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Open Access Journal: JANES - Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society

[First posted in AWOL 23 October 2009. Updated 26 December 2012]

JANES - Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society
ISSN: 0010-2016
Abusch, TzviGilgamesh's Request and Siduri's Denial. Part II: An Analysis and Interpretation of an Old Babylonian Fragment about Mourning and Celebration22 (1993)3–17
Albenda, PaulineExpressions of Kingship in Assyrian Art2/1 (1969)41–52

The Burney Relief Reconsidered2/2 (1970)86–93

Lions on Assyrian Wall Reliefs6 (1974)1–27

Assyrian Carpets in Stone10 (1978)1–34

An Unpublished Drawing of Louvre AO 19914 in the British Museum12 (1980)1–8

Stone Sculpture Fragments21 (1992)1–12
Anthony, David W.Horses and Prehistoric Chronology of Eastern Europe and Western/Central Asia21 (1992)131–33
Arbeitman, YoëlE Luvia Lux12 (1980)9–11
Assis, Elie"The Sin at Kadesh as a Recurring Motif
in the Book of Joshua"
31 (2009)
Auffret, PierreEssai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 6114 (1982)1–10

Analyse structurelle des Psaumes de M. Girard20 (1991)1–5

"Pourquoi dors-tu, Seigneur?" Étude structurelle du psaume 4421 (1992)13–33

"Conduis-moi dans ta justice!": Étude structurelle du psaume 523 (1995)1–28

Comment sont tombés les héros? Étude structurelle de 2Sm 1, 19–2724 (1996)1–8

Dieu Juste! Etude structurelle du Psaume 727 (2000)1–14

Certes il y un Dieu Jugeant sur la Terre! Etude structurelle du Psaume 5829 (2002)1–15

C'est l'homme droit que regardera sa face: Etude structurelle du Psaume 1130 (2006)1–7
Barker, Kenneth L.Proverbs 23: "To Think" or "To Serve Food?"19 (1989)3–8
Barnett, R. D.Monkey Business5 (1973)1–10
Barré, Michael L.A Note on rs 't in the Karatepe Inscription13 (1981)1–3
Barzilay, IsaacFrom Purism to Expansionism: A Chapter in the Early History of Modern Hebrew11 (1979)3–15
Baumgarten, AlbertA Note on the Book of Ruth5 (1973)11–15

Korban and the Pharisaic Paradosis16-17 (1984–85)5–17
Beckman, GaryThe Anatolian Myth of Illuyanka14 (1982)11–25
Beeston, A. F. L.The Hasean Tombstone J 105211 (1979)17–18
Ben–Hayyim, Z.Mono- and Bi-syllabic Middle Guttural Nouns in Samaritan Hebrew11 (1979)19–29
Berlant, Stephen R.The Mysterious Ekron Goddess Revisited
31 (2009)
Berlin, AdeleShared Rhetorical Features in Biblical and Sumerian Literature10 (1978)35–42
Best, JanLinguistic Evidence for a Phoenician Pillar Cult in Crete20 (1991)7–13
Bing, J. D.On the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh7 (1975)1–11

Gilgamesh and Lugalbanda in the Fara Period9 (1977)1–4

Adapa and Humanity: Mortal or Evil?18 (1986)1–2
Bishop, Dale L.Zarathushtra as Victor in the Verbal Contest9 (1977)5–9
Blau, Joseph L.Religion and the Newer Forms of Consciousness5 (1973)17–22
Blau, JoshuaRedundant Pronominal Suffixes Denoting Intrinsic Possession11 (1979)31–37
Bleeker, C. J.Some Remarks on the Religious Significance of Light5 (1973)23–34
Bloch, YigalShould Parallelistic Structure Be Used as Evidence for an Early Dating of Biblical Hebrew Poetry?
31 (2009)
Bodenstein, SusanMorgan Seal 6521/2 (1969)5–13
Bodine, Walter R.YBC 6996: A Name List from a Mesopotamian School30 (2006)9–19
Bonder, BaylaThe Date of Mesha's Rebellion3 (1970–71)82–88
Bowman, JohnWord and Worship in Middle Eastern Religions5 (1973)35–44
Boyarin, DanielReview of Y. Muffs, Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine3 (1970–71)57–62

