Who among us would not be pleased to see the journal Orientalia (ISSN: 0030-5367) available online in open access?
In addition, countless articles have been archived in public places by individual authors. It is also notoriously difficult to subscribe to, for either institutions or individuals.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Gregorian and Biblical Press made it accessible on the same terms as Biblica?

Its sister journal Biblica has been accessible in open access for years, and large important sections of Orientalia's content have already been digitized by forward-thinking projects. Among these are:Rivista trimestrale dedicata allo studio scientifico dell'Antico Oriente. Gli articoli sono in inglese, francese, tedesco e italiano. Ogni volume è composto approssimativamente da 600 pagine con circa 50 tavole.A quarterly devoted to the scientific study of the Ancient near East. Articles are in english, french, german and Italian. Each volume consists of approximately 600 pages with about 50 plates.
- KeiBi online: Die Keilschrift-Bibliographie im Netz
- Orientalia: Fouilles et travaux en Égypte et au Soudan
In addition, countless articles have been archived in public places by individual authors. It is also notoriously difficult to subscribe to, for either institutions or individuals.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the Gregorian and Biblical Press made it accessible on the same terms as Biblica?