Money, Currency and Crisis: In Search of Trust, 2000 BC to AD 2000
Edited by R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen
378 pages | 44 B/W Illus.
Hardback: 9781138628359
eBook (VitalSource) : 9781315210711
Purchase eBook $54.95
< ey-Currency-and-Crisis-In-Sear ch-of-Trust-2000-BC-to-AD-2000 /van-der-Spek-van-Leeuwen/p/ book/9781138628359>
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The book pays ample attention to ancient Mesopotamia with
contributions by Jan Gerrit Dercksen (Old Assyrian), Michael Jursa
(Old and New Babylonian), Kristin Kleber (Kassite), introductions,
conclusions and coinage in the Hellenistic Near East (Bert van der
Spek). But also the Greco-Roman world, Medieval and early modern
Europe, China through the ages, and the 20th century. The focus is on
monetary policy and trust.
A must read for those interested in comparative history and
"historical economics".
Edited by R.J. van der Spek, Bas van Leeuwen
378 pages | 44 B/W Illus.
Hardback: 9781138628359
eBook (VitalSource) : 9781315210711
Purchase eBook $54.95
This volume is in open access online for 60 days. It can be read, but
not downloaded. Click here: <>
The book pays ample attention to ancient Mesopotamia with
contributions by Jan Gerrit Dercksen (Old Assyrian), Michael Jursa
(Old and New Babylonian), Kristin Kleber (Kassite), introductions,
conclusions and coinage in the Hellenistic Near East (Bert van der
Spek). But also the Greco-Roman world, Medieval and early modern
Europe, China through the ages, and the 20th century. The focus is on
monetary policy and trust.
A must read for those interested in comparative history and
"historical economics".