Aramaic Notes I: Column 36 of 11QtgJb6 (1974)29–33
Brauner, Ronald A."To Grasp the Hem" and 1 Samuel 15:276 (1974)35–38
Bresciani, EddaIl possible nome del figlio maggiore di Nectanebo II16-17 (1984–85)19–21
Brunner, Christopher J.The Middle Persian Explanation of Chess and Invention of Backgammon10 (1978)43–51
Cachia, PierreA Curious Maltese Variant of an Arabic Proverb11 (1979)39–40
Caquot, A.Observations sur la Première Tablette Magique d'Arslan Tash5 (1973)45–51
Casson, LionelThe World's First Museums5 (1973)53–57
Cazelles, HenriDe l'idéologie royal orientales5 (1973)59–73
Cohen, ChayimThe Idiom qr' bsm in Second Isaiah1/1 (1968)32–34

Was the P Document Secret?1/2 (1969)39–44

"Foam" in Hosea 10:72/1 (1969)25–29

Review of K. A. Kitchen, Ancient Orient and Old Testament2/2 (1970)105–10

Hebrew tbh: Proposed Etymologies4 (1972)36–51

The "Widowed" City
5 (1973)

Studies in Early Israelite Poetry I: An Unrecognized Case of Three-Line Staircase Parallelism in the Song of the Sea7 (1975)13–17

The Ugaritic Hippiatric Texts and BAM 15915 (1983)1–12

The "Held Method" for Comparative Semitic Philology19 (1989)9–23
Cohen, Miles B.The Masoretic Accents as a Biblical Commentary4 (1972)2–11
Cohen, Shaye J. D.Elias J. Bickerman: An Appreciation16-17 (1984–85)1–3

Solomon and the Daughter of Pharaoh: Intermarriage, Conversion, and the Impurity of Women16-17 (1984–85)23–37
Collon, DominiqueMesopotamian Columns2/1 (1969)1–18
Cook, John A.The Finite Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Do Express Aspect30 (2006)21–35
Cooper, AlanThe Message of Lamentations28 (2001)1–18
Craghan, John F.The ARM X "Prophetic" Texts: Their Media, Style, and Structure6 (1974)39–57
Craig, Judith LapkinText and Textile in Exodus: Toward a Clearer Understanding of ma'aseh choshev29 (2002)17–30
Dahood, MitchellThe Breakup of Stereotyped Phrases5 (1973)83–89
Daly, Patricia; Hesse, Brian C.;
Perkins, Dexter, Jr.;
Animal Domestication and Species Identification4 (1972)79–80
Dandamayev, M. A.The Late Babylonian ambaru16-17 (1984–85)39–40
Daube, DavidThe Law of Witnesses in Transferred Operation5 (1973)91–93
Davies, W. D.Reflections on the Spirit in the Mekilta5 (1973)95–105
DeGraeve, Marie–ChristineSee Pittman, Holly

Demsky, AaronOn Reading Ancient Inscriptions: The Monumental Aramaic Stele Fragment from Tel Dan23 (1995)29–35

The Name of the Goddess of Ekron: A New Reading25 (1997)1–5
Dijkstra, MeindertBa'lu and His Antagonists: Some Remarks on CTA 6: v 1-66 (1974)59–68
Dobbs–Allsopp, F. W.Linguistic Evidence for the Date of Lamentations26 (1998)1–36
Dobrusin, Deborah L.The Third Masculine Plural of the Prefixed Form of the Verb in Ugaritic13 (1981)5–14
Doron, PinchasA New Look at an Old Lex1/2 (1969)21–27
Driver, Godfrey RollesAffirmation by Exclamatory Negation5 (1973)107–14
Dunham, SallyNotes on the Relative Chronology of Early Northern Mesopotamia15 (1983)13–38
Dunlop, Douglas M.Relations between Norway and the Maghrib in the 7th/13th Century11 (1979)41–44
Elayi, JosetteThe Phoenician Cities in the Persian Period12 (1980)13–28

The Relations between Tyre and Carthage during the Persian Period13 (1981)15–29
Elayi, J. and A. G. ElayiA Treasure of Coins from Arwad18 (1986)3–24
Eliade, MirceaNotes on the Calusari5 (1973)111–22
Elman, YaakovBabylonian Echoes in a Late Rabbinic Legend4 (1972)12–19

