[First posted in AWOL 2 November 2009. Updated 22 August 2018. n.b. Founded in 1994, Didaskalia is a Pioneering Open Access Journal]
ISSN: 1321-4853
Didaskalia (διδασκαλία) is the term used since ancient times to describe the work a playwright did to teach his chorus and actors the play. The official records of the dramatic festivals in Athens were the διδασκαλίαι. Didaskalia now furthers the scholarship of the ancient performance.
Didaskalia is an English-language, online publication about the performance of Greek and Roman drama, dance, and music. We publish double blind, peer-reviewed scholarship on performance as well as reviews of the professional activity of artists and scholars who work on ancient drama.
We welcome submissions on any aspect of the field, and we provide a uniquely friendly venue for publishing sound, image, and video evidence. If you would like your work to be reviewed, please write to editor@didaskalia.net at least three weeks in advance of the performance date. We also seek interviews with practitioners and opinion pieces.
Volume 13 (2016–2017)
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