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Open Access Journal: Scripture Bulletin

Scripture Bulletin
ISSN 0036-9780
SCRIPTURE BULLETIN is a peer-reviewed journal published twice yearly since 1969 by the Catholic Biblical Society of Great Britain (ISSN 0036-9780).
Jeremy Corley
Ian Boxall (Editor)
Mary Mills
Martin O’Kane (Reviews Editor)
Seth Turner (Treasuer)

All editorial communications and requests for back numbers should be addressed to:
The Editor, Mr. Ian Boxall, St Stephen’s House, 16 Marston St, Oxford, OX4 1JX.
Email: ian.boxall@ssho.ox.ac.uk

Since January 2010 Scripture Bulletin has been published exclusively online. Articles may be downloaded in pdf format, for which a suitable reader such as Adobe Reader is required. To download an article, simply click on the pdf icon which appears below the abstract or opening paragraph.
Articles from past online issues are available to browse online. You can either:
  1. Click on the relevant section (Editorial, Articles or Reviews & Notices) and browse the contents (most recent first).
  2. Search for a word or phrase using the search box at the top-right of every page (this performs a full-text search of all articles).
  3. Click on 'Past issues' then select the issue year and month
Additionally, all print issues since the first issue in 1969 are available to download. To access these either use the search box (which searches the full text of every issue automatically) or click on 'Past issues'> 'Pre-2010 issues'. A separate online archive of Scripture, the predecessor to Scripture Bulletin, is also available.
Articles may be cited as if printed conventionally, using the page numbers which appear in the pdf document. The volume and issue number of the current issue are displayed on the front page, and for previous issues may be found in the editorial article corresponding to the publication date.
Manuscripts for publication should be typed with double spacing and footnotes/endnotes numbered consecutively and submitted on disk, formatted in Word.
All material on this website is copyright © The Catholic Biblical Society of Great Britain, with the exception of images which are in the public domain or otherwise attributed. If you wish to reproduce any material, other than quoting short excerpts for academic purposes (properly attributed to the author and Scripture Bulletin), please contact the Editor.
Current Issues
Pre-2010 Archive

Each print issue published prior to the first online edition in 2010 is available to download as pdf file. Additionally, the full text of each issue is included in the keyword search facility just as for the online issues since 2010. To perform a search, simply enter your keywords in the search box which appears in the top right of every page.

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