Open Access Monograph Series: Fouilles de Delphes
Fouilles de DelphesSérie consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur le site de Delphes. Paraît depuis 1902.Fouilles de Delphes, 51Les statuettes de bronze....
View ArticleNew Open Access Journal: The Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies
The Journal of Inductive Biblical StudiesThe Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies intends to promote the hermeneutical approach to the study of the Scriptures generally known as Inductive Biblical...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Cahiers de l'Ecole du Louvre
Cahiers de l'Ecole du LouvreISSN: 2262-208X Revue de recherche en ligne de l’Ecole du Louvre, cette nouvelle publication accompagne la restructuration du troisième cycle en offrant à la recherche...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Le Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie...
[First posted in AWOL 6 July 2009. Updated 10 March 2014 (volumes 101-109 are now open access)]Le Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (BIFAO)Le BIFAO est maintenant disponible en...
View ArticleNewly Open Access Journal: RAMAGE: Revue d'anthropologie de l'art
RAMAGE: Revue d'anthropologie de l'artÉditée par le Centre d’Archéologie Générale, cette revue poursuit, dans la ligne des articles de RAMAGE, le traité complet d’une archéologie et d’une histoire de...
View ArticleNew Open Access Journal: Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies
Archaeoastronomy and Ancient TechnologiesISSN: 2310-2144"Archaeoastronomy and Ancient Technologies" is international multidisciplinary scientific free online peer reviewed journal. It is dynamic...
View ArticleNew Open Access Journal: PAN: Rivista di Filologia Latina
PAN: Rivista di Filologia LatinaISSN: 1594-7653La rivista Pan. Studi dell’Istituto di Filologia latina è stata fondata nel 1973 da Giusto Monaco, con l’intento di testimoniare un impegno di ricerca...
View ArticleOrly Goldwasser Home Page
Orly GoldwasserOrly Goldwasser is chair of Egyptology at the Hebrew University and Honorary Professor at the University of Göttingen. Her research interests range from the origins of the alphabet to...
View ArticleNew Open Access Monograph Series: Kleine Berliner Schriften zum Alten Ägypten
Kleine Berliner Schriften zum Alten ÄgyptenHerzlich willkommen bei der neuen ägyptologischen Reihe "Kleine Berliner Schriften zum Alten Ägypten", kurz KBSAÄ, herausgegeben von Andreas Finger und...
View ArticleOpen Access Topographical Bibliography (Porter & Moss) (Scans of Vols I-VII)
The Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Statues, Reliefs and Paintings (Porter & Moss) The Griffith Institute is housed in the Griffith Wing of the Sackler Library...
View ArticleLacusCurtius: Into the Roman World
[First posted in AWOL 28 August 20012, updated 12 March 2014]LacusCurtius: Into the Roman WorldBy Bill ThayerGazetteer [214 pages (not counting translations), 340 photos ]The core of this site, in my...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: PhaoS: Revista de Estudos Clássicos
PhaoS: Revista de Estudos ClássicosISSN: 1676-3076PhaoS– Revista de Estudos Clássicos é um periódico anual, de caráter cultural e científico, editado pela área de Estudos Clássicos do Departamento de...
View ArticleThe Latin Library
The Latin LibraryThese texts have been drawn from different sources. Many were originally scanned and formatted from texts in the Public Domain. Others have been downloaded from various sites on the...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin I (1987) - X (1996)
[First posted in AWOL 21 September 2011 Updated 12 March 2014 (with the demise of Herder Editrice, distribution of the paper version of SAAB is now handled by Eisenbrauns)]State Archives of Assyria...
View ArticleDirectory of North American Egyptologists
Directory of North American EgyptologistsSince 1988 the UAEE has published the Directory of North American Egyptologists which provides the names and contact data for professional Egyptologists and...
View ArticleOpen Access Monograph Series: Ancient Near East Monographs
[First posted in AWOL 7 April 2012, updated 13 March 2014] ANCIENT NEAR EAST MONOGRAPHS / MONOGRAFIAS SOBRE EL ANTIGUO CERCANO ORIENTEThe focus of this ambitious series is on the ancient Near East,...
View ArticleHethitologie Portal Mainz Online
[First posted in AWOL 28 July 2011, updates 13 March 2014]Hethitologie Portal Mainzhat zum Ziel Quellen und Dokumente online zur Verfügung zu stellen, Datensammlungen für die Weiterverwendung...
View ArticleOpen Access Monograph Series: Exploration Archéologique de Délos
Exploration Archéologique de DélosSérie consacrée à la publication finale des fouilles et des recherches menées par l'EfA sur le site de Délos. Paraît depuis 1909. Exploration Archéologique de Délos,...
View ArticleOpen Accesss Monograph Series: Giza Mastabas Series Online
The Giza Mastabas SeriesIn 1902 the Egyptian Antiquities Service (now called the Supreme Council of Antiquities) granted permits for scientific excavations at the royal pyramids and private mastaba...
View ArticleNames from Nuzi
Materialien zu den Nuzi-TextenA. M. Qader, Personennamen der Keilschrifttexte aus Tell al-Faḫḫār (Preprint) Which is a component of theHethitologie-Portal MainzDo not neglect also to look atOIP 57....
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