship on Anatolia, Egypt, the Levant, and Mesopotamia in the second and first millennia BCE that crosses and disrupts disciplinary boundaries. 

Submissions should explicitly seek to adopt, adapt, or integrate theories and methodologies from within the traditional fields of ancient studies (i.e. archaeology, Assyriology, biblical studies, Egyptology, Hittitology, etc.), as well as from socio-anthropological and scientific disciplines. 

Avar accepts traditional length articles and short notes in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Published: 2024-04-14



Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023). Special IssueTopic: Knowledge Construction and the Ancient Near East

Guest Editor: Zachary Rubin

Published: 2023-12-28


Special Issue: Parenthood in the Ancient Near East
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

Published: 2023-01-31







Article 1

The Apocalypse of Peter in Context

 editors: Maier D.C., Frey J., Kraus T.J.
“The Apocalypse of Peter in Context” offers scholarly inquiries into this complex and frequently overlooked early Christian text from different angles. By extending the boundaries of traditional analyses, this collection of essays elucidates the eschatological beliefs prevalent in nascent Christian communities and the formative influences that gave rise to perceptions of heaven and hell. Through new approaches to authorship, transmission, and materiality, it explores this early apocryphal text’s complex relationship with Jewish literature of the Second Temple period and its reception in (Late) Antiquity and the Middle Ages in various branches of Christianity. It also presents the first comprehensive English translation of the entire Ethiopic transmission context and further possible Ethiopic witnesses never critically edited and translated before. The result of a multidisciplinary conference, this collection provokes new insights and stimulates further research on this captivating witness to a distinct branch of apocalyptic thought within early Christianity.

This book is published open access. It can be downloaded here.
pages:XVI-402 p.


Die Werkstätten der arretinischen Reliefkeramik

Die Werkstätten der arretinischen Reliefkeramik
Francesca Paola Porten Palange 
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Monographien des RGZM, Band 76,1 

Monographien des RGZM, Band 76,2 

Dem »Katalog der Punzenmotive in der arretinischen Reliefkeramik« (RGZM Kataloge Vor- und Früh geschichtlicher Altertümer 38, 1-2 [2004]) folgen nun diese beiden Bände über die Werkstätten, die von ca. 30 v.Chr. an in Arezzo und Umgebung Reliefkeramik produziert haben.
Im ersten Band werden insgesamt 22 Werkstätten analysiert, ergänzt durch ein Kapitel über den Töpfer Anteros, von dem wir noch nicht wissen, für welche Manufaktur er gearbeitet hat. Die Werkstätten sind völlig neu bearbeitet, und ihr Repertoire ist umfassender beschrieben. Hinzu kommen viele bis dato unbekannte Punzenmotive sowie gegenüber der bisherigen Forschung notwendige Neuzuweisungen, wodurch wir – obwohl das Material des Museums in Arezzo immer noch so spärlich veröffentlicht bleibt – von der Gattung ein deutlich klareres und genaueres Bild erhalten und das Repertoire der einzelnen Offizinen an Reichhaltigkeit gewinnt.
Der zweite Band enthält für jede Werkstatt in zeichnerischer Darstellung die Namensstempel und die bislang bekannten Profile, außerdem die wichtigsten Randmotive und die häufigsten vegetabilischen Ornamente, die für die korrekte und sichere Zuschreibung eine so entscheidende Rolle spielen. Ebenso sind – um die im ersten Band beschriebenen Figurenreihen besser nachvollziehen zu können – auch die bedeutungsvollen Zyklen anhand zahlreicher Bildkombinationen sowie bislang singulär überlieferte Zusammensetzungen figürlicher und ornamentaler Motive dargestellt.

 Zu Band 1

Zu Band 2

New Trends in the Research on the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas

 Much has been written on the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas since the work of Lipisus, Wright, and Bonnet. However, many of the crucial questions concerning the text remain still today open: When was the text composed? In which language was it written, Greek or Syriac? And most importantly, where in the ancient world did the text see the light? Also the nature and structure of the text remain in doubt: What is the nature of the text we have at our disposal? And how was it transmitted throughout the Middle Ages? The present volume intends to provide answers at least to some of these questions. Its title, New Trends in the Research on the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, however, shows that it at the same time intends to break new ground in the analysis of the text, revising some old, vexed problems.

