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Hestia 2013 videos at The Connected Past

Hestia 2013 videos at The Connected Past
A one-day seminar on spatial network analysis in classical studies, archaeology and cultural heritage.

Spatial relationships appear throughout our sources about the past: from the ancient roads that connect cities, or ancient authors mentioning political alliances between places, to the stratigraphic contexts archaeologists deal with in their fieldwork. However, as datasets about the past become increasingly large, spatial relationships become ever more difficult to disentangle. Network visualization and analysis allow us to address such spatial relationships explicitly and directly. This seminar aims to explore the potential of these innovative techniques for research in the higher education, public and cultural heritage sectors.

The seminar is part of Hestia2, a public engagement project aimed at introducing a series of conceptual and practical innovations to the spatial reading and visualisation of texts. Following on from the AHRC-funded initiative ‘Network, Relation, Flow: Imaginations of Space in Herodotus’s Histories’ (Hestia), Hestia2 represents a deliberate shift from experimenting with geospatial analysis of a single text to making Hestia’s outcomes available to new audiences and widely applicable to other texts through a seminar series, online platform, blog and learning materials with the purpose of fostering knowledge exchange between researchers and non-academics, and generating public interest and engagement in this field.

Welcome and introduction to HESTIA and HESTIA2
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Maximilian Schich (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Topography and Topology: Towards common ground in archaeological research
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Alex Godden (Hampshire County Council)
Historic Environment Records: New ways of looking for the past
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John Goodwin (Ordnance Survey)
Ordnance Survey and Linked Data
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Terhi Nurmikko (University of Southampton)
“To survey the land, he left his city” and other proverbs: Mapping ancient Mesopotamia from cuneiform inscriptions
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Kate Byrne (University of Edinburgh)
Geoparsing and spatial network analysis in the GAP projects
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Giorgio Uboldi (Politecnico di Milano)
Knot: an Interface for the Study of Social Networks in the Humanities
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Keith May (English Heritage)
Exploring the Use of Semantic Technologies for Cross-Search of Archaeological Grey Literature and Data
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Paul Cripps (University of South Wales)GeoSemantic Technologies for Archaeological ResourcesClick here to download the slides!

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