Authoritative Oral Tradition in Neo–Assyrian Scribal Circles7 (1975)19–32

An Akkadian Cognate of Hebrew sehîn8 (1976)33–34
Faur, JoséDelocutive Expressions in the Hebrew Liturgy16-17 (1984–85)41–54
Fleishman, JosephThe Age of Legal Maturity in Biblical Law21 (1992)35–48

On the Meaning of the Term melek 'ashur "The King of Assyria" in Ezra 6:2226 (1998)37–45

On the Significance of a Name Change and Circumcision in Genesis 1728 (2001)19–32
Ford, J. N.Another Look at Mandaic Incantation Bowl BM 9171529 (2002)31–47
Foster, Benjamin R.Humor and Cuneiform Literature6 (1974)69–85

Notes on Sargonic Royal Progress12 (1980)29–42

The Siege of Armanum14 (1982)27–36
Fox, MichaelWorld Order and Ma'at: A Crooked Parallel23 (1995)37–48
Fox, Nili S.Clapping Hands as a Gesture of Anguish and Anger in Mesopotamia and in Israel23 (1995)49–60
Freedman, Leslie R.Biblical Hebrew 'rb, "to go surety," and Its Nominal Forms19 (1989)25–29
Freedman, R. DavidA New Approach to the Nuzi Sistership Contract2/2 (1970)77–85

Counting Formulae in the Akkadian Epics3 (1970–71)65–81

A New Lexical Fragment4 (1972)33–35

subat basti: A Robe of Splendor4 (1972)91–95

The Dispatch of the Reconnaissance Birds in Gilgamesh XI5 (1973)123–29

Cuneiform Texts in the Sacramento Vicinity8 (1976)35–47

Cuneiform Texts from the Piepkorn Collection, III9 (1977)11–25

The Father of Modern Biblical Scholarship19 (1989)31–38
Frisch, AmosJeroboam and the Division of the Kingdom: Mapping Contrasting Biblical Accounts27 (2000)15–29
Gabba, EmilioThe Holy Spirit, the Roman Senate, and Bossuet16-17 (1984–85)55–65
Galil, GershonThe Jerahmeelites and the Negeb of Judah28 (2001)33–42
Garfinkel, StephenAnother Model for Ezekiel's Abnormalities19 (1989)39–50

Applied Peshat: Historical–Critical Method and Religious Meaning22 (1993)19–28
Garrett, JeffReview of C. H. Gordon, Evidence for the Minoan Language1/2 (1969)66–73
Garsoïan, Nina G.The Early-Medieval Armenian City: An Alien Element?16-17 (1984–85)67–83
Gaster, Theodor H.Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth: A Canaanite Charm against Snakebite7 (1975)33–51

An Index to the Gaster Festschrift8 (1976)1–31

The Ugaritic Charm against Snakebite: An Additional Note12 (1980)43–44
Geller, Stephen A.The Struggle at the Jabbok: the Uses of Enigma in a Biblical Narrative14 (1982)37–60

Cleft Sentences with Pleonastic Pronoun: A Syntactic Construction of Biblical Hebrew and Some of Its Literary Uses20 (1991)15–33
Geva, ShulamitA Neo-Assyrian Cylinder Seal from Beth–Shan12 (1980)45–49
Gevirtz, StanleyOf Syntax and Style in the "Late Biblical Hebrew"-"Old Canaanite" Connection18 (1986)25–29
Gilbert, Allan S.Modern Nomads and Prehistoric Pastoralists: The Limits of Analogy7 (1975)53–71
Ginsberg, H. L.Ugaritico-Phoenicia5 (1973)131–47
Goldberg, Harvey E.Cambridge in the Land of Canaan: Descent, Alliance, Circumcision, and Instruction in the Bible24 (1996)9–34
Goldin, JudahOn the Account of the Banning of R. Eliezer ben Hyrqanus: An Analysis and Proposal16-17 (1984–85)85–87
Goldstein, JonathanThe Central Composition of the West Wall of the Synagogue of Dura-Europos16-17 (1984–85)99–142
Gosse, BernardL'insertion de 2 Samuel 22 dans les livres de Samuel et l'influence en retour sur les titres davidiques du Psautier27 (2000)31–47
Gottlieb, Isaac B.Law, Love, and Redemption: Legal Connotations in the Language of Exodus 6:6-826 (1998)47–57

