Edited by:
Laura Bonora
CNR-IBE Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1259-1210
Donatella Carboni
University of Sassari, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-1050-3344
Matteo De Vincenzi
CNR-IBE, Institute of BioEconomy, Italy - ORCID: 0000-0002-5698-4286
The 8th International Symposium "Monitoring of Mediterranean Coastal Areas. Problems and Measurements Techniques" was organized by CNR-IBE in collaboration with FCS Foundation, and Natural History Museum of the Mediterranean and under the patronage of University of Florence, Accademia dei Geogofili, Tuscany Region and Livorno Province. It is the occasion in which scholars can illustrate and exchange their activities and innovative proposals, with common aims to promote actions to preserve coastal marine environment. Considering Symposium interdisciplinary nature, the Scientific Committee, underlining this holistic view of Nature, decided to celebrate Alexander von Humboldt; a nature scholar that proposed the organic and inorganic nature’s aspects as a single system. It represents a sign of continuity considering that in-presence Symposium could not be carried out due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Subjects are related to coastal topics: morphology; flora and fauna; energy production; management and integrated protection; geography and landscape, cultural heritage and environmental assets, legal and economic aspects.
Introduction Fabrizio Benincasa, Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni FasanoAlexander von Humboldt, da 250 anni il teorizzatore dello studio interdisciplinare dell’ambientepp. XVIII-XXIII DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.01CC BY 4.0 Session Underwater and Coastal Cultural Heritage Giovanna CeraUnderstanding the settlement dynamics of the Ionian coastal area of Salento (Puglia, Southern Italy): the contribution of new archeological data from the fortified Messapian centre at Li Schiavonipp. 7-16 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.02CC BY 4.0 Virginia Coletta, Paolo Allasia, Alessandra Bonazza, Alessandro Ciarravano, Stefano Federico, Davide Notti, Fernanda Prestileo, Rosa Claudia Torcasio, Mattia Giovanni Crespi, Stefano DietrichPyrgi: analysis of possible climatic effects on a coastal archaeological sitepp. 17-27 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.03CC BY 4.0 Luigi Corniello, Andronira Burda, Adriana Trematerra, Davide Carleo, Angelo De cicco, Martina Gargiulo, Fabiana Guerriero, Gennaro Pio LentoThe monastic heritage in the Saronic gulf (Greece). Architectural and environmental surveys of the architecture and coastlinepp. 28-37 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.04CC BY 4.0 Maria Carla de Francesco, Mauro Zappalorto, Diana de Francesco, Massimo Mangifesta, Angela Faraone, Maurizio Paluzzi, Claudia Minciarelli, Giulio Tatasciore, Andrea R. NataleArcheological findings of ancient harbor in the pilot site of Interreg Adrion APPRODI project in Ortona (Ch, Abruzzo), central Adriatic Seapp. 38-46 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.05CC BY 4.0 Fabio FabrizioIl parco archeologico di Saturo (Leporano-TA) millenni di storia, decenni di incuriapp. 47-57 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.06CC BY 4.0 Ivan Ferrari, Aurora QuartaSan Cataldo (Lecce, Italy): The Historical Evolution Of The Coastal Landscapepp. 58-68 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.07CC BY 4.0 Mauro FontanaAnother Sicily, tuna-fishing structures and landscape: a diachronic and contemporary photographic journey along the Sicilian western coastpp. 69-78 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.08CC BY 4.0 Gianluca Grigatti, Pier Paolo PeruccioIl design sistemico per la valorizzazione del patrimonio faristico italianopp. 79-84 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.09CC BY 4.0 Antonietta IvonaCoastal heritage and territorial signspp. 85-94 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.10CC BY 4.0 Ricardo Martín, Víctor Yepes, Alejandro GrindlayDiscovering the marina’s cultural heritage and cultural landscapepp. 95-104 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.11CC BY 4.0 Laura Montioni, Andrea Del Corona, Isabella Palano, Francesca Pichi, Matteo ScamporrinoEvaluation and monitoring of the Livorno’s Fossi Systempp. 105-116 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.12CC BY 4.0 Alessandro Pellegrini, Alessandro AstaEvolution of the coastal landscape in eastern Veneto: new data from preventive archaeologypp. 117-126 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.13CC BY 4.0 Patrizia TartaraAlong the Caeretan coast and forward onpp. 127-136 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.14CC BY 4.0 Simon Luca TrigonaArcheologia subacquea in Liguria: un progetto integrato per la tutela e la valorizzazionepp. 