The research team Oedipodioniae Thebae. Greco-Roman Library on civil war —FFI2015-68599-R (MINECO/FEDER)— emerged in 2016 as a result of the awareness that, having already achieved the objective of making a large part of ancient texts available on the net free of charge, researchers in Classical Philology should assume the responsibility of making the presence of Greek and Latin works on the Internet less purely informative, and hence more academic and more suitable for a highly specialized audience. This entails improving the quality of the editions and the encoding system of the texts.
Our initiative, together with others that have been launched very recently, is a pioneer in the world of classical languages in the sense that other projects aiming at the creation of digital libraries with premises similar to ours are limited to a single author.
In contrast to the immobility that characterizes practically all currently existing digital resources, we use dynamic web technology with access to a database that allow the visualization of the critical apparatus as well as the parallel reading of the translation in various modern languages.
This is a long-term project, incorporating the possibility that, in subsequent phases, this platform will accommodate a far wider corpus of texts, in the development of which any researchers who may wish to participate can do so, as long as they are committed to compliance with our conditions on quality.
Thebarum Fabula: Digital Library of the Theban Myth with critical editions and translations