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Directory of Open access Books (DOAB)

Directory of Open access Books (DOAB)

Official launch of the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)

The Directory of Open Access books was officially launched on 1 July 2013 at the Open Access Monographs in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference, The British Library, London.

At the launch, Bas Savenije, Director General of the Dutch National Library and Chairman of the Board of OAPEN Foundation, introduced OAPEN and the reasons to develop the Directory of Open Access Books (view presentation).

Eelco Ferwerda, Director of OAPEN, discussed the development of DOAB since the launch of the beta version in 2012 and outlined its goals: to promote OA book publishing, by increasing the discoverability of OA books, by supporting quality assurance and standards, and by providing an authoritative list of OA book publishers. Ferwerda mentioned the Directory of Open Access Journals as an important example for DOAB. He expects DOAB will need to regularly refine its selection criteria, just as DOAJ is currently doing. He also announced that DOAB will follow DOAJ’s approach to sustain its activities through financial support from the stakeholder community.

DOAB currently lists over 1450 OA books from 49 publishers and more publishers are will be added shortly (view presentation).

DOAB is sponsored by Brill and SpringerOpen. Veronika Spinka, SpringerOpen Books Manager, remarked that “DOAB is already a successful established tool in the scientific community”. “We believe that some form of certification is always needed”, said Sam Bruinsma, Brill’s Vice President Business Development, ”to make sure that Open Access book publishing will succeed”.

The full video of the launch can be found here.
 The initial set of offerings includes such things as the following (searching key-word "ancient"):

Frauen und Geschlechter
Authors: --- ISBN: 9783205775072Year: Pages: 436 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: History

Light from Ancient Campfires: Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains
Author: ISBN: 9781897425961 9781897425978 9781926836300Year: Pages: 528Language: English
Publisher: Athabasca University Press

Militärsiedlungen und Territorialherrschaft in der Antike
Author: Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222845Year: Volume: 3 Pages: VIII;158Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library

TA 30 - Archaeological Science Under a Microscope : Studies in Residue and Ancient DNA Analysis in Honour of Thomas H. Loy
Authors: --- --- --- --- et al.ISBN: 9781921536854Year:
Publisher: ANU E Press
License: ANU E-Press Conditions of Use

Die Freimaurer im Alten Preußen 1738–1806
Author: ISBN: 9783706543835Year: Pages: 1052 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Studien Verlag
Subject: History

Cicero, Against Verres, 2.1.53–86: Latin Text with Introduction, Study Questions, Commentary and English Translation
Author: ISBN: 9781906924539 9781906924539 9781906924546 9781906924553 9781906924645 9781906924638Year: Pages: 199Language: English
Publisher: Open Book Publishers
Subject: History --- Languages and Literatures

Kommunikationsräume im kaiserzeitlichen Rom
Author: Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110266429Year: Volume: 6 Pages: 265Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library

The Organization of the Pyramid Texts (2 vol. set): Typology and Disposition
Author: Book Series: Probleme der Ägyptologie ISSN: 01699601 ISBN: 9789004218659 9789004227491Year: Pages: Vol. 1 xxxiv, 314 ppLanguage: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- History --- Archaeology

Akkadische Logogramme
Author: Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875654Year: Pages: 184Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Linguistics --- History
Ein Compendium sumerisch-akkadischer Beschwörungen
Author: ISBN: 9783940344175Year: Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion

Die königlichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur
Author: ISBN: 9783940344106Year: Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion

Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike: Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst
Author: Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222142Year: Volume: 4 Pages: XX;448Language: German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library

Musiker und ihr vokales Repertoire - Untersuchungen zu Inhalt und Organisation von Musikerberufen und Liedgattungen in altbabylonischer Zeit
Author: Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875135Year: Pages: 479Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: History --- History of arts --- Arts in general

Von der bronzezeitlichen Geschichte zur modernen Antikenrezeption
Authors: --- --- Book Series: Syngramma. Vorträge aus dem Althistorischen Seminar ISSN: 2193486X ISBN: 9783863950262Year: Pages: 213Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Arts in general --- Linguistics --- Archaeology --- History

Stele und Legende : Untersuchungen zu den keilschriftlichen Erzählwerken über die Könige von Akkade
Author: Book Series: Göttinger Beiträge zum Alten Orient ISSN: 18662595 ISBN: 9783941875111Year: Pages: 517Language: german
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: History of arts --- History --- Archaeology --- Linguistics