From Formula to Expression in Some Hebrew and Aramaic Texts
31 (2009)
Greenberg, MosheNotes on the Influence of Tradition on Ezekiel22 (1993)29–37
Greenfield, Jonas C.Notes on Some Aramaic and Mandaic Magic Bowls5 (1973)149–59

Early Aramaic Poetry11 (1979)45–51

"Because He/She Did Not Know Letters": Remarks on a First Millennium C.E. Legal Expression22 (1993)39–44
Greenstein, Edward L.Another Attestation of Initial h >' in West Semitic5 (1973)157–64

Two Variations of Grammatical Parallelism in Canaanite Poetry and Their Psycholinguistic Background6 (1974)87–105

A Phoenician Inscription in Ugaritic Script?8 (1976)49–57

M. M. Bravmann: A Sketch11 (1979)1–2

The Assimilation of Dentals and Sibilants with Pronominal s in Akkadian12 (1980)51–64

The Syntax of Saying "Yes" in Biblical Hebrew19 (1989)51–59
Greenstein, Edward L.
and David Marcus
The Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi8 (1976)59–96

Professor Moshe Held: Our Teacher19 (1989)1–2

Yochanan Muffs: Portrait of a Colleague and Friend22 (1993)1–2
Gruber, Mayer I.The Source of the Biblical Sabbath1/2 (1969)14–20

Review of H. J. van Dijk, Ezekiel's Prophecy on Tyre2/1 (1969)54–57

Akkadian laban appi in the Light of Art and Literature7 (1975)78–83

Breast-Feeding Practices in Biblical Israel and in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia19 (1989)61–83
Hallo, William W.Choice in Sumerian5 (1973)165–72

The Concept of Eras from Nabonassar to Seleucus16-17 (1984–85)143–51

For Love Is Strong as Death22 (1993)45–50
Hallo, William W.
and David B. Weisberg
A Guided Tour through Babylonian History: Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Cincinnati Art Museum21 (1992)49–90
Haran, MenahemArchives, Libraries, and the Order of the Biblical Books22 (1993)51–61
Held, MosheStudies in Biblical Homonyms in the Light of Akkadian3 (1970–71)46–55

Pits and Pitfalls in Akkadian and Biblical Hebrew5 (1973)173–90

Hebrew ma'gal: A Study in Lexical Parallelism6 (1974)107–16

On Terms for Deportation in the Old Babylonian Royal Inscriptions with Special Reference to Yahdunlim11 (1979)53–62
Hengel, MartinHadrians Politik gegenüber Juden und Christen16-17 (1984–85)153–82
Hesse, Brian C.Faunal Analysis - A Tool for Early Historic Research3 (1970–1971)38–45

See Daly, Patricia

Hiebert, FredSee Karlovsky, C. C. Lamberg

Hill, Andrew E.Ancient Art and Artemis: Toward Explaining the Polymastic Nature of the Figurine21 (1992)91–94
Hoffman, YairHistory and Ideology: The Case of Jeremiah 4428 (2001)43–51
Hoffmeier, James K.Some Thoughts on Genesis 1 & 2 and Egyptian Cosmology15 (1983)39–49
Horowitz, WayneAn Astronomical Fragment from Columbia University and the Babylonian Revolts against Xerxes23 (1995)61–67

The 360 and 364 Day Year in Ancient Mesopotamia24 (1996)35–44

A Late Babylonian Tablet with Concentric Circles from the University Museum (CBS 1766)30 (2006)37–53
Horowitz, Wayne and
Victor (Avigdor) Hurowitz
Urim and Thummim in Light of a Psephomancy Ritual from Assur (LKA 137)21 (1992)95–115
Hurowitz, Victor (Avigdor)See Horowitz, Wayne

Literary Observations on "In Praise of the Scribal Art"27 (2000)49–56
Isserlin, B. S. J.The Names of the 72 Translators of the Septuagint5 (1973)191–97
Izre'el, ShlomoOn the Person-Prefixes of the Akkadian Verb20 (1991)35–56