137-146 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.15CC BY 4.0 Session Coastline Geography and Coastal Landscapes: territorial dynamics and integrated protection Santo Altavilla, Aurelio Caligiore, Jenny Ceccarelli, Giuseppina Corrente, Federica Galeano, Gennaro Pappacena, Maura Pisconti, Agostino Petrillo, Pio Puri, Fabio Rottino, Giovanni Scatigna, Francesco Simione, Tiziana Sinesi, Giovanni Spaccavento, Claudio UbaldiEnvironmental training of the Italian Coast Guard between tradition and innovationpp. 155-163 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.16CC BY 4.0 Thomas Bisiani, Matteo SavronNew Scenarios for a Development between Infrastructures and Innovationpp. 164-173 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.17CC BY 4.0 Alessandra Casu, Jlenia ZaccagnaNew Features of the rivershore: climate change and new relations between town and waterpp. 174-182 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.18CC BY 4.0 Alberta Cazzani, Stefano BarontiniLake Garda lemon houses: a mediterranean landscape in an internal lakepp. 183-193 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.19CC BY 4.0 Corinne Corbau, Massimo Contini, Vittorio Gazale, Alexandre Lazarou, Umberto Simeoni, Donatella CarboniDistribuzione del marine litter nelle spiagge della Sardegna: il caso di Cala dei Ponzesi e di Cala Spalmatore nell’isola dell’Asinarapp. 194-213 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.20CC BY 4.0 Damiano De Marchi, Mirko Lalli, Alessandro ManciniMonitoring online perception of environmental issues on coasts of Sicilypp. 214-218 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.21CC BY 4.0 Federica Epifani, Fabio PolliceStabilimenti balneari come presidi ambientali. Verso la multifunzionalità dei servizi di balneazione. Alcune riflessioni a partire dal progetto Interreg RE.CO.RD.pp. 219-228 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.22CC BY 4.0 Filippo Bosi, Maria Antonietta EspositoLaCoast Atlas: a consistent database to support sustainable coastal zone managementpp. 229-241 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.23CC BY 4.0 Adriana GhersiCapo Mele: a story-telling experimental beach in Laigueglia (sv)pp. 242-249 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.24CC BY 4.0 Ferdinando Jannuzzi, Gabriella Nora Maria Giudici, Salvatore Patrizio, Fabrizio Pisani MassamormileThe coastal lakes of Campi Flegrei: between biodiversity and anthropizationpp. 250-258 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.25CC BY 4.0 Ilaria LolliThe management of dredged materials: the «long and winding road» from waste to resourcepp. 259-269 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.26CC BY 4.0 Giuseppe MazzeoDomitian Coast. Rehabilitation’ outlooks of the Northern coast of Campaniapp. 270-279 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.27CC BY 4.0 Isabella Palano, Andrea Del Corona, Laura Montioni, Francesca Pichi, Matteo ScamporrinoStrategic Planning Document of Port Authority System, a new city-ports agreement: the case of Northern Tyrrhenian Sea AdSPpp. 280-288 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.28CC BY 4.0 Andrea Marçel PidalàLe coste dei Nebrodi tra mosaico paesaggistico, beni culturali e criticità complesse. Visioni e Scenari Strategici progettuali nel paradigma della sostenibiltàpp. 289-298 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.29CC BY 4.0 Maria RussoSalerno: il porto e le metamorfosi del waterfrontpp. 299-308 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.30CC BY 4.0 Jessica Salaün, Sylvain Pioch, Jean-Claude DauvinArtificial reef along theFrench Mediterranean coastline: toward innovative integrated biodiversity managementpp. 309-315 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.31CC BY 4.0 Claudio Saragosa, Michela ChitiSpatial configurations and flows in the morphogenetic processes of settlements. A planning experience on the Tuscan coast.pp. 316-325 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.32CC BY 4.0 Matteo ScamporrinoView management in city-port landscapes. Livorno applicative experiencepp. 326-337 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.33CC BY 4.0 Giuseppe Tagarelli, Nicola Cantasano, Tommaso Caloiero, Gaetano PelliconeIntegrated Coastal Zone Management of Natura 2000 and cultural heritage sites in Calabrian coastal landscape (Southern Italy)pp. 338-347 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.34CC BY 4.0 Adriano Venudo, Valentina Rodani, Valentina DevescoviLagoon scenarios for the Bassa Friulana plain: a flooding archipelagopp. 348-362 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.35CC BY 4.0 Francesco Zullo, Lorena Fiorini, Alessandro Marucci, Bernardino RomanoAnalysis of the theoretical settlement scenario implemented by the municipal plans. the case study of the Romagna coast municipalitiespp. 