Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO)
[First posted in AWOL 8 December 2009. Updated 25 April 2013] Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO)The Library of Ancient Texts Online aims to be the internet's most thorough catalogue of online...
View ArticleDatabase: Sculptures de la Gaule Romaine
Sculptures de la Gaule RomaineLa base de données NEsp est issue d’un programme de recherche du Centre Camille Jullian sur les collections des sculptures romaines de la Gaule Narbonnaise. Dans un...
View ArticlePECL: Prototype d'Encyclopédie Céramologique en Ligne
PECL: Prototype d'Encyclopédie Céramologique en LigneCe prototype est conçu pour le navigateur Firefox 3: TéléchargerFirefox3 (gratuit) Vous êtes sur le site web expérimental du PECL : Prototype...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku...
エジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies (Ejiputogaku kenkyū)ISSN: 0919-2417 雑誌名 号数刊行判Page備考エジプト学研究 第1号1993.3B5100絶版エジプト学研究 第2号1994.3B5116 エジプト学研究 第3号1995.3B5116 エジプト学研究 第4号1996.3B5160 エジプト学研究...
View ArticleSpartokos a lu : Black sea archaeology online
Spartokos a lu guide à la navigation webpontiqueThis blog aims to gather links about electronic publications dealing with the Black sea in Antiquity. The Pontos Euxeinos bibliography is quite huge,...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: МНЕМОН: Исследования и публикации по истории античного мира
МНЕМОН: Исследования и публикации по истории античного мираISSN 1813-193XMnemon: Research and publications on the history of the Ancient World. Edited by Professor E D Frolov Мнемон - 2002Мнемон -...
View ArticleOpen Access Classics publications of St. Petersburg State University
ПУБЛИКАЦИИ ЦЕНТРА АНТИКОВЕДЕНИЯ СПбГУOpen Access Classics publications of St. Petersburg State University[1956] Из истории древнего мира и средних веков. под ред. проф. К.М.Колобовой и проф....
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: LionBytes [Newsletter of the Nemea Center for Classical...
LionBytes [Newsletter of the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology]The Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, a research unit within the Department of Classics, founded in 2004, promotes teaching,...
View ArticleNew Open Access Journal: Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic Literature
Oqimta: Studies in Talmudic and Rabbinic LiteratureOqimta is a digitized research journal devoted to all spheres and types of talmudic and rabbinical literature – in Jewish law and exegesis. The...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Canadio-Byzantina: A newsletter published by the...
Canadio-Byzantina: A newsletter published by the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists2013No. 24 (January 2013)2012No. 23 (January 2012)2011No. 22 (January 2011)2010No. 21 (February 2010)2009No. 20...
View ArticlePalmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and Orient
Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan trade between Occident and OrientPalmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident is a four year (2009-2012) joint Syrian-Norwegian...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Croa: boletín da Asociacion de Amigos do Museo do...
Croa: boletín da Asociacion de Amigos do Museo do Castro de ViladongaISSN: 1575-0639A importancia arqueolóxica e o interese histórico do Castro de Viladonga, así como a cantidade e calidade dos...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of...
[First posted in AWOL 19 October 2009. Updates 28 April 2013] The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and ArchaeologyPrint ISSN: 0076-8391Online ISSN: 2162-0308The Bulletin of the...
View ArticleThe Ancient World in JSTOR
This is the full list of journals in JSTOR with substantial representation of the Ancient World[Originally posted 6/24/09. Most recently updated 29 April 2013]199 titlesAegyptus (Formerly Studi della...
View ArticleNew Ancient World Content in JSTOR
The following is a list of JSTOR content updates. More detailed information about titles and collections, along with delimited lists, may be accessed from the Archive Collections page.Arion: A Journal...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la Antigüedad
Polis: revista de ideas y formas políticas de la AntigüedadISSN: 1130-0728Editada por el Departamento de Historia I y Filosofía, Área de Historia Antigua, y Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad...
View ArticleConservation OnLine
Conservation OnLine: Resources for ConservationProfessionals CoOL, an online resource operated by the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation is a full text library of conservation...
View ArticleMEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of...
MEDINA: Mediterranean network for the valorization and fruition of inscriptions preserved in museums projectIn May 2012, the research group of the Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche del Mondo Antico,...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: INA Annual
INA AnnualLatest edition of The INA Annual just published!This annual review features over 100 pages of INA research, analysis and study conducted during the previous calendar year. New to this edition...
View ArticleOpen Access Journal: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology
[First posted in AWOL 10 December 2011. Updated 1 May 2013]Bulletin of the History of ArchaeologyISSN: 2047-6930 (online)ISSN: 1062-4740 (print)The Bulletin of the History of Archaeology (BHA) was...
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