Linguistics and Poetics in Old Babylonian Literature: Mimation and Meter in Etana27 (2000)57–68
Jacobsen, ThorkildThe Sister's Message5 (1973)199–212

A Maidenly Inanna22 (1993)63–68
Japhet, SaraThe Prohibition of the Habitation of Women: The Temple Scroll's Attitude toward Sexual Impurity and Its Biblical Precedents22 (1993)69–87
Johnson, Gary K.An Experiment in Ancient Egyptian Silver Vessel Manufacture8 (1976)97–104
Joosten, JanDo the Finite Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Express Aspect?29 (2002)49–70
Karlovsky, C. C. Lamberg
and Fred Hiebert
The Relation of the Finds from Shahdad to Those of Sites in Central Asia21 (1992)135–40
Katsh, Abraham I.Unpublished Geniza Talmudic Fragments5 (1973)213–23
Kawami, Trudy S.Parthian Brick Vaults in Mesopotamia, Their Antecedents and Descendants14 (1982)61–67
Kister, M. J.Pare Your Nails: A Study of an Early Tradition11 (1979)63–70
Kitchen, K. A.Late-Egyptian Chronology and the Hebrew Monarchy5 (1973)225–33
Kosmala, HansMaskil5 (1973)235–41
Kramer, Samuel NoahThe Jolly Brother5 (1973)243–53
Kselman, John S.Psalm 77 and the Book of Exodus15 (1983)51–58
Kutler, LaurenceA Structural Semantic Approach to Israelite Communal Terminology14 (1982)69–77
Layton, Scott C."Head on Lap" in Sumero-Akkadian Literature15 (1983)59–62
Leinwand, NancyRegional Characteristics in the Styles and Iconography of the Seal Impressions of Level II at Kültepe21 (1992)141–72
Levine, Baruch A.Silence, Sound, and the Phenomenology of Mourning in Biblical Israel22 (1993)89–106
Levin, YigalNumbers 34:2-12, The Boundaries of the Land of Canaan, and the Empire of Necho30 (2006)55–76
Lichtenstein, Murray H.The Banquet Motif in Keret and in Proverbs 91/1 (1968)19–31

Dream–Theophany and the E Document1/2 (1969)45–54

A Note on the Text of 1 Keret2/2 (1970)94–100

Psalm 68:7 Revisited4 (1972)97–112

The Poetry of Poetic Justice5 (1973)255–65

Idiom, Rhetoric and the Text of Genesis 41:1619 (1989)85–94
Lipton, DianaBezalel in Babylon? Anti-Priestly Polemics in Isaiah 40–55
31 (2009)
Lo, AlisonDeath in Qohelet
31 (2009)
Loewenstamm, SamuelRemarks upon the Infinitive Absolute in Ugaritic and Phoenician2/1 (1969)53
Malamat, AbrahamJosiah's Bid for Armageddon5 (1973)267–79
Malone, Joseph L.Textually Deviant Forms as Evidence for Phonological Analysis: A Service of Philology to Linguistics11 (1979)71–79
Marcus, DavidThe Three Aleph's in Ugaritic1/1 (1968)50–60

Studies in Ugaritic Grammar I1/2 (1969)55–61

The Stative and the waw Consecutive2/1 (1969)37–40

Review of A. S. Kapelrud, The Violent Goddess2/2 (1970)111–14

The qal Passive in Ugaritic3 (1970–71)102–11

A Famous Analogy of Rib-Haddi5 (1973)281–86

The Term for 'Coffin' in the Semitic Languages7 (1975)85–94

Sharruludari, Son of Rukubtu, Their Former King: A Detail of Philistine Chronology9 (1977)27–30

Civil Liberties under Israelite and Mesopotamian Kings10 (1978)53–60

The Barren Woman of Psalm 113:9 and the Housewife: An Antiphrastic Dysphemism11 (1979)81–84

Juvenile Delinquency in the Bible and the Ancient Near East13 (1981)31–52

The Bargaining between Jephthah and the Elders (Judges 11:4-11)19 (1989)95–100

See Greenstein, Edward L.

