[First posted in AWOL 1 February 2013, updated 20 August 2018]
Nineveh Tablet Collection
by Jeanette C. Fincke
Nineveh Tablet Collection
by Jeanette C. Fincke
The British Museum's Ashurbanipal Library Project focused on the Babylonian texts from Nineveh (Kouyunjik) is investigating the kind of Babylonian compositions the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (668-627 BC) ordered to include into his royal library and their relation to the rest of the Kouyunjik Collection and to the king's collecting activities. This project was conceived with a six months research on the Kouyunjik Collection itself and became reality in March 2003 through the generous funding by the Townley Group of the Friends of the British Museum. As a result of the first part of the project I made 86 joins and created a database on the Babylonian Nineveh tablets.
A second part of the Ashurbanipal Library Project was conducted from October until December 2005. This time I made 59 joins. During the third part of the Ashurbanipal Library Project (April until June 2006), I was able to make an additional 38 joins.
During the three months in 2005, I also went through the files of the Museum to collect information on the Nineveh tablet fragments that have been rejoined so far. During the first weeks of 2006 I created a database on the Nineveh joins, the Assyrian and Babylonian ones.