Dear Sir / Madam,
We kindly ask you to participate in an online-survey about data access in archaeological research. With your support, we will be able to bring archaeological information systems a step forward.
The survey is aimed at researchers in archaeology, directors of archaeological research institutes and managers of digital data repositories. It explores user requirements, current practices, and gaps with regard to the access to research data in archaeology. It takes approximately 20 minutes. The survey will be open until 31st December 2013.
The survey is part of the ARIADNE project co-directed by ADS. ARIADNE is an e-infrastructure project funded by the European Commission under the Community's Seventh Framework Programme ( The survey is managed by Salzburg Research GmbH on behalf of the ARIADNE project consortium. Contact details are available on the start page of the online questionnaire.
Win an iPad: With a bit of luck you can win one of two iPads (or other tablet computers - depending on the winner’s choice), which will be raffled off among all respondents.
Thank you very much for taking the time
Best regards
Katie Green
Archaeology Data Service
Department of Archaeology
University of York Tel: +44 (0)1904 323954
King's Manor Fax: +44 (0)1904 323939
ARIADNE Stakeholder Survey: Data access in archaeological research