The Mission of the Raven (Gen. 8:7)29 (2002)71–80
Margulis, BaruchThe Kôsarôt/ktrt: Patroness–saints of Women4 (1972)52–61

Of Birds and Brides: A Reply to M. Lichtenstein4 (1972)113–17
Matison, DahliaReview of E. Reiner, A Linguistic Analysis of Akkadian1/1 (1968)61–66
Mauer, GerlindeAgriculture of the Old Babylonian Period15 (1983)63–78
McGuiness, David M.Archival Interrelationships during Ur III13 (1981)53–66
McHale–Moore, RhondaThe Mystery of Enheduanna's Disk27 (2000)69–74
Merrill, Eugene H.The "Accession Year" and Davidic Chronology19 (1989)101–12
van de Mieroop, MarcNippur Texts from the Early Isin Period18 (1986)31–51

Old Babylonian Ur: Portrait of an Ancient Mesopotamian City21 (1992)119–30
Milgrom, JacobThe Rationale for Biblical Impurity22 (1993)107–11
Miller, Cynthia L.A Reconsideration of 'Double-Duty' Prepositions in Biblical Poetry
31 (2009)
Morag, ShelomoSome Notes on musawwitat in Medieval Hebrew and Arabic Literature11 (1979)85–90
Moran, William L.UET 6, 402: Persuasion in the Plain Style22 (1993)113–20
Muffs, YochananTwo Comparative Lexical Studies5 (1973)287–98

The Joy of Giving (Love and Joy as Metaphors of Volition in Hebrew and Related Literatures, Part II)11 (1979)91–111
Murnane, WilliamOnce Again the Dates for Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep II3 (1970–71)1–7
Muscarella, Oscar WhiteThe Archaeological Evidence for Relations between Greece and Iran in the First Millennium B.C.9 (1977)31–57

Urartian Bells and Samos10 (1978)61–72
Nakata, IchiroProblems of the Babylonian akîtu Festival1/1 (1968)41–49

Scribal Peculiarities in EA:285–2902/1 (1969)19–24

Mesopotamian Merchants and Their Ethos3 (1970–71)90–101

Annu in the Mari Texts5 (1973)299–307

A Further Look at the Institution of sugagutum in Mari19 (1989)113–18
Nemet–Nejat, Karen R.A Late Babylonian Field Plan7 (1975)95–101

A Bibliography for Cuneiform Mathematical Texts19 (1989)119–33
Neufeld, EdwardFabrication of Objects from Fish and Sea Animals in Ancient Israel5 (1973)309–24

The Earliest Document of a Case of Contagious Disease in Mesopotamia (Mari Tablet ARM X, 129)18 (1986)53–66
Noegel, Scott E.Moses and Magic: Notes on the Book of Exodus24 (1996)45–59

Sex, Sticks, and the Trickster in Gen. 30:31-4325 (1997)7–17
O'Connor, M.Northwest Semitic Designations for Elective Social Affinities18 (1986)67–80
Oppenheim, A. LeoA Note on sa resi5 (1973)325–34
Oshima, T.Marduk, the Canal Digger30 (2006)77–88
Pagels, Elaine H.Origen and the Prophets of Israel5 (1973)335–44
Paley, SamuelReview of A. L. Oppenheim, Letters from Mesopotamia1/1 (1968)67–71

The Entranceway Inscriptions of the "Second House" in the Northwest Palace of Ashurnasirpal II at Nimrod (Kalhu)19 (1989)135–47
Pardee, DennisA Philological and Prosodic Analysis of the Ugaritic Serpent Incantation UT 60710 (1978)73–108
Parente, FaustoFlavius Josephus' Account of the Anti–Roman Riots Preceding the 66–70 War, and Its Relevance for the Reconstruction of Jewish Eschatology during the First Century A.D.16-17 (1984–85)183–205
Pattullo, Susan JayeAdditions to the Selected Bibliography for the Art of Ancient Iran10 (1978)109–11
Paul, Shalom M.Heavenly Tablets and the Book of Life5 (1973)345–53

Decoding a "Joint" Expression in Daniel 5:6, 1622 (1993)121–27
Perkins, Dexter, Jr.See Daly, Patricia

