[First posted in AWOL 21 January 2010, updated 16 August 2018]
Occasionally issues of journals where one might not normally think to look produce thematic issues of interest. Availability online makes them much more discoverable. A case in point:
Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes
(2009 Volume 50)
Occasionally issues of journals where one might not normally think to look produce thematic issues of interest. Availability online makes them much more discoverable. A case in point:
Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes
(2009 Volume 50)
Traitement automatique des langues et langues anciennes
Direction : Joseph Denooz, Serge RosmorducSommaire :
- Joseph Denooz, Serge Rosmorduc
Préface- Dag T. T. Haug, Marius L. Jøhndal, Hanne M. Eckhoff, Eirik Welo, Mari J. B. Hertzenberg, Angelika Müth
Computational and Linguistic Issues in Designing a Syntactically Annotated Parallel Corpus of Indo-European Languages- Svetlana Petrova, Michael Solf, Julia Ritz, Christian Chiarcos, Amir Zeldes
Building and Using a Richly Annotated Interlinear Diachronic Corpus : The Case of Old High German Tatian- Arnaldo Candido Junior, Sandra Maria Aluísio
Building a Corpus-based Historical Portuguese Dictionary : Challenges and Opportunities- Barbara McGillivray , Marco Passarotti , Paolo Ruffolo
The Index Thomisticus Treebank Project : Annotation, Parsing and Valency Lexicon- Céline Poudat, Dominique Longrée
Variations langagières et annotation morphosyntaxique du latin classique- Gilles Souvay, Jean-Marie Pierrel
LGeRM- François Barthélemy
Une description morphologique structurée en arbre du verbe akkadien qui utilise des structures de traits et des transducteurs multirubans- Grzegorz Kondrak
Identification of Cognates and Recurrent Sound Correspondences in Word Lists- Mark-Jan Nederhof
Automatic Creation of Interlinear Text for Philological Purposes- Notes de lecture
- Résumés de thèses
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