This book is published open access. It can be downloaded here.
pages:XVIII-210 p.


Open Access Journal: Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque

 [First posted in AWOL 12 May 2013, updated 18 April 2024]

Gaia: revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque
ISSN: 1262-3717
eISSN - 2275-4776 
Founded in 1996 by Françoise Létoublon along with André Hurst (Genova) and Franco Montanari (Geneva), Gaia is meant as a crossroads of discussions concerning Archaic Greece in an original manner. It publishes articles by authors coming from different but complementary fields (literature, linguistics, philology, history, anthropology, archeology, reception of antiquity). It is also open from a linguistic point of view (articles published up to now in French, English, Italian and German). The issues from 1997 à 2017 are available on Persée.

The current volumes are now hosted on Open Edition:

Sous la direction de Pascale Brillet-Dubois

Ce numéro de Gaia est consacré principalement à un dossier destiné à faire dialoguer des spécialistes de la poésie archaïque et des historiens de la pensée dite présocratique. Les articles rassemblés, écrits par P. Brillet‑Dubois, G. Cursaru, B. Folit‑Weinberg, F. Létoublon, A. Macé et É. Ménard, témoignent d’une part de la cristallisation du concept d’« être », dont on perçoit les prémisses chez Homère avant que Parménide ne forge un nom pour le désigner, et de l’importance des images, vecteurs sensibles de la pensée conceptuelle, chez des poètes-penseurs comme Hésiode et des penseurs-poètes comme Parménide et Empédocle. Ils montrent la continuité culturelle qui existe entre des poètes qui interrogent très consciemment le rapport entre le langage et le monde et des philosophes qui s’expriment dans une langue poétique, tout en soulignant la façon dont Parménide et Empédocle rompent avec la tradition pour affirmer leur projet singulier. Le numéro contient également un article synthétique de M. Briand sur la choralité dans les Olympiques de Pindare.


Dernier numéro en ligne
25 | 2022
L’antropologo «classico» entre bêtes et dieux. Omaggi a Ezio Pellizer (Vol. 2)

Sous la direction de Francesca Marzari, Alberto Cecon et Alberto Pavan

Ce numéro de Gaia accueille le second volet du dossier « L’antropologo “classico” entre bêtes et dieux. Omaggi a Ezio Pellizer » coordonné par Francesca Marzari, Alberto Cecon et Alberto Pavan (pour le premier volet, voir Gaia 24/2021). La mémoire d’Ezio Pellizer y est célébrée par ses collègues et amis à travers des contributions qui revisitent des thèmes qui lui étaient chers, entre poésie épique, théâtre, philologie, histoire, archéologie et anthropologie. Il est question de l’universalité intemporelle d’Ulysse, du paysage mythologique slovène, de la fortune de l’épisode du passage des Argonautes en Adriatique, de la réécriture de la mythologie grecque dans un poème didactique du XVIe siècle, de l’épitomé très personnelle de Conon par le byzantin Photius, du rapport entre Lucien et le Joueur de flûte de Hamelin, d’Aristophane et Alexandrie, de la figure légendaire de la matrone romaine Cornélia, mère des Gracques et fille de Scipion l’Africain.
Suivent trois articles hors dossier, sur la re-sémantisation en milieu étrusque des vases de banquet de production attique décorés avec des hybridités oculaires (Christian Mazet), le sens de la promesse dans la société iliadique (Anastasia Kefala) et la reprise des épopées homériques dans les dramaturgies du XXIe siècle (Anaïs Tillier). Avec ce numéro, nous inaugurons enfin une rubrique de notes de lecture qui sera alimentée au fil de l’eau tout au long de l’année.


Back issues remain archived at Persée:



Inner Affinity: Ovid, Titian, Philip of Spain


Studies in Iconology, 23

 The title of this little book is inspired by Erwin Panofsky’s remarks on the “inner affinity” between Ovid and Titian. But this inner affinity between the Latin poet and the Venetian painter also extends to Philip of Spain, for whom Titian painted the famous cycle of canvases that he referred to in his letters as the “Poesie”. To explore this kinship of spirit among the poet, the painter, and the king, this study examines the dynastic fecundity that results from the effects of works of art on the imagination, the soul and the body.

This book is published open access. It can be downloaded here.

pages:VIII-129 p.


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