Piet, JohnNow in Archaeology: The Underground Revealed1/1 (1968)11–18

An Old Babylonian Crystal Seal2/1 (1969)30–36
Pittman, Holly, Sheridan, Mary Jane;
Porter, Barbara Adele;
De Graeve, Marie–Christine
Three Cylinder Seals of Ancient Iran9 (1977)59–65
Polak, Frank H."The Restful Waters of Noah": מי נח ... מי מנחות23 (1995)69–74

On Prose and Poetry in the Book of Job24 (1996)61–97

Water, Rock, and Wood: Structure and Thought Pattern in the Exodus Narrative25 (1997)19–42

The Oral and the Written: Syntax, Stylistics and the Development of Biblical Prose Narrative26 (1998)59–105

The Style of the Dialogue in Biblical Prose Narrative28 (2001)53–95
Porada, EdithNotes on the Sarcophagus of Ahiram5 (1973)354–72

Bibliography for the Art of Ancient Iran9 (1977)67–84

Introduction to Chronologies in Old World Archaeology: Archaeological Seminar at Columbia University21 (1992)117–18
Porter, Barbara AdeleSee Pittman, Holly

Rainey, Anson F.Syntax and Rhetorical Analysis in the Hashvyahu Ostracon27 (2000)75–79
Reis, Pamela TamarkinCupidity and Stupidity: Woman's Agency and the "Rape" of Tamar25 (1997)43–60
Rendsburg, GaryLate Biblical Hebrew and the Date of "P"12 (1980)65–80

A Reconstruction of Moabite-Israelite History13 (1981)67–73

On Jan Best's "Decipherment" of Minoan Linear A14 (1982)79–87

Baasha of Ammon20 (1991)57–61
Rubinson, KarenNow in Archaeology: Some Comments1/2 (1969)62–64
Safren, Jonathan D.Removing the "Gags" of the Euphrates: hippam na s ahum18 (1986)81–85
Sanders, J. A.The Old Testament in 11Q Melchizedek5 (1973)373–82
Schart, AaronCombining Prophetic Oracles in Mari Letters and Jeremiah 3623 (1995)75–93
Schmidt, John D.Review of H. Goedicke, The Report about the Dispute of a Man with His Ba3 (1970–71)129–32
Sharon, Diane M.A Biblical Parallel to a Sumerian Temple Hymn? Ezekiel 40-48 and Gudea24 (1996)99–109

Echoes of Gideon's Ephod: An Intertextual Reading30 (2006)89–102
Shemesh, YaelLies by Prophets and Other Lies in the Hebrew Bible29 (2002)81–95
Sheridan, Mary JaneSee Pittman, Holly

Shupak, NiliThe God from Teman and the Egyptian Sun God: A Reconsideration of Habakkuk 3:3-728 (2001)97–116

A Fresh Look at the Dreams of the Officials and of Pharaoh in the Story of Joseph (Genesis 40-41) in the Light of Egyptian Dreams30 (2006)103–138
Silberman, Lou H.Manus Velatae5 (1973)383–88
Sinclair, CameronThe Valence of the Hebrew Verb20 (1991)63–81
Smith, MortonOn the Differences Between the Culture of Israel and the Major Cultures of the Ancient Near East5 (1973)389–95

A Note on Some Jewish Assimilationists: The Angels16-17 (1984–85)207–12
Snell, Daniel C.The Mari Livers and the Omen Tradition6 (1974)117–23

Plagues and Peoples in Mesopotamia14 (1982)89–96
Sokolow, MosheThe Book of Judges in Medieval Muslim and Jewish Historiography11 (1979)113–30

Ta'ufa kabboqer tihyeh: The Vicissitudes of Rashi's Commentary to Job 11:1718 (1986)87–89
Sommer, Benjamin D.The Babylonian Akitu Festival: Rectifying the King or Renewing the Cosmos27 (2000)81–95
Sperling, DavidThe Akkadian Legal Term dinu u dababu1/1 (1968)35–40

The Informer and the Conniver2/2 (1970)101–4

hgr I and hgr II3 (1970–71)120–28

Akkadian egerru and Hebrew bt qwl4 (1972)62–74

Late Hebrew hzr and Akkadian saharu5 (1973)397–404

Genesis 41:40: A New Interpretation10 (1978)113–19

Biblical rhm I and rhm II19 (1989)149–59
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