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Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies - Open Access Resources

 [First posted in AWOL 19 June 2011. Updated 3 August 2013]

Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies - Open Access Resources
Welcome to the Open Access page of CSPS, provided as part of our mission to disseminate new research on Sparta and the Peloponnese. 

Here you will find the published versions of selected papers delivered at our international conferences – they have all been through a process of peer review and editing. 

We very much hope you will find them useful and we encourage you to pass on the link to other scholars.

Being Peloponnesian: conference proceedings by chapter

Chapter Author Paper title
 1 Christopher MeeCohesion and diversity in the Neolithic Peloponnese: what the pottery tells us.
 2 Erik OstbyEarly Tegea, Sparta and the sanctuary of Athena Alea.
 3 Maria PretzlerMaking Peloponnesians: Sparta's allies and their regional identities.
 4 Kostas VlassopoulosThe regional identity of the Peloponnese.
 5 Catherine  Grandjean Polybius and Achaian coinage.
 6 A. D. RizakisSupra-civic landowning and supra-civic euergetic activities of urban elites in the Imperial Peloponnese.
 7 Aimila BakourouThe last creation of paleologan painting in the dome of the metropolis at Mystras.
 8 Hamish ForbesBecoming a Methanitis: forgetting in order to remember.

Hounouring the Dead

Honouring the Dead
Proceedings of the conference held in Sparta 23-35 April 2009.
Edited by Helen Cavanagh, William Cavanagh and James Roy.
CSPS Online Publication 2 prepared by Sam Farnham.

Conference proceedings 

Honouring the Dead: conference proceedings by chapter
 ChapterAuthorPaper title
 1  Emilia Banou and Louise Hitchcock
The 'Lord of Vapheio': the social identity of the dead and its implications for Laconia in the Late Helladic II–IIIA period.
 2 Diana Burton God and hero: the iconography and cult of Apollo at the Amyklaion.
 3 Nikolaos Dimakis The display of individual status in the burials οf Classical and Hellenistic Argos.
 4 Eleni Drakaki Late Bronze Age female burials with hard stone seals from the Peloponnese: a contextual approach.
 5 Rachel Fox Vessels and the body in Early Mycenaean funerary contexts.
 6 Florentia Fragkopoulou  Sanctuary dedications and the treatment of the dead in Laconia (800–600 BC): the case of Artemis Orthia. 
 7 Stamatis Fritzilas  Grave stelai and burials in Megalopolis. 
 8 Pepi Gavala The sculpted monuments in Laconian cemeteries (late 19th – early 20th century).
 9 Oliver Gengler  Leonidas and the heroes of Thermopylae: memory of the dead and identity in Roman Sparta. 
 10 Mercourios Georgiadis
Honouring the dead in Mesolithic and Neolithic Peloponnese: a few general observations. 
 11 Grigoris Grigorakakis  New investigations by the 39th Ephoreia of Prehistoric and Classical antiquities at Helleniko, n. Kynouria. The burial of Late Classical date from the western roadside cemetery. 
 12 Georgia Kakourou-Chroni and Nikiforos Vrettakos  “Let us depart ascending ...” 
 13 Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos  The social and religious significance of palatial jars as grave offerings. 
 14 Dimitrios Katsoulakos  The moiroloï (dirge) of the southern Laconian basin and the historical troubles of the area. 
 15 Theodoros Katsoulakos  The relationship of the moiroloï singer with the deceased as a source of inspiration. 
 16 Georgia Kokkorou-Alevras  Funerary statuary of the Archaic period in the Peloponnese. 
 17 Eleni Konstantintidi-Syvridi and Konstantinos Paschalidis  Honouring the dead behind the scenes: the case of the chamber tomb to the south of Grave Circle B at Mycenae. 
 18 Angeliki Kossyva  The invisible dead of Delpriza, Kranidi. 
 19 Sokrates S. Koursoumis and Anna-Vassiliki Karapanagiotou  Anthropomorphic stele from Levidi, Arcadia: A typological and interpretative study. 
 20 Sotiris Lambropoulos, Panagiotis Moutzouridis and Kostas Nikolentzos  Hybrid burial monuments of the Late Bronze Age in two recently excavated sites in Elis (Strephi and Arvaniti). 
 21 Marioanna Louka  Votive jewellery in the Archaic Peloponnese. 
 22 Jean-Marc Luce  Iron Age burial customs in the Peloponnese and their place in the funerary geography of the Greek world. 
 23 Christina Marabea  The tholos tomb at Kambos, Avia: excavation by Christos Tsountas, 1891. 
 24 Eleni Marantou  Ancestor worship and hero cult in the central and southern Peloponnese: the evidence from Pausanias. 
 25 Iro Mathioudaki  Honouring the dead with polychrome pots: the case of mainland polychrome pottery in Peloponnesian funerary contexts (an interpretative approach). 
 26 Nikolas Papadimitriou  “Passing away” or “passing through”? Changing funerary attitudes in the Peloponnese at the MBA/LBA transition. 
 27 Metaxia Papapostolou  ‘Honourable death’: the honours paid in ancient Sparta to dead war-heroes and mothers dying in child-birth. 
 28 Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki  Dishonouring the dead: the plundering of tholos tombs in the Early Palatial period and the case of the tholos tomb at Mygdalia Hill (Petroto) in Achaea. 
 29 Annalisa Paradiso  Did Herodotus ever see the list of the Three Hundred? 
 30 George Paraskeviotis  Agamemnon’s death in Seneca. 
 31 Nicolette Pavlides  Worshipping heroes: civic identity and the veneration of the communal dead in Archaic Sparta. 
 32 Leonidas Petrakis  A child’s remembrance of living through the Nazi atrocity against the ‘118 Spartans’ in autumn 1943. 
 33 Angeliki Petropoulou  The Spartan royal funeral in comparative perspective. 
 34 Eleni Psychogiou  Mycenaean and modern rituals of death and resurrection: comparative data based on a krater from Hagia Triada, Elis. 
 35 James Roy  Anyte of Tegea and the other dead. 
 36 Yanis Saitas  Cemeteries and settlements of Mani in Medieval and later periods: a second contribution. 
 37 Nicholas Sekunda  IG V.1 1124: the dead of Geronthrai fallen at Mantineia. 
 38 Nadia Seremetakis  Antiphony, ritual and the construction of truth. 
 39 Naya Sgouritsa  Remarks on the use of plaster in tholos tombs at Mycenae: hypotheses on the origin of the painted decoration of tombs in Mainland Greece. 
 40 Georgios Steiris  Exemplary deaths in the Peloponnese: Plutarch’s study of death and its revision by Georgius Trapezuntius Cretensis. 
 41 Anthi Theodorou-Mavrommatidi  A composite pendant in an EH I burial at the Apollo Maleatas site in Epidauros: an attempt at a biography. 
 42 Erika Weiberg  The invisible dead. The case of the Argolid and Corinthia during the Early Bronze Age. 
 43 Theodora Zampaki  The burial customs for Alexander the Great in Arabic historiography and the Alexander Romance. 

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