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Open Access Journal: Religious Studies News

Religious Studies News
Religious Studies News (RSN) is the newspaper of record for the field especially designed to serve the professional needs of persons involved in teaching and scholarship in religion (broadly construed to include religious studies, theology, and sacred texts). Published quarterly online by the American Academy of Religion, RSN is received by some 9,000 scholars and by libraries at colleges and universities internationally. Religious Studies News communicates the important events of the field and related areas and examines critical issues in education, pedagogy (especially through the biannual Spotlight on Teaching), theological education (through the annual Spotlight on Theological Education), research, publishing, and the public understanding of religion. It also publishes news about the services and programs of the AAR and other organizations, including employment services and registration information for the Annual Meeting and related activities. It does not accept books for review.
Online Issues
Print Issues (2001–2009) Available in PDF 
Spotlight on Teaching 
Spotlight on Theological Education

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