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Open Access Journal: Electronic Journal of Mithraic Studies

 [First posted in AWOL 31 December 2010. Updated 13 September 2013]

Electronic Journal of Mithraic Studies
The Electronic Journal of Mithraic Studies (EJMS) is a revival of the Journal of Mithraic Studies edited by Dr. Richard Gordon. It is a place where researchers on Roman Mithraism can publish the product of their research and make it freely available for other interested people. The journal concerns all aspects of the mysteries of Mithras, including history, archaeology, theology, sociology, others. Its span includes related religions and cults such as Persian Zoroastrianism and other cults in the Roman Empire. The EJMS is based at the University of Huelva, Spain, and is managed by an Editorial Board composed of scholars of Mithraism and Roman Religion with international projection. A more complete description is included in our formal baseline document.

The material published in the EJMS includes papers and archaeological reports. Accepted languages are English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Dutch and Flemish. The EJMS follows an "open yearly volumes" approach suitable for Internet publication which consists on gradually building its volumes during the year, while keeping currently collected material accessible all the time. The EJMS has now opened Volume I for the year 2000 and asks for your participation.

Submitted material is subject to referee by the Editorial Board or external reviewers appointed by th Editorial Board. Electronic submission can be performed by sending the documents as email attachments to antonio.grilo@inov.pt. The first page of the document should include the title of the work, complete name of the authors, their affiliation, name of contact author and respective email address. Submitted papers should preferably be Word 97 or compatible documents conforming to the parameters defined in the EJMS stylesheet.

- Schütz (M.), "Hipparchs Deutung der Präzession - Bemerkungen zu David Ulansey" (Once again Hipparchus and the Discovery of the Precession, Response to David Ulansey, Volume IV, 2004 (German, Word 97, 82.5 KB)
- Gordon (R.), "Interpreting Mithras in the Late Renaissance, 1: the 'monument of Ottaviano Zeno' (V. 335) in Antonio Lafreri's Speculum Romanae magnificentiaev (1564)", Volume IV, 2004 (English, Word 2000, 4630 KB)
-Volken (M.), "The development of the cult of Mithras in the western Roman Empire: a socio-archaeological perspective", Volume IV, 2004 (English, Word 2000, 125.5 KB)
- Ulansey (D.), "Once Again Hipparchus and the Discovery of the Precession: Response to Michael Schütz", Volume III, 2003 (English, Word 2000)
- Schütz (M.), "Hipparch und die Entdeckung der Präzession", Volume I, 2000 (German, Word 97)
- Griffith (A.), "Mithraism in private and public lives of the 4th-c. senators in Rome", Volume I, 2000 (English, Word 97)
Arch Reports

CIMRM Supplement

This page presents selected articles from out-of-print or difficult to find publications, not protected by copyright law.

Journal of Mithraic Studies (JMS)


JMS 1.1 (1976)

Table of Contents (English, PDF, 698 KB)
Beck: Interpreting the Ponz zodiac (English, PDF, 3,812 KB)
Bivar: Mithraic symbols on a medallion of Buyid Iran? (English, PDF, 1, 838 KB)
Dumezil: The Vedic Mitra: a resume of theses and references (English, PDF, 3,155 KB)
Hinnells: The iconography of Cautes and Cautopates: I: the data (English, PDF, 9,258 KB)
Turan: The date of the Mauls relief (English, PDF, 4,145 KB)
Bianchi: The Second Congress of Mithraic Studies (English, PDF, 3,585 KB)
Beck: The seat of Mithras at the equinoxes (English, PDF, 718 KB)
Naidenova: Mithraic Studies in Bulgaria (English, PDF, 533 KB)
Wightman: Review of VJ Walters, The Cult of Mithras in the Roman Provinces of Gaul
(English, PDF, 777 KB)

JMS 1.2 (1976)

Table of Contents (English, PDF, 261 KB)
Boyle: Mher in the Carved Rock (English, PDF, 1,579 KB)
Gordon: The sacred geography of a mithraeum: the example of Sette Sfere
(English, PDF, 8, 675 KB)
Gordon: A new Mithraic relief from Rome (English, PDF, 5,479 KB)
Kotwal aned Boyd: Some notes on the Parsi Baj of Mihragan (English, PDF, 1,207 KB)
Chronique: Archaeological reports (English, PDF, 3,869 KB)
Notes and Discussions (English, PDF, 3,477 KB)

JMS 2.1 (1978)

Table of Contents (English, PDF, 236 KB)
Beck: Cautes and Cautopates: some astronomical considerations (English, PDF, 3,356 KB)
Kotawal and Boyd: The Zoroastrian paragna ritual (English, PDF, 10,268 KB)
Roll: The mysteries of Mithras in the Roman Orient (English, PDF, 5,575 KB)
Gudea an dBozu: New Mithraic monuments from Pojejena, Romania (English, PDF, 3,317 KB)
Dillon: Review of R Turcan, Mithras Platonicus (English, PDF, 1,393 KB)

JMS 2.2 (1978)

Table of Contents (English, PDF, 256 KB)
Beck: Interpreting the Ponza zodiac II (English, PDF, 8,837 KB)
Gordon: The date and significance of CIMRM 593 (British Museum, Townley Coll.)
(English, PDF, 4,261 KB)
Chronique: Archaeological Reports (English, PDF, 8,581 KB)
Reviews (English, PDF, 2,236 KB)
Colloque: Rome, March 28-31 1978 (English, PDF, 201 KB)

JMS 3.1-2 (1980)

Table of Contents (English, PDF, 261 KB)
Beskow: The Portorium and the Mysteries of Mithras (English, PDF, 4,639 KB)
Gordon: Reality, evocation and boundary in the Mysteries of Mithras (English, PDF, 14,953 KB)
Hinnells: The Parsis: a bibliographical survey (1) (English, PDF, 9,417 KB)
Axelrod: Myth and Identity in the Indian Zoroastrianism (English, PDF,3,008 KB)
Gould: Singling out a a demographic problem: the never-married Parsis (English, PDF, 3,461 KB)
Chronique (English, PDF, 5,312 KB)
Review (of S. Zimmer, Kleine Schriften) (English, PDF, 1,158 KB)

The Excavations at Dura-Europos (1939)

Preface, Contents and List of Abreviations
The Mithaeum

The Excavations in the Mithraeum of Santa Prisca in Rome (Leiden, 1965)

Description and interpretation of the upper layer of paintings
Description and interpretation of the lower layer of paintings
The inscriptions of the upper layer of paintings and the names on both layers
The inscriptions of the lower layer of paintings



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