363-374 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.36CC BY 4.0 Session Morphology and evolution of coastlines and seabeds Roberto Bedini, Paolo Colantoni, Christine Pergent-MartiniCoastal erosion in the Gulf of Follonica and Baratti and coastal defense methodspp. 379-384 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.37CC BY 4.0 Özlem Bulkan, Burak Yalamaz, M.Namik CagatayA sedimentological pattern of a coastal transitional environment: from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea shoreline through the Lake Bafapp. 385-391 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.38CC BY 4.0 Antonella Di Leo, Santina Giandomenico, Lucia Spada, Nicola Cardellicchio, Francesco Paolo Buonocunto, Eliana Esposito, Luciana Ferraro, Laura Giordano, Alfonsa Milia, Crescenzo ViolanteThe offshore environmental impact by Sarno river in Naples bay (South-West Italy)pp. 392-401 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.39CC BY 4.0 Michele Di Natale, Stefania Di Ronza, Caterina EramoWater circulation in coastal marine areas - case studiespp. 402-411 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.40CC BY 4.0 Paula Gomes da Silva, Anne-Laure Beck, Jara Martinez Sanchez, Raúl Medina Santanmaria, Martin Jones, Amine TajiAdvances on coastal erosion assessment from satellite earth observations: exploring the use of Sentinel products along with very high resolution sensorspp. 412-421 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.41CC BY 4.0 Ismahane KADRI, Farid ATROUNEDiachronic evolution of the coastline of Bordj El Kiffane (Algiers, Algeria) in absence and presence of coastal protection structurespp. 422-431 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.42CC BY 4.0 Isabel López, José Ignacio Pagán, Antonio J. Tenza-Abril, Luis Aragonés, Luis BañónRelationship between shoreline evolution and sediment wearpp. 432-440 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.43CC BY 4.0 José Ignacio Pagán, Isabel López, Luis Aragonés, Antonio J. Tenza-AbrilExperiences with beach nourishments on the coast of Alicante, Spainpp. 441-450 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.44CC BY 4.0 Giuseppe Piccioli Resta, Sergio Fai, Andrea PiccioloDrone remote sensing for coastal habitats protectionpp. 451-461 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.45CC BY 4.0 Kristina Pikelj, Nina FurcicImpact of cliff erosion on marine sediment composition - indication of local coastline evolution (Vrgada Island, Croatia)pp. 462-468 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.46CC BY 4.0 Session Flora and Fauna of the littoral system: dynamics and protection Baris Akçali, Ergün Taskin, Gökhan Kaman, Alper Evcen, Hayati ÇalikPosidonia oceanica monitoring system on the coast of Aegean Sea of Turkeypp. 475-482 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.47CC BY 4.0 Leonardo Beccarisi, Cosimo Gaspare Giannuzzi, Giorgio D'Andria, Marco GrecoHabitat and flora monitoring in the Regional Nature Reserve of "Palude del Conte e Duna Costiera di Porto Cesareo" (Puglia, Italy)pp. 483-491 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.48CC BY 4.0 Roberto Bedini, Marco Bedini, Elisa SalvadoriA new transplanting method of Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, 1813 plantspp. 492-500 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.49CC BY 4.0 Andrea Francesca Bellia, Julian Evans, Sandro LanfrancoA drone’s eye view: A preliminary assessment of the efficiency of drones in mapping shallow-water benthic assemblagespp. 501-509 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.50CC BY 4.0 Giancarlo Bellissimo, Benedetto Sirchia, Vincenzo RuvoloMonitoring of Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Sicilian coasts under the Water Framework Directive (WFD)pp. 510-518 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.51CC BY 4.0 Giancarlo Bellissimo, Benedetto Sirchia, Vincenzo RuvoloAssessment of the ecological status of Sicilian coastal waters according to a macroalgae based index (CARLIT)pp. 519-528 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.52CC BY 4.0 Maria Carla de Francesco, Igino Chiuchiarelli, Ludovico Frate, Maria Laura Carranza, Tommaso Pagliani, Angela StanisciTowards new marine-coastal Natura 2000 sites in the central Adriatic Sea.pp. 529-539 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.53CC BY 4.0 Halyna Humeniuk, Olena Voloshyn, Volodymyr VoloshynSeasonal dynamics of cadmium and plumbum in the Turia and Pripyat riverspp. 540-546 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.54CC BY 4.0 Hajar IDMOUSSI, Laila SOMOUE, Karim HILMI, Omar Ettahiri, Tarik BAIBAI, Ahmed MAKAOUI, Ahmed ERRHIFPhytoplankton assemblage Characterization along the Mediterranean coast of Morocco during autumnpp. 