Coping With the Gods
Author: Book Series: Religions in the Graeco-Roman World ISSN: 09277633 ISBN: 9789004204904Year: Pages: xiv, 594 pp.Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: History --- Religion

Babylon: Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident
Authors: --- --- Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110222128Year: Volume: 1 Pages: XXII;379Language: German; English
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library

Recht und Religion in Europa - zeitgenössiche Konflikte und historische Perspektiven
Authors: --- ISBN: 9783940344625Year: Language: German
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Religion --- Law --- History

The Public Value of the Humanities
Author: Book Series: The WISH List ISBN: 9781849662451Year: Pages: 384
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic

Ceramics and the Spanish Conquest
Author: Book Series: Early Americas: History and Culture ISSN: 18753264 ISBN: 9789004204409Year: Pages: xvi, 252Language: English
Publisher: Brill
Subject: Economics --- History

The Archaeology of Political Spaces: The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BCE
Author: Book Series: Topoi ISBN: 9783110266405Year: Volume: 12 Pages: 230Language: English; German
Publisher: De Gruyter
Subject: History
License: De Gruyter Open Library

Ethnic Constructs in Antiquity : The Role of Power and Tradition
Authors: --- Book Series: Amsterdam Archaeological Studies ISBN: 9789089640789Year: Pages: 368
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: History --- Sociology --- Archaeology

Die Canabae von Carnuntum – eine Modellstudie der Erforschung römischer Lagervorstädte
Authors: --- --- ISBN: 9783700171287Year: Pages: 291 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Subject: Geography --- History --- Archaeology

De fiere nachtegaal : Het Nederlandse lied in de middeleeuwen
Authors: --- ISBN: 9789089640215Year: Pages: 376
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- Music --- History

Il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre
Author: Book Series: Scuole di dottorato ISBN: 8884532736Year: Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: Architecture --- History

Imagining Head Smashed In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains
Author: ISBN: 9781897425008 9781897425046 9781897425091Year: Pages: 361Language: English
Publisher: Athabasca University Press

World Heritage Angkor and Beyond
Author: Book Series: Göttingen Studies in Cultural Property ISSN: 21908672 ISBN: 9783863950323Year: Pages: 236Language: English
Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen
Subject: Political Science --- Social Sciences --- Ethnology

The Migration Period, Pre-Viking Age, and Viking Age in Estonia
Author: Book Series: Estonian Archaeology ISSN: 17363810 ISBN: 9789949199365Year: Pages: 384Language: English
Publisher: University of Tartu Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures --- Archaeology

The Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler
Author: ISBN: 9781909254206 9781909254213 9781909254220 9781909254237 9781909254244Year: Pages: 416Language: English
Publisher: Open Book Publishers
Subject: History

Ask Now of the Days that are Past
Author: ISBN: 9781552386736Year: Pages: 323Language: English
Publisher: University of Calgary Press
Subject: Religion --- Ethnology

Trauerspiele mit Gesang und Tanz
Author: ISBN: 9783205774662Year: Pages: 382 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: Performing Arts

Balkan und Naher Osten
Author: ISBN: 9783205786245Year: Pages: 474 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: History

Esercito, istituzioni, territorio. Alloggiamenti militari e «case herme» nello Stato di Milano (secoli XVI e XVII)
Author: Book Series: Premio Tesi di Dottorato ISBN: 9788884539472Year: Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: History

Juigchen in den adel der menschelijke natuur. Het verhevene in de Nederlanden (1770-1830)
Author: ISBN: 9789038216997Year: Pages: 411Language: Dutch
Publisher: Academia Press
Subject: Arts in general --- Sociology --- Social Sciences --- History of arts --- Performing Arts --- Languages and Literatures

Die hellenistischen Reliefbecher aus Lousoi
Author: ISBN: 9783900305505Year: Pages: 224 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut
Subject: Archaeology

Lezioni di poesia
Author: Book Series: Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna ISBN: 8884534729Year: Language: Italian
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Subject: Languages and Literatures

How Modern Science Came into the World : Four Civilizations, One 17th-Century Breakthrough
Author: ISBN: 9789089642394Year: Pages: 832Language: English
Publisher: Amsterdam University Press
Subject: Science (General)

Author: ISBN: 3900305323Year: Pages: 260 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut
Subject: Archaeology

Die Alpen im Frühmittelalter
Author: ISBN: 9783205787693Year: Pages: 423 SeitenLanguage: de
Publisher: Böhlau
Subject: Economics --- History

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