[First posted in AWOL 28 February 2011. Updated 12 August 2013]
Ebla Digital Archives, A Project of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Ebla Digital Archives, A Project of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Lucio Milano Editor in Chief
Massimo Maiocchi Associate Editor
Francesco Di Filippo Software Designer
The aim of the Ebla Digital Archives [ EbDA ] database is to provide a digital edition of the entire corpus of cuneiform texts belonging to the Ebla Royal Archives. Texts are reproduced in the same sequence as in the individual volumes of the series Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi published by the “Italian Archaeological Mission to Siria” of the Sapienza University of Rome. Compared with the hard copy publication, the digital edition provides harmonized transliterations, corrections and numerous collations made over the years by the team of epigraphers who cooperate with the Mission.
The project is presented as a work in progress. The ARET volumes currently included in the database will be gradually followed by other volumes published in the past years. Additional texts or portions of texts that have appeared in other series, in monographs or in journals will be also included in the database. Any suggestion by interested users will be highly appreciated.
Archivi Reali di Ebla – Testi
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di tessutiARET 2
Verwaltungstexte verschiedenen InhaltsARET 3
Testi amministrativi di vario contenutoARET 4
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di tessutiARET 5
Hymnen, Beschwörungen und VerwandtesARET 6
...ARET 7
Testi amministrativi: registrazioni di metalli e tessutiARET 8
Administrative Texts Chiefly Concerning TextilesARET 9
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni di prodotti alimentariARET 10
...ARET 11
Testi rituali della regalità (Archivio L.2769)ARET 12
Testi amministrativi di vario contenutoARET 13
Testi di cancelleria: i rapporti con le cittàARET 14
...ARET 15,1
Testi amministrativi: assegnazioni mensili di tessuti periodo di Arrugum (archivio L. 2769)ARET 15,2
forthcomingARET 16
Testi di Cancelleria: il re e i funzionari, I (Archivio L.2769)ARES
The Early Dynastic Practical Vocabulary A (Archaic HAR-ra A)
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