547-556 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.55CC BY 4.0 Carla Ippoliti, Susanna Tora, Carla Giansante, Romolo Salini, Federico Filipponi, Emanuela Scamosci, Massimo Petrini, Nicola Di Deo, Annamaria ConteSentinel-2 e campionamenti in situ per il monitoraggio delle acque marine dell’Abruzzo: primi risultatipp. 557-568 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.56CC BY 4.0 Maxence Morel, Blandine Lapierre, Alice Goossens, Eva Dieudonné, Philippe Lenfant, Lauriane Vasseur, Virginie Hartmann, Marion Verdoit-JarrayaMétiers, effort and catches of a Mediterranean small-scale coastal fishery: the case of the gulf of Lion Marine Natural Parcpp. 569-579 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.57CC BY 4.0 Francesca Vera Romano, Vincenzo Nunzio Scalcione, Paola D’Antonio, Chiara D'Antonio, Emilia LacetraPrecision agriculture and conservation of coastal landscapespp. 580-585 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.58CC BY 4.0 Cristina Rugge, Giulio Ciccarese, Antonio Longo, Salvatore Petrachi, Marco Marcello Niceta Poti’Interventi di tutela e valorizzazione della biodiversità del SIC ”Torre dell’Orso"- IT 9150004pp. 586-596 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.59CC BY 4.0 Domenico Sgambati, Erica Moura, Ala Eddine Said, Laura Rueda, Etienne Hoarau, Lidija Pribelja, Daniels Klavinš, Alba Fagnano, Antonella de Angelis, Antonino MiccioMonitoraggio, conservazione e informazione nella Baia Di Ieranto: un modello circolare per la gestione delle Aree Marine Protettepp. 597-609 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.60CC BY 4.0 Maurizio Simeone, Marco Solano, Paola Masucci, Silvia Mecca, Eliana Barra5 anni di monitoraggio, controllo e prevenzione della pesca illegale nel Parco Sommerso di Gaiola (Golfo di Napoli)pp. 610-619 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.61CC BY 4.0 Stocco Rossella, Pirrera Laura, Cellini EmilioL’applicazione di tecniche innovative nel monitoraggio costiero degli habitat prioritaripp. 620-631 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.62CC BY 4.0 Ergün Taskin, Ibrahim Tan, Orkide Minareci, Ersin Minareci, Hakan Atabay, Çolpan Polat-BekenThe pressures and the ecological quality status of the Marmara Sea (Turkey) by using marine macroalgae and angiospermspp. 632-638 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.63CC BY 4.0 Session Coastal Environmental Engineering: pollution, energy production, monitoring and economic environmental assessment, regulatory context Andrea Bono, Martino MariniRenewable power sources in coastal areas. A viability assessment in the scope of needs and regulationspp. 645-655 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.64CC BY 4.0 Antonietta Cioffi, Fedele Cuculo, Lucia Di Nucci, Gianmarco OrlandoThe economic-environmental impact analysis in the choice of the management of the dredging materials od a port basin in relation to the classification and the quality of the same: the experience of the port of Termoli (2018)pp. 656-665 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.65CC BY 4.0 Daniele Colarossi, Paolo PrincipiFeasibility study of a cold ironing system and district heating in port areapp. 666-675 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.66CC BY 4.0 Matteo De Vincenzi, Gianni FasanoMonitoring coastal areas: a brief history of measuring instruments for solar radiationpp. 676-687 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.67CC BY 4.0 Annalisa Di Cicco, Remika Gupana, Alexander Damm, Simone Colella, Federico Angelini, Luca Fiorani, Florinda Artuso, Vittorio Ernesto Brando, Antonia Lai, Andrea Genangeli, Franco Miglietta, Rosalia Santoleri“Flex 2018” Cruise: an opportunity to assess phytoplankton chlorophyll fluorescence retrieval at different observative scalespp. 688-697 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.68CC BY 4.0 Julie DroitCareening areas in marinas, anchorages, and private shipyards. Status of implementation of the MSFD measurepp. 698-704 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.69CC BY 4.0 Federico Figueredo, Federico Girolametti, Silvia Illuminati, Cristina Truzzi, Anna Annibaldi, Sabina SusmelElectrochemical phosphate detection in oligotrophic seawater with a stand-alone plastic electrodepp. 705-712 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.70CC BY 4.0Pierfranco Ventura, Manlio PalmarocchiNew coastal protection and sea energy production Nicola Ghirardi, Mariano Bresciani, Giulia Luciani, Gianfranco Fornaro, Virginia Zamparelli, Francesca De Santi, Giacomo De Carolis, Claudia GiardinoMapping of the risk of coastal erosion for two case studies: Pianosa island (Tuscany) and Piscinas (Sardinia)pp. 713-722 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.71CC BY 4.0pp. 723-735 DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-147-1.